o o rM 0 PAGE EWO MEDFORD ISOVTIi TRlBONE, MKDFORD, ORUGON, VK1DAY. OOTOBIW 11, 1012. bSm 2?.. J. ft- IOCALAND L PERSONAL UOH Ol too '-. i'it - Thursday ;froiH Jninca II. Smith f Chicago who Is IooKIiik after his real eatato Inter cuts near Ragta Point, was la Med fdrd Thursday1. It. Smith atnl Thomas Kdsall wero do'n from Phoenix Thursday. "'laiiica T. Uhlnhook of Salem, athto water conihilsaloner, Is In Medford, accompanied by 'his wire. O. Stevenson has opened a bar bershop n llald & Lyons! Bnioke house oHFj-ont ati-eot. Dr. Itlckert, eyesight specialist, over fKotitncrs, " jrOUo Caster and James Boardmnli tnrrlod a few hours In 'MedfoYd Thursday. 8. A. Ndwell, ladles" tailor, 4th floor Mi P. &H.1)ldg. Emmett Benson and C T. Payne of Talent precinct were recent busi ness visitor In Medtord. The ladles of the M. K. church South, will serve a chicken pie din ner at the imrsonage, 25 -North Oak- vdalc, Friday evening, the llth, com mencing at 5 o'clock. Price SO cents. JErerycne Invited. 173 Matt Demmcr was over from South Jacksonville Thursday. Those who hae Hot registered for the coming November election, should uV'so before October 0, as reglstra-j closes on the 19th Inst. wf.-VT. F.' ' Shields refuVned -a short trip north. Oak and hardwood f 4.50 and $5.00 per' cord. Gold Ray Realty Co., Sixth ana Fir. W?,E.' CramVor Hilt, Cal., Is In Medford on a short business trip. Oak and hardwood $4.50 and $5.00 per cord. Gold Ray Realty Co., Sixth and Fir. .A, J. Evans or Watklns precinct Is spending a few das with Medford friends. . Dr. RIckert, eyesight specialist, over Kentner's. !j. D. Anderson of Trail Is In Medford In order to be more closely In touch with the world baseball championship series. Jack is a great fan and Intense partisan of the Red Sox. , Try n Vapor bath for that cold. Dr. R. J. Lockwood, Garnet-Corey Bids.. phone Home 145. A. E. DeIne of Applecatc Is In Medford oil a short business trlpij Dr. Morrison has removed his of fice from tho St. Mark's block to reoHw-211-312&eeHd-floar-Garneit-J Corey building. "' 17G "W, A. Jones vand H. L. CiiiKcade visited Eaglo Point Friday on a short 'busluess trip. ', Vapor baths and scientific massage '$1.00 for men and women. Dr. R. J. Lockwood, chlroprocter and nerve specialist, ,203 (Jarnetl-Corcy Illdg. phono H$mo 145. .. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Stevens loH Thursday evening for a visit with friends at Portland. For goodness sake, have R. A. Holmes, the Insuranco man write your insurance. Ho knows how. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Danes of Eu gene arc in Medford on a short' business trip. The Equal Suffrage club wU meet Saturday afternoon at the Sparta building for as Important session.' All members are urged to attend. Mrs. J. F. Reddy returned Fri day from a trip to Spokane. What makes Cleveland Baking Powder soil? Quality and price. 3 "pound cans, $1.00; 5 pound, $1.0 Ask for the cans with the screw top and metal handle under regular cover. Are useful when empty. Jeff D, Heard who was taken seriously III at Los Angeles recently has recovered to such an extent that he was able to leave for Chicago on a business trip. ., Mrs. Hose T Baker took first prize as best pastry cook In Jackson Coun ty, She always uses Cleveland Bak-I liitr Pnwilpr nrwl mirchaKPH fhn Ti'i pound bUo from her grocer for 51.C5. John Whitehead, a resident of the Apptpguto has been adjudged Insane and ordered committed to tho state, asylum for the Insane. An even (etotpoonful of Cleveland Baking Powder will do as much, or more, than a heaping teaspnoufu of other powders. Ask your grocer for a 3 pound tan; Which costs only $1.00, -" " - 11, 1J. Eaton, ho has been hauling lumber from Schmidt Bros." xaw' jrilll. on Evan's creek to Rogue lllver dur ing tho past bcusoii, has completed his contract theie and sent tho on glno and trailers to Grants Puss to haul from tho Swede l)atln mill. O. II. Hajo of Jacksonville was lit Medford Thursday, on his way to at tend a meeting of Odd 1'ellown at Grants Pass. Ills daughter, Miss Cora, accompanied him, ' .Mrs. A.. W SturftU of ApplcRftto Is visiting In 'Medford. , U. D. SrUUi wept to Oakland, Qrc-Roii. thfa week to" attend tho fun eral of n sister, J. F. Merrill of Gold lllll, tho horticulturist, wan a recent Aled fold visitor So waa J. Aetbnry. Mr. Bennett of tho Clnrk lloncry company spent Thursday In Mud ford, lie nnnouHcfts that consider able paving will be done at both Yrcfca, Cal., and Gold lllll In tho near v future. Mrs. I M. Center, who )ma boon visiting at Lakevluw, returned Thlirsdny pruning; Claronco' L. Kennies, democratic candidato Tor Joint representative, addressed a largo audience at Myrtle Creek Douglas county, Wednesday evening. 'Chicken ilo dinner given by the Ladles Aid of the First M. K. church lii'ttio Deuel building next to tho M. 'At. department store Saturday, October 12th, from 5 to 7 p. m. Adults f0 Mints, children 25 cents 174 J, V. Casey, the pioneer repre sentative of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railroad at Portland, spent a couple of days at Medford this week A. Gllson of Sterling transacted business In -Medford Thursday morn Infer. Mrs. Bert Orr visited In Jackson ville, her former home, Thursday. : Chas. Seefteld and M. F. Hanley arc down from Lake Creek. E. B. Hanley returned ThUrsdny from a. short business trip to Siski you county, Cal. School Supervisors Ager and Avery conferred with School Super intendent AVeils at Jacksonville one day this week. $ J. X. Pace, superintendent of the county poor farm, is having a neat residence built near Talent. J. A. Gratfts of Xorth Phoenix was In Medford the forepart of the Week. A harvest festival, with the Flame Tokay grapo as the main feature. will be held at Grants Pass, Otc. 11. Large quantities of theso grapes and of fine quality are grown in that part of Josephine county. W. G. Knlpps and B. F. Hambreo were among tho outsiders in Med ford during thcvweck. Miss Gertrude Fay has returned to Medford from Klamath Falls, where she has been stopping for some time past. Mrs. Fay will join her beroro long. Mrs. Nancy Carfr,. who died at the residence of Her son recently, aged 77 years, was a pioneer or Wimer precinct and beloved by all who knew her. Several sons and daughters and numerous friends mourn her demise. " Paul Hansen of tho South Fir planing mill Is visiting bin former home in tho Willamette valley. 7a. W. .Morrison has purchased the Peerless Bakery of W. J. Beacon. , George Lyman and AV. II. Miller, democratic candidates for county commissioner and clerk respective ly, spent Thursday In Medford. John W. Francis, a well known attorney of Sacramento, Is In Med ford on profrcsslonnl business. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Clark of Ash land spent Friday with Medford friends. Miss Ethel Hazelrigg is going to Chicago to spend the winter with relatives. ' Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hazelrigg are in Minneapolis, working this nay on the Orpheum circuit. IBANCtlTES fcUt 30 PER CENT SAX FKANTISl'O. O.L 11. I'm tier file of Miistuiueil ohjecllotit by rnlrpnjorv' tliiouhntit llio oily In which Ahum Itotph liiul otfioinlly joined, the liotml of iiiulorwtttorM lit' the Pneitip, wliieli eonlroN the Tiro hisurniK'o mtmition on the ooitsl, un- mmucotl today lliut rate reduction nimnmtiiiir uppmxIuuWcl.v to a out of thirty per cent niiit nil uv'Kiogntu vuv iusr to tho luxMuium jmxers oC.'Jl.tHlO, O0U a yrtir, wiiuld ho put into of foot unmedintoly. The nnnouneomont was inmlo tit n nicotine; of tluoouferenoo committee oit insurance- rnto-, including ml'iu hers of the hoard of Inn umlorwri torts, the major mid oitv official-. The promise w that tho reduced rates will ffo iu to of foot nt onco. , T Fl SAN FILVNCISCO, Cal., Oct. 11. Aljffour round boxing promoters In San Francisco will appear before the police commission of tho board of supervisors lato today, when tho ad visability of appointing a boxing commission to supervise tho gatno will bo "discussed. Recent decisions In a .number of bouts, especially those of last Friday night, hnvo arquscd the ronimltteo to the neces sity of taking drastic action, and In a commission with full power It ses a cure for the evils that havu crept it. If tho commission is appointed, tho intention is to gho It complote control In tho matter of licensing re ferees, suspending and fining box ers for falling, to keept engagements or for putting up bad fights, throw ing' out unequal matches, revoking promoters' permits who fall to keep their promises and otherwise regit lntlng all matters in connection with the four round shows. WMJ) ORE NETS $58 PER ION M. I'. SelimlU, wiotnrv or (ho .Mcdloi d MiuiiiK & Milllnt; cuiiHHiy has received thSuylmns fioin n oar load of Ktild unshipped to tlw xinoU tor at Ivonnott luit nionlH, Tho net timelier rc.liiriiWfiouu !f,")8 slu Iho ton. Atiotlier-oaV or the mimo, Krado was shipped Jliuida.V to thu'snU'ltr. Development wijilc,nt tho mine, which is the old Xorjiiiir propuil.v. is mt Kiti.frlujx rapidly -tinder the nuuuigo ment of Mr, Ilcnhjy and nu liierou-oU force and iiiorpiiM-d devcloimicut ntay ho -ooii Io6ked for. TAKES 3,000 MILE rp? TO MARRY BOSTON WINS FOURTH GAME i -i 1 1 (Continued from pago 1.) j ii i IRI fM&trS3 L ABOR IB b con E JO xamhr mm Ameti TRIED TO KILL BRIDE X ' ' -' "i ' - - Iv , XOGALES, Ariz., Oil. 11.-Arrested on n churo of iittcmptiu to kill his bride of twenty days, lieu tenant Korriignniyi M-eoitd in coin mnnd of the Mexican leclorul force btutioued nt Nopnloj;, .AJusico, just aertH the border from hciv, U todu held incommuiiu'iido in the Mexican cuartel. The officer whs married tweilt j,jtB( Gardner, UoVhlo plays, Flet- ty, had lost hoiuo of tho smoke to his stuff, 1ut was carried along by a defenso which was absolutely a stone wall before tho Giant attack, Tcsrcau started ngitlu for tho Giants, but rocked too badly before hitting his stride, After a had start ho settled In brilliant fashion but tho stand' caniQ too late. Both teams placd great ball and Boston won a deserved victory, al though tho Giant's onco more outhlt tho American Leaguers. Story.jliv Detail Boston to It. II, PO. A. K. Hooper rf ...,.,.....0 Verkes 2b ..'i0 Speaker cf ..,..0 Lew'ls If ....u,0 Gardner 3b ......U...2 Stnhl lb ....;.....-l Wagner ss :.fj.J.;(J Cady c ......u........Q Wopd p .r..JU. .0 I t 1 () 2 0 0 I I 2 I 0 9 i 2 10 . Totals ...;.!C.tk....3 S 27 12 1 New York-- W It. II. PO Dovoro rf .:..VHt...0 ' Doylu 2h .'..4:0 Snodgrass cf.VAUL Murray If 0 Merkle. lb 0 Ilcrzog 3b 1 Meyers c ; 0 Fletcher ks .....jO Tosreau p . ...i.Ji...,0 McCormlck. tVao t W irmlck. 'fcvO A. E. 0 0 1 .0 I) n 1 1 0 t 0 1 Totals .....I 0 27 12 1 Batted for Tcsrcau In seventh. Score by Innings; Boston -0l0 '100 0013 Nqw York ... 1.000 000 1001 Summary: Struck out by Wood, S; Tcsrcau, 5. Base on balls, off Tcsrcau, 2; Ames. 1. Two baso hits, Fletcher, Speaker. Throo huso- days ao to the daughter of a prom ment Mexican family. For sumo uu kuowii cniiNC the couple xepuruted the day ufter the wedding. They were re-united nbotit it week ngo, but it is rcKirtcd iiuirroled constantly. Today, follewiiit: u family dispute, Norzflgaray drew u rovolver nnd shot his wifo three times. lie is held by the civil authorities pending the out come of Kenorn Korzugarny'h wounds. 18th ANNIVERSARY SALE. The wise ones are getting in 011 our special prices look these over and see what you can save: $1.25-1.30 dress goods 98c. $5 Nemo corsets $2.08. Children's 00c-75c wool pants and vests 30c. $1.50 blankets' $1 13. Children's (iOc to 75c outing gowns 50c. KENTNElt'ii BIG' STORE. ess r Weeks&McGowanCo. UNBJ5BTA1CJERS sy Fiioa M71 vixkt riiHHi r. w. wev ton 1 a. : X.A.BY AHIKAirr COUNTY ItECOKDEIt Fred L. Col rig Itepubllcan nominee for county recorder, second term. Extract from report of J. H. Wil son, expert accountant for Jackson ceunty: "Mr. Colvlg'sbooks have been excellently kept. In all my experience I havu found but one re corder's office with so good a rec ord." (Paid Adit.) Notice Ti Fruit Growers. Tho Garnott-Corey iiardwaro have the agency for tho Bean Power Spray machines; tho host machine made, and have btMered n car to conio for ward November 1st. They will glad ly show tlio working of those ma chines and quote tho best prices. Storo corner Main and Grape struct. chur to Merkle, sacrifice hits, Ycrkca. Wild pitches, Tcsrcau. RUTM WltTDERGEKL. Mls Ituth A. Wlltbcrgor, twenty years old, has started (rum her homo In Washington. l. C. on n :t.MK-mllo trip to meet and many her tiiinoe, Will lain Callahan, tweiily-IHv years of age, of Soattlo, Wash. Ho and Miss Wlltbec.ser on their en gnui'int'iit drchtrd tlm marrtaao would tnko place In .Seattle, wjturu Mr. Cnlla turn now icsldes. Miss WlltborKcr, who wa$ born In I'cnnlVHiilii. mid who linn lived nt the capital fur Mv yenr. Is tluS dunghter of Mr. It. H Wlllhprgcr, oiiudoyetl In th N.vy Deiwrtuiciit. HAN 1)111(10. Cal. Oct It -Mom than tltly iuhoIiiIIoiih, alutoHt all u( wtiluh deal with statu IouIhIiiIIoii and cmintltutloiuil iiiiieiidmuiitH, weiu still htiford the convention, of tho Statu Federation of Lnhor today when tho delegates mot for what Intended to ho the final dny'a work. Ilonin rule tutnxatlon and tho Vtuotrnclc gumlillng ameiidmcut worn on tho list, along with demands rot' an mil vernal eight-hour da, cash pay inuut of wages, creation of u board of construction, minimum wago board, statu guaranty of employment and tho adoption of the referendum for tho federation. I) P. llnggmty of San Franclsro whs declared elected president of tho federation, Boycotts worn declared against the San KhuicIhco Examiner and tho Sacramento Heo In aid of the strik ing pressmen. Aid was pledged to Tvolttuoe, Clan cy nnd tho other labor lenders on trial In ldtnnapollu. INth ANMVhllHAItY HAM) hi our rloitk deiiuitilnmt, wo hnvo Home groat IiiiikiiIiih, All-wool miine di'DHso for WM thill uroVortlt $10. A fine lot of clonk 11 at $10, $12, )tn, worth fully oitu-lhli'd mot 0. AhI to koo mil' lllm of talloied buttii at U., all wool mid Hut lit lined. ICKNTNtfll'H 1)1(1 HTOHIJ A. V. A. M. JVnrk, In 1'. 0. dogreu thla ovun IdK. WM. MUlil.lOlt. See. HAPPY, LAUGHING SHORTLY CHOPPED INTO SLAVE DEN, RESCUED TWO GIRLS SAN FltANCISCO, Cal., Oct. 11 Chopping their way with nxca Into 11 Chinese shoo den. Immigration In spectors J. W Nicholson nnd J. It. Gohblu today ivacued two young Chlcnotio slave girls, brought Into tAls country for alleged Immoral pur poses. T,ho two girls wero sent to Ainu:! Island and probably will but deported. SAN FRANCISCO GAME POSTPONED FOR FUNERAL SAN niANVKSCO, Oct. ll.-On account of the funeral this afternoon of the lute lloiuie lleilmiillor, Lou AligclcM out fielder, the yiiine relied ulid for today Imtweeu Sun FrutieiH. eo mil) Portland waa poHtponed. A douhlcheadcr will he played tomorrow. If Cro") t'mcilhh, tlllloim and Hide Lot "Syrup of rigi" Clean It little Wnnle-vlogKcil Bowel ST. JOHNS LAUNDRY BURNS: LOSS $30,000 I'OHTLANI). Oct. 11.-The Ht. JoIiiih lmiudrv wiih Iniriicd today, with 11 :I0,UIM) loss. An entile weekV laundry wan 11U0 destroyed. The origin of the fire is to lie tin obligated. ..indfctBfcj The Gold Dust Twins' Philosophy 4 It tf T F yqu have ever iumed and fussed, becauao of dirt and tfrtme and Uf 'mat, and aaldimto youraelf, "Oh. dear I Thia houtehold work will, kill. I fear" then it ia time that you should find some other method far more kind. Of all tho woes a housewifo hears, ono alwaya fills her day with cares: Iho kitchen alter-moal-timo muss, 1 .1 1 a m lift 1 The Easjicst Way TT , Tr? 71 T, .,v Kvin fi,,v nM iihiidi tw knives And forks and elates and cans, no task of man, however grim, tho half as mean is handed him. t Two little willing workers aim to enter in this household game: their job. tho lessening of work, a (ask that neither of them shirk. statu. Stolon' bases, Merkle. stahl. With active little hands and brainsthey grab tho irksomo household reins, uu soon eacn Kctiie, pot or uisn, is just as ongnc as you could wish. And notunttl the chores arc done, from sink to silver, sun to sun, could anything inspire tho two, to drop the tasks they have to do. No'miitter want nils your child, a getitln, thorough Inxntlvo phynlc. should nlwnM ho tho flmt treat ment given. , If your child Isn't fueling wull; resting nicely; eating regularly and acting, natiirnlly It Ih a sure sign that It little, stomach, liver and U0 foul of bowel are filled with foul, con- jttlpatod wtiHto hiatter mid need a Kntle, thorough cleansing ut once. Whon cros, Irrltnhlo, feverish, stomach sour, breath had or your lit tlo ono has stomach ache, diarrhoea, sore throat, full of cold, toiiguo routed; give a toaspoonfol of Kyrttp of Figs and In a few hour nil tho clogged up wattle, uudlgutitcd food and sour bile wilt gently movo 011 nnd oitt of Its lltt'c hcwnls without nausea, griping or woukuogu, and you will surely have a well, huppy and smiling child again shortly. With Syrup of KIrh you are not drugging your children, being i-niu-poHed entirely of lit clous flgn, senna nnd aromatic It cannot bo harmful, besides they dourly lovo Its dulktoiis fig tnsto. Mothers should alwu)s keep Sy rup or l-'lgs handy. It Is the only stomach, liver and bowel ocnuur and regulator needed -i little gvm today wll too a sick child tomorrow. Pull directions for children or nil agcHi and for grown-ups plainly printed on tho package. Ask your druggists tor tho full uniue, "Syrup of Klgx and Elixir or KoittiR," prepared by the California' Fig rup Co, This l (hu delicious taitiliift. Kiuiiiluu di rulluhle. IteT-" fime niiythlng clue oflorrd. ' CLARENCE MAKAY'S DAUGHTER HAS APPENDICITIS OPERATION 1'AItIK, Oct. 1 L Sfricken Hiidden ly with npiK'iidieilirt niter several days illness, Ellen Jfuckay, daughter of Clarence II. Mnekny, was rushed to 11 hospital, and alter jm operation performed by Dr. Gosnet, n leading PaHn HUrgcon, tho patient wiin re ported today as steadily improving, Miss .Mnekny will he out of daiigcr within twenty-four lionr If her con dition continues to improe. M"aeKav had hooked passage for New York, but po&Jpoiieil IiIh ilepnr ture, ' ' Thercforo, it you have never known, assistance such aavwe have shown, your troubles end, whero joy begins. Now, Mrs. Drudge, the Gold Dust Twins I Henceforth, aa dishes ennsmtata and dingy pots that cannot wait; when cutlery, in sad array, awaits you at the close of day "Cheer Up!" Forget the labor planned: .You have two aids at your command. Luir" '' ,,&byMjJuwvo Ask iour grocer for Model Ilukory'n LILY WHITE llltKAIl mid save thy wrappers for pillow tops. The Model Bakery Wholesale and retail llrt-nd, le, Cuke, I'lmlry Special orders for blrthdu). wed ding, mid party cation, Alwn)n freoh Home I'lio'uo UU tHHl i:. Mnlu MORTGAGE LOANS Mouoy on hniid nt nil timon to loan on improved ranclioa and city proporty at lowoat rates with "on or boforo priyjlogo." JAMES CAMPBELL Phone 3231 820 G -O. Bldg. SILK BARGAIN SALE IHtli ANNIVKHSAKY HALK Everybody Ih buying their fnll uupplleu now ut this IjIk nlu Met a lino on theso bargalnd' for l;iHtnnce: 7.50 ull-wool blankets l.'JO. ladlea' 0c union millfl 'i'Jc. $0 Uon-Toii Ltirnilx ?a.C0. LudlH S, $f Hweatera, 'A.M. 1 ih. finu htatlouury and CO on- Vfdopes 2pe, ' KisNTSKit's via STOftB t t y t T T T T f TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY AiPN'in '10 LOAN' I.oiik tUe louifn on city or ucreaKo. Clark Realty Co, . 170 WANTED 2 dozen white Leghorn young hens, pure strain, room 2. Itlalto building, 1211' E, Main St 171 (MM SO' stylos of 7uo silks in oluiok, striped, figured, tliht'coiuo in dress patterns or waist leiigfln. .Speeially priced, yard , 49$$ w - Jifjtjiivli ehangeal;le JuffulaH. jriitii ciJiJC" jl thlondinr combinations, blue and gold, 'black anil red, light blue and pink, purple and brown; sjjfMand $1,5() values 98 , . . ' 'Mi ineh Black Tal'fola, guaivinteed ,Varn dye1..-. , $1,50 , " 3(; ipeb Lining Hatin, all colors, yard !...;., ' $1U)0 Largo number of styles', rich and clingy silky, suitable for street or ovunitig gownsall new fall goods $1.25 values, Priced, ynrd 98 Somi Silks 'L'Iiubo arq. nic(dliiiii weight, Jrttflto beautiful waists and dressesVuavy, brown,. lili'io, rose, grey, jasper, red, liiyonclor, 00tj and ()5r$ val ues, at x:',:; :.v ;5 v M r ..f. : Mm hi' f JU '- The Long Store With the Short Priccp l in L- -1 ' . M. M. Department St SuccoauorG to Mookora, "For Goodl Goods17 . ; ore McOALL PATTERNS. McOALL PATTERNS 1 f I T I.JLJUJ.VJ.1J, V V . ) JtrtrJt