city Ha Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Fair tonight Ami 'ridair Max Hfl; MIk m. , v Kortyiinflnml Tcr, Pnlly MovmiIIi Year, MEDFORD, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1012. NO. 160. ' COIL OF EVIDENCE TIGHTENS ON SPANOS ! ADMITS HAVING KNIFE ON LAST T Officers Find Murdered Man's Watch on Shelf at Hotel Medford Where Spanos Worked Blood Stained Five Dollar Bill Found on Spanos. Frank Parker Jailed as Suspect Fails to Account for His Where abouts Sunday Evening. Aftor Untuning to the rending ot tint verdict of tho coroner's Jury and ImvliiK iind n warrant of arrest (or murder served on til in ut tho city jnll by Hlivrlff Jonoit Wrdiiwdny after iiiioii Mlkn Hpnuon n earned of tlm iiiurdor of (Icorgo DuditHknlouri mi lust Bunday ovnuliig, partially brake down niitl ndmlltod thnt lio hud bean l lug to tho officer. H admitted t tut t Im had Hod to (hit officer In ro gnrri to tho knlfo. slating thnt tho knife wan hi nnd thnt It hnd In hU PohnciuIoh Hnturdny mid Humlny. Till ndmlMlun followed n dcclnrntlon by tbu officer thnt they hnd ovl donco to nhow that ho had thu knlfo In hU poiseniilou Hnlurdny. Rpanon declared liowovcr thnt ho hnd loft tho knlfo at tho pool room on Sunday evening nftor entlug wntormolou. llo changed hU atory of tho knlfo ntor I ho off Icon hud worked up a com plutn cno ngnlniit hint fallowing tho finding of tho knlfo by Hhorlff Jonc nt tho icono o tho crlmo. New Development Khorlfr j'onci it ml AotliiK Chief CliiRcndo hnvo tightened tho not which has slowly but stiroly beei cloning nbout Mlko HpnnoH during tho pmt two tlnyit for tho murder of Ccorgo DedAHlifttoiiM, n Ureok, on Humlny night nl tho box rnrtory. Iin portnnt developments nluco Wodncs day nro; Tho flndlnR of DcdnslcaloiiH' wnteh nt the Hotel Medford on n aholf above the ptneo whom Mlko Bpanos worked wiuhlnK dishes. Tho finding or n five dollar hilt In Rpnnon' possessions which In blood titaluod, Hpiuiort' admission Unit tho knlfo found nl tho hcono of tho crlmo wnn In bin possession Buuday. Tho nrroHt of Prank Parker, ynrd mnn ut tho Hotel Mndford, nH nn ncrampllco In tho murder. Pnrkor Hi iinnblo to sntUraclnrlly acrount for his whorenbouln on Hundny night be tween 0M0 o'clock nnd 11 MO. The ufflcorn nro now working on evidence which U oxpoctod to tthow thnt Parker assisted Hpnuon In murderliiK George Dodnnkaloum Jury Holds Upturns Tho coronor'n Jury on Wednemlny nfternoon brotiRht In 11 verdict they doclnrod their hollof thnt Bpnnos whs roHpoiiHlblo for tho denth of Ueorno Dcdasknlotis. Bhorlff Jonon Immod lately nworo to n coinplulnt churRliiK Bpanos with tho crlmo nnd uorvod n wnrrnut on hjin. This uoamod to woakon Rimnon who udmlttcd thnt ho '(Continued on pngo a.) OH AND FLEES TO UNITED STATES fcli PASO, Toxiih., Hopt. lir. Kurly collnpHO of tho Orovxo robollloii In Mexico City lu noon In ndvlcoa ro colved hero today which say that Qeuornl I nor. Suluzar, one of Ooroxco'H chlof lloutonunta, Iibh dQBortod hU coiiininml nnd fled to til United BtutoH, erouuluR tho border Immed iately south ot DoukIas, ArU. tiovornl dnyH ago Qonornl Emlllo Cnmpii, unothor or Oronco'H trimtod tueii, doHortod tho robot chiibo, erous Ing to tho Uiiltod States, whore ho wiih arrputed by Amrlcnn troops. In nddltlon to Canipn and Salmear, Dr. Isldro HtlorU, Joucquln Usqulra and Joso Earundon, all robot loudora, hnvo doBorted, coming to tho United States (or safety, , rtjewpi-.,,. SUNDAY N Ml DESFRTS Man Who Unearthed Evidence p . tliW HHKKrwr " fllBaHeaaaaaaaaaaaaaV Mi ' mKmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmt IHL ?' JHV Hwm "HlBllalaBllalalav LHSPiflHHBBBBBBi BBBBBBBBM? " r AiiuLJBBBBlH8BBflBBBBBHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl BjBjBjBjBtiift VufnBBBBBBBBVBBBBBBiBBBBBBBBBBBBlBBBBBBBBH PijijijijijKF' bIiHbHbbbbHHbIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI bbbbbbbbbjI!JiabIbhbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbi Hherirr Wilbur .Tonw Who bnn done splendid work In connection with tho DednnUalous murder. With uothliiR to btnrt on. Mr, JoneK nsxlhtod by Acting Chlot or I'ollco CliiRcndo, hnvo unearthed uvlilenco which clenrly polntu to Mlko Hpntioi iik tho murderer. Tlioy nccurod every Important bit or evidence round to dnte. REBELLION NICARAGUA ENDS BY WASHINGTON, Sept. 2fi - United HtntoH Minister Weltzel, at Mauiigiiti, N'lcnrngua, teleRraphed the Htnte de partment today thnt Admiral South er'und hnd ml v! Hod him that (loticrnl M'nin, nl the head of 700 robolti, had Hurrctulered. Tint, Welliel believed, would end the lebelllou. Il Is not known whnt illHportitlon will bo made or Mean, who Ik believed to havo Kiirreudered to 1'reHldenl Dlnx of Nlcnragua. Junu IrliiH mid (lonoral X.elcdon, (lonernl Mena'n aldeti, have not yet Kurrondorod, Itehol Holdlerri nro flocking Into MnuiiRiin today to lay down their nrum. (lonoral Menu In giving up the Htruggle nniiouticed wIlllnguoHH to exile hlniHoir from Nicaragua If Dints dciilrod but II In not bolloved that Menu will he aHked to leave. Some of the othor leadorn, how ever, prnbnhly will bo prouecutod. TURKISH MANEUVERS TO PRECIPITATE WAR CON8TANTINOIM.K, Sept. 1!5.--That tho Turklyh army maueuvorri next month In thu vllayetto or Adrlnu- inoplo, when It Is expected that r0,- 000 troops will bo placed lu the field, will give Hulgarla a pretext to pro ceed with tho mobilization of Itx army, Is tho holler horo today lu di plomatic ctrcloH. Much upprohouHlon Is felt. SURRENDER ASSESSOR COMPLETES 1912 ROLL The nsxoKRcd valuation of .luck sou county, exclusive of all corpora tioiiH Hiioh n.s ralhomlH, telegraph linen, which come iimler tho slate lmni'd of taxation, h iflia.ll l,tm. 'file uKscriHinont of eorporatioiiH will raiHo thin to approxlmntely .'f-:i8,00l,-000. Tho iibfiiMHinoiil, tolills have just heeu eomiileted hy Assessor W. T. Grieve. Duo lii equalization of as scHhtnontH the eul from last year's assessed valuation is $l,!l!HI,ft'Jj;i, It is bolloved this will ho offset hy the assessment to ho levied against tho Pnelfiu & Eastern between Kagle h(1 Hntto 'rtllBf m1 tho jiowor tssv.sf - --- THREE MURDERERS ARE REPRIEVED BY SAl'JIAMKNTO, I'al., Kept. 'JO. -AeliiiK OowriHir'A. .1. Wallace today reprioved for two mouth Kil Wliliain of Cliieo, Willie l.uirf of Monterey eoiiuly and Alex Sr-arxeur of Sun l'Vanoiseo, under hculeiieH to lie liiiugcd tomuriiiw al San Qiteiitin prison. At the same time he issued a state ment d,cclnriii liirf willingness that no mint miller Heutenee should suffer the death penalty, in ciixe tho people Mini) vote to aboliMi enpitul punihh uieiil. This is tlio position which was inedieli'd Wnllaee would take when lie commuted the sentence of death to life mipiihuninont of tlvorgo l'lp; ueiim. ROOSEVELT TALKS MHMPH1S, Tonn., Sept. 2G. In n Hpeech devoted entirely to Mississip pi Ittver ucoda, Colonel Theodore Hoosovelt, progreastvo nomlnoo for president, nddroaaed tho Lovo con vention horo today. Ho assorted that ho favored deep waterway from tho lakos-to-tho-gulf and believed tho government Hhould uudertako tho work. plant of the I'liwor company at Pro spcel, neilhor of which were assessed last year as. they were undor con st ruction, Tho assessed valuation of the cit ies and towns in the county exclusive of corporations is as follews: Ashland, .12,81)5,(180, Medford, $8,7(10,1)1)0. Talent, $1(1(1,(1. ' .luukhuuvillo, $M7i28l. Coiilrnl Point, $-107,8(13. tingle- Point, $155,220. Phoenix, $171,1)27. Gold Hill, $183,082. Hiltto Palls, $81,225, . Wooitvlllo, f 80,5l)Q, ACTING GOVERNOR UPON nm 1M0RGAN MUSI TELL OF TRUST'S Money King Summoned to Appear Before Senate Investigation Com mlttee and Extlsln Contributions to Slush Funds ot Both Parlies. Younp. Bliss to Br ng Father's Books i Harrlman's Secretary to Be Wit ness Also. WASHINGTON? Sept. 2(.I. Pier nl Morpm of j New York, the pout Jk world V groutct,tMiK organizer nnd principal xtoekholiler in AiiierieaV strougext priviitu'Jjaiikuir itixtittitioii, will be the fiitwiliKK to tcxlit.v when the scmitatcuntribtitioii ciini paiiiK iuventigtititig committee re sumes it heiiriiipi line next Momlav. The money kins .will he linked how much money the triott, in which he interested have contributed to both the democrat and republican in the last three citinpaigus. Morgan's testimeDy is expected ti develop thu biggeft sensation hince John 1). Arehbold,' president of the Standard Oil company, and Senator Hoies Penrose of. I'ennsylvnnia, in testifying rcvcntly' before the com mittee swore that; the oil trust con tributed $12.7.000 loTheodore hooe veil's cum;uign fi'ilie pretsideacv in 100-1. ' IIIIk.h Also Suniiiioncd An important tviiuehi to apear Monday will be Cornelia X. lilies, junior, wltnoc father was treasurer of tho republican national eouitnittee in 1001, nml to whom the Standard Oil company's contribution is alleged to have been made. The elder Bliss has been dead some eai. C. C. Tegelhoi'f, secretary to the late K. I. Ilarriinan, the railroad wizard, will aluo testify on Monday. Ho will be linked whnt contributions, if any, llarriman made to tho repub lican campaign in 100-1, and to ex plain the intiTO.-t tho latter is said to have taken in the political situation in New York during this campaign. Onnsby Mcllarg of Chicago, who argued the Koo-evelt contest easo before the republican national com mittee at Chicago in June, also is ex pected to testify Monday. It has not been developed ju-l whnt tho commit tee expects 0 learn from Meltar. Interest also centers in the testi mony to ho given by Hliss. He will produce his father's papers and re cords bearing on tho 1001 campaign, which nro still intact. Theso are ex "eeled to show whether the Standard Oil compaiiy did pay $125,000 to Treasurer Hliss in 1001 for Roose velt's campaign and exnetly to whnt uso the money wa put. Hoosovelt Also to Talk Colonel Itoosou'It will testify bo foro tho committee October '1. Ho will be followed oa tho stand by Wil liam Loch, junior, now collector of tho Port of Now York, who was Itoosovelt's private secretary in 1004. Congressmali William 11. MurZiuloy of Illinois, who directed President Tat't's auto-convention campaign, will testify October 7, More than 100 witnesses in all lu"o been summoned. ;T NKW YOHK, Sept. 20,- Tho stock mnrkot resumed Its upward course; at tho oponlng today Canadian Pacific, Great Nor.thorn Oro certificates, Con sblldatod Oan and Hopubllo Iron gained 1 to 2 points. Soma hesita tion was shown aftor tho oponlng, and prices rocodod gonorally but re covered. Recoveries reunited from lurgo buying onion), United States Stool was au ncttvo foaturo, but smelting with a two point rlso, was tho strougost or tho spooulntlvo Is sues, ' Tho mnrkot became qulto dull around noon and closod woak. Bonds wore easier, ELECTION GIFTS SMELTING STRONGES OFSPECULATIVE ISSUES (SIR l-DWARD CARSON, LUADHR OH HOME RULE -. ' -" - irt - tb Jm Cpward Carson muM ma kino 8lr Kdward Cnreon. nt one lime Solicitor General for Ireland. Is leading the cjiiiipnlgn In t'Htpr ngahitt home mlv for Ireland. He retelred a treat twllon on his leceut pe.iklng tours through London TEDDY TALKED white sun WITH UN D.IR. MKMPHIS, Tenii., Sept. 20. Cir cumstances in which he might huve written that he would bo triad to see John 1). Arehbold of the Standard Oil company were given here toduy by Colonel Itouscvclt in answer to a let ter published in the Hearst newspa pers in which Hoosovelt is alleged by former Congressman Sibley of Pennsylvania that ho would be glad to see tho oil magnate. Colonel Hooscvelt, however, said that he did not remember the incident. "Throughout mv administration." said Colonel Itoosevelt, "if Congress man Sibley or anyone else asked me to see Arehbold I would hnvo said: 'Of course, I will ho glad to sec him.' 1 made it a nraetiee to see nearly everybody who called at tho White House. "I would bo clad to hnvo Mr.Hearst DiiblUb all the letters he has. More over, if bo can furnish the dates of letters I have written that ho would like to see in pi hit, I will publish them myself. "I recollect that oiieo John D. Rockefeller, iiiuior. came to seo mo. As a malter of fact, however, the Standard Oil company wns not men tioned. Our talk was eontmed ox- lusivcly to tho white slavo traffic." Bell's Route by Democrats Complete. SACRAMI3.NTO. Cut.. Sept. 2t. Attor two dnyH nnd nights or work tho California stnto convention this morning adjourned leaving tho quos- tlon as to whether tho presidential olectors should bo decided by elec tion or petition still undecided. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 20. -Granting of pensions to mothers of children, where tho fathers havo died, been disabled or havo disappeared h tho new measure of social justieo en dorsed by all four of tho California parly platforms adopted hero this week. The socialists were the fiist to write it into their list of immeiliato demands, taking that action on Tues- tlay utter n siroiiK speouu in us oe half by Mrs. Klvinn S. Peals, nssom bly candidate from Berkeley. The Roosevelt renublieuns cnino next, tho principle scouring endorse ment in their completed plutiorm. luo parly is pledged to imssj n pension law tor tho relief of mothers ot no jjomlont oliltlr!l. PENSIONS FOR MOTHERS IS PLEDGED OPPOSITION IN IRELAND - . - - 1 IL1 31 L T BERER OF REASON POUGHKEEPSIE. X. Y., Sept. 26. Continually snarling and dashing about like a wild animal, and berott ot tho uso of speech because of his long solitude, Artbur Dritton, aged -10, was round naked and with his race and body covered with a long, shaggy growth ot hair recently in the Pawling mountains, where ho lived in a cave, la causing tho offi cials and inmates ot the Hudson Rive state hospital here much con cern. Orltton disappeared ten years ago and nothing was heard ot him until he was located In tho. mountain fast nesses, where, barking Uk"o a dog, ho attracted tho officers to his retreat. Dritton Is bolng subjected to nn exhaustive study by medical experts, who state that by reason of hU llfo as a recluso ho has descended to a state ot primeval savagery. Ho dis dains tho uso ot knlfo and fork, us ing his fingers, with their clawllko nails, at all times, and eating raven ously whouevor rood Is ofrored him. Ills teeth are as sharp as it thoy had been tiled, nnd ho tears at his food like a wild animal. It Is believed he lost his reason whllo wandering in tho mountains years ago. SMITH NOMINATED BV CONNECTICUT REPUBLICANS HARTPOUI), Conn., Sept. 20. Herbert Knox Smith who recently re signed us federal commissioner of corporations, was nominated here to day by the progressive lmrty for gov ernor of Connecticut. Senator Camiuetti, who had pre viously announced his intention to make this nn issue of tho democratic campaign secured its adoption by his purty. Tho Taft republicans, in their platform, pledge support to "reason able pensions to tho mothers of de pendent children." Thus tho four parlies whoso nom inees will make up the entire mem bership of tho next California legis lature stand pledged to euuet ft law which shall guarantee to every moth er in California tho opportunity to retain (ho euro and training of her own children in her own homo mid closing forever llio old bud days of tho hondiug of hnlf-orphaus to public institutions to live out a sad, bleak ohUdhoqfl, , B XT' REA WILD MAN CAUGH WOODS POOR MEN IN SENATE NEEDED ASSERTS LANE Democratic Candidate far Senater Discusses Ecsnemfc ami Swiat Is sues at Opening Campaifft RaHy Before Largt Audience. Elimination ef Special Privtrtfe HM te Be Main Problem CMfrffitmf Country ami1 Nation. "My first visit to tho Hogtle river valley was nx n boy in 1800 I have spent my vacations horo ever since. I have always regarded it as the most beautiful valley in the world and would rather live here than any place I have ever seen. I have tried sov- cral times to buy a ranch here, but never had money enough. I see a great future for the .valley? It wll Imj but a few yeartf until every avail able space in occupiedy-and by peo ple who do not j-ct know of its ex istence." f Sincerity Evident In these words Dr: Harry Lane, democratic nominee for United States senator, opened his speech to a large audienco at tho Natatorium Wednesday evening, after a brief in troduction by C. L. Reames. The customary sounding brass and tink ling cymbal of tho campaign orator were lacking from Dr. Lane's speech, which was alo"nV the 1e-"5f "an In formal discussion of economic wsne involved in the' campaign, interspers ed with humorous anecdotes which elicited applause from his auditors. His evident sincerity and earnestness greatly impressed those who heard lu'm. Dr. Iuie described his efforb to eradicate special privilege, the seiz ing of streets and franchises by pub lic service corporations while mayor of Portland and stated that tho troublo with tho nation at large was the same troublo that Portland and other cities encountered tho seizure and exploitation of tho people's rights nnd domain by special inter ests, the unjust taxing of tho many to create swollen fortunes for tho few. Discusses the Tariff "The tariff," stated Dr. Lane, "is but one of these forms. Unjust as sessment is made uhju tho multitude for tho benefit of the special inter ests. The protection of American in dustries simply means the unjust mulcting of the, people, who aro forc ed to pay excessive prices to tho trusts for that which thoy sell abroad for a fraction of the amount Amer icans are forced to pay. Tho bene fits labor receives from protection are shown in tho wages paid by pro- (Continued on page 2.) L John W. Davis, for U0 years u resi dent of tho Griffin creek section lies ut tho Snored Heart hospital with both legs fractured, following u mix up with a calf ut his ranch this morning. Ho yill recover although he is about (15 yours of ago. Davis was leading a calf' when the uocidcut occurred. Tho nniiuul be came frightened and bolted. Davis was caught by tho rope and hurled to tho ground, fracturing both legs. He was about uUO foot from the liourits and was forced to crawl that far for help, his son who live with him being deaf. Dr. Porter wiih ealM. Alter wak ing mi examination he hud blw wavwd lo Medford. About six months ago Dhvw had ' mix-up with a wild wt whh.Wt,, hand giving him blood poUoAittg. M has just reoomtHl frw tk mmft of (llio, , SjS AGED m m e;ii EISfffiEN WHEN CALF BOLTS -! fy JR. I " , vYmv A v -,v ,-.-' A. -., iUivi''vv !' . -.V J