. ISrBDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, QRKGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, .1012. LKHTANDroWER FOR THE APPLE6ATE ORATORY TO FLOW HERE IN 0CT08ER riGE BID N I.' i j- Superintendent II. C. Stoddard of Iho CiilifOruiaOirinn l.iclit uiitl l'ower company nnnouneca that the oompany is preparing to cxlciitl its lijltt iUnl owor system up the Apple pile valley, ho Hint every runner will havo the li ciipfi t of electric light. Contracts nith farmer uro now belujr made. The extension will he itintlc irom .lnckouillo m Kueli. Sufficient contracts Imvo boon innite with the people of the Fruildnle district to unsure the construction of the distributing line into the neigh borhootl. It i proposed to build the lino through Kruitdtilc und across the divide to Mm pity, ami thence- up the pp1cc;atc from that point to connect with the Jacksonville extension. It is projK)SC(l to make a campaign in the lower valley for the disponl of ow or, the company dc&irinp to extend the lino that now supplies the Leon ard Orchard company on to Wilder Ville. ANOTHER CROWDED HOUSE SEE "PAID IN FULL" An audience that completely filled the Medford opera house last night to witness the performance- of Eugene Walters gripping four-net drama "Paid in Pull,' called by the Manion Claracn Players "The Cow ard," paid sincere tribute to the rea listic, powerful, convincing nctiug of C. P. Manion in the role of the de spicable, banc, cowardly Brooks by rising and hisfring and calling for vengeance on the bead of the con temptuous scrouudcl-husbaud. A more obvious and emphatic recogni tion of bplcndid histrionic endeavor is seldom witnessed, and Mr. Manion well deserved this unique recognition of bis uncommon art. Mr. Manion was not Manion, be was Jim Brooks, mid in the entire history of stage vil lainy from Togo down, it would be difficult to find a character as vile ns Brooks. Tonight the Manion Clnmen Play ers paly "The Girl of the Hills." GIRL OF NINETEEN WEDS MAN OF SEVENTY LOS ANGKLES, Scut. 20. John C. Driver, 70, of Kldon, Mo., and Miss Naomi Tarwatcr, 19, of South Pasadena, nre married here today, following a cross-continent race by Driver to claim his bride. Driver Rays ho has known the young lady since she "used to Mt on my knee," Tiie bride who saw nothing incon gruous in -mating with a man fifty yeurs her senior, said: "I love him that's the main reason why wc wore married. Besides he bus promised to build me the best home in Eldon. nnd I couldn't rcfuso after be had come all tho way from Missouri." PLACER GOLD STRIKE CAUSES NOME RUSH NOME. Sept. 20. A placer gold strike, jielding $2.50 to the pan, has caused a ruh of prospectors to Boulder Creek, six miles from Nome. It is said to be an extension of tho third beach line, which has yielded many millions. It tho plant of tho dlffoiout po tltlrnl Icadcra In .Inrkson county do not miscarry Hnvomt prominent men of tho United States will Iiq In Med font In October nnd address voter, Tho dcmocratH uuuouuco that they Imvo every prospect of Inducing W. J. Hrjnn to Mponk hero next mouth. Senator Chambcrlnln and ox-Senator Ccarln will Also bo hero. The progressive!! nnnouuco that nmuuR other sneakers thuy have no- cured Governor lllram JoIuihoii of California, vlco presidential cnudldatc on tho Hull Mooho ticket. I to Is to speak hero during tho lattor wcok of October. Jonathan Hourno, Jr., will visit Medford October 10 to look over hit political fences and determine wheth er ho will run akuIu or not. Hon Selling Is also expected next month. THE HARVEST HAS BEGUN. -X T. HtttM. sra TRAILED By BODY GUARD FORT WORTH, Texas, Sept. 20. Testimony that J. B. Snead was trail ed by n bodyguard night nnd dav since he shot nnd killed A. G. Boyee, senior, was offered tit the habeas cor pus hearing hero today, by' which Sncad hopes to secure his rclca-c pending his trial for killing A. G. Boycc, juuior. Sncad mu-t stand trial again for killing the elder Bo.vcu. the first tnul having ended in a dis agreement. John Blantou admitted today that he had been Sncad's bodyguard for mouths. He said that he told Sncad that young Boycc had vihited Mrs. Sncad at Dallas while Sncad was be ing tried for the murder of Boycc, senior, nnd that the banker acted like n crazy man. NO AMNESTY OFFERED 0R0ZC0 BY MADERO $12,000 RAKE-OFF BUI L MEXICO CITY, Sept. 2(5, That amnesty has been oifercd to General Pnscual Orozco, juuior, leader of the Mexican rebels, 'by the Madcro gov ernment was officially denied here today. TACOMA, YVn., Sept. 2G.The first real evidence connecting C. K. Houston and John H. Bullock with conspiracy to defraud the govern ment on coal contracts came out in their trial In tho federal court today when J. W. Smith, secre tary of the Pacific Coast Coal company of Seattle testified that Houston had turned ovor to him vouchers for about $12,000 for "com missions on coal sales at Nome, J DOS," when the company had made no sales, there that year. BY NEVADA PEOPLE VIRGINIA CITY. Nov., Sept. 2C With tho shrieking whistles of the Comstock mills sounding a welcome, William J. Rryan arrived horc short ly beforo noon today and was given a great ovation. lie was escorted to tho opera house by almost tho en tire population, and was Introduced by Koy Plttman, democratic candi date for the United States senate. ran OCEAN TO OCEAN HIGHWAY NEW YORK TO LOS ANGELES LOS ANGELES, Oil.. Sept. 20. An oocnn-to-oeeun automobile high way, with ouo cud In I .oh AugcliM and the other in Now Yoik to draw coast closer to const is the purposo of an organized mcctiuir of law Anuulcs business men, who have today con- tnbuted fo,f.k) as a fund to aid the project. Nearly .nno-fourth of tho 100,000 clKnrmakcrs In tho Untied States tiro women. BY BULL MOOSE BOSTON, Sopt. 20. Nominated on tho progressive platform in n ward heretofore democratic, Charles Shuc, aged 110. a Chinese, republican candi date for the lower house of the Mas sachusetts legislature, announced hero today that he favored, Theodore Roosevelt for president. Shuo inserted a plank in his pint form which reads: ''I pledge myself (o do all possiblo to admit Chiucso women into this country without restriction." Shue was born in Seattle, Wash., of Chinese parents. CONDEMNED MAN1 CHOOSES DEATH BY RIFLE BULLET SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, Sept. 20 Harry Thornc wns' shot to death in tho stnto penitentiary hero at 0:114 o'clock this morning for tho murder of Gcorgo Fassell in 1010. Thornc was convicted and kiven the deutli penalty. He chose shoot ing us tho mode of bis execution. Societies affiliated with tho Brit ish General Federation of Trade Un ions have 900,000 members. Finest Hair Dressing For Women Perfectly Delightful Full of Itc- frdtilntr and Invlgornllng juall tic Tlmt Put Life. I.ustrn anil Beauty Into HiUr TOMORROW NIGHT Medford Athletic Club 10-R.OUNDS-10 Eddie Bracken vs. Joe Williams 500 Seats at $ 1 NOT merely A MODERN BUNGALOW Uno PARISIAN Sugo and your hair won't turn gray; won't look faded or grow thin and scraicgloy. Dandruff will disappear, hair atop falling; tho scalp wll beconio Im maculately white, and all germ Ufa will bo promptly destroyed. At dealers overywhoro, CO conta. Sold by Chas. Strang, who will re fund your money If you aro not sat isfied. Tho girl with tho Auburn hair Is on ovory packago of PARI SIAN Sage. !& J- !??-MEl t Y a ly-wwjBjBBf . sp-j buun, vAHRBliiVSiiVJ but A MODEL, MODERN HOME of flvo largo roomi, batb, two largo porches, nnd connecting woodshed and storo room, nt S28 Dakota Ave. FOIl BALK at less than cost, with grounds of three lots, all fenced and Improved with cement walks, lawn, vines, shrubbory, flowers, garden, fruit, slmdo trees, chicken hotiso and pens. Home Just threo hundred foot of pave ment, fuclng south down center of Orange street. This will not last long. 8oo It at onco. Call M. 1031 or boo owner at ttou for prlco and terms. .abBbbbbhbbbBMBMbV sssl STERLING SILVER WEDDING GIFTS Wc have on display in our show rooms a largo assortment of STERLING SILVER FLATWARE AND HOLLOW-WARE PIECES Suitable for all occasions such as: Tea Sots, Coffco Sots, Dossort Said, Almond Sots, Ico Cream Sots, Luueli Cantor Sots, Horry Sotn, Sugar and Cream Sots, Candlesticks, Sandwich Trays, Bread Trays, Cako Trays, Don Jiou Dishes, Comport Dishes, Itollsh Dishes, Marmalade Jurs, Water Pitchers, Flowor Vanes, PrUo Cups. Near roatofflco MARTIN J. REDDY, TK JWlr Hcdfonl, Oregon mm$mmm$mjm Buy Your Piano of a Home Dealer WE ARE THE ONLY DIRECT FACTORY TO HOME DISTRIBUTORS OF THE WORLD'S BEST PIANOS AN) PLAYER PIANO IN SOUTHERN OREGON AT THE LEAST POSSIBLE EXPENSE TO EACH INDIVIDUAL PURCHASER. 'We shun the High City rents and the High salaried help and the expensive city advertising which all the other concerns are forced to meet and by meeting theso oxpensos they are forced to add to the price $85.00 to $100.00, which we save the customer on every piano we sell if you take quality into consideration when you buy that piano. Pianos are like diamonds, there are good ones and bad ones, but let me tell you, Mr. Piano Buyer, there are more bad ones than good ones. As a rule the method used by tho concern doing business represents the quality of goods they sell. Wo have contest fakers, we havo check floaters, we have manufacturers sale conductors. With oiltongue salesmon, THEY ALWAYS PLAY THE GAME STRONG The contest dealers never fail to run a so-called cut price sale in connection with their contests. They run theso sales to make it appear that they aro offoring a furthor reduction' Sometimes they offer no excuse for running the sale except THEY WANT TO SAVE YOU MONEY. Sometimes their certificates bear the name of some ouo piano factory yet tlioy accept thorn on any other piano ..'..,. on the lloor. They will even sometimes tell you that the particular piano they arc trying to sell is the same tiling (except the name of course) as a $500 world renowned niano; yet this particular piano would cost you less than one-half that price, deliberately giving you more than $250. We want to ask yeii: WOULD A BANK GIVE YOU CREDIT FOR $500 IF YOU DEPOSITED $250? All reliable one-price dealers are informing the piano-buying public of the methods used by contest dealers not because we like it. We are forced to in justice to those who do not know and ourselves. And if you will inves tigate thoroughly you will learn even more than we have attempted to tell you. , ' HALE'S ONE PRICE WAY : You get nothing but piano values at Hale's. You don't have to pay for jewelry or for any thing else offered as bait, , 7 AH of our used stock to be sold at a reduced price. Don't fail to see us before you buy. JWo havo somothiug special to offer you. The house that sells Stciuway pianos and Apollo Player pianos. ' ? J X Y f t Y t ? J J i a 3H$MMfr I H i