v ;s .'.! s W. 'J o wtobwd wjtrr; iwbuke, OTBiroBJSfcorcEqQyj'PBgpAy, ocaomatv 39.12. -s rw,5sW(.5;,'v rr -.ft--err y -$ r t s Now, Really, Harry, Jeff Doesn't Mind It a Bit 1 ' & By "Bud" Fisne: S5C -. : ' cj ttvC ACX 7UC OAlM You see3 He.R.v it ? DOESN'T fi -it m Mf (GREAT,' u 'Vrf' HI 4 t , ' 'KM .. . . r'j S (oh, kinbJ .DG-uaouaJ 1 t tsg! j-sr. -; Cfl-' u tS7Ivv- -- 'y 1 ". f j Ohm. "rwwy Of MajJL "" IHIVaX ovl Uto li"' "p Kvu -c lvic J A&inK UtuldcLo.X && W JV ll l I STATE 10 HAN Wi:aO, C11I , Oct 8 A Htnto KUnranly of iimlo)iii(tut to itvory clt Uitn, bnmnl on tint rlwlit to llfn uh Hurtoil in (litt Diti'lnrullou of IiiOdimiihU iiiu't, In tin) vital jiolut of IkkIhIo Hon ilotiuuitk'ri liy )roKrtMlvin In tint xtulV labor rnnvuiitlon In Itn mocoikI kohmIoii toiluy. )in rt-ioliitlon to HiIm itffuct In HpoiiHori'd y It'. II Tul for, iiNMtinltlynmii from Han .Iobd; author coiiiiih from Urn Ani;lfh anil Id iiniltirHlouil to linvii licon itrnftod liy Joti llarrlinan for tlio contra I labor vouiirll of that city. Dovolop- mantn of th int Iwunty-fonr bourn Imllriitu tiiat thi) iiroxnxwIVM do- mandtt will bo Diidomud whim tint coiivuntloii coiiiuh to a voto on tint ntport of I ho rvnolutloiiK commlttno. Old aKu ponitlonH, to bo paid by thu ntato. and ponsloiiK for mothum of ilrpdiulont rlilldn-n aro thu xubJocU of other rcHolutloiiM. A minimum whkm board to rotfiilnto Urn waRon In lndimtrlcH omploylni; womoii In aluo null ml, IIioiikIi thu Kan KraucUco uar-iiii-nt ttorla'm hnvn a rcnolutlon op PokIiib tlio plan. flonront IiKh liooji'tho chniiRii of Ko'utlmtMil mIiico thu Itiut convention that thu opposition to tlio election of offlcunt by rufoniudum voto of thu a(flllatiil iinlonK and (ho adoption of thu Inltlatlvo, rofon-iKliiin ami recall J within thu fodurntlou In redncoil to 11 miiall Krotip. DANNY CDHEN TO BOX BUD ANDERSON HERE OCT. IG Tlio niatclnr.ald'r of the Modforfl Athlutlc club certainly hit thu proper card when ho hIkiukI Antiunion and O'Urlon. TIiIh match nieniiH ovory tliliiK to thu winner and In mire to Hinid thu loner away bank ntnoiiK thu dlHeardn. O'llrlun'H recent campnlKn I In California ended when hu boxed Frnuklu ItiiriiH of Oakland ten rounds and lost. In oIkIiI rouudH of this contest thu boy from Portland (tnvu thu Oaklauder a lot of trouble nud In several1 rounds looked a posslblu YtJunor. When ono tlKuros thnl Hums Is buck with a i;ood chnueo of iiieullui; thu ehamplou'lii tho near fu ture, a lot of credit Is due tlio O'llrluu hoy for the showing he made. Ilefore 'Danny met Hums hu had lljtlo trouble In ilu,fentlug ouch boyu as I.ouln Reenu and Charlie Rlelly, and both of Uhiho boys are somu box ers and tire thought u lot of by tho Frisco fans. When Mel Mofflt or tlu Oakland Wheelmen'H club matches a boy with thu Oakland fin vorltu hu certainly thinks well of thu bxor. and O'llrlon did not disap point IiIh patroiiH, t Anderson In this bout ean give tho fijiiH n real line on IiIh chances in fast rompuny )iy outboxlng O'llrlon In olilit or less rounilH lie ran practi cally show what ho could do with a boy In Hums oIuhh. Doth boys are Hum to be In the best posslblu aliapo, as neither boy will take it nhniicu in a match or this kind, nud after tho bout any (mining ejiciiBu will not go with tlio lovorH of thu boxing game, M'NAMARAS PLOTTEO TO BLOW UP PANAMA CANAL 1N1HANAPOMS, Ind., Oct. 8. Pages ft out cnruurH of thu MoNatn arati and Ortlo McManlgal, leiulorH of tho "filing squadron of dynamiters, with conversations In whluh they worn Hiild to have plotted to Bend fyuManlgitl to 1'iumiim to blow up tho locks or tho Panama canal, woto j oud today by Dlstilut Attorney Mil 1V hoforu n Jury at tho trial of tho acoiiHCd dyimiultor conspirators. .1, J. MoNtunurn, wpcording to Mil ler, told MeMiuilgnl tho explosion ot tho lualCH vuuld niiiko thorn Hit up nud take uotlcu and take tliulr minds off tho I,oh AngoJoH nffnlr. MoMnn Igal rofiiaod to go, and wholly nftur they wore nil iw'J'yated,. WAN GUARANTEE W ye. d tfVUZAUt ., ltalpli WllllaniH cliarKod with lironkliiK thu ilUlieB ami furnlttiro in IiIh puruntfl homo whllu'ouL of IiIk mind iliwi to thu tiffed of 11 liahll. to which hu l mild to bo-afflicted, mid who Mtrilck IiIh motlior, accord In K tO till! JIOIICO, WUH Mdlltl'IICUd to CO ilayn In tint county Jail by Jinttlco of thu 1'encu Taylor .NTOJidny iifttir noon. Mr. WllllaniH ntood Htoadfrnttly by hor boy and only coiiKutiU'd to proHo- cntft wIidii h!i! wnu told that It prolt- U,y would bo bottor for Ihu boy to Upend uomnUmo In Jnll, and allow him (0 Kt u Kflp on IiIh appetite MOTORMAN TAKES SHOT AT SAN MATEO BANDIT SAN' KHANTISrO. Oct. AWimi eil liy JiIh previniiK experienee when IiIh enr wiih held up liy a lone liniulit near Han Mateo, Motormuu V. P.. Ornv battled with nnotluT liniulit near the Hiime Hpot, mill today Infonnad tlio Mil!6u that lie I1111I woiiikIcmI (ho liiKliwn.vitiiui in tint luiiiil. (Irny ruw it lone man Minalliuj; him to Htop. Hu kIowimI down, hut nt tlio Hitmo tune drew bin ieoler. When thu lieudli);lit revealed 11 1111 in the iiiiui'h hand, (Irny jerked on the eurrent nud Iiih enr nped liy uh a Hliot eninlicd through one of the win dows, dray returned thu fire mid saw the mail drop his nun ami ilifiip peur in tlie diirkucMS, f SECRETARY KNOX SPEAKS IN SEATTLE SATURDAY SKATTU:, Ofi. 8. ArrniiRfiiii'itl are heing nuido by the repulilleail Htnto eeutrnl eouuuittee for n meel- lug here Saturday night to he ml- dressed liy Seeretary of Statu Knox who will lOneh Kentlle on tho emitter Miirylnml either Fiidny or Saturday morning. Knox will aUo speale ut Porlluud on Monday, nl Taeoum on Tiiesduy timl ut Spokane mi Wcdues day. CENTRAL POINT ITEMS -4 Iru (IIciimmi miide u husiuets trip north Monday, Mrs. Mee, Sr. und Wurren Mee Hpout (he firt ot the weok witli Mih Mary A. Mee nud Mrs. Kmnm It.'lili and family! Mm, .1, (). Isitnetton Hpeut Monday in Grants I'mh. A, K, hu l'onto is in northern Cal ifornia thJH week on u husiutMs trip. F. iMhldlehiislior of Trail watt down nfter supper (lie first of thu weelc. II. Prieu lutiiiued to Weed, Cal., Mouduy ufteruooii. A dial Duhell of Cniiyouvillu jir lived horn Sunday evening nt Mr. um Mrn, A. I Oillett und will attorn I (tend school here iov tho winter. NOTICE. Notice is huroby given that thu tin dorHlguud will apply nt tho roguhir mooting or the city 001111011 October 15, 1912, for a llcouso to sell hour nud mnlt products only In quantities or not Iobh than twolvu common quart boor bottles or Its equivalent to tho coiiKuiuur from our pluco ot business at No. 201 South Rlversldo iiventto for a period ot six inontliB. GEO. MAPLE,' WALTER B. HARDY. Dated Oct, a, 1912. NOTICE. Notlcu Ih hereby given that tho undoralgnud will apply at tlio regu lar meeting of tho city council, Octo ber 1G, 11112, for a llcouso to soil malt, BpliitouH und vinous Uc-uors nt HI North Front atreot, for a period ot six mioiiths, MWHVUY CP. Dalod October 1, 1912. RALPH WILLIAMS GIVEN 60 DAYS c: y r '4BS- . ANNOUNCEMENTS. KOIt COU.STV C1AIHK To the Votorn of JnekHon Ceunty: (Jeiitlonien, thu tlmu Ih drawing near when you will bo called upon to line )our bHt Judgment In m lectliiK from amoric your cltlzunn. computunt pernoiiM to fill the vnrloun offlceH of the county. In thin I take pluiuuro In orrertnK mynclf as the democrntln randlduto for tlio of fice of county clerk. In nitklni; the people or Oil; coun ty to Honor mo with thin powltlon I come nut to jou an n HtraiiKcr, but an a .natlvu hou, havlni; pent tlio jtrentcr portion of my pant life anions you 'whom f am now mtkliiK to nervo. My life record Is open before you for Investigation, f have no excuses to mkr, no favor to extend, except courteous treatment alike to you peo ple from all parts, of thu county. No promises to make other than If elected, 1 wltl clvu my personal tlmu and attention to thu duties of tho office, nud will put forth my best efforts to nee that thu offlco In con ducted according to law and the bust of my ability. hespectlvcly yoiiM, W. II. MIIil.BU. (Paid Advt.) , KlIIUtllT t V. A. Jones pumocrattc nominee for uliorlff of Jackson county. Hesldence, Jack sonville. (Paid Advt.) ASKF.HSOR T. (Jrhno- Unpubtlcau uomlueo for assessor for mtoiiiI term. Residence, Jack sonville. ' (Paid Advt.) For Ciiroiiei". I huroby nnnounco my candidacy for thu ofrico of coroner of Jackson county, on thu independent ticket. W. W. USSHER. (Paid Advt.) NOTICE. Public notice Is hereby given that the undersigned will, ut tho regular meeting or tho city council or Alcd rord, Oregon, on October 15th. 1912, apply to said elty council for a whole snlu liquor license to transact tho business or a wholesalu liquor deni er at Its place of business No. :01 North Fir street in tho City of Mod- ford, Oregon, for u period ot six months from tho data of said license, In nccordanco with tho provisions of 6rdluunco No. 705 ot tho said' City ot Medford, adopted by tho said city council ou October 1st, 1912. II. WEINHARI) DEER & ICE DEPOT Dated at Medford, Oregon, this 7,111 day of October, 1012. Notice to the Public. Having seuiired by a court docroo all of tho proporty of tho Rogue River Vulluy nursery company wo wish to call your attention to thu fact that NEW TODAY Eight ami thieo-qiiartor choice acres near tho resorvolr, In oast part ot town or Medford. Flnu soil und lrrtgatod. Hood three room bunga low ami Bcroonod porch a cozy lit tlu homo, modern, with electric HghtB telephone and city water Installed. An aero is In strawborrlus ami thu balance la flno garden land. Raised potntooa this year. Bum tor two horsos, u good young family orchard. $0,000.00. Tlmu on pint, If do sred. Thu U0 acres Just out of thu town of Roguo lUvor, with 05 noros Jn gtaln Mid hay, all sub-Irrigated, with uljundunue or wolla and spring, Is u flnu stock iuu gunorul (arming proposition, A comfortable house, iud barn, two hay sheds, threo chick en liousoa und pons, Threo ucroa ot good bearing orchard, Powor, light and telephone available. Only $70 per acre. Terms, G. D. HOON itoiiui 11!, Jnckbou County Haul; Bldg. rutic " - 6. p- r.r HiCl r V ' - thl ('oinjirlM-iyyi Inrccst amount of all vnrleltes of fruit irvus ever crown In Southern Orefeon As to the qual ity we Invite jfoiirilnHpertlon. If you are thinking ofplaiitlnK jou can save money by writing or tall on us. ' F II COOK, i it klini:.s J 0-1 South Fir St . Medford, Ore. 171 Classified Advertising PAYABLE IN ADVANCE BATES: One cent per word per insertion; 50c the line by the month. i'on It K . T IIOOSEKUEI'ING ROOMS FOR KENT FqrnUhed housekeep ing rooms, llt;htn. gas, close In. In quire 337 V. 10th St, afternoons. 175 -FOIl ItKNT HOAItl) AND ROOMS FOIt KENT Uoanl ami rooms, prl vato family, 617 S. Holly St. 170 FOR REST FURMSIIKD ROOMS FOR RENT I,argo sleeping room, $1.50 and $2 per week. Modern housekeeping apartments. $15 and tlG. Home pbano 2CG-K. 222 South Holly. FOR RENT Modorn furnished rooms at tho Cottago, C04 West 10th st., two blocks south Medford Hotel. Hot and cold water In rooms. Mrs. II. M. Coss. FOR REM HUU8KM FOR RENT A 5 room house. Now 4 room bungulow. Inquire 337 W. 10th. 17G FOR RENT Furnished G room cot tngu modern, 518 King St. FOR RENT Furnished houso close In. CO North Ornugo. FOR RENT Modern furnished 5 room bungalow. Call mornings. 422 South Laurel. FOR RENT Furnished bouse with all modern coureulenccs. 730 W. Elovonth St, FOR RENT Modern five-room houso. M. A. lUder, at M. F. & II. Co. FOR RENT 10 room houso rear of Farmers & Fruitgrowers bank, ultnblo for business, real estate boarding or, rooming houso. Gold Ray Realty Co., Cth and Fir ata. FOR RENT-Two room bachelor homo. 214 West Sth street. See White & Trowbridge, FOIt RENT Modern two story dwelling, Hot uud cold water, lawn and trees 220 Laurel St. Snn WMtA XV Trnwliriilurn. 1WW T U . -' lnw FOR RENT Soven room houso, stooping porch paved street, $20, See or phono Col. H. H. Sargent ' 174 FOR RENT Small furnished houso nt Oil N, Rlversldo avonuo. in quire of ownor, 520 S. Ivy street, 171 FOR RENT Modern C room houso, screened sleeping porch, gas and cloctrlclty, east front, Hue shudo close In. Owner 31S Laurel St. 170 FOR RENT FURNISHED AITS. FOR RENT Smith AnVs. 817 S. Rtv. FOR RENT Furnished apartment now, private bath, hot water heat., Tho Uorbcn Apartment, 10 Qulnco St., corner West Main, FOR RENT OFFICES Mil) I1M'T A W V.. Large, comfortable ot- flco rooma with elevator Borvlco. Bteam boat, hot and cold wator. Low ratos. Apply Medford Furni ture & Hdw. Co. FOR RENT 3 offlcos Taylpr-Phlpps building. Pni Honiara. A. C. Tay lor. Phono' Sfi-party .1-5, 176 FOR RENT AUSCKLTiANFOUS FOR RENT 16 room flat over El fort'a tailor shop, 207 West Main. Seo Whltu & Trowbrldgo. FOR RENT Uauchos largo and small, alfalfa and garden lands. Gold Ray Realty Co,, Cth and Fir. FOR RENT 30 room furnished hotel mi porcontago. Mold Ray Realty Co. FOR SAIiE UOU8KS FOR SALE 4 room iioubq and lot, $600,00, Gold Ray Realty Co., Sixth aud Fir. tf ruhc ' " ' , I am iMi ' t U V"C "'" "0 Ov tr Wife? FOR SAI.H HOUSES. FOR SALE llcnutlful 3 room bunga low, hard wood floor and modern throughout, must bo seen to bo ap preciated. WW sacrifice ori ac count of leaving town. Mrs. O. I). Brown. 43C N. Bartlett, phono Main 75G1. FOR SALE A cozy & room modern bungalow, on large lot cheap, must sell ut onco, owners Home phone 182-W. 170 FOR SALE House and two lots W. 1 Ot li St., Medford, at a bargain, terms. Hox 253, Central Point. Ore. 195 FOR SALE Cheap. Easy pay ments, three room cottage. 30G WHIumelta Ave., east side. Chick en house and barn, one or two lots, fine deep soil. Telephone C083, 13. F. Piatt, Garnett-Corey Illdg. 172 for riALK Acnr.non FOR SALE A beautRul building slto just east of Medford city limits. High and sightly, perfect drainage, fine view or Medford and tho valley, building restriction on adjacent property. Threo lots measuring 40,000 square fcot or nearly an acre. Fronting on Jack son Roulovard which will bo one of the finest drives In Medford when tho new Bear Creek bridge Is completed. This property can i bo purchased for $500 down long time and easy terms on balance. This cannot be beat for a high grade residence location. Address P. O. Box 702, Medrord, Oregon. FOR SALE Large acreage rrult, lands. Exchanges, W. J. HllIIs, E. II. French. No. G, S. Central with Abstract Co, 174 FOR SALE MISCELUANKOUh FOR SALE Good work and driving horse. $75.00. A. K. Ware, room 4, Jackson County Bank Bldg. FOR SALE Disc plow and rubber tire English go-cart. Pacific phono 201-J-4. ' FOR SALE 1912 5 passenger au tomobile almost now. Bargain tor cash. Box SO, Trlbuno. FOR SALE Twin Thor motorcycle ror sale cheap at F. E. Martin's Bicycle Shop. 172 FOR SALE Household furniture, dining room table, sanitary couch, rocking chair, gasoline stove, etc.. very cheap on sale Tuesday and Wednesday only. 701 N. Rlversldo. Phono 32, Pacific. 170 FOR SALE Grain hay ton. C. W. Isaacs. $5.00 per FOR SALE For pasture bill, one bny gelding put In September 7th. ono brown maru put In August IS, will bo sohl October 12, to highest bidder at ranch, E. E. Morrison. 170 FOR SALE Registered Belgian hare buck. $3.00. Call 201-R-3, Bell phone. 170 FOR SALE Household goods. West 2nd St. 715 171 FOR SALE Registered Poland China male hog. Won second prize nt statu fair. 13 months old. Phono Home H-W. 175 FOR SALE 40 head stock hogs, somo block hogs. Genulno White Holland turkeys, chickens, two pairs fox hound puppies, beauties. Chiis. Gilchrist, Sams Valloy, Ore. 175 HEL1 WANTED FKMAUI WANTED Compotont woman for general housework. Must bo a good cook. Phono 814-F-12. WANTED SITUATIONS. WANTED Family washing and Iron ing at homo, odorato prices. Lnco curtains, 40 couts por pair, N. Holly and 3rd St. Phono 17S-IC, 172 WANTED Sober, reliable man, wants position, capable ot hand ling ranch or any kind, can bo do pended upon every way. Wtlte bos 13, Mail Tribune. 170 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Anyone wishing to ougngo In the billiard business can purchase all or a halt Interest lu tho Owl Billiard par lors as ownor wishes to go away. Samo can bo purchased at a very reasonable figure. S. I. Browu. LOST LOST In Medford Uttlo whtto dog. with black hoad, soro on top or lioad, Roward glvon for roturn or Information leading to his recov ery, J. P. Iloagland, Cential Point. Oio. 173 Lif - iSB S5v -" Sfc-Ji rS ' WANTKD 5IIrfCELANfiOC8 WANTED To trade good young team, weight 2150 for dry fir or oak wood. Inquire of Janes Bros., Home phono 201-3C. WANTED TO BUY Good second hand light hack with top. Janes Bros,, Home phone 301-X. WANTED TO RENT Modern eight room houao or seven rooms and sleeping porch, close In. Box 92, Mall Tribune. WANTED Clean rags at the Mall Tribune office. WANTED A loan proved proporty. Mail Tribune. $500, on Irn Address h. W., Inn u WANTED 3 or G room house, mod urn with barn. Phone Main G772, or write Box 27B Medford, Ore. 171 FOR SATJC JiAWD FOR SALE Ranches, acre tracts, town property on 5 and 10 years time. Gold Ray Realty Co., Sixth and Fir. BUSINESS DIREtcrrOUY AccoBBtanta D. R. WOOD General Accountant Your books audited and kept for a reasonable llgure; your business solicited. Orrico. Medford Mall Trlbuno bldg: phone 6611; resi dence phono 6302. Auto Supplies. LAHER AUTO SPRING CO. Our big secret In making springs la the tempering. We are operating tho largest, oldest and best equipped plant In the Pacific northwest. Use our springs when others fall. Sold under guarantee. 2G North 15th street. Portland, Oregon. Attorneys D. W. BAGSIIAW Attorney-at-Law. Jacksonville, Ore. Office: Bank bldg., second floor. Phene: Pa cific, Main 33. C. L. REAMES. LAWYER Office Medford National Bank building, second floor. PORTER J. NDFF, WM, P. MEALEY AttornoyB-at-Law. Nos. 1 and 2, Postofrice bldg. A. E. REAMES, LAWYER Garnett Corey bldg. MULKEY & CHERRY (R. F, MUL KEY, GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 and 12 Jackson County Bank bldg. W. J. CANTON Attorney ad Coun sellor at law. Room 2, Rialto building, Medrord, Ore. IllII Postera VERNE T. CANON Bill Poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29 Jackson County Bank bldg., Medford, Oregon. Civil Engineer LOUIS W. WHITING Civil Engineer and Surveyor, Water filings and Irrigation work a specialty; sur veys, subdividing, building grades, city engineering, drafting, Bower design, concrote work, pump and canal systems. Room 2, Palm blk., Medford, Oregon. Chiropractors DR. A. R. HEDGES. ir. Louise E. Hedges, Mechano-Theraplsts, Chiro practors, Spondylothoraplsts. Thoso Bystoms, Including dietetics, cura tive gymnastics, hydro-therapy, etc., produce results In both acute and chronic diseases, Consultation troo. 230 N. Bartlett street, next door to M. E. church. Hours, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Othor hours by ap pointment. Bell phono Main 4171. DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, nervo specialist. Rooms 203-04-05 Garnett-Corey Bldg. Vapor baths and scientific massage given; advice In dietetics, medical gym nastics, hydrotherapy, Lady at tendant. Phouo Home 145-K. Malu 7973. Grantto Works MEDFORD BRICK CO. Ooo. W. Prlddy, O. D. Naglo, Geo. T. O'Brien Contractors and maun facturers ot brick; dealers In pressed brick and lime. Office at tholr brick yard, West Jackson at. Phono No. 34U1. Hotels. THE PARK VIEW HOTEL Rooma $1,50 per week, meals 25 cents. Transient 25 cents a night. J. T. Perry, Prop. 173 Notary Public HELUW N. XOOKWX ispvary Pup' lie. Bring your work to Hie -at the sign of The Mall Tribune, 7 '8UR.TUM. fBiVt A PICTURE :rrxia)Ti8ia r SxAjtca BUSJNK.H8 DIREOTCflT Chinese Medicines CHOW YOUNG'S Chines aedtetiM will cure rheumatism, Mtarrk, colds, golture, throat asd lung trouble, deafness, paralysis, private diseases and all kinds of ckronle and nervous aliments. Stomas! trouble, constipation, iHtllgwrtkm,, womb and bladder troubles. See me at 241 S. Front at,' Medford, Ore., to 4, C:30 to 7:30. Residence phone Main 42. ' ,- Rcnrtsi DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. C. C VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garnett-Corey bldg., salts 310, Medtord, Oregon. Both Fbonee. DR. ARVEMUS W. DEANE Dentist. OHIce In Rialto bldg., 123 E. Main. Gas administered for extraction ot teetb. Telephone Mala 81. Night phono 4432. Garbage GARBAGE Get your premise cleaned up for the summer. Call on the city garbage wagons for good service. Phone Mala 6251. F. Y. Allen. y Karsertes QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are budded, not grafted. Otlr stock Is not Irrigated. We guarantee everything put out. We are not in the trust H. B. Patterson. Otflee removed to office Ilotel Nash, in side entrance naxt to barber shop."1 Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. baa the best equipped Job office in southern Oregon; book binding. loose leaf systems, cut paper, etc, etc Port land prices. 27 N. Fir st Physicians and Surgeons DRS. CONROY &. CLANCY Payst clana and surgeons, Taylor and Phippa bldg., rooms 2I0-211-212. Office phowi 501, residence phone G12. Offlee hours 9 a. ra. to S p. m. DR. F. O. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS uakluw osteopathic pbysielana. Mpved to rooms 41 G and 417 Garnett-Corey bldg. Phone Main 6351. DR. STEARNS Pbyslpian and sur geon. Office Jackson County Bank Bldg., rooms 17-18-19, phone 5501; residence 307 S. Dakdale, phone 717J. Home phone, residence 1C9, office 130. S DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Pbyslolan and Surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. M. D. Practice limited to disease of women, orrices over Hasklna Drug Store, orrico Phenes: M. lOQt, tendant. Residence phone Main 5712, oHIco Rome 145. DR. J. J, EMMEN8 Physician and Surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyea scien tifically tested and glasses supplied. Orrico 228 E. Main St. Ifoura 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Both phones. E B. PJCKEL, M. b OHIce Jack son County Bank. Office phone M. 432; Res. phpne, M. 583. DR. J. W. J. MARION Pbyslqlaa and Surgeon. Office rooms 5 anil 6 Kentnor bldg. Office houra 10 to 12, 2 to 5, Phone, Bell 271. Aesldonce phona Bell 273. E. KIRCHGESSNER. M D. Prao tlco limited to Chronic Diseasee, Office Hotel Holland, Wednesdays 10-3. Both phone. Reldaee phonea: Farmer 16xx5 Eagle Point nud Rogue River line. HERMANN F. RATTto, K. D.-ON flee ovor Medford Natlenal Sank. Office phpne 6701. Res., Hotel Holland, CLARK E. SAUNDERS. M. D Prae tlce limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyea scientifically teajted and glasses furnished when nswlwl. Garnett-Corey Bldg., 2nd fleer. Both Phones, Medford. Ore, StCHograplierx ELLA M, GAUNYAW Stonographlo work aud well. -Palm block. done qutakly ri TrawthJr t BADS TRANSFER A TOR ACW CO. Office 16 (South Fir. !& Bell 3152; Hotne, 350-K. JrtW right. Service, gnarante!, jJI'T'1 UHderfofcewi JOHN A. PKRL UMrtrr W4 " iww mr r mhiw mmmmvmmmmmmwmmmmmwmtm Bmbalmar. Office U SMtK Bart-' lett ot. Tlepheue: Dy,. D)i 71; night, realdMM, B41 471, Home 179-L. Calls anwrM aifM or day, AmbiiUaoe erykw. 4 1 If u '-.', i v'-fl t f ( YfrU - "Tffl r "T d ' ' M 1 H - '1 m 11 1 M m I imw mk ism