i-5 tffeflon Hlsterlcal Sucftif rnM Medford MIil Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Fair1 hhiI cooler M. W mih. t Hunt ftw. C1 . i' f V 84 I I ' ( ' t ! " i r. L .. i r p ft T Tear. Dully ffcvaiitli Year. WB5I 'tiSfJL. is Greece, Dulunrin, Scrvla anil Monto- ncjjro Prepare to Invade Empire Turkish Government Feverishly flush Troops to Frontier. Italy Hastens to Conclude Peace with Sultan Austria Threatens Inter vention. IIUIJA I'KHT, Oct. a. A dispatch received hero fiom Holla states (lint Turkish iicroplanpn wero sighted to day, ecoiitlug along tho IliilKnrlnn frontier. CONSTANTINOPLE. Oct. 2. All Indication hero today point lo war In Ihn Haltinna. Although tlio Sultan linn irolintiil to tho powers against tlio inobolUatlon to a war footing of the urmlca of Hor In. Hulgarln, Mon tiMiiiRro nml (Ireoce. Simultaneous order wont 'nsued for tlio moblllxa llmi of tlio Turklxh troopa. Itej'urts received hero say that tSieok ships cruising nbout In Turk lull waters hare benn nolxnd an trails- liortH by Turkish warships. AVnnt No Interference HOPIA, Uillgarla, Oct. 2. Official itiinmiiiccMiont wnn mmtu hero today thnt duplicate note have (icon hand fil to tlio representatives of tlio now tint In Ceittlnjo, Ilolsraclo nnil Sofia appealing to tlio powers to lot tlio Malhun allies sottlo tholr Turkish troubles without Intorforoiirc-. Tlio nolo declares Hint tlio allien do not want.TiirkUH territory but do want 1oj,orwxlj8Hultxt0'Krnt"l,tl,OMO "lii)'rto MacodonlaT" Franco ft Pcaco Maker PAIII8, Oct. Acting In concert ultli tlio otlinr powom, Franco today In continuing ltd official efforts to promoto pcacu In tlio Ilalkan. Of nil concerned Uiimtla la tlio only na tion whoiio sincerity I suspected for ll Ih doubled In official circles If either Uulgnrla or Horvlii would liavo Kunu ho far If thoy bad not boon as mii rod that Russia would back thorn against any Austrian or German ag gression In thu ovont of n gouorul conflict. Turkey Pre purrs to Fight CONSTANTINOPLI', Oct. 'J.-lto-fusing on Ken iu'n iloinuiul lo Mirien der Servian munitions of war de tained in trmiHporl, Hie Turkish cab inet today appointed AImIiiIIiiIi Puslin onimnndor-iii-ehiof of tho Oltoiniiii 'forces In tlio llulkuus ami liepiu u hurried preparation for tlio wur which now nimiiiih inevitable. Tho first important strike aguiusl tint nlllcri followed Klnirp on Abdul lah's iipiioiiitiuoiit when fifty-two Greek vnsHulrf in Turkish ports won) commandeered tin trtiunpoi t mid the DimlunnlloH wim offieiully climid lo (Jreiik hliiiw. Iiidieativo of (lie spirit in wliicli tlio war Ih leooived in Turkey Ilio iiowk paper Bnbiit lodny hi.vh edltoriully; "Tlio hwoiiIh of liofoeH Hliurponed by nix contuniM of donoim InittleH joy fully uoeept the iuvilntioii lo i'luhl." VIKNNA, Oct. 2. ItoportH aro cur rout hnro today that Italy ami Tur key bnVo practically aKrood on puuco toruiB, -The Uouruo U panicky over tho nullum Mlttiutlon. There Ih Krout liidlKnatlon BKulnat Oroitt Hrltaln, Franco and UIibhIh which aro ronHld orod ruHpoimlblu for tho Ilalkan troiiblca. ALL OUT ON SHE (JKBAT l'Alil8, Mont., Oet. 2. lCvery ooul minor in Montana Ik out on Htrlko today Hpoiuliun mitlou on tliu propoHud jiuw wnpo houIo pro jmrml at a eonforonuo of initio owu er anil roproHontuttvoH of tho United Miuo Workorri of Aimiiloa. Tho vuvIouh IooiiIh will volo on new iiKroomon Friday which it IkY pueleil wilt bo adopted. Tho now Koitle, if adopted, will ho offootlvo for two yunra and will provide for Forty'iK-mmrt BALKAN WA Wlffl we HAY MONTANACOALMINERS RUSSIA PUZZLE UFE IN NEAR EAST Franco Strlvlnn to Prevent Conflict, Great Britain Non-committal, Ger many and Austria Neutral Czar's Attitude Object of Concern. Plan to Tear Macedonia From Turk Said to Be Secretly Favored by Britain and Other Nations. LONDON.. Oct. a. With IVanno actively iiiovIiik to provont a war which hail practically (started In tho HalkniiN, flroat llrltnlu, noifcoiuinlt- tal and Germany and Austria prac tically In a Htato of armed neutrality thu ureal piixzlo of tho near Kaatern emliroKllo today U "what will Hum ala doT" "Does tliu Cxar want war?" While tho llrltbih foreign office rofimeH to Imuio any Htatomeul on tho expected attack upon Turkey by (1 recce, HiilKarla, Horvla, and Moil- toncKro It Ik folt In diplomatic clr cIch that Sir Hdward Oroy will do all lie ran to provont an oxploHlon. IIIm liandK, however, aro udmllledly liamp orod. While Hrltaln, for decadnn, ban ablelded tho TurkUh empire front dleiiiuuiberment thu (crowing In fluence of (Hirinany at CouHtautl noplo many May, forebode a now nllRiimviit of tho 'powers In which KnKbiud probably wilt rcilKii from tho rolo of tho Hullnu'a protector and will align with Italy, HubhIu and tlio llttlkan gtnteH as uKalnsl tlio mutually lutoreited alllanco of Aus tria, Ucrmany and Turkey. Hrltaln 1'iivorH War? TbU view of tho llrltUh pomUIoii It U aald, In Boml-otflclaljefflclalplr-oli'l. U troiiKly nupported by -tho prcaenco of ItiiMla'u forolmi envoy, Haionoff, In Ixinilon. Tlio rolatlomi betweon Great Hrltaln and Huioila, allien the practical agreement ar rived at for tho pnrtltlonmont of I'erala, aro very clono and thoro aro thdHo who openly predict that If Great Hrltaln la forced to tako an open hand In Halkana her Influence will bo thrown io tho aldo of tho nl- llo who plan to tear Macedonia from the Turk. HiiHMla, tho chancellories of Ku ropcan uatlona bellovo, In playing a deep Riimo. When HohiiIii and llcr xcKovlua worn recently abnorbod by AiiHtrla ll In know that IIiiksIii would liavo opposed tho grab by forco of aruiH had alio been prepared. At that tlino liowovor, Poland lay, opon to a poBHlblo tmmtult of Gormany, AiiHtrla'a ally, and tho Cxar, with a yory bad grace wiim forced to ac iIohco. Today ItiiRida'H lovlca fill Poland and It Ih ulirowdly atiBported that thoy aro thoro to repair tho for mer weak Hpot and to lend anbHtan tlal backing to Scrvla, Ilulgarla, Mon tenegro and Greeeo In caso Gormany Hhould attempt to call a halt on tholr nullum operatlonu by a threat of armed Intervention. To Check Austria IIuhhIu'ii preparation!), too, aro taken with a vlow to checking any movo by Austria to aggrandUo nor boU In tho general outbreak which may follow a Halkau war. Austria's IloHiilan grab ovoked tho bltorost ro Hontment In Scrvla and Utilgarla and tho rormor la detormtuod, If war real ly develops, to abHorb tho Saudjalc of Novlpatar whllo Hulgarla will grab for Macedonia, Montonegro for nt loast n part of Albania. Grooco auro ly will annex tta long desired Inland of Croto, with, poBslbly, a portion of (Contlnuod on pago 2.) MM RUSSIA THREATENED BY FAMINE BT. PBTKIlSllUHfJ, Qui. , Hu h!u is throutoiiod with a repetition of tho disiiHtrous l'nmlno of last year. An official commission appointed to invostigiito conditions in Don pro vineo roporlB that oropH liavo failed in cloven cantons out of which ton woro visited by, fiimino last your. Sinoo thou many of tho pennants luivo coutrnotod dohtH in tho hope of n good harvest in 1 l'J. Long- ago their livaHtoolc hud to ho Hold off and now their remaining proporly Is about to go under tho hammer. According to a report on this yoar'tf liarveHt by tho minister of yuiHUIVrV0 Wild industry, in tho gov- MEDFORD, TTCZ !(. iV. r. WfU. SELECMW to THY in tiwmmm INDIANAPOLIS, Oct. 2. Tlio ac copianco of a jury to try tho -IS mem bers of tho International Association of Hrlilgo and Structural Ironwork era on trial hero for Illegally trans porting dynamite la expected to como Home time today. When court re convened thin morning 12 men wora In tho Jury box who bad been tenta tively iiatuiod by tlio dofeusc. When tho day'u work closed at ft o'clock yes torday tho government bad oxam Inod five of thoso and Its attorneys expected to conclude its oxamln&tlon of tho remaining seven boforo noon today. Now that a Jury Ik almost In sight both tho prosecution and dofonsQ Htartod notifying wMiiohhcb to como to IndliiuapollH. Among tlio wll nei8CH who wore ordored to report hero at once woro Samuel Gompcrs, prcHldont of tho American Federation of Labor, and Dctoctlvo William II. Huron, who directed tho Investigation which load to tho return of Indlct mentH against tho union men. TEDDY FEELS GREAT AFTER LONG JOURNEY WASHINGTON, Oct. 2 Thoodoro Hoosovolt arrived hero at 10 o'clock UiIh morning, making a vory brlot stop. Ilia colonel declared ho folt "groat." Hoosovolt roachoa Now York at 3 this nftornoou. Ho will return horn tomorrow night aa ho la to appear before tho Bouato Investigation com mittee. oruuuml of Cuvlaud, rains liavo de stroyed all tho ryo and u great part of tho wheat. In Livonia, tho crops aro had aa regards both quantity and quality. In Polyuvn and Tchoruihoo tho com crop is threatened ; in Kku. lorinoaluv tho deficit will amount to fifty per cent and tlioro is a similar outlook for Chorsou and Taurida. In western Ciiiioiihus tho drought Iiiih ruined all tho cereal crops, in tho northern Caucasus premature frosts havo oiitfidora.bly affected tho harvest, In Orenburg and tho Ural, which woro victims of tho 1011 famine-, tlio Hituatiou is declared to ho oxtrcn.ioly jrtvO Ml wwMiy ' HAIR.WIU. CtRowonALL I v,2EDtrE&r "G 1 rfWfeBALOHEAM K gk WiLcHAVtT U,.t i The "Toothless ll F You Swallow JF) WILL HATCH TtETM J ZM& OREGON, WEDNESDAY, QUACK-QUACK! SIM HMDS FTWER PARK A Jurgv eorp of goi eminent engi neers are biity staking out roads in tlio Lrater Lake untiomil nark, for coiihtruetiott early in the t-priu. un der tliu appropriation secured at the liiht heion of emigres. A teiiiMrary niilrond will probably bo built from the new Southern Pa cific tniek north of t'liiloiiiiu Mil lion, up Hand creek to tho lake, which, will bo ued to transport equipment mid Mipplics during con struction. As it is expected thnt thrcc-qimrlcrs of a million dollar will bo ex ponded in the park during the next mswii ears, the railroad will prove a great economy. The war department is reiHirted to have tho rails and rolling block on hand at Celilo, where the grading equip ment is now in mm1. Major Morrow, who has charge of tho work, expects, to work tho same crow mid grading equipment at Crat er Luke, during tho summer months that is employed during tho winter months at Celilo, thus effecting a material economy nnd uccomplitdiiug much moro for the money than could othcrwioo bo uecomplihlied. HEAolnir VISITS MEDFORD Making his first official visit to Medford and tho Iloguo river valloy, J. II. Young, who Is tho head of tho Ulll lines In Oregon, succeeding to tho placo hold by Carl It. Gray, ar rived hero Wednesday morning and was Immediately whlskod out over tho Pacific & Eastern on an Inspec tion trip. IIo will return to tho city this aftornqou and will probably leuvo on tonight's train north. Mr. Young la well known In finan cial and railroad circles. IIo was formerly with tho auggonliolms bo foro entering the sorvlco of Jamos J. Hill. ABEKDKKJf, Wn., Oct. "J. War rants arc out today for the arrest of Charles ltfssk, a moving pioturo oper ator on tho charge of abducting Grace Shaw, sixtebu, a protty society girl of this city, who olopod with him yohtnrday and got married in Mouto siiiio last night. Tho couple aro re ported to have left Gray's Iluilior iu lu smal launvli, AMY ENGKEnu UNES BON OCTOBER 2, 1912. NDIEDGE MAN'S HIGH RASE FOR ROGUE ORCHARDS Itegiuald IL Parson of Ilillfrcst orchards hits as his guest Gustav Scipio of Bremen, Germany, who is iuvcMigotiiig fruit eetions of Amer ica. Mr. Scipio is one of the leading business men of Genynny, represent ing several firms including tho North German Steamship company. Seven years ago he introduced tho first box of apples to Germany. Accompanied by Mr. Parsons ho has visited W uatehec, Hood Itiver and Yakima hut declares that the Koguo river valley is most ideal. Mr. Scipio's praiso of this valloy is very great. IIo does not hesitate lo state that, as a fruit section, it has no jcer. IIo will leave Thursday for California. BEIT RALLIES FROM PHILADELPHIA, Oet. 'J. A sud. deu change lor tho better was an nounced hero today iu tho condition of James J. Corbett, former champ ion heavyweight pugilist of tho world who was reported dying last night, following uu operation fur appendi citis. Dr. Kdwurd Klopt, who performed tho operation issued tho following bulletin: "Corbett is rosing easily and doing fine." TALESMEN REFUSING TO QUALIFY SALEM, Mass., Oct. 2. trlal postponed until October -Kttor 11. SALEM, Mass., Oct. 2. That tho wholesale rofusal of talesmen to qualify as Jurors will ovontually moan the dtschargo of Joseph Kttor, Arturo Glovauutttl and Antonio Ca ruso, on trial for tho murdor of Anna Loplzzo, who mot death during tho big Industrial struggle at Lawrence, lust winter, was tho prediction hero today of defoiiBo attorneys. Scores of tulosmon already examined havo tes tified of Inability to aot becuuEo of confirmed bellors that tho accused men aro Innocent, "Wo do not think," said of tlio do (enso nttornoy's today, "thflt tho ro- MORGAN $100,000 APIECE TO HELP ELECT ROOSEVELT PRESIDENT IN 1904 Gecrrjc P. Sheldon. Treasurer of National Republican Commiltce Verities Standard' Oil Contribution of $125,000, Made In the Name of John D. Archbold Dixon Tells of Money Spent to Secure Nomination of Roosevelt at Primaries This Year Roasts Committee. Munsoy, Perkins anil Hanna Gave $96,000 to Help Nominate Teddy In 1912 Dixon Constantly Hard Up and Money Scarce No Money Spnt in Ohio and But Little in New Jersey cr Indiana. WASHINGTON. Oct. 2. Vorlfl- cation of John I). Archbald's testl- niony that tho Standard Oil Company contributed $125,000 to Colonel Theodore Itooscvolt's 1004 campaign was given the senate campaign contri butions Investigation committee hero this afternoon by George P. Sheldon who was treasurer of the republican national committee In 1008. The con tribution, Sheldon said, waa made un der Archbald's name. Other contri butors. Sheldon said, were J. Pler pont Morgan. Henry Frlck and George Gould. Each of the last three named, ho nald, contributed $100,000. Sheldon, who fonuwea Dixon, tes tified that when bo took charge of the republican party's finances in 1908. Cornelius Dliss gave him a list of tho 1904 contributions. At least 75 per cent of the receipts he said, were contributed by corporations. He also corroborated Archbold's tc-s-tlmoney regarding Standard Oil con tributions. Before leaving tho stand Senator Dixon charged that the Standard Oil Company and tobacco trusts bought op newspapers by tho wholesale in, the Interest of Taft. WASHINGTON. Oct. 2. When tho senate campaign contributions com mittee resumed its probo into contri butions into republican, democratic and progressive campaigns hero to day Senator Joseph M. Dixon of Mon tana, who managed Colonel Roose velt's pre-couventlnn campaign had prepared a demand that tho commit tee summon prominent democrats and republicans to testify regarding regarding campaign receipts. Tho list Included Charles P. Taft, a brother of President Taft, Charles D. Hllles, chairman of tho republican national committee; W. F. McCombs, chairman of tho democratic national committee, Speaker Champ Clark, Congressman Oscar Underwood of Alabama and Governor Judson Har mon of Ohio. Cannon on Stand James J. Cannon, president of tho Fourth National Bank of Now York, was tho first witness called boforo tho committee today. Cannon testified that ho audited tho books of tho lata Cornelius N. Bliss, treasurer of tho republican na tional campaign In 1904, but said that ho knew nothing of any cam paign contributions cither In 1904 or 1908. After Cannon hod denied that any of tho officora of his bank were In terested in campaign contributions ho was oxcusod and Senator Dixon called. Dlxon'a testimony was marked by repeated otashes with uiombors of tho committee Dixon Wants All Probed After admitting that ho had solic ited sonio funds for tho progressive cause, Dixon demanded tho commit- maluliig talesmen can supply enough men to fill tho box. It tho caso Is suspouded until another voulro Is culled we will ask that tho prisoners bo roloased on ball." District Attorney Atwlll bolloves that tho talesmon are being Intimi date. "Something." said Atwlll today, "Is radically wrong, Perhaps tho talesmon are alarmed by the appear unco of black hand lottors and reports of tho momberu of tlio Industrial Workers of tho W'orld resorting to violence It tho defendants aro con victed." William D. Haywood, , organizer for tlio Industrial Workers of tho World, was In courtwhon today's session opened., NO. 1G5. FRICK AN GOULD GAVE Ice to toll him how dcop it Intended to probo, saying: "I want tho committee to probe othor campaign funds besides those contributed for Hoosflvclt's fight. Tho Impression Is general that this in vestigation Is directed against tho progressive candldato for president. Why not Investigate Wilson?" asked if he had not been advised that the committee Intended to Investigate the campaign contributions o nil parties Dixon answered: "I most certainly have not." "Well you ought to bo better In- . formed," commented Senator Oliver of Pennsylvania. "It is Just thirty days to election and I do not consider this a square deal," said Dixon. Chairman Clapp objected to this statements "I am not reflecting." replied Dixon, "on any member of this com mittee who is a friend of Qolonel Roosevelt." Dixon Called Down "You are making a mistake," In terrupted Senator Paynter. "You are lecturing this committee. You were not Invited here to lecture but to testify. h Yen ares.mlstakr--5rie'' you charge that this investigation Is directed at only one candidate." Dixon then began his testimony, saying: "Every ono realized that Taft's nomination meant utter defoat for the republican ticket and that fact is still evident. "Frank Munsey, George W, Per kins and Dan Hanna gave me var ious BiiniB approximately 9C,000. Of this amount $62,000 wero spent at progressive headquarters In Wash ington for literature. I did not keep any books as wo spent the monoy as fast as It was received. We were up against tho powerful federal ma chlno with thousands of dollars be hind It. Wo were unorganized and desperately in need of funds at all times, During the four months of tho fighting howocr, wo havo re ceived lots of dollar contributions." For IlightcniiH Cause Dixon said that ho know only from hearsay that nttompta were mndo at Chicago to change tho votes of certain dologates and vehemently denied that tho Roosevelt leaders had used money to buy delegates. Referring to the pro-convention cam paign, ho said progressive campaigns wero conducted in soma states and that in others no fight was made. "It was llko movomonts," said Dixon, "whero people rlso up to bat tlo for a righteous causo. Wo niado no campaign In Wisconsin, believing wo woro giving tho LaFolIotto dolo gatos thoro our moral support." Senator Oliver asked Dixon if tho newspapers had correctly quoted him as saying that tho rotumHtee was made up of 'a cheat) bunch of poli ticians" and that hu intended "to show them up." "I do not intend to show up tho committee if T van help it." nimwercd Dixon, "uud 1 do not know whether I used that language It may ho that I used worse." (Continued on page 2,) 7 UNTIL 25 OR OVER LOS ANGELES, Cal., Oct. 2.- De claring that tho servant girl question is greater than the problem "votw for women" Mm. Gertrude. Atherton, California authoress, today glvw h few words of advice io women who wish to become Huccwmful wlvan. "Don't marry until yH art (" ty-flvo at least. ' says ihtf wrlUr. and , "thirty would be better, W J1, do murry, be- ur heV at iwt Qvij years your senior," .v a a M2