',., .1 .'4 I li..l-; .U.i.LLJlS I m 1 AT CENTRAL POINT , Wlllll MOIIIm!m 0 lid IIIIU III' lilt' ItruiiluMt yiillu-rliiKH wf any Mini in " Notilhurn Oh'hoii h to he tint liijj bo,vn uiuil'tiioiii'ii which Ih In lm hold 'in Central Point, Oclohor '.!.VJ7, Tllln I'OllI'lM'elll'tt In iiimU'I' Iho lltln" plt'iix of tint Ntulti Yuuim Mi.ii'h (.'liilMlmi AhoiwiIIoii of Orison imiiI In open o ili'lvuiili'H fouilorii .vi'iit-n of linn mill mot who i!intviil Kiiii ilny hiiIiooI chihhvrt or Itoyn Muily I'lllllN. Thin U truly it coiilVroiii'ii for mill hy liov. Tlii'.v will Hurt tlirir own nflli'orM mill nil iho oiif'i illicit pu pern will li! picpiucil iiml iciul hy Iho lioyt, Tluj llicnii) of lliu confor mico In In ho "l,ciiiliH(,hl, ami (ho MiiiotiH 'iotii will ('oiiio under thin iiciul. 1'lciit.y of limu will he kIvcii for illnnhUfoii on floor of Iho con fci'Diicu mill i(t fellown me expeel ,il to net rtnlno how Miikon i'.Iiimk lllli'x of i nil Iciiilci-hhip for tint liny of muiiIi cm Uivpui. Anions lliu ini'ii who it l ii iixpcclcil i ho pioiviil tint (', A. Phippi, ulnto Kiiuniiv hohool Mipnr Jiiloiulciiti I. H. Ithoili'H mnl V. i:. ,VrJ(iltt of tho Uri'Kon Mulo coiiiiml Ice. nil of Piirllmiil, mnl m-vciiiI men of prominence from point In Miutli ciii Oregon. II. A. Unl.ell, the ntalu hoyn work ecreliiry luir hecn litlu nil town hetween (Jrnutn I'm -miilNsilniii iiliil IvhiIn ho expects u Thoohtur 'cmwil yf live wiron ut I'uiitml I'olut ut time, of thlh eonfurviieu. .Uliliiuil, Mcilfoid mnl (Irmitn Pa. iiio plmi oinir to mimI utroiijj ilelcuiitc mnl huvcrnl of tho Miiullor town uloim the thai will ho well tcprchcntcil. It ir cxpeclcil that there will hu no Icnh than iHOenly'fie reixtriitloiiH by the time the coiiferunco openn, Anyone winhiiii; further iufonun lion ri'Kiudiiii; confcroucCh. nniy ! lain It hy wriliiiir either Hurry Ttiltlc. Kviicrnl nccittlnry of the V. M. f". A., ut (Viiliul Poiul, or II. A. !ulr.cll, :m.1 V. M. l A.hldp. Porthind. EMPLOYE OF IAD IS KILLED MDITOTIP "MATTj TRITONE, MEDFORD, 'ORKflON. MONDAY, OCTOBER U, 1012. PAGE THREE RACING MEET NEXT THURSDAY The hodv of AiiiIiiem: Miiihall. rnllvJL' tvjn",tT. mid lio.wnc.k or IiIh eloiMM'(le or 'Vpeeder," were (Un covered lV the crow of a panning freihl near Hold Hill IViday. The laxly lav in the roadway at Iho wcM emoxiiif;, nhoul two hundred yards from the Gold Hill iIoihiI, and frnjj iiiciiIh of the inacliinc were et'ntlervil for thirty yurdn furlher on. Train No. II, which pat'il Ihrouh (told Hill nt ":-.', x presumed to have hceii that which caused (he dvalh of the iiufortuiiate mini. The deceased had liceu in lint employ of tho com pany for the last thirty ears, and leslded nt (lloudale, wliurn he leaxcs a wife mid lurjjo fitiuily. Ho w;ih fifly'two yearn of ne. Owing to hin I'icipient visils to (luld Hill hu wm well known In many citizens. BIG POTATO DISPLAY MtuohiiiitH of tun oily wilt domi tliolr hI oron ThiirHtliiy uftoriiooti from 2 to C o'clock, an a nioitiiH of iilillnu thu hoiioflt mud moot Tor tho Uokiio Itlvar Vnlloy alr iiuhocIuIIoii uicot to tin liolil tiuit afternoon, Thin ac tion witH iteclilijil upon Hattirdny, mid practlcitlly inakon tlio day a half holiday, luaurliiK a kooiI attendiineo at (ho fafr Krouniln, Tim fair iihhooIiiIIoii nt tho clono of tho auiiiml fair found Itnoir with $500 on tho wroii): nlilo of tlm IvilKor and tlio iivtiiitH of next Thiirnday nru advanced to halaiicu tho IiooUh. AN ready much luteroHt In holm; nhown In the day, and homeiuoii nud rldorn from nn far hoiiOi nn Colon, Cat., ami iih far north an Kiikoiiq will bo on hand to drlvn mid ride, other wolt'liuowii Jaclmon comity liomoH, 'J'hero will ho n lady'n relay raco with million from Klamath I'nlln, Anhland, Jacknonvlllo, Plioo ulx ami Mcdford. Tho Houthvrn Pacific nnd Pnclflu ft Kantern will llliuly run uxctiraloni from mmrhy townn, tho country peo ple heliiK nhlo thorohy to t.iku nd vnntiiKo of the nppcnrnuco of tho nt tlm Nntntorliiui nnd 111 In thu nfturuoon. The Fair annoclntlon mo workliiR hnrd to ma ho tho benefit u Buccenrf nnd denervo tho nupport nud patron a Ke of tho people. Tho feature event of tho tiny will hu tho wild hull rldliiK. Hoc llulmn linn nociired four Texan ntoom or un questioned ferocity for thin ocean Ion. There nru alio four wld hornon to ho ridden, nud the rldorn who nro entered for thin event nrn -Duke I'hlppH, Colorado Hum Taylor, Hob Ullletto of Klniunth Fnlln, Itny Ward of Kurciio, J oo Drown or Altratan, Citl., nnd othori, Thoru will he two hnrncHs evcutn lu which will bo entered David llnnim, I.iuly Bunrlnc, AtbU and United Hluten Marino bund nt night ho raco moot PEAR SEASON NEARINC CLOSE SACIIAMKNTO, Oct. M TJui fol lowinir uIvoh niiiiihur of ouch of do cidnoiiH fruit shipped from all points in Ciilifornln for the week (7 duyn) eliding Jiiilny rvt'iiluj;, October 11, lUl'J. Poar .'.'I earn. Ituiliur moro penr have hecu shipped during thu past week limu weic exitcetcd. Hninll nhipinoiitn mo Hllll pilitK forwutil from the Knu Jose distiiet mid two or (hrco la(er m'cIIoiih Iiiivo neveral rar4 yet to forward. Slock Iiiih been in slnniir iK'iuaiiil mid has sold ut very salUfaefory pricen. Thu ipial Hy Iiiik never been better, Wealhur iltiiiiiK Iho pant week has been Jtne. Tlio Ihrcalcned htonn (hat wiih muulioiiod in our hint Idler mil not maloriallo In linn noeliou of the Mlutc. Prospect in uood now for it eoutiiiuaiice of fnir weather until (ho entire crop is moved. Comparative slitteincni of ship, meats: Chorrivn 21(1", Apricot 'J'i.'l'- PeaehcH ....:.... IIUCI PlnniH VMlVi fcaix .:.' ;tsnHi Oriipen .M.'i7 Kiindry .: fli, CHARLES TICE DIES sun E mnl flmrli'M Tlcc. whoM' molhei oifler tWule -In Ihln cily, n- laboier employed on nri:t work at (Johlen. dale, W'u., died xUeldeiilj Tuesday iiIkIiI nflcr (akina drink mil of n bolde niippoMm4 lo oiitaln wbii-'civ, just ufler hirt return from work. T:.-'" died In eouvulnloiiKmid mi hit estiva lion in bciut; made by Klickitat coun ty nuthoiitlcH. He wiih II Vchm old mid leaven n wlfo nud two children After tiiklui; a drink mil of tho bo; In: Tii'ii broke it and' what (he contents were In not kiiowh. Hints of foin play have been ihuili1, and Holbronk WiihliiKloii of iUW cll hnn left t-i investigate the uffulr. .Mis. Tiee has b"cn iilmbht (o hearjioia the uulhor itien of Klickitat emmtv Jiiyi 1IW14 irt'jov, :iom'4 :i8.t2'4 ii' MEDFORD LOSES All ASHLAND I'OIITLAND, Oct. M.-A potato display biKKitr than tiny ever held hi the Pacific northwest in promised for thu Laud Products Show to bo hold In Nortland November IK-'j:i. The tiihern will ho exhibited iu .'l()lh boxen ami there uro many entries in - this division I'nnuhiK In ni.o from 10 boxen upward. Thu litot (irize If $100 ami u silver enp anil (here aie iniiiiy other V'-mlnnis for thu best IKlllltOOH. Kifly-eiKht distiietH ot' the PiU-irie northwest have no far applied for space ut thu show, Thin uiciiih that tho four Mitten participating will be well repreHunteil. Thttro In a ureal ileal of interest In tho district dis plays of iiKfulltiu'itl products nn wel is in tho district showings of fruit. Attractive prir.cn nru offorod )u both cIoskcs. Thu Portluml Com iniiniinl elulrofforri a liaudhomu tro phy (tup for Iho incinbor.of tho Oro eon )ovuluinicnt leautie, thu South west WimhjpKloi) Dovtihipinent iifibo elation orvtliu Smitluuint, asliluj;ton Ori'KOii Diivelopmenl , Iuiikui Heorino; thu IiIkIichI in tho distiiet UKiiuiiltur a ilinplay, NOTIOIC. Notice In hereby kIvuu that tlio uudorHlKiiud will apply at tho regu lar inoutlnB of tho city council Octo ber 10, lUlU, for a IIuoiibo to aoll mult, nplrltoua ami vlnoua llipiors ut IU North Front utruut, (or a period of HlX illlOlltllH, MUHP11Y & CO. Datod Ootohor , 1VV4, , In tho flrnt football Knmu of tho luason Mcdford wont down to defeat Hattirdiiy buforo Anhlnud. Ucoru, 13 to ff. The t;ame wan won tlitoiiKli nupor- lor work with tho forward pan, turn iuk tlm trick ropentudly nnd nlmoat without Interference from tho Mcd ford endn. Thu Mcdforjl ll;ie clear ly outplayed Aihland and Hill for Mcdford outpuutod hfn rival In thq hootliiK oud. Tho 'back floliU on both teauin woru nlow lu Kcttlm; ntarted, Aahcraft. playing thu whole Kiimo for Anhland, To Mcdford faun thu Raiuu wan oueotiraKliiK It proved that nil tliut In needed to maku thu team a for mldablo one In practice with the for ward piiM nnd stiff drill III break liiK uji tho opponoutn forward panncG. IloverldKo. Tliomnn nnd jlllll plnyod In Into ncnaoii ntylo, their work alone heliiK worth tho price of ndmlHsloa. 'llio tcnniH wllbprolmbly meet aKaln and Mcdford Hhotild turn tho tables. Thu local team wilt go north to piny Kiikoiio and Salem during thu next two wcukn. Thu now rulon luado tho K'iut more Interesting and were n distinct aid to thu offoime. OI.'iO io,ou: TEDDY AT ADULLAM'S CAVE i (Continued from page 1.) BY WAR XBW. YOUK, Oct. 11. With loHHua or from one to two points lu tho coppura, suiolllnt;, Croat Northi em. Southern Pacific nud other Is sues at thu opouliiK. todny'u stoel: market rocovorcd nomuwlint when tho heavy uollInK ordum woro ux liuiiHtod. Thq Kuropouu political ultuatlou oxurtud comddcrablo In fluence on thu markot here, Lon don wan lowor, lu uonio cksoh two or three points down. Canadian Pa cific wan particularly weak. The market closed utoitdy, llonds woro hcoyy, ' Medford Pnnuni compaoy earrjr full Una of 1pI bUnki. Winter Nells at $2.30, Thu t'ulifornla Fruit Distributors report thu t'ollowlnj; eulus. October (I, 101!!: Now York; Tokuyrf, $l.0.; bulwityB, -lOu; CliiiKHi Mcj Winter Noliri,..,yo, Hohtput Florin To ku'yH,' 1.20;Cori)l(ihoils, $1,;W. Oln ciiina(l: Lodl Tokays, Oou. Phila ilelphla: Mnlm;an, bSo; . Florin To. kuyn, OOu, 'C'liieiiKO r Tokttyo, UoV, Peaches, 0ui ltuiiaiit), 80c. . Industrially, UuIkIiiiu Is thu most hltrhly duvolopod country In 10 u rope. It bus ut tho proBont tlmo u popu lation of about 8,000,000, of which 1,250,006 pursouu aro ouungod lu In dustrial pursuits, 300,000 of whom nro wowou, v the M.'ople and wan third in the racT Colonel ItooNovclt'n record wan din- eiiMhCil by tho npcaker, who proved hhnniiK eonvcrhion to progressive policicn wan of recent date, that what ho wan now advocating, lie htul de nounced when chief oxecnthc, ami that nearly all of bin progressive pol icies were borrowed from the demo crats. Ah president, Roosevelt bad LcxiuuiiU. blilLJ.Aj.taiul!liattc- on tho tiirjTf, that hf .bad opioscd rule, by tlio people, liehT up the Oklahoma constitution because it contained tho initiative and referendum, mnl sent Ta ft nut to Oklahoma (o caiutmigii iigaliiHt it. , Uccvitt Projrrrvho Scinitoj Cliainberlaln hinted (hat not until two years ago had itoosc veil favored iMipular election of enn torn, when tlio democrats advocated tt 20 yuarn. ago and ltoosnvclt could at any time when president have forced it through but refused assist ance. Ah Drcsulcnt Kooscvclt never favored the iueotiio tax. Itailroud regulation, which wan advocated by demoemtn in 1000, 1000, 1001, was not takon up by Hoosuvclt until l()0r. On campaipi conlribiittoiiK, Hmise- felt had turned a somcivault to dc maud publicity, though . dciuoeraU hud clamored for it in their platform for yearn, nnd Itoosovolt opposed it. .Campaign contribution were dis cussed bv Mr. Chamberlain, who de scribed bin conversation with tho late K. II. Hurrimuii four yearn ago, and llurriman"s adherence to tho re 'publican party, despite KooscveltV treatment of him, simply because 1 J ryan couldn't be trusted to name supmno court justices favorablo to "our iK'ople." Hu declared that had tho exosuro of big contributions by Morgan, Standard Oil and others been uiiide at thu time they woru given, Kooseyolt would have been do foated overwhelmingly. Hu deelurud ItooKovelt thu mail on horseback, eag er (o plunge (ho country iu n war with Mexico ami Central America in behalf of tho American dollar. Praise for Vllsoii Woodrow Wilson ami his careur woro dwelt upon briefly by the bcak cr, who described his victorious fight with tho bosses- in his own Htate. Wilson, hu doularcil, was a man of the lilghcnl typo, scholarly, evenly bal nnoed, and forceful tho bust quali fied of any of the candidates for the position. After tho siH-'itkiug, Senator Chum horlaiu was thu guost of tho Univer sity club at one of their delightful, informal Mippurs, llc'left Sunday for Hosemirg. Kuropo bus mi area ot 0,800,000 square miles. OBITUARY Robert Stewlnrj. Itobeit Slewing, ng'l !.' yearn mnl 10 months, died al his home, li;t Palm ntrcet. Saturday, Oct. 12, of throat trouble, lifter a short illness-. Mr. Slewing in well known in south ern Oregon nnd ban been a resident of the Koguu river valley for the last seven yearn. He wan u property owner, owning a buincs location on West Main 'ntrcet. He was a nicmber of the Masons Woodmen of the World nud Moose. The funeral nervieen were held lit 2 o'clock Mon day , afternoon from the Week A: MeOowon chapel; the Kcv. W. V. Shields officiating. The services nt thu grave will be conducted by the Masonic lodge. Mr. Slcuhig is sur vived bv a wife and three sous, Verc, Hoyce and M.c,rlc.. Ileitis a native of Indiana. Surely Settles Upset Stomachs "J'apo'n Dlnpcindu" KmU Indigestion, (inn, Kotinienn In Five .Mlntitcfl "Ucally does.' pnljjud stomacliK In order "really does" overcome Indi gestion, dyspepsia, gun, heartburn and sourness In five minutes that -Just that makes Papc'n Dlapepsln tho largest selllnfT ntornnch regulator In thu world, If what you cnl fer ments Into stubborn lumps, you belch gas and eructate sour, undigested ood and ncld; head In dizzy and nehen; breath foul; laugua coated; your InsldcH rilled with bllo and Indi gestible waste, rcrncmbertho moment Dlnpeiinln comen In contact with tho stomach nil such distress vanishes It's truly astonishing alnmt mar-A-qloiiH, and tho Joy Is Its harmless-ncs. A largo rifty-ccnt enso of Papo'B Dlapopslu will give you a hundred dollars worth or satisfaction or your druggist hands you your money back. It's worth IIh weight In gold to men and women who can't get their stomachs regulated. It belongs In your homo should always be kept handy In case of a sick, sour, upset stomach during tho day or at eight- It's the quickest, surest and most harmless stomach doctor In tho world. Clark 6e, Wright LAWYERS WAHin.NGTON. D. C. Publio Land Matters: Final Proof. Desert Lands, Contest and Ulnloa Cases. Scrip. S.S.S. PURELY VEGETABLE The absolute vegetable purity or S. S. S. has always been ono or the strongest points in Its favor, and Is ono or tbo principal reasons why It is tho ni'st widely known nnd universally used or all blood medicines. A great nany of tho so-called blood purifiers aro really nothing more than strong mineral mixtures which act so unpleasantly and disastrously on the delicate membranes and tissues of tho stomach and bowels, that oven if such treatment purified tho blood, tho condition In which the digestive system is left would often bo more damaging to the health than the original trouble x-Tot so with 8.8. S. It is tho greatest of all blood purifiers, and at the same time is an absolutely sale and harmless remedy. It is made entirely of the healing and cleansing extracts and juices ot roots, herbs and barks, each of which is in daily use in some form by physicians ia their practice. Year ol work and research havo proven S. S. S. to contain everything necessary to purify tho blood and at the same tlmo supply the system with the purest and best tonio effects. S. 8. 8. euros Rheumatism, Catarrh , Bores and Uletrs, Skin Diseases, Scrolula, Contagious Blood Poison and all other blood troubles, aud it leaves the system In perfect condition when It has purified the blood. Book containing much valuable informa tion on the blood aad any medical advice desired sent free to all who write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA GA. The University of Oregon Correspondence School offers. KilKH, with thu exception of cost or nostago on papers nnd cost or the Unlvorolly Extension Bulletin, to CITIZENS OF OREGO.V, forty UNI VBKSITY COURSES by MAIL. Ability to proiit by tho courses selected Is tho only requirement for enrollment in tbo Correspondence Department. Courses are offered In tho departments or Uotany, Debating. Economics, Education. Electricity, English Lltcraturo, English Composition. History, Mathematics, Mechanical Drawing, Physical Education, Physics, Physiology, Psychology, Sociology and Surveying. Write to tho Secretary or tho Cor respondence School, University or Oregon, Eugcno, for information and catalogue. COURSES IN RESIDENCE at tho University prepare lor tho Profes sions of ENGINEERING, JOURNALISM, LAW, MEDICINE, and TEACH ING. Fall semester opens Tuesday, September 17. Address tbo Regis trar lor catalogues dcscrlptlvo or tho Collego or Engineering, tho College or Liberal Arts, tho Schools of Education, Commerce Law, Medlclno and Music. Stomach Sufferers Pay Nothing Unless Cured X Postal Will Ilrlng Trial Treatment and a History of Famous People MI-O-NA Stomach Tablets surely do end all Indigestion aud stomach iiiUory uud to provo It wo will bond a trial treatment, an Interesting hooklot, and toll you exactly how to banish all stomach trouble and put yotir ' stomach lit flue whnpo or not a cmi toTpay,' Just say on a ios tal' or ',1)1 ,i.bttur, "Send mo freo trial treaimonj of Ml-Q-NA" aud you will novor'bo sorry address Booth's l-o-iia, Buffalo, N. Y, Ohas, Strang guurnutcos (lioju, FRUIT MEN Hold Your Apples and Get Better Prices Wo can store 17 cars more of fruit. Kates as follews: 200 boxes or less 25c per box for the season. All in excess of 200 boxes 20c for the season. Season to April 1st. Medford Ice & Storage Co. One and One-Third Fare Round Trip from all points between Grants Pass and Ashland To Medford Thursday, October 17th U. S. MARINE BAND CONCERT ') Aik 'Nearest Agont tor Particulars. JOHN M. SCOTT, G. A. P., PORTLAND, OtfHGON it &m SUNSET OGOEN&SHASTA ROUTES tciV Why Salves Can't Cure Eczema nlr'fl lh olit-fanhlonoil theory of enr Ins aznmA 'throimh thn blood hnn been Riven up hy nclnnilMn, many iilnrnt fiaivit iKive oeen irieu ror nxin iurmntn. Hat It hA tn found that th4 nalven only elotr the pore and etinnot ncnotrnta to the iniw kln below tho epidermis where the 4)czem serins ere lodged. Thl tho quality of penotrailns probably explain tho trcmemlou huc ctnm it Iho well known ll'iuM eczema rmedy oil of wlntergreen, thymol, civ cerlne. etc., as compounded In D.u.u, Prmcrlptlon. We havo told otber remodle for shin Miniporm troubles but non tb w can recrin- EnLp blRhlynu thl for wa know thnt .li.D. ntopi the Itch At once, We lint want you to give O.O.O. a trul. Tbt will ho enough to prove It. &fcln" alt other drurtts .hnvvt D.D.O. Inscription go to thm It you can't come to lie but don't accept Mom ble profit eubitltute. Hut If you come to ou? More, we are Aflccttnln of what l),DD wilt ilo for you (hat we offer you a full nlzo bottle on thl Kuarnnte -If you do not And that It Inkea nwnv the Heh AT OMnE costa you not cent. rilAIlMAOY APPLES APPLES APPLES Do You Want to Sell? What sorts and quantities, and what prlco? Wo are not tend erlng for anybody's frulU Oo you want to consign and chanco tho market? Consul t us and wc will givo you quotations, In every case we send tho nollera eato notes. In Kcv York wo una our own salo notes, and do not havo apples sold by auction, H. N. WHITE & CO. 76 Park Place New York Jacksonville Brick and Tile Company OUR DRAIN TILE STANDS ALL TESTS Examine our goods and get our prices before buying Elsewhere. A Good, Substantial Breakfast Is tho foundation lor a successful day. Start tho day right with a hearty breakfast of BRAND HAM OR BACON Made rroin tho very choicest, government In spected products. Insist on Columbia Brand. There arc no substitutes. Packed by ' UNION MEAT COMPANY Pioneer Packers of the Pacific Sold and Recommended by Fouts Company Allen Grocery Co. C. L. Scheirrelln Knst Side Grocery Co C. P. Krlbs & Co. B. & C. Cash Store William Stridor O. D. Vorblck West Sldo Markot R O. Crabflll Economy Market C. L. Garsly Davidson & nutterfleld W. II. Lydlard FOR SALE Two Lots, 50x117, Queen Anne Addition Water, sewer, pavement and sidewalks in, alley in rear; best two lots in Iho addition. One Lot, 75x120, East Main Street Water, sower, pavement, alley in rear. Five-room house and lot, Kenwood avenue Concrete foundation, plastered, wired and plumb ed, lot 135 feet deep, half block Fourth street pavement, high ground. Lot South Oakdale 00x175, all improvements in, adjoins Howard property, faces Dakota avenue, alley in rear. Seven acres, V miles north of Medford on Cen-. tral Point macadam, ditch across highest part. Any of tho above properties can bo purchased at exceptionally low prices and terms to suit pur chaser. MEDFORD BOOK STORE Noarly a quartor of a century under tho same management THE Jacbon County Medford, Oregon It has succeeded bucauso of Bank f Soundness of principlo Economy of management Safety of investment Courteous and liboral treatmont CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $175,000.00 ! W. I. Vawter .President G. R. Lindlov. Vice Prea. ' 0, W. McDonald, Cashier ' J T) & fit . I: fvi m ai : H: fi 111 t t I lit ' bl fi m tj .iji w i "I i si im j. i , lit IH km i3 ft i 5