Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 07, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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, i
wr. hhu Mrs, Tiogegram reiurueu
HitHilay night front a wwk's trip o
Bin Fraelsoo,
r?. 'I.. $plit and wife ot Spukauo
are guto ot 0. v. McDonald.
.''D.v Yrt Dagahaw, editor of the
A&iAvllIrt Vt. and his wife go
Uek, frani, a 'trip fe Pennsylvania.
hijw'oT tno" Tornier.
The Southern Pacific railway
company Rill hold It train Nutnbir
18 of 'Wednesday', October 9, hki
orantaW itll 10; 4R p. m." fftr
Jtho b'enefll of those living between
Grant's Pas and Ashland who de-!
sire to witness tho ixTfotauace of
"Doughl and Paid For," At the
OrantVpSs obera holise Ihafnlght.
i i 16S
11. V, Thlcrolf' and George Porter
went tj Springfield Saturday, where
the big mills- of tho "Wendltng com
pany, that buppltes mueli of tho lum
ber used In this alley, are located.
They returned net day.
Sirs, C C. Deekman and her
(laughter. Miss Carrie of Jackson
vlllp, shopped in Medford Saturday.
D. II. Miller of Cold Hill, former
county treasurer. Is reported to bo
lIle sick.
Dr. and Mrs. F. C. Page arrived
from Los Angeles Sunday evening for
u ihort (May (n Medford.
Medfor ConMvatory ot Music and
Language; College Bldg. The only
music school In So. Oregon with a full
corpi otf teachers. Send for catalog."
George L. llaff and H. D. Reed
were among the Gold HUIers who
did business In Medford Saturday. .
Mr. Mitchell, the California stock
buyer, Is In the valley, Interviewing
the eattle raisers. "
Or. rtlckert, eyesight specialist,
over Kcntner'a.
J. W. Opp was up from the Bra
den mine Sunday, en route to Jack
sonville to look after his mining in
terests. Mr. and Mr. Ellis Gait of Mound
precinct have been visiting Mrs?
Jtoberts and 'Mrs. I O. Van Wegen'
of Griffin creek.
8. A. Kowell. ladles' tailor, 4th
floor M. F. H. bids.
"Walter Falrman, who has been in
Lake county for sometime. Is In
Medford again.
Garland atoves and ranges, lubri
cating oils. F. W. Bfeaplelgk Hard
ware, Ko. SS. South Central.
Gr-Blksaat'candldale 'for counfy
surveyor, tarried a short time in Med
ford Saturday.
Oak and bardwood 14.59 aad $5.09
per cord. Gold Ray Realty Co.,
Sixth and Fir.
Mr. and Mrs. It. W. Telfer are
making Medford a short visit. They
have been spending the summer In
the Wllllamelte valley.
Oysters, Oysters, Oysters, direct
from the Oyster beds at Hotel Med
ford. J. H. McReynolds of Foots creek
was in Medford Saturday. Ho was
accompanied by bis daughter. R. L.
Cook of Hock Point was here at the
same time.
Oak and bardwood $4.50.and $5.00
per cord. Gold Ray Realty Co.,
Sixth and Fir.
' Miss Ella Parke of Applegate
teaching tho district school at Ster
M. F. & H. Co. for stoves and
Mrs. Jorgenson made a business
trip to Medford Saturday afternoon.
Claude Jones of Sam's Valley and
F. M. McKItuile of Antioch spent a
few days in Medford during the
Diamond Edge tools and cutlery,
picking baskets and ladders. F.
W. Sbapleigh Hardware, 28 South
Mrs. R. Ernies, Miss Leila Prim and
Mrs. E. J. Kublt of Jacksonville
were recent visitors in Medford.
The Drookhurst orchard Is taken
off the market. Owner.
Col. R. C. Washburn of Table
Rock motored to Medford Saturday.
He will harvest a bumper crop of
fjne apples this season.
Dr. Rlckert, eyesight specialist,
over Ketitner'a.
"Cury" Wilson, Southern Oregon's
star catcher, was over from Jackson
ville Saturday, He made good dur-
Jug the past season us one of the
best players In the Pendleton club.
Try a Vappr bath for that cold. Dr.
R. J, Loekwpod, GarneUCorey BIdg,,
phone Homp i45 "
y.DUIp't I.1IU " '" from his big
orchard Saturday, ue bus com
pletadlie iliitnjPt of nearly 2p car
loads of pears to the eastern markets
for which he got the top price. Dttt
fer the unusually cold weather of
lat sprlag the yield would have been
mere than twlee as much.
mmii jr. r. wa aen
du M wr
9 i
I -r ''
There has, been aomo frost In the
valley during tlm past week and cqn
Werahle vegetation Jia been laid
dw.' I 1 ,
,0 11. I.awior. the attorney, has
gone east on proftwlonal business,
and'VUI be gojie fce?cral 'w'oeks.
Dr, Morrison baa removed bis of
flrn fjnm the St. Mark'a block to
rooms 2 11-2 IS second floor Garnett-
Corey, building. l&
wshury lleall and family of Con-
fral Point Wore nmons the many who
ftliopuv'if in Me'dfor3, Saturday.
A. II, Klshor of Phoenix" was a
business vtslt6rlu Medford Saturday.
Vnnni hatha nmt Aelontlflc niAftftiien
11.00 for men ami women. Dr. R.
J. Lockvood, chlroprocter and nervo
9p!clallsj 203 Gametl-Corey Dldg.
fhone Home 14S.
, V. I. Vnwter and E. Et Kelly were
at Jacksonville lately, on professional
Joseph Glnct, V1. M. Smith and S.
M. Carpenter ot Sterling transacted
business in Medford. Saturday.
Kodak finishing, the best at Wes
ton's, opposite book store.
M'rs. J. G. Goble and Mrs. K. D.
Weston visited Mr. and Mrs. D. H.
Miller of Gold Hill Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Linn of
Portland are visiting In Medford nnd
Jacksonville. Mr. Linn Is Interested
In a fine orchard situated a few
miles west of the county seat.
See R. A. Holmes, The Insurance
Man, over Jackson County Bank.
Wnt. Nellls of Rogue River was
among his Medford frleiult). Satur
day afternoon.
Will McDanlel and his family nnd
J. D. Matney of Applegate wero In
Medford Saturday.
Phone us your orders for milk,
cream, butter and .butermllk. Two
defiverys dally. R. R. Creamery.
E. T. Staples and E. D. Brlggs
w.ero down from Ashland Saturday
Mrs. H. Jackson of Iron Mounaln,
Michigan, Is in the valley visiting her
brother, E. I. Maultby and other
Carkln Taylor (John IT. Carkln,
Glean O. Taylor), attorncys-at-law,
over Jackson County Bank Building.
Medrord. 4
Senator Von dcr Hellen left for
Corvallls Sunday to attend n meet-
tug of tho board ot trustees ot the
Oregon Agricultural college.
Get Mrs. 'Reynolds borne made
bread at DeVoe'a. .
George Fitxglbbon ot Portland is
making Medford one of his regular
JMejiJsl 0 j:entKJandcrkerchJefs go
at 3 cents tomorrow morning at 106
X. Front street, The cheapest store
in the west. 169
Ralph Williams was arrested Sun
day for trying to wreck the home of
bin parents on Xorth Central avenue.
Upon the failure of his parents to
P'onncute he will probably be re
leased. fbere will bo a public meeting to
night at St. Mark's church to which
all are cordially invited. -The sub
ject discussed Ib "The Kingdom of
B. D. Weston, commercial pbotog
rapbera, negatives made any time or
place by appointment Fuone M. 1471
Oysters, we know how to serve
them any atyle. Hotel Medford.
Tho funeral of Mrs. F. H. Farrar
of Gold Hill was held Sunday. A
large number ot friends attended.
X, S. Bennett, who was one ot the
Judges at the Harvest Festival at
"Rogue River declares that the ex
hibit of vegetables was very fine and
a credit to any section.
Chief of Police Hlttson Monday re
sumed his duties on tho force and
while not able to swing bis club as
mightily as of yore, can handle any
ordinary vag.
Robert W. Telfer of the Clark &
llenery Construction company Is vis
iting Medford.
B. F. Mulkey, district attorney,
spent Monday at Granta Pass on busi
ness. John W. Curry of Washington, D.
C, passed through Medford Sunday
on his way south. His daughters.
Gladys nnd Ethel of this city accom
panied him as far as Ashland.
Horace Nicholson and family spent
Sunday at Ashland.
Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Emmons of
Trail creek, aro In Medrord on a
short business trip,
Clarence Wilson has returned from
a visit with friends at Los Angeles,
Bishop Scaddlng and Rev. Mr,
Browning of Coos Bay will speak at
St, Mark's church this evening. The
public Is cordially Invited.
, MIUWAUKKK, Wl8 Oct. 7,Xo
change was repurted today In the
coudltlon of Rapli DePalma who
waB severely Injured hero Saturday
while driving In tho grand prlx an
tpiuoblle rape.
Dvl'alnia' prlBCJI'ftl injury con
sists of an abdoniluahle puncture and
unlets peritonitis sets in physicians
say bis chances for recovery are good
lWPalma'8 wife arrived bore today.)
" ON,
NKY YORK. Oct. 7. With prices
little morn than nominal, the Htoek
market showed firmness at today's
opening. The strongest features
were Heading, General Electric, St.
Paul and California Vetrolenm. Deal
lugs weWsmnllor lb ah recently.
While" prices Inclined towards
firmness at the outset, pressure
against the loaders soon caused them
to yield. Reading, Lehigh and
Canadian Pacific fell a point or more.
SpeclaltleR moved uncertainly, some
recording marked Rains, while tho
tobacco group wero heavy.
Bonds wore Irregular.
i v , . ' . -,
XEW YORK, Oct. 7. With tho
primary Idea of making people un
derstand that autopsies nre In the
Interest nr medical science, 200
prominent physicians of Brooklvn
and Long Island are pledged today
to will their bodolcs to the dissecting,
tnlrte. This action was taken at a
meeting held in Hoffman Island by
the Associated.' Physicians pf Long
Island. The medicos wish to dfsst
patb ihc "morbid Impression which
the general public maintains in re
gard to, autopsies.
CHICAGO, Oct. 7 That Frank
Chance, manager ot the Chicago Cubs
of the National League has not re
ceived official notice ot his discharge
by Charles W. Murphy, the club's
president, was Indicated hero today
in a" letter sent by Chance to Garry
Herrman, president of tho Cincinnati
Herrmann offered chance the man
agement ot the Ruds. it is said, at the
same salary he Is receiving from the
Cubs. Chance replied that be was
pledged to return to the Cubs next
season It his services were wanted,
and thntho could not consider .the
offer until he had received personal
assurance from Murphy that he was
to be relieved as manager of the Cubs
for the 1913 season.
' "
1NDIAKAPOLIS. Ind., Oct. 7.
Sbnwered with ttilegruiiiK nnd letters
of congratulation, James Wbitcomh
Hiley, the Iloosier poet, todny cele
brated hiM fifty-ninth birthday hero.
Hiley stayed at home nil duy and
in an interview, with the United Press
'I am thnnkful to everyono for
their and I don't helimc I
Imve nil enemy in the world. My
health is better than it was u yenr
'(Continued from pay.e 1.)
Becker was the magnet for all
eyes when he enterod tho court room
In tha midst of a bevy of deputies, a
moment before the trial opened. Ho
held bis head high and tho confident
look he wears continually seeniod
heightened. There was something
of scorn in his counteuanco as ho
gazed around tho court room after
taking bis seat. He conversed froe
ly with his counsel while awaiting the
calling of his case.
Many ot those In the court room
at' the opening of tho trial were for
mer gangsters and gunmen, whose
business hag been curtailed somewhat
of late by the activity of tho district
attorney's office.
Due to the tragic dcafti of Jack
JCellg, alleged to be a silent accom
nllce of JJeckerV, Interest in tho
trial was greatly Intensified through
out tho city and thousands clamorod
for admittance long before tha bo-
Klnnlnx of court proceedings this
District Attornoy Whitman ad
milled this afternoon that the mur
der of "Dig Jack" Zeiig removes one
of tho ktato's most Important wit
nesses. Ho insists, however, that
Xellg's death will not materially
weaken the prosecution's case.
Just before thp cauo was called
Attorney Mclntyre, chlot -of counsel
for Decker, announced ho would ask
for a postponement of tho case be
cause Attorney John Hart, his as
sistant, had been striken suddenly
with appendicitis.
Before f furling the actual trial of
Becker, Justice Qoff impaneled a
frpucSal grand jury to prove alleged
activity of the police in exacting tri
bute from tho underworld of New
York-. The gnind jury wa sclented
from n venire of fifty, the majority
fAViopi unj;lit to escape wrvjee.
jfvrnni iiinirr i kj .'
MEDFORD, OKflflOK. .MONDAY, QOTOfilDK 7, 1012.
LF l H'TOMO fflW
" " v W . i I t
Danny O'llrien, I lie clover IVrtliii1
lightweight huxor soliothihxl In wont
Hud AiulerMin before (he .Medford
Athletic Muh. Oef. ltUh. in dim to ar
rive in McdrVwi tomorrow nnd will
train heft up tovilu. du.v.tir his con
toil. O'lti'ieti is In- tin accompanied
hv a younger brother. Knutkic, whrj
win tici us him 8MriuiK puriner.
In luilicipntinu cf liU mutch with
.iideiou, (Vltrion has lu'eii trntajmj
the nam ten du.v in hirthiMUltiul
iiimU only to put the )ihihim;
touches on htw.
O'llricti htm host of xuportci
in I'ortltuid vlm finiilv beltevo Ibninj
v. hen rijjhl, cntt liold U own with
nny liuhtvveiuht in Ihc win Id, and W'
A.'illiiur to buck their judgment with
the coin ftf the ivalm.
Thtr w quite n doleioUiou of fun
fiom Pnrtlund Mind Vniicouvcr, the
latter Hud AiuleiNon' home 'town
ulnt it k believed will mike the I rip
to Medford iivjpceial rnr to nmt
for their faVorileJ
.. . nyHBgATw
ASULAKM)At.Sil;J:A.t 'imV
Usuiil meeliiigMjrttnki'it plueo utthe
Onibite yt l$tyi if Ashlnn.l.
B, Oarlock, jjfeneher near Merlin,
came o A-hhRli Xev dav iigo tW
trcntmept in tblKilital utid hi rcl
utivrx were u?ft)(f'il (hut on inani
tion won m'ce&itjry. A. 11. Tnrlork
nnd 11. M". Onrlocir. two hrothciN H
ini: in I'orllnnd, nrnved mid 11. .M.
! nnd W. K. Cdrlock met for. (he first
I time in 411 yeni. II. M. Cnrloek Is ,i
member of nit iiwunmcc Jinn in I'orl-
land. A. 11. Cnrloek ii retired Port
lntnl capitalist utid ouo of tho oldistl
Welj-Fnn:o men in the northwest,
hnvinir hcoii in the work with O. t
Heckmnn, the pioneer express rider
and bunker of Jacksonville. W. K.
Carlock was operated upon l'or-iib-domiunl
I rouble 'hud a complete iv
eovpry is hoped i'or.
(Continued 'from pago 1.)
consequently I did not believe that I
wiih in uuy grciA trouble. 1 realize
notv however that it does look bud
forroe anil 1 aui. vorried. Still I-do
tint behove that nu innocent man will
be puni.shed, I think the truth of the
whole matter will come out jonucr or
Inter, and ihen it will he known that
I never killed a man for a few hun
dred dollars."
rumtnlngs in Trouble Ib-fore
Pert Cummings who was arreted
this afternoon liax heeu in Medford
about two yenr.s" and has been in
trouble several times. He was forced
to marry the onng daughter of Mrs.
Spanos in order to escape u statutory
charge whicli had been tiled against
hiui. Since that time he hat. been
under suspicion a number of times
and under nrrest a few lime, Re
cently he has been washing dishes at
n local hotel. He is now lodged m
the city jail awaiting preliminary ex
WASHINGTON', Oct. 7. -The pre
mature exploMon of n shell nt Toby
Hntina, Pa., today en lined the injury
of eight privates of IJ.ittery V, Third
United States Field Artillery.
William ft. Krbeck, the most ser
iously hurt, was brought to a hospi
tal here.
Public notice la, hereby given that
the undersigned will, at tho regular
meeting of the city council of Med
ford, Oregon, on October 15th, 1912,
apply to said city council for a whole
Halo Iluuor license to transact the
business of a wholesale liquor deal
er at Its place of-business Ko. 301
North Fir street lo'tho City ot Mod
ford. Oregon, for a period of six
months from the date of said license,
In accordance with the provisions of
Ordlnaiico No. 70S of tho said City
of Medford, adopted by tho Wild city
council on October 1st, 19U.
Dated at Medrord, Oregon, this
7th duy of October, 1912.
That thera may be no tnlsiindr
standing regurdlng tile barbecue and
raco meeting Tuesday, October 8,
thoro will bo no speaker prcsont to
represent the republican party of
Jackson county. We hope to have a
speaker of national reputation hero
later in tho campaign.
ISM I l MPJIlii in llll I II
FOIl HAM-: Household goods. 715
West 2nd St. 171
KOJl BALIS Ilwglstorod Poland
Cbluu male jiog. Won second
lirlzo at state flr.' J r monttiH old,
Phono Home n-W. HO
I')UTI,ANM), Oct. 7 ccoi.Ih ihc
hctn himhIu'iI light "uml lel'i in tln
eroi rclunM for the unilhwcsi for
tOlii. The wlpwt olituit for Wltnli
Ihiiji. Otegoh mid Idaho tliU j cu
ll ?9,A!6)lll(l.ljhnlie4.'lill( AulH lor
Ihc snim. tliivJ hIiiIc.-a loltil ni'.lu(i,i'
JltlU hushels mid lll.ljOSMIOt) hit.d.l?j
of hurley. 'It wum rijiimUcil two
weeks ug that the iheii output
would pstnl "'l.nno.d.iin hiwhds.
Whent ruiw lU.'imO.ttOOYnnU 1U1)IM).
nillO mid hmlov H.tMlO.iiliO lurhcN,
njipioxiinulcly over liihl jcnrV flg-
In centnil, southoiiNteni and enl
ern Oregon the showing was especial
ly fine, PiiIoihc district, Wnshing
lon, n m noted big Hiirphfi while
around Hit: lleud, WiikIi., there -wes
u nlighl dccrcitMc. In (lillltuu, Mor
lll ,41
row tmd Slioimmi c'Umtio.s nldiig thej
( oiumiiln river on the (ircgon Mii
hhnipci- chips wen the oiilcr. Kluui
nth county, Oregon, wu u mprlHS
it licit)),' the expectation hero t lint
the out put would he wnnll.
.l'or Coronet'.
I hereby- announce my candldary
tor the office of coroner of Jackson
county, on the Independent ticket.
W.'W. 1'H.SIIUlt.
Worst Stomach
Trouble Ended
Tape's Dlapepslu" (Hun Instant Ke
ller anil the Iti'llcf IjisIs
Kvery year regularly more than a
million stomach tiuffcrcrs In the
United States, ICnglaiid nnd Canada
take Tape's Dlapepstu, and realize
not only Immudlato, but lasting re-'
lief. This barmlesH preparation will!
digest anything you eat and over
come a sour, gassy or out-of-order'
stomach fho mlnutca ufterwards. j
If your meals don't til comfort-1
ably, or what aou cat lies like a
lump oi icau in your siomncn. or u
you have heartburn, that is a sign
of indigestion.
Get from your pharmacist a fifty
cent case of 1'apoV Dlnpepslit and
tako a done. Just an soon as you can.
There will bu no sour risings, no
belching of undigested food mixed
with acid, no stomach gas or heart
burn, fullness or heavy feeling In
tho stomach, nausea, debilitating
headaches, dltxlness or Intestinal
griping. This will all go, and, lie
sides, there will bu no sour food left
over In the stomach to poison your
breath with uaiiseoiis odors. f
1'ape's Dlapupsln is a certain cure
for out-of-order stomachs, because It
takes hold of your food and digests
It Juji tho name as If your-stoumoh
wasn't thoro.
Pellet In five minutes from nil
stomach misery is walling for you
nt any drug store.
Thoso largo fifty-rent cases con
tain inoro than sufficient to thor-
nnt-'liK- iMirn nlmOMt nnv ciiro nf ilvs-
pepsin, Indigestion or nny other
stomach disorder.
Doctors Use This lor Eczema
Z3r. Erana. Ux-Commleslonerof Htaltb.
saya: "Thar la almost no relation be
tween fckln dlK-aac aid Ilia blood." Tlio
bMh muat bo cured tUrouidi the akin,
The serins must bo waiiheU out, and so
aalvca Imve long avo biu found worth,
less. Tho mnat advanced phyalelans of
thla country aro now agreed on this, and
aro preacrlblng a waoli of wlnterunion,
thymol and other insreilleiits for ecueina
and all other Uln dlaaa. ThlK cem.
pound Is Known no V.U.U, Presorlptlon
fur Euniau.
Jacksonville Brick arid
Tile Company
ICxan'iiiH' our goods and get our prices before fouyiu
To Be Advanced to
$1000 an Acre
a I
is off the market. 'To be advanced to
$1000 an acre;
Owner. ,
i !
Neither the stale eoiilral coiiiintl
tec or the coium i-oiuinllteo of the
ilmnouriitlo parly Iiiih donlvtiintiul or
npiiolntoil nuy porson to icpniwolit
.the ileiiinoratlii'pni'ty aHllto bnrhennn
at the (air gt-mnhls jomorrinv.
,Vd in i 1(0 this Htiitoniont In order
that v the trfic :UiiiiIIoii nmy ho tin
dni'tUootl b the public and not out
of any ilimtre to Injnro tho Hiicceua
or tint htu'lieoinf. (
The ilomoM-ntln party irotir
coiidilel It h own ctuiiputgii In Its oimi
I'OUf HM .1 NrtFF. '
Ghulrinnn Uciiiocrnllo t'oiinty Coin
Mqmber Htutu Ceiiiral' Coin.
I'HH'AOO. Oct. 7. On Ihc fliurgc
of luivhitf-iillowcd cMoks hiipicl(Ml
ot litilithir'uiiitf the Until; of Moiitrc-il
al New W'enlminMei, II f. o ocnpe,
fyllillilir sMllhoiiey mill leleetie
Munis were given 11 ciil ncrviec hear
iiiir licrc today, t'hief of police M,
Wccnev Iclilleil lluit he did not
know of HiiniM hilvimr been liculen b
j the cs,.pl'ig robber imlil be leinned
, it "on the outside" nine duvi nflei
the in currcncc.
CaiiduhtU foi Coiii's,
Ji'ii'rtt DLstrict,
National Progressive Party.
U'ald Advcrtlsetnent.)
CO acres, six miles from Medford.
good graded road crosses tho tract,
all free soil, at $50 per acre. $1000
will handle, easy terms on balance.
Part Is crook bottom land, sultnblo
for alfalfa. Several springs on tho
place. Timber enough to pay for tho
tract. No buildings, In the Orltflo
creek district.
. tm&il. HbjbjB
'Bjrjfc- "BJ
mbBJHBM "ji mBHBhBs
BkViAn .RbmBI
:IW. T. York & Co.
Vr HolmrB, tho vrcll known skin !)'
rlnlldt writes: "I am convliiiied that tU
D.U.L) rruavrlplloii lit tu iiiuali a Hpoclllo
fur rcxetna, nt iiiilnltio fur umlurlii. - I
h(ivi) been pri iwrllilng llio U.D.t). remedy
for yrnra,1' It i tnliu awny the Itch
tho Instant you apply It.
In fact, wo are r pure of what D.D.D,
will do for you that wa will bo glad
to let yno Imve all bottle on our auar
untco that It. will cunt you nothing uu,
lean you pud that It doua ttiu woru.
WI5 WIMi MAllJ V()U l
for oaoh sot ot old Falm Tuotu sent
us. Highest prices pnld tor old Gold,
ailvor, old Watches, llrnkiSii Jowolry
nnd Prnolotm BIoihhi,
Munuy BQiit by Return Mall. 1
I'blla, HiueltluK S ItcfliiliiK Ooiupaiiy
Establldhod at) Year
Hci.'t Cliiwtnut Hi., riilliiilclphla, V.
To DcutlntH
Wo will buy yum' Gold Filings,
Gold Heron, and Platinum. 'HIbIiomI
prices pnld.
'IV hlltliOH of lllU
will liol.l
J Rummage Sale
.' juiid Kf'piiiHl-Iliimi flolli
iiiK. li. luvs atitl I'tirniiuro hi
I lie
Douol Build lug
Next to, Hie iM. . Do'jmt'l.
nionf, nloi'p
October 10-11-12
An.voiio having rltilliing or
aiiylhiiiK to tloimlc Igi- lliis
HiilV, pifjiNf tfh'phoiip I.'KU
nnd it will Ik i-ulli-d fui'.
WednGsSday, Oct. 9
.sfjiKon'' liijjtiHC
novel I. v
Wotid.H & Chalher's
Massive Prudueliuii
U. S. A.
Dainty Sweot ProtLy
Magnificont Sottiugs
riicluoiiH (louiedy
trjii(iiu CohIiiiiius
An Extraordinary !xlrangatuu
of Extraordinary lOvuntu of Two
llomlapberoiO A DrniiiHtlr.
Triumph of Veritable Merit, Pro
seiHiul b) a Well Hclvvled Company
of Plaers!
Prlnw yi. on, 7ft, .".( mill lir. u-iit-.,
Seat Siile nt llikln.
A Change of Feature
Is often very dnslrnhlo, espcrlnlly by
uldorly puopto. Nothing otfut'ts thla
aliungo better, or gives a puraqu a "
young nppcarunnu, t)tnu n
tinw.Hot or tcolb, should tho natural
nnort bo lout Wo run make from
ton to twoiity yearn dtrturoiicn to yobr
advaiitngn, If you will lot us attend
to j our ten tli nnd wilrnt for you n
now set of the very best itinlltv
Ma bo Its whnt YOl! lined.
Iidr AtlendAHt
Over Daniels tor Duds. PacHIo
Phono WiH. Homn Phono Snj!-lC
Prpf.G.G. Beach
(Jiiiilinili) nt fhleiiii Oiiihervatory,
PrkvH reasonable. Violin nlveu
Willi full cpurso. Atldrea Prof,
Hooch, enro Mali Trlhuiio. Mando
lin mid (Jultar.
b- i
'' ' . i . T.w
Stoam and Hot Wator
All Work Oimraut(t
1'rlavn Iteiisaimblt
83 sSiiw.yr & &,"
4 it Jit