""(''rtltkiivl "vtw-i V"fEl;"'' '"' -rWh'' t '-V' N " j-"' . v'i '' M -3FSMM - T "as 4!' 5 1 . t Jeff Will 1 Now,Vi.urooi Murr. r-wc ,or Tie R.U6&CH. , liHTYMliTWse AND I'VC S0T IT piulGD lultA 6rt5 ANb TACKPO Uown U&UVCf. vf'g ' tjowrv uctmv. I l " Our Correspondents 1 I AGLE POINT EAGLETS. i (Hy A. 0. Ilowlntt.) ' t'lyoiio, OrtKon, J 0.2.12, To thii KilHor; In Jll)' Iiini I iiroinlmtil lo KlVn f ho nmiliTH of Hie Mnll Trlbuini a fur , tliyr nrroiint of wlmt tiniMionoil In ' KiiKlo I'olnl ut Um tlinti of ttio r- ijnJuii of Hh Koldlont timl HnltorH lUKUclrntloii nt IviikIo I'olnl, lmt In font I foiniiiunco on that milijort will HiMitloii a tow UiIiikh (lint liaiponil In KitRlit Point nuil vicinity. I oiiiltlcil In in)- liut lo ntport (lint our imirln'cru, Mi, uiul Mm. Hmlilnrtli iiml Mm. ' (iforitit Von dor llclli-n rtnuoil (Intlr ncliool on Tm-inlny niul i wont lo Aiililiinil Wtfilni'Milny to attontl I ho ttncliiiM' liutltuto mid wro thiiN lotrlvit of tho pi en mini of liitliiK with iih on tint iluy (hat wnx rtt npitrt n Knul' I'oIiiI'h nud MmI fOnl'n ilti)' In Hut Rrnnil nuinlnn. Mrs. I. lti)iiolU i nUlnr of oiii or our innrclmiilM, Mr. nlniiioml, of thu firm of Heath ft Dlniuoiul, h vln ItliiK lior hrolhor nt Kuulo Point. Tho oli'r.tlon In-lil Hnlunlay to ilo rlilo wlirthitr tho iopl of KaKlu I'olut would Krnnt n frnnclilHo to tho California ft Oregon 1'owor Co., to ntnhllNh tlmlr llni nml for IlKhl ,. nud iiownr In our town wn ludd on -''' - &MXlJ$K,AVm, nd raultiUn for-ty-lhri-e In fnvor mid flvi nualtut. Tho ohjoctiun iiKclnut crnnlliiK tint frmichrUo wh kIvIiik tno coiiirniiy thn rlK'it for fifty ynira to put up thdlr polo, lines, etc.. on nuy Htreot or ii I ley. on oliliitr nldo of thu wtroct or alley nml cut or romovo any tr, . olo., (hut iiiIkIU ho In their way, with out paying tho town any per cunt of th( Inronto. Hut thorn nro tilwtiyii fiotiio to kluk acalimt anything; that would ho for thn liuttiiruiont of tho town. A. II. KchuMor, onu of tho Mall irihiino forco returned Thnriuluy from it trip to Prospect and ou Krl day returned to hU office. Mr. mid Mm. Cantor of Dorhy pnHKod throiiKh our town on their way homo liut Haturdiiy, Thouinn i:. Mrhcoclio linn linen h'aiilliiK naud and khivoI In front of III now brick now umid hy 1 loath ft Diamond an n Konorul Htoro, mid hy Ari N'lcholn n u moat markttt and lc,o plant. 'Mr. Nolll, llvlni; nl.ont flvn iiiIIkh iio'rlhciiHl of IlrowiiHhoro wan haul lug luiiihur from tho Diitlo Point luin hon yard tho I nut of thn woe!;, Mini Itioir. Wlllota mid Minn Alma Onuld worn with with iih ou Satur day mid Sunday ou their way from thn tfjnchorn Inntltuto. Ou'Buuday wo had thu usual roittlu'o of tiUBlnoka, Ah my wlfu imyii cook, oat and waxli dlnhcH, wo' had that duy hoaldoH our roRiilur boardomi Mm, J, V. Palmer, Mr. mid Mm. 13. (1. Trolirlilgo, Mm. (1. h. Hhliumorhorn, Mm, Harriott Cox, nil of Mtfdford, Mm, Kannlo Mulkny of Hiilom' and Mr. 0, 0. Hunter of Myrtll) Crool:, Oroon, 0. NS'aina ley and dutiKhUir, MIhh jMnliol, MIhh Alma Clould qnd MIh Inox WlllotH, f 1 camo ou tho P, ft 10. to Mod ford IiihI Monday on my wny to thli pliico, Kalrvlow, Oro I notlcod that th ore wan ipilto u uunihor of yountt pooplo on tho car on tholr way to Medford to ottund tho lilKh H(jhool mid nmoiiK thorn woro MIhh Kr'iincon Month, MitRtur Iloliort Pa louuo, Hhs Houo Nowland and MIhh Kiln 1'ano, tho luut two numod nro from Tahlo Uock. Well hour I am on my ninth pnr;o and an yot huvo anld uothltii; nliolit tlo Kroivt day of all dayu, In KukIo PolndurliiK tho luootlnn or tho iih Hoclatlon, liuftlm next tlmo J wrlto 1 will not hnvo ho many KukIo I'olut 1 HoiiIh' lo wrlto and will try to toll nil I can about, tho reunion mid Homo tliliiB of lily trip up lioro, Tho IntoriiiUloimU AHHodatlon of MachlulHtH roportH that during tho InHt tvolvo montliH fifty-four now nKtooinontH huvo boon imulu with tho International, Have to Get an Aeroplane to Get . PHOENIX Mm, I'iiiiicIhoo; rotiirnod to hr homo In Oakland, Cub, aftor apituil liiK a month with relative In thin place. W. lllttbop ban Inatnllod, n nftw hlKh-ftrmli) conipiitliiK urnlen In bin moat iiinrkot. Captain Colon In rvcovorliiK from IiIk p'cont llluoiia. Mr. and Mm. H, P. Cope uindo ' a ,trlp to Jackvouvlllo Monday. Tint I'rraliytorlah IjuIIiV Aid l , proparhiK to itlvo mi elaborate chick- on ill n nor followed by tt uiiiKlcal pro- JKratii Tliumilay ovciiIuk. October 10. Mm. William HonrdHloy wna called lo California laal week by llltictm In hor alHtor'H family. J llonar and wlfo of Griffin crock apont part of thn wook with John llonar of thin plaru. Mm, M. Ilotio wait taken (julto III iHnturdny iilubt hut In now much Im proved. Mr. (J. A. Mover family moved from Anhlaud ou thrlr farm went, of town last wook. CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. .MiH McNeil, who Hpent the huiu mor with 1m. Tlitlitll, Sr. licrc, loft for licr-ebool-Ht DnniW ?itntioii TliUMiiny moriiiu. Mm. 0. M. (litrvin nml son arc Hicnillii: tliiH week in Portland. Mm. Court Hull of Mcd&inl hfent TlniMiIny with iVbiliveH here. A-'tiiii Chief of Police Cinjicndc of Mciltonl uiude a hliort businesh call Intro TliurMlay afternoon. Mm. I). V. MoMorrin, who hits been visiting ibe family of .laiifs SliielilH, returned io hor home in Sc nlllo TliiiMdny ovouinpr, MUk l'ciu .leiouut nml lay frieiuls of Med I'onl npent TlniMiIny uflor iioon in tliin city. Mm. Cluirlo Diinleii spout latt of thin week with Mr. Dinitcn of Jnok xouvillu. - !8tf MIhh Lillian nud Sam MumIiiiII uro viiitiuc friondri in I'orlliiiut this woiilc. Mins Aujt of Medford N now os iithliMicd with tho firm of I. ('. linii nctt nud Crnufill. Clnroneo Pnnkoy lias reiiuiicd fmm Hornbrook, California. Scolt I'.lliott of KuiiMifJ, who him been vihilinu rolutivcH in Ibir. vioiuily linn depurioil for bin homo in Kuii- H, "Onco it (lainblei' Now it Preacher." Como out and hoar tho story. J. T. I.lttlo will tell, ut tho tnbornaclco, corner 5th and Central, noxl Satur day nlKht; a part of hlrt llfo history. Mow ho canto to ho n Cbrlntlan, Havod from tho depths or hIii to tho hnlKUta or hollncKB, nil throiiRh Jobiib' blood. Motbora como and hear how mother pniyod ror hor wayward boy. Hoys como and hoar how FQod answers motbor'H prayer. Wo aro oxpoctlnR n Reed sorvlco tonight. Subjoct, "Tho KhhoiiUiiI ()ualirlcatonn 'of u Mlulntor." Tho tnboruaolo Ih woll mmtqd, lli;lilod and boated, ho don't utny away ou account of tho cold, Last nil. lit whllo It wan cold mid chilly ou tho outiddo, It was ronl conifort nblb In tlio tahornaclo, Services Sun day nl 2:30 mid 7t3Q ! '. notici;. Tho commlttoo lmvlng ctmrgo of tho American OooRraphlcal nooluty oxoiiralou to Orator Lake doalroa all thofio who bavp bills nunlimt tho commlttoo to foinnt at onco, OHO. PUTNAM, V, J. O'aAltA, mSN 8I1HLPON. DUsolution Nojlctv ' Notlco Ih horoby given that tho firm of M, A. lloiror ft Co,, of Urowna boro hnvo dlssolvpd partnorahlp, 'L, Q, Morpy rotlrtn from tho firm. All dobta nro aSHiimod by 13. A. blotter mid all outHtuiullnp uccountH ahotild bo paid him. 1 B. A. IIEIjFRIV ' U) O, MOURY, 108 f ' - k ' CfW MOTFOItD MATH TRIBUNE, -Xifill,''.- u Notyh Ml fAUYY AMD UC-T YOU tiCf Hlf MG t Lrr r v MEDFDRD ICE PLANT flovornmiiiit procoollni; oxporta aro fit ill condtictlnK oxporlmonta with Hokum rlvo,r fruit nud nxpect to no cm o data Invaluablo to fruit grow um rcKardliiK rofrlKoralliiK and keep ing rrult. Tho precoolliiK la belns dono at tho plant of tho Medford Ice mid Stor ni;o company, which lu co-opojudnK with tint offlclalH In every pofodblu wn. Ilio plant ban a largo capacity mid can handle a number or cum mid If tho demand Justify, will bo eu larKud to procool u largo portion or tho valley' pear crop. Jonathan npplea hnvn boon kept In cold Momko at thla plant ror over n enr In Kood condition, and aH tho Jonathan U n porlahablo apple. It hIiowh what tho poHKlbllltlo nro. The Southern Pacific haa pur chased rorrlKorntor car for tho ex periment, and tho varlotiH orchard IhIh and tho fruit exchanito furiilab liiK tho fruit and tho boxc. PABST TROPHY WON BY MORTIMER ROBERTS WAinVATKSA, Oct. 4. Mortimer Hoborta won today tho 220-mllo PittiMl trophy auto race with a Ma kou apodal from a field of eight Htartora that had boon trimmed down to three. Tho tlmo was 3:45:53.71, or mi average of 5U iiiIIoh an hour. Mnrry HaHtlugR with hi Pal apodal riniahed accond and Hill Chandler, nlao lu a l-'al, waa third. Marry Hit dlcott, nlao driving a Mason apodal, romped away with tho 173-mllo Wis consin trophy race. George Mason, also In a Mason car, finished ccond. Kndlcott'H tlmo waa 3:00:4-1.78. GREAT PUBLIC DANCING HALL AT PORTLAND PLANNED PORTLAND. Oct. 4 A grant pub lic ilimoiu hull in which the fnh ioiiN us well a tho figures will bo ma do it pimple im poHMblu mid all HtiggOHtivcnons reimived, is being spoken for toduy in ninny tpiarterri ns Ihe rvnlt of the stand taken by the Portland council n (ho Oregon Congtows of Parent -Toucher nsooin Iioiih domiiudiiig Hiioh it place. Tho elniiu is mtule by tho council that tho public diiuco liullrt in the city do not dixorimiuuto Kiiffieicntlv re- gurdiug tho churiiclor of those d- mitted o tho suiue. NOT1CK. Notlco la horoby given that tho un dersigned will apply at tho regular mooting of tho city council October 15, It) IS, ror a llconoo to soil boor NEW TODAY A now woll built liouao lu south west Medford', living room, dining room, largo kitchen, two bedrooms, with lnA-Kc. cloHots, mid a flno largo screened porvh, Plenty of cup boards, mid tho upstairs can bo di vided Into two bod rooniH, hall mid bath, Qood lot and north front. Place has boon marked down to $1,Q0.00. Soo mo about tho stock ranches In tho Applegate, Thoy aro woll worth careful Investigation. Somo Irrlgatod alfiilfiii mid moro can bo oaally developed. Tho prices aro from 37. GO to I7H.00 an ncro. A 100 acres stock or general farm lug ranch three miles from llrowns vlllo In tho WlUmuotto valloy. Qood roads and school near. Good farm buildings, an acres in grain and tho balance In good native pasture. Thla Is & splendid clovor country. Tho owner will tako moot of tho prlco In tnulo for property lu tho valloy, Prlco $JQ. Ou nor aoro. G. D. HOON Jackson County Hank liulldtiig n J OTPFOttDi OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1ftJ2. ' h Mutt Back J 2(4t r" in' r. i..-ml VOWJIG ) 'M0rr. I'll. vm ou ) A I rl . k J yoO tuo-Tts m CAN'T Ui'T m 4 mid malt product only In gtiantltlcH or not Ickb than twelve common quart tecr bottles or Its equivalent to tho consumer' from our placo of bualnoHH at No. 201 South Hlversldo avenue for a period or six inontba. G 130. .MAPLR, WALTHU J' MAHDY. Dated Oct. 2, 1012. F O It K K N TT-MOUSKKKKI'INa IIOOMH POlt HUNT Furnlahcd housekeep ing rooms, lights, gas, cloao In In quire 337 W. 10th St., afternoons. 1C8 FOH HBNT Modern furnished houKokeeplUK rooms, clcoso In. 134 South Hartlott. 1CS FOIl RKNT nOAHD ANI) ItOOSIS FOH Hi:.NT Hoard and rooma, pri vate family, 017 S. Holly St. 170 FOR RKJT1 OtJ8WI FOH RENT Furnlahod C room cot tago modern, SI 8 King St. FOH HUNT Furnished bouo close, in. CO North Orange. . J FOH HBNT Modern riirnlahcd G room bungalow. Call mornings. 422 South Laurel. FOH ItKNT Furnished nouso with all modern conveniences. 730 W. Eleventh St. FOR RENT Modern five-room house. U. A. Ratier, at U. F. & II. Co. FOH RKNV 10' rAosa honso Tear of Farmora & Fruitgrowers bank, aultablo for builness, real estate, boarding or rooming houso. Gold Ray Realty Co., 6th and Fir sts. FOH RENT Two room bachelor homo. 211 Weal Sth street. Sec White ft Trowbridge FOH KENT Modern two atory dwelling. Hot, and cold wator. lawn and trees? 220 Laurel St. Soo While J5: Trowbrldgo. FOR 11ENT FURJOSHKD ROOMS FOR RENT Largo sleeping room, $1.50 and ?2 per weok. Modorn bousckcciilng apartments. $1C and JIG. Momo phone 2CC-K. 222 South Holly. FOR RENT Modern furnished rooms at tho Cottage, CO 4 West 10th at., two blocks south Medford Hotel. Hot ami cold wator lu rooms. Mm. Ii. M. Coss. ' FOR RENT Nicely furnlsliod, down atalra bed room In now modern bouse, 3 blocks from post office. Phono S52-L. FOR RENT FURNISHED AITS. FOR RENT Smith Apia. 217 8. Rlv. FOH RENT Furnlsliod apartment now, prlvato bath, hot water bent.. Tho llerben Apartment, 10 Quluco St., comer West Main. FOR RENT OFFICES FOR RENT Largo, comfortable or flco rooms with elevator sorvlco, steam heat, hot and cold water. Low rates. Apply Medford Furnl turo ft Hdw. Co. FOIl RENX MlSCKLTiANEOUS FOH RENT 1(1 room Hat over El htrt'a tailor shop, 207 West Main. Soo Whltu ft Trowbrldgo. FOR RENT Ranches large und small, alfalfa and gardou lands. Gold Ray Realty Co.. Cth and Fir. FOR RENT 30 room furnished hotol ou porcontago. Gold Rny Realty Co. von haijv-ijani FOR SAItE Ranches, aore tracts, town property on1r and 10 years tlmo. Gold Ray Realty Co., Sixth and Fir. l FOR BALK A' cny, AQR FOR SALE A beautiful building site. Just east of Medford city limits. High and. nightly, porfect dralnago, flno view of Med ford and tho valley, building restriction on adjacent property. Three lots measuring 40,000 square feet or nearly uu ncro. Fronting on Jack boii Houlovard whfuh will bo one or thu tlnost drlyos In Medford When tho now Hear Crook brldgo Is completed, Thw property can bo purchasod for ?G00 down long tlmo and easy terms on balance Thla cannot bo beat for a high grado residence location. Address l p. Hox 702, Medford, Oregon. FOR " SALE Largo acreage , fruit, lands. Excbtmgea, W. J, Hillls, K. II. French, No. C, S.'Contral with , Abstract Co, . 174 V ' ' Jim ft ir TGtf Hue' " "HP THlHV,,'l THINK CT"b XW.ON SNO THftT t'U. WMG T MPT T, w FOR HAMS HOUSES. FOR SALE UcautJfuI U room bunga low, hard wood floor and modern tbrouguout, must bo seen to bo ap preciated. Will sacririco on ac count of leaving town. MM. O. II. Ilrown, 43C N. Rartlett, phouo Main 7CC1. FOR SALE-A cozy 5 room modern bungalow, on largo lot cheap, must sell at once, owners Home phone 182-W. 170 FOR SALE 4 room House and lot, $600.00. Gold Ray Realty Co.. Sixth and Fir. tf FOH SALE Cheap, Easy pay ments, throe room cottage. 30C Willamette Ave., east sldo. Chick en houso and barn, one or two lots, fine deep soil. Telephone U83. H. F. Piatt. Garnett-Corey llldg. 172 FOR BALK MJHCKLLA?fKOC8 FOR SALE $15.00 Vacuum Cleaner at half price, or will trade for rug or furniture. C3G West 4th St. 1C7 FOR SALE Good work and driving horse, $75.00. A. K. Ware, room 4, Jackson County Dank Bldg. " FOR SALE Disc plow and rubber tiro English go-cart. Pacific phono 201-J-4. FOR SALE 1912 C passenger au tomobile almost new. Bargain for cash. Hox 80, Tribune. FOR SALE Good sound horso, drives single or double. Phone r.07-R-2. P. O. Dor 312. ' 168 FOR SALE Good work1 team, har ness, wagon and farm Implements. 742 W. 14tlt, St., or phone Home 123-W. 1C9 FOR SALE Two and one-half doz en full blood Ilrown Leghorn hens ajid ono and one-half dozen Rhode Island Rods. 75 cents each Is sold at once. Phono 352 Main or No. CC. R, 2, Medford. lC'J FOH SALE Twin Thnr motorcycle ror kale cheap at F. E. Martlu'a Bicycle Shop. 172 FOR SALE Scotch Collie, finely marked. Also furniture, 1031 Nnragan St. Phone Home 337-X. 1C8 1IKLP WANTED FEMAUB WANTED Girl lor general house work, good wages. Cll West 10th. Mrs. Wra. Budge. 1G7 WANTED Competent woman for general Tiousowork. Must bo a good cook. Phdno S14-F-12. WANTED Girl going to school who will holp around jiouee for board and room. Good homo. Address H. W. R., Mall Tribune. WANTED Good woman cook, lib eral wages. A. P. Stover, phono 811-F-21. WANTED SITUATIONS. WANTED General houBowork. fore noons by young womau. Call at 233 & RlveMldo Ave. 1C7 WANTED Position on ranch by ex perienced orchardtst. Box J, D.. Tribune. 1C0 WANTED MlSCBXTiANKOUS WANTED To trade gqod young toam, weight 2150 for dry fir or oak wood. Inquire of Jauos Bros., Home phono 301-X. WANTED TO BUY Good second hand light hack with top. Janes Bros., Home phono 301-X. WANTED Spring chickens, roosters or pullets In any duantlty. J. II. Lyons, Phoenix. WANTED To rout small unfur nlshod houso, close In on paved street, fltvo description und prlco. P. O. Box 574. " 1CS WANTED TO RENT Modorn olght room houso or sovon rooms and slooplug porch, close In. Box 92, Mall Tribune, WANTED Tnko your money out of the savings bank. 4 per cent Is not enough. For $7000 you can have 4 new homos, cost $12,000 for $7,000. $2,000 will handle. Earning 10 per cent not, and theso values will Increase each year. J. Av, Dressier agency, 429 M. F. ft H. Co Bldg. 1C8 WANTED Clean raga at tho Mall Trluuno otiico. WANTED A loan proved property. Mall Trlbuno. $5P0, on lm- Address L.. W,, 173 WANTED A secondhand rug 12x13 foot. Phono Pacific 4902. 107 x 1 1 i I ijlfey JWPT "iZBr j-JjlaFj r ' ' i ii i M . ' FOR K3.CIIAKGB FOR EXCHANGE Portland proper ty for Medford and vicinity. Own er Box 47, Route 2, Central Point. Oregon. FOH EXCHANGE 20 acres, half cultivation, for Medford icsldence. 40 acres. Improvements, Irri gated, hair crop, take residence. Clark Realty Co. 1C8 BUSINESS OPPOUTUNITim BUSLNESS OPPORTUNITY Anyone wishing to engage in the billiard business can purchase all or a half Interest In the Owl Billiard par lors as owner wishes to go away. Same can be purchased at a very reasonable figure. S. I. Brown. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Accountants D. R. WOOD General Accountant Your books audited and kept for a reasonable ilgure; your business solicited. Office, Medford Mall Tribune bldg; phone 6611; resi dence phone C302. Auto Supplies. LAHER AUTO SPRING CO. Our big secret in making springs is the tempering. We aro operating the largest, oldest and best equipped plant in the Pacific northwest. Use our springs when others fall. Sold undor guarantee. 26 North 15th street, Portland, Oregon. Attoracya D. W. BAGSHAW Attoraey-at-Lair. Jacksonville. Ore. Office: Bank bldg., second floor. Phene: Pa cific, Mala 33. C. L. REAMES. LAWYER Office Medford National Bank building. second floor. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEALEY. Attorneys-at-Law. No. 1 and 2, Postotflce bldg. A. E. REAMES, LAWYER Garaett- Corey bldg. MULKEY ft CHERRY (R. F. MUL KEY, GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 and 12 Jackson County Bans; bldg. Bill Poctcrs VERNE T. CANON Bill Poster and Distributor. AH orders promptly tilled. Room 29 Jackson County Bank bldg., Medford, Oregon. Brick and Crim-ui. Tho Medford Hydraulic Cement, Brick and Block Works. Spe cialty, ornamental brick for fire places, tile porches, columns, water tables, sills, caps, arches, chimneys, lawn vases, jardinieres, flower pots Phone Main 541, corner 10th and Fir streets. Civil Engineer LOUIS W. WHITING Civil Engineer and Surveyor. Water filings and irrigation work a specialty; sur veys, subdividing, building grades, city engineering, drafting, sewer design, concrete work, pump and canal systems. Room 2, Palm blk., Medford. Oregon. Chiropractors DR. A. R. HEDGE?, br. Louise E. HedgoB, Mecbnno-Theraplats, Chiro practors, Spoudylotheraplsts, These systems, Including dietetics, cura tlvo gymnastics, hydro-therapy, etc., produce results in both acute and chronic diseases. Consultation free. 230 N. Bartlett streot. next door to M. E, church. Hours, 9 a m. to 5 p. in. Other hours by ap pointment. Bell phono Main 4171, DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, uervo specialist. Rooms TO3-U4-05 Garnott-Corey Bldg. Vapor baths and scientific, massage given; advice in dietetics, medical gym nastics, hydrotherapy. Lady at tendant. Phone Home 145-K. Main 7973. Grauito Works MEDFORD BRICK CO, Geo. W. Prlddy, O. D. NuRlo. Geo. T. O'Brien Contractors and manu facturers of brick; dealers In pressed brick and Umo, Offlco at tholr brick yard, West Jackson et. Phone No. 34G1. Hotels. THE PARK VIEW HOTEL Rooms $1,50 per week, meals 25 cents. Transient 25 cents a night. J. T. Perry, Prop. 173 Notary Public HELEN N, YOCKKV isovary Pub ' lie. Bring your work to me at the sign ot The Mall Tribune. Bv "Bud" Fisher ? ' BUHI.VK.skS DIRECTORY Chinese MnlieiHe CHOW YOUNG'S Chj&cae aaedleiae wilt cure rheumatism,' catarrh, colds, goltnre, throat aad Ihbbj trouble, deafness, paralysis, private diseasea and all kinds of chronle' and nenrous aliments. Stomach trouble, constipation, ladlgesttos,' womb and bladder troubles. See rae at 241 S. Front St., Medford, Ore., to 4, C:.'!0 to 7:30. Refildenee phone Mala 42. PenrhH DR. W. M. VAK SCOYOO DR. a C VAN 8CQY0O Dentists Garnctt-Corcy bldg., unite 319, Medford, Oregon. Both Phone?, DR. ARTBMUS W. DBANB Dentist. Office In, Rlalto bldg., 123 S. Main. Gas admlalfitered for extraction of teeth. Telephone Mala 681. Night phone -1432. Garbage GARBAGE Get jour premise cleaned ap for the summer. Call on the city garbage wagons, for good service. Phone Mala 6251. F."; Y. Allen. t ' nurseries QUAKER NURSSRIES Our trees are budded, not grafted. Our stock isnot irrigated. Wo guarantee everything put out We are not 1b the trust. II. B. Patterson. Office removed to office Hotel Nash, la slde entrance next, to barber shop, . Printers WMt.PHbUefecni MEDFORD PRINTING CO. haa the best equipped Job offiee la soathers Oregon; book blading, looae leaf systems, cut paper, etc., ete. Port land prices. 27 N. Fir st. Physlclaus and Surgeons DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Physi cians and surgeons, Taylor and Phlpps bldg., rooms 210-211-212. Office phone 501, residence phone 612. Office hours 9 a, m? to 8 p. za. DR. F. O. CARLOW. DR. EVA. MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Moved to rooms 416 and 417 Gar-nett-Corey bldg. Phonq Main 6351. DR. STEARNS Physician and sur geon. Office Jackson County-Bank Bldg., rooms 17-18-19, pnone 5501; residence 307 S. Dakdale, phone 7171. Home phono, residence 109, office 130. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physlciaa and Surgeon. MYRTLK S. LOCKWOOD. !. D. Practice limited to diseases of women. Offices over Hasklns Drug Store. Otfico Phenes: M 1001, tendant. Residence phone Mala 5712, office JJome 14B. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and Sursjeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied. Office 21G E. Main sL, over Med ford Hardware company, Hours 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Both phones. E B. PICKEL. M. b Offle Jack son County Bank. Office phoat M. 432; Rea. phone, M. 58S. DR. J. W. J. MARION Physician and Surgeon. Office rcoas 5 and, G Kontner bldg. Office hours 19 to 12, 2 to 5. Phone', Bell 271? Aesldonco phone Bell 273. E. KIRCHGESSNER. M. D. Praa tlce limited to Chronic Disease, ortlce Hotel Holland. Wednesday 10-3. Both phones, Restdenee phones: Farmer lCxxS Eagle Point and Rogue River Hue. HERMANN F. RATTls. &;. D. Of fice ovor Medford National Bank. Ortlce phone 0701. Res., Hotel' Holland. CLARK E. SAUNDBRS, M. D Prae tlco limited to Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat. Eyes scientifically tested and glasses furnished when seeded, Gamete-Corey Bldg,, 2nd fleer. Both Phones, Medford, Ore. StcHogrsplHirs ELLA M. GAUNYA,W 11 bloek., Stnnographle work Um a,HlklT and well. ' Transfer EADS TRANSFER, HTORAGK CO, Offloe 16 South Fir. PhOH Bell 3152; Home 3(0K. FdM right. Service KuarHi-tqp4, UHttor takers JOHN A. PIlIlL-7-Undartaikw Embalmer, Offtee 38 fr-nik lett at. TeleBRHMM: Dy. 471; Might rsldenee,'Bn Home 179-L-.' Cull H88wr4 or day. Amhuliiiic rvler I". tt, TV, . ua 'i .' r tf V. r ' A. ? , 1 Jt f I ' i ( ';.' cn Jl'-. Cf'- '