; V" City Hat v ' K sr- $' f Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEAT Futriwd Mln 91) Hw ffHM MP v4r H V V. u HKK'flli J ur . vi l Forty.emi1 Tr. Dully Hovmilh Yrar. BOSTON WINS FROM NEW YORK, SCORE 2 BEDIENT HERO THIRD VICTORY BY RED SOX Momentary Upso by Mnthewson and Bobble by Doyle Give Boston Lend Which Giants Arc Unable to Over comeOnly Four Hits Made. To Reach Crest, Giants Must Win Three Straight Games, Which Is Almost Impossible. I'KNWAY I'AMC. HUSTON, Oct. It!.-A flush of lirilllnnt htiifl' Unit iltu'M liuhlni'Hrt iii liiiMcbull by Hugh Hcdieut a youthful pitching htar of tlio Heel Sox stuff, coupled with n momentary lapno of Mitlhownon ami a bobble by Doilc, gave (ho lied Hox tltrir third victory In tho world'rt sor h rni'o hero this afternoon by a MMini of vo to oiio and mmiI llm Nu tional league champions dipping '""1 tdidiiig down tin) ways on tbu road to their Hcuoml uiiHtieeoKHful bid for a world's chumplotudiip. Hcdieut, working in u tylo to huvo done credit to ii WiiIhIi, held tin UitiiiU hiifo all tlio way and lot them down with a qiinilt'lt of bit with tbu nHiill that but a ninto addition fin ihb in front W now needed by the HoHlonlaiiH to give tin-in tho world's rhniiip!oiir.hli for 11U'-'. To reach the (inwt now tbu Mrdrnw men must wrviii'b off thrco UorI'n in n niw, a tuk nlinunl linpotudble with the Hat Sox machine swinging along at its present pliidid stride, nnd., with Joo Wood, the Box' phenom, fagged to. n to tho mound nualn Monday In the game, which, if won by HuHton, will end tlio fi-Anne. 1'ntnl Hutltlen Caw-In One round, olio fatal midden cave in, beat tbu (lialll before the great est crowd that cer miw a iraino in Htwlon. Starting tbu tbiid inning Hooper mImnIiimI a ilrivo by Hcrjrog whlcdi whltzcd Into the loft tield cor ner for a tlitce base blow. Yorkos followed with nimlber clashing for another triple and Hooper scored. Then Pnylo brought on dbmslcr. Speaker tupped to Captain Lurry fr an ea-y but wbllo Yeikos stuck t third, I lu lot the lap dribble, away, iuiiI the second run -tlio fatal one wiih over. TlmHo two heiirtbfeakiinr diiws, buiiehed with Doyle's error brought tlio old muster back to HT. Kitnii that point on ho out in with tbu tincst pitching of bin lire. Hut the stand eauie too late, for Hcdiout had ourb etl tlm (Hunt rutdi with tbu be-.l pitebeil uaiiiu of the wcrim. Ho work ed a far finer kiuho limn Wood had tibowii nl either start, and bofoiu bin H)eeil mid crnnkiiiK curves the (liantH' laaebluu wan Mulled all tlio way. IJeM Pitched fiame of Herlon The lhitor8 put IhroiiKli but one lally u Hodiuilt wbun Merklti dou bled lu tbu aoAdith and MeConniek diou bun homo. Ihooiid tbix moaro iiHHault bo Mood tbu wild-oyed (liniitu on their bvatn oikIh and droo them (Conltnued on 1'uro KIvo.) ITALIAN FLEET saip am ilANT PAIUB, Oct. l'J. OrcuC alunn wan foil liuro today over roporta that poaeo uogothitloiiH hotwoon Turkoy urid Italy Imvo fullud, and tlmt, tlio Italian floot Ih on route to iittomnt tlio piibhiiko of tlio Dardunollos and to capturo UoimUutliioplo. Tho Dardanollou iiuvuiiro U liunvlly intnod, and uiniiy hollovb tbu Italluu floot will moot with dlttaator It huoIi an attuuuit Is inudo, Bbould Italy micoood In takliiK CoiiHtiiutliioplv, diploma!) horo four It would mouit a ulmultuiioouu lava Hlon of Turkoy by tlio llulkun Htitou, ovontiiully roHiiltliiK a partition of tho QttotoRIi 9mylr9i CH iPLt E AT OF LT. "Bald Jack" Rose Relates Story of Crime -"Rosenthal Too Dannerous, Get Him Out of the Way" Orders Becker Alleged to Have Issued. Go-Between and Collector of Blood Money Says Decker Was Overjoyed at Hearing of Murder. NKW YORK, Ol. It!. "Herman HoKentliul itnmt be killed. Ho h el" tint; t duuicoroutt. Yon tell 'Hi Jack Zelitf and IiIk frieudn to ki'I him out f tho way." Kworu deelaratioii that I'obee Lieiiteiiaut ChnrleH Heeker, on trial bi'ie for ItohcntliiilV murder in fiont of tho Hotel Motioxle, nar. this older to hiiti to reptal to Zilij; and biit notorious Ka,l (,f pinrneu, was madu today on the witness btaud bv "HaM ,laek" Hose, fonner friend of Heekur ami the tiinn who admits he aetcil as Heeker'w representative in collecting "IiiihIi uioiicy" from New York'n underworld. lUekrr Ifiiuuncd Heeker, apparently waH uniiioveil by Hosc'h teHtimouy. Ho nat anil glared at tbu witness with a lixed hture. Hose jao bis testimony with twitebin eyes and slnlkinc knees. Ho waH patti and nervous, Htiulioiisly avoiding Heeker' penetratiu;; Kaxe. Kuso uwora that bo protested HKiiMtinnrileriii)r Jtoseiitlml, but Heeker, ho snid, insisted (bat It must bo done. "I waul him croaked," were tho exact words Kohii nworo Heokcr ued. "I will take earo of tho men who do tho job. The Ncnliiilenl at polieo headquarters is Htieb that (buy would k'ladly kvo a medal to the man pimo enough to croak Itosciilhal. Horo is 4100. Oivo it to Zeliir and toll him I want Itosuuthal slopped. Tell Zvlij and his friends if they want to savo themselves trouble thev had bettor Kt Itosontbal out of tho way at once." Zelitj. who himself has been shot and killed since tho Rosenthal mur der, Itoso said demurred. Then, tho witness swore, Heeker through him sunt another wnrnini; to .dig, Tlircatcndcd tlio (taiiK , "Lclty Louio" HosoiibuiK' and "Whilcy'' Lewis. Hoso deeblred, wero told that unless Itoseutlutl wore killed soon tboy would bo arcsted and "scut over tho road" for enrr,Ninj concealed woapoiiN. Then, Hose de clared, tho ptliKiucu agreed to disinibo of ltoseiitbal. Koso also told tho junn-H why ho believed Heeker wanted Itosontbal killud. The polieo official and tho gambler, he said, had ot footed a pait ihip and opened a gambling house in -IfUh si rout. Tbu business prospered, Hoso hwoio, all KoiiiK well until Hooker telephoned ItoHeuthal to send over :r()() at oiieo. Ho,sentluil refused. A day Inter, Heeker, bo said, again do mauded tho monoy and was again refused. Then, Hosu declared, Heck or withdraw from tho film. Hacker also Motioned a policeman at tho door, Koho Hnid. This, tho witness Bald, killed Rosenthal's business and tbu latter, becoming desperate, threa tened to go to District Attorney Whit man and toll him of HeVikor'ti I'm men connection with tho place. Then, Hose bworo, Hooker decided to got tlm giiinldor out of tho way. Hoso then told of tho nnudor ninht (Contlnuod on Page 8) , Republicans to MURDER DON COMMAND BECKER LOS ANGELES, Oal., Out. 12. A resolution allowing Tuft ropubllcmis to voto for Woodrow Wilson, tho clonio (U'iitio prusidbntiiil noinineo, without losing their party standing, is issued today by tho Tuft republican county (ionnnittee. While not recommending that the Taft mon vote for Wilson, tho resolution says: "Wo nevertheless concede that they may do so in the existing omorgoqcy without impairing their loyalty as republicans or their standing as honest citizens." The committeo urged republicans desiring to voto for Tft- to vvtitQ Jus jwwo m on MEDlfORD, OJIECION, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1912. Men Accused by iOUISLlBRy. BUM IS IN FIERCE BATHE LONDON ( Oct. 12. A desperate battle botweon tho Turltlsli nnd Montenegrin armies for tho posses sion of Uarnnu, lu the vicinity of Lulto Hciltarl, Is lu progress todny. A despatch received hero from Cct tlnjo says the town has boon taken repeatedly by both Hides. Another despatch said tlmt a forco of .Montenegrins was repulsed nt Tushl after a sharp cngaKOtncnt with tho Turkish troops. LONDON, Oct. J 2. Tho foroljjn 'offlco horo continued optimistic to day over tho war situation In tho Ilalkan Btatos, while, on tho other hand, foreign diplomats In Iondou assumed n pessimistic attitude. Tho litttor predicted a reply soon to tho poworn' pica for peaco, with tho ex pectation that tho Balkan stale will takn tho position that a settlement is ImpoBslblu at presont. Many dlplomutn hero oxpoct liul garla nnd Sorvia to begin hostilities as soon as military preparations aro complete. Premier Asqulth and David L1od-GoorKO, chrtncollor of tho oxcheauor, conferred In regard to tho outlook today. WILSON WORN OUT BY LONG JOURNEY HAltUiaitUItO. !.. Oct. 12. At tor dollvorlng sovonty-fUo spcoclica. ! covering ton states, and with his 0Ic0 complotoly worn out, Gover nor Woodrow Wilson, democratic nominee fur prosldout, Is today on his way homo, his tilp ended. Governor Wilson expressed him self hero as being thoroughly satis fied with tho reaults obtained, llo will speak onco moro upon his ar rival lu Now York tonight. NEW YORK OBSERVES COLUMBUS DAY PARADING NKW YORK, Oct. 12. Celebrating tho discovery of Amotion 0,000 mar ines and bluejackets parado 'boforu largo crowds, hero today. Tho opening of tho ceremony was (ho annual ,1'ull roiow of tho United States AUantut tloet. Tho roviuw will cud next Tuesday, when Prosl dout Taft and Soorotury of tho Navy Moyor will roiov tho fleet from aboard the pi evidential yacht May flower, Vote for Wilson bbpSIHbbIbbH .bbbcSbhHbbbI b w&bbH BBBUhbiBBBBBm e 'BBHBBBBESbV BBBBBhTK bbH bHBSmBbbbS fci jbVHHbKtIbH bbbbKIbfbH kijSSBbbbV iK .HhMbbWbb bHbHbVu''bS flBBBByWMBBBBBH -Jif$B$mBBfifiM k 'M BBBBBBBBBBBHhSSBBBBBBBBBBBBI i" iAPrWBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBatx , BBBBBBV BBBBbBBBBBBBBBh H " aVBJBk3 BBBH BBBBBBHbVvBBBB BBBHB9BBHBBB1bb1 (--"'BBBJB ..iiiH BBSBBnlBBv rBBBH IBBHbmBBEBbV k.!BBBBMBrlBBl 1 BbBbK',?':IBBBBK oewn tlio ballot, trr.v fwwwurTny "Bald" Jack Rose of Shooting Rosenthal" wctack" jzmua. UN Will WIN EASILY, DECLARES That Woodrow Wlou, gtneruor of Xcw Jersey, and democratic can didate for tho presidency of the Unit ed States, will w-iriTeusily in Noumi ber and be elcctcd'by an otcrwhehn ing majority is. tbcj prediction of Gcorgo K. C'bambcrlHHi, United States senator from Oregon; who ih in Med ford to discuss the campaign issues nt tho Nutntorium tuii;ht. Senator Chamberlain left tblaftrnoou for Abort visit nt AMdat3 ' "It ih n groat democrutie year," states Senator -Cliiiniberluiu," and Woodrow Wilson will win easily. Ho dcbcrves to win as ho is n uplendid man. Governor Mnrhall, bis run ning mate, m also a bpleudid man. Tho peoplo can make no mistake in electing them." Senator Chamberlain will speak at 8 o'clock tonight nt the Natatorium. Ho is one of Oregon's best loved men in public life and will no doubt attract a large crowd. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Oct. 12. Hotruycd by a pal who aided him to "escape from the Nevada state peni tentiary l.luwcbn FelkorK. alias Fred Shlnnor, who short-circuited a wire barrlcndo around tho prison, throw ing tho outlro prison Into darkness, is today In Jnll hero. ily means of a key smitglcd Into hlni by n released prisoner named Ilyleo, alias Smith, Felkors unlocked his cell door, nnd ith wlro nippers cut tho electric burrlcada ou tho prlbon walls, making good his es cape. No trace ot him was found until a week ago when J. P. Don nelly, chlot of polieo at Hoho, re ceived a telegram from Sun Francis co tolling tho whereabouts of Fol kors, Tho tolegram, It Is bollovod, camo from Ityleo, who was dlssatlstlod at not rocotvlng any compensation for aiding lu Folkors rolenso. BV ROOSEVELT CHICAGO, Oct, 13. Arrlvlug horo at 'o o'clock this morning, Thcodoro Uoobovolt, progiobslvo nominee for prosldout, was greeted by a largo crowd and glou a vociferous wel come. In a statomout Issued horo today, Roosovolt donouncod Governor ChurloB 8. Douooii of Illinois, charg ing him with being guilty of "shuf fling and double-dealing," at tho Chicago republican convention. Uoosovolt further charged that Governor Donoon deliberately falsi fied rogardlng tho cogvontlou. SEN HAM LAN ESCAPED NEVADA M CAUGHT MB CUED WILLIAM SHAPIC20- IN PAWN! LONDON, Oct. 12. Owlug to charges made In the bousq of com mons that some of the highest offi cials In tho British Kingdom utilized private knowledge of a deal pend ing between tho government and the Marconi Wireless company for per sonal gain, a committee is appointed today to Investigate the matter, while tho signing of tho contract will bo deferrod. The officials Included in the cbatrges are Premier Asqulth, Chan cellor Ltoyd-Georgo, Attornor Gen eral Sir Ilufus Isaacs and Post Mas- I tor General Samuel. During the time the government was considering tho contract with the Marconi people and prior to the time when tho announcement was made that a deal had been agreed upon, Marconi stock took a phenome nal jump from 13.75 to $45 a share. In answering the charges, Post Master General Samuel said teday: "On behalf of every member of tho cabinet I Bay these stories that mem bers bf tho cabinet, know-log that a contract was In contemplation and thinking possibly that the prico ot shares might rise, themselves, direct ly or Indirectly, bought any of these shares through any other htvo not ono syllable of truth." JACK JOHNSON TO SIGN Fi CHICAGO, Octi 12. Debpito his repeated assertions that bo was through with tlio fighting guuio for good, Jnck Johnson, heivyweight champion of tho world, announced to day that bo expects to bigu articles for two battles in Australia under the auspices of Hugh Mcintosh. W. C. J. Kelly, representative of Mcin tosh, is expected in Chicago today, and will formally offer Johnson $50, 000 for two bouts in tho Antipodes, with Sam Langford and Sam MuVoy. In addition to thoso figuroN John son expects to tuko. on Jim-Flynn in Paris, which will not him somotbing liko ,15,000. A Business Mnil Tribune. Medford Oro. Wo desire to sincerely WIRELESS mm. RUMYHD editorials that aro appearing in your paper, iu-oni purely business standpoints, wo bohovo senator Bourne should be re-elected. It is of erroat importance to the state. Oregon will neod $20,000,000 federal ten years. Bourne's ouergy, iioniinittcos can secure theso for tho past session confirms Bourne is a member of tho appropriations, commerce, postoffico. public buildines and fisheries sonato commit tees. Ho passed on $07,000,000 moro appropriations last session than any other man. earnest support and co-operation, Wo believe the best interests of the staio demand politics. B9Vr ?opulay Qoverflmout Qlu RQWfRJj T Al AT ASHLAND FORM GEO. DUNN CLUB Ssensers of New-Born Club D- nennce Medferd as They OrfMize te Drive Pirates. Grafters ami Thieves Frsm Vaults of Cwmty. TaxnywSr MisM by ArfvertlMMttrf f Meetinf , Desert tatberrti Wm Phths is Leaned. MASS MEETING, 4 4 There will be a non-parti- ban meetinK of citizens at the city hall In Ashland tomorrow (Friday) evening at 8 o'clock at which time a taxpayers' league will be organized for Jackson county to work In tho Interest of efficient and eco comical county admlnlstra- 4- lion. f All persona Interested In this movement are asked to 4 be present and participate la the organization. .Amid a display of forensic fire works bitterly- denunciatory of Med- (ord, aeralded by ta above !a- Bouacemwt ef a taxpayer' awetlag. With Benton Bowers, E. D. Briggs aad Brt Grler, aa. apoHwra.ttMS George W. Dunn club of Jacksos county was bora at Ashland Friday night. Thirty-two "noa-partlaaa" citizens of Ashland responded to the call and fourteen, by actual count, quit when the sponsors pled for the spondullx which was to guarantee the newly born a lirllhood. The most startling announcement made at the meeting tell from the lips of Bert Grler, who was evident ly suffering from an acute attack of borborygmus, to the effect that the sinful and outrageous course of Med ford had been "discovered." The Medford piratical gang having looted tho vault at Jacksonville, even now proposed, like Sampson of old to carry away tho gates ot the city. In other words, If tho honest and tear less citizens ot Ashland failed to throw themselves Into tho broach, and at once, Medford proposed to make away with tho vault, sell It for old junk and pocket the proceeds. Mulit Presidea The thirty-two men were called to order by Ilort Grlcr,,cdltor of tho Ashland Tldlugs, who explained that the solo object ot tho "taxpayers' mass meeting" was to organlzo a campaign committee for George, W Dunu and to work for hlg nomina tion. No other subject ho stated was to bo entertained. Thereupon ho called for the nomination ot a permanent chairman. K. D. Briggs responded with the nomination ot L. L. Mullt. former democratic state senator from Jackson county and tho nomination was duly seconded by Brlgga boss, Benton Bowors, ot Bear crook bridge fame. Mr. Mullt gracefully acceptod tho honor and In assuming the chair (Continued on page 8) Proposition Portland, Oro., Oct. 17. thank you for the splendid appropriations in the n'oxt persistency ana strongtu on impropriations. His record it. No now man possibly We sincoroly ask your his ro-electiop, regardless of NO. 174. 1 THINK FIREBUG iHikHflf Was Set M Fire mi f Octet 3 lut Hue W;iiv tkt nlt4 Fk-e Starts fMfcte Md nil t n inierier is w rwifwes 'wefi.awe'it fj "if Fffv iWys D MMfMHaL MMI ' pM .$. L - -CL. Have Fhre UtJM 'Mmmttjilk f t ' 'T.i L '-',' - i J. That a firebug started Un !Wie which destroyed the Medferd flwatrt Friday afternoon and endaBjfHtBViae entire businsa eeciiou of tkcjyer a time, ia the beliet of Waller Mc Callum, manager of the b'oa,aBd the authorities who have been wak ing a quiet investigation ot thV utr Xalr. The fact that th'e" iBeatj-e" yr's fired from the outside on1 the a!gh( of October 3 and was saved after, i short fight lends color to, the' report. In no other way can. TridayV blase oe explained umess , tranpa '"re sleeping under the stage akTstaml the fire. It has taeu.suggeV'Jt1iji' Ashland's fire-bair wo ntartW,9ii blazes in that city withm viwi starting with the opw, botwf '.Uire baa take-up hU'iOk , The destruction of tk eperii heiwe Friday a'fterBeoii VyA fiw lOMjil biggest blaze cxpnid w,Jmm3i years in this city. When tfce alarm y1ra'imtiji i ae, pwee was m mut, v itmmms the frame awWior M:jrim proved all thataaeysy ; could want. The f&ttoW reJ short order and after the most drffP STARTED BLAZE ATOPERAHOt " ' cult fight ever made by the Medferd X. department saved all surrotWdW K buildings, even Frank Witmn'tr tioc, directly under the blaring bttihiisg, It required just six winutes ftoai the time the alarm tapped for the fireboys to have five lines ofhoe laid out and playing on the fanes. The Medford water system proved Its worth, the pressure being so great that the blnzing walls wha they fell were turned back into the fire- This saved adjoining buildings, An absence of wind saved the busi ness scctibn. As it was huge coats fell as far north ns the Southern Par cifio passenger depot while men were forced to patrol the roofs of adjacent blocks. Tho heat was intense. The alarm was turned in shortly after five, o'clock. In & few momenta the downtown section was crowded with eager sightseers. The entire po lice force patrolled the block stir roundine tho fire and kept the crowds at bay and frdm under the high power clectrio wires. The cur rent wus shut off Immediately, how ever by the power company. Tho loss -will total about $u0$0. Only $1500 insuranco was carried Immediately after life firo Walter McCallum cancelled ull contracts for engagements. PAGE SAYS HE'LL .' SIMM rawf f)' "I am ready to start actual con struction work within 10 days; on u new theatre if I am not hampered by other parties in Medford," slated l)r. F. C. Page this morning; when asked regarding his plans to build a nW theatre in this city. '"! name up frem r.rty Anirolci ennm ttma Hro for this purpose and the burnlug of the thea tre yesterday lias precipitates nai lers. I am prepared to go ahead at once and am now in telsgrapkU) mm' mutiication with in teres td prth, "The only thing which can hamper my plans will be to have a hJf '' others start sometklng. If (he twa wants a theatre HinTwUl bjk y lending moral snp)9rt I wW tJK ''r:' worl? in Q days," .' M vr M -At'f Vp-)V trii-Hji .Tryt"---r -.ritj M ! J-ws,- j ": i u v I .M h