VV , y,,? S)Mi i4VNv'V W(vtv( imhiik'hI tu'US v ''''' BUgB fOUll MEDrorcn MTnr tribune, Mttmronr). okkcion, su'lvkday. optoiwh r, ism, avj"J-'.j: MDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE DNT NBWSPAfMR VKlir APTKIINOON SUNDAY MY THIS KORD PIUNT1NU CO. Th Democratic Times, The Moilford Mall. The Melton! Tribune The Houtb era Oregon Ian, The AstiUml Tribune. Office Mall Tribune nulldlntr. SS-ST-SS North Kir street; phone. Main 1021; Home 7S. QEOriOE PUTNAM. Kdltor and Manager Wntered nn second -claa matter at Mtdrord. Oregon, nJer the ael of March 3, 1879. Official Paper of the City of Medrord. Official Paper of Jackson County. NUHSCRtrTmN llATKJt. One yrar, by mall. .15,0ft One month, by malt. ........ , .DO Per month, delivered by carrier In Medford, Jacksonville and Cen tral rotnt. ,S0 Ratitrday only, by mall, per year.. ?.o Weekly, per year......,., 1.S0 WON CIRCULATION. Dally average or eleven montha end Ins November 30. 1911, 3751. Fall Leaied Wire Vnlted Prcsa Dlapatchrn, The Mall Tribune tg on mile at the Ferry News Stand, Run Franelaco. Portland Hold New Stand. Portland, nowtnnn Newa Co., Portland. Ore. W. O. Whitney, Seattle, Wash. mkdkohi), oni:c;o.. Metropolis of Southern Oregon and Northern California, nnd tho fastest growing city In Oregon. Population U. S. renaus 1910 SS40; estimated. 1911 10.000. Klvo hundred thouoand dollar Gravity Water System completed, giving flnent auiiply pure mountain water, and 17.3 mllea of atreets paved. Poitofflce receipts for year eiullnc November 30, 1911, show Increase of 19 per cent. i At -the Churches FlrM'Clwrch of Christ, Scientist. Sunday morning service at eleven o'clock. Subject of lesson-sermon: "Unreality;'' Wednesday evening meeting at seven-thirty. All aro wel come. Sunday school at ten. Ali under tho ago f twenty aro Invited. Heading room hours, Uo to five p. in. dally, except Sunday. Church edifice, North Oakdalc. Tnbcrnaclo At the tabernacle corner Fifth and Central. There will be (services at 2:30 and 7:30 p. m. Subject for tho afternoon service. "The hunger of a Christian and the Satisfying Portion." Evening subject, "The Handwriting of God." St. Mark's Episcopal Services In St. Mark's Hall, cor ner of Main and Holly street. Sunday services. Holy Commun ion 8 a. m.; Sunday school, 10 a. on.; Service, Holy Enchorlst and sermon by tho Bishop of Oregon, TIL Rev, Charles Scadding, D. D., at 11 a. m., evening prayer and sermon, S p. m. Monday and Tuesday the Southern Oregon convention meets here, the following is the pregram: Monday 12 noon, luncheon and address to men by Bishop Scadding and others. 2:30 p. m. Organization and con ference. 8 p. m. Public meeting with ten mlnuto addresses on the topic "Thy Kingdom Come." Tuesday 7:30 a. m. Holy Enchorlst and special Intercession. 10 a. m. Conference. 12 an. Prayers for missions. Afternoon Drive around Medford. i B Mcthixliht Episcopal Corner of Fourth and Bartlctt streets, 13. OHn Eldrldge, pastor. Services Sunday as follews: Preach Ing, 11 a. m. and S p. m subjects, morning, "Tho Enchanted Soul"; evening, "Life." Sunday school, 9: 15 a. an.; Ep worth Lcaguo, C:45 p. m. Prayer mooting Thursday evening 7:30 ojejock. Excellent nfuslc under tho direc tion of F. C. EdmeadB. You aro codlally Invited, A llaptlst , Son Ices in tho Baptist church Sun day as follews: Sunday bchool, 9:4ft a. in. The Sunday school rally will bo held at 11 a. in. Music furnished by tho orchestra. Preaching service at 7:30 p. m. Sermon by the pastor. Juniors meet at 3 p. m. Young People's meeting 6:30 p. m. All aro Invited to these services. A, A. Holmes, pastor. Christian Preaching both morning and even Jngj by the pastor. Bible bchool at 10 a. ni.; Christian Endeavor at 0:30 p. m. Prayer meeting on Thurs day1 evening. Choir practlco on Friday evening. You ure cordially -Invited to come and worship with us., Evening service begins at 7:30 Instead of 8, D. D. Boylo, minister. Catliollu Musses 8 and 10:30. Evening nbPWwR uorvlcoa 7:30. , , Pi'cftbytei'iaii A qunrtottc, n full chorus and or uheetra will asslbt In tho morning service. Preaching at 11 a. m. The same musical help In the morn ing service will bo In the evening service. Preaching at 7:30 p. in. C. E, society at 0:30 p. in. Sunday school at 10 a. in. Prayer meeting Thursday at 7; 30 p. in, f THOU SHALT NOT STEAL. 4rTu60'slmlt not steal " was tlo t'oniiimnitinrnl doliv A erod by the modern Closes of the Bull Moose io (hose who followed him out oC'thc hind of plenty, uway from the fleshpols of 13gypt. Doing interpreted this means 4Thou shnlt not steal from M15 onlv from the other fel low." The Third Term party is not the republican party. In fact it is openly fighting the old party and doing its ut most to oppose it. Widely does it advertise the fact that it has no affiliations with that organization. Yet in California, the Bull .Mooters have stolen the name of the republican party, and the Roosevelt electors appeftr upon the ballot as "Republican." while 'the Taft electors are denied a place upon the ballot. The only way the regular republicans' California can vote for 'Pa ft is to write out the names qf the' thirteen electors Upon the ballot who mav in some wav be nom inated to represent Taft. The state primary law, which permits such theft, and fraud is a rank piece of legislation put through by Hiram Johnson to strengthen his hold upon the state a ease of "too much Johnson." If California wants to vote for Roosevelt, why not vole for him as "Progressive" as is done in other states, and enable the standpatters to vote for Taft, instead of forcing them to vote outside their party? Even if the nomination of Taft was stolen, it docs not justify the theft of his party from Taft in California. Two wrongs do not make a right, and in all probability both thefts will be rewarded by defeat at the polls. The action of the Roosevclters is not a "square-deal but it is as square as many of their leader's acts. It is following Jiis own precedent. "Thou shalt not steal" is the battle cry as "We battle for the Lord on the field of Armageddon" the lord of course being Roosevelt. ' WELCOME, LITTLE FILIPINO. THE Oriental hook-worm has been discovered in the Rogue River valley smuggled in from the Philippines to escape dutv bv a former resident. 1 ne that physicians have not caught him under the microscope is simply because they haven't tried to. The hook-worm is here, all right. Its ravages are ap parent in many localities,, particularly in the Willamette valley, where the hook-worm should be blamed for the prevailing mossbaekism not its victims. The hook-worm is- what makes so many Orogonians lazy, shiftiest and "no account." It is what makes so many bitter against progress of all kinds the cause of perfect content with intolerable conditions. What little vigor the hook-worm has left, is expended' in protest against progress. Perhaps the introduction of the Oriental variety may improve the local species. The Filipino breed is said to be more prolific and busier than the American, and a cross may-strengthen the breed. Perhaps it -will attract Rocke feller's attention and he will spend a little of the unearned increment he secures here by peddling adulterated gaso line, in its eradication. So let us welcome the little stranger. It can't do any worse than those already here and it may wake us all up by exterminating its local rival in a to be famous war of the hook-worms. l lirht.fh IO lliHn,iiw r.4-. ..4-1 . w ..1.S-V..4- 4-1,... I w.j.t ji.. auuu io iiuuniij; cunning iui.mil iiiio umruii'ijk. hook-worm has loner existed in Oregon. The fact . .- .. PITY THE POOR RAILROADS. ACCORDING to tho reports filed with the state rail road commission, the Rogue River valley railroad is about the only railroad in Oregon showing a net profit. The Rarnum profit is $37.50. Jt is small because of the costly war successfully waged against the automobile stage line, and perhaps because the operating expenses are divided in the family. The Barnum road shows a profit against the apparent losses, simply because its statement is an honest one. The other statements are a matter of bookkeeping slight-of-hand. Interest on enormous loads of water, absurd sums as leases of subsidiary lines, inflated securities of all kinds upon which the public is asked to return revenue, con struction accounts charged to operation these are a few of the methods employed to show the railroad operating at a loss. Yet the Southern Pacific's earnings in Oregon per mile are greater than those of other railroads and its operat ing cost not above the average. Jts freight rates are the highest anywhere. Pity the poor railroads but don't pass the hat. If you did, it would be the occasion of another issue of water, not the building of needed branches to develop their own territory. E BY STOCK MARKET VIM YOKK, Oct. C-Oiiwiin ac tive mid htronj,' tho stoel: market here today displayed a nteadier tone, (,'aiiiH of u ooiiit or (wo being recojd el in Heading and Canadian Pacific St, Paul, JIurrimaiiK, Missouri Paci fic and Steel ulsosUowed good guiiif. California Petroleum, juttt listed held first place at tho opening, initial dealings being made at (10 to 07. Lea ders reucted Hlightly, probably hh ii result of the npprulienfcion excited by tho prominence of tliin latent Kpeeia! ty, but later iccovered. The market closed strong. Uondij yere bteady. Joe Uoeinan of Gold Hill Is In Med ford on a short business trip. PAN EXIST CHICAGO VICE RING CHICAGO, Oct. r,. With dcni.c:iH of the rcntiieted dihtiict lleeing from the vice crusade mid,, of Ilia fetnto attorney, panic cxihIh in the under world hoio today,- Of the four luiu drcd complaint tiled )e.sn than u hunched Jiavc been served im the others have Jled. Scores of inmate fioui the var ious resorta ueio anaigued, mont of them being lined and warned. Vice CommiHbina .Cliaiimaii Kim refused to publish the "vice Ko." showing the named of icHpeetalile owncrrf of, reuortn, but lie will be ic- quircd to produce thy Ley in coin I Monday. ., "CASCARETS" FOR A SICK, SOUR STOMACH . (ionlly Hut Thotitiuiltl) 'ti'itUM tun! ttegtiluto Voitc Muuuu'h, Mxer nuil IlinveN While- Vm Sloop - Tlmt uwfnl nouiiH'HH, uelt'lilnu ot acid and foul i'iikm; tl'al palu In tho ptt of Urn Htoiuiioli. tho hcaithuiiit iiervotiHnotfd, nnliKvn. blontlnjr nflor wiling, fooling of f ulltiot, iltiiemi and tick hoailuijho, niwuia n dliuir doroll Htoinnrli, which iiviuuil Ito icgu latod until joil inhiou' tho cauFO. U Isn't our vtiiHnuh'H fault. Your Htouinch Is u sOoit a any. TV) CnycarolHh?- Iho lmmoill(lel.Y, oloanso siiul rcgu'lntr the slonlnch, o mno tho boiu, MuYtllROsteil ami for nioutlug food and foul un.si"; lake Iho oeob hllo from tho liver nnd carry df tho constipated. wnsto'iuUtlor and poison from thff Intestines nml bow ol. Then ourHuninch trouhlu Ih ended. A CasViuot tonight will straighten ou ou( b iiioriilng a 10 cent box from any drug storo will Keep our btuiunch suoot, ller nml bowels regular for months, on't for get the children their little Insldei need a good gontlo cleansing, too A Change of Fcnturc ? I 111 It's a Bear! Tip" It l'H or In nfloii vofy dolrnblo eHpoolnlly by oldorli ptiiilo Nothttijt efriM't thlH ehailpo lioitof, or gle ii'. person a young; iippfllUMiirn mllcjAit,'(.thaii a now oi of tooth. hotitlllh natural onon bo Uit. Wo ran inlllto "from tun to twenty .rura dl(toionru td your iidvuulngo. 1( oii will lt)t tin attend to uur tooth and sdlect '(6r you a new sol of thy ery host nualltv Majlio It'a what YOU need. liiuly Auruilnnt DR. BARBER TUIJ HHNTIST Over Daulota tor limit. Pacific Phono 2 N 2 S . Home Phonn 3frS-K MODELiMTgAOE BAKERY TDK rt'lUTY AMI Ql'AlilTV Our llrcnd. Pics, Cakos nnd Pastry nro Tho Host In town. Call and see them. Hood service ami quick de livery. Home Phono 32. HUSKING lUtOS., Prop. Money on liaml at all times to loan on improved ranches nnd city property-at lowest on or be fort ( rates with pri vile-cm.' ' JAMES CAMPBELL Phono 3231 820 G -G. BUIr LAST POPULAR EXCURSION of tho SEASON PACIFIC & EASTERN RAILWAY TO EUTTE FALLS SUNDAY, (NT. (i, 1!)12 ROUND TUMI' ONLV UK) Spend a day of rest in the mountains. CJootl Hotel on CJ rounds. Leave Mudfbrd 8:00 a.m. Leave Unite Kails -1:00 p.m. T - - w Medford Opera House Tuesday, Octpber 8 1ST WILLIAM A. BRADY, Ltd., Presents BOUGHT 'J ho Creates! Play of (lie day AND CiotKii IlnmtlluiL PAID FOR DIRECT FROM A YEAR'S RUN AT WILLIAM A. BRADY'S PLAY HOUSE, NEW YORK CITY. It lias tho "punch." Big, throbbing, real. - 8 K Chr Seals on Mile S.itmilny, OcIiiImt .". ronlclo PlId'H, !?!..-(), ijil.lK), llllll .'IMCIllM. Delicious for BreaKfast Sweet, crjsp and firm with a tfcneroii.s strip of lean riinnin,' through it pleas ing to see and deliglill'iillv nppcti.iiiL' that's BRAND BACON Packtid by UNION MEAT COMPANY Pioneer Packors of tho Pacific Sold and Recommended by Fonts Company Allen (Jrocory Co, V h. Heholffolln K.iKt Hide Orocury Co, C. P. Krlhs & Co. 11. & C. Cash Htoro William Ktrluor O. Jl. Vorhlok West Sldo Mai hot V. O. Crabflll hcoiioiny Marltet O. Ii. Harsly Davldflou Ac Iliittorflold w. ii, Xiydlard A (ireat Uig "Hilvot lU'ai fully mounted- that you could not buy less than $1100.00, Also One Mongolian Spotted Leo uird lully mounted -- a litrli priced Kug, cheap at J $120.00. i'J other expensive Oriental 1 1 fugs- Leopard .skins with J black bear border, rare spe Icies, $ir0.00. Out South American Black Magic mounted valued at $.")000. The U'ug collection and iho "Ilcst" little $:1800.()0 IJun galow Home in the city goes for the modest sum of L'.'lTf). The house we just completed and built for a "Home" new and clean, carries $2o00 insurance which is not near the cost. Rond Description This artistic bungalow is liSx.V) (wi on a large lot fiO.s 110 feet, located on Ixoso av enue, a paved street, close in, where everbody owns their own homes and many new ones under construction well built and finely fin ished, double' constructed, which is a rare thing in this locality. Small fuel hills, porch clear across Iho front with large cut stone porch piers, largo living room 1U.28 feet, with fire place of while glazed brick, maple thiol's highly polished, nice grills, china closets and built-in cabinets and bins in the kitchen, solid brass eleclVic fixtures and solid brass hardware to match laundry trays with hot and cold water; large sleeping porch, two-toned window shades, beautiful tinted walls, nice lawn this is one of the plans being used so much at Long Heaoh, Cal ifornia. If there are any houses of this quality and lo cation in tho city tor sale you will find I hem listed around $ 1000.00. Willi this home we throw in for good measure $000.00 worth of Oriental Rugs all for $L.'17."i.OO because we are moving east in October, (lei busy and own a ' L'eal 1 lome'. If there is "one" Ihing you should try lo buy "(iootf" it is a "Home." A cheap "Shack" of a house in a "Muni" location which you expeel to call your "Nome" will always be an evesore to yourself and family; build ing material has increased in price about 20 in the last, o mouths, and you would have to hustle to build this house "alone" even if you own your own lot for Iho price we are offering it, today. Wo will build no more in " Med io rd" so if you want a house (hat will last a lifetime, wo invite your most .careful ex amination of (his" property. $1100 cash Avill handle this deal. fJust tho price, of a small "auto." Which will increase tho most in value, tho Auto or the "Homo'i" Inquire H. E. GATES Owner 23 Roso Avo. WHERK TO OO TONIGHT STAR THEATRE PimIit IUmi (hill IVople'H AiiiiiNi'inent Co. SniueiiMi In Pit lute Prodm-llon . TODAYS l-'KATimi: "tiiij h:aii" Unusually flno, oxtioinnly driiiunMu and coiiv Iiu'Iuk Tin: son ok tiiiiviomn" A Ifmuitlful diania that Mill lUM't'iil ". KIlONTIKIt SOMUiai'S I'OH. 'IT.W." A nt or) of pioneer ln m, (nil ot tin Ilia "ONI.V A MIM.KU'K P.UMIIITICU" A Thaiihoimer comedy, full of k!krI' Ali SATHPIt In Souk Appropriate Mimic and llimllntlt) l.'f lectu oy It. Ii. I'OltltPST and II. Ii. WOOMVOUTH COM1NO SOON "t'NPl.NT." A iiuirlitl adaptation of the fnnioUH lUverslde rlnisle, produced liy tho famous ThiinhoiiHer Coiupnuy v Mallows Pally ADMISSION no AND IOe ISIS THEATRE VAUPKVIM.K. PHOTO PliAH. I'll SOU AND davi: In it Itulie Comnly PIIOTOPPAY PltOUUAM "A CHILD'S IPWIOHSi:" A llloKriiph featuro with a nontm- tloiial Hulsh HitT'i. Anollieri Tin: oiiti. at tiii: cupola" A.SoIIk siiulllitndor with u stroiiR plot ' anil c.xi ' ' r' "' "sri srsAN" Willi I'uiiitj .liilin Ituiiiiy 0001) MUHIO Mattni'CH Sulurday and Kuiiday 2 p.m. MTitlnco prlcea bo and 10a HvonliiK Porfonnanco 7 p, in. AdmUnlon uvenlnisa I On and lfo Clark ft Wright LAWYERS WASHINGTON, 1), O. Puhllo Laud Matters: Final Proof, Desert Lands, Contest and Mining Caiios. Scrip. UQO THEATRE t'OMPLPTIJ I'HANOH Of PIIOIIHA.M TONK1HT I 'I lie Inner f 'lit l .HloKrnph U A MrMK'iiKi'i fmm Ifeainey. A ntory of tho ilii)s of t'ra uiout'ii Culoflrula uxpedlllou Sullr. :t .HoIiIIiik (lie I'nit. I 'Iho KciilniUy (art, trunk drama Comedy.... KdUon A race- Kalom Complete riintiKo of Pioitram Sunday. Oootl MiinIo AUTO EXPRESS QUICK DELIVERY Call us up for nil kinds of KxprcM work quick dollvory our upcclalty, PAUL & LAWRENOE Phono Pacific 3301 Stand at Nash Draperies Wo rnrry a vory coniplntn linn of drniutrliiH, tucn ciirlnlim, flvtiirim, nlo, nml do ull eliiNNoit of iijiliiilHtnrlnK' A Hpirlnl mini in look utirr thin work nxalimlvuly iiihI will ulva iih rikkI Hurvlcn ii w In ii'iimllilo to Kot In even Ilia lurKHt iililt'H. Weeks & McGowan Oo. SNAP 00 aorqs, six miles from Medford, Kood urndod road crossoa tho tract, all froo soil, at f(0 por acre. 91000 will liandlo, oasy torrns on balance, Part Is crook bottom land, ultahU for alfalfa, Sovoral springs on the plnco. Timber enough to pay for the tract. No buildings, In tho Griffin orook district, W. T. York ft Co. r