,il 2) itDMArtTJtmuNf JfiNDKNT NEW8PAPRR rEPivr a ?ri?tyJir3 RUNDAT tt T1IR RD X'HINTINd CO. i The Domoornllo Times, Tho MfiUonl Mall. Tlie Mc.lfonl Trltmnn, Tho South ern Oregonlan. Tho Ashland Tribune Dfflde Mull Trlbuno llulldln. 8S-S7-S9 artli rir trei$ phone. Main tow, noma 1 ft ClBOnatC PUTNAM? lMltnr nnd Manager Hntflfed ns sccond-elius mutter nt Modfonl, Oregon, nJer tho ot of March .1, 187. Orriolftl rtr of the City of Medford. Offletal Paper of Jackson Count?. URSCRtlTIOX KATKS. Ono year, hy mall .5,oo Ono month, by mnll . 60 'er month, ilellvcml hy carrier In Medford. Jacksonvlllo and Cen tral l'olnt. ........ . ............ .SO Hatunlay only, by mall, per year.. 2,n "Weekly, per year 1.60 SWORN CIRCUI.ATIOV. Dally fcvernK" or eleven months end ing November 30, 1911. 2751. Full Kenned Vlr Untied PrriM Illntettra. Thn Mall Trlhuno la on ssln at the Kerry New Stand. San KrnncMeo. 1'ortfand Hotel New Stand. Portland. IlowHinn News Co., Portland. Ore W. O. Whitney. Seattle, Wash. MROrORD, OltKCftX. Metropolis of Southern Oregon and Northern California, nnd tho fastest jrrowInK city In Oregon. Population U. 8. census 1910 S8I0; estimated, 1811 lO.Onn. Five hundred thousand dollar Gravity Water System completed. Riving finest unply pure mountain water, and 17.3 miles of streets paved. J'ontoffirn receipt for year ending November 30, 1911, show Increase of is per cent. Banner fruit city In Oregon Rogue lUvcr SplUcnberjr apples won sweep stakes prUo and title of I I SHAMPOOING The frequency of shampooing must bo regulated by the character of the hair and tho sort of atmosphere to which It is exposed, which varies, naturally,, according to occupation and Btnto of the weather. When the frolic wind Is blowing at sixty miles an hour and in one fell swoop hurls your allotted peck of dirt upon your head, the resulting condition Is such as would not be imralleled in an or dinary month of living. In every case where there Is a tendency to baldness and great loss of hair, shampooing should be omit ted except when cleanliness abso lutely demands It, for you deprive It of its natural oil and fairly wash the life away. Tho experience of men In this respect ought to be an object lesson to women, for the conveni ence of their short hair has made them always ready victims of the shamvoo habit; which, together with their other baleful habit of keeping their hats on, accounts for the very high average of early cases of bald ness and thin hair among men In civilized life. There Is no better shampoo for the hair than an egg, well beaten, with about an ounce of water, and rubbed thoroughly Into the scalp. It Is not merely a detergent, cleansing for the scalp and hair of the dirt, but Is a tonic in Us effect and strengthens the scalp. Tho yolk contains natural food for the hair, iron and sulphur, while the white; being a mild alkali, finds Its congenial mate In the oil from tho sebaceous glands, and they mingle in a' saponaceous lather. It should pe thoroughly massaged Into tho scalp with a rotary motion, be ginning In front over the forehead and going back to the crown, then forward to the temples and back and forth till the fingers of the two hands meet at the nape of tho neck. It should not be a harsh motion, nor pull the hair In the least. The palmer surfaces of the nail phalanges of tho fingers must press the scalp firmly but gently, so that you will feel It move under them. This mas sage restores elasticity and tone to the scalp and stimulates both It and the hair follicles remarkably. The hair must be thoroughly rins ed, first In warm water, then, If pre ferred, In cold, to secure reaction. If for this tho head can be held under running water or sprayed with a douche, so much tho better. Of courso, long hair must bo gathered up lu loose locks or braids and well lath ered and rubbed between the palms before the rinsing begins. Wipe tho hair as dry as possible' In warm tow els. In warm weather It Is a simple operation to finish the task in the open air and sunlight, hut In winter it Is often necessary to hold tho head in a current of warm air and to fan it In drdor to facilitate tho drying. Finish tho operation with a dry massage and when every particle of moisture, has evaporated, If the tend ency of tho scalp Is to dryness, rub lit a little olive oil' or any simple pomatum of whoso purity and fresh ness there Is not tho slightest sus picion. Exceeding nicety must be observed concerning this matter, for rancid oil acts as a corrosive irritant and will Itself cause excesslvo dan druff. Its continued use will Induce serious scalp diseases, i An excollent French pomatum which' stimulated tho follicles and papillae and will therefore encourage tho growth of tho hair aud arrest Us falling Is mado by this fermula: Vaseline fohuUuri Castor oil (cold drawn), 1 ounces White1 Vaseline 3 ounces Gallic Acid ,. , 1 drachms Oil or lavender ..............30 drops i ' Yours for charming womankind, MkDAWK QU1VILLA. .-AJ an ittrmr titrhr tanrin ' MftDFO TOR A SQUArlt DIAL ONE of the most important measures to Mcdford and in fact, every interior town in Oregon, is the initiative bill submitted bv tho Medford Traffic bureau and other traffic associations providing uniform freight rates. This measure will end railroad discrimination in favor of Portland against the small town. It will enable the country shipper to transport his freight to the eity as cheaply as the city jobber ships his to the eonntry. Whatever relief, and it is considerable, that southern Oregon has secured in railroad freight rates, has been duo to the suits brought by the Medford Trail ic bureau. As a result, shipments can now be made from Portland at an average of 110 per cent less than three years ago, and from California points fully 20 per cent less. This initiative measure is needed to insure oouality, and eliminate special favors granted the metropolis, ft provides in addition to a uniform relationship of one class to another class, and ermal rates for equal distances, mini mum weights and maximum freights, so that the shipper of a large ear gets a better rate than the shipper of a minimum car. The bill prevides: Section 1. The classification ratings of freight shall hear n uniform relationship of ono class to another class shall be 100, and tho other classes shall bo the following percentages of tho first class: Classes 1334RABCDK Percentages 100 84 70 . G9 B0 42 3I 29 24 20 The measure appeal's upon the ballot in the following ferm: PROPOSKD BY INITIATIVE PETITION A hill for an Act fixing tho percentage that freight rates on less than car load lots Rlinll boar to car loads nnd to establish minimum weights nnd maximum freights and providing penalties for violations of tho Act, Vote YES or NO. 3SS. -X Yes. 350. No. Every believer in a square deal will vote for this bill and give the interior town a chance. X-Ray Registration WASHINGTON, September 27. X-Itay registration of the growth of school children was a unique reform advocated today before tho Interna tional Congress of Hygiene and Demo graphy By Prof. Thomas N. Rotcb, of Boston. "To get the best results In tho grading of mental and physical con ditions of the individual, we should study them physiologically," said the Harvard professor. "Develop ment of children may now be deter mined automatically. The bony structure of the body progresses with comparative regularity, tho de velopment of the wrists being a fair test of the entire framework. Wo should take X-ray pictures of tho wrists of children to determine their physical fitness both for school and labor. Efforts of parents to put their immature children at work is pernicious, and falsification of their age may be determined scientifically." A new state or national commis sion to have authority over every child was urged by Dr. Charles G. Kerley, of New York. To Protect Children "The states spend millions of dol lars for the segregation df Its crimi nals, drunkards, paupers and degen erates," said Dr. Kerley. "Why should they not spend ri few thous ands for preventltlvo work? It Is only by such a commission that wo will ever solve the urgent problems of prophylaxlve against crime, degen eracy and general worthlcssness of the Individual. Heredity has little fnfluenco in determining character, which is the product of environment. We may mold a child largely at will; whethor it bo done well or indiffer ently or badly depends more upon the molder and the child's associations than upon the material worked upon." Educating Itabk's "Tho dread scourgo 6f rabies could bo easily eradicated from the whole continent of North America," said Prof. Henry Albert of the Stato University of Iowa. Albert present ed statistics showing that In the U, S. In 1911 there were 3,385 per ons bitten by rabid dogs; )a Russia New Rifle Sighting System Military authorities nnd big game hunterx are much interested in a new rifle sighting system Unit is designed to eliminate the necessity for estim uting distances and mljiiHting Mfibtri in long-range hhooting. Of the Itcmingion negative angle system, uu the invention is culled, Sir George Grccuhill, a noted English bullisticnl expert, said in n recent lucture: "Tho new Hysteut proves that since tne origin of firearms our method of flighting in active scrvico rifle firing Iiuh been wrong. The in vention id likely to bring about a revolution in the art of hhooting." In brief, the (system utilizes the well-known fact that the apparent size of an object decreases n the distance increases, The user of tho negative angle sight is instructed to ight at n point tho hoighl of tho object under if. If tho arm wer6 un urmy riffo nnd the turget a man, tho point of aiming w6uld be about 5 feet 0 inehcff below the innn'H feet. With the regula'tiob ammunition, ns fur nished for tho urmy rifle, the nega tive ungle system will insure hits on tho man target at ul) ranges from 100 to 825 yards, which is an in crease of about 1300 yards over the , aroaEQRD .Man; jmmjmsso oqoN. jirup siay. , septoiwi 20912, IK FREIGHT RATES. class, and tho percentage of tho first of Children's Growth there were 3,520; In Italy 3,037. Altogether there ara nearly 18,000 persons In the world each yenr bit ten hy dogs suffering from hydropho bia. Albert displayed a chart show ing that In the United States prac tically all of tho' rabtcs Is confined to tho states cast of the Mississippi river. .In the year 1911 New York had tho 'distinction' of leading all the other states In the number of persons bitten, with a total of 699. "Great Britain, Norway, Sweden and Denmark havo succeeded In com pletely eradicating rabies from their boundaries." said Albert. "It the examples offered by theso countries wero followed the world over rabies as a disease would soon lose Its ter rors boUi for the human kind and the nntmal kind." Heat Stroke Rare "Heat stroke" Is getting to be a rare thing in the U. S. Navy on ac count of the advances In hygienic ac complishments, according to Surgeon Charles H. Fiske, U. S. N. "Statistics havo been compiled," said Surgeon Fiske, "which show that only 20 deaths and 32 invalldlngs from tho service on account of heat stroke have been recorded dnrlng the past 3G years. The damage curve would Indlcato that heat prostration Is of comparatively little Importance to the service as a whole. "The lessons of tho famous White Squadron, and all of the earlier classes of steam propelled cruisers and gunboats Included, lessons In sanitation and noticeably In ventila tion, have been used profitably In the designing and equipment in all but the earlier class of battleships and armored cruisers. The factor of heat stroke in the navy has assumed rela tively a rather low figure during the last two years. Naval hygionists who have agitated changes in construc tion, arrangement and ventilation of ships will represent that the Serv ice has largely solved the problem while other officers will with perhaps equally good reasons 'maintain that the defect has solved Itself on ac count of smaller hollers and more economical leads of steam pipe, and arrangement of pumps in tho engine rooms of largo ships. range of the present b'nUle sight. At first it would uppear that some trouble might ho met in sighting. However, no difficulty whatever is found in aiming at u point 5 feet (I inches bclou' a innn'H feet, particu larly an tiie man is conveniently on Ihe spot to afford n gnugo very much like a foot rule photographed with another object to indicate compara tive heights. Tho new Hyslem is the invention pf U. Omniiiiulscn, un Englishman, who won the King's prize ut n recent Eng lish national shoot, and who has been high up in the mime contest on several other occasions. That tho system w applicable to nil kinds of game Hhooting with a rifle is evident, as to do away with guessing nt distances must inevitab ly help thu hunter to increase his field uvernges. At the tournament of the Now Jer sey Stato Itiflo association last week tho negative angle system was given u rigid test and conclusively proved its value and utility. Daniel Froham has accepted a ono act play called5 "Trapped," by Frede rick, Arnold Hummer. NEty PLAY BY MR. SHAW LEFT TO RIGHT. MIJS&S BLliAEMirM RIJDON ,l.rPY,5 HARVEY tVA OYNejf.AND MAY ATiTON "Fanny's Flrnt Play," a satirical comedy ncrlbed to Mr. George llorunrd Shaw, bus opeued at Ihe Comedy Theatre, New York. The nbovn photocrnpk hIiowa ttoiiie of tli) member of the Kugllsh company who arc iruducluj( Mr, Sluw' piny. The Bible Still The ono hundred nnd seventh nu nual report of tho Ilrltlsh mid For eign Bible society, tho largest, if not tho oldest of such organisations, shows that the Hlhlo still holds Its ancient lead ns tho most popular boo g ever published. During 1910 tho society distributed, In 432 languages und dialects, no fowur than 903,837 complete Illhl, 1,199,239 New Testaments nnd 4,782,720 sin gle Hcrlptural books. Its receipts from theso soles for though Its prices are very low, It seldom actual ly gives Bibles away wero moro than 1500,000, nnd lu nddltlou It received nbout $700,000 ns legacies nnd dountfous and from Invested funds. Since its foundation, lu ISO), it has distributed nearly 220,000.000 copies of tho sacred writings, At u cost of fully fSO.OOOO.OOO. lt col porteurs today number 1,100 and Its annual output of Hlbles weighs near ly 3G0 tons. Tho American lllblo society, BayH tho Baltimore Evening Sun, ably sec onds tho work of tho great British so ciety, and is almost as old, having been established In 1S1C. Down to 1900 It had printed and distributed 70,000,000 copies of tho Now Tosta-Unken THE AVERAGE MAN When it comes to a question of trust ing Yourself to the risks or the road, When tho thing Is the sharing of bur dens, Tho lifting the heft of a load. In the hour or peril and trial, In the hour you meet ns you can. You may safely depend on tho wis dom Ank skill or the average man. 'TIs tho averago man, nnd no other. Who does his plain duty each day, The small thing his wage Is for doing. On tho commonplace bit of tho way. 'TIs the average man,' may Gbd bless him, Who pilots us still in the van, Over land, over sea, as wo travel, Just the plain, hardy average man. So, on through tho days of existence, All mingling In shadow and shlno, Wo may count on the ovory-day hero, Whom haply tho Bods may devlne, But who bears the swart grlnio of his calling, And labors and earns as ho can, And stands at tho lost with tho nobfest, The commonplace, averago man. Margaret Songster. The Bull Moose Bulled (Salem Journal) Tho Oregon politicians who Jump ed Into the progressive gumo In Ore gon ard some of them good clean men, and are sincere. But tho socallcd Bull Moose lea dership hns bulled nlmost continu ously, and has made a bad mess of matters. Tho abuse and rejection of man like Senator Bourne, Senator Mitlkcy and" Secretary of Stato Olcott was childish It was criminal. It was deliberately tearing down tho progresstvo organization in tills state and making it a laughing stocf;. Tho Capital Journal assumes no responsibility for this condition of things, which fs certainly deplorable. Unless there enn bo somo rccun structlon of the progressive Jeador shlp which contains not ono strong man tho voters can havo little to do with it. Big Surprise to Many in Medford Local peoplo aro surprised at tho QUICK results received from slmplo buckthorn bark, glycorlno, etc., ns mixed in Adlor-I-ka, IU6 German ap pondlcltls remedy, L. B. Ilasklns, (Iruggfat, stated that this slinplo re medy aiitisopticUes tho dlgostlvo sys tem and draws' off tho Impurities so thoroughly that A.81NGLH DO'B-re-Moves sour stomach, gas on tho stomach and constipation INSTANT LY, .- PRODUCED IN NEW YbfeK, the Best Seller mont uud tho completu lllblo, nnd bIuco then It has cantluut'd thu worh nt tho rnto of nearly 2,000,000 copies n year. It has given especial atten tion to tho translation of thn Blbh Into tho Indian tongues, and In now ready to supply Now 'fcHtnmuiits, at least, lu every uuuli tongue as lias been reduced to writing. Of Into U has also given attention to thn Phil Ipplues, nnd Its colporteurs now tilt. tribute Blhlcn In Tngalog and all the other dialects of the Islands. Altogether theso two great socie ties, with their Hootch, Prussian nnd Russian rivals, nro now distributing fully 2.0(10,000 completu Bibles, 3,000,000 New Testaments and t. 000,000 lesHvr portions of tho Scrip tures n year. Just how many copies of tho Book are otherwise sold In thS world Is not to bo accurately1 deter mined, hut tho most reliable esti mates place thu number ut 5,000,000 a year. In tho United States alone the sales often exceed 1,000.000. No other book, sacred or prnffuno, comes within miles of this stupendous ro om!. The Hlhlo outsells nil the oth er best sellors. A n matter of fact, It comes near outselling nil of them together. GHOST OF MURDERED MAN HAUNTS WOMAN SAUN'AS, Cl.i 8t;il. 20. CM zciih of this community are today discussing the sensational testimony given by .Mrs. Aluorta Ituisu in the em of William Wnrd, aeoufu'd of tho murder of Frederick Aim, that thiA g!io( of the murdered man man haunts her n( fiiiics. BEGIN ROAD BUILDING AT CENTERS OF TRADE TACOMA, Wif., Si'pt. 20. To bo gin nil state road ((instruction ut tmdo conlors, is the bill which will bo presented ut the animal meeting of the Slate Good Itoads association here December !, 5 nnd 0, ns has been decided tit a mooting of Ihe executive committee. YouNg MOTHE No young woman, la the Joy ( cocaine motherhood, should neglect to prepare her system for tb physi cal ordeal oho la to undergo. Tbe health of both horsolf and the coming child depends largely upon the cars she bestows upon herself during tho waiting months. Mother's Friend prepares the expectant mother's ays tern for the coming event, and It usa makes her comfortable during all tbe term. Tho baby, too, Is mero apt to bo perfect and strong whoro tho mother has thus prepared horsolf for nature's supremo function. Ho hotter a'dvlco could bo given a young expectant mother than that she uso Mother's Friend; it is a mcdlclno thnt has proven Us valuo In thousands of EtfS RIEND casoa. Mother's Friend Is sold at drug stores. Write for frco book for expect ant mothers. MABFJui REGULATOR CO., AlksU, C. MORTGAGE LOANS Money on hand at all times to loan on improved ranches and city property at lowest fates with Jonbr before privilege." JAMES CAMPBELL Phone 3231 MOG-CBldg . n A SNAP 00 acres, six miles from , Medford. good graded road crosses tbe tract, nil free soil, at $C0 per aero. 11000 will handle', easy terms on balance, Fart Is creek bottom land, suitable, for afal'fa. Several springs on the placo. Timber enough to pay for tbe tract. No bulldlns:s. In the Qrlffln creek district. W, f . York & Co. fjc Af& fLH vifcsr semmsmmm "immtrmmmam -1. Bargain in a New Bungalow Wo n r moving Knst and of fering a now Bungalow1 homo that is cheap at .$3500.00. Carries $2,500 insurance, which is only 80 per eoni of the cost. You will have to seo this swell little homo to appreci ate its actual valuo. When you are looking over tho oily you will seo houses of tliiri quality nnd location listed at $4,000,00. AVc offer this home at the ? extremely low price of $2,600.00 Inquiro B. E. GATES Owner 23 Rose Arenue PLUMBING Bttm and Hot Water Heating A,l .WorttuOiiarMtset Prices Koasonsbla COFFEE k PEICE M wri 'ateett, Safes ea tit i-i T WMTIT , L-i Draperies .We.cfrry very comjristf. line of draperies, face ourWIrm, flvturea, etc., inildi) all OUtfee of ufthMSterlnf. A peclui.nmn to look f tor, this work exclusively and will slve good ervico m li nesalbu to get h even wio larscsi ciuoi, "vViki k MofcUwAn Co, AUTO EXPRESS QUICK DILIVMT Call us up for all kluds of Express wdrk quick delivery totir specialty. PAUL k LAWJtENOl tae'riicmo 33G1 H&kd at Niisli -BWHWBnSWBMHHB WJIIB1 TO 0 TONIGHT STAR THEATRE Tho placo whnrn you Rot your mon ey's worth on both sldos of tho dlmu, TOllAV TOIIAV "TIIKfiMA" Mario CorolllH' great novel. Coin plotu lu three smashing big reels. You hnvu all rend thu book, To ap preciate Its beauty, nee It nuporbly presented. A Hounntluiial feuturn I fiat you can't afford to mint, And a Huttllng Good Comedy "TIIK CIIAI'liltON" I'll II Of OlgglOH Appropriate music nnd correct of fcuts by I'orrost & Woolworth. COMING FI3ATUHKB: "IIKfltmiltiCTlON" In four reels, taken from Count Tolstoy's g'roatost book, Load played by Ultitidio Walsh. flopt. 30 nnd Oct. 1, ISIS THEATRE VAUDEVILLE. TIIOTO PLAYS. AfCK.N, A ClllttflTKNrlK.V 111 their doatli'dofylng gymnast trap- ro net. Sou Mr. GhrlsUuiscii walk on the celling 1IKAHTH Or .MK.V An exceptionally flun drama, strung lu conception and execution. TOflimiKIt Drama of domestic life, featuring Miss Orml llnwley nnd Jack Hallldy. A DAY OIT Two husbands tnko n day off to "go fishing," which really moans "havo a gay tlmo" with tho girls. Tho two wives Hinoll a rat nnd follow. They hire n photographer nud tlion things hnppou, GOOD MUSIO Matinees Saturday and Hundny S p.m. Matlnoo prices Co and 10a Evening I'orfornmnco 7 p. m, Admission evenings lOn snd IGo AT THE UGO a Political KinN'MMNo A story of today Kalom TIIE THAIL OF TUB OKHMH A serious educational story pro ducod under thn auspices of tho Chi cago TuhnrcnloslH InstUtito, A plr turo that every ono should ncti He A IHVltfH HOIAJTION Ltlblti TUB GltOUCII Comedy Drama JMIhou Hong by MInh Kntlierliiu Murphy MhnIc by Mm. Woolworth Change of Program Tuemlay, Thurs. .day,, Hatm-day nnd Hundny Clark & Wright LAWYERS WAHU1NGTON, D, O. Pusllo Land Matters: Final Proof, , Desert Lands, Contest and Mining Cases. Scrip. rzr Watch Our Addition Grow JiLcksoa and SbbubII Medford Realty and Improvement Company M. V. A II. Co, Blig. fc : jp- .