( & 2 ,. A I. i V; iS0n rt , - I r Considering the Evidence " ' . :, r- ' &- f ... .,., , , ... , - -....,, i. CGU, rvp oT"., ii.r PWWAJJMM.DAWO. CMP, SHC'i JCI.N WrfMn,. i,,,. !!'CWM&.6HC3AV6Ft,MC i 'k vnui. -.!- m - . . i i !. i v m t . -x- o -it, i i i. t ( I SHf 'It Answw WW N0 'S ROMNHtitM j iJ v-( B J ' ' l 'v Jill ' '., '" ' .. ' -'4ft .... .L 1 ..tlV1llt'WM. , , n ,. . . ( CA1TLE MARKET HAM FESIAL RfflJSEVELT ! SHADE LOWER AW SUCCESS PORTLAND, 0-1. 7.- HpfciitlN .for lint ui'i't,' tiitvo lii'ini uiiltlc, IB).); mlvw, II; Ikiuh. li(lil); nln-q), (IJIJ; lioitt, 108. Tlio 1'iittto miirki't wiih n MimU1 !iwir (tinitihinil. Ah coinparnl with (!k ioI( iitvvlirti Wwtw wiif- mi m-lhc iiiuitii( j'lir (vcrylhiiijr dial wiih of fiit;i but IiillnrH roii in ;i littlo liil lor )n.ilioii lo Iiiim (ho iuirl,'l hi; OiilKn nf lliu Ini'l (lint lllr jh'iih xitm fn'irlv n'i-11 riiiiilii. Tluw im u fi'ilinix tliroiiliiiiil tin cnlllt Ifu-li" (lint llio iiinrl.ot linn rfitelu'd its lim it mill tlint nntltiui; lull primi tupx will lirinu tin digit ivil of irii'i wliiflt linn npiilicil lliroiiliout tl kill. Thy flrl imrl of (tin tenk Uu1 Iio iiidrki'l hliuuril n wunkiinsM of from ! to Hid hut with tin vuf iv for IIKtr tO of ffl.tl. WIIH OllllllihlU'li with uu elisor itouiuiiil lor c rlliitijs Hint wux iilfori'il, ' Tin nliiTp iniirkt't wnn wtniiii; in Iho fui'i of limm it'reiptH (hxiil junlit V liiiuhs nml wi'thur liroiiKiit Komi priri. CENTRAL POINT ITEMS JihIko Holhrook WlthliiKton or Med ford Npout part of Prltluy hero oil elly tiiiHluesii. Dr. Itoburt I'ollultx of Meilfont wan oillliijt on frleiulH hero IVIday. Mr. and Mm. Heeler and daughter mid Mr, llnrnard of AHlilnud upent I'rlduy with !'. A. Hawk uud fam ily mid wort accompanied homo In tho otunlUK by Minn Mlldiod and It ut It Hawk. Mm. A. J. Ilanhy. Mrn, (ltiy V, Tex Mm. I'owley, Mm. V. J. (IroKory, MIhh Traelu -N'oale. MIhm Mildred Hlowart, A, J. Dunlap and H, A. I'at IIhoii Kpent Friday afternoon In Mod ford. ' Mm. MoMorrU and doiih, who );nvo hi'on vIhIHiik tho family of J. H HhhildH and wife for thev puxt few iiiontliB, left for their homo In Heattlo Thursday. Mm. I. J, 1'tirkoyptlo, Mm. J. V., ItONH and dapKhter Kdlth and W. K. ''Alexaiider iipeiit Saturday In Grants U'aSM. i ' J. Qv Mai parti of AhIiIiiuiI wn n Hatj.irdrty vhtltor to tho family of K. A'. Hawk In thla city. Mr. and JUri. Will Scott of Md ford iipeni Btiiida with rolatlveH hero. (loo. I,. Kuril and V. P. Wrljjht hiivit returned from their trip to thu Mount Pitt ickIoii. Mm. P. J. MlllaiiiEon of (Ioiiohco, ICr.ii., Jh vlultliiK her daughter, Mm, II. II. Youiik In thlM city. ', Horn, Friday moriiliiK, October !, ium. to Mr. mid Mm. 11, II. Yount?, a boii. . ' n.Mm. WoUb Wheeler of Talent was thu KUi'Ht of MIhm Maud Harr Batur tiny. 'Minn Marlon Whlto of tho teacli llii; forru of thu Medford Hchoola vltt Hud frlonda burn Saturday. MrH, (1. M. Tex, Mm, 1)111 Hankoy and child, MIbs Maiido llnrr, Mm. V. C.'Owen, Mr. HiiwIIukb, Goo, 12, Fox, Mr. and Mm. 8, A. Pntllnun, Win. Chauibom, MeUonuld Stownrt, Mr, Duntoy, Jr., ami Dr. How wore amoiiK tho Central Potatom In Medford Hat urdny iifturiioon. Tho funoral of tho Into Mm. Far rar ut Medford Hunday was attondod by a numbor of our people.. ' 100 or more of our eltUona spent Bjiuduy afternoon In Medford, A. W, Moon imulo a buulnoBa trip to (HantH l'aMho first of thlu wook, .1, W, MyotH Ih iiPtliiK mayor of our city wbllo Mayor Cowley la ab- uout In tlui east. ,s Mr. nnd MrH.-llniudpii, Mien Whit noy ami Mlutf Whlto of Medford nml Mlns Wlilto .of CottnKO Oiovo apunt Sunday with A. V, WJiltnoy In thla city. -' ttz&j&ti&itom, , 3&mz& ' . ? , . , &L&4riZ&2ifv j - . - ,.,.... ..- aBHBwpiesf'iss "&m?muf . CTwriawp - -- aw Tli ImrvoHt fcotlval lidd nl Itouuo Itlvor Hatunluy wiih a dncliloil two aHM nml oimi of lliu Jiiont croilltntilo nffnlrx of H Jdntl lipid In thu ytiU-y In yutirn nccordliiK lo Colonel Trunk h. Ton Volln or tliln city who will) Jutltfo IC, i:. Kelly, vIhIumI Itoiuit Ulvf-.r Sntuntny. "If tln. ollior i'uinti)iiull(!H of tlic vnllvy would (irrnngf) hnrvoiit fond vnlH alnn tin linen followed liy Kouuo ltlvtjr. tlny would do it p.rcat deal of Kood not only to tlio uom miinltk'N tlinniKohuM hut to tlio vnlluy at lnrK'- Tint ono nl UnKiln Hlvnr va octiptlonitlly j?ood and doB(rvt Kri'at trod It. "Ono of tho feature of tint dny Wfl Hki luncheon r.orvid b tho l.ndhm Library niotoclntlon A din ner wna Hrvd for 35 rontit which wn n wuudvr. Tlio fetlvnl wnu really worh whllv nod creilltahlo to a cuuimiintty much lurgnr than IIokuo Hlvnr." N. !'. Uonnott mid C. U. WhlMtler of Mvdford were iuiioiik (ho Judi;en of fruit nml report n ntiiinrk ubly flnu ilUiUy. UNIVERSITY CLUB HOLDS MEETING ti,0 unlvomlty club hold lt nnnual moot I iik Saturday nlKht for tho uler tlou of offjeerw nm ruvlow of tho year. Tho club Iiiih had a moat pronporoun vimHon, Uh tnumberithlp Ih now 108 mid ftt focllltle have beun nintcrh ully IneroaHod hy tho nddltlou of A llhrnry mid tho etilarcenunit of Itn ipinrler.i. 1. W. Iln'mlll wnH elected provi dent for next year, A. Qonro I-Toro vlct)-prt'ldrint, Btmituti . (Irlfls oc rotnry mid A. S. V. Carpenter treuH uror. Tho now niembent of tho board of Kovornora will bo A. K. Uenmea. Martin HrlckHon mid It, V. lttihl. Ttie prmiunt uouso vouunlttco wan continued for 101.1, courIhUuk of Lincoln McCormaek, I?, (), llurKORH, Jr.. mid It. W. Ituhl. It. 11. I'amoiu, tho rotlriiiK pieHl dunt, wah h'vuu a vote of thnnkts, iik wore tho other rctlrlim officers, for tliolr rnlthful mid efficient aervlto durltiK tho year. C. E. GATES, OVERLAND MAN, WILL NOT LEAVE MEDFORD C 13. aatt,""tVio Overland man, any it thu report that bin residence la for milci and that ho la koIiik to leave Medford Ih u Iiiiko mlittnlto. Mr. Oaten purchased u now realdoneo on Geneva street hoido montha'dco, oc cupied the same, Is delighted with Medford mid the Hokuo Hlver valley, as are all tho members of hlu family and nays ho Is here to stny, lie Is v.oty well pleased with tho splendid succcsh ho has had selllnc Overland cam ttluco ho located hero last Feb ruary and snys ho expects to double, his Hales tho coming year, MI-ON-A STOMACH . TABLETS Banish Dyspepsia nnd Keep Stomach In (Jootl Condition, No mutter how long you hnvo Buf fo red from a mlBoruhlo upset stom ach, Indigestion or gastritis, Ml-O-NA will uud jour troubles or Chas. Strang will refund your money. Thlu sumo offer applies to dlstrgsa after eating, gas, food fermentation, lionvliiosa, HownoHS, sea or car sick' neHs, nnd, voniHIng of prognauuy, , No mutter what alls jour stomach, put your f tilth in MI-O-NA Stomach Tablets, n protiorlptiou that succeeds after all othors fnU, Largo box CO contH America ovor. Frco trial tvont inont from HooUi'h MJ-O-NA, Hutfalo, Ni V A postal request will do, ' i . i MEPFOfrP WAJIj TftTBTJNTO, It Looks jis!if Mutt "Framed" Something on Jeff 010 OXK ott " fc s - I S 5 r ( NOW to HM .-H r-' ; Planum, tkc C- TABLET h, vottGKpcJ , J- 1 1 , ' ' , tS AT STAR THEATRE KoohoveH h in ilvdfonl! The hiy. Kcrt hull iiioom if tliciu all may he j-eeii on the wreeii nl the Httir thi-i-ter (bin evcuiiiK nml 'J'uiMilny nfter noon nml ineiiin. All the itnporlnul IcIimIh nnl incidents of TeildyV vimt to ronmuii u jow teOM no iiiim been snipped by the moving pieture mini iiml the reMiill ih offered to Mctl fofil photo in, Tim Sine ih .shotv inu four ihotoplnyK hasides tlio' pie turn of toiifovelt nml lias one of (he hir hIiohh of the year. AT (IGO THEATRE Tho Paul Diablo company .opened Sunday nijjht nl tho 1'ko Ihenter with n erowded Imuse. There nre four members in thin company nml they put on a different net each evening in the week, The I'pt change jiielures four lime n week nml with a niclitly rhniiKfl of vuuleillo their mil ior t(ii weou oiler much vari ety. Tho picture liiir, evening' nl the Uki ' sniil to he jiinnii the best cut hhnwii in Jletlfortl. NOTICK. Nutlco Is hereby given that tho uu demlKned will apply at tho regular meeting of tho city council October jr., 1012, for a HceiiBo to soil beer mid malt products only In quantities of not less than twelve common tliinrt boor bottles or Ha equivalent to tho consumer from our place, of business at No, 201 South Hlveraldo aveiuio for a period or six months. GEO. MAPLE, WALTKH K. IIAHDY. Dated Oct. 2, 19)2. i 1 1 . - j. a . . Notltv to tho I'll bile. Having soctired by a court, decree nil of the properly or tho Rogtio River Valley nursery company wo wIbIi to call your attention to tho fact that this comprises tho largest amount of all vnrletles of fruit trees over grown In Boiiihorn Oregon, As to tho qual ity wo Invito your inspection, if you me thinking of planting you can save money -by writing or call on us. F. H. COOK, I. R. KLINE. 101 South Fir St., Medford, Oro. 171 NOTICE. Notlco Is hereby given that tho undersigned will apply at tho regu lar meeting of tho city council Octo ber 15, 1912, for n license to sell mult, splrltoiiH and vlnoiis liquors at Ifl NorUt Front street, for a porlqd NEW TODAY A flno irrigated 20 aero garden nnd fruit much property, near store, suhool mid Roguo Rlvor, eloso to Tnblo Rock. 35 acres of flno young pears, 5 acres of apples, and 35 acres ot highly cultivated garden laud. Flno now S room bungalow, large, now barn mid other buildings, Stock and Implements go with tho plnc,o. TIiIb Is tho finished product, uud tonus can ho mado on a largo part of It. $22G,00 an ncro. A party with two flno housoa In tho best part of Spokane, with all paving In and paid, Right In tho busluosa soqtlan, will exchange, for Medford business property, or eloso In choice acreage hero. This pro perty Is a good nuinoy maker now, ami flno Investment na wqlh $15, qoo.oo, ' ; ,c."d."hoon Room It!, JncliMtii Cuiuity Hank Bldg, MEDFOHpt 0 REG ONT, MONDAY, OCTOBET? 7, ,3932, Classified Advertising PAYABLE IN ADVANCE RATES: Gfle cent per word per insertion; 50c tho line by the month. VOU JtKMV-iiOAItl) AND KOOMS FOH KENT Hoard and rooms, prl vnto family, 517 8 Holly St. 170 pon rent vvumamm kooms FOR HKNTLarso sleeping room, II. GO nnd 2 per week. Modern1 housekeeping apartments, $15 and tlG. Home phone 2CC-IC 222 South Holly. KOlt ItENT -Modern furnished rooms at the Cottage, C04 West 10th st., two blocks couth Medford Hotel. Ifot .and cold wator In rooms. Mrs. H. M. Coss. foii RKXTnucsJsa FOR RENT Furnished 6 room cot tage modern, SIS King St.- FOR RENT FHrnlitiPrt" house close In, GO North Orange. FOR RENT Mqdcrn turnlalied 5 room bungalopr. Call mornings. 422 South lAtfiyl. , f FOR RENT Famished house with all modern' conveniences. 730 W. Eleventh St, FOR RENT Modern five-room house. U. A. Rider, at M. F. & H. Co. FOR RENT 10 room houso rear of Farmer. 4: Fruitgrowers bank, sultablo for business, real estate, boarding or rooming houso. Gold Ray Realty Co., 6th an'd Fir sts. FOR RENT Two room bachelor home. 214 West Sth street- See Whlto & Trowbridge. FOR RENT -Modem two Btury dwelling. Hot and cold water, lawn and trees. 220 Laurel St. See Whlto & Trowbridge. FOR RENT -Completely furnished modern bungalow, large living room, sleeping porch, piano, silver, linen, etc. Ono block from Hotel Medford. Open for Inspection from 10 a. m. to 4 p.- m. i:t2 North Ivy btreet. 1C9 FOR RENT- Seven room home, sleeping porch, paved street, $20. Sco or phono CoL 1 1. H. Sargent. 174 FOR RENT Small furnished hotisa ut 014 N. Riverside avenue. In quire of owner, 520 S. Ivy strcot, 171 FOR RENT Modern C room houso. screened sleeping porch, gas and oloctrlclty, east .front, flno shado close In, Owner 31 S Laurel St, 170 FOR RENT FURNISHED AITS. FOR RENT Smith Apis. 217 8. Rtv. FOR RENT- Furnished apartmont new, private hath, hot water heat.. Tho Borbou Apartmont, 10 Quince St comor West Main. FOR RENT OFFICES FOR RENT Large, comfortable of flco rooms with elovator sorvlco, steam heat, hot nnd cold wator, Low rntes. Apply Medford Furnl turo & Hdw. Co. ' FOR RENT- 3 offices Taylor-Phlpps building, Particulars, A. C. Tay lor. Phono StJ-P-G-;. 173 KOR HET MlSCKLTiATVEOUS FOR RENT- 1C room flat ovor El fort'a tailor shop, 207 West Main. Soo Whlto & Trowbrldgo. FOR RENT Ranches largo aud small, alfalfa nnd gardon lands. Gold Ray Realiy;Co Cth and Fir. FOR RENT 30 room furnished hotel on percentage. Gold Ray Realty Co. FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE A cozy b room modern bungalow, on large lot cheap, must soil at onco, ownors Home phono 182V. 170 FOR SALE Cheap, Easy pay montB, three room cottage. 300 Willainetto Avo,. 'east side. Chlck- on lmuso aud barn, mat or two lots, flno deep soil, Toloplmno 0083, B, F. Piatt? -Garpett-Coroy Bldg, ' " 178 J i- FOR SALE UPftirWii! 9 room bunga low, hard v,bbd flour and modern throughout, must ho tur-on to bo ap preciated. Will sacrifice on ac count of leaving town. Mrs. O. H, Hrown. 430 .'. Ilartlett, phono Main 75C1. FOR SALE 4 room House and lot, $000.00. Gold Ray Realty Co., Sixth and Fir. -tf rOH BALK ACKRACM FOR SALE A beautiful building site just east of Medford city limits. High, and nightly, perfect drainage, fine view of Medford and the valley, building restriction oa adjacent property. Three lots measuring 40,000 square feet or nearly an acre. Fronting on Jack son Houlevard which will be otie of the rinest drives In Medford when the new Dear Creek bridge Is completed. This property caa be purchased for ?r00 down long time and easy terms on balance. This cannot bo beat for a high grade residence location. Address P. O. Dox 702, Medford, Oregon. FOR SALE Large acreage fruit, lands. Exchanges, W. J. Hill Is, E. II. French. No. 0, 8. "(Central with Abstract Co. 174 FOR BALK MISCEIiLANBOtH FOR SALE Sewing machine, range and other householov'gooUs, house for rent. 11 IS fith St. 109 FOR SALE Smalt sheet Iron heat ing stove with pipe, $1.00; large gas heater with rubber hose, $1.00; lawn mower In good condition, $2.00; 1 cider keg, 75c; steel cur tain roads, brass casing with con nections, 50c. Call 822 W. 12th St. Pacific phone 2C51. 169 FOR SALE S ton good alfaUa hay In stack, ono mile south of town. $7.00 per ton, C. C. Pierce, M. F, & If. Co. 172 FOR SALE Good work and driving horse, $7G.00. A. K. Ware, room 4, Jackson County Bank Bldg. FOR SALE Disc plow and rubber tiro English go-cart. Pacific phone 201-J-4. FOR SALE 1912 tnttssengor au tomobile almost new. "Bargain for cash. Box SO, Tribune. FOR SALE Good work toam, har ness, wagon and farm implements. 742 W. 14th St., or phono Home 123-W. 109 FOR SALE Two and one-half dox eu full blood Brown Leghorn hens and one and ono-half dozen Rhode Island Reds. 75 cents each Is sold at once. Phono 352 Main or No. 06. R. 2, Medford. 1G9 FOR SALE Twin Thor motorcycle for sale cheap at F, E, Martin's Bicycle Shop. ' 172 FOR SALE Household furniture, dining room table, sanitary couch, "rocking chair, gasoline stove, etc.. very cheap on sale Tuesday and Wednesday only. 701 N. Riverside. Phono 32, Pacific, 170 FOR SALE araln hay $5.00 per ton. C. W. Isaacs. FOR SALE For pasturo bill, ono bay gelding put In September 7th, ono brown maro put In August 18, will bo sold October 12, .to highest bidder ut ranch. E. E. Morrleon. 170 FOR SALE Registered Belgian hare buck, $3.00 Call 201-F-3, Bell phone. 170 HELP WANTED FKMAidi WANTED Competent woman for general housework. Must bo a good cook. Phono 814-1M2. WANTED Good woman cook, lib oral wagos. A. P. Stover, phono 811-F-21, WANTED SITUATIONS. WANTED Position on ranch by ex perienced orcbardlst, R, R, I, box 20. 105 WANTED Family washing and iron ing at homo, odorato prices. I.aco curtains, 10 cents per pair. N. Holly nnd 3rd St. Phono, 17S-K. 172 WANTED Sober, rollablo man, wants position, capable of hand ling rniicn of any kind, enn bo de pended upon every way. Write box 43, Mall Tribune, 170 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Anyone wishing to engage In the billiard business can purchase nll'or a half lutorest li tho Owl Billiard par lors aa owner wishes to go away, Samo can he purchased at a very reasonable figure, S, I, Brown. WANTED To trade good young team, weight 2150 ior dry fir or oak wood. Inquire of Jane Bros., jiome paono aui-x. WANTED TO JiUY Oood second hand light hack, with top. Janes Pros., Home phono 301-X. WANTED TO RENT Modern eight room house or seven rooms and sleeping porch, close In. Pox 92, Mall Tribune. "' WANTED Clean Tribune ofrfce. rags at the Mall WANTED A loan proved property. Mall Tribune. $500. on Address h. im W.. 172 WANTED 5 or 0 room house, mod ern with barn. Phone Main R772, or write Box 272 Medford, Ore. 171 VOK SAWS, tiAXS FOR SALE Rancnee, acre tracts, town property on 5 and 10 years time. Gold llay Realty Co., Sixth and Fir. BUSINESS DIKflFCTORY Accoaateata D. R. WOOD General Aecooatant Your books audited aad kept for a reasonable llgnre; your business (solicited. Office, Medford Mall Tribune bldg; phone 6611; real dence phoae 6302. ' " Auto Supplies. LA11ER AUTO SPRING CO. Our big secret la making springs Is the tempering! We are operating the largest, oldest and best emilDDed plant la tho Pacific northwest. Use our springs when others. fall. Sold under guarantee. 26 North 15th street, Portland, Oregon. Alter aeys D. W. BAGSHAW Attorney-at-Law. Jacksonville, Ore. Office: Bank bldg., second floor. Phene: Pa cific, Main 33. C. L. REAMfeS. LAWYER Offlee Medford National Bank huUdlag. second floor. PORTER J. NEFF, Vfil. P. MEALBY Attorneys-at-Law. Noa. 1 and 2, Postofflce bldg. A. E. REAMES, lAWYER Corey bldg. -Garnett- MULKEY & CHERRY (R. F. MUL KEY, GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 and 12 Jackson County Bank bldg. i W. J. CANTON rAttornoy and Coun sellor at law. Room 2. Rlalto building, Medford, Ore. Bill roater VERNE T, CANON Bill Poster and Distributor. AH orders uromDtlv filled. Room 29 Jackson County uaaK oiug., uearora, oregoa. Civil EHgttxN LOUIS W. WHITlNrt 'iii . Civil Eneineer ana surveyor, water ruing aad Irrigation work a specialty; sur veys, subdividing, building grades, city engineering, drafting, sower design, conprote TYpr;, pump and eanal systems. Room 3, Palm blk., Medford, Oregoa. Chiropractors VDR. A. R. HEDGE::. ir. Louise E. Hedges, Mechanp-Thraplsts, Chiro practors, Spondylotheraplsts. Tiese systems, Including dietetics, cura tive gymnastics, hydro-therapy, etc., produce -results In both acuto and ohronlo diseases. Consultation free. 230 N. Bartlett street, noxt door to M, E. church. Hours, 9 a, in. to 5 p. m. Other hours by ap pointment. Bell phone Malu 4171. DR. R, J. LOCKWOOD. Chiropractor, nerve specialist. Rooms 203-04-05 Garnott-Corey Bldg. Vapor baths and scientific massage given; advice In dletotlcs, medical gym nastics, hydrotherapy. Lady at tendant Phone Home 145-K. Main 7973. Grautto Works MEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo. W, Priddy, O. D. Nagle, Goo. T. O'BrJen Contractors and manu facturers of brick; dealers In pressed brick and lime. Office at their brick yard, West Jackson at Phone No, 3461. Hotels. THE PARK VIEW HOTEL Rooma $1.50 per week, meals 25 cents. Transient 25 cents a night. J. 7. Perry. Prop. " 17 Notary PhWIh HELEN Ni YOqiCEf Salary Pub. He. Bring your work to ma at th sign ot The Mail Tribune. p$or By "Bud" Fiiher T nWy 4 A i i. BUMXHSa DIRNOTORY CbJaese MtaMeJaaa uhow YOUNO'8 CfcmeM aediclBM will car rhoBtmatloat, catarrh, cebJ, foltare, threat aad lung trouble, eteafBSM, ftaralysto, private dhwasea aad all ktads 9 ohroalc aad aerveaa allseu, Stoasaeh treble, eoiwtlpatktB,' ladlgestlea, wesh aad bladder 'trouble. Sea aae at 241 8. 'reat at', fderdi Ore., to 4, G:30 to 7:30. Realdeaea phoae Mala 42 DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO ' DR. O. G VAN SCOYOO Deattsta Qaraett-Cerey Idg., ms U Medford. Oregoar-Eoth Paoaea. DR. ARTKMUS W. DBANK Dentist. Offlee ia Rlalto bldg., J2S 8. Mala. Gas adtfllaknerc-4 for extraetloa pf teeth. Tefephona Mala 8J. Nlht phoae 4432, GARBAGB Get year premised cleaned ap fr-the -summer. Call oa the elty garbage wagons for fjood aervlce. Phoae Mala 251. K, ' Hursetiea QUAKER NURSERIES Oar tree are budded, not-grafted. Oar atoclc is not Irrigated. We gnaraate everything pat out. We are mot (a the trust- II, B. Patteraoa. Offlcar reajoved to office Jlotel Nash, la side entrance next, to barber shop. - - " Primers aad PafeUskera MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the beat equipped job offlee la aouthera Oregon ? book blndlag, teoee leaf v systeaw. cut painsr, etc., etc. Port land prices. 27 N, Fir at. Physicians aad Surgeon DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Physi cians and surgeons, 'Taylor aad Phlppa bldg., rooma (210-211-212. Office phoae 501, residence phone 612. Office hpurs 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. DR. P. G. CARLOW. PR. HVA MAIN w...v., uaieuiiaiuic paysieiaas. Moved to rooms 416 and 417 Gar aett-Corey bldg. Phone Mala 635ti DR. STEARNS PhYSlclan an. J mr. s- geon. Offlee Jackson County Bank Bldg., rooms 17-18-19, phone 5501; residence 307 S. pakdale, phoaa 7171. Home phone, residence 109, office 130, DR. S. A. LOQKWOOD FhyaleW and Surgeon. MYRTLE S, LOCKWOOD. M. D. . .-bkivo iiiuuhu in aiseases or women. OfHcee over H-sklaa Drug Store. Office Phenes: M. 1001, tfnil.in( Tlaclton,..i iiIia.lu -t..t.; tendant. Residence phopo uu-, oiuctj nomo Ha., dr. j. j. EMMENS Phyalalnaaad Surgeon. Practice limited tp eye,' ear, nose and throat. Byea sclent tlffcally testeJ and glamuw jupnlledi Orflco 228 E. Mala St. Hours 8;30 a, m. to 8 p. at, Both phones, E B. PICKEL, M, l. orriee Jack son County Bank. Office phoae M. 432; Res. phoae, M. 582. DR. J. w. J. MARION Physician1 and Surgeon. Office rooms C aad G Kcntner bldK. Office hours io to 12, 2 12, 2 to 5. Phone. Bell 271'.' Aesldence phone Bell 273, 7 E. KIRCHGESSNER. M. D. Prae tlce limited to Chronlo Disease. Office Hotel Holland, Wednesday 10-3. Both phones. Residents phenes: Farmer 16xx6 Ragle Point and Rogue River line. HERMANN F. RATTav, X. D Ofi flea over Medford National Bank. Office phone 6701, Re., Hotel Holland. CLARK E. 8AUNDBR8. M. D., Praa-1 tlce limited to Eye, Ear. Now and Throat, Byea scientifically tested and glasses furnished whan seeded. Garnett-Corey Bldg., 2nd floor." Both Phones. Medford, Ore. SteHogratrttera ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palat Ifrwk;. Stonographto work deae HiekIy and well. ,' TraasHtr EADS TR.ANSP1IR Ik STORAQI OQ. r-Offlee 16 South fir. Xkm Bell 3162; ir-Hity 3if. .tK3 right. Servloe guarautcad. UiMk'rtakers JOHN A, FK--UPtatai( Bmbaltner. Offe . floutji 1 ten ti. .jrrias Burr ill. nla. L '-!- Ul . HoweiTJ-ii Oalla wtav-rad Blfkl sr day,! Awhulaaw mnm. yb i c & A 1 :v $ "i "$ --" - '--- --- - - 1 .- -- - .. . ...... 'TV - . . ' ... j . . j .. " : J - ---- J--- --