Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 05, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    VWlVfrVt?frVVVV;VVV"V v wyvw J rv fr V "Ti c v v t f VVnw T5T7 vTwTTi7
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Tlionii iloHlrii( to coiiiiuitiilcutn
with tlui norliily mlltur will jilnitmi
totuiihouo Minn llutlor, .Main tlillll.
All Kocluty uotoH niiiwl hit loft at
Mull Trillium iioyvh loom hufoiu ton
o'clock Huliirduy inninliiKi
Tint principal ovunt In micluty of
tlio piiHt wot)l( wan tlio very piotty
vvuiIiIIiik ut tlio homo of Dr. unit Mm.
13. (1, Itlililoll on Booth Oaluliilo nvo
lino vvhon tholr iliitiKhlor MIhk MuiIko
Ithlilnll hiTiiino tlio In Mo of Mr,
Wholdou lllddol or Moil font anil Chi
riiRo, Tho (intlro flrnt floor of tlio
HpnuloiiH liomn wiih beautifully tlocnr
ntud with mi nrrniiHoinimt of pnlum,
foruii, hiiiIIiu ami yellow nlirynniitlio
in it in m of cholco vurluty, whllo tho uii
olonoil vorriiidn whero minimr wan
Hurvoil wan attractive In plulc ami
Krucii, (luodta woro roeelvoil upon
arrival liy Mm. ItliMell who wan w
alitlotl hy Mrs. M. K. Hiiilth, Mm.
William IIiiiIko, Mm. A. M. Curoy and
.Mm. John Hoot,
Tho uinrrlnKo coruiuony took placo
promptly at ulKlit-tlilrty, tho lirldnl
party formliii; boforn nu nltnr of
funis mid pal nm boiii'nth two woil
(IIiir bolln of flowom. MInh Itlililoll
wait rIvimi away by her father, Dr.
Itlililoll. Hho wan attended by hur
maid of honor, Mliw Mar;nrat lllotl
Kli of Ht. Paul and lltllo punt'. MIhk
Freda Waro. Tim brliloHiiialiU wont
MU'ii Home KiMituor, Ida Leo Koiit
nor, Kuril Hutclilmiu, Mildred Waro,
Hanoi DixvIh and Mm. Itnlph Ifard
witll. Mr. Illildlo wit attomlod h
Mr, I.oo Hoot. Itov. William l.ticim
of Anhlaud IiuIiik tho offlclatliiK
clitrKyuian. Tim wcddliiK march
wan played by Mr, and Mm, Carlton
Tho lirldo who Ik u pvtlto bruuutto
wan charming In a rowii of yollow
charniouHo carrying yollow cliryimii
thoiouiiiit, whllo tho brldomuatdM woro
vvlnnoiun iilrtorm In pink and
whllo with basket rilled with flow
cm In pantol nhades. Ml lllod
Kotl'tt Kwu wan of croa in laco com
blued with yellow xntln. Rhu car
ried yellow chymanthemtiinH,
Mm. lllddol) woro Invaudar rliar-
uietino, Mm, lllilillo, cream hrvcndcu
Mittinr Tho " of iiout wiahca
woro nhoworcd upon tho brldo anil
Kroom nt tho clono of tho norvlco
(iiii'Mta woro thou uerved to a dnllv
i'Ioiih Hopper iindor tho KUporvlnlou
of Mm. r. (1. A nil row of tho Hotel
Holland (Irlllo.
Mr. and Mm. Illddlo left later for
l.ou AiiKoIon and other poluta In
noiithoru California to apond their
honeymoon. Upon return they will
occupy their now homo at tho Ken
wood orchards.
Out of town KiieHtrt who woro prctt-
out Included IiomIcIos MImh HlodKotl,
Mr. and Mr. W. 11. Illddlo and MIhk
Harriett Illddlo parunta and aUtor1
of tho too m, and Mndain Middle, all
of Clilcano.
Carilb and daueliiK woro enjoyed
Thiimday ovoiiIiik aU tho pariah hall
of tho Catholic church, lad Ion of tho
Altar aocloty being robpoimlhlo for
tho affair, a apoclitl committee Incliid
lug Mm. CharleH Delhi, Mm. (larrott
MlBH'Aiiua Kellolior and Mlsis Smith.
Autumn loaves woro bright touchctt
In tho itccoratloiia. Punch waa aorved
throughout tho oVeitlng. Mimic waa
fiirnlnHcil by Mr. niid Mm. William
Hearlea. Tho danrcn will bo eontlu
iicd throughout tho winter Kenuou.
A biiRlneHH meeting and Initia
tion woro hold Weilnobday by tho
Pythian HUtem. Their flrnl aocliil
meeting of thin aeiiHon will bo held
tho evening or tlio Hlxtecnth. An es
pecially (donning affair In being pre
pared, mi IntorcHtlug miiKlcaljiiid lit
ornry program to bo o feature. Tho
committed lucliiduu Mm. Mllliiu Ituy,
ohalruian; Mr. and Mm. John A. l'orl.
Mr. and Mm. lCdward Trowbridge,
Mm. Dodge, Mm. Canon, Krnoat Mc
Kco and Karl ItofiioltlH.
. i , f
Tlio wookH uoelal actlvltluH bijgnu
Moniluy with a luncheon and haud
lieruhlor Hltowor for Mian Itlililoll.
given by MIhk DiivIh and Minn llenrd
at 'tho homo of tho former, Autumn
leaven and red heartH adorned tho
jooiuh anil lunchiion tablcH, Tho
gueiitu tiiclililed Mhhou Itlililoll, Ulod
gelt, Kontner, Ida Leo Kentnor, Mor
vlck, llutchlBon, Maynio Done), Kver
hnril, Mm, lt'it Dodge and Mm. Ralph
Mlaa May lloko waa hoatesa to a
few frlondii at n Iiouho party lou
Weilnosilay affil Thuraday or thlH
week, al 'hor holuouorth of tho city.
Mlaa'Jlbko'a guimia woro Mlaaoa IOllU"
ho'th Norwood, Harah Norwood, .lea-
hIo nuilil, 1'Y.rn Joromo, Until. I'ax
hoii, noMllovry mrSr8, ItalOh Lin-
V"1"' .., , 1 .u.
A largo iiiimlior of paivntii ami
frlemlo iiMHoiiililcd In tho concert
room of Ht, Mary'a Academy WodnoH
day aftoinoon, when tho mimic puplla
gavo tho rimt of their monthly reclt
ala aluco tho oponlng of achool. Tho
following urogram wiih rendered!
"Lea Maniueiltoa" . La I'oiitaluo
Piano Nova HninuolH
"Klownm or Kprlng"
Collo Catherluo O'Conuoll
"Hllig Hoblu Hlng" MathowM
Piano Vernon llonoy
"Palry Cltleeii" ... . Ouo. Hpauldlug
Voice Until Curtla
"Tho Wreck or tho Heaperua" .
Heading Lurllo KoouU
"Old ICugllah Dance". Hmlth Hoymoiir
I'liino IMna Trimble
',CavatlneM Schmidt
Violin Catherine Deuel
"Arhutita" Intermezzo M. 'Davla
Piano Madeline (Ivagati
"Autumn" (3 part ohoriia) ltebluatelii
fit. Mnry'a Acmlemlc Claim
"l.aaca" . .. Deaproz
Hoailliig Han Itrowu
"llercouno" from "Jocelyn" (lodnrd
I'lniio JoKop'liluo Itoot
"Ilia l.ullnhy" ... Cnlrlo .lacolm Ilond
Vok'o Catherine Murphy
"Valno Op. 31" .. . Moazkowalil
Plnno Maud Now bury
"Cliniuon PolonnlHo" Wlonlawakl
Violin Irotio Sullivan
"SpauUli Dance" Op 'i ...Moazkowakl
Prima Main! Nowbury, Joaephlno
Hecouda Catherine Deuel, Mada-
' lino (Itmgau.
Tho ladlca of tho Catholic church
are making great prepaiatlotia for a
fair to bo hold during lhonHt week
or November. Work hna boon going
on during tho aiimuiar and tho Mow
ing society Iiiih lu ham) many fancy
mid useful articles.
Over fifty doll have already been
dressed and will Vio disponed of dur
ing tho fair. Tho committee expect
to offer n valuable prize for tho moat
popular young lady lu Mod ford.
A dinner waa given at tho Hotel
Medford Orlllo Monday evening for
tho Auction llrtdgu club by Mnasm.
Tinny. HardWell mid Reed. Tablee
woro decorated jvlth red mid greon.
'Hie gueslH Included Mltac Madge
Hlddcll Ida Lee Kentnor, Kern
Hutchison, lleii Kentncr, Hazel
DavlM and Mm. Hnlph Uardwoll.
Messm. Ilalbort Dvuel. Leo Hoot and
Wholdou Diddle.
An Interesting jmrty will arrlvo lu
Medford next week on their way to
Crater Lake. They oro Mr. Clement
8. Uekor, chief clerk of tho Interior.
Mm. Uckor, Mr. Kelly, secretary to
Mr. Uckor and Mr. Ilond. chler clork
of tho general laud office. Plana
aro being made for tholr entertain
ment. Word hna boon received from Mr.
and Mm. II. M. WIioIboI who have
recently taken tip realdenco In Loh
Angeles. They nro much pleased
with their now homo, having real-
doiico iiuartoru Juat oppnalto tho
beautiful VI rat Methodist church or
that city.
Chryaanfhoimim Circle No. 81 en
tertains next Tuesday evening with
a aoclal aosalon, Mm, Oatmaii In
chairman, her nSalatantH being Mian
Kclio Oatmtin, Mm, John A. Perl.
Mlaa Alleen Perl, Mlaa Dolhv Parker,
Mr. Clem Parker, Mr. Hoy Hhluo
burger mid Mia. Hhlnehergur.
Krlonda or Mlaa llolen Watt will
bo glad to learn or hor eonvaloaenciv
from n rather serious jllneaH. Mlaa
Watt with hor pnronta, Mr. and Mm.
J. H. Watt la at Mlnnonpolla with
rolatlvoa hut will return to Medford
within tho next mouth.
Mr. and Mm. Ollu Whitman (noo
Coiitoun'n Uothermol) and child aro
lu tho city after an absonco of aov
oral yearn, They aro guests at thu
homo or Mr. Whitman's mother, Mm,
D. It. Andriia for an Indefinite stay.
Air. anil Mm. W. 11. Illddlo onter
tnlnod frlondH ut dinner In tholr pri
vate car .Monday ovonlug. Onoata
present woro Dr. and Mru. K, (1. Hld
dlo, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hoot, Mr. and
Mm. 10. M, Andrews,
. ,
A reception la being given Into
this nftornoon at the Medford IJotol"
for Dr, Anna Shaw'. Dr. Shaw waa
heartily welcomed upon arrival by
inamlioro or tho eijunl auffrago usao
elation, Mra.,H. L.ayloa of Portland la a
guoBt rif hor parents, Mr. mid Mrs. It,
II. Sutton and hor slutor, Mvp, Ocn.
V, ichib. '
MT8DF0RI) MATT, TirmmflO,
The greateat musical treat of tho
aonaou la tho concert to bo given In
Medford by Mine. Johanna Oadskl,
No other prima donna Iiiih over
been (iilto like .Mine. Cadakl. She
can lift one's emotions mountain
high lu mi operatic aria, or sink
some old-rumohibcrod foll;-i!oiig with
a heartache of memory In every lino.
Thin lu a measure la tho secret of
her Immonso popularity tho gift of
understanding and appealing to tho
hearts of her henrem, No ono can
hear Mine, (ladskl and not bo thrilled
by the hiimaiuieSH that throbs In hor
wonderful singing.
Her voice possess a kind of color
ing that permits tho most versatile
range, from passionate Intensity to
absolute mastery or tho bel canto
Hor tone omission and shading aro
nt all times masterful, mid her sing
ing Is an untroubled delight.
Her only appearance In Medford
will bo Monday evening, October 28.
Wedding bells nro a frequent
sound these daya, sometimes being
hoard without tho slightest warning
as la tho case of tho marriage of
Mlaa llertha Kvorlmrd, tho pretty
daughter or Dr. W. If. Hvcrhard of
this city to Mr. Myrtou J. IZmorlck,
also of Medford. Tho wedding which
waa very quiet with only the Immed
iate relatives present took jilace
Tuesday evening at flvo o'clock at
tho homo of Mr. V. T. Kinorlck,
brother of tho groom, itov. W. K.
Shields officiated. Mr. mid Mm.
Kuierlck left on tho evening train
for Portland. Mm. Kmerlck'a going-
away costume was of dark blue serge
with hat In harmonious shades.
They will make tholr homo lu Med-
ford, residing on South Orange
A bridge party combined with A
miscellaneous shower gavo ploaviro
to a number of friends or Miss Hid
den Wednesday afternoon at tho
Deuel homo, Miss Maymo Deuel host
ttn. Luncheon was served at two
o'clock" Tables woro attractive with
scarlet geraniums. Mlaa Hazel Kn-
yart won highest score at brldgo, re
ceiving n pearl mid gold stick pin.
Those enjoying tho nrralr were:
Mlasea Madge Itlddcll, Hazel L'nyart.
Hnzol Davis, Kern Hutchison, Mar
garet lllodgett, Hess Kentncr, Ida
Leo Kentncr, Itulh Merrick, Alethu
Kiuerlck, Gladys Heard, Phoebe
llance, Luclle Matshall, Mru. Hulph
Ilardwoll and Mm. Albert Itrowu.
Tho Wednesday Drldgo club has re
organized and doveloped Into tho
Tuesday Ilrldgo club. Tho first
mooting wna held this week at tho
homo or Mm. It. F. Antic. Mrs.
(eorgo O'llrlen won highest score,
receiving a hammered brass jardl
ulor. Next weok Mm. John llarnc
burg wl bo hoatcsa. Tho members
are: MeKdamea John llarncburg, It.
K. Antlo, U. L. Schormcrhorn, W. 11.
McCowau, II. P. Hargravo, J. H.
Stewart, Scott Davis, J. A. Perry, J.
II. Johnson. Oiib Nowborry, George
O'llrlen unit Miss Uorlruilo Weoka.
A number of ladles motored to
Ashland today to moot Dr. Anna
Shaw, taking lunch nt Ashlmul, thou
returning with their dlstlngulsHictl
guest to Medfoul. Those In tho par
ty were Mm, Josephine Uussell and
Miss Nunmi of Jacksonville, Mm. J.
K. Koddy, Mm. J. D. Heard and Miss
(Had) a Heard of Medford.
A banquet will boglvou for Dr.
Shaw at six o'clock lhl evening at
tho Hotel Medford grlllo by members
or tho local suffrage organization.
Tho regular monthly aoclal of thu
Ladles Anxllllary of tho llaptlat
church mot with Mm. II. 12, Marsh ut
hor homo on Poach street Tuosilay
afternoon. A program consisted of,
a vocal solo by Mlaa Grace Hratney,
piano aolo by Mlaa Mndlo llowmnn,
humorous drawing and word puzzlo,
coiiioata. Mm. K, 11. Young waa
awarded tho prize for (ho best draw-
tug. Llglt refreshments woro served,
Misses lva and Inez Coffin ontor
tulued about fifteen young lndloa ut
tholr homo Wednesday evening,
Music waa onjoyod anil light refresh
moots uorved. Tho meeting waa tho
first of a series to bo hold (luting
tho winter for tho purpose of Cluist
maa girt making,
Mlsa Agnes Isaacs who la apend-i
lug a couple or months at Portland!
Is ut prusont it gueat ut tho homo or
Mlas Myrtlo Uobpita, a former, Moil
ford girl.
Mm, Julia A. Myovs who lias been
a, guest nt tho homo or Mr. and Mrs,
C. II. Plerco loft Tuesday for hW
homo at Codiuylllo, Kansas,
MRmfOttD, ORKOON, KATUR'DAY, O('T0I3lO!t 5, 1012,
Tho Creator Mc'dford club mot
Infii Monday for thp flst regular hcb-
hIoii or tlio club year. The meeting
wnn ono of much intercut to tho largo
iittondnnco of members, all Itullca
tlons pointing to tanotlior successful
term. A rovlow of the work already
nccompllslicjd showed the remarkable
progress of tho club and tho wide
scope of Its activities, also Its In
fluence In making; mid directing pub
lic opinion and tho promise of the Im
portant mid Interesting problems yet
to bo dealt with, 'the presidents
chair left vacant by the resignation
or Mm, Parsons, Iia been filled by
.Mm. W, 0. Davidson who In hor ad
dles or acceptance, gavo a brief out
line or her method or directing tho
club work, speaking or the necessity
or that co-opera tloh among tho mem
bers which mcaiiM'an equal division
or--rosponlblllty, ,work, mid honor.
Mm. W. W. Harmon waa unani
mously elected corresponding secre
tary. Tho other officers for the year
nre: Klmt vlco-presldent, Mm. J. M.
Hoot; second vice-president, Mm. C.
M. Kngllah; secretary, Miss Itvclay;
treasurer, Miss Elizabeth Putnam. A
guest of tho nrtor'noon was Mm. An
drews, president' of the Civic club or
Mankato, Minn. Her talk on tho
work and projects or that organiza
tion was extremely Interesting and
Instructive, and many of her sugges
tions will doubtless be acted upon. At
tho conclusion, tho club adjourned,
and tho houso committee served tea
and wafers during the social hour
that followed. '
Tho Choral Society which was
formed last Wednesday night at tho
Conservatory will, begin rehearsing
Cowen's Cantata, "The Hose Maiden,"
next Wednesday night at S o'clock.
Mr. Talllandlcr Intonds to bring It out
lu public In December, although It
will bo given earlier If It can be done.
This paper gavo an account last Sun
day of tho working plan and how
every singer can become a member
with out cxpeiiBO provided ho attends
rehearsals regularly. Singers who in
tend to Join but who have neglected
to do so, can still Join by calling at
tho Conservatory offlco before
Wednesday night. A few more altos
nro capeclally dcalrcd. At the pres
ent time no limit has been set to the
number, but It la quite likely that
tho number will bo limited, and In
that caao late comers will bo placed
on tho waiting list. If you intend
to Join, do It now, -don't delay It.
Tho Cantata to bo given la new to
Medford alngera. It Is a modern
work of superior merit and in the
wealth of Ha melodies It la surpassed
by few. It will bo given lu public
ua soon as learned.
Tho second meeting of the Weekly
Sowing Clrclo of 'N6rth-' Ivy street met
nt tho homo of Mm. W. C. Cartwrlght
Wednesday nftornoon ( of this week.
Sewing nod a general good time wns
had, following which refreshments
wero served. Mm. Cartwrlght was
assisted -by her grandmother. Mm.
Uelllngcr and Mrs. J. ,T. Sumiuervillo.
Thoso present wen?: Mesdanies.
King. McHrlde, Wammer. Mlln,
Sollss, Summervllle, Morrlman, Clay,
Slovcr, Smith and Hclwig.
All records for attendance wcro
broken at a delightful entertainment
given by tho Kpworth League Krlday
evening, when over BOO crowded tho
tent adjoining the church. Tho fea
ture of tho entertainment consisted
of mi Indoor baseball game between
tho girls nuil tho boys, In which the
mouthers of tho fair sex worsted their
opponents. Tho social features wero
under tho direction of Glenn Conwoll
and George Koousmau.
The Woniun'B Home?- Mission so
ciety of tho M. i:. church South mot
with Mm. U. K. Flfor, 22 Almond
street Wednesday afternoon, At thla
meeting tho ladles planned qulto a
bit or work Tor this conference year,
after tho general routine of business
.thu ladles ropalrcd to tho dining
room, whoro dinner was aorved by
Mm. Klfor, assisted by Mm. Hobert
L. Taylor.
Tho C. AV. D. M. of tho Christian
church moot Wcdiday afternoon at
thoMiomo of Mm. D. H, Sooly. Tho aub-
Joct of tho nftornooa waa, "Tho Home
Mission Campaign " Several ladles
gavq very Interesting tnjka along
that, line.
Special aorvicos will bo given ut tho
UaptUt church tomorrow undor tho
direction of Mr. A. A Alkon, super
intendent or the Sunday school, tho
sorvica to be an observance ot tho
chlldron'o rally day,'.,
Mrs. W. F. Shlclda-la bolng wel
comed by hor man.vfiiouda In this
city after her return from an ex
tondod visit with rofivllvos In Pouui
syjvnnln, .
Mis', J, F. Muudy. Mrs. A. A. Davis
and Walter Mundy returned yostor
day evening from Crater Lake.
' V
.Mm. Day Mills of Toxnrknna,
Texas, Is tho guest of hor daughter
Mrs, H, A. Groy, Jr:
Mlas Delia neck entertains Weduea
day nftornoon at hcrhonio on Weal
Palm street,
Tho musical recital presented by
tho pupils of Ht. Mary's Academy,
Weilnosilay afternoon, drow a largo
and appreciative uudleiico, who list
ened with closest attention to tho
varied program. Expressions of ap
proval woro often heard by the many
bursts of applause.
The readings by tho Misses Ilrown
and Kootitz nro well desorvlng of
mention, Miss Hah Ilrown, deplet
ing tho Mexican character In her por
trayal of Lasca, mingled Intense flro
with deep pathos, which was seen to
move her audience,
Tho three part chorus, Autumn,
sung by Ht, Mary's Academic class,
was In timely touch with the effective
decoration of the season.
Miss Catherine Murphy charmed
her audience by tho melody of her
plaintive tones In the famous lullaby
of Carrie-Jacobs Bend.
Miss Irene Sullivan displayed
musical latent on tho violin by her
Interpretation of Wlcnlawskl's
"Chanson Polonaise."
The afternoon's program was given
n finished touch by a characteris
tic rendition of Moszkowskl's "Span
ish Danco" Op. 12, on two planoa by
tho Misses Newbury, Root, Deuel,
Gcagan. , , .
' A chicken plo supper was glven,at
tho chapel of the Presbyterian church
Krlday evening the proceeds to de
fray tho expenso of n carpet for the
remodeled church. About two hun
dred and fifty people wcro served.
Tho tables, each ono of which had a
special color scheme, wcro adorned
with roses and foliage Mrs. Flor
ence Holllday Halght, a, gifted con
tralto gavo four solos, among them
being Gounod's "Aue Maria' nnd
Nevln's "The Rosary." Mm. Hatght
who tins conccrtlzed In many parts
or tho United States, is a delightful
acquisition to musical circles.
A brldgo party Including four
tables was enjoyed Friday afternoon
by a number of friends of Mrs.
George Daggett at her beautiful
homo west ot the city. Autumn col
oring provalled In the decorations.
Mrs. Daggett's guests Included Mes-
datnes John M. Root, Evan Reames,
William Uudge. A. M. Corey. Gerald
Sooy-Smltb, II. C. Kentncr. F. H.
Maddan, J. D. Heard, Manning;
Misses Heard, Sterling, Manning.
Hubbard and the Misses Tongue of
Mr. and Mm. Ed Andrews enter
tained about thirty guests nt their
homo Wednesday evening In honor of
Dr. Hoy Andrews and mother Mrs.
Andrews or Mankato, Minn., who lert
this week ror their homo. Readings
by Mrs. Wilson and a number ot ex
cellent musical selections were en
Joyed." Cakca, Ices and black cotfee.
were served.
Tho Order or Rebeccas hold their
first social meeting nftcr the sum
mer vacation, a weok from next Tues
day. Jim. Gouldor Is In charge of
the entertainment.
Mr. and Mm. Fred W. -Morgau
left this Week to make their home
In S"an- Francisco. Sir. Morgan was
tho former owner of a business house
In this city.
Mm. Albert Horning, who has spent
homo tlmo In this city visiting rela
tives, loft this week by way of Los
Augeles for her homo In Indiana.
Miss Mabel Crowfleld or Greens
burg, Intl., will arrlvo next Thurs
day to spend tho winter with Mrs.
Arthur Hazelrlgg of this city.
'Mrs. J. F. Reddy returned today
rrom Spokano whero she spent sev
eral weeks In tho equal sufrrago
m m m
Mrs. J. 11. llakor of Lancing. Mich.,
will spend tho winter with lur
daughter, Mrs. Theodore II. Marsh
of this city.
Mrs. U. W. Huhl and little son
leave noxt Tuesday for an extended
visit lu tho east.
Mrs. 11. T. Van do Car formerly of
this city Is hero from Salem Tor a
short visit.
Mrs. M. J. Kstes will loavo next
woek ror a month's visit nt Ilond,
rM ft. rit. iu. M k.i&.
ItiMtfx Ctnt.", '" "" UllM IHHU
A wivatii ut iliiv tli uu th grim ana
on siemisr sundjajr vjuue trim this bUvU
" - I II inn' 111
or, Hoy Andrews and mothor loft
Inst night ror Mankato, Minn,, after
a prolonged visit In Medford.
Mr. and Mm. W. 11. nfdillo, Madam
Blddlo and Miss Harriet Illddlo of
Aims Healthful OnallUBslpffieBwa
Prof. Pre&cott, of the Univers
ity of Michigan, explains why
Royal Baking Powder adds
healthful qualities to the food. .
Testifying before the Pure Food Comr
mittee of Congress, the Professor stated
that fruit acids were excellent articles
of food and that of these cream of tar
tar, the acid of grapes, held rank with
the highest both in itself and its erfect
in the process of leavening and baking.
He regarded the results from cream
of tartar baking powder as favor
able to health. Scientists and hygien
ists are in accord with this opinion.
Royal is the only Baking
Powder made from Royal
Grape Cream of Tartan
Ten Days' Sale
of Man-Tailored Suits,
Coats and Dresses'- -
"NVo are able to offer yoiiHlie crcum of the world's
best styles, man tailored by men exports from your
actual 'measurements, a suit made to fit. you- and
onlv von.
Ladies' Man Tailored Suits, sale price $30.00
Ladies' Man Tailored Coats, sale price 15.00
ro gitamntee pei'feet fit and prompt delivery.
Berlin Ladies1 Tailoring Co.
For "Good Shoes"
And his new shoe store
GOOD SHOES AbVA DO, they diniJLiitw.
any trouUlu-makiiig good. ' ' f
Remeniber . '
"Good Shoes" at ','Riffht Pricei'' f''l' )i
"A Fit or
Opposite Post Office
Ct.lCH'KO fcftVw lmkih4filiriftlfeHft4
Miss Giant Wfnw J?tTHiiW
ovenlnjc ip mM btr.tlyAlmM Ut
Stato University. ,H'
S f .
are eomintr aloiiGNfine
and j J
Noj3ale" ' 'Tfpt; $
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