Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 08, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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JjWBW ,'
The Diwrt&prMlo Tlmetii The Midfoot
MHj Ths Me.Uonl Trlbuniu Tho South
era Orwmlan, T)i Ashlnprt TrlbuntS.
Offle Mall Trlhune IHtl!)nr, 25-S7.59
North Kir street plumb, Main 3021;
iohuj 7S.
OKOKaR rtJTNAM, Keillor ami itinarr
Hntcrert ns second-class matter at
MMfortl. OroROi, nJcr tho net of
March 3. 1S7U.
Official Paper of tho City of MwSforti
Official Paper of Jncknon County.
One yeiir. by trmli...,............lE.flO
Ovn month, by mail ... .BO
l'er month, delivered by carrier In
MedforO, Jacksonville ami Con
trol Point... .BO
W-mmtiiy only, by mall, per year-. ?Vni
Weekly, per year................ 1.R0
swoitN ciitrvi.ATinx.
Daily vcrnjfi or eleven months end
Ihr Novembor 30, 1311. 2751.
lael AVIrp Tlntte.l Vrrum
The .Mai! -Trlbuno la on wile at the
Fcrr.V Jfewa Stand, San Francisco,
rortiand Hotel New Stand. Portland.
Bowman News Co., Portland. Ore.
W. O., Whitney. Seattle. Wash.
Metropolis of Soutr.rrn Orejfon nnd
Northern ' California. And the fostost
growing city In Oregon.
Population--V. S. census 1010 SS40;
estlmalod, 1311 1O.000.
.Klve hundred thortsand dollar Gravity
Water System completed, Riving- finest
supply pur tanuntain water, and 17. J
nica or
atreetn paved.
.PMtafflcn ricolnts for emllnn
November SO, 1911. show Increase of 19
per eent.
Banner fruit city In. OrcRon Hokuo
lllvcr FpltMninerir pplcs won Mvcop
stakes prise and title of
"Apple Klmc of (he Wnrlil
at tho National Apnlo Show. Spokane,
1389, nnd a car Of Newtown won
Flnt I'rl.f In UO
nt Canadian International Apple Show.
Vancouver. 11. C
Tint Prise la 1911
nt Spokane National Apple Show won
by carload of NeKtewnn.
Kokuo rtlvcr pera brought highest
firlcea in all markets of tho world dur
nc tho past six year
Wrltn Commercial Club. Inclosing 6
cents for potago for the finest commu
nity pamphlet over published.
By Ad Brown
From ono stump a lonoo-ray-tor
Spouts aloud for Mighty Ted,
On a box another urges,
"Honest folks, Taft isn't dead."
Hero nnd there an earnest worker
Outlines policies of. Marx,
And tho suffragettes have posters
On tho "poles and in tho parks.
Now 1 hear a mighty shouting
That's ascending, long and loud;
Tis the tumult of tho joyous
. Democratic Wilson crowd.
Wizards, prophets, this I ask you
As ray knees r bend suppliant,
I don't care about election,
iit will Boston beat the Giant?
Candidate William Sulzer may be
all right but his, name sounds like
something to drink.
J. P. Morgan was quizzed In a sub
dued tone, politely, and with great
deference. Tho wonder Is they dared
quiz him at all.
Campaign Song.
Always eager to take advantage of
the latest Inventions, .Messrs, Jolts
and Jingles has installed a campaign
song machine. This little device saves
trouble and worry and grinds out the
hongs at least possible mental strain.
Here are two samples which we ex
pect will be grabbed up by tho Rooso
Velt and Taft forces before morning,
Sing the first to an elastic version of
"Maryland," the second to any tune
that comes'to mind. No reason why
wo shou)d furnish the music.
. ' I '
Oh, Theodore, from shoro to shore,
Theio comes a big deep throated roar.'
'You'vo hart two terms and now Im
plore That wo should glvo you ono torm
Hut, sha' wo do It? Nevermore.
Oh, Theodora, Our Theodore.
We are the bold standpatters,
For bjg men .wo stand pat
And so we'll cast our ballots
For one who's big and fat
Wo cannot see tho reason
Old frlonda aalrWj to fling
W'u think no los of Wlllyum
Caufe'o he never illu a thins.
KHLLOGG, Idaho, Oct, 8.A dls
iistorouu fire Is raging In the Hunker
Hill mint) here. Ouo man A. F. Uonz,
pumper, is missing nnd may have
perished. Flromnu equipped with
oxygen helmets are on the sceno but
seem utiuule to make any headway
against tho flames, The goiorn
oueu mine roscuo car Is on hand and
heroic efforts are being made to lo
cate Bonz, who it is believed died
while 'operating the big pumps In an
effort tq quench tho blnzo, It is
barely probablo that Oouz, seeing the
flr approaching went Into a recess
far removed from the blozo and may
b pf.
Th 8ullvu side at the mine can
H(IU Ihi "prated despite tllo blaze.
. -..
ft ,.
A1NEW I'lminpion of the divert prinmvy has iirison
tho Portland Orcgouinu.
After ton years of strenuously battling against popular
government, the Orogonian is now posing as its staunches!
Tn the independent nomination of Jonathan Bourne,
the Orogonian pretends to fear the annihilation of tho
Oregon system.
Tho shameful violation of tho corrupt practices
act to defeat Bourne arouses not a word of protest
from the Orogonian. It is openly commended but tho
idea that au appeal from tho party faction to tho people
of the state should be made by the victim, is revolutionary,
in tlie, oyes of the reactionary journal.
'die solo object of the direct primary is to "let the
people rule.
mien the political party became tho creature of
bosses, who controlled it for selfish ends, the direct pri
mary was devised, to smash the bosses and give control to
the rank and inc.
When by means of law violation, misrepresentation
and corruption, tho control of the party is seized by fac
tion, the remedy also lies in an appeal direct to the people.
There is no reason why the republican party, in Ore
gon, -which- is progressive, should bo bound to support a
reactionary and Selling is a Taft standpatter because
State 'party nominations mean less than ever this year.
It is the personality .of the man, his record, bis beliefs,
his ability that count not the label that he weal's.
Jonathan Bourne has made good as a progressive as
v.'ell as senator.
La Follctfe gives Bourne highest praise as a true pro
gressive. He ought to receive the support of all La Fol
let to progressives. '
Boosevolt strongly commended Bourne's course as a
progressive. Ho ought to receive the Bull .Moose votes.
Bourne voted with tho senate democrats on tariff re
vision and other progressive measures. Bourne and Cham
berlain voted alike. Bourne's course ought to please
Because of Bourne's progressivencss, Taft withheld
all federal patronage for Oregon from him. But his record
of accomplishment ought to appeal to the standpatters to
such an extent that their regard for the state's welfare
would outweigh factional prejudice.
If the direct primarv is to be prostituted bv corruption.
it will go the way of the convention and some other means
be devised to let the people rule.
The way to preserve the direct primarv is to rebuke
corruption by defeat at the hands of the people at election
as the Manipulation of the primary, through tho as
sembly was rebuked.
. .flit politics aside it would take six years for anv of
uie candidates, even it tlieir ability was as great, to reach
the strategic position now occupied by Bourne in the
senate and Oregon cannot afford to lose six vears.
Bourne is iortunate m
nas ueeu so openly unfair, unjust and lalse to the Oregon
system, that its support will of itself, damn any candidate
with the people. It is the Jonah of Oregon politics, and
its opposition almost equivalent to an election.
Brandies Discusses Third
Term Party Platform
(By Lewis D. Bmiuleis)
The new party presents a platform
in many renpeets admirable. It
fcets forth some principles with which
every intelligent American munt
heartily agree. It proposes many
measure which would mark real pro
gress. Thcjilntform ifV'tttlmTr
ablc, also, in tins; it deelares in ef
fect that the principles uuimcinted
and the measures proMet1 are not
merely plunks in a platform to he
discarded a old lumber after the
olecHon is over. Hut for
the very reiiHon that tlii platform i
broad nnd couiprehenwive, that it in
clear, direct and definite in its pro
visions, and that it is offered lo you
as a voiitnicl t be accepted, or re
jected by you, examine it carefully.
Study particularly itn effect upon la
bor. And in making that examina
tion, nolo not only what it contains,
but what it omit; ant consider what
the natural results will be of 'the
'policies which it advocates. And
when you make that examination you
will find that there ih a significant
'omission; uiid that this wkillfully de
vised platform
''The new (third term) party, in
this platform, pledges itself to social
and industrial justice, and specific
ally to work unceasingly for effective
legislation looking to the prevention
of occupational diseases, overwork,
iiioiiiiliiry ltuetnplaymeut, and other
injuries effects incident to modern
industry, and it proceeds to set forth
fourteen definite and distinctive mea
sures to that end. Uut nowhere in
that lonj and comprehensive plat
form, neither in its nobly phruncd
statement of principles, nor its gen
eral recommendations, nor in it-
enumeration of specifio mcnMirct-,
can ther be found any pledge to so
euro the rigid of labor to organize,
without which all other grants .'lid
concessions for improvement of the
condition of the woikingnutn mo fu
tile. It (loutains merely a friendly
approval of the practice. Tho plat
form pi onuses soeinl and industrial
justice, but it does not promise indus
trial democracy. The juslico wludi
it nfJ'tiK is that which the hcmmi
lei I and wise corporation is prone to
iidiiu'dhier through it welfare dt
paittiu lit. Ther is no premise of th't
jiMico.wliicji five American workuig-
arrcoFont) mot; tribune
his enemies. The. Oregonian
Jinen nre strivine; lo secure for them
selves, through organization. Indeed
tho industrial policy advocated Ijy
the new party would result in the de
nial of labor's right to organize.
"The new party stands for the
perpetuation and extenion of pri
vate monojM)ly in industry that pri
vate monopoly from which ho few
have ever profited at the expense of
the many, and for the dethronement
of which the peoplo have, in the past,
fought so many vnlieut battles. Tlint
ctiix'd pioduet of despotism, tho
new party, propones to domesticate
in our republic, preclaiming: "We do
not fear commercial itower.' Certain
ly ogauized labor has had experience
with the great trusts which should
tench nil men that commercial power
may be so great Hint it is the part
of wisdom to fear it."
Great trusts the steel trust, the
sugar trust, the beef Irust. (he to
bacco trust, the smeller trust and
a whole toop of lessor trusts havo
inado the extermination of organized
labor from their, factories the very
foundation-stone of their labor pol
icy. Tho ability (o defeat labor's
right to combine seems lo have been
regarded by tho trust magnates as a
proper test of the efficiency of their
capitalistic combination. Ami, in
deed, this ability of the great trusts
to overcome- the workingmau has been
confidently relied upon by the truxl
advocates as one of the great "sav
ings of combination." Jf tho trust
magnates get their trusts legalized
now through the new party so
tho fumiicicrs can market their wat
ered slock with the label "Guaran
ted under the Government Pure In
vestment Act" Ihcho gcnUcinen can
patiently await the slow inarch -of
constitutional amendments, legisla
tion and court decision. And they
may ho wait in comfortable reliance
upon the fact that until the federal
constitution is so amended neither
congress nor the interstate trade
commission, can prevent their dis
charging employees for joining trade
unioiiH; because Iho supremo couit of
the United States, in (he Adair case,
only a few jeaiv ago, held that con
gress was powerless to interfere be
en use;
A corporation engaged in inter-
state commerce litis (ho constitution-'for
MisoFoniuoRiiiao imsf)AY,.ocTO"BFR. 81012. .
"Bought and Paid For" Tonight
For the first time In the history of
southern Oregon. one of tho greatest
.lr,.,Hn ..,......, l -..,... vr I.
hinder whoiro has
to ho brought direct from New York.,riMIOW,olI ironolincml tl the
City. " Nought and Paid For," which
lma been seen' continuously at tho
Playhouse, William A. llrad's the
ater, which Is convldered the huud
somest In Cotnam, since tho. day of
Its first performance more than a
jear ago, will bo seen nt tho Med
ford theater tonight.
This capable company Is making
tho Journey direct from the Atlantic
metropolis to San Diego, where It
opened he handsome now Sprcckuls
theater. "IJout;ht nnd Paid For" ls;allko distinctly tho biggest play of
the latest play written by George our time.
San FrancisQp.Sees Medford's Needs
(San FrnuciM'o Ncw.) I
According to William Moore of
San Franci-ii'o, who has just return
ed from an extended trip through
southern Oregon, more especially the
Itoguo river 'valley, llui citizen of
.Mcfironl are ntittotrrioseeure moo
ern canning, enpiroliu;: and pre
serving plants. The chamber of com
merce of that city i willing to co
operate witli a view to having large
plants established.
Jledford i in the center of one of
the finesl fruit producing sections in
the world ami ship largely to the
eait as well as foreign market.
Horticultural laws in that state nre
very strict as regards ituolity and
appearance of product sold, hence n
very large amount of fruit goes lo
waste, enough in fact lo susUin wv
eral proserouR industries.
There are some i!it,U00 hitch imw
Salesman and 'Statesman
(From tho Portland Spectator.)
The statement Is frequently nitd
confidently made by votcrH who dis
cuss, the senatorial candidates that If
lieu Selling, our leading clothier
and stntoman, woro elected, Orogon
would never bo heard of In the United
States Senate It Is said that tho of
fice that Hen Selling now fills statu
sonator matches tho very farthest
reach of his ability, and that his var
ied limitations and deficiencies would
so seriously handicap him that ha
himself Would hardly know he was
In Washington.
Hut these statements will require
revision of the whisper that Is going
around proves to ho'tnloj it is softly
breathed that If Mr. Belling Ih elected
to the United States Boilnto ho will
opon a branch clothing utoro In
Washington, and glvo to it In tho
time ho ran spare from his sena
torial duties that closo personul at
tention and caro that have mado his
shops here so successful.
Tho rumor Is Interesting and Im
portant. As far aB I know, Port
land is wholly iinropresonled In tho
clothing and haberdashery Hues In
tho capital city of tho nation; tho es
tablishment there of a branch hoiiso
by lieu Soiling would prove- to tho
peoplo of Washington and for that
matter, of tho worjd tbut Oregon')
unlqulty Is not confined to her
political system, ffu't tlint when It
comes to u mattcr'of business she Is
also somewhat ot a, rant avis.
Ono can easily Imngluo how much
at homo tho wandering Portlandor
would feol If he saw over tho door '
of u habordaBhery;!tuatod close to !
tho capltol buildings tho familiar
sign, "Ilea Selling, leading Clothier"
and how his sac N nostalgic heart
sus-j' nostalgic-
ul right lo disclnirgo
citizen from its utiiphn
. i
up AiiienoJin
iploy for joining n
labor union.
Do not ihcso fuels' and those set
fori h in tho lali'stii'ews loltc
American Federation of I.,....;r show
Hint no NoilvliiLMiinii can al'ch mh
(he w ptuiy'
i llroaithtirat, mid Is already assured
"' I tho greatt-H Amrl
"" miKCVW!!. IIII.IIII 4.
tcan successes, winiam A. urauy.
play In jears. It Is a play that ap
peals strongly to the homo life, to
U80 tho words of a Now York woman
critic ono which would make nl
moHt any wife return to hor luistmnd.
This Is nlao ono of tho many reasons
it will interest those who ltiivo not
made n try at matrimony.
San Franclsro nnd l.os Angeles
critics have Added their stamp of ap
proval to that already given to tho
Now York press, all pronouncing it
bearing and within a lew years 7.i,00(l
additional nertw will lie produci'ig
unite largely.
While at present freight rates are
high, retarding in a measure the full-
lest, possible duvelpntunls, yot plans
are miner way ur nimiiiuiiiii mum
nortatioii facilities via Crenrcnl City
and the Hill line.
jMctllVul is a citv of 11,0110 inhabi
tants, scattered over a considerable
area, hence there is a demand for
local street railway service nnd the
mayorof the cily is willing to grant
a f0-" franohi-e to responsible
parties who will make tho neoesary
showing, of good fnilh.
Not only so hut the residents of the
eilliro viilley, advocate an electric iu
terurbati stirvico eonneeling Ashhuid,
Mcdford and Grants Pass. There i.
abundance ot hydro-electric mwr
now available.
would slug with pride If ho
added "and U. S. Senator."
Kvon Mr. Selling's political op
ponents will admit that In him Is a
rare blending of statesmanship and
salesmanship. In this dual quality
how serviceable ho would prove to
Orogon as United fltatos Sonator, and
active clerk In tho branch store, As
one contemplates him In the early
morning hours dovoted to business
suave, polite and obliging behind
tho counter of a branch shop, nnd
then la tho lato afternoon nB ho
stands, ruddy with the fire or his own
eloquence, In tho" forum of tho nn
lion, stirring, swaying, and over
whelming tho awed senato by tho
witchery of his words and tho logic
of his argument, one can easily see
what an opportunity Oregon will miss
If she iIooh not elect him United
States Senator,
It Is generally understood that tho
Idea or oponlng a branch clothing
shop In Washington Is Hen Selling's
own. It sounds like him,
, VK WlfJi MAIT YOU 91
for each sot ot old False Tooth sent
us. Hlghost prlcos paid tor old Oold,
Silver, old Watches, Broken Jewelry
and Precious Stunos.
Monoy Sent by Itoturn Mall,,
I'iillu, Smelting & Jtcflnlng Compnn7
Established 20 Year
803 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, P.
To Dentists
Wo will buy your Oold Filings,
Gold Scrap, and Platinum. Hlghost
Prlcos paid.
Steam and Hot Wator
All Work dunrafitoed
Prices ItcaHonalili
80 Howtrtl Block, Xutrsure on flth Nt
VaoUIo QOitl. Xoms .
t -M-i .'
It's a Bear!
A Groat Big "Silver 'JV
.near fully mounted a iuk
ibai you could not buy for
lostf than sjsiW.OO.
One Mongolian Spotted Loo-
ard Lully mount ou a
iteh priced Jtug, cheap at
2 other expensive Oriental
Kugs Leopard HkitlH with
black bear border, rare spe
cies, $100.00.
One South American Black
lOagle mounted valued at
Tlie Rug collection and the
"nest" little $JH500.00 .Bun
galow TIoiiiq in the city rocs
for the modest sum of $2:175.
The Iioubo wo just completed
and built for a "Home"
now and clean, carries $2500
insurance which is not near
tho cost.
Road Description
This artistic bungalow is
28x55 foot on a largo lot 50x
140 feet, located on I Jose aV
cnue, a paved street, closo
in, where evcrbody owns
their own homes and many
new ones under construction
well built and finely fin
ished, double constructed,
which is a rare thing in this
Small fuel bills, porch clear
across tho front with large
cut stone porch piers, large
living room 12x28 feet with
firo place of while- glazed
brick, maple floors highly
polished, nieo grills, china
closets and built-in cabinets
and bins in tho kitchen, solid
brass electric fixtures and
solid brass hardware to
match laundry trays with
hot and cold water, large
sleeping porch, two-toned
window shades, beautiful
tinted walls, nieo lawn this
is one of tho plans being used
so much at Long Beach, Cal
ifornia. If there are any
houses of this quality and lo
cation in tho city "for sale
you will find them listed
around $1000.00.
With this homo wo throw in
for good measure $(100.00
worth of Oriental Rugs all
for $2375.00 because wo are
moving east in October. Got
busy and own a 'Real Home'.
If there is "one" thing you
should try to buy "Good" it
is a "Home." A cheap
"Shack" of n house in a
"Bum" location which you
cxpect'lo call your "Home"
will always bo an eyesoro to
yourself and family; "build
ing material has increased in
prico about 20 in tho last 3
months, and you would have
to hustle to build this house
"alone" oven if you own
your own lot for the prico wo
arc offering it today. Wo
will build no more in "Mcd
ford" so if you want a house
that will last a lifetime, we
invite your most careful ex
amination of this property.
$1100 cash will handlo tb'is
deal. Just tho price of a
small "auto." Which will
increase the most in value,
tho Auto or tho "Home?"
23 Rose Ave.
Clark 6c Wright
I'ubllo Land Matters: Final Proof.
Dosort Lands, Contest and Mining
Cases. Scrip.
Cull' us up (or all kinds of Express
work quick dollvory our specialty,
lMiouo Pacific 33C1 Stand at Noah
Under Direction People' Aniuxeincnt
Co, Supremo In Picture I'roduclloiM
II'STI "101" 111011 "101"
rilm Do Art
I'liwerful Western Drama
A rnttllng nood Tlinnhmiior Comedy
Your hunw our amnio nnd effocM
are unexcelled.
WKF. "I'd Lovo lo Llvn In Lovu
Innd WWi n-OIrl I.ll Yoll."
SuiiK by '
Special Added Altnicllon
SIiowIiik ull events or liiiporlitnco
durliift his visit
Milliners Dully
non wiiiti:
The Colored Kntnrtnlnnr
A niANtu: oi' simiiit
lllnprnph rent tiro
Written esperlitlly tor tho Vila
graph company by Will Cnrloloit, ihu
"llooslor I'oot," with Mrs. Mnurleo as
Stinnn II. Anthony.
Ji:AI.Ot'tiY ON Till: ItANCII
Tho fen lure of this plcturn Is tho
(tno panoramic view of tho Hound
up. There nru plenty ot lively Inci
dents, such ns roptnK nnd brnndliiK.
with n good vein o( comedy through
Special Krldny nnd Saturday "A
Nation's Peril."
Dig sensational (nature tu two
reels, special matlneo Friday after
noon. Coming Thursday, the Carson Trio,
harmony singing. Somu net.
Matlncos Saturday and Sunday 2 p.m.
Mntlnoo prlcoa Cc and 10a
Evonlng Performance 7 p, m.
Admission ovonlncs 10a and ICo
A grimly tragic nnd powarfu! foa
turo of this Croat Wcstoru Series,
with O. .M. Andni-Kou In li Ih forlil
fatuous character oreutlou. Kssui'iuy,
Drama, Kdlsou
Kalem, '
Till: DIAI1LO FAMILY hero tho
remainder of tho week, with uy
eliauge of vauduvlllu each Ami every
evening. '
A completo ehnugu of pictures nnd
vauduvlllu today.
ticket If cuUci'!
i thtOrllnil and Oinulm
Forlnfanti, Invnlidt.nnd Growing children.
PureNutritlon, upbuilding thewliolobody.
Invigorates tho nursing mother ond tho aged.
Be2ii 'n'N malted grain, in powder form,
A quick lunch prepared fa misute.
Hot In Any Milk Trumt
- t- -V- . .V J
J - 0 -