Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 05, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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M. M Peter, who Iimh boon In Moil
fur snvouil ilnyw IhHIii k IiIh mother,
Mim. Mary Peter, loft Fildity iifhir
iioiiii fin- Hmii Francisco whom Iiu Iiiih
iiuplnyini'iii with the Southern Pnel
tic inllroud eonipiiny, IIIh sister,
Miss Mnry Pol or, woll known In .Inch
mn count)', also icsldeii In Him Fran
iIhc ami In Hii'til tloinniislintor for
'(lit) lloiiiliigton Typowillor company.
'I'ho Southern Pacific railway
company will holil Its train Number
lit of Wednesday, October l, ut
(Irwit's Puss until 10 : -I p. in. for
the benefit of those IIvIuk licit WOOD
tlruiit'a I'nxK nml Ashland who do
Mlrc to ulliiiiKit tint performance of
"Hought mid Pulil For," ut tho
(IrinitV Pass opera house thut night.
Mr. nml Mrs, Louis lloiinolt loft
I'lhlity night for Corvullls whom Hut
unlay Mr, llonnotl played with the
AI1111111I foolhull I mi lit itx'tllist tho
I 111 2 team of tho Agricultural col
logo. Mrs. Ilunnntt v.lll also ImI t
hor parents In llend, Oregon,
Tho chicken dinner somtil by tho
Indies of tho Presbyterian church
wan a grout success. Tho liiiomo
fioni It was ciy satisfactory being
about 2U0 clear of expenses. Tho
singing of Mm, Florence llalllilay
Knight wiik wiry fluo ami her slug
lug wuh highly appreciated.
Mrit. J. T llnrrlKiui loft Friday
evening for OhIiKohIi, Wli., whero hor
niothor Is seriously III. Mr. llurrl
gun anil her husband llvn at Marsh
fluid. Oregon, and limu been vUltlng
hero, tho guests of Mr. nml Mrn. W,
'j). Ill love. Mr llnrrlgau will leave
noon for Portland
Medford Coustivatory of Miulc and
Languages, College llldg. Tho only
mimic hcIiooI In Ho. Oregon with a full
corpN of touchers. Hotid for catalog.
Mm. T. J Hlmfcr, Mrs. J, A. Marsh
and Mrn, A It. Hill, of Jacksonville,
loft Friday night for a visit to Port
land friend.
Hen M, F. & II lo for draperies.
A. I. Armstrong baa purchased tho
MUtlutoit grocery store bulldliiK uud
ban oiilnrKcd It to fully twlco ltn nui,
nud tho placo In IioIiik Hhnpcd 11 1 J tut
lll,i a rchl more. Mr. Arnnttrons;
Mill opitu about tho ITith of thla
month with a full and comploto mock
of Krocorlcx.
Dr. Illckort, o)or)lKht ipeclalUt.
ovor Kentnor',
Mm. I.. WhltlluKtou of Jacknoii
lllo vliltcd Mm. J, HoKall of Mod
ford Friday.
H. A. fwwoll. ladle' tailor, 4tti
1 hmi 11 rionr M- ' & " "'"f
H W'."P" ',-vlf c0n, of Tho Meadows.
niuilo 11 hUNluckM trip to Mi'dford Fri
day, lie Ik accumiilatlliK pilto n
bunch of cat tic.
M. F. H. II. Co. for romfor(it and
Mm. J. A. .Mnrxh of Jackaoitvlllo
and hor ilaucbttir, Mm. J. Schafcr,
ranio to Mi'dford Friday I'vcnltig to
moot Mr. and Mm. A. Hill. Kurtikii.
Cal., tho former' brother nud IiIh
wife, who mIII vlult burn for n fow
tlnrlaud stovos nnd rnnRos, litbrl
ratltiR oIIh. F. W. HhnplolRh Hard
wnro, No, 2S, Houth Contrnl.
Dr. (I W. Stovciihoii will lea mi nmt
nenk for IiIh former homo In MIhn-
; ' i mill, for tho beuoflt of IiIh hnalth.
Ilo will bo accompanied by IiIh wlfo
and thoy will bo koiio for hoiiio tliim.
Oak nnd hardwood $4.50 nnd 96.0(1
por cord. Gold liny Itoalty Co.,
Hlxtb nnd Fir.
Tho county board of uojiulUutlon
i . Mill bold Its annual mihkIoii at .lack-
Kouvllln diirliiK tho wook boKlnuliiK
Monday, October 21.
M, F. Ai II. Co. for riiKS nnd car
putM. fl. It. Mc.Cuho, tho attorney Iiih ro
tiiinml from a profcHMlotial trip to
Kan FraucUco nud Hacrainuiito.
Oysters, Oysters, Oystora, direct
from tho Oyster IioiIh at Hotel Mod
ford, Frank FuiikIiL Iiiih returned from
Halt Uko City and will roiuulu hero
a while.
M. F. & H. Co, for chlnnwnro.
W. It. Colomnu, county dork uud
John F. Miller woro over from Jack
iiouvlllo Friday aftoruoon.
Oak and halitwimd 14. GO and $5.00
por cord. Hold liny ltenlty Co.,
Blxlli nnd Fir.
II. C. Ilouuoy uud Fred Ullbutt uro
tho now propilotot-H of tho Medford
Fish Markot. Mr. Kenworthy may
leayo our clt) In tho uiiur futuio.
1 M. l & II. Co. for bIovoh uud
.1, II. Hutlurof tho lllllien orehunlH,
wuh a , huslnoHx vlHltor lit Medford
Diamond 13d ko tools nud cutlery,
plokliiK huHkuts nud tuddora. F.
W, BliaplolBb llardwaro, 38 South
Weeks &HcGo wan Co.
y Vbons i71
Klgnt rhontsi V. W, Wtsks ton
A, a. Orr MM
Mrs, D, D, Walker, who Inn benn
vIiiHIiik for Hiivernl iuiiiiIIim with her
dniiKhlor, Mis, .1, H, Norwood, or
Conlrnl Point, loft Friday nlKlit for
bur lioiiio In I.oiiIhvIIIii, Ky. .Mrs.
Walker Is HOyoars of n;n hut sho Is
liiukluit this loui; trip uuultcudml, nud
foully that In not especially remark'
nblo In tier cnmi bcc'iiiKit of tbu fact
that tlieio am many women older
than shu Is when their ycaia uiiin
her not more than foily, Mm.
Walker Is ilullnhle'l with Oiokoii and
Is kdIuk to iclurii.
The llrnoKhiiist orcharil Is taken
off tho mai'liel. Owner.
W. i:. Thompson of The Ibrdo
mills, motored to Medforil Friday
Dr, Itk'keit, eyeslKht specialist,
ivcr Kentner's,
.1. II. Ileemaii was a visitor In Med
ford Friday. He sas that (ho erec
tion or a custom (limit?, mill at (lold
Hill In (ho near future seema prac
tically assured at last.
M. F & II, Co. for hardware
Fied Furry, l uud (!llton
( ary of I'boonU truusiicled business
In Medforil Friday. They report our
neighbor as steadily ImprovliiK.
Try u Vapor Imtli for Hint cold. Dr.
It. J, l.ockwood, Caruet-Corey IIIiIk-.
tiboiio Home I If..
A. H. Klliiehamuier of Atipk'Knte,
an oxieuslvo stock raiser, tarried a
few hours In Medforil Frlduy
M, F. & II. Co. for furniture.
W. Ileeson, Fred llapp and J W
Adnms of 'I alont were recent visitors
In Medford,
Dr. Morrison-has removed his of
fice from tho fit. Mnrk's block to
rooms 211-212 second floor Unrnett
Corey bulltllng. 170
T F. DiiRnu nud his fauill) wero
over from KhkId Point Friday.
Vapor baths and scientific mnssaKn
$1,00 for men nnd women. Dr. It,
.1. Lock wood, cblroprocter nnd nnrvo
specialist, 203 (Inrnotl-Corcy -illdi;.
phone Home Hfi.
II. II. Heed who did business hero
many years uko, spout Friday after
noon amoiiK his Medford friends. He
Is located ut Grants Pass,
Kodak flnlshlUR, the best at Wcs
ion's, npposlto book store-.
V. B. Dlsttlct JikIko Wolvertoii,
who him been holdliiK court In Med
fond, left for Portland Friday oven
liiK. It. F, MaUulre. deputy V. H.
district nttoruey nnd 1.. It. Webster,
who linve been In nttendance at this
court, went 011 the same train.
Tho Ladles Aid or the First M. H
church will hold n rummnKc sale of
Kood second hand clothing, dishes
and furniture In the Deuel hulldliiK
next to the M, M. department store,
Oct. 19. 1912. Any 0110 hnvlni; cloth
liiK or nny thine to donate for this
sale, plcnso telephone 4331 nnd It will
bo cnlleil for,
Lost, Oct. I, a pair of eo glasses
In case. Finder will please leave
them ut Mall Tribune office.
Boo II. A. Holmes, Tho Insurance
Mnn, ovor Jackson County Hank.
Horn, at Jacksonville. Sept. 20, to
Mr. and Mm. CI) do Hliaw, a datiKhtor.
Fresh crabs. Manhattan Cafe.
Mrs. lunula or Jacksonville, Ore.,
has a family horse 4 I yours past old
and Is spiy ns a younger home.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Williams of
Ashland spent Saturday with Med
ford friends.
James Hansen, who linn been mak
ing u trip to Kuropo, returned to
Medford during the week.
M. F. & H. Co. for O. V. 11. food
choppors, $1.25 to $1.7.'..
John W. Curry, who holds n posi
tion In ono of tho departments nt
Washington, D. C, bus returned to
his diUles after a lslt or mnenil
week In Medford, his former homo.
Fresh crabs, Manhattan Cafe.
Chan. 11. Cay wnB nt Jacksonville
nud Central Point Friday.
Phono us your orders for milk,
cream, buttor and hutormllk. Two
dollverys dnlly. It, It. Creamery.
Mrs, A 1111 In Smith Davis of Cali
fornia Is visiting relatives living at
Cnrktn & Tnylor (John H. Cnrkln,
Glenn O. Taylor), nttornoys-nt-lnw,
over Jncksou County Dunk Hulldlng.
N. J. Garrett and Al Turpllt or Dig
Sticky wero lu Mmlford one day tills
(lot Mrs. Reynolds homo made
brend nt DoVoo's.
Will Xuttbuum wuh among the I.ako
creekem III .Medford during tho week.
Dr. N. H. Avery, 11 Corvullls dentist
Who was .well known to early resi
dents of this viilley, died suddenly
ut Portland Wednesday, Ho wan In
tno r;id year of his age,
ChurlcH 11, Gay left Friday evening
for Salem having In oiiBtody Dr.
lOhiuuuu, a paroled convict, who vio
lated IiIh parolo Thursday by at
tempting to pnsB soverul forged
chocks. ly this move ICIiuiaua found
himself buck to servo flvo more yours.
13. D. Weuton, commercial photon
raphorn, nogatlvos made any tlmo or
placo by nppolutmeut Phone "M. H71
Air. uud Mrs. 8, A, SiuuleTson loft
Saturduy morning for u htmluesa trip
to Portluml.
Oystors, wo know how to aorvo
thorn any stylo. Hotol Medford.
F. 1. Mnddoit hus returned rrotit u
summer lu Alaska whero ho Ib Inter
estod In tho 8lmou canning Industry.
wrDDFonT) Mm TRrnrorfl,
Seldom have there been found
In Hi- Ann-ill mi l.eicue lu I 111- vumeH. Mti b fniulullou l now rife u
tiihl to. u) line the "fan" whtib ihe lienor te.uu
lice .ir kImivui ptomlm ut ptiiyci-x ol I lie Giants and lifil Sox uliu will
ItH.'t ' thi. numager: Cotilnn e.: Cady. c . Hooner r. f.
n.s. frd !l. o. Den...
llo)d uud Harry Houston of the
Ilurkejo orchards spent Saturday
with Medford friends. They hint'
just purchased a 70-ucre alfalfa and
grain tract Just west of their orchnnj
nud will combine ranching with hor
ticulture. Iloger Hitchcock of tho Kngle
Point fruit hcctluu spent Saturday
lu Medfoid. He Iiiih Just purchased
a number or blooded dairy stock nnd
states that ho Intends to make tho
cow depnrtmi'iit" of his ranch pay.
itnuehoi-rt burning straw idles bo-1
tweon Medford and Jacksonville Irl-1
day evening attracted tho attention
of u large number or local people who
tnought n portion of Jacksonville
was burning.
Jerr D. Hoard who loU Med
ford about 10 days ago for An
geles was suddenly stricken with a
sevuro Illness shortly ntter reaching
his dcatlnntlon. Ho Is now convulos
cent In a Los Angeles hospital.
Tho Ladles Aid of the Presbyterian
church will meet Ttiesdti) afternoon
nt 2:30 o'clock, with Mis. Hd Core,
It! (leuevu uvo.
Judgo John L. Chllds or Crescent
City loft for his homo this afternoon
after a three day visit hero on busi
ness connected with tho Medford and
Ciescout City railroad.
Tho annual meeting of tho Itoguo
Klver Viilloy Unlvoislty club will be
hold this evening In the elub rooms
ut 8 o'clock. All members are urged
to attend.
Martin I,. Krlcksou, supervisor or
tho Crater National forest has Just
returned from an Inspection trip en:
tho Klumuth side of tho mountain,
..',jk y
FOH SAMO -Itoglstorod Belgian hiiro
buck, fil.UO, Cull 201-F-3, Dell
phono, 170
WAN'l'KD ft or U loom houso, mod
ern with burn. Phono Main (1773,
or wrlto llox 272 Medtord, Oio,
FOU HWNT.Moderu C room houso,
screened sleeping porch, gatr and
electricity, cuhI front, flno bIwuIo,
oloso lu, Owner .118 l.nurul St.
WANTUDflood (pilot, luodoruto
prlcod homo ror high school girl.
School days only, Phone -103-J-l,
ottworo. omsooy, ra'itkday, ootop,tcr r,f 1012.
r r lj Br-r?7.
-funs" mure tuti rested lu baobtll thnu
f; McrMo. lb. Itcoker c f
Beginning with October. It will
compulsory ror every largo factory In
New York City to have n fire drill nt,
least once In every three months.
Kvcry woman's heart responds to
tho charm nnd sweetness of a baby's
voice, bocauso nature Intended hor for
mothorbood. Hut even tho loving
naturo or a motner snrinKs irom tno
ordeal of suffering and danger. Wom
en who ubo Mother's Friend nro saved
much discomfort nud tbolr 8) stems
uro In a healthy condition to meet tbo
time with tho least possible danger.
Mother's Friend Is recommended only
for tho relief and comfort of expect
nut mothers, nnd ita many years of
Hiiccess, nnd the thousands of endorse
ments rocelved from women wbo
have used It nro a gunruntoo or tho
bonotlt to bo derived from lis uso.
Mother's Friend allays nausea, pro-!
vents cnklnc of -
tho breasts, nnd lllglTIf ffS
in evurjr way atv-,. a
contrlbutea to iMlUtllft.tiA
wnv y-' 7 -
strong, healthy
motherhood. Mothor'a Friend la sold
nt drug stores. Wrlto for our frea
book for expectant mothers.
It's but boventy-two years slnco
the rlrst photographic portrait
w'us miule lu America a picture
ot Miss Dorothy Cathorlno Drap
er, niado by hor brother Prolossor
John William Drapor or tho Uni
versity or the City or Now York,
It took nit exposure or rivo min
utes In thu full glare or tho noon
day mm.
Today It takes .hut a fraction ot
n second, oven lu tho softly modu
lated light of a studio. Clover
photographers and fust plates and
lenses have made having your pic
ture taken u minor pleasant ex
perience these days.
Tlicro'h n Photographer
lu Your Town
H. C. Mackey
Main iiiid,Centrul
m i.r.ssj
tbo-e who b:oe anxiously watched the
to tbi pklble wtunvr of the world's
ngore In the world's series games:
p.; "Matty," n.; llcrxot b.
I . .
DtlllltJ tir
MlrU. Wltk.lM Co.
Mm TlP
t iff A3' ' 1
i LafdMLJjVr
A'A, BllBVl. C1W
2 nt. .it wx
m All . laJ
11 TV
I ;
"Moro moil buying KnoxIats.this s,i;ason than
ovor before.
What's the reason?
People don't encore failures easily answered.
Knox Extra Quality Stiff and Soft Hats, $5.00
Oh the
Giants win the Notional League pennant
tacn icaro nos its following, and it u uow up to SlcGnwTim
What s the object in paying soms custsm tailsr
t MV:. U- M.:i. t
Hirsh-Wickwire Co. ,
Chicago, Makers of the Finest sf
Clothes Ready-to-Wsar,
enables us to deliver to
highsst grade ef woslens
4ZZ.U upr Ask us to show ysu rhsir handsQme
new patterns and fashions for Fall and Winter. .
. ' ' ' i ' ' t
- ' ' " ,i m, - '
' Beacon Hats, $3.00
"MmcpiareHs Cortma-t CJoihxerM
mixmssssssssss Oregon
nnd tho Kcd Sox clloco the pMMunlr
v 'if
Ji-L ...l t '4
you a correct fit and the
and workmanship for
yjsv YORK,
Maih ,&"
. 4i'
MP- '
li .! M
A i