". -;V . .. H f I- 1) 1 1 ., o - U i is , POTE SIX MEDFORD MATE TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 10.12. f . ' WIFE'S SUICIDE RESULT OF FAMILY QUARREL GOVERNOR MARSHALL'S WIFE A GREAT HELP TO HIM ON HIS CAMPAIGNING TOURS LA FOLLETTE NOT DULUTH THREATENS TO Consumption Anyone Intt'h'iit'il In Dm ttrntinrnt of Cfliiniiiiiiilltiii uliniilil rt tmn it lint liouk. FRANCHISE I'tii tciilnir of rmMrl !'! K'liiitir or nviiirrioii iiy t tllf io of lu'Kitimi'H Alli-rnllM fiiilKlm. Hliililiatn CiiliN iniil I'lii'iihiiinln limy In. pin irHn. iiliiK if iiuiiti Hcrliiiin truulilf Kckinnn'ii ntorniim. in lli rmi'lli rvlili'tlT. llfiiil Mr Ivtinnly'n Htnttttiiiit t J CONVOCATION DF" OREGON DIOCESE IRKING ANNUL M if? v S r i , ; ' . f NEID MONDAY Tho first spml-annual meeting of tho Sonthorn Convocation of the Dlo tcsc of Oregon assembled nt St. Mark's Parish homo yesterday at noon, when a number of reprcsonta- tlve'men of the parish were present at luncheon with tho Dlshop of the Diocese, tho Rt. Jlev. Charles Scad ding, and tho visiting clorgy who canio to attend the conference. The ladles provided a very tempting- ro past and while the good things were disappearing many of those present were called upon for short 8peccb.es by the bishop who arted as toast- master. Closer Relationship Sought JMshop Scaddlng in his remarks spoko of tho plan as adopted by Canon at the convention in Portland of having these conrocatlonal gather ings in the different sections of Ore gon whoreby the clergy and lay work ers may bo brought moro closely to gether for mutual sympathy and in ter change of views. There are threo convocations, tho northern includ ing the parishes and missions In and nrouhd'. Portland, the central, those In and about Eugene and the South ern including the parishes and mis sions in the southern part of tho state and the coast counties. The Diocese remains a unit as before with its yearly diocesan convention repre senting all the work in tho diocese but these convocational gatherings are designed to bring tho workers of a particular section In close con tact with one another, when the prob lems and difficulties may be talked over. Splendid Results "Out of this plan." said tho bishop, "there havo already como very won derful results. The meetings have been hold in tho northern and cen tral parts of the diocese and every one, clergy and laity alike, went away feeling inspired and helped This past year has been a hard one everywhere on account of the In creased burdens that all the outlying parishes and missions have had to bear through street assessments and other demands made upon them, and yet, I feel most encouraged over the good work that has been accom plished by the clergy with the loyal co-operation of tho laity." Short addresses were made on the part of the clergy present by Revs. Hamilton, Daker and Browning and by Messrs. Tallandier, Getchel, Strang and Penniston on. the part of the laity. Conference Held At 2:30 in the afternoon there was acpnferenco, tho bishop presiding ' when reports were heard from the representatives of the parishes and missions and discussions followed as tho best means of meeting the diffi culties and problems of the work. The chairman announced that at 10 o'clock today the subject before the conference for discussion would be "The duty of the church towards the youth of the community." At 8 o'clock last night there was n very inspiring service for tho gen eral ublic. Addresses were made by three of the clergy on tho general subject of "The Coming of the King dom of God," Rev. Robt. E. Drown ing of Qoos Bay spoke of the King dom of God with special reference to the Individual, characterizing the kingdom as a change of heart, involv ing repentance and conformity to the principles of the Christian life. Arch deacon Chambers spoke of the com ing of the kingdom in the parish, em pahlzing the reality of prayer and the necessity of work. Rev, W. II. Hamilton of Grants Pass dealt with the subject on the larger side of tho coming of tho kingdom in tho whole world. Apjieal Is Made Bishop Scaddlng made an earnest nnd sympathetic appeal to all those present to stand shoulder to should er In making GoU'b kingdom of right eousness a power and blessing to the Individual, tho parish and the whole world. After tho morning conference a luncheon to tho visiting clergy by the ladles of St, Mark'B Episcopal church, tho convocation was concluded by an auto rldo in and around Mcdford. All tho delegates to the convocation ex pressed their pleasure and gratltudo i for tho hospitable way In the church wr people and others of Medford had en tertained them during their stay here. SAN' KKANClSCO, Cal., Oct. S. Preferring death to life apart from her husband, .Mrs. Frances J. Lewis, aged forty, wife of Attorney J. Hnll Lewis, n San Francisco lawyer, com mitted sulcldo hero early today by shooting. Mrs. Lewis had been sepa rated from her husband for a week. In n farewell note to her husband, Mrs. Lewis said be had unjustly ac cused her of intimacy with nnother man. "I shall end It all." Mrs. Lewis - wrote, "for 1 cannot live without you. 1 havo never done anything wrong. I don't suppose 1 have flirted with the man you suspect as much as you have with women. 1 do nut care for htm and he knows It. I lovo you and am going to die rather than llvo without you." CALL MAIDS HELPERS INSTEAD OF SERVANTS PASADEN'A. Oil.. Oct. 8. Even into the palaces of the tntllioimirc colony of Orange Grove avenue and Oak Knoll of this city is the .spirit of democracy spreading. At a meet ing' of Hie Women's Civic lertgue, the president, JCrs. Klir.nhelli R Her bert, advanced the iroxsnl that do mestic employes should not be made to feel tlii'inselve menials and to avoid this they should he designated as "hcljH'rs" instead of servants or hired girls, lhc suggestion was c ceived with approval, llrs. Ilerhcvt is a wealthy leader of society here. She has just brought the noted pain ter, W. S. Welwter. here, from Chi cago to paint her portrait. AWS.dBH - ilfctV w ,r BW" VIHI 1TV vsKsXftEUtt .''m ' m i mm nival I uVSnUKmBBV WPfaV';l9l lSBlHlliSBffiBI f ft KflHBKB39T3ifXji3l9EIV vT-a fl li ( I II K SwmmBbEXMT' -'JitWKjl I I 1 I H MACHINE IS INVENTED NEW YORK. Oct. 3. After four teen days toil in Ids laboratory at West Orange, N. J., icrfec'ting the Inst detnil to a new talking moving picture machine, during which time he and his siv assistants new left MRS. THOMAS R MARSHALL. The bimi? of the iiv.rc . Hit uiie Uight & ,..u .h the MIdVe.tt, with c'j.iuPM nt two mitt i:iret tn-I-xk in (lie luurnit g t dim li.ili' louely olutlutis ai.i) Iihh-hiiii oir Uie iiunor- w.n ttic portlKU nllottnl lo Mrs. I.olt Kinney Mnrsihiill. wire of the dean rrullc caudul.ile Tor the Ice Presidency, lu the uiuk lug of u deii'm-i-iillr Goxerilor. Mr. M;ir-hutl. who tnivt-N without maid or cimpnulon. In nn ever rrndjr tnllor iiiut!t "ii li. ami whu speaks unit a i-harmln;: "iigueiiiiii of the IliMttleV dialect, tulko with the Kwii sanity of the strong l;txllij, Ntrung minded woiucii of her huidmud's lonclltut'iuy. Tlii'imh hf Is not liiierestt'd In Ihe matter of women In polities. mip tins shown herself able to withstand plijxlml banllilps aim Iikhii euleuct'S that Mould lmf dtscournvd uiutiy tiieu from a like mrver. MADISON, Wis,, Oct. 8. Alfred Hogurtt, law partner of Henntor Lu Folloltu, declared horo today (lint tho report that LnFollotto had doclnrod hlmsolf for Woodniw Wilson for president was uhsolutoly false. "Any ftiiti'iiieut Hint Seiiator l.n lilU'tte Iiiim deelnivd for Wilmn 1h nlisohilcly without foumlntlnii," Hiild Rogers. "Fiirtlieiuioiv, let it lie un ilTfltood oiieo for all that Lu Follette will make nil niinouncimienla he wishes to iiv out rcguVdiiig eurrcut issues mid eiiudidntes tliroiigh liU dingiiyinc, mid not from the public pint fot in." DRIVER ARRESTED FOR ROBBING BIG STORES SAX KKANClSCO. Oct. 8. Do toctjvpt iiriehted Alfred Tfii'ler, dri ver of a department Mtore, here today nmriiellew tliey Imve in him tho man responsible for the hlg npartmuiit house hiiigluries comiiiitted recently. As evidence, the police have at houd- ipiartcrs several thousand dollars worth of silverware smashed into an uiirccopiiruhlo mass. Ono hundred thousand persons could lut! work In Now York If they would ko Into tho domestic iurvleo. DIM.UTII, Minn., Oel. 8.- To bring lo mi cud the t met Inn strlko lion.', tho city council today notified Hie eoiiipnny tlmt its fruiii'lso would he miniillod williln tlircn dnvs if it I'tills to provide cnpiililu, honest and Holier crown for Its curs. Tim hiring of Ktrikobronkorrt hy tlio tiaction compuiiy is held responsible for tho nclloii. HIRAM PLEASED WITH RECEPTION IN BROOKLYN YONKKHS, N. Y Oct. 8.-Wry uiiich pleased nt his reception hi Hrooklyn, (lovcruor llirntu .IoIiiikiiii of Vallforniit, progressive candidate for vice president, spoke lie re todny, Inter leaving for White I'IiiIiih mid Now Itocliollo. lu his uddress here Johnson com pared tho prognssivo plittfonn with tlios,, of other parties. wirniniiii, N. v. "(iHitlviiiPiii Kor flui nr all ytntn ) wm irimli.wl with roiiHli nml cicioriitlim, I nlno liml n liluti fi'Vir. My i'cub n a. clitrnl CoiKiiiiiiitlnii Iiy injr iiliynkitiii. I wiu iihvii t'nd l.lvvr nil, ;ri'iiit(i nml other incdleliii'ii, nil nlthout liii'tll. , '.M,t'liilllinin tltni, ltNt, I n nut hVctwl to live. t'nllliiK tr. It. II, Mi-Cnr. thy. Im mil Uitl tint o of Cckiimn'i Al HihiIIih, tililoli t took tilth rxi-flleiil ttt. iiiltn, nm! vn illr'ly entwl. 1 linm KHliif.1 la iipIhIiI I mi nut In nil wentli. rn nml lmii liml no coiiKli or rohl wlml rit'r. I Kltr llimrt fni'tit to riirmirn nlliKm to iii' I'ckmmi'ii Altrriitlvc". JHworn Aniiliitlll JAH, W KANAI.Y. I.rkiiinii'ii Alleriilht' l rffiflhtt In llrnn rliltU, Amliimi, liny l-Vveri Tlirol nml liiuiM Tiouliirs, nml III iipliiillillim tlm yilriii Hofi not (tinlnhi 'olon, (plain or Imlilt fnriiilnu ilruuD Ak for tiooklft titllliiK ef rtsoierir. nml rltt to Kckmnn Mlniintnry, riillnilflplilj, l'n for nmrir. tlriir tor ml by nil Ii-iiiIIiik i)rtixiti Draperies Wp carry n vvrr ooitmlttn lint of 1rntrlii), Inoo curulnn. flvturvt, etc.. nml On nil ulnmpn of unholntarlnv. A itKClitl nmn to look nfler thin work aolulvly nml will alv gootl nnrvli'w im In ponitlblw to (t In vtm tlio laricant oltlva. Weeks & McQowan Co. allhy msi the building, eating cold meals mid sleeping in three hour shifts. Thomas A. Edison, tho electrical wizard, is today on an automobile trip to rest tin. His destination is kept secret. Edison nnd his men went into the shop e.oc'tiiig to complete the nec essary work in one day. They re mained two weeks. CAR OF COMICE AT GOTHAM GROSSES $3161 SroIjoI & Day of New York report tho sale of a car of Santa Clara oxtrc fancy 'Dog du Cornice nenrs nt $6.10 Civ Phnlna t I . It lind .l..t,n 1 ' , . .... " a hox. The car BrptJied $3,101.10. mined tiprnitllfllllv In rottrn n nn 1 actor, but to continue as a theatrical , T'"8 arKcfl ,,lKn "r,cc for tho B0 I I in.. f i .i . -. . nmnnrin urnti im, . ... . manager. imu uwutu nucu 11117 uro Olioreu. )"' ' nwuuiiun .j,, AIUJU, ut. "Women who benr children and ro mala healthy aro thoao who prepare their ayitcms In adranco 0! babr's coming. Union tho mother aida nature in its pre-natal work tho crlaU nnda her ayatem unequal to tho de mands made upon it, and oho la often left with weakened health or chronlo ailmonu. No remedy In no truly a help to naturu n Mother's Friend. It rolluves tho pain and discomfort caused hy tho atrnln on tho ligament, tnakoa pliant thoo flbrc.i and munclea which nature is expanding, and aoothca th3 iutlammutlon of breast glands. Mother's Friend nnsuroo a spoedy and coraploto recovery for tho mother, 'BffjM.tflaA.a.V. and sho la left n irlOlufSPS healthy woman to y j enjoy tho roar- VaTlfjIHft Ing of her child. Mother a Friend la cold nt drug store. Wrlto for our frco book for expectant mother. APPLES APPLES APPLES Do You Want to Sell? What aorta and quiuitlttpn, and what price? Wo aro not tend ering for unyhody'H fruit Do you want to coiihIku and chanco tho market! Conault ui and wo will kIvo you quotations. I every caio wu nend tho nnllcra lalo not. N Now York wo uso our own sale note, mid do not havo apple told by auction, H. N. WHITE & 00, 70 Park PIiujo Now York Established 1878 4n:m:4mkk ROOSEVELT IN DETROIT MEETING BULL M00SERS DETROIT, Oct. 8. Theodore Jloosevelt, progressive candidate- for pretddont, arrived hero this morning "and conferred with progressive cn drf. M ten o'clock ho started for Mint and Saginaw. .... Frank iostock Dead LONDON, Oct. 8, iVunk Rostock, tlia wli kuowu showman, died hero todny rajn iiU'luenzu, ? f t 2 ! t t t t T t t t t T ? T t JlSS. 18th Anniversary Sale at Kentner's 1 0 Day's Bulletin of What's Going On $2.50 HEAVY COTTON BLANKETS, SPECIAL, 51.89 Extra heavy Cotton Blankets, that arc made with the new wool finish, full large twelve quarter si'e, hoth white, grey and tan colors; fi " QQ $2.50 is a low price, but special for this sale at P A Os $7.50 ALL WOOL BLANKETS WOOL BLANKETS, LARGE SIZE, $4.95 Fine all wool Bed Blankets, largest size, a beautiful quality, finished with silk ribbon binding in an assortment of fancy plaid designs, as' well as tan and greys. $7.50 is the usual price. Special for .this sale, fi!iQSr at, the pair , , w. tJpreV J $1.50 COTTON BLANKETS, FULL SIZE, $1.10 a . . .. . . '" Cotton blankets. Jul size and medium wenrht. L'reat v m denmnd ' to use as warm sheets, either White, grey 6r tan, with g - - Q lancy uoruers. topeeuu at tne price , w WOMEN'S UNION SUITS, MEDIUM HEAVY WEIGHT, 39 Women's medium weight Union Suits, of good quality, fleeced lined and finished with crochet trimming; 50c is the usual retail price and we will have ICks all sizes, at, the suit O sC 7 SPOOLS CLARK'S O. N. T. THREAD, ALL SIZES, FOR 25 Not very often that you get a cut price likethis on threw!, however during this C sale we will sell the genuine article for 7 spools for ZDC 10 YARDS OF 121.C GENUINE HOPE B LEACHED MUSLIN, 39 A fine quality for general use is the muslin we have; 1000 yards in stock, but as that is not a large lot for so popular an item we must limit you to buying 10 yards. n ff the price for which is ' DC t i , WOMEN'S $4.00 SWEATERS, NORFOL K AND COAT STYLE, $2.98 'A fortunate purchase of Women's Coat Sweaters, both single and double breasted and Norfolk styles, enables usto offer $4.00 and $'1.50 O QQ qualities in such colors as reds, greys and whites at 4j)30 $5.00 AND $6.00 BON TON CORSETS AND GOSSARD CORSETS, $3.50 The Corsets in this lot are numbers that wo will no longer carry in stock. They ai desirable in every way and avc have nearly every size. $5.00 NEMO CORSETS, A SPECIAL LOT FOR CLEARANCE $2.98 We have secured permission from the Nemo Corset Company to make this special offer on their Corsets and offer a limited quantity at this special price. ?T.tf rr jnEVT" T"i y y y y y y y y y y y ? y y y y y y y y y 54555'' C 05 "J "5 5 T 5 $' ,$$ T $ ' ' H. C. KENTNER CO. .A y ? ? ? y y ? y ? ? f y y y ? ? f f y y y y y y f y t y y y t y y y y y y y y t t y : T FRUIT Incorporated 1004 D. OROSSLEY & SONS Commission Merchants 20 1 Frnnkllii St., New Vork Onr HtHulalCy APPLES and PEARS Wo hnvo our own hoiuos In NKW VOHIC, MVi:itl'()OI LONDON' AND OMRGOW Direct consign innnU sollcltod or sw our IIokuo Itlror roprosontatlv. CHRIS GOTTLIEB Medford, Orogon To Be Advanced to $1000 an Acre THE BROOKHURST ORCHARD is off the market. To be advanced to $1000 an acre. Owner. W! FOR SALE Two Lots, 50x117, Quoon Anno Addition Water, sewer, pavement and sidewalks in, alloy in rear; best two lots in the addition. ( Ono Lot, 75x120, East Main Street Water, sewer, pavement, alloy in rear. t Five-room house and lot, Konwood avenue Concrete foundation, plastered, wired and plumb-, ed, lot 135 feet deep, half block Fourth street pavement, high ground. Lot South Oakdale 00x175, all improvements in, adjoins Howard property, faces Dakota avenue, alley in rear. Seven acres, 1V1 miles north of Medford on Cen tral Point macadam, ditch across highest part. Any of the above properties can bo purchased at exceptionally low prices and terms to suit pur chaser. MEDFORD BOOK STORE: Nearly a quarter of a century undor tho Bamo management THE Jackson County Bank Medford, Oregon i It hos succeeded bocauso of Soundness of principle Economy of management Safety of investment Courteous and liboral troatmont CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $176000.00 W, I, Vawter ,Prcsidont G. R. Lindloy, Vice Pros, C. W. McDonald, Cashier O