Q ' f " , t ff ?& A Mutt Declined Tto Be Broken of His Rest c envc re 'i ' & ' 4 sbsbbbbbbbbbbbT m.'l-.tt Xftifi V, ' , , , Ij"-. CVTOOT L - '"IIIWA TW- iWlfcT (.. CAPITAL JOURNAL OF SALEM SOLD , 8ALKM Or., (hit. 1'J. Tho Dally Ciii)tjljrJoiiniiil, oiio of tlio Itwl known fMiwt-H In tho Willamette ynl ioyf diniip.cd IiuiiiIh tf1uy when Col onel K. .Infer, mi editor nud pro prietor, illhpofii'il of tttri interest to L. S. Hume, or Kulrtii, mill Oruliam 1. Talior, recently of Loguiihporl, Inillunit. Tim Capital Journal wiih vMtahlith oil in 1877 mill linn had it varied cii rcur iim tq I(m political iiffilIitt(UM, H. and A. P. I Infer, hrnthcrH, pur clniK'd tliu paper In 1880, coining lirrc from Iowa. Thoy rouduscd it together until October, 1U0B, when Colonel K. I Infer pnrcliiihcd hi brothor'h Intern!. Colourl Hofer wu yenlenlny tmt1 a iiii'iubcr vf tin board of dlrvutom of thu Oregon Employer' Ahoc!u iion.' Ho hlnlcn that III) Illtt'lldH to 'oiiUiiue. in Ihr publishing IntniiieH iml will enter a larger field, not hIiiI ng what ho contemplate doing. MkjTnlior will hnvo complete nuui" ngruiepl of I lie paper, Mr. Ilanieh not itetivelv identifying himHl' with tin publication. Mr. Tnljor ntuted today jhat tlio plant will he moved Jnto ii'eiv ipiartvix on 4Stato htreot, that tivo additional linotype, machine w$ll ho added, (hut a (loM-ftomel prox will ho installed at own and the paH!r materially enlarged and im proved, llu platen it will he inelo JR'ndent in it ptditieal policy. Thu eoiihidcrnlina n nndeitood to have lieen $10,1)110, Mr. Harm's one of (lie new owueiv, has been identi fied with the Southern I'aeitln for a inimhcr of yearn, hut during (ho last two yearn IniH iniido heavy Invent -ineiitM in Halem IuhIiichh and reH deneo property mid will mako hi Iioiiio hure. Mr. Tabor wiik fonnurly iipiiutor of tlio Laporte, hid., Ar-KiiH-lltilleliu and later wiih employed on different paper in l.otnuuiporft t : CENTRAL POINT ITEMS Mrn, Tuniau'r, who Iiiih hreu visit in her niKter-inaw, Air-. T. tJ. e hpe, rpttmu'd to her homo in Toledo, OrcKMi.Tliiirj)iIii.v moniinp;. Afrir MaeCoke of Axhlund visited Mrn. IS. ('. Itbnuio thin week. 'iJeu Selling htaiidpat cuiiiliilalu hir United Htatux boiintor, nuepnip nnied hy It. U. Hrowi) mid Wm, Von dnr llelleii of Kaulc I'ohlt, iiIao A, K. Chirk, Dull Motwo candidate for IJ. B. M'liator, wort calling on tho pen plo hero Tlnibday inoniin. Mr. and Mrn. Truhy and hon re turned tho middto of thu week from (i v I n i t to California and, arc acain at tho Modoc orchard whuro Mr. Truhy Iiiih a pohition. Minn houollu Jonen Iiiih returuod lo hor home in Oaliforiilii. Tho hiidiu' Aid of tho M. K. ehuroli Hpont u very onjoyahlo al'tomoon at the homo of Mrs, Nottio Green. After thu InminertH wiik traiihactod elaborate refreshment were 'nerved. -rrr-J-; r- n DIPLOMATS HOPE BALKAN r WAR CAN IE AVERTED 'i pp.VSTANTNQVhU,"' Opt. lU.rr Tho lio r t la nqt uylieptud tq reply b'uforu Buudfiy to tlio noto of tl poworn poncoinintf tho trpnblo in tijo Dulkaus, It h belluvod tllla roply will acquloBco In tho vlowa of fho powors and uccppt tlmlr offer to sub till t to w proKrum of propoacd ro fornm In Mucodonju. VIUNNA, pot, X3. Tint Austria Huimnry Ih inuklnB military proi rutlqiH tpliutlllff wur li tho kana that Involves larKr pojVfliHls Indicated tpdoy )y tho roujy of to mlnUtor of flpnnoo to. tho prltosm by tho HoelalUts that oxtruqrdlilry lniutury cruditu by thq gyprn)put linjillod wurllko doHlKUB. I.ONPON, Oet. til. No ppw V0fl rocolvod la l.oiulou tonight coneorn -,-"- lag tlio oporatloaii of tlio MonteuoK rlim In tlio direction of tlio Turklih town of Hciitnrl or of tlio lioitllltle of aliy other Ilalknn frontlor. Tlio loRatloiiB of tlio Ilalknn ntatca lit Lppdon nrC without, advlcoi jra)atlpi$ to tlio ulliintlon, Continued dclny In dccUrltiR wr by tlio ilntca other than Montenegro lias revived hopo In diplomatic quartum h Ktinoral war wjl lie avvrlcij. NEW fROPRIETORS OF MEprpwp FISH VARKET Tha Medford Flub . Poultry Mar ket IniH been Hold to II. C. Ilonney and Van It. Ollbcrt, who arc now In clinrfto. Hath of tlfc'e Rontlemou nro ox porlcnced in this lne, arn pleasant and olillrJntT, will furplnji tlio bout of ovorytbliiK to bo hml and hopo to merit your UukIiiohk. Tlipy nro solo iiKontu for "Boalshlft" oj-stors. , Xotleo Tu Frul (IroMcra. Tlio Oarnolt-Coroy hnrdwnro havo tlio agency for tho Ucnn Jl'owor Hpray tunehlues, tlio bout mnchlnu made, nmt have ordered a car to como for ward November 1st. They will glad ly show tlio workltiK of theso oua chines and quota tlio best prices, Btoro corner Main and Qrnpo streot. NOTICK. Nptlco Is hereby Riven that thu itndorslRse'd will apply tut tlio special meeting of tho city council October 21, tPl!, for a license, to soil malt, tiplrltous anil vinous liquors at 22 North Front street, for n porlod of six months. HKLSIIY & KI3NNBDY. Dated October 9, 1912. ' Xjprr-tt-- Notlco Is horoby Riven tbat ttio un dersigned will apply at tho regular meeting of tho city council October in, 1013, for a Ilconso to sell boor and malt products only In quantities of not loss than twelve common quart boor bottles or Its equivalent to the consumer from our placa of business at No. 201 South Hlvoraldc avenuo for a period of six mouths. OKO. MAPLK, WAI.TKH B. HAnDY. puled Oct. 2, 1012. NTTrTen: Public notlco is hereby given that tho undersigned will, at tho regular inoetliiK of tho city council of Mod ford, Oregon, on Ootobor 15th, 1012, apply to nab! city council for a whole nolo liquor Ilconso to transact tho buslnosH or a wIioIchuIo liquor doab or at its placo of business No. 301 North Fir street In tho City of Mod ford, Oregon, for a porlod of six months from tho dato of said Ilconso, In nccordanco with tho provisions of Ordluanco No. 705 of tho said City of Mcdford, udoptod by tlio said city council on Octobor 1st, 1012. II. WBINHARD DBBR & ICB DBPQT Dated at Medford, Oregon, this 7th duy of Octobor, 1012. NOTICE. Notlco Is hereby glvon that tbo undorslguod will apply nt tho regu lar mooting of tho city council Octo bor 15, 1012, for a Ilconso to soil malt, Bplrltoua and vinous liquors ut lObrth Front atrcut, for a porlod of.Blx-nnouths. - , MURPHY & CO. Dated Octobor 4, 1012. -t - ANNOUNCEMENTS For Coroner, I hereby nunouqeo my candidacy for tho pfflco of coronor of Jackson county, on jtho Indopqndout ticket. W. W. US31IBR. (Paid Advt.) SHKRfFF V. A. JTohm PoniQcratto uppili)oo for shortft of FaokqoQ epijnty. RoBJdoncp, Jao( souvlloi. (PajO, Advt.) Wit COUNTY CLLRK To tho Voters of Jacknon CeuiUy: (o)tpn)pn, jap limn ih orawiai; noar vhou you will ho cnllbd upon STEDFOHD MAIL TRIBUNE, to turn your best Judgment In se lecting from among your; citizens, competent persons to fill the various offices of tho county. In this I take pleasuro In oftenng myself an tho democratic candidate for tho of fice of county clerk. In asking tho people, of this coun y to, honor mo with this po'Bttlon I porno, not to yon as a stranger, but as a tiatlvo son, having spent tho krontdr portion of mysmst Ufa among you whom I am now asking to servo. My Ufa record Is open before you for investigation. I havo no excuses to mako, no favors to extend, oxcept courteous treatment alike to you people- from all parts of tho county. No promises to mako other than it elected, I will give my personal tlmo and attention to the duties of tho offlco, and will put forth my best efforts to sco that tho office is con ducted according to law and thovbest of my ability. hospecttvely yours, W. H. MILLER, (raid Advt) ASHK8HOU W. T. GrJcvo Republican nomlneo for assessor for second term. Residence, Jack sonville. (Paid Advt.) COUNTY KKCOltDKU Fred u Col v Ik . Republican nomlneo for county recorder, second term. Bxtract from report of J. II. Wil son, oxpert accountant for Jackson county; "Mr. CoIvIr's books havo been excellently kept. In all my experience I havo found but one re corder's offlco With so good a rcc-J prd." (Paid AilvU) Classified Advertising PAYABIE IN ADVANCE BATES: One cent per word per insertion; 50c the line by ine monin. FOR REN T HOUSKKKKPINQ ROOMS FOJl J1BNT--Furulshqd houBokooj Ing rooms, lights, gas, close- li). n qulro 227 V. 10th St., afternoons. 17C FOl RKNT FUUNltHKD APTS. FOR RKNT -Complotoly furnished aparlmont consisting of living, dining room, bedroom, modern bath, kitchen and sleeping porch. Ono block from Motel Mcdford. Open fpr Inspection dully from 10 a. pi, to I p. in. Also havo for sale, garland kitchen rango, rolt top desk and revolving chair, Apollo piano playor. 428 Nprth Ivy street. j 7-f FOR RKNT Smith Apts, 117 8. Rlr. FOR TtKNTFurnlshod apartment now, private, bath, hot wator heat.. Tho Horbon Apnrtmout, 10 Quince 8t., corner Weat Main. NEW TODAY - A patty with an unimproved 120 acres on good road, GO ucros ready to plow will exchange for Portland or southern California proporty. Prlco 125.00 por nolo. 80 acres, pour Tablo Rock store, school and river, finest of Irrigated onoi) qr gardou land. 40 acres or flno young apples and pears, bal ance In garden that brought $11,500 last year, Fluq now bungalow and other now buildings, stock and tools. TIiIh Is a snap ut $225.00 por aero. Two stool; uiul alfalfa rnnehos, uach 1 OP acres, lp (ho Applegate val ley, Partly Irrigated. Qpo ut 175 and tho other $2,7, R0 are hard to boul for tho money. Buy whllo tho prlco Is down, Tllu"'iuw railroad Will hQOBt It.. ' C.D.HOON Itoom lit, Jackson Comity llnpk lllttg, MEDffORP;, ORKfJON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1012. y FOR RKMnuU8U FpR RBNTFlvb room modorn houso, with gas rango, 715 W. 2nd St. 175 FdR RUNT A 5 room houso. Now 4 room bungalow. Inqulro 337 W. 10th. -'. 175 FOR ItBNT Kprnlshed 6 rooza cot tage modern, 518 King St. FOR RENT Furnished bouse close In. CO, North Orange. FOR RENT Modern furnished 5 room bungalow. Call mornings. 422 South Laurel. FOR RENT Fnrnlshed House with all modern conveniences. 730 W. Eloventb St.- FOR RENT Modern five-room bouse. M. A. Rider, at If. F. ft H. Co. " FOR REN.T 10 room nouso rear of Farmers ft Fruitgrowers bank, suitable foe business, real wtato, boarding or rooming houst. Gold Ray Realty Co., 6th and Fir at. FOR RENT Two room bachelor 1 homo. 2J4 Weil 8th street. Sco Vhlto & Trowbridge. FOR,::RENT---Modcrn two story dwelling. Hot and cold water, lawn and trees. 220 Laurel St, See White ftTrowbrldgo. FOR" RENT--Keren room house, sleeping porch, payed street, 20. Sect or, phone- Col. H. II. SargonU t 17 FOR RKVT rUhNUsKTCI) MOOM8 FOR RENT Tw'p furnished rooms, 0fi oqath Grapo street 174 FOR RENT Larx-j sleeping room, $1.50 and IS .per week. Modern housekeeping flpartmonts, $15 and f 16. Home phono 2CG-K. 222 South Holly. FOR RENT Modern furnished rooms at tho Cottage, C04 West lutn bu, two uiocks south Mcdiord Hotol. Hot. afld cold, water In rooms. Mrs. H. M. Coss. FOR RENT OFFICES FOR RENT Large, comfortable of flco rooms with elevator service, steam heat, hot and cold wator. Low rates. Apply Medford Furni ture & Hdw. Co. FOR RENT 3 offices' Taylor-Phlpps building. Particulars, A. C. Tay lor. Phono S6-party J-5. 175 FOR RKN1' MlSCEtliAHKOUS FOR RENT -lfi rqom flat over El fcrfs tailor shop, 207 West Main. Sea White & Trowbridge. FOR RENT Ranches large and small, alfalfa and garden lands. Gold Ray Realtr Co., 6th and Fir. FOR RENT 30 room furnished hotol on percentage Gold Roy Realty Co. FOR HALK -ACKKAGB FOR SALE A beautiful building slto Juat cast of Mcdford city limits. High und sightly, porfoct drnlnago, tlno view of Medford and tho valley, building restriction on adjacent property. Three- lots measuring 40,000 square foot or nearly an aero. Fronting on Jack son Boulovard which will bo ono of tho finest drives In Medford when tho new Dear Creek brldgo Is 'completed, This proporty can bo purchased for $500 down long tlmo and' easy terms on balance-. This cannot bo boat for a high grado rp8dcnco lpcatlon. Addrosa P. O. Box 702, Medford, Oregon. FOR SALE Large acreage fruit, lands, Exchanges, y. J. Hints, E, II. French. No., 6, 8. Coutral with Abstract Co. 174 FpR SAL? 20 aros froo soil im Improvod, close Vo city'tlmfts. WW ta,kp' g6od tnedUim priced 5 pass enger auto for first payment. Ad dress llox 10, Mall Tribune. 170 FOR SALE 20 Tofva of flno fruit latid mllo from Eagle Point, 0 acres cleared und balauco can bo uloared for $12, por aero. Lays nearly lovol. Woven wjro fencing. Thin Is n spi'iiu) bargain and for a short tlmo can bo bought for $1,250. Torms, Address C. C. Plorco, Medford. FOR BAIJCUOVSE8. FpR SALB Small plaetorod )m!so. ety water, paved 'sjdewnlk, largo lot, $750. Terms tike rent. Phono 295-L, 1?. O, box 522. 170 FOR BALE Hods "anfl two lota W. loth St., Medford, at a bargain, tonus, llox 253, . Coutral Point, Pre, . i 1 1 .105 FOR SALB 4 room tuiuse, ahd lot, aiiuu.uu. iioin my ttnauy i;o Sixth ahd Fir. U Jos ot FOR SALE BOTJ8BB FOR BALE Doaiitlfui 9 room bunga low, hard wood floor and modern throughout, must be seen to bo ap preciated. Will sacrifice on ac count of leaving town. Mrs. O. D, Brown, 430 N. Bartlctt, phone Mala 75C1. FOR SALE OR RENT Cheap. Three room cottage, 20C Willlamet-te avenue, east sldo. Chicken houso and barn, one or two lota, fine deep soil. Telephone 6083, B. F. Piatt, (Jarnett-Corcy Bldg. 172 FOR SALK LAlfD FOR SALE Ranches, acre tracts, town property on 5 and 10 years time. Gold Ray Realty Co., Sixth and Fir. FOR SALE Cheap 120 acres of good land on Elk creek 8 miles above old U. S. Hatchery on Roguo river, for Information write Mrs. Chas. Klbbe. 3 IS N. Ferry St.. Eugene, Oregon. 1"" FOR BAliK MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE $50.00 electric Vacuum Cleaner; curtain, hard floor and all attachments complete, brand new. For sale cheap or trade for what have you? Phone 110-L. 174 FOR SALE 15p tons of hay and pasture, Hotkey ranch, Applcgate P. O., D. A. Wood. 109 FOR SALE At Nlnson's feed' barn, two family horses, hack and two wagons. 177 FOR SALE Two pianos, ono player, ono electric, at your own price. Perry TurwIIIIger, Nash Bar. 174 FOR SALE Wo have a few stand ard sewing machines to close out at cost. Theso machines arc- guar anteed and will bo a bargain to tboso who get them, Garnett Corey Hdw. Co. FOR SALE New range and sewing machine other household furni ture. 306 Wollametto avenue. 174 FOR SALE Ono largo "Round Oak" heater. 22 Rose- avenue, phono 7304. 174 FOR SALE House tent 14x12 with now fly, cheap. Apply 613 South Newtown St. 176 FOR SALE Good work and driving horse. $75.00. A. K. Ware, room 4, Jackson County Bank Bldg. FOR SALB Disc plow and rubber tiro English go-cart. Pacific phono 201-J-4. FOR SALE 1012 5 passongor nu tomobllo almost now. Bargain for cash. Box SO, Tribune FOR SALB Grain hay $5.00 ton, C. W. Isaacs. por FOR SALE Registered Polaud China male- hog. Won second prize at state fair. 13 months old. Phouo Home 11-W. 175 FOR SALE 40 head stock hogs, somo block hogs. Genuine Whlto Holland turkoys, chickens, two pairs fox hound puppies, beauties. Chas. Gilchrist, Sams Valley, Ore. 175 WANTKlV-MlSCKT.IiANHOUS WANTED Will pay cash for soc oud hand auto In good repair. State condition and price. Ad dress box A, enro Mall Tribune. 171 WANTED 2 doion whlto Leghorn young hens, pure strain, room 2 Rtal(o building, 123 B. .Main St. 174 WANTED To trada good young team, woigbt 2ico for ary iir qr oak wood, Inqulro of Janos Bros., Home phono 301-X. WANTED TP BUY-Goqd' ocond nana ugnc unci: wun lop. janou Bros., Home phono 301-X, WANTED TO RENT Modern eight rqom nouso or seven rooms aim slooping porch, oloso in. Box 02, Mall Tribune. WANTED Clean rags at' tho Mall Trlbuno oilico, WANTEP To buy, spring ohlekons, ropstcrs or pullets, j. n, byous, Phoenix. WANTED A second-hand cart. Ad- dress J. A. M.. caro Mall Triuuno. WANTEDpopd sound work horso apu i wo norsio wukuii. -rtuuioos n. J, Olson, caro W. W. Nun, 3Vj nilloa northeast of Medford. 174 WANTED Good dairy hand. Steady employment lo rignt man. inquire Tlcl.uor Dootlttlo, Rnu J.qup, 174 MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN On real estate. X havo ono fund of ono thousand and one of three thousand on hand, be sides larger amounts. Call on or address me at Hotel Medford. B. L. Dodeg. 106 MONEY TO LOAN On city and close In ranch property. C. A. McArthur, room 3, P. O. block, phono 3681. MONEY TO LOAN Long time loans on city or acreage. Clark Realty Co. 175 FOR excha-to FOR EXCHANGE Seattle property for land, prcferablo In the hills. Address Box S. K., care Mall Tri bune. 174 BUSINESS OPPORTUN1TBSS. FOR SALE Partner wanted In an established general merchandise business in a country town. No rent, water, or other expenses, raise all our own feed, garden, or chard, etc. A little cash will buy one-half Interest as owner has ranch and cannot look after both. Address Genera Merchandise, care Mail Tribune. 175 BUSINESS lUKEt-TOKY AccouaUliU D. R. WOOD General Accountant Your books audited and kept for a reasonable liguro; your business solicited. Office. Medford Mali Trlbuno bldg; phone 6611; resi dence phone 6302. Auto Supplies. LAHER AUTO SPRING CO. Oar big secret In making springs Is the tempering. Wo are operating the largest, oldest and best equipped plant in tbo Pacific northwest. Use our springs when others fall. Sold under guarantee. 26 North 15th street, Portland, Oregon. Attorneys D. W. BAOSHAW Attorney-at-Law. Jacksonville. Ore. Office: Bank bldg., second floor. Phene: Pa cific. Main 33. C. L. REAME8, LAWYER Office Medford National Bank building, second floor. PORTER J. NEFF. WM. P. MEALEY Attorneys-at-Law. No. 1 and 2, Postofflco bldg. A. E. REAMES, LAW-LK Garnett Corey bldg. MULKEY & CHERRY (R. F. MUL- KEY. GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 and 12 Jackson County Bank bldg. W. J. CANTON Attorney and Coun sellor at law. Room 2, Rialto building, Mqilford, Ore. 11111 Posters VERNE T. CANON BUI Poster and Distributor. All orders promptly itiica. Koom 29 Jackson county Bank bldg., Medford, Oregon. Civil Engineer LOUIS W. WHITING Civil Englnoer and Surveyor. Water filings and Irrigation work a specialty; sur veys, sunqiviaing, uuiiumg grades, city engineering, drafting, sower design, concrete work, pump and canal systems. Room 2, Palm blk., weaioru. Oregon. Chiropractors DR. A. R. HEDGES. tr. Louise B. Hedges, Meehano-Theraplsts. Chiro practors, Spondylothoraplsts. Theso systems, including dlotettcs, cura tive gymnastics, hydro-therapy, 4tc, produce results In both acuto and chronic diseases. Consultation froo. 230 N. Bartlett street, noxt dopr to M. B. church. Hours, 0 a. pi. to 5 p. in. Other hours by ap pointment Bell phone Malu 4171. DR. R. J. LQGKAyOOD. Chiropractor, nervo specialist. Rooms 203-04-05 Garnott-Corey Bldg. Vapor baths and scientific massage given; advice In dietetics, medical gym nastics, hydrotherapy. Lady at tendant. Phone Home 14G-K. Main 7073.. l Grttntto Works MEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo. W, Prlddy, O. D, Nagle, Geo. T. O'Brien Contractors and manu facturers of brick; dealers In pressed brick' and ll;ne, Office at their brick yard, "West Jackson st. Phono No'. 3461. Notary I'uhlle HELEN N. YOCKET Ttoiary Pub Uo. Bring your work to me at the sign of Tho Mall Tribune. PAGTE sWik By "Bud" Fisher . BUSINESS DIRECTORY Cblnefte Me&ciftet! CHOW YOUNG'S Cbpse nedlciRM will cure rheumatism, catarrh, colds', goiture," throat and lung trouble, deafneM, paralysis, rlvat diseases and alt kinds of cbronle and 'nervous ailments. Stomach trouble, constipation, Indigestion, womb and' bladder troubles. 'See m& at 241 S. Front st, Meiifsrd, Ore., to 4, 6:30 to 7:30. Resides phone Main 42. Dcnrtat DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. a C VAN S,COYOC Dentists Garnett-Corey bldg., suite 319, Medford, Oregon. Both Phones. DR. ARTEMUS W7 DBANB---Dentit. Offlco In Rtalto bldg.. 123 E. Main. Gas administered for extraction of teeth. Telephone Main 681. Night phone 4432. Garbage GARBAGE Get 7pur premises cleaned up for tho summer. Call on the city garbago wagons for good service. Phone MaJn 6261. F. Y. Allen. Runei-los QUAKER NURSERIES Oar trees are budded, not grafted. Our stock Is not Irrigated. We guarantee everything put out. "Ve are not in the trust. II. B. Patterson. Office removed to office Hotel Nsab, in side entrance next to barber shop. . . Printers and FvMisfcers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has tfes best equipped job office in southern Oregon; book binding, loose leaf, systems, cut paper, etc., etc Port land prices. 27 N. Fir st. Physicians and Surgeons QRS. CONROY & CLANCY Physi cians and surgeons, Taylor and Phipps bldg., rooms 210-211-212: Office phene 5Q1, residence phone 612. Office hours 9 a. sa. to 3 p. m. DR.'F. G. CARLO W, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Moved to rooms 416 and 417 Garnott-Corey bldg. Phone Main 6351. DR. STEARNS Physician and sur geon. Offlco Jackson County Bank Bldg., rooms 17-1S-19, phone 5501; residenco 307 S. Dakdale, phone 7171. Home phono, residence 109, office 130. DR- S. A. LOCKWOOD Physlclaa and Surgeon. MYRT.B S. LOCICWOOD. M. P. Practice limited to diseases of women. Offices over Haskins Drug Store. Offlco Phopes; M. 3001. teudant. Rcsldeuce phono Malu 5712, offlco Home 1-15. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and Sursjeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Byes 'scien tifically tested and glasses supolled. Offlco 228 E. Main St. Hours 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Both phones. E B. PICKBL, M, to. Office Jack son County Bank. Office phone H. 432 Res. phone, M. 582. DR. J. W. J. MARION Physician and Surgeon. Office rooms 5 sad 6 Kentner bldg. Office hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. Phone, Bell 271. Aesldonco phone Bell 273. E. KIRCHGESSNER, M. D. Prac tlce llmltod to Chroalo D'seAse. prflce Hotol Holland. Wednesdays 10-3. Rath phota. Resldenee pheues: Farmer 16xx5 Kagle, Point and Roguo River line. HERMANN F. RATTW, K. D Of flco over Bedford National Bank. Office phone 6701, Res., Hotel Helland: CLARK B. SAUNDERS M. D Prac tlco limited to Bye, Bar, Nose and Throat. Byes scientifically tested and glasses furnished when needed, Garnett-Corey Bldg., 2nd floor. Both Phones, Mqdford, Ore. Stenographers ELLA W, OAUNYAW Pm bloek. Stenographlo work done quickly aud well. Transfer EAD3 TRANSFER & 8TORAOJB CO, Office 16 South Flf. PfcoM Bell 3162; Home 3S0-K. Prises right, Service gparaateed,. .-v UntUirtitkejps JOHN A. PURL VM$rtlm Hmbalmer. Pff tcs ?S mk : lott ' st. Telephoues: Py. ' 471; nfeht. rtaldMM. VMll Hi. Hnmel70'L, flalh) aMswred rtiM or day, Awbulauc Mrvio. . - n k . " i h -. H ' , 1 . d if i y wSl Vi '- i. 4 - K M S -