ifi ' ' V-",';i'."-"t j,, J ' A I i 1 s or psxm six mDFOR"D Wrxm TRrBOTTC, .MEDFOTCD, OREGON, An-TOOTSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 'J0'12. 33 AUTOMOBILES CONVEY VISITING GEOGRAPHERS FROM MEDFORD TO CRATER LAKE .f fpiQpMHC.piiBKM BKHHBB9nHpHuHjH fHKB d BHIBStf HHIMIK hUh 1 Ih IHHIRw 'HWRRT&E JU (be (uc 'Ot urn iiediora uouuuxua uud lae lnr aiiietf&Uoa ox wuna lamed Keogruphn nuU Hdeuiuw, wuo vUHoU 1'ortluuU luat Uuuday, r cuuYuyud to nail from Crater lug tu iiutuuiuOllva. Ttw umuuluv ud tuvlr oumubuu r honu Lov. COURTESY SHOW) TO SCIENTISTS IS MUCHAPPRECIATEO The above out, which is reproduced by courtesy of the Oregon Journal, feliows the transcontinental excursion of the American Geographical soci 'ty, comprising seventy of the fore most scientists of the world, who arc taken as guests of the IfedfonT Com mercial club to Crater Lake lut week. Regarding the entertainment, the excursionists wired as follow,?: "If the census taker counted hos pitalities us he now counts inhabi tants Medford would be the metro polis of the world. This has been enthusiastically voted by the mem bers of the transcontinental tour of , the American Geographical society o 1 Xew York in recognition of the warm welcome, the automobile transporta tion, the marvelous lake, and the brotherhood of good fellows we have ' so thoroughly enjoyed." W. M. Davis, director. ' Regarding the entertainmeut, the Oregon Journal says: "Will G. Steel says that when it comes to entertainment like it combi nation of brotherly love and clock work, "vou have to hand it to Mod ford." He mine back yesterday from southern Oregon whither he conduct ed tlje party of famous foreign geo graphers that visited in Portland sev eral days ago. lie says that one of the geographers, n Swiss and that makes the compliment better said that majesty of outlook impressed him more than anything he had ever seen and that the prosperity nnd hos pitality of the J red ford people was even beyond that. "But let me tell you hi my own way," said Mr. Steel. "All during the trip things went so beautifully 1 was afraid nny minute I'd waku up. "We arrived in Medford. There were cars lined up for tho entire party and the chauffeurs of thno cars were the owners of them. We started on our way to Crater Lake nnd nothing was aid about lunch though the hour was lute. But noth ing needed to be said. "Luncheon had been scut on ahead. It was ficrved at Piospoet and an we nto wo overlookedTrtfthe wonderful Rogue river canyon. Iletwccn 4 and 5 o'clock this is last Monday I am talking about we- arrived at the lake, and why so promptly? Because every automobile ha'd its place. There was no racing, no hurrying, no dust, no confusion. But more than all, two 'trouble' caw fallowed us. A puncture or a blow-out simply niimut that the car dropi('! out of lino Until the trouble car came along. Both trouble cam carried the best mechan icians money could employ, and nil donated their sorvicos to the cause. Repairs wore go prompt as to be startling. "Tuesday and Wednesday nights wo stayed at the lake. We had pre pared for 100, and (here were. 120 in camp. But all wore provided for. Wo left Wednesday morning nt 0 o'clock. Six hours later we were sitting in the chairs at tho hotel. Since niitouto bilos traversed thi road, but before we bad secured the improvement that, has been made, it required 10 to 11 hours to como from Crnlcr lake to Medford. That is something gratify ing, too. While nt tho lake those geographers must have- taken 1000 pictures. .Wo nra going to bo known all over the world in the newest and most desirable way because of their visit. That mnket? me feel good. "On our return, wo'wcro entertain ed by the University club with a lav ish luncheon ju which good fellowship was the keyhole. Altogether it wan a most successful nffair." After loading tho International leuguo for soma time during tho present hoiihoii, the Jiiniey City team hail dropped down among tho coal bltiH and gnu meters. BIS THEATER IS BIMZED Tho Iil Theator won entered and ranxnekod Hunday nlKht the thief eft cupliiK without leaving a cluo. Bov oral roll of mimic, a camara, and about 125 In money wni tnkon. All of tho Bocond hand More In tho city are ImlnK cloudy watched In hono that tho thlnt will endeavor to dlapofio of his loot, Kutranco wnn gained through a rear window, MJ$M$M$M$ T ? ! The First Gun of the Campaign DON'T FAIL TO HEAR 1 TJYTVT UADDV T A XTT? 4 r H ' V Democratic Candidate for U. S. Senator i .'j ' r.wi ivn j. ? r t ? ? t t t T T t T f T T z T I who will expound Progressive 'Demoeracy at .'the'- -J -Jf::ksS: ;-3 t NATATORIUM, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. at 8 o'clock p. m. 25th -5i '$ I -S p - W t iHiJ .' T Y T t t t t T t $$llit Good Music S: f " $ Everybody Invited - "t . ,1 .. . AVWt