i c .t fVWi, ?iAt" T" . . ' , .t r, f i C ? -t PAGE EIGHT EDFORP MAIL TRIBUNE, MEPFORD, aRlftlON. SATPftPAY. OCTOBER 12. 1812. QfiePassinQ of B i in ii w,s.vs mj m m . v j-k. mm HUB EEKMAN5 BANK .w Jacksonville Landmark, Intimately Associated With Memories of Days Gone, That InvTurn, Is to Exist Only in Menlory. JZggglarou 'lis " JwLlM feiBSiiSBiiBIBlB aPaffaaaaaaaB v '$ r'Hu III . Prf m vF " ' JIJiliittTlB?! 'Ft rBHBHPWRZ?siLMtfBBDBHBa"""M'H ii'VHHBB IW5iniH?tit BWaflHH9Ha'aari bV&3H t Ys t l Bh . Liffz ., llBBVIIBwf'cBHBT3aBf l ' bbbBHH vJfiii3KC Br'BBBVmVBBHBBBPSf?BPBr'FBBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT a. BHfcw . . .- . ... il 'jBklu i (Written for the Portland Journal By Fred Iiockley.) The notice thut Beckman's bank is to cIosc its doors will, bring a pang of! irgjvt to every old limer. Bcek nian'i (ank is unique and peculiar. 11 is located at Jacksonville, Or. A- man's hand is not more intimate ly related to his nrm nor hit arm 10 his body than is Bcckuian's bank re lated to the history of Jacksonville, and Its owner to the traditions and history of southern Oregon. Jack sonville in like some old pioneer" who pits, sorenc and untroubled by the door of his cabin in the day's after glow and during the gathering twi light harks back to the oJd days days of stros and turmoil-when tho hot blood of youth drove red and feti-oiiir through his veins days that earn- double letters on single envoi have' gone (o return, no more except 1 ope ftamp-i." Other signs look down Courtesy Oregon Jounial. as mellowed memories in the tran quil Indian summer of life. Eutcrinr Beckman's bank one is canlrd baek from tho era of auto mobile arid aeroplanes to the days of Uic stage coach and the pack train. Occupying the most prominent place on the wont wooden counter is a huge pair of gold scales. On the wall is an advertisement announcing the arrival and departure of the fetage for California, while, hanging where they have hung for the past hulf century, arc notices that arc in perfect harmony with their surround ings, but seem oddly out of place in this day end age. With frame discolored and covered with dust, its glass fly-Scekcd anil dirt, ouc read the following an an eouncement: "Notice, we will not at the customer of today," clad in his blue facrgc and Panama as they look ed down oO years ago at the custom cr clad in flannel, shirt, overalls and cowhide boots. ''Gold dust shipped! to the Atlantic states." "Sterling bills on the Union Bank of London und. Royal Bank of Ireland, Dublin, drawa by Wells Furgo & Co., San Fraucisco." "Heavy letters not ful ly covered by stamps will not go for ward." "Sight drafts payable in lininttWl. Chatham, Hamilton, St.' Catherines, Toronto and Canada, West." As my eye flitted from sign to sign SEBBSBBBBIBi a 'k , H BHPHkH BBs-' riz2 , S31k--li -) flHH BP9NflHMmjjM - ' " , - i .n'n7, .- 4 I Hl1aLMlP'w M X "- - -9Qu&flH IlMflK.MMMHlHlVRS W' WMMB--Hi t -I " - b LfH D&R ' fnKBL9 ! IN -re-Rio:-, OF liE-&I-lTA.TSr D1A.KK air and bread of silvery gray, with pick and shovel and gold piv. -There Tl-VE. Bs."NK.Kt"r ITQ PieOPKI"E,TO"a-. h saw someone step from lwhind the massive glass, cane- containing the gold scales. It was us'(hoti;-h a pic ture untitled "A gentleman of thu obl I'Kchool," painted by one of tho old masters, had stepped down from oul of Its frame. Soberly clad in black with immaculate linen, Hyim; erect, mm ETAL FH DUNN U (Continued from par.o 1.) stated that ho would entertain no matters not baring directly to do with tho candidacy of George W. Dunn fur county Judge. Thereupon tho fourteen men who had been mis led evidently, by the reading of tho advertisement announcing tho meet ing tiled respectfully and silently; from the ball. Bert Grlcr at this point inatlo the first of his several motions during tho evening, suggesting that the gathering resolve itself Into tho "Taxpayers Leaguo of Jackson coun ty." Seconded by Denton Bowers. But before a vote was takenupon tho motion, Judge E. G, Kelly of Medford arose and begged tho privi lege of the floor for a ,few moments. Kelly KxplainN In one of his characteristic, witty and clever speeches Mr. Kolly stated that ho had been misled by the ad vertisement of tho meeting and bad attended It, hoping to find a move ment on, similar to tho oiio in Mod ford recently whjcli resulted in the formation of a "Taxpayers' Leaguo of Jackson county," of which organi zation he la president. Ho outlined tho purposwof 'tho.leagiio aud stated that itNvaswm-partisan and spurned polities'. ''Hexald ho felt much as an Interloper and desired to state why he wiujjin attondnnco. He was warmly appUudcd when ho con cluded his remarks. Hut Kdltor Crier did not release the word "Taxpayer from tno name of tho newly born without a struggle. In his oyo ho saw great posalblltlos iu the word as a drawing card at future meetings aa it had proved at Ashland when It drew tho fourteen who had shortly before filed from t.ie hall, not botng especially Inter- ettted Ih the topic under discussion, He moved to adopt tho name "Tux- ""payera' Club of Jackson County." Tfce Child Iu Christened At tfcUi JuQture 13. T, Staples 1 eietttMNjI 11 t10 breach, Ho declared "thut imy wer weetlug to furthor t WMHy ft pwr9e W. Dune f9r county Judge and that there was no Use In cloaking tho lssuo with a highfalutin" name. Ho moved that the name adopted be "The George W. Dunn club of Jackson county." Adopted ana eo ordored. The chair was then instructed to appoint a committee of one man in each precinct in Jackson county to work for tho interests of George W. Bunn and an' advisory committee of three. Then Dcrt Grlcr suggested that tho child bo presented with enough money to guarantee Itu exis tence for a month at least. "I'll give $10," chocrfully chirped Denton, Dowers. "Mo too," echoed his .attorney, Drlggs. Aud In tho wild and riotous en thusiasm which followed about 50 was subscribed, Chairman Mullt put ting' the beo on Candidate Dunn for $10, Other men who subscribed wero C. II. Vaupel, H. A. Knders, G. S. Butler and J. P. Dodge, Ashland merchants, who applauded on five distinct and soparato occasions dur ing tho two hours tho meeting was In session. Kndorso "V. C. Lecvcr It began to look like bed timo to six: or eight more when money was mentioned and they grabbed their headgear and disappeared. At this Juncture Denton Bowers, he of the Bear creek- brldgefamo. stepped into (he breach and moved that Cop Leevor of Central Point bo endorsed MURDER DONE (Continued from page 1.) At the CKurche X echo from his attorney, Drlggs. Put and carried, Con Leover was duly endorsed for commissioner. Tho remainder of tho evening was devoted to a getioral roast of all who dared to opp.6bo tho candidacy of Gcorgq, W. Dunn. ,andf especially Medford "tyo longof. shall it bo said,' thundered Bert Crier, In the most approved tones of tho campaign ora tor, "that grafters and thieves thrive in Jackson county. Wc shall seal tho vaults of tho court house with George W, Dunn on guard and keep tho rascals at bay who havo ex ploited and plundered tho county during tho past four years. We as honest and upright citizens must do our duty well." und of Becker saying that itoscutlr.il intended to tell District Attorney Whitman everything and that the gangmen must net "(uick." Hoie said he met Becker, If.trry Vnllon, "Lefty Louie," "Whitey LcwiV und "Gyp tho Bloofl." Becker, ho said, put "Bridgey" Webber in charge f the murder parti'. Hose sworu that he did not wtncs the actual slaying of Rosenthal but us soon as he learned the gambler was dead he telephoned Becker. The Mutter, he said, hud already heard the nows. ' After tho murder, Kosc said.- he mot Becker and asked him if lie hud seen the -body. "Hocc," declared Becker answered, "und it was a plea sant sigiiU If Whitman had not been there I avoiild have reached over and tdm hl,ljoart'9ut.?' NOTICK. Thta Is to Inform you that I havo purrhaspd the optical business and grinding plant of Dr. J. G. Goble and am now prepared to test and fit your eyes and grind your lenses. Wo hvc tli'i piost complete and up-to-data nptlcut parlor south of Portland and tho only grinding plant between Pprjland and Sacramento. Wo grind our own lenses so you can have your glasses soon after fitting and not bo compelled to wait five or six by the club (or county commissioner, days for them. Wo can also dupll- "Second tho motlpn,'1 came an, catcj your. broHen glasses'. All wo re- Music at lTrt .MctluHlbtt Chun 1 1 Tho Methodist congregation will worship for the first timo In tho church after tho remodeling. Tho following order of worship will ho carried out, nsslstcd by a largo cho rus choir under tho direction of Mr. l'dmvadcsr Processional, Hymn 7G (Jotfory); "The Apo-tlo'K Creed"; pruyer; chant, "Tho Lord's Prayer," cheir: anthem. "Kear Not. O Israol" (Max Splckcr); rlrst leHxon. Old Testa ment; "Glorlu Patrl,'' choir; second lesson; Now Testament; offertory, "( Heard the yolcoof Jesus Say" (Coenen), Mr. Chas.Hoy; offortory chant, choir; Hymn -No, 1, congre gation; sermon, "Cod's Making of a Man"," itcv. E. A. Kldrldgo; Hymn No. "iOC; benediction; chant, "Fath er, ITU Us With Thy' I.ovo," choir. At the evening service at 7:30 tho same order of service, with tho choir singing "Lord Appear," from (Sou nod's oratorio, "Tho Redemption." and Mrs. Van Hcooc singing tho of fortory, "Tim Heavenly Portals," by Gclhol, Kov, Eldrldgo's sormou at night will he "Trim JJfo." A most cordial Invitation Is extended by this congregation to all who havo no church homo to worship with them, school y : 15 a. m. Men's Dlblu class safuo hour. Junior met .1 p. in, I), y: P. U. C:30. All are Invited to thesu services. A. A. Holmun, pas tor. Methodist KplHropal Corner of Fourth and Rurtlott Btrcots. EN Olln Eldrldgo pastor. Services Sunday as follews: Preaching' by tho pastor, 1 1 a. in, and 7::iQ' p. m. Subjects, morning. "Tho Vnluo ot tho Splfllunl." Evon Ing. "Trim Life." Sunday school and foil's lllhlu class 9:-IG a. in. Epworth l.c"gti" 6:lu P. ,m, ' Praer meeting Thursday evening, 7:30 p. in. ; '$. Kxcollont music under thn direction of IV C. KdineaduH,' -Siicc-lal features for Sunday, You aro coriTlullyj In cited to' nil these servfccst'V' . i I Medford Prinuns; company carry full list ot legal blanks. cat4 your.! quird Isa.pleco of tho brokou letisc. Thovlenpes and frames wo uso are tho best that can bo procured, our prices are rcusonablo and our guar antee Is good as wo aro permanently located In Medford. Wo cap', also give you tho boneflt of sofciHeen year's practlco In optometry Wfo would bo pleased to soaall of Dr. Gobi's old customors as well as many new ones, Yours very truly, E, D. ELWOOI), Doctor of Optomotry. 301 East Main St. Opposite Kontner's Tho Trade Union congress, which was 'recently In session at Newport, Walos, resolved unanimously to de mand a law which fixes 30 shillings or about 7.G0 u week, as tho min imum wage to bo paid to adult work ers iu ouy trade. First Church of Christ Scientist Sunday morning service at ulavup. Subject' of "Ies8oii-sornl6n, "Aro Sin, Disease, ad Death, Ileal?" WednuS' day evening meeting at Hovou-thlrty. All aro welcome Sunday school at ton. All under the ugo of twenty aro liMlted. Iteadli(K;rpom hours, two to flvp p in- dally, oxco.pt Siiuduy. Chiirch ctVflr North Oakdale? ChilKtlitn Our-Dlblo school lintels at' 11 a. m, preaching at It a. in., C. E, at G:30 p, m., preaching agai nat 7:30 p. m., prayer meeting on Thursday evening und choir practlco on Frl div (.'veiling. You are cordially Invited to emtio and worship with iih. I), D, Iloylo, minister. . t , ,m St. MurkV Episcopal Worship In St. MariT'q'Hall corner of Man and Holly streets, . Joseph Sheerlu, priest In chargo. Sunday servlecs: Holy Commun ion, 8 a, m.; Sunday school) 10 a. in.; services and sermon, il,a.iu.; even ing prayer and sormoiif 7:3, All aro welcome, especially ,'slrangers, Baptlt ' All tho regular services will bo hold In thu Daptlst church Suuduy, Preaching 11 a. in and' 7: 30 p. in, Sormons by tho pastor, -Sunday ' TalMTiuicle Meeting Tlitf muotliiKS hclug conducted In the Tnhornaclo on tho corner uf Fifth and Central, will close Sunday night. There will be service at 'i;30 and 7; 30 p, m. Everybody , wol. come. , ' -iiV,' , ' i , . - i. ,r.V' Ion Lutheran ' , At 'Aon Lutheran r.lC W( Fourth street, There will bo illhld school .English), at H) a. in. No Gorman service. English sorvlco at 7:'30' p. in, Como aud worship, Catholic Masses 8 and 10:30. Evening lo votlons and sermon 7; 30. Presbyterian Preaching by tho pastor at 1 1 a. m. Subject, "Tho Law of Judg ment," Quartette, orchestra aud chorus will assist In tho service. Preaching at 7:30 ji, m, with tho Kamo mimical help. Sunday school at 10 a, in, C. E, socloty at 0;30 p. m. Prayer .meeting at 7; 30 p, m. on Thursday. oyo ulcnr and kindly, ho asked, "Did you wish to see mo?" I nodded UN-tout hud utd, "I thought I Mould drop in nud eu when the Htago for California is due to leave." Ho took off his tortoiso-rimmed glasses, looked nt mo earnestly and said, "If you want to step buck through tho years you have comu lo tho right place. Tlijs is tho booking office for such a trip. Time has gone on but wu have let it go. Wu have not tried to keep step uilh it here iu. JuckMiuville." "Vour bank and your bank furni ture, Mr. Heekiiiuii, certainly take 0111 hack to the old days," I said, as 1 pointed to the gold scales mid tal low caudle iu its inntiil candlestick and the worn counter. An llixtorlc Ilciicli "Yes, I presume that you would hardly call the bank nor its furniture modern. That bench beside you I made iu 1S.VJ (10 years iik'o. It h hacked aud whittled mid worn. Thou sands' of passengers havo sat there while waiting for the stage to leave. If that old bench could tell, nil it litis beard and witnessed it could tell some pretty interesting things. Fre quently strangers lnntlu iu here, glance nt the old registers of passeii fjers or tlo old Wells Furgo rccotiN, seo the old signs nud the worn fund lure uud think they havo gotten iu tho wrong place uud that this is nut a bank, but they nro ntweomors-T-straugers. What they think doesn't matter. 1 neither solicit nor desire their custom. Many of my customers have been on my books for more tlinii r)0 years uud yet if they wore asked to tlicv could not fill out a check. They come here, and hand mu their money to keep. When they need niiy they drop in and ask for .f'JO or $."i0 mid say, 'Set that down uguiust my account.' ills Hanking System "I don't speculate or live riotously uud my customers know that their money is ulways here for them. In 1H7,'I and aguin in 18IKI, us well us iu 1 1UI7, some of tho hanks felt pretty uneasy. They didn't havo the money ill their vaults lo pay their obliga tions uud if Uowtruor Chamberlain hadn't established hank holidays, lliuro would have been a lot of hunks go out of business ami even with Hint they had to issue certificates of deposit uud tho bankers lost a lid of sleep as uell as their cuHto'mors. I didn't, nor did any of my customers, Anybody uho Juul any nioiioy here could I'omu.niid ge( it but iionu of them did. Ouo or two of my ohLlimo customers asked mo if I was .alright and if I needed any money. 1 told them I could pay everybody und have considerable money leftj so tho only way wo knew thoro was n pailo here was by rending about it in tho papers, "Yes, I am getting, along iir years, I nil) 81 years old. 1 was ugeut for tho Wells; Fargo poiipauy for l.'l years eojiliiiiiously, ' was appointed In J8:i. When I was 21 yeai-H old Ih'ey 'discovered' gold in California. Next year I hipdpd in ritul Frnnoisup Tho day utter 1 landed I secured u Job nt $18 a day til cnrnoiiter work. Ill 18,72 I ciimo to Jacksonville, and I liiivo been here ever since. Weighed Much Cold "I , havo jvelghed enough gold, on those hcuIch to make it gooij many men pretty Aveallhy, Yes, "it looks pretty big. The brass shlo weight lie re weighs 'J00 ounces und yet thu Henles uro so dolicutu thai, us you see, my breath will depress tho sculu pan. They mo full jeweled aud wero mudo by Howard & Davis of lioslon, "Gold doesn't grow, At least Su tho span of ouo mini's lifetime s'o when you take it out of the ground St is gone, Somo gold comes li yet but very little. Hutu mid thoro in tho hills uro a few of tho oldtimo prospectors' atill wiuulvHiiK. with (hoir was it timo when when there worn oor 10(10 prospectors In the .hills mound here, hut tho old' duyti' nre gone and most of the oldtluwr. with ihcm. They havo gono over ho Ion--; trail. , . "Here are n few ouneeH of ditftl' I bought last week and here are a handful of nuggets one of (tin old timers brought in and sold mo a few days ngo. Wait and I will show you soma of our oldtimo gold.'" Me emtio back from the safe with a gold scoop in which were sevcril double huudfiils of dull yellow metal. As I picked up the nuggi'ln, ope, after another he told mo their approximate wyights. Home Hare Kiwliiicri "Thut little ono wcightl four oun ces. That one you havo iu your hands now, weighs it tritlo more thai) jfUfiO. Those larger plcce,n of ieavy red ore nie not gold. They are cinu bnr they run nboitt 70 ikt emit of tpiieksilver. Tho Indians in the early days knew of a ciiinbar vein. Thoy crushed the ore, mixed it with grcijso and used it for paint. A party of braves iu the early days wont there to get voinu paint. They camped near the dcst mid built a Utile; Urn on the clmibur ledge. Tho-ltidiumi you know build n small fire, ,atid hover over it. In howriug over the fire the fumes of the tttiuksiver roio und snlvinled scleral of them,' After that thoy would never km bank .to t)C oiliabar depoxit 'j'lioy said the Great Spirit uiis uugry ut tteir disturiiug the earth ami ho made their tuclh loose its a sign of his displeasure," "I hat sigi) about not carrying double letters under single cnvcoK3 slump? Well, I'll tell you how that was. Iu the old days, Wells Fnr-o used o carry letters. Then congress passed a law that United States pos logo stumps must bo ultuel)cd. Wu used to charge fill cents for trans porting a letter iu addition to the tluiled Stales postuge. Wo did not I'uiieel llm United Stales postage sluiuiH so thut when u letter arrived at ils destination the stamps would bo removed uud used nguiu. Then congress t passed u law that letters could only bo sent in stamped en i elopes so llm post ago could not bo icu-'d again and tiuitlly foilmdc tlia trmisKirlutlon of letters entirely' by the express ! -' -ompuuloH. 1 j.i Your Child's Health ' Your First Thought If you have children, naturally your first thoughts uro fqr tholr health. You certainly want thorn to develop strong, healthy constitutions. Tho most careful attention must bo given whau children uliow tte first symptotmi of tho. muny c6ntmon all uieutH. Perhaps thoy arc weakly and thin, or grow too fast, thus sacrific ing strength. Thusu and 'other ap parently minor ailments tuuy..bo,tho forerunner lo u weak couatltuMon for llfo. Such children need Jayno'a Tonlo Veruilfugo which In cmjonttally a ihfltirtia'u tonic rirtVitt'if wlH prn,pbt'ly' card for tho!eJiiljl'r slom- ach. ' It will also Improve (he ippo it,.. ....i ...in (....,. ... -At" i J .... imj, nun win um uiioiiiHiv', l'u otlmr organs of tho body. nrMcason of (bin or Impure blood, It .increases thoi niimbor of red corpuscles', onab ling' tho eurlolicib blood to keep tho body healthy and strong, t. . V Aniong-thy most! comtnou allniouts that children develop Is '"that of a disordered stomach, leading to au Imparod 'digestion. In many cauo th In trouble Is due to ifarasllds In thu Intestinal tract. To correct such troiihlo, Jayno's Tonic yonnlfugo Is unstirpasHed. For morn than eighty yours mil lions of children havo boon 'restored to health through tho Uso of this tonic, Insist upon Jayno's; accopt no o(hgr, Sold by drlgguato ' evory where. Dr. D. Jayuo & Son, Phllu dolphla, ', f '- r it r