frTiw t f it b o I 1,'J i m-i m medford matl tribune, tutofotw. okeoon, Tuesday, octobeb 8, 19.12. PitCHS TTO1C ,' v 1 vt ' 35 V I DEEP WATERS On Kuiiilav nielli in HI, .Mnrk cliui'cli lUluii Bmiiltliujr pii'iiiilicil n itry hIiII.Iiik mill liinililnu: huiuiiiii iiii llio Hiibji'i't nl' Hiiiirl'ii'litlly in lifts Ho iliinv IiIh Ichmiii I'iihii Hit' fnill'lli vi'l-Hit uf SI. I.uliti'rt KnHpitl, llin liflli (liaini'i "I.iiihk'Ii mil lulu I In ili'i'p mill lot iliiwn your iiicm I'm u ili'iuilil." Iln t;iivit it fjrnpliii1 ilc Hiiiipllun nl' Hid mimiiic mi Iln Hlinru nt' 1 .ii l(o (ImiinwiirH mIicii .Ii'iih ninf till' llhllOIIIH'll IIH lIll'V WI'Iflni'llllillK their iiiiIn, Imvliiir tnili'il nil tint nilit mill imhikIiI MoIIiIiik- TIuui Iln (jfin1 tlii'm Hint ili'linlli) I'liininiiiiil wliii'li tlmy nlmyi'il ii implicitly, "l.uuiii'li nut iulo lliu tlct'p," Ho wnulil ltuo tlii'm iiihIio it linlil vfntino mil iuln lliu ilocp wiilciH wliniii llio Hull worn llknly In lin, imin ulint iicIh they liiul. Tli r ro wiih no n-i pmlilliiiK nlnni llio hIuhum wiiHtinu: tlmir Hum mill ot'forU in lliu hIimIIow wnlm, mnro (iaroJ'itl nl lliclr iioIh limn of llix Hiipri'iiut opiHiiliiully which (liny ut'i'o Icltiiiif pithrt liy til' midline fifth in tho tlotip union. Trite I'urptoxi In l.lfit ".IiihI hii in mil- litV" Haiti I lit- liixh op. We k nltiiilJ Hii'iiiikIi litV, pntl illliitf lilting Hid hhort', toui'huij; Huhk lion mul Hum i) on tin Mirfin'c, tlnlug iiollilujj tlt'op mul tlt-flintf, merely pluyiiiK with Him jjiciiI poMihilitif h mill iipiMirliiiiilifft ol' lifu which nio npunctl up o u, luil Iiiim' In launch nut iulo ilocp wnlor to put thriii. I low Hiipcrfleliil wm arc, it ml how wo IMMIHIIHI0 nur time In hnllicr inj? with Hit) iuU mul nil llio li-li lire ptiuj,' hy mul wo ii ro euihiuu' notltiiij,'. Tito line fiMiitriuuit'M oliji-ol in life it not (o littvo ii herutiful mul pcrfc"! nut, Imt Hiirh it ui't on tut ni'otls in milch (IhIi. It h for u lo make a liohl mul tlolinito vi'iituro uiih what not (loil linn ultoii in. Wo luuo mwii men mul women who xei'ineil iiIwu.vh lo ho piopiiriiiK' for Kouictliiii),', Imt they noviir M'liiui'il In pi I tlnwn In the ifiil thinjj, iicutr iifriuii1lhlii rniy HiiiiK In'oniMo I hoy Npnut nil tlmir time puillin nlnnj; tho nhttre in llio xhullow will ors inoro ciineernctl with Hit iioIh of pri'piiriitimi Hum with tin noooiiipllhliiiioiit of ilioir IiihIc whioli oulli'il Hit'iii to luuiit'li out into Hio ilrop wnton." Till! Ilixllllp ''Ht Oil tO llohOtlllO homo of tho uii.vh in whloh I hi mi)'r I'ioltility of life ix mIiowii, for oMimpIo in our ri'HiliiiR of tin1 Initio wo urv I'ontout with ohm or two vcraon of Hii'mo j.Tfitl mul (itornnl lowntih mul truth uhioh (loil Iiiim fchntvn tir., hut tin ui oyo u'o out into tho dopthri anil innko n HoitrchiiiK oxmuiuitliiui of HiUKt' urcitt inoMhiip'u which hnvo oomo lo us from llio lioitil of n mviiu; fnth or If n niUKHouijor woro lo oonu' into IIi'im nhuroli loiiilil wit linn oiii-- M Your succoss and tho prosperity of this city and valley deponds on your patronizing home industries and using home-made products. Ask for "Made in Medford" goods and and builder buying of the homo factorios and institutions. Try this and in a few months we will have a "Greater Medford." A Rogue River Valley Payroll AVo Mniiul'acluro CEMENT DRAIN TILE CONCRETE CULVERTS CONCRETE PIPE TOR IRRIGATION SEWER PIPE Doalor in Washod Sand, Gravel and Crushod Rock Offlco KrultKroworB Hunk liulldliiR Factory North itlvorsldo Avonuo Phono Mulii CCa I'liono Main G091 MEDFORD CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 0. J. 8EMON, Munngcr. Sandstone Quarry .las. CI. Smith, Prop. 1 10(1 Uiih, Main St. Jlox 7:tf. Write us your wants H. WEINHARD'S Columbia The Boor Without a Peer Tho choicest hops and the finest barley malt, browed scientifically in just tho right way, are responsible for its absolute purity and oxcollonco Order a case from your doalor or phono Pacific 5.1 or Home 294 H, WEINHARD'S BEER AND ICE DEPOT Medford (hi frnni oho nf lliu KM'iit iIciih of lliu New TiihIiiiiiiidI, wlml woiiltl ynu (link of inn If I Hoiiiincil over two or thicii lint'H of II, mul Ihruu Hut nlliDi'H iihIiIo iih uiiiiiipuilmitt Ami yet (hut Ik wluit wo do with till thoMo hunuli' fill mul elt'iiinl IriilliH tlinuiKh which (lutl In Hpciililiii: to our hoiiU." Ill Clllinll Woik Tiui liinhop ftliuwl'il how HiIh mii porrioiiilily in miiiiilVhleil in lliu wml of tho eliureli, in llio iiiiiitni t'lMilin I'd mul Holf'ihli vit'H'K Hint we lui.-o nf (IoiI'h Kreul woik hout for moil, whieli i'iiii only he dtiuo llinnih mul hy men. "Sluill M Keep on thiiikiiuV ho Hititl, "nf jut! how III He wo oiin kIm' nf our iiioiiiih mul of uuittelvi" luwunU HiIh Kiimt wmu, not only 1 1 0 ro in our piiiInIi mul lu the ilioemto of Oieoii, but all over the world? Shall we mil rather launch nut in tho loop mnl venture rioiiI thiup for (Iml, tuliiiiK a huiior view of our chinch life, anil leave the romilU in (IoiI'h IhiihIm Mueli of the policy of tiui ehuieli of dml Iiiih to he i'Iuiiiki'iI. IiihIoiiiI of louliitit; ehiolly after Hut few who have become ehurcliinijii, our chief elfortH will ho to laiiiich out into lilt' deep. We iiiiihI do muiic thiiitr more Ulan diHliiliule iiIiiih. Wo fit iik t Ntrivo to lav hare Hut ciiukcm of t1iiieHH mill uproot the xotireex ol piiupoiibiu. Our object iniiHt ho not meicly to relievo niifforinjr hut lo produce manly, proHporou mul hcii' ilepomliiiK moil mul piml vvotneu. Tim ohiii'cli miiHt ct'iiHc fiuporHciiil charily mid latiileh out iulo lliu deep, She iiiiihI bet;iil to nl( iiiiohHoiim ami iiiii'ko inipiirio iih to wluit are the ciiiih'M of nil thit dislrcHrt, ('mi I lie nourciM of nil thin mikorv bo removed f Site iniiht turn tuwutilh the xolutiou of the hociiiI pnihleiiH of the day. Jt it tiitui to leave off uioiidimr the uclx ami go boldly out into the deep wat er vHrn liuimiuilv n iIIn mul linn bios nre vvaitini: lo bo relieved." Much lloiio In Oregon Tho hmhop npiiko of how llio tlio com of Ori'Ktni had within the pint few oiirn laiuiehed out into the deep mid mudo ventiircM of fititb, and how the laruer vikioii had been ro win tied with richer mid deeper reult every wherc, espeeially in the ininMoiutry work of the dlocoxe and in the t-plon-did wort; uceomplihhed at the (iood Smmiritmi Hospital mul SI, Helen'- Hall, the Dioeesmt Schiml for (lirlh. The hilltop eloxed with a sttunc up peal lo every mie to j;ive earnust, loyal mid sympathetic support to the rector and vestrymen of St. Murk's punMi in fiirtheranoo of tho ideals for a true parish life, where all uro workiiu; (oirolher loyally and loviuj-ly fnr'tlie biilldliitf up or Otid's klnw ilniii of riKhtiioiMiiefS. Ho pie In roil a new and beautiful church of some permanent material, with its reverent services, ils devout worship, a church Hint would not oulv lx mi iu.xpiruttnn to every churchman, but also mi hon or ami crodit lo every eitirpn f tbo town. MADE IN MEDFORD The Medford Hydraulic Cement Brick and Block Co. Inc. Our Snoctalttc Oruuniontal Urlelc and Tilo for Firo l'lnct'H, Slllu, Cups, AroltoH, Colutnus, Chlmuoy Tops, Flower Vnso, otc. MKDFOIU), OHKG0N' 10th and Fir Sts. Phono l'ticlflo C41 BURGLAR T IN GET-AWAY TACU.MA, Win, Oct. B.-.lon Alnr iay, vvcntyl1v(j years old, in lotlny In thn comity hospital icoovorilij,' Iroin ii bulbil shattered I ok. nieeivud iih ho was iiialtim.' u p'l-away last iiIrIiI from a seeond-haiul store which he is said (o have biirliuixo'l. I'alroliiimi rltrielilmid did Hie shoot illK- As Murray dimmed (o the ground he exclaimed, "(lee, voii'ic I mnl with Hint Klin." Kuareh of Hie wonmled iiian's potddils levualed Ihico revtilvers, sev era! knives, and a number of watches which he in believed to have, stolon from lite store. , l'atrolmaii Strickland found the IHidloulc fiiKteuiitR the stole door un locked. He nrilcicd ii bystander lo notify heaihpinrters ami the man in side, liwirifiK the words, rusheil to the window. Smashing the rIiisk, lie witH cliuihini; out into Hie alleyway vvlien the shot was fired. L TO HUSTON. Oct. 8. "I am back to the f ti mi for keeps and hope to spend , the rest of my dnjs on this place." I This was the assertion today ol John Sullivan, one time champion heavyweight pugilist of tho world, who has taken tip fanning near West AhiiiKtou, Mass. When visited by a delegation of his old sporting friends, John I,, declared: "No more Hoheminn life, with its bright light for me. Von can but your lust dollar on that." ,f , t ASSISTANT IS DEAD .MIIAVAl'KKi:, Wih.. Oel. 8. Af ter liiiKoiiiu; for more than a week at ilea Hi's door, Mechanician Setidit leri, who received a fractured skull in the automobile accident which 'caused the death of Driver David Jtmeo-Hrowii, is dead hero today from his injuries. A bursting tiro whilo going at the rate of 100 miles an hour caused jHruee-Hrowii's machine, to crnr-h .through a fence ami hurl both driver mid mechanician some distance. They were picked up iiueonsciou,. Office Kurnituro Li bra it Furniture ', Bedroom Furniture Diningroom Furniture White lCnamel Furnituro Built in Buffets, Seats And Bookcases, Etc. Store Fixtures Porch Swings Cedar Chests Cabinet Work Done in Oak, Walnut, Fir, or Any Other Wood Desired Cabinet Makers Mission Furniture Works E. 0. Trowbridge, Jr., Prop. 113 S. Holly, Medford Medford Iron Works E. 0. Trowbridgo, Prop. $IIUonoral Foundry and Mach ino Works Pacific 401; Home 298L. Kes. Pao, 5031; Home 227L. S Jj I HOMESTEADERS OFFER FINAL PROOF 'I wo homosUjfldeirf appealed n. line I'liiled Hlntc Laud (Jommis- siieter ('auoii lodiy and offerctl llual I tool on tlieir liina. One was doliu Hayes who hoincsleitded a tract nl llio Inwor (oil of Hi" dctrt mul llio oilier was T. W. Hnrr who lives on Uriflin vneU. A peculiar thing in connection with the hitter is that Mr. IJiui reaided Ulf year, on the place befotc making cnir.v ANGELES' STAR BATTER DEAD IN HOSPITAL LOS AXUI.LKS. (VI 8. -Heinle Heitmuller, flar bat-muii for the Los Angeles Coast league baseball team, died loditv in Hit) Hood Samaritan hospital hero of tjphoul fever. He had been ill for about ten days, and wiw taken to tho liopinl jul before his tcniu-matex leit for San lVanci.s eo hmt week. It hud been reported that ho was improving front day to day, and his death cuiae as n shock to bis friends. Heitimillcr had been playing in the outfield for Los Angeles and wits the heaviest hitter on the team. His loss will be greatly felt by his club. He -Aim a graduate of the rniversity of HEADACHY, BILIOUS, UPSET? "CASCARETS" llllloiis, Throbbing liemlarliv .Men iih How els nre Clogged nml 1,1 or .Stag nant Von Nail C'ahcnrcts You'ro billons, you have a throb bing sensation in jour head, a bad tnttto In your mouth, your eyes burn, your Rkin Is yellow, with dark rings tindor your eyes; - jour lips arc pnrchod. No wonder you feci ugly, mean and Ill-tempered. Your system Is full of bile not properly passed off, mil what you need Is a cleaning up lastdo. Don't continue being a bil ious nulsanco to yourself and thoso who love you, and don't resort to harsh physics that Irritate and Injure. Itontoutbcr that niost disorders of the stomnch. liver-and Intestines can bo quickly cured by morning with gentle, thorough Cascurctit they work while you Bleep. A 10-cent box from your druggist will keop your llvor ami bowels clean; stomach sweat and your head clear for months. Children lovo to tako Cascarets, be cattsu they taste good and never gripe or sicken. tut Flowers That are fresh because they arc home grown Always a nicQ line of Decorative Plants on Hand Medford Greenhouses 923 E. Main ' Home Phone 237X . Pacific Phone 37-11 So. Oregon Electric 6 Heating Co. Electric Wiring Electric Fixtures Heating and Ventilating Plants 29 N. Qrapo St. Tel. Pac. 3(501; Home 121. Wo make fixtures SUBSCRIBE FOB THE MAIL TRIBUNE Loading Nowspapor in Southern Orogon 'Viforuln, mid first heemtm famous in baseball aft a member of llio rollegn Medford Real Estate & Employment Agency 80 acres, 12 miles north, 3 utiles from small town, 35 acres set to. p'-nrs anil apples with corn planted between, 35 ncrcn of the best vege table soil In tho valley, largo 5 room louse, now barn Hint will hold .15 tons of hay mid all other buildings, tMs plare Is a bargain at $225 pur ncro or will soil any sized tract, In vestigate this before you buy. 5 acres 2 'A miles out, all culti vated, water right with tho place, small house and other buildings, chickens and all tools go with tho place nt II, COO. 20 acres, 2 miles out small house and large barn, 15 acres In alfalfa, the rest for garden. Will sell this place for $9,000 or will trado for dairy ranch along the coast. We have several pieces of acreage to trade for town properly, It you want to exchange cotne and look over our listings. Jvoiploymcot nirls nml women for general house work in and out of city. Waitress, chambermaid. Apple pickers, ranch bands. Laborers. MRS. EMMA BITTNER I'liono 4111; Home, 14. Opposite Nash Hotel KOOMR 0 and 7. PALM HLOCK. A Change of Feature Is often very desirable, especially by elderly people. Nothing effects this change better, or gives a person a young appearance quicker, than a now set of teeth, should tho natural ones bo lost. Wo can make from ten to twenty years difference to your advantage, It you will let us attend to your teeth and select for you a new sot of tho very best quality Maybe it's what YOU need. Lady Attendant DR. BARBER THE DENTIST Over Daniels tor Duds. Pacific Phone 2528. Home Pbone 352-K Wholesale Candy and Ice Cream PALACE OF SWEETS 217 East Main Pacific G02 Home 353L 13, A. lllcks P. M, Korahaw Qunornl Manngor Gon. Sales Mgr. OREGON GRANITE CO, Quarry Owners and . Manufacturers s Orogon Granlto stands tho tost ot time. Medford, Orogon ISf nine. He wan n member of tho i'Jiiht dolphin AmcrirtnitH tit 1001), ZEROLENE FOIt AUTOMOBILE LUBRICATION Zcrolonc lenves prac tically no carbon. It ''stands up" under any speed and heat. Sold In , 1 and 5 gallon cans tho small cans flat shape, easy to handlo Just fit In tho tool box. For S.1I0 Everywhere Standard Oil Comp'y (Incorporated) Medford Opera House Tuesday, October 8 WILLIAM A. BRADY, Ltd., Presents BOUGHT The Greatest Play A XT T Hy of tho day J LH J- George Broadhurst PAID FOR DIRECT FROM A YEAR'S RUN AT WILLIAM A. BRADY'S PLAY HOUSE, NEW YORK CITY. . It has the "punch." Big, throbbing, real. S. F. Chronicle Scats on &a!e Sat unlay, October 5. Prices, $1.30, $1.00, and 50 cents. Make everything in mill work Big Pines Lumber Co. Best equipped factory in Southern Oregon ' The Medford Plating Works All kinds ot plating, Gold, Sllvor, Nlcklo, Copper and Brass plated to your ontlro satisfaction. Don't throw away your old tablo waro and Jowolry. Bring It us and got It hack us good as now at halt tho cost. 221 W. Main St. For tho EVERYTHING MADE OF WOOD Seo us. Wo make a specialty of a, OFFICE FURNITURE and FIXTURES, MANTLI? SCREEN DOORS and WINDOWS, Etc. $ . Factory Cornor South Fir aid 11th Sta, Both PJiq MEDFORD SASH AND DOOR CO. . M t MODE& '-.'j BAKERY FOIt PUIHTY AND QUALITY Our Dread, Viae, Cakes anfr Pastry are- Tho Ucst In town. Call and Met thorn. Oood service and quick de livery. Home Phono 32. IlKINKING 1U103., Prop, MORTGAGE LOANS, Money on hand nt all times to loan on improved ranches and city property at lowest rates with "on or bofore privilege." JAMES CAMPBELL Phone 3231 Q.G.Bld A SNAP 60 acres, six miles from Medfard. good graded road crosses tb tract, all free soil, at f50,Eer acfjt, flfe will handle, easy term am bftkiM. Part Is creek bottoa land, fltakl for alfalfa. Several spring ea tk place. Timber enough to pay fer-tk tract. No bnlldlnga. la lb OrUtla creek district. W. T. York & Co. insist on your contractor- 'A ,.'' iT If it's made of Sheet Metal I can make it JOHN SIPPLE . Home M. F. & It. CO. Phone 30L Bldg." 4 I i V b best of 1 a $&r V !tiep W ,t tai , il a' ..1 I y H VST t. :l,