' 5tj 1 I ; 'v ftV !i' IH :v m n.'.i. ..j,''i u Yes, Yes, It 1 " -r 1 i inn j wtii-r,- IfWl-WDoCfWr "RINK too JutH , IP HG KNftWti WM!N To STOP EDEN PRECINCT Hiivnnil yf our cllixviiK wcro in AhIiIiiii.I Itiht Moiiilny nttciiiliiiL' lh) cMiitont ,hm purtuitihiK wiilcr riRlilH oii'tltti'iitil milt htli between Talent mill I'liomilx. Auifluif tlicitt worn Jo HiuUt, A. K. Furry, F. K. Furry ami fLonl Colvor. ' Mr. ntiil Mrn. A. W. Clemen f. Hloiiktou, Cnllr., wi-ro vlMliiif; at lliu lioum of yvnr eirninmli lnxt .weok. W. F.. Ainlitixiii of Kouth Pliomt! liHtrict wiih In I'lioeiilx Tiien1uy4 Ten pnokorH wont from I'lioeiilx mill North Talent Tiiehduy to help nut hi llui ntnli tit Talent pnvkiiiK 'llOIIKC. 'A, Wchhlor of Talent wn in Mod il"orI iTiiexilny. J. H. Kpitxor, ouen of Talunt lealinj, (niorr with in Meilfonl un liiihinehM TueMJny. (JeorRC'Alfortl anil family xpont Kiiniluy in Talent viHilliiK datives. The Htork ha lieen milking litv 'rouuil in I'Men preeinet and lia left nt the homo if..Mr. ami Mr. I.. V.. IIukIiu oC.T'eniH valley, Sept. 'XI, a i;irl hnliy; hIho at the homn of Mr. mill Mrn. I.loyil Culver of l'hociiix, ii'uirl lly on 'Sept. J,1. rhi i about the fourth time th'U f it ha been auiiouueed that Mr. and iMr. Kohcrt Orr had left IMineuix for their new homo 'in-Cnlifornlii. However, they departed TuuMluy, Heptemberi!l, mid will rvcide permit -iently. W i JENTRAL POINT ITEMS Mr. W. I., ttrecnloat and nun spoilt Woduemlay In AhIiIuiiiI. Mrs. I. C. Itolmetl vIMtd frleuds In Madtord Wndiicsdiiy. Or, Harry I.nnn addrosacd tho peo plo born Wednesday afternoon but owIiik to tho (act thnl ovoryona was liuny, tho crowd wrh not a large ivs It mlKht have been. Dr. Limn was accompanied horo by Mayor Canon, 0. i. Hcames, II, 1.. DoArmond and lid 1'ottliuer ot Mmtfortl and Mr. Mil ler or Gold Mill. (I. N. IloHBolifruvc spont Wodno duy wltb Ashland relatlvos and frlonds, y. -" Tho I.adl6 AW 'of tho'M. U. cliurch was dellKhtfuliy cntertnlnod on Wednesday a(tnrno6n at'thPHilMlrbim liomo of Mr, and Mrs. Keal, A Inriui nunibor was In ateudanco uud nil report HpondlUK most pleatmut Hftoriioou, ' Married at Ashland, Wednesday, Heat. 25, Mr. Italph M. llohmm and Miss Mary McDowell. Mr. and Mrs Holmes will mako iriolr homo In Cen tral Point for the present. T. O. Iloldun of Pendletmi l hero ulid will probably loeato horo, Mr. and Mrs. Tyson lloull nro ut tendlUK tho Poudlotou roundup this "wcolc, 'Mr. O. Paitkoy, 8r and boiib Ifpul and Wlllu who voro vlaitliiK Vola tlvos mid frlonds hero the past wook liavo rotumod to tholr homo In Kla muth county. Mr. mid MrH. W. W. Alqxuitdor, spout Tuesday In Uruntfl Pass. Mrs. M. PonlnKor, MrH. Nowmun, Mih. J, V. Anderson, Mrs. J. C. Hor rliiB, H. A. PnttUoit mid 0. aiiurloy woro nmoiiK our peoplo In Medford Tiiosduy. 'Our sehoola hero oIohoiI thlH ovdn liiB for tho romuludor or tho week for teachers' Instltuto whloh wilt meot In AslilaudUlilu year, ,' ' NOTIOK. 'Tho committee 'haVlng' ohygo V tho American UooKVnphl6iii;u'WiW oxeurston to Crater I.nko donlros till those who have bllU uKalnst tho commltteo to roport at once, OHO, PUTNAM, P, J, O'OAUA, ui:n SKI2LD0N. . .. i i ----.-- i tic ir -Wki rn ii.ii tii irji- nii-fc - . if n 1 - t. i a . i faai tiicu - i 'i-. - - r i "' ' ' ' ( aoV8l6HV I9IX BYSrARCa. i , .1111-1 I I I I .1111 I I ' . .. . II --- I I I Ml I .1 ' III" - T 1- c . , : . . . ' , Our Correspondents h -. 4.i ,4. Was Time for --5s- '"-"''""' 'iwf 'mwi I CUM , (mj"' ' "" """ , . , v;KYTC,i- - --rwi muiu nuinitiuiUTi vjiml. ..---sk- . tahid v r.iiv,Tinut.7 m w a - -- i .., i nimn i - -- .. : - .- nui iiiMt. w i -Jd .7.,.. .. A " TOU SV; rOUK. rqf. A.iift(S5!S: . L ., J j ' ---. -s--3- I J r - iiiniiBUi, I - - ! wu I ill UJ r at . . ., . ... ... anarvEU 'i"- . ubkV a L, i . rs v iui J vina mmatmmmmmar-- 'EAGLE POINT EAGLETS Dy.A. C. Ilowlott AiiKUKt Atller of F.ako Creek win in town litht 'funilny after I wrote to Iho fail Trihiine. In looking around town for Fac iei 1 found Mr. Quttekenliiiftlier and V. II. MiKelvy buyiiiK xuppliCB. Mr. ICelvoy ny thnt they ate Koiii to eouitueiiee puckiti apple Hut ltt of Oetooer on the (orbm orehnrd nml that thiri fall he uxpecl to muvn In Tnhtu Hook and tnkn eharge of a pnrt of the Wnfthburn orehard tint lia teeently been HoldN I'etc Hot, brought a fine lot of hh for our market last Momlny. (leoruo Sinlh of Medford enmr out and wiik (In Ktiet of our lumber mnti, Mr, Winner, Monday. Hen llropxy and family were in (own vlMtiti;; M !''" mother, Mr. I.. V,. Nielud, liiht Monday. Mr. (JrecoVy, the county road bo, crtnUi in .Monday witli his foreo to xrude oud inaiii htreot. When I cloned my hut letter 1 Hiiid thnt thu member of the 0. A. It. hud bewail to urrivo mid that day, and thu day following the following named ivrAOii reKiMcred at tliq Smiil)dej U. F. 'Pike junl wife, pot eoiamaiider department of Ore . II.. ..!.. t "l I .. I .V.. Kon; mu. i.iuiifcy, AMiiauo. ure-i AM WI.; W. W. Newlou, AIilnii1. Is 111.; .lolm 1. Itunault, .laekH.u ille, Ore.; A. .1. Smith, (old Hill; Itev. W. C. Iteiiter, Newbury, Ore.; J. .1. (Iriiuui) Central Point; Abe Thonipoii, JuekiTouvillo; W. S.-JIouk-1 land, Central Point; ttco. Lemon, (lold Hill: J. W. Hiek, Ahlnnd; S. Mt Neolon, Table itoek; IliniC Mm, .laekHonville. The followiiiij were fntui Central Point mid on Tuesday a wrt of thnni rendered a play entitled, "Thu Sun Kir Fmnily." The following named tool; an active pint' in' the play. itev. II. N. Aldrieh, puxtor of Hie Metho diM elturch of Ceiitral Point; 'Mis Holme, Audry 'Holme, (Jlady Hobaeti, 'Verdu TimmiiH, 'Iner. Au I it. Mi Hunter, .Mis (llcnnu, Fern Heche nml Saido Heebo mid AV. C. Leaver. Mi .Mce, Jlr. Klliott, ifr. HohIcI, Helen Price mid Win. Ab bott eame along to have a piod timu with them. Tuehday wa tho day in tho en campment not apait for Central Point. In the' afternoon Itev. Al drieh i:nve us a fine uddre and nt the eloKoof it wa reipictcd (o ren der one iff .the eomie piece Hint "lie i noted for rcndcringi ami he piv iih one that wa imply fiuu and hi miimior of rendition tdiowcd. eouelit nlvely thnt he know Aomeihin of thu nit of elocution, for he kept thu iilldleucu ImiKhint; mot of thu timu. ho va eneorhl and then hu'j;uvu u iiuothur, but tho orowi'iiiut net wan in tho evening. Thu Central Point bra baud cumu out uml'buforu thu ineotliij; Vva cillloil to order" played uvera fine piece. They woro invit ed jo Mint oil thu tuud and thu program communed with music by tho band, Then wo had the "Slur tipanftled Hiumor" by thu nudiuueo, ulc. Mr. ). It. Holme uvu u a rohltatiou, then siuniiij,' by Ituv. Al drieh, etc., followed by tho piny of tho.eyeninK. Vhen thu play vvmh uii noiineo'd Uo "Widow Suif(;lo" inureli.cd onto (ho HtKo with her nine miultjoi', vih nil their purti plioriinliu, 'Ail'Ui).v f.'obn bvoiiKht1 Vlovvji tliil hoiiHe. 'I'hb npoi'ctta wn .as well reuiletx'tt iit 'itlo'ouo uould wluli. HuV. Aldiib vn called niYiI 'recalled, elieh timO' Kivltl iih Ko!mb tliiiiKUo keep iih Aw'nke.' Vhonv'ho told it of'tlVo old lnAi'd, !0idihu hlr. tVry Of tho uow ho pimply brouuht (loVu-tlib'hniQAinlliuVu wivh Ano old eoihilo ,thiVuKh,"lhittfell budlv juft. (JPh'gilcl lutty rtidU "Wu)l,Mid yiitt ' overj ii IhlAk 'that u prencher would Kt' off Hiteli htuff iih thntt Why, Im'uuu't bo ti eliriHtinn, mid him t preacher, Why, he enn never let to heaven, Well, 1 never -henril Of 'auelt riliuulott conduct in my1 MDFOTtl) MML TRtBITNE, Mutt to 'Go Home ' . as ... . . .. ..liti . . . . . .. life. Wliy, lin uan't never o heaven. Weill well!'' and who and hor poor hutband heemeil o badly hurt over It ilinl Nome of iih HotMicnrtcd folk felt norry for them. Hut I iniirtt eloHo for tht lime and try to etiteh the mail with thin letter. BARTLETTS $2.85 A I0X ON CHICAGO 'MARKET Phlladultilila MnlnRns. $1.20; To kay, $1.40; Bnlwny, $.55; Chlenpo Mnluan, $1,10; Cornlcliona, $1.10; ItnllnnH, $.85; 1'eachcii, $.C0; Hart luttR, $2.85; D'AnJou pears, $2.50; Now York- UnrtlcttH, $2.00; Tokays. $1.05; MnliiKas, $1.00; (JroH, $.t0: Sulways, $.50; ClalrKcaliH, $2.20; tlardy. $2.50. CITY TIIKAKUIIKU'H NOTICK. Notice Is hereby Riven that tboro are funds on hand In tho' City Treas ury ror the resumption or all out standing warrants Issued against tho following Improvement Puuils. In terest on samu will ccasu at tho date or tlilH netice: Sou Hi Ivy street. South Ivy stroot No. 2. West Hamilton street. Alley block 55. Alloy block 7. West Klavunth stroot. West Ninth street. South Newtown street. West Fourth street No. 2. West Tenth street. UUS 11. SAMUELS. City Treasurer. Dated September 2Gtb,(1912. .10,2 !--- I II - III -.-I 'CITY TUKAKUItKIPS NOTICK. Notice Is horoby-glvon that there, aro funds on baud In tho city treas ury for tho redemption or tho rol IqwliiK warrants; Interest on xsamo will ccaso at drffa of this netice: Warrnnla number 1, 2 and 3 on Lateral No. 4, District No. ip. Noh, 1, 2, 3 and ou Lateral No. 21, District No. 11. No, 1 ou Lateral No. 22, District No. 11. No. I on Lateral No. 23 Dlstrlt No. 11. OUS II. SAMUELS. City Treasurer. Dated Sept. 25, 1912. 1C1 Notice orSrtlo of ltrldgo Bonds. . Tho city council tot tho ' City ot Medford, Oregon, "will recolvo scaled proposals for tho purcbaso ot $20,000 rivo (5) por cent, twonty (20) year, Bridge Bonds for not less than par and accrued Interest, at Its regular mootngto bo held October 1st, 1912. All bids must bo accompanied by n cortirtod chock equal to flvo (5) por cent of tho amount bid for, said chock to bo mado.pnynblo to tho City Treas urer of the City of Medford, Oregon and to bo forfeited to Bald City 'in caso said bid Is accoptod and Bald bonds aro not purchaso'd In accord unco with said proposition within twonty (20) days after tho notlco 'ot said acceptance All bids to bo filed with tho Ctty Itocardor nt auy tlmo boforo flvo o'clock p, m., Soptombor 27, 1912. Tho Council rosorves tho right to ro Ject any and all bids. ELMER T. FOS3, City Rocordor. ,Dafod at Medford, Orogon, this 4th duy of Soptombor, 1912.' Medford Printing company carry full Hit ot legal blank. Classified . 'Advertising PAYABLE IN ADVANCE HATES:,'Ono cent per word pajvinsertion; 50c the line by the month. VOK KHKT FUKNISSKD HOOMS FOR, RENT Largo sleoplnfe room, $1.50. and .!$3 per wook, Modorn houaokeopliiK -UpartmontB. $15 and 110, J loin o tmauo yutwt. aaa South Holly. ' FOR KENT Modorn furnished rooma nt t,ho Cottngo, 004 Went 10th nt., two liloeks Houth Medford Hotel. H"t and cold water In roomtt, Mrs, H. M, Cosa, iff- MEDPORD, OTtTCCIOtf, TltUnSDAY, OT3M3MBER 20, I' O II II E N T IIOUSEKKKl'INa ROOMS KOIt ItKNT Four rurnlshcd house keeping rooms In a new modern house, pas range's blocks trom P. O. Phono Hell 3721. FOIt ItKNT FUItNIHHKD APTS. FOIl RENT Smith Apia. 217 8. Ttlr. FOR KKM nuCSBM FOIt KENT Modern four room fur nished house, also six room house unfurnished", with barn, 731 W. 2nd street. ' 1C FOK KENT Fbrnlshcd C room cot tago modern, 518 King St. FOK KENT Seven room house and sleeping porch, paved street, close In, $20. See or phone Col. 11. H. Sargent. 1C2 FOK KENT Modern 5 room house, partly furnished, ono block trom school, largo grounds, will rent rca sonablo to right party. COS AV. Jackson St. 1C0 FOI KENT One bungalow, strictly luodorn, hardwood floors, station ary wash tubs, two fire places. 1 block from school, good neigh borhood, rent'$20.00. Phono 501. Now 51, R. J. Conroy, M. D. FOK KENT Furnished houso closo In, M. A. Radcr, Medford P. & II. Co. FOR RENT Modern furnished 6 room bungalow. Call mornings. 422 South Laurel. FOR RENT Furnished houso with all modern conveniences. 730 W. Eleventh St. FOR RENT Modern fife-room house. M. A. 'Rador, at M. F. It II. Co. FOK RENT 10 room houso rear ot Farmers & Fruitgrowers bank, tultablo for business, real estate, boarding or rooming houso. Gold Ray Realty Co., Cth and Fir sta. FOR RENT OFFICES FOR RENT Large, comfortable or flco rooms with elevator service, steam heat, hot and cold wator. Low rates. Apply Medford Furnl turo & Hdw. Co. FOR ri:m-.uisckmaneoub FOR RENT Hanchca largo and small, alfalfa and garden lands. Gold Ray Realty Co., Cth and Fir. FOR KENT 30 room furnished hotol on percentage. Gold Ray Realty Co. FOR HAM: liAND FOR SALE Ranchep, acre tracts, twon property on 5 and 10 years time. Gold Kay Realty Co., Sixth and Fir. ' FOK SALE 83 acres partly Im proved land, 5 room rurnlshcd house, stock and crops go with tho place Plenty ot good wator. Prlco $3000. Address box 52, Jacksonville. 1G2 FOR SALE HOUSES FOK SALE new, iilno room bunga low on corner lot 90x125, three blocks from high school, living room and dining room with beam 'ceilings and panel walls. Flro placo and nil built in conveniences. Dutch kitchen, hnrdwond floor throughout, screened porch and gifrage. Phono 7561. " NEW TODAY A flno Bttburban proposition, Just west of tho city limits. Flno largo well built bungalow, not tlnlshod up op liiBldo, 2G32 on throp flno lots with cast front, twonty-flvo oak treoa oh lots, this can bo mado a Bwoll homo, ror salo ror $1,100.00 0 ncros on tho Hlil road, north ot Jacksonville, first class noil, nearly all sot to pears, poachos and apricots, Suporb Vlow, small houso, good wator. I1.4P0.00. 1 bavo somo goo'd Irrigating pro positions on tho Applognto, thnt Hhoiild inovo right away. ' Thoro nro good buildings, -and plonty of wutor, and a nice lot of alfalfa already in, and uunch moro can bo put In and Ir rigated. This Is tho stock growors paradise. Prices trom $40,00 tq $75.00 por ucro, and good terms. For rent, a modern flvo roam cot tngo on ii woll improved aoro of ground, closo In 911 tho oast sldo, good born, lots ot gardou, for rent; for $15,00 per month. C.D.HOON Roomia Jackson County 'DiMkWldg. FdU SALE nouEs. Fdr SAIii; At $1,000 less-than cost. DcautltuI G room house, hot and cold water, ,bath room, toilet bn both floors, electric lights and fine porch, cement walk and paved street. Address "Owner," care .Mttll Tribune. HT2 FOK SALE A room Sous and lot, $000.00. Gold Ray Realty Co., Blxth and Fir. tf FOR SALE A cozy 5 room modem bungalow, on largo lot cheap, must sell at once, owners Home phone 182-W. 170 FOR DAIilv ACKEAQM FOR SALE A bcautltul building site just cast of .Medford city limits. High and sightly, perfect dralnago, flno view of Med ford and tho valley, building restriction on adjacent property. Three lota measuring 40,000 square feet or nearly an acre. Fronting on Jack son Boulevard which will bo ono ot tho finest drives in Medford when tho now Hear Creek bridge Is completed. This property can be purchnsed tor $500 down long tlmo and easy terms on balance. This cannot bo beat tor a high grade residence location. Address P. O. Box 702. Mcdrord, Oregon. FOR SALE Lnrgo acreage fruit, lands. Exchanges, W. J. IIIllls, E. H. French, No. C, S. Central with Abstract Co. 174 FOR SALE: Eight acres, Just out side city limits, all planted to 3 year old apples; small house, good well; $2500. W. T. York & Co. FOR SALE Snap In 5 acres ndjoln Ing Mcdrord. Beautiful placo to build a flno home. Largest na tive oak trees In valley. Prico $3,500, for a few days. A. K. Ware, room 4, Jackson County Bank Bldg. FOR SAM3 MJSCBMiATrcOUS FOR SALE Ono span good werl: horses. Inquire L. A. Rose, Phoe nix, Ore., phono 813-F-22. 1C5 FOR SALESpIendld team ot small horses, good harness and 2 wagons $185.00. Big Pines Lumber Co., or Talent Lumber Co., Talent, Ore. 102 FOK SALE Good work and driving horso, $75.00. A. K. Waro, room 4, Jackson County Bank Bldg. FOR SALE Piano boxes $2.00 vlilIo they last. Palmer's Piano Houso. 1CI FOR SALE Thoroughbred Berk shire Plg. Foot Hills orchard. PacUic 1131. FOR SALE Angora goats. W. -12. llammel, Eagle Point. 1G0 FOR SALE Disc plow and rubber tire English go-cart. Pacific phone 201-J-4. FOR SALE 1912 5 passenger au tomobllo almost now. "Bargain for cash. Box SO, Tribune HELP WANTED MAIJH WANTED MAN and wlfo wants po sition on ranch, with house. Box II. W., Tribune 100 WANTED Sober, roltanlo man, cap able or handling ranch or any kind, can bo dopondod upon every way. Write box 43, Mall Tribune. 103 HELP WANTED FKHAM WANTED Young girl to help take caro ot baby. Phono 597-J-l. 101 WANTED Olrl lor gonural houso work, good wages. Gil West 10th. Mrs. Wm, Budge. 107 WANTED Lady stenographer and bookkeeper, stuto oxporleuco and salary wanted. Box J. Tribune. 102 " WANTED MISCKIkANKOUB 'WANTED Young Holstoln Jorspy cow, must bo first class aullkor. Bondlnot Connor, Lower "Tablo Rock. ' WANTED :To trado good young toam, weight 2150 for dry fir or oak wood. Inquire or Junes Bros., Home phono 301-X, WANTED TO BUY Good second hand light hack with top, Janes Bros,, Home phono 301-X. WANTBDKoBlBtorod. Jorsoy bull. Registered Jersey Lincoln buck ror salo. Address Miles Cantrall, Rueh, Oregon 6r Vnono 22-F-23 Jacksonville 160 WANTED A stump pullor, must bo In first class Bhapu and reasonable. Address "V," care Tribune. 103 WANTED Furnished or unfur nished rooms or amnll Iiouho, must bo clean. Address Box D, care Mull "Tribune. 100 .1012.. V miH" 1VAXTED SITUATIONS. WANTED-rWashing. Ironing and cleaning by the' day or at home. Mrs. MacNeal, 4 ID N". Fir street. 101 WANTED Mlddlo aged lady wishes employment at house work, 2 or 3 hours each morning. Phone Pa- 'clflc 7811. j 1C0 FOR' KXCHAJfCB, FOR EXCHANGE Portland proper ty for Mcdrord 'arid vicinity. Own er 'Box 47, Rod to 2, Central Point, Oregon. WANTED TO TRADE What have you to trade for a new 7 horse power motorcycle In good condi tion. Address box 70, caro Mail Tribune. 161 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Anyone wishing to engago In the billiard business can purchaso all or a half Interest In tho Owl Billiard par lors as owner wishes to go away. Same can be purchased at a very reasonable figure. 8. I. Brown. ' BUSINESS WIKEtfTOHY AccouBtaats D. R. WOOD General Accountant Your books audited and kept for a reasonable llgurc; your business solicited. Orflce, Mcdrord Mall Tribune bldg; phone 6611; resi dence phono C302. Auto Supplies. LAHER AUTO SPRING CO. Our big secret in making springs la the tempering. Wo are operating tho largest, oldest and best equipped plant in tho Pacific northwest. Uso our springs when others fall. Sold under guarantee. 20 North 15th street, Portland. Oregon. Attorney D. W. BAGSHAW Attornoy-at-Law. Jacksonville, Ore. Office: Bank bldg., second floor. Phene: Pa cific, Main 33. C. L. REAMES, LAWYER OHlce Mcdrord National Bank building, second floor. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEALEY Attorneys-at-Law. Noa. 1 and 2, Postofflco bldg. A. E. REAMES, LAWYER Garnott Corey bldg. MULKEY & CHERRY (R. F. MUL KBY, GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 and 12 Jackson County Bank bldg. Bill rntrra VERNE T. CANON Ulll Poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29 Jackson County Bank bldg., Mcdrord, Orogon. Brick mid Cement. Tho Medford Hydraulic -Ce'mont, Brick and Block Works. Spe cialty, ornamental brick for fire placos, tllo porchos, columns, water tables, sills, caps, arches, chimneys, lawn vases, Jardlnlores, flower pots Phono Main 541, cornor 10th and Fir Btreots. Civil Engineer LOUIS W. WHITING Civil Englnoer and Surveyor. Water tilings and Irrigation work a specialty; sur veys, subdividing, building grades, city engineering, drafting, Bewer design, concreto work, pump and canal systems. Room 2, Palm blk Medford. Orogon Chiropractors DR. A. R. HEDGES, Dr. Loulso E, Hedgos, Mccbano-Thoraplsts, Chiro practors, Spondylothoraplsts. These .Bystoms, Including dietetics, cura tive gymnastics, hydro-therapy, etc., produce results in both ncuto and chronic dlsoases. Cpnsultatlon freo. 230 N. Bartlett street, noxt door to M, E. church. Hours, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Othor houra by np polntmont. Bell phono Main 4171. DR. ,R. J. LOCKWOOD. Chiropractor, uorvo Bpeclnllst: Rooms 203-04-05 Garnott-Corey Bldg. Vapor baths and scientific massage given; advlco In diotutlcs, modlcal gym nastics, hydrotherapy. Lady at tendant. Phono Home 145-lv Walp 7973. Gruutto Works MEDFORD BRICK 'CO. Goo. W. Prlddy, O, D, Nagle, Geo, T. O'Brien Contractors and manu facturers of brlek; dealers In preasod brick and lime. Office at 'tholr brick yard, West Jackson st. Phono No. 3401. Hotels. THE PARK VIEW HOTEI4 Rooms $1.50 per week, inonltt 25 Transient 25 Cents a night. Perry, Prop, cents. J. T.' 17S . i , r .ricii a 'jicfjK r k '-. $ By "Biia" Fishes Kii f BUSINESS IHItKOTOttV Chinese Medicine CHOW YOUNG'S Cfcia&te medicine will care rheumatism, catarrh, colds, golture, throat and lunK trouble, deafness, paralysis, private diseases and all kinds of ehronte and nervous ailments. Stomack trouble, constipation, Indigestion, womb and bladder troubles. See me at 241 8. Front St., Medferd, Ore., to 4, 0:30 to 7f 30. Resldeaee S phone Main 42. : iTcnnm DR. W. M. VAN ycOYOO DR. C. C VAN SCOYOC Dentists Garnett-Corey bldg., suite 310, Medford, Oregon. 'BothPhones. DR. ARTEMUS W. DEANS Dentist. Office In RIalto bldg., 122 E, Main. Gas administered far extraction ot teeth. Telephone Main 681. Night phone 4432. Garbage GARBAGE Get your premises cleaned op for iho summer. Call on tho city garbage wagons for good service. Phone Mala 6251. F. Y. Allen. Hurnerlc , QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees aro budded, not grafted. Our stock Is not Irrigated. We guarantee everything put'out. Weare not in the trust. 11. B. Patterson. Office removed to office Hotol Nash, in side "entrance next to barber shop. I II I .-.. II.I.II.WW1WW..IIIWMM Notary FhMIc HELEN N. YOCKBY notary Pnb Hc. Bring your work to me at the sign of The Mall Trlbuno. Printers anil THbltehers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped Job offlco in southern Oregon; book binding. Iooee leaf systems, cut paper, etc., etc Port land prices. 27 N. Fir st. Physicians rfwl Shi-scobs DRS. CONROY & CLANOY Physi cians and surgeons, Taylor and Phlppa bldg., rooms 210-211-212. Office phone- 501, residence phone 612. Office hours 9 a. m. to 8 p, m. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Ostcopathlu'r.byslcjans. Moved to rooms 416 and 417 Gar-nett-Coroy bldg. Phono Main 6351. DR.' STEARNS Physician and sur geon. Offlco Jackson County Bank Bldg., rooms 17-18-19, phone 5501; residence 307 S. Dakdalo, phone 7171. Home phono, residence 109, ofrico 30. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and Surgeon. , MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. M. D. Practlco limited to dlsoases of .women. Offices ovor Hawkins Drug Store. Offlco Phenes: M. 1001, Home 28. Residence bonea: M. 7981, Home 357-K. DR. J. J. EMMKNS Physician and Surgeon. Practice limited to eye. ear, nose and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glnsscs supplied. Orrico 216 E. Main st., oyer Med ford Hardware company. Hours 8:30 a. in. to 8 p. m. Both phonen. E B. PICKEL, at. b. orrice Jack son County Bank. Office phoae M. 432; Ros. phone, M. 582. DR. J. W. J. MARION Physician and Surgeon. Office rooms 5 and 6 Kontnor bldg. Offlco hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. Phone, Bell 27.1. Acsldenco phono Bell 273, E. KIRCHGESSNER. M." D. Prae tlco limited to Chronic Diseases. Ofrico Hotel Holland, Wednesday 10-3. Both phones. Residence phones; Farmer lCxxG Eagle Point and Roguo River line, HERMANN F. RATTU, K. D. Of flco over Medford National Bank. Orrice phone 6701. lies.,. Hotel Holland. " CLARK B. SAUNDERS. M. D., Fra tice limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, Eyes scientifically tef aud glasses furnished wlinn uaedaL, Garnett-Corey Bldg., 2nd fler. Both Phones, Modrordi Or. . 1 '' .i;i in, 1 .in 1 1 StcnogrApher ELLA M. GAUNYAW -Palm blc Stonographlo work dene qiu and well, TfuuttfuM EAD3 TUANSygtl k ffORAll ay Ofriee 16 South Kir, fMp Bell 3152; Home U0-K, Prlilf right. Servian guarHtd. 'q, 'UHmrtuktun JOHN 'A. -fqWJtQiiiWHf'Mr'S jitnbaimer. oiuoe z mui n lett st. Telephones; Day', 'J 4711 nlffkt, rMiWmw, Hell Aft. IIomm'L, C'ltaMiwturtkMI or day. AwMium rvkfcj 8 ! ri.li id 4 4 U