It .. ---U't -,V , ', 1 t I f It'll ,,,,,,,. r f n 1 1': - 1 1' , i J V1, Ilp, " MEwrcmn unrns TOronNiG, msDvamomcioK totttav. wctobkr w. tou BOSTON'S WEAK 0 IS LACK L flF GENERA NO WIN I m OR WW HAY m w AM (ll.v (Iriinlliiiiil J(l(i). N'i;' YOUK, OH. lK-Mm from 'Ht Hcriiinlilo ever ttrixftl )iWnl u wnilrtV Mim'IiiiII Hdrici prnjniiii Ih now mi full blnnl. Itcforc thin pop eyed Horleft' Iiiii'IiiiI('m tliurn will In I wo liiiMflinll cliilw fit, lor the booby Imluli mil) two IhiihIk'iI (limihiiiiil niv I ii rooter i nulling ttl I In illrxy rlri'k'H, piirsni'il hv mi unity of keep r fronli from (ho "him luuiwe." Of thn I(iiII.)ih up lo dale, iu teiunw no) only have lirol.i'ii even, hut I'lirh licollii mill nerve hhtillcrlnu buttle Iiiih u'onc lo (lie I inn I Inning -llio fluid pili'li, tli" i'liuil oiil, where Ihe Trull ntnrpiti of u Iniir inilil htin Won or hut nil HiU'o coutentM, If (hero f f4 liny edjje ("liny, It Ih'Ioiijj to tin Oinut. M ifl raw lum 'IVxri'iiu, Mnlliinvitoii mill Mnnitiiinl left, while Ilonlnn IiIih only .lot Wood, CoIIIiin, Hull mill O'Hrleii fulled lo hIiow hIiii) Ih li'oliiilcallv eiilled uitmi'pronf KmU, Yet the Ucil Hon carry two hlronir feature. The fliniiln have hIiiiwii mi i'acr uInIi to crack nl every eloe nil. while Hotou hn ilUplaycil n ilanni"H nptril in tin' attack at tint finili-n resolute coiiniKi In liatllinn iinlil the lat innii hiM died. Thin alible fliihlinl bril liantly ypxtinlas' when only a mlrnrle unvnl Itiihe Miinpuiri), after work Inir in one of the cninilfMt yaincx Hoxton'N one wenlmcKM U Uwk of KI'iiithImIiIp tftct tenm iiptx'nr lo lit working in rlrrleM, with no central iVm., In (lie fourth buttle toilny, Tcrnii unit Vioil will hook ui be fore lhi, jrirnlei! crowd uilnoMinn a jjiiine. ' With even middling cat her, them will be -10,000 prrioan nt tin1 Polo flroiiililH mid if the fame breaks crack mul flnheH n the other li(ive done, thorn will he the u idlest hpiiMii of freiiry that ever lore llm welkin into xlripM or rnttleil the heethue eritKX of foomi'M Hluff. ! Holh teaniM toilny uanl rain, A Mittourintiil memis a fourth enme Siitiinliiy heforo u litfir orowil than I'ouhl hn tiiiiKtercil loilny, and, con M'mteiilly, more money for the piny-erf. MiiNtcr FIhIi Wnrileii I'Mwanl ('Inn ton, in IiIr (jiiurlerlv tepoit to Iln hIiiUi fiMi mill uama eoiiuninhioii, re ferx hn I'oIIowk to local coiulilinnM After coiiHlilnrahle i'oinnpoiiii"iii' with llio California. ()iciiii I'mver rompnny with reference to the iiiHtnl Inllon of mi additional fixhwuy ovo tlii'Ir (lidd liny dam, I wiih iiimhle to gel any rciillH, and, In order to c.H relief at the earllcwl wimh1IiIi; uiomeiii I hceureil the HervIceH of mi eliKiiu'e who prepared plium mid upcclfici tloiiH for Die plxiKiNid 1'idder on the oulh wide of thu iler, Theto p!miM mill xpeeifieutloiiN, with u iiotiee from (his office, ivim wni'il Uhmi I he manager of the above cunipaiiy, dcinandinc that the lixlivviiy he in dialled mii In oHralioii not lalci' tint it tS'iiemhei' 1h, So fm. ii.t cf. fort Iiiih heeu maile to bcfii. rork, mul should (IiIm company iimw (lie nnlli'it and rcfiiHc to cotihlract the linhwuy, I would respectfully n.!; Hint I he IiimIi'iicc.1 'o hIiiiI uelioti a;ainHl the eoulpiiny for !!- fuiiit to provide the fidiwiiy. FihIi rulttirist U'llsoii iiIho made n ehme InvesliKiili'in tt Hock Cieek, In Klamntli" count V, with u iet of I'rilnhliwhiiii; n trout Imvl.i'iy ami, after Hclcclinc n Miiitabl-.r location, (iriniittemenlH were made with Cam 'flu' ijitli'1 , ii 1 1 nm Parti, W fM IMt 2 BIG FEATURE AT UWU 1 umm.wmi At JtauviJU UUok alln wrap tntd wllii Mini aMiin Tit enmr drai ti of o t,A .IrlptU nhlt llk, nil ft cherry In ! uud ,i;Hi, uvar revtrk of (ilatUil o.fcuH i,fl IIikIii liand Mutvo of tin UMJfeU citi d Chin wild Uc cut laf 0U JHIUL m THEATRE "A Nntlon'H I'erll." nun of llio KrciiliiMt two reel feature fllmx vr iiibiIo In hcliiK biiowii nt tho IhI 'J'heator. Thrt iitory ihalg with nrmy tiro, plcH, and a love. Interest that works nvnrythlnK In llio end for tho bout, 'Pin Herniation of tho jdcttiro lit tho IiIowIiik MP of a war venel by a Hiihtnarlni; mine, a feat In film photography that Ik hard to equal. Anl(ln from thin Mk feature film tho InIk Ik lucky la liavltiK tho Carson trio, Orpheum actor, In u Hklt they call "ragolloiiH raRlMtn." A humor- nun picture, "Two (lay l)0;H,,, deal With a Jolly pair making llio roumlii of an amiinmiictit park ami Ih a xrream all thu way through. C9K QMA WANTED TO OPEN mm I'OItTI.ANI), Or Oct. II. Tho vice criiHmler In tlm city are today UffriiUMltiK tho ndniisslonH mado by Henry IlnrrlN, hotel ownnr In court, that Sum Kranlner, on trial for ex tortion, made him n propOBltlon re cently to hoimo nil tho mnlo procur- em of "blood money" In the city and mlxxloner Htonr for wriiiini n ilnt, ,(' lnnt ,bo' wcro not "olclod by ete thereof before liikina miy I in ther netiori, 1111. ANNIVKHKAItY BALK. Jum received n uhlpment of tho popular Mackinaw coatH, belted mod el, 3fi to 30 Incheit long, blun and black ami brown and black check, wild olnowhere at flS.nil and $lft, on tale here for $U.&0. KCNTNKIl'H 1IIO 8TOIIIJ. ' ttii. iiiIIa In rAfurn fA Ihn nirnm ..,- ,-VVW, .,. .... .W. fr.U ,..w tectlon, KrflKtner according to liar rlif, wax to be given a largo iihare of the graft and wbh to CHtabllsh In tho wltncftH' hotel nn agency for the col lection of thU "blood money." Krnnlner and Harris were arretted nfier two North Knd chnractera wore alleged to hnve given them protec tion money. ThU money U said to have been found on Karri. I AND COOS BAY (Curekn Herald) That Kureka I posit I rely to bo connected with Portland and other Oregon point by roll In tho very imar future wiih entabllnhcd beyond question yeaterday afternoon when deed ronveylng rlKhl-of-wuy owned by tho Honthcrn I'arlfle railroad company and embracing tho terri tory lying between How I'ralrlo and the Klamath river were conveyed to the Wlllnmctte-J'nclflc Itallroad com pany recently organized. The con veyance, It Ih undertoo(l, I dimply technical, the Wlllamette-Paclflc company being fllmply n branch of the Bonthern Pacific railroad com pany. In Incorporation papers filed with the county clerk over a month ago, tho purposes of the Wlllamette-Paclflc company were et forth, no mention of the rond down the coast being mode. It Ih now evident, how ever, that the company In to do more EUGENE PREPARES TO CELEIrTATE NEXT TUESDAY KIJOHNK, Oct. t JO. Thin pretty little town Ih putting n im ''Ki:nda, mcetin,J' elolhes in onlcr 1 1 extend a fillintr welnojne to the throuirs that will jKiur in hero "next Tinvdiy to relebrnte the opening of thu Ou';'n Klcolrie line from Portland. John H. MiiKladiy, ircsidcnt of the commercial oltib nlded hv u huxllin committee of nffcislnntu, lias nrrmp ed for hand corieertt h the Ki.en' and Albany band, n big- industrial jmrude nt three o'clock, n hitr Imn qiiet nml midnight "jnmhoree" to he conducted by the Oregon univer sity Mtideulx. All telrgrnph and tele ulione iwilnu in the cilv nrn liein" decorated with Ivy, and nrchex nie.'10 eml aU Indlgefitlon and stomach Stomach Sufferers Pay Nothing Unless Cured A I'oHtal Will Itrlng Trial Treatment iind Hlnlory of Famous People MI-O-NA Stomach Tablets surely bfinjr erected nt various htreet inter- seetlous. IHHi ANMVEHSAIIV KAI.K Junt received a uhlpment of the popular Mackinaw coat, belted mod el. 3(1 to 39 Inches long, blue and black and brown and black checks, old clsowhcro at $12.50 and $15, on sale here for $6.50, KENTNEIV8 DIG STOItK. misery and to prove It we will send a trial treatment, an '.nterestlng booklet, and tell you exactly bow to banlBh all stomach trouble and put your stomach In fine Bhap or not a cent to pay. Just say on a pos tal or In a letter, "Send me freo trial treatment of MI-O-NA" and you will never be sorry nddres Booth's Ml-o-na, Buffalo. .V. Y. Chas. Strang guarantees them. TRIWEEKLY TRAIN SERVICE BUTTE FALLS The Pacific & I?atern railway an nounce (he Inauguration of u new Norvlro for tho winter month to Unite Foil. Train wilt mako the trip three time a week leaving Medford at ! n, m. on Tuesday, Thursday nud .Saturday only. Dally Korvlru will continue between Medford and Kaglo Point, leaving Medford at 0 n. m. nud tit 4:. 10 p. m. WWSr'rSrBr'Brrt'ylSi frUXm&Frr&rr w fF MANN'S Birthday Sale 's Central Ave., Near P. O. -- MMJ KJM.R Central Ave., Near P. O. Sensational Bargains Saturday Shop Early Tomorrow Before the Rush HALF. OF FAMED NEGRO CONNECTED TW NS DEAD WILMINGTON', .V. C, Oct. 10. With Mllllo, one of tho famous negro twin, Mlllln-ChrlHilne, celebrated throughout the world, dead hero to day, tho death of tho other twin In expected within a few da)'H. Tho twin, horn during slavery days, had tho (mine body but two heaR and two pair of extremities, After birth they wore sold for $40 Q00 for exhibition purposes, but wero Htolon from thotr'ownor a few year Inter und tukon to Kiirope, They were highly educated und reputed to bo wealthy. READY-TO-WEAR BARGAINS SUITS Women's tailored Suits, values up to $20.00 On Sale 9 Aft Saturday ll&VO GOATS Women's heavy Winter Coats, all now styles; $12.00 values. Q Qft Salo price v.yO WAISTS "Women's flannel waists all sizes; real $l.f)0 val ues. Our price OQj OOATS Children's Wint6r Coats sizes ( to 14, $5.00 val ues, salo price, each ,., $3.98 DRESS GOODS BARGAINS 500 yards worsted dress goods, 38 indies wide; 75a values, Afti a yard ..-. tOC 5G inch heavy Cloaking, all new patterns; $150 value. Stile i -fQ price, a yard llv 1000 yards Mcssalinc Silk, all colors; 75c val ues. Our price, a yard , 48c 1000 yards fine Kimoua Crepe, new patterns. Salo price, a a yard COMFORTERS Fine (ptality GOVERNMENT OPENS BUREAU TO STUDY VALLEY INSECTS W. I). Kdmonston, who Iiiih been nt linker, Ore., for hoiuo time has opened nt Ashland Forest Insect Field Station No, 0, of thn Kuto- moloiilcnl Hlireau of the United States In tho Mllls-McCnll block here tofore occupied by tho Coniinerolal club of flees, Mr. Udmonston states) that there will bo four men under him, but tliut they will bo out doing field work a lanm portion of tho time. Mr. tidmonston expects to make Ashland his home for tho next two 'VrB, j, , 1WK 'ANXIVKItHAiiV 8AfK. Tho Wise ones aro KOttlntt In on our Hpocl nrjees look theso ovor and see what you can save; $l,2Rl$j0 dross Roods 08c D Noino corsets f 2,08. Children's 00c, 73o wool panta and yeHtH HOo," '11,50 blankotn $1,13, Children's COo to 7ta nullUK gownH, noo, KUNTNQR'S DIQ BTOIUC, Good sizt Cotnfoi tors, Special, each $1.25 Lai'tfe size Coni'ViVteis well made, $2.98 SitViilifi.; Comforters $2.48 Extra fine Comforters Special $3.48 NOTIONS Colgate's Talcum Powder, Good ITair Nets 1? Good Tape 2 Safety Pins 3 Paper of gool Pins 2 Good Dross Shields....l5r BLANKETS Qroy Cotton Blankets, good size, special, a pr. ?' 48c Fancy lobe Blankets, new patterns, special. ; a pair $1.98 Pane-Plaid Blankets large size, special, a pair $1.69 All wool Blankets, good $(.00 value. special, a pair $4.98 OUTING FLANNEL GOWNS Womon's heavy Outing Plnimo) Gowns, 'jja very special vSrC Women's extra Quality Outing Gowns, full size. $. 89c OUTING FLANNEL SKIRTS Women's good quality Outing Skirts, fast col ors, very special, oach 29c Womon's extra fino quality Outing Plaijnol Skirts, very MO special, each wv DOMESTIC BARGAINS SHEETS 72x90 bleachod, (50c grade, Saturday OQ special dvL COTTON BATTS Knough for a comforter. Special, "" QO otch yQv HOSE Womon's "Bui son' IIoso, 25c grado, P Spoeial, a pair , C OUTING FLANNEL Ileavy 10c grade, Satur day special, Q a yard ....'. Ol OIL CLOTH Best quality, colors only our price, 4 (ji a yard .'. AvC UNDERWEAR Womon's fleeced Vests and Pants, very OC special, each ," flV t t X X T T t t FREE-Save Your Sales Slipiand GctWm. Rogers' Silverware -FREE thnn construct novernl short Hues In Oregon, tho bridging of tho gap be tween the northern terminus of tho Northwestern Pacific In this county and Coot Hay being Its fundamental object. It has been generally acknowl edged for some time past that nl though tho Northwestern Pacific will obtain n substantial traffic as floor! as It Is opened to Hureka from tho south, railroad logic would not permit Kurekn to remain tho perma 11 i , ' PaUE THRT5B sssmmmammmmmmmmmm itent northern termlHUS. tv. The bridging of the gup t th ndrth Is contemplated, It (4 atttadj even before thn completion of thu Panama canal In order that xpeUid Increased traffic at that tlwe may-ta accommodated. The traMtar 3f rights-of-way, as recorded yesterday, amply stibRtnntlatei all former re ports and stands as unimpeachable evidence that actual railroad con struction work north of Ehireka will bo wltneiwod In the very near futtirri, ddd THE CURE FOR SCROFULA The usual symptoms of Scrofula are enlarged glands of tha ik. sorea and ulcers on the body, slcln af!sctlon3, catarrhal troubles, weak eyes, and general poor health. The Inherited poison, transmitted through the blood, pollutes and weakens this fluid, arid In place of its nutritive qualities Alls the circulation with scrofulous matter, which naps the vitality of the entire system. Thousands of children, born with a scrofulous taint, have spent their childhood in constant physical suffering, and grown to manhood or womanhood handicapped by ill health and stunted growth, and perhaps later some disease of the bones or Joints developed. S. 8,3., given in their early life, would have prevented this. It wonld aav cleansed and purified the blood of tho taint, nourished and stengtlieasd their systems, and assisted Bach to grow into strong, healthful maahood or womanhood. S. B. 8. is the very best remedy for Scrofuk. It h down to the bottom of the trouble, and cleanses the circulation of all scrofulous matter. It supplies the weak, diseased blood with strength and health-building qualities, and under the purifying effects of this great remedy all symptoms of Scrofula pass away. 8. B. S. contalss no minerals In any form, and is an absolutely safe treatment for children, avea Infants, or persons of any age'. Literature about Scrofula and any raedienl advice tree. inz. swux oruixiv v,u.t jiaiji.aa tm T The Standard Oil Company says: ' use PSiW m l -iSJf IH mi m tflgHilHHi J "It is the best automobile oil we know how to make." STANDARD OIL COMPANY roa?x.Ax (Incorporated) saw rsAXCMe APPLES APPLXS APPLES Do You Want to Sell? What sorts and quantities, and what price? We are sot teae ring for anybody's fruit. Do you want to consign and chance the market? Coiaalt M and wc will give you quotations. In every case we Bend the sellers sale notes. In New York we uso our own sale notes, and do not hays apples sold by auction. H. N. WHITE CO. 76 Park Place New York Established 1878 Incorporated 1904 FRUIT D. CROSSLEY ft SONS ',: Commission Merchants i HOt Franklin BU New York Our Specialty APPLES and PEAES We have our own houses In NEW YORK, LIVERPOOL, LONDON' AND GLASGOW Direct consignments solicited or see our Rogue River representative. CHRIS GOTTLIEB Medford, Oregon FOR SALE Two Lots, 50x117, Queen Anne Addition Water, sewer, pavement and sidewalks in, alley in rear; best two lots in the addition. One Lot, 75x120, East Main Street Water, sewer, pavement, alloy in rear. Five-room house and lot, Kenwood avenue Concrete foundation, plastered, wired and plumb ed, lot 135 feet deep, half block Fourth street pavemout, high ground. Lot South Oakdale G0xl75, all improvements in, adjoins Howard property, faces Dakota avenue, alley in rear. Seven acres, V miles north of Medford on Cen tral Point macadam, ditch across highest part. Any of the above properties can be purchased at exceptionally low prices and terms to suit pur chaser. MEDFORD BOOK STORE Nearly a quarter of a century under the same management THE Jackson County Bank Medford, Oregon It has succeeded because of . . Soundness of principle Economy of management ttaiety of Courteous ?ViU. or management , , .g ' investment r ' , ,raw"$ and liboral treatment' ' TOfWlfife- CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $175,000.00: . .V W. I. Vawter , President G. R. Lindley, yiae Pirn O. W. McDonald, Cashier i .1' , 3 i , I V 1 t, : i ; J r. y tH4,,,4HHHM, v "i j i iff' ilfai