-m , ' ' .' t t t?"' 1 -, in. T t! MGE EIGHT k mmowo WTncn tribune, mebfort orecion, frtday, October i, mis. 18th Anniversary Sale-1894-1912 ;i It'l I? 7 A C.&&Urtifn ff ihtQ efnroe IQk kirthd'iv anrl nf ac manv viaarc successful retailing--an institution founded on Fairness " ' " i "' " W rs r IM V I It fl IHkHB U ff 11 s ? tFI if ll jl Today we announce a feroat sale to commemorate the 18th birthday of this store the biggest and broadest merchandise movement in our history... Founded on fairness was this store the whole secret of the continued and phenomenal growth of this store during the past 18 yoars can be summed up in two words, PAIR DEALING. By fair dealing we have grown from a modest littlo store into the largest and most up to date shopping placd in Medford and by fair dealing wo continuo to grow mag nificently. We have won the confidence of our public by always keeping faith with them. Wo have novor sold any goods but the best and havo never charged anything but the lowest prices for which equally good qualities could possibly be secured, and no man, woman or child among the thousands who havo shoppod here has ever failed to receive the most careful and courteous attention. Worthy goods at worthy pricos is our idea of fair play wuiuu luuuB ttuu mumuuutju ana wm surety increase uie pupuiunty oi una store a store unit nas conunueu w ao uuamusa in the same town for 18 years and has grown in size and patronage every year since the beginning, is a mighty good placo to shop. A Period of Value Giving Without Parallel Wonderful Saving Chances on Fine Fall and Winter Merchandise This will be & tremendous sale, one that will surpass all of 'our previous efforts. For weeks we have been searching the markets sifting and sorting and selecting the best of the special lots that our cash-buying prestige brought ua and now wo are ready with overwhelming stocks of desirable, first-class, up to the moment, new fall and winter merchandise and priced at amaiing reductions. We urge you to take full advantage of the economies that this sale offers and we quote many items on tnis circular showing what your savings will .be. One thing we wish to impress on you is that it is not our advertising that makes this store great that causes the great rush of business to our sales it's having what we advertise. humun,. . The Anniversary Sale Will Begin Saturday, October 5 and End Saturday Night, October 12th i 25c 3c 7 Spools of Clark's 0. N. T. 1200 .yard Throat', for 10 Yards of I2ftc Genuine Hope 7Qfi Hlechod Muslin, yard wide, for. 10 Yards of Standard Calicoes Qf All colors, for .....' 3G0 Count Best Bress Pins Quo paper for . , . ,,,,,,,, Clark's 0. N. T. Dnrnlnn Cotton ' f llly, at ll ti hmm)I ..,,.. 3-lb Stitched Cotton latts TQr 7210 inches, $1.00 grade ..., V 18c Bleached lath Towels tit mid Unci; Towels C 12ic Pure Linen Crash Very absorbent 9c Women's Shirt Waists, Special Values Woman's Messaline Waists, 'regular $5 qualities, made with high collar and long sleeves, front of waist i l prettily finished with tuck-, etc., and made of splendid quality of messaline, a line of colors suitable to bo used with the tailored suits this fall. These waists on sale at Anniversary C?Q CSf sale, each ....vO.uU Wmmd's $5 Pare Linen Tailored Waists, the well known and perfect fitting IKipg .brand, in several styles and a complete range of J sire. 32 to 44, Anniversary sale price each . . . . , $2.50 NEWEST AUTUMN DRESS GOODS AND SILKS SPECIALLY PRICED We have just secured' a sptomluf M ef abeut 1400 yards of fine quality Mescaline Silks that are 19 inches wide and com priso of a complete color assortment of all street and eveniug shades, as wcH as a lot of fancy Surah Mcssnlines in strips ' suited for dresses; and waists. These silks arc all dependable qualities and wpjdd'be really sellers at 75c a yard ACkr but will he priced Special for the Anniversary Sale at"" Black Messaline Silk that is a full yard wide, a pure yarn dyed quality, which means that it has superior wearing qualities and will not crock, is one of the features of this sale. It is TOf a regular $1.35 quality and will be on sale at. ....... " A large table Is filled with fine Wee! Serges, Whipccrds and Mixture Suitings that come in the 36-inch widths and include all the newest effects for fall as well as a fine assortment of colors. These fabrics are 05c and 75c qualities and A.Ckf are pffeied special at, the yard ,...., , Anether table is full ef fine Whipcords, Serges, Diagonals and Fancy 31'aturc Suits in all jthe different weights and colors that are fashion favorites this fall. These goods run from 11 to 54 inches wide and are qualities that usunlly sell Qfifi nt $1.25 to $1.50; now special at UOl Unusual Wash Goods Values Heavy Outing Flannels, such well known brands as Amosky Tee Jcdown, "1021," euc, in a large range of both light and dark colorings. 12Vc is the usual retail price, Q1 i speciul tor the anniversary sale at the yard " 2 I2j2c and 15c Percales and Dress Ginghams, a large assort ment of patterns, which are here in both light or dark styles; fully 1500 yards in the lot, specially priced 01 f for this Halo at , 2 Klmona Crepes, such well known brands as Japanese Crepe, etc, n showing of all ploin colors, ns well as plenty of the fancy floral designs, marked special ut the fl Bi yard ... " Buy Blankets Now Extra Heavy Cotton Blankets, that are made with the new .wool finish, full largo twelve quarter size, both white, grey and tan colors; $2.50 is a low pnee, but special 4 fiCI ,,.,,. ,r '" for this .sale at Fine all wool Bed Blankets, largest size, a beautiful quality, finished with silk ribbon binding in an assort incut of fancy plaid designs, as well as white, (an and grejSf $7.50 is the usual price. Special for this sale, tho pair QtMO Cotton Blankets, full size und medium weigh', greatly in demand to use as warm sheets, either white, grey nr tan, with fancy borders. special ut tho price $1.19 The Newest Fall Styles In Women's and Children's Goats, Suits add Dresses Special In assembling our collection of Cloaks, Suits and Dresses for the fall Feason we have made special effort to bring down tho prieo to a lower level than heretofore, while at the same tim maintain our qualities and wi can safely state that never before in Medford hnve such beautiful garments been offered nt prices such as we are now showing thee garments. Womens' Cloaks $12.50 and $15 Worth up to $20 In the line of coats shown at these prices will be found all tho latent ideas, such as the 3-4 length Johnny Coat", as well n the full length models. Tic materials; are chiuciln, zebalinfcs whipeords, beavers, double faced cloakings, and in every wanted color for the fall season. Women's Suits at $15, Worth Up to $20. Because tho price is low on these suitri is no guage of a low quality. Wo have these garments in nil wool, blue serges, fancy mixtures, whip cords and diagonals. All of them lined with good grade satin and fault lessly finished and sjzes to fit girls of 1G or up to 44 bust measure. All colors, of course. 'Women's Suits at $25, Usually Priced at $35 and $40. To attempt a detailed description of all of the ttiodcls shown at this prioift.w'eUia Tequire a full newspaper page. Wo hove, qyer 25 different models to choose from and colors that embrace all the new two-toned ef fects, as well as all plain .shades. .All of the suits shown ut this price are lined with guaranteed twf-senson lining satin and lite blue serge suits at this price are tailored with haircloth fronts.. Children's Coats at $5, Unequalled Value. One of our hardest problems, has been to secure really desirable coats for children nt this price, but by combining our purchases with somo lurge stores in the enst we have secured an assortment of coasts for children nt this price that would ordinarily sell at from $1.50 to $2.50 more on euch garment. An asortment of fully 'JO models to select from, and sizes from 2 to 14 years. to I "81 If 1 i I I 1 1 u 1 1 m In l IrrV VrHiX IB Tjjl ill WONDERFUL ANNIVERSARY VALUES THAT THE MEN'S STORE WILL SPECIALIZE ON Men's Suits and Overcoats at $18.50 That Others Ask $22.50 to $25.00 for. We nsk your critical judgment of these suits at this spdnial prieo and feel sure of your verdict only by a special price concession from the "muuufacfurer nnd by ourself reducing our profit, is this bargain' price possible. . Men's $2.50 Fine Wool Coat Style Sweaters at Jp'l .45 This is the best sweater bargain wo have ever known of. They are good heavy weight and come in the serviceable colors of grey mid navy blue -nil sizes in the lot. , t Men's $1.25 Natural yool Shirts and Drawers 89 A' special piiicliiiKe of Uicsc garments enables us to offer them nt this price they are the standard derby rib, pure Wool und the quality that always sells at $1.25. Men's $1.00 Flannelette Night Robes 59 These right robes nre anado of a good quality heavy outing flannel and come in a nico assortment of colors and styles, two styles to choose from, vith or without a collar. Silk Petticoats and DressingSaques Women's $125 Sateen and Russaline Petticoats in black and n choice assortment of colors, some fancy trimmed ; 30 dozen in tho lot. Arc fiQst offered nt special, cuclu .,,.""' Women's Messaline Silk Petticoats, also a quantity of Taffeta l'etticoats tliut other stores try hard lo sell at $4.00 are offered special for tf Qft tho anniversary sale at, each ....... f i0 Women"s Black Sateen Petticoats, made of a superior quality of sateen that will wash und koip its pretty lustre, sold regular at $2.7 Bfjk and $3.00. Now tpecial at P OU A splendid purchase of a lot of 100 fine Silk Petti coats that would usually sell at from $5 to $0, enables us to offer tloworcd taffeta silks, mesHnliua bilks nnd pretty striped effects at tho 5Q CA bargain price of P0UU Flannelette Gowns and Sweaters Women's Flannelette Gowns, $1.25 and $1,115 qualities that are prettily trimmed nnd correctly finished, nindo from best grade of outing flannels in plain colors and fancies, specially OfSi priced ut, cooh 7IJV A fortunate purchase of Wo men's Coat Sweaters, both "single and double breasted and Norfolk stylos, enables iih to offer $4.00 and $4.00 qualities in such colors us reds, greys and whites nt $2.98 H. C KENTNER CO. Fine Corsets Reduced Tho ComotH wo specialize on are the world's finest but we occa sionally have small lots (tint u wish to discontinue in addition to special purchases that we mako for this sale. We have one tqweia! purchase nnd some other wonder ful bargains. $5 and $0 Oossard and Bon Ton Cornets, 1 tf Q TA lot 100 all sizes $.V $5 Komo 0018018 1 lot of about 75 cor- n AO ' ants all sizes.... Vfl0 $1.50 and $2.00 Corsets u good purchase of AQ ftoyiil Worcester ov COLONIAL DRAPERIES, THE IDEAL INEXPENSIVE DRAPERY FABRICS TO BEAUTIFY THE HOME No other drapery line eyen approaches the Colonial Draptry fabrics fur beauty or designs, richness of colorings and me dium pricos. Thoro are fabrics suited for every drapery need chintzes, dimities, cretonnes, scrims, etc., mid price range from 12 l2c up tt) O.lo a yard. Printed Colonial Scrims' at 18c, Value 25c. We, hnvu secured for this sale 20 pieces of printed ettamiiie in the senson's newest designs and colors that we offer at this special prieo. They are full -10 inches wide, not HO inches as Is frequently the case. Linens, Towels, Sheets, Etc. Fine Seamless Sheets, 81x00 inches, full bleached, wide hem torn and not cut, linen finish, extra heavy and lino; AC 8fic is the usunl price. Special at ."& We have 30 dozen of a fair quality Pillow Case, size Is 45 hy ,'KI inches, full bleached and wide Item. They aro considered J a bargain at Inc. However, wu offer them Of special nt . . . , " Fine Table Damask, full 2 yards wide, guaranteed to be pure Irish linen and dependable in every respect, choice C)2fi floral and scroll designs, $1,2fi cpmlity , . ,7VV Best Double Damask, full 2 yards wide, very heavy and find mill in elegant scroll dot, and floral designs, CJI CQ $L.7fl and $2.00 qualities, special for 4f AJ Fine quality colored Table Damask, In reds, blues and buff colors, as well as durable white Damask that is full 72 inches wide. Qualities that aru standard ut Oftu and 75(1. AQn Special at, the yard "W We have 30 dozen Napkins of flood serviceable quality, 22 in. square, choice range of designs; $2.60 and J Af5 1(2.20 is usual retail price par doz. Special now, , ,TwU Pure linen Huck Towels, full 38x40 Inches, hemstitched and a very fino grade that usually soils at fiOc. 5Qf Specially priced nt, each Hosiery and Knit Underwear Women's medium welQht Union Suits, of good quality, flecocd lined and finished with croohot trimming fiOo is tho usual retail prieo nnd we will have all OAm sijieB, at,-tho suit ... u ... ,''' Children's Hosiery, the celebrated Iron Clad linuid thnt is noted for its excellent wearing qunlitlos. It alwayn hells nt 20 a pair. Wo havo all sizes and -I B will price it spocial at, tho pair.. A Children's wool Pants and Vests of fine quality merino wool, in gtey and while, all sizes in tho lot; U.ru to 85a )(lr grades ut .,........,..,..,,,. " Women's 4-thrMd Black Mercerized Lisle Hosiery, double heel and too; regular pricu is 7f)o pair. Bpeuiul for flOf Amilvnruiirv Rnlii ut ........... ,M& Wr til m I fffflwiv IISlil WSSm m Mi JitA If Rj-'" (JrV WOW i V ,.,,., ? M tr.Ji' f f f t '. v t i