3-.. Wr 0 1 L ' ' 1 i. mr: My Goodness! There s Something on the Dumb Waiter ,- t s' ' r r)'M' - ! ' 1 " " fc ; ! -""' ; f ( vHWrbr WV Y " r ' V I rv gv e . "', V'NTHI-rU'TrfiWW 1 Cgwcffm-r J."T1- -i ti....i,,.,u.,..- i..i.-. SE nrr.nfnanffmmrnMns S&. -;,.- .,x.. - i Sftf'"" ... Pnytmt.0HKr ffliKK'l v;uu,im 'HSS-yTfS,! .y. - ngy-jggg, - v biivw. u i iniiMTi-i.nii-ii-iiimii-iiniK -j ,... i ii i urn ' i rtif innur j i l .JLT ' I m, lH I J tH" (! I .HHmmnm. "VPtQ rtGA'W TM &ICK 7 I fKSTTSJ ' -jm . .. ., MS5rK-fi"1r5ri -r. 2H iH fc m. . '6MrtivNiRwC iByR Maoris ffte fiSrv'w--: N : UiUcliH iRH Hmcoy t,1?, , - OTiPWI Gonna Hwoir HtalillB Uumowaiygr. I You jf UnoM - SIsRM 7 r- ii' i ki i i w.r-Wm 1 1 - mr- n. -i .. . ." i - j i t i t rvzm -l jMawkieMkiBLJH. i v . i f PB ttrVJHlMT J$l if Srt CO Cr- y- GAVE LIFE BLIND TO SAVE GIRL'S Ul ' HAN I'llA.NCIHCO, rl., Hoi(. 27. Havwl from mikldu ly ttto llfo Itlonit ,of m wnllor wlioin nho hid nnvor "on. MUh Autm liolilln, youriK niil'coiiH)ljr, totlny Ih on llio ronil to recovery followliiK nn uporatloii for thn trautdmlou ot litooil. I)cpotfJciit ovr ii lovo nffitlr, M!i lic.Mln n( teiiitri Hiilrliln by nitphyxlKtlon, nn:I Hint m)io wan not micidwifiil Ih duo to llitt chivalry of Oixynld Hchwarli, a wnlior nt tho ortnlnLouvro Cnfo hum. ItclatlvuK of tho Klrl worn nt illn ' nor In this cafo wlirn a frlontl on turtKl nn (I nnnounctiil Hint unlcin tiiimeoiio could ho found willing to Klvu up llroltloodMlmi Ilohlln would dlo, HchwurU ovorlioard tho n murk. "WhntV thn mnttrr with mo?" ho nuKed. If I rou)d help uavo thn kIiTn llfo hy M'lUInK a llltlo hlood ( will ho only too gUd. It dooa not matter that 1 hnvn nnvor mi-a hor." Thn dinner wttM loft unflnlnhod, rolntlvoit ruithlitK to tho lolnphono. "Wo hnvp found tho man who will imvo Annn'ii life," (hoy tulophonQd t)jo hoHitn jihlclan. Hcliwnrln wih riuhod to tho lion jillfil mid placed on tho oprratliiR Inhlo hcrildoit tho Klrl. Artorle In thn arum of onrli worn oponed mid tlod tciRotlnir, nnd thn traiiBfuilon of Mood hcpin. Boon tho phyilctanv woro rowardod hy roturnliiK hIkiih of llfo. Alhort Wllford, wealthy tinclo of MImh Ilohlln, teudorod Hehwurli $100. "Keoy your monoy," Hchwnrln' xnld, "I.oI'a uh watt until Mien Iloh lln recovers." 10 Fl II. 8. I'd I in oil oe, who has n homo stem! out In tho Deud Indlnii coun try, Informs tho Tidings that tho road between Ashland mid Klamath Kftlla U being put Into excellent 'shape Vor travel both with nutoiuo 'biles and teams, mips tho Ashland Tidings' -., I j (1. W. JancB.JiftH flnlshnd thttrwork to, thn county lino mid n strotch nt toad In Klamath county, between Clover crook and tho Jucjuou-Klnm-nth count)' Hun, Is all that ramati)S uncompleted. A now of about SO men Is now at work under thu direc tion of tlq Klamath county authori ties, nnd, tho road illiquid bo com pleted In about two weeks It tho weather remnliiH good. When this Is completed, tho Dead Indian road, to Klamath Kallu will ho much hotter than tho Green Hprlngu road, which has huroloforo boon principally used botwoeu that city and Aidiland. Klumatli FiiIIh hnu com pleted a flno nutomohllq rpad from tiiat cltv to Pollr.au liuv. and by fol lowing th'ls route Crater I.akq tat bo roauhud about us eaidly by the. KLAMATH Uojjtio rlvcjr rqutq, thus, giving totjr- luts an opportunity to seo now scon- ( ory oacli wny. Tho routo Is hlgltl '.beautiful and almost If not uUo oitial to tho nortliorp rpU(o. , .Thorqnto via, Lake or thn Woods , Is ti Hhortor out, hut not uu et, good tor automobllo travel, sayu Mr. Palm-. orleo, hut illiquid ho linproyml as Hqnn us posslhlo. This portion of tho road, jiowovor, Is ontroly In Klamath county. ' ' '.-I1 " ' ' , NOTOK, Tho fcbnimtttoo having ohargo ot i tjiq Amo'rWn aoouraphlcal uoeloty ouMtrslou tq Orator Lulcn iloBjroa all tltnso'whu liavo hills ttalUHt tho coiuiuUoo to report nt ouoo. 0130. PUTNAM, P, .J. O'OAMA, UHN 8HHU)0N. u , , ),t.4. i. ,(-( T-f f h 1'KWbrinfoVi', trd., Sbpt. '27. Thoroughly Initiated Into tho iny.tur IVB Of "hoK-tlolliK." "lillUoKglnK,u and other oxplolU of tho huckarpo, twciilyflvo thoiiHitiul North WoHturn and Knatarii vIhIIom, hunpry for morn llirllltt, crowdnd tho arena huro today to wUiioph thu Kecond day'tt ovoiiU In tho eiidlotou ItoundUp, tho Rroat frontier whow of tho Pacific North Went. Matt mid beaut mot In n flcrco fight for nuproinaoy In tho vldct of wild wot exhibition, "IjiiIMokkIub." Lafo Towniau, Clioyenno' chnniploit, was thu winner, ilo "hulldoRRod" hU Nteer after tho tiiont navu(re bat tlo over seen lit a round-up. Ioat ItiK from his homo's hack ho solxed tho nteer by tho hornt with his hands and by the novo with hln teeth. Dch plto tho Htoor'tt pluitglnK. Towman hold Ills grip. Slowly ho dragged down tho steer's head till his feet woro flrmon tho ground. Ho tried hard, to drag, thu steer to tho earth but could not get If off lt foot. Fin ally determined to bulldog tho ani mal dead If ho could not alive, ho twisted tho steer's neck Inch by Inch till with a hideous miup distinctly audible In tho grnndstaiu ho broke tho crcaltims neck and tho big nteer rolled to tho ground but "bull dogged." To tho nuweomers to tho cow coun try, tho work of tho women hucl; arooes was tho most thrilling of tU round-up's ovqnts. . , vf 'l. E M'MANI ARRIVES IN INDIANA INDIANAPOLIS, lii.l., Kept. '!". Ottlo K. MoMiiiiigul, M'lf.cunfohxcd dyiimniter, iitnl wlm pmlinhly will prove (lie tai' itneH nguiiiHt mum hot of tho Iiiterimtiouul Ahhoeiiitinn of Uritlgo und Htructuritli Ironwork etv eliurged with illegally tiniiHpoit in (lyiiini)ilc, nriiWtl liem loduy. Ilo was in charge of Malcolm tMol.ni on, of tho I.os Angeles ciffi(v of the HiiniK detcetlvo Agoiie lunl two tlepqty htliuriTf- . MeMupigul will hu (oiftuel in the federal jail bote until the uOt'iihOil men a id hrouglit ( trial October . ' C1TV 'I'HKAUItKll'H OTK'U. Notice 1b hornby given thnt thorn aro funds on hand lit tho pity Treas ury tor tho rodomptlon ot all out standing wn.rraqta Issued ttgaliiBt thu following Improvement Funds, In terest on sumo will cpaso nt tho datu ot this netice: South Ivy street. South Ivy street No. 2. West Hamilton Hhrot, , Alloy diock &it. Alloy block 7S. West Kloventli stroot. "West Ninth stroot. Boutin Nowtovvn Btroot. Wos'f F6uKh 'street No. 2. 'West Tenth stroot. tUIS II. 8AMUKI.3, ' ' City Troiitniror. DUtod Soptomhor 2Uth, 1012. ltKJt T"' '' '" "' , .CITV 'i'lHv',HUKHIVH NOTICK. Ndtleo Is hoVoby glVon Jhnt thorp trq findu on hand In tho city treas ury rotjlip rodBmjitosot.tho fol lowing, wnrriiu)M lnidjit on saino will Jcea80r(at6 of thhiv'notU'e: vawuuUriiliulor,i; 'I find 'i on Lutoral No. -I, Dlst.rlct No 10. Nqif. 2, :i and, 4 on Lateral No. 21, Dlntrlqt N9, U; ' No. 1 on Lijtornl No. 22, District No. U. t No. 1 No. 11., on Latorai No,v 23 District QUS II, SAMUELS. I GJty Treasurer. Datojl Sept. 25, 181,2, 1U1 KhIoJIo Wohtworth .lias been on- H'Wlrt 'Of " 'lnwii.rojjrt.onpfli In'qoSv many, FEAROIISEENTIJUSIASM y i .... JtKDFORD MATTJ TRrBUOT; WOMAN IDENTIFIES DM mm l l fyN KltANCISGO, Cnl., Sept. 27. Tie spectacular utrcotcar bandit, wlfo ((llcd JilniBelr after leading sav oral posses or policemen ait exciting chaVq through thn Ilarbary Coast ro gloit' hofo until ho was cornorcd near tho water front and killed hlmsolf Wednesday night, today In positively Identified by Cvolyn Dcsucy, dance hall hahltiio, as liars Anderson, an advcnttiror who lived with her lit a rooming houso In tho buslueas sec tion. According to tho girl who is young and protty, Anderson whh In tho habit or leaving their apartments about 7 o'clock every -night empty handed Children Hate Castor Oil, Ugh! IHlrloitH "Syrup of Figs" llowt For Tltrlr Mttln Ht'inutrliM, Liver and AVoMc-Cloggvd I low el 5 Look hack at your childhood days. Itouiamhor tho phyMc thatjiiothcr In-sltpd- on eaator oil, culomeli oath urtlcs. How you hated thont, how you fought against taking them. With our children It's different. Tho day or harsh physic Is oyer. Wo don't force tho liver and 30 feet of bowels now; wo coax them. Wo have 110 dreaded urtcr effects. MothcnTj who cling to thn old form of physic simply don't realize what thoy do.b Tito children's revolt is 'well-founded. Their little ntomachs and tender bow els aro Injured by them. ir your child Is fretful, peevish, hair sick, stomach sour, breath fev erish and its little )s(om full ot cold; has diarrhoea, soro throat, stomach-ache; doesn't eat or rest well remember look at tho tongue, If coated, glvo a toaspoonful or Sy rup or Figs, then don't worry bo euiiHi) you surely will havo a well, smiling child in n row hours. Syrup or Figs bolng composed en tirely or luscious rigs, Boiiua nnd nro matlcs simply cannot bo harmful. It uweoteiih lha stomach, makes tbo liver active nnd thoroughly cleanses tho llt tlo one's wnsto-ctogged bowols. In n row hours all sour bllo, undlgcted fermenting 'food and constipated wastn matter gently moves on and out of thu system without griping or nausea. Dlicctlona for children of all ages. nlso for gYowii-ups, plainly printed on tho package. Ily all mcaiiB got thn genuine Ask your druggist for tho roll tinnio "Syrup of Figs and Kllxlr or Senna" prepured hy tho Cnlirornin Fg Sy rup Co. Accept nothing olao. NEW TODAY A flno suburban ptqposltlqn, Just west ot tho city limits. Flno largo woll built bungalow, not finished up on luatdo, a 0x32 on throe .flno lots with east front, twouty-tlvq .oak trees on lots, this can bo mado a swell home, for salo for $1,100.00 6 neros on tho Hill road, north of Jacksonville, first class soil, nearly all sot to pears, ponchos and apricots, Suporh vlowi small houso, good wator. $1,400,00. I havo Bomo good Irrigating pro positions on thn Applogaio, that Blou,ld juavp rg)t way. Thoriyaro good bulldlngsniul plpnty of.vutor, nnd n nlco lot of alfulfu nlroady In. and 'touch, moro can bo pit lu and Ir rigated. This 1b tho Block growers paradise, PrlcoB from $40,00 to $,75)00 por (tore, and good terms. For rout, a moijorjt tlvo ropn cot tago on n woll Improved ncro of ground, oIobo In on tho oast sttlo, good bUrn, liits ot garden, 6r rent fqr flp.OO, r rnntu, ' ' G. D. HOON Room 152 Jacksou County Hank llldgt MBDFOBO, OT?ECION. CTHDAY, SEPTEMBER 27,-1912. -riBrr J- and would Invariably return with his pockets full or ruoiipy and Jewels, the greater part of which ho lavished upon her. Tho, girl was located through a slip of paper bearing her namo nnd nddrciiK found among An derson's effects nt tho morgue. Tho Desuoy girl claims alio mot An dorsou at a dance hall about n month ago and a sordid affection sprang up hutweon them. -, SEATTLE CAN GO AHEAD WIJH HARiOR IMPROVEMENTS SKATTLE, Sept. '-".- Seattle cnu go ulieuil with it tH.000,001) harbor impinvemeutK now, for the supreme court yesterday declared nil the bond ihKiiOB legal. Tho "let" case wjih brouglit ly lite jwrt commissioners to removo nil postjihlc ob.staclcH in the work. TI10 improvernents include (lie much advertised Harbor Islniul tcr miimls, which nrc to be established hy eastern capitalists under it thirty year lease from llio unrt. Classified Advertising PAYABLI JJT ADVANCE RATES: Onb fcent per word per insertionSOc the line by the month. ',, : KOK KKNlyUKNISHBD ROOMS FOR RENTr-Modern furnished rooms for Indies, clobo lu, 429 N. Central Ave. 1G3 FOIt ItENT Largo sleeping room, I $1.G0 ftJid $2 per week. Modern ,- bousokoeplng'iymrtmehts, 15 and ,; &M a; "'; FOR RENT Modern furnished rooms at tho Cottage, $504 West 10th St., two blocks south Medford Hotel. Hot and cold water in rooms. Mrs, II. M. Coss. . FOR HUNT FUIimSHKD APTS. FOR RENTSmith Apts. 217 B. Rlr. FOR UKTOMUC81 FOR RENT Modorti four room fur nished house, also six room houso unfurnished, with barn, 731 W. 2nd Btrcct. 1G4 FOR RENT Furhlshed G room cot tngo modern, 51 S King St. FdR RENT- Seven room houso nnd sleeping porch, pavvd street, closo In. $20. Soo or phono Col. H. H. Snrgaitt, 162 FOR RENT Ono bungalow, strictly modem, hnrdwood floors, station ary wiibIi tubs, two tiro places. 1 block from school, good neigh borhood, rout $30.00. Phono G01, Now 51, R. J. Conroy. M. U. FOR RENT Ftirnlshod houso cIobo In. 00 North Orange, FOR RENT Modorn turnlBhed R room bungalow. , Call mornings. 422 South Laurel, FOR RENT Furnished houso with nil modorn coavonlonccs. 730 W. Eleventh St. FOR RENT Modorn tlvo-room houso. M. A. Rador, at M. F. ft H. (jo. FOR RENT 10 room houso roar ot Fnrmors & "Fruitgrowers bank, sultahlo for business real estate, boarding or rooming house. Gold Ray Realty Co., 6th and Fir sts. VOn KENT OFFICES V. FOR;(RENT Largo, comfortable of fice rooms with elevator sorvlco, steam, b.eat, hot and cod wator. Low ratoa. Apply Mpdford Furnl turo & Hdw. Co. FOR RENT M180K1AAKROU8 .., . A. FOR "RENT Ranahes large and 1 suall. alDiltu ml gardqu lands. Gold Ray Realty Co., 6th and Fir. FOR RENT 30 room furnished hotol on porcoutngo. Gold Ray Roalty Co,' FOR BAU& LAND FOR SALE Ranches, acre tracts, twon propei ty on 5 and 10 years time. Gold; Hay Roalty Co,, sixth and. Fir. FOR SAIjE S3 aoroa partly inT 11 raved land. 5 room turalshed house, stock and crops go with tho place. Plenty or good water. Pron $3000. Ajjjijroua tip 52, " Jacksonville. " 162 FOU KATiF HOUSES. FOR. SALt: new, nine room bunga low on corner lot 00x125, thrco blocks from high school, living room and dining room with beam ceilings nnd panel walls. Fire place andall built in conveniences, Dutch kitchen, hardwood floors throughout, screened porch and garage. Phono 75C1. For SALK At 11.000 lc-a Man cost, lleautlful C room houso, hot and cold water, bath room, toilet on both floors, electric Ilghtojiud flno porch, cement walks and paved street. Address "Owner," care Mall Tribune. 102 FOR SALE! 4 room Houso and lot, $600.00. Gold Ray Realty Co.. Sixth and Fir. tf FOR SALE A cozy 5 room modern bungalow, on largo lot cheap, must soil at once, owners Home phono 182-W. 170 FOR BAl.fc ACnKlGB FOR SALE A bcautirul building slto just oast of Medford city limits. High and sightly, perfect dralnago.'rino view of Med ford and tho valley, building restriction on ndjacent property. Thrco lota measuring 40,000 squaro feot or nearly an acre. Fronting on Jack son Boulevard which will bo one or tho finest drives In Medford when tho now Bear Creek bridge is completed. This property can bo purchased tor ?500 down long tlnto and easy terms on balance. This cannot bo beat ror a high grade residence location. Address P. O. Dox ,702, Medford, Oregon. FOR SALE Largo acrcago rrult, lands. Exchanges, W. J. HIllIs, E. II. French. No. 6, S. Central with Abstract Co. 171 FOR SALE Eight acres. Just out sldo city limits, all planted to 3 year old apples; amnll houso, good well: $2500. W. T. York & Co FOR SALE Snap In 5 acres adjoin ing Medford. Ueautltul place to build a flno homo. Largest na tive oak trees In valley. Price $3,500, for a fow day. A. K. Ware, room 4, Jackson County Dank Illdg. FOR SALE MlSCEIilATfKOUS FOR SALE 10 head of horses, aver hko from 700 to 1400 pounds each. 46 North Riverside. Call 323-R. 1G5 FOR SALE Automobile, rour pass enger, fully equipped, good run ning condition. Box It 3, Tribune. FOR SALE One span good work horses. Inquire L. A. Rose, Phoe nix, Ore , phono S13-F-22. 165' FORSALE Splendid team of small horses, good harness nnd 2 wagons IISC.OO. Big Pines Lumbor Co., or Talent Lumbor Co., Talent, Oro. 1G2 FOR SALE Good work and driving horse. $75.00. A. K. AVaro. room . . 1 r. ... n...l- Ttl.1t- 1, juinauu vuiihij i.iv u.un. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Bork shlro pigs. Foot Hills orchard. Pacific 1131. FOR SALE Disc plow and rubbor tiro English go-cart. Puclfic phono 201-J-4. FOR SALE 1012 5 passongor au tomobllo almost now. Bargain ror cash. Box 80, Tribune. HELP WANTKIV tALM WA.NTEU Sobor, roJMDlo man, cap ablo ot handling ranch ot any kind, can be dopondnd upon ovary way. Wrjto box 43, Mall Tribune 163 HELP WANTED FKMAIdi WANTED -Young girl to help take caro of baby. Phauq 597-J-l. 161 WANTED GirJ tor general houso work, good wages. 611 West 10th. Mrs. WW. Hudgo, 1G WANTED MISqEIiliAWKOOB VAT5TE 1) Young HolBtoln Jorsoy cow, must bo tlrst class milker. Bondlnot Connor, Lower Table Rock. . WANTED tq trudo good young team, woight 2150 tor dry rlr or oak wood. Inqulro or Juuob Bros., Home phono 301-X. WANTED TO BUY Good peconn hand light hack with top. Janes Bros,, Hopio phono 301-X. WANTED A stump pullor, must bo In first class Bhapo and reasonable. Address "W," caro Trlbuno. 103 WANTED To buy second hand elder press, George Butz. Medfqrd, 162 WANTED TO RENT A typewriter. Ft o Carpenter, aiumuiu, vi, .yv WANTED SH CATIONS. WANTED Washing. Irons and cleaning by tho day or at home. Mrs. Mac.Veal, 419 N. Fir street. 161 Losnc LOST Ladles' pin. Royal Neighbor emblem of the M. W. A. Return to Mall Tribune office. 161 FOR EXClIATfGJR, FOR EXCHANGE Portland proper ty for Medford and vicinity. Own er Box 47, Routo 2, Central Point. Oregon. WANTED TO TRADE What havo you to trade for a now 7 horse power motorcycle In good condi tion. Address box 70, caro Mall Tribune. 161 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Anyono wishing to cngago in the billiard business can purchase all or a halt Interest in the Owl Billiard par lors as owner wishes to go away. Same can be purchased at a very reasonable flguro. S. I. Brown. BUSINESS DIP.EtflTORY Accountants D. R. WOOD General Accountant Your books audited and kept for a reasonable figure; your business solicited. Office, Medford Mail Tribune bldg: phone 6611; reel denco phono 6302. Auto Supplies. LAHER AUTO SPRING CO. Our big secret in maklngjsprings Is the tempering. We aro operating tho largest, oldest and best equipped plant In tho Pacific northwest. Uso our springs when others fall. Sold under guarantee- 26 North 15th street. Portland, Oregon. Attorneys D. W. BAGSHAW Attornoy-at-Law. Jacksonville, Ore. Office: Bank bldg., second floor. Phene: Pa cific, Main 33. ' C. L. REAMES. LAWYER Office Medford National Bank building, second floor. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P, MEALBY Attornoys-at-Law. Nos. 1 and 2, Postoftlco bldg. A. E. REAMES. LAWYER Garnott Corey bldg. MULKEY & CHERRY (R. F. MUL T KEY. GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 and 12 Jackson County Bank bldg. Bill PU.-r VERNE T. CANON Blir Poster and Distributor, All orders promptly filled. Room 29 JackBon County Bank bldg., Medford, Oregon. 1 Brick and Cement. Tho Medford Hydraulic Cement, Brick and Block Works. Spe cialty, ornamental brick for fire places, tllo porcho3, columns, water tables, Bills, caps, arches, chimneys, lnwn vases. Jardinieres, flower pots Phono Main 541, corner 10th and Fir streets. Civil Engineer LOUIS W. WHITING Civil Engineer and Survoypr. Wator filings and Irrigation work a spoclalty; sur veys, subdividing, building grades, city engineering, drafting, sower desigu, coucroto work, pump and canal systems. Room 2, Palm blk., Medford. Oregon. Chlropractnni Dlt. A. It. HEDGES. U. Loulso M. Hodges, Mccbano-Thoraplats, Chiro practors, Spondylothernplsts. These Bystouis, Including dietetics, curn tlvo gymnastics, hydro-therapy, etc., produco results In both acute and chronic dlsenses, Consultation froo. 230 N, Bartlett Btroot, noxt door to M. E, church. Hours, 9 a. in. to 5 p, ni. Other hours by ap pointment. Bell phono Main 4171. DR. R, J. LOOKWOOD, Chiropractor, norvo specialist. Rooms 203-04-05 Garnott-Cqroy Bldg. Vapor baths and scientific mnssago given; advlco in dietetics, medical gym nastics, ihydrothorapy. Lady at tendant. Phouo Honie 14C-K. Main 7973,, Granlto Worka ffETSFURir "BRICIC CO. Goo. W, Prlddy, O, D. Nagle, Goo. T. O'Brien Contractors aud manu facturers ot prick: dealers in pressed brick and lime. Office at their briok yard, West Jackson at. Phone No. 34C1. Hotels. THE PARK VIEW HOTEL Rooms' $1,50 per week, uioals 25 cents, Truqstont as coat a uigiit, Perry, Prop, 1 J. T. 173 fs 1 ' ' ' '1 "V,g"W" By "Bud" Fisher " 1 1 t . . BUSINESS DIRECTORY , , , , if CIiIrwmj JWcdlcInm CHOW YOUNG'S Cnfhose medlclae will cure rheumatism, catarrh, colds, go I turo, throat and lung trouble, deafness, paralysis, private diseases and all kinds of chronls and nervous aliments. Stomach trouble) constipation, Inaigestloit, womb and bladder troubles. See me at 241 S, Front bL, Medfonl, Ore., to A, 6:30 to 7:3Q. Reslaeuce phone Main 42. DenntiiB DR. W. M. VAN BCOYCC DR. O. C'VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garnott-Corey bldg,, snlte ',310. Medford, Oregon. Both Phones. DR. ARTEMUS W. DBANE--wenthrt. Office In RIalto bids;., 123 E. Main. Gas administered for extraction of teeth. Telephone Mala 631. Night phone 4432. Garbage GARBAGE Get your premises cleaned up for the summer. Call on the city garbage wagons for good service. Phone Mala G251. F. Y. Allsa. nurseries QUAKER NURSERIES Our treea are budded, not grafted. Our stock Is not Irrigated. We', guarantee everything put out. W6"are not l the trust H. B. Patterson. Offiae removed to office Hotel Nash, la slde entrance next to barber shop. Nptary Public HELEN N. YOCKET Notary Pub llc. Bring your work to me at the sign of The Mail Tribune. Printers find Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped Job office In southern Oregon; book binding. loose leaf systems, cut paper, etc., etc Port land prices. 27 N. Fir st Physicians and Surgeons DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Physi cians and surgeons, Taylor and Pblpfw bldg., rooms 210-211212, Office phone 501, residence phone 612. Office hours 9 a. m. to- 8 p. m. DR. F. G. CARLOW. DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Moved to rooms 416 and 417 Gar-neft-Coroy bldg. Phone Main 6351. DR. STEARNS Physician and sur geon. Office Jackson County Bank Bldg., rooms 17-1S-19, phone 5501; residence 307 S. Dakdate, phone 7171. Home phone, residence1 'I'J, office 130. DR. 8. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and Surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. M. D. Practicq limited to diseases of women. Of rices over llaaklna Drug Store. Offlco Phenes: M. 1001, Home 23. Residence Phenes: M, 7981, Home 357-K. DR. J. J, EMMENS Fhyslclaji and Surtron. Practico limltod to oye, car, nose and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses Riippltod. Offlco 21 G B. Main bU, over Med ford Hardware company. Hours 8:30 a. m. to X p. m, Both phones. E B, PICKEL, M. b Office Jack- son County Bank. Offlco phone M. 432; Res. phone, M. 582. DR. J. W. J. MARION Phyalclan and Surgeon, Offlco rooms 5 aud 6 Kcntnor bldg. Office hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. PJtone, Bell 271. Aesldenco phono Bolj 273. E. KIRCHGESSNER. M. D. Prae tlco limited to Chronic Diseases. OHIco Hotel Holland. Wednesdays 10-3. Both phones. Resldenee phenes: Farmer 10xx5 Eagle Polat and Rogue River line. HERMANN F. RATT-to, K. D Of fice ovor Medford. Rational Bank, Office phone 6701. Re., Hotel Holland, , CLARK E. SAUNDERS. M. i Vtm tlco limited to Eye, Ear, Nose sod Throat. Eyea scientifically tested and glasses furnished when needed. Garnett-Corey Bldg., 2nd floor. Both Phones, Medford, Ore, . m, . 1 ,..,., , Stenographer ELLA M. GAUNYAWr Stonographlo work und well, -Palm blek, do b qulakbr Transfer Had TAAWSmmii STOIUfl 1Q -ot nee i wentn rir. rm Bell 3152; Home 86Q-X. Pr rignt. service guarHteea, JiS. iDtMterlaheri S31 BmhMlmer. Offto n Wftk nS lett St, Telephones; Day, BA 471; night, reaitMutM, sUtt 4f lltiam 171-U .Cull wr4 $& er day, Awbulauc utftUm. 1 ,-! ,l f "1 . I s