ny-v f4W l-i ' ( I . BULL IW FIRE A' Mull MOOHII IIKIUtlllK wiih liold TiMiHilliy nvuliliiK t thu Hoy Scouts K-ui mi lliirtic-ti utrool al whluh V. II. Ciiliiiibnll of KoHolxirit. rnmliilntu for CoiiKrcMi, uiiulo IiIh lultlnl appear iuu'ii lioforo it MoiUiml niulloiio. 1'nnl V. MtmiH iiillitil tlin iiimitliiK (O DHllM' mill ,Htal(K (hut liu joluoil Win part) liocoimn of Its (Induration for nocIiiI Jimticu mid economic (roe ilom, which worn mirriclout hi-ouiiiIh for thu uronCliiii of n how ptirty. Fur llH'riiioro ho ilcclnroii that tho old I'uity iIIvImIoiib wore iiIoiik nrliflclul linen ami that pnrtluH hIioiiIiI not ho lialf iMonri'mihu ami half iilnml-pnt. Ilo fiuorcil woiiiiiii'h HiitfriiKii Iiuciuiho moiiiiiii an much an men am n unci of our Noclul ami uconoiulo llfo ami mi tltlml to thu ballot ax wull n moil. A. K. Warn, who la a Hull Mooko iioniliinu for prmilriulitlnl nluctor, III trodurod Ihn MpnilUurs, but clovotml iiionI of bin limn lo tho Mall Trillium ami Hi "bald ht'adml" editor, both of whom Im t'onfuMMid to heartily dU IlkliiK ami "linvlnn It lu for," lie iutiimmI the paper of (hIIIiik to cnt pluultu bin nomination im elector, mid of mippM'uMiiK UoohuvpII iiuwh. Dr. II. K. Itatte, who wiih dulccntt) to tlio Hnleiu convention told of bin contention to tlio HoohovoU ranks. li. II. (turner of Honouurg, 0110 of tho Hull Mooho mnmiKera until thui bin tmvoli ihowed farinem and laboring iiiiiu for Toddy mid profoimlomil men nKulnst blui. with bankers ovciily ill tided. Mr. Campbell pledged hlumnlf If elected, "to bo a Horvnul of tho peo pic, not their boi." Ilo Rtutcd thnt thu Crater l.tike appropriation was due to Senator llourne and itot to Cour.rcnmtmu llnwley. Only a Mini 1 1 nudloucn wna (ircif ent. MEDFOTtD MATE TTUBUNE. MKDPOTtD, OREOON, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 25, 1012. "' MB SECURES BIG SALMON PACK A kooiI run of miIiuoii, a bl puck, mid a (iroHpnioiiH Initial year In ru purluil by Kd II, llauley who lias re turned from Almika wlioio with Km uli II, Madden he oHtubllitliud a large iiiiliuou (uiiuuiy with an Invest ment of several liumlreil thouimud dollm-Mi AlthoiiKb crippled by a strike among flHlioruien during tho time of the bcnvleiit run, mi adJiiHl meut wiih mmlii mid big pnek n uiircd of first grade flxli, The capaelty of thu plant lit 40, MOO f I nil per day mid It doe not take mhny iluyn of a big run to iiiuko n big pack. Ilo HtuteM that he never naw ho many flnlt at one time any wbeie iik (hero wan pant IiIh cannery, which Id thu must modern mid up-to date of nny In Abulia, Mrs. Mauley and children returned with him, while Mr. Madden stayed to wind up the year'M IiiihIik;"", JACOB FURTH LINLIFR MB T I WOMAN BORN. I.I'.UNAHI) In Meill'mjl. Si'i.lem. Iter 'J I. IIU'J, lo ,U wife of flamle l'OK'l'll II hOO. AROUND SEAL ROCKS HAN I'ltANflHCO, fal., Kept 2.'., New swimming Inurols were won hern today by Miss Nellie Schmidt of Alnmoda when she acccnipllHhod tlio difficult mid dangerous swim nround the Hcul Hocks at the Cliff Mouse here, a feat never before attempted by n woman. MIhh Schmidt, who recently iiwani ncruKx Han Francisco Uuy from the Kerry bulldltiK here lo the OukUnd mole pluiiKod Into tho surf shortly bo fore noon. Hounding the rocks from the left end or tlio Cliff llouno, MIhh Hchmldt turned lo tho right, when lin li nil i-tinitilnlnil Ihn nun wiiv Irln and swiiiii back to the Martini; point, I lniidliiK umld choon of those who wit nomed the feat. A crew from IWATVUK, Wash,, Hept, 20. War. rants charging Jacob Kurtli, million aire bunker ami (ruction king, and three of IiIh associates, with aiding and abiltliiK V, li. Hchrlcker, a la. cornier banker In rocolvlug-tloposlta when thoy knew the Hchrlcker bank wan limolvent, wero rent to tho shcr Iff'ii Offlco today to bo served, The warrantH wero uworu to by I'roKccutliiK Attorney llrnwley at llrawlyy at Mount Vernon, Hknglt county. Tho Kelnlcker bank failed about hIx niontliH iiijo leavliiK $300,000 In depoMltH iiuiiald. It In alK-Red by tho prooecutor that Kiirtb'a Brattle bank knew for hovoral mouth beforehand that the l.ncouuer bank wan IiihoI VKiit. 'Hie Hchrlcker bunk owed the Korth Heattlo bank tuoro than f 100, ooo, and It Ih clmrRiid that the Hcatllo bmikcra Induced Hchrlcker to accept .lepoMltri and then forward them to 'k-attlo to apply on the bli; debt. RAILROAD PARTY OFF 10' COAST II, (lore, Prod N, CummliiKB, J, I), Hell, Lincoln McCorunick, J. II, Coolcy mid ChnrloV, l.ebo, Inter chtcij In the cormtrudfo'ii of a rail road from Medford to Crrcciit City loft W'oilnenday for tlio conm for tho purpoxo of looking over tlio rohcta! route of the road and to confer with Creirent City men In connection with Km coufltructlon. Tho party will bo almcnt wevoral dnya, V. I. Vawtcr iilamied to inako the trip but wan I unablo to Ket away. The mirvey of tho road li to atari In tho near future. Knough money ban been aubNcrlbcd lo do the pre liminary work, FREDIGER HIT BY AUTOMOBILE is L REFUSES REPLY TO HEARST BKATTl.K, Wnrli., Hept. iit,. O. V. I.KWBon, a doctor connected with a loral "medical liiHtltute' 'Ik today out on f 2,r00 ball after being nr ra lined before .IiihIIco Fred C. Hrown CHtorday on a charge of bavlnR force fully attempted to keep a young de partment Ktoro girl a prlHoner at his homo near Richmond Beach. Tho Rlrl (undo her escape early Monday morn Idk after IicIiir locked up for an en tire day, and the ulierlff'H office was uotiried. A warrant waa cworu out for Iwiwmou'h nrrcut yesterday inoriilnK the and ho wan arretted u fow houra lat- llfeitavluR Htatlon hero kept ahead of r. Lawnou wan uucccsafully prone Mlna Hchmldt throughout the pnitu- cuted a few yearn hro for jiractlclng I aite, medicine without a license. Mi'AI.KHTKII. Oklu., Sept. y.'i. I'oloiiel liooacicll, profcreMMe preii ilciitinl iiotninee, flatly refuncd here loilny lo iHhciim- the Intot letters piiblidlicd by William U. I learnt, ubicli involved IlooM'iolt la a IftU-r JoIim ). Alflibold. prCMdcnt or Hie Htamlanl Oil company, i allc-'ud to luive wiittcu lo former CoiiKrchinan .Sibley of I'eiiiihylvnnin. Colonel Hoonevclt explained Hint he desired to hoc tlio letter before milking tiny reply. WANTS $20,000 DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF AFFECTIONS TACOMA. Wn., .Sept. r. Ffev. William .T. (Jetty, wliosc wife last week begun uetion for divorce, today nerved pa pern in n hull for dumagcK for alienation pf Iter iiffet'liom-, iibk vk diimngcH in the Horn of fJO.000. W. I'. Kllinpvood. Mri. Nora Paul., mollicr of Mrn. (Hetty, nud Myrtle I In Ivy. nu adopted duugbtrrof Mti. I I'nulz arc named ax defendantx. I'ulliuj: Ilio comer too clone mid on (lie wnniL' hide of Hie utrcct .1. W. McCliililiio tliin morning ul Front mid .Main hIiimiIm ran linuu Ike l-Vmlitrnr. ulio wiih on a bicycle. Tlio wheel mum demolished but FictHgi'r leaped to Miifety, Hiif ferine only minor bruincx. Thin i the fifth of n Hi'r'.im of automobile colliHioux in the city dur ing the pant few dayn, m uhieh ho- ple have b'.'e-i hligbfly injured. FASHION DECREES DRESSES TO BE TIGHTER THAN EVER LONDON', Kepi. 'IT,. - Women's dropfH nre lighter tlian cter under the iIrnMry now in vogue, and Ihere are no foiiudatioiiM -only tnimtpar eneieH. "I do not know that we women are going to do with Hindi un Kubhtnntiul elolhing," wiih tho lament ihMicd here today by Marie Tcmpcj.t, the nctresH. who Iiiim been inxpecting the trend of fashion. "The colon nre more vt li and PAOK Relieves Catarrh in One Hour Tho quickest and easiest way to open up your mucus clogged head and frco the throat from Catarrhal se cretions Ih to breathe Booth's IIY OMKI. Don't wasto tlmo with impossible methods; IIYOMKI has ended the misery of Catarrh for thousands of despairing sufferers; It will do tho same for you If you will glvo it a fair trial. Just breathe It; It kills Catarrh germs and banishes Catarrh. A 1IY- OMEI outfit, which Includes inhaler, costs 11.00. Separate bottles. If af terwards needed. GO cents, at phar macist everywhere. Money back from Chas. Strang Is dissatisfied. more Violent Minn enn ho imagined," ftdtlecl Miss Tempest, "And Hittal m Well, they will bo Hwrecmitk Hut over." ' ' rf-tasrsg ... u ' mmm - " t -v.. Flour? Coffee? " 'SRtM' Tea? OR WHAT? Anything you buv from us in the Gro cery line will be right. Our Bakery De partment is a source of pride to us investigate. Allen Grocery Co. W male 23 ttrlm of Dmts I which w dhow in our Catalog -X 9AMW3U SOOMI auarantcd. IS lxa at,..tlvW c&axmcAjr xvnmxos om rand ;t siuar stuck, alien at M.fB aumux nomr seoasis.os, i8.i, - OOTTAM rMlf XOOaa Double strength "A" quality glass. It atrlea, at I5.W, faj, " S3Qu, 7S and.. ....... ........... WUQ XSmsx WmSW TBCK to maich. In U, ... ,9 Jf amiMMIBUI (for only one aids) ..9 '4 AH au4 la car Mm ailU. Oar Bth. WIdow, K. IX Vnatt, Ri'ffcxrd. ManMtft ' at prnportloetttlr Vw prices, wtkh ir printed Btataljr la vtt . big iUoilnfffl nttV. W nntM ullrirtlon and Hit dfHnr. ' Dea't fU to writ fr mUIc V. t, ft MB Ufa aM suy HfwMN. juummjs m im istta iummm. MADE IN MEDFORD Your success and the prosperity of this city and valley depends on your patroniiing home industries and usinz home-made products. Ask for "Made in Medford" goods and insist on your contractor and builder buying of the home factories and institutions. Try this and in a few months we wil 1 have a "Greater Medford." ' - .' A Rogue River Valley Payroll "Wc Manufacture CEMENT DRAIN TILE OONOEETE CULVERTS CONCRETE PIPE FOR IRRIGATION SEWER PIPE Dealer in Washed Sand, Gravel and Crushed Rock Office FrullRrowers Hank IlulldloR Factory North Hlvcrstdo Avcnuo Phono Main CG3 Phono Main 6091 MEDFORD CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 0. J. SEMON, Manager. Sandstone Quarry Jiib. 0. Smith, Prop. 110(5 Eat Main St. Uox 733. Write us your wiiiita The Medford Hydraulic Cement Brick and Block Co. Inc. Our Specialties Ornamental Brick and Tlio for Fire Plnccii, Bills, Caps, Arches, ColuuuiH, Oliliiinoy Tojib, Klowor Vuao, oto. NKDFOHI), OltKGON 10th nud Fir Bis, Phouo Pnolttu G41 WHERE TO GO FOR AMUSEMENT The STAR The ISIS The UGO t 1' H. WEINHARD'S Columbia The Beer Without a Peer Tho choicest hops aud tho finest Imi'loy malt, browed scientifically in just tho right way, aro responsible for its absoluto purity and excellence Order a caso from your doalor or phouo Pacific 51 or IXomo 204 H, WEINHARD'S BEER AD I0E DEPOT Medford C. P. Silliman, Prop. Sheet Metal Wholesalers of FRESH it PURE Candy Home Phone 300X Made in Medford, Oregon F. C. Silliman, Manager Homes On Monthly Payments Medford Realty & Improvement Co. Chas. S. Lebo, Mgr. M. F. & II. Bldg. Loose Leaf Ledger Systems Binders9 Supply Medford Printing Company Cut Flowers That aro fresli because thoy aro homo grown Always a nice Hue of Decorative Plants on Hand Medford Greenhouses 923 E, Main Home Phono 237X Pacific Phouo 3741 I can make it JOHN SIPPLE Home M. F. & H. CO. Phone 30L Bldg. B. A. Illcks P. M. Kershaw Gcuoral Manager Gen. Sales Mgr. OREGON GRANITE CO. Quarry Owners and Manufacturers Oregon Granlto stands tho tost ot time. Medford, Oregon BUY Home Made Clothes Office Furniture j Library Furniture Bedroom Furniture Diuiugroom Furniture White Enamel Furniture Built in Buffets, Seats And Bookcases, Etc. Store Fixtures Porch Swings Cedar Chests Cabinet Work Done in Oak, Walnut, Fir, or Any Other Wood Desired Cabinet Makers Mission Furniture Works E. G. Trowbridge, Jr., Prop. 113 S. Holly, Medford Make everything in mill work - Ww Big' Pines Lumber Co. Best equipped factory in Southern Oregon Tailor. of EIFERT - 209 W. Main TENTS AHMY GOODS Kbakt Slto Wall 8 o, 10 oi. Array Foot Foot Duck Duck Duck 7x 7 .,,.3 ,,., C.3G..I C.2G., 6.90 7x 0 ....3 .... 6.35.. 7.40.. 8.20 8x10 3 .... 7.30.. 8.G5.. 0.56 10x13 ,...3 .... 8.60.. 10.05.. 11,20 10x14 ....3 ..,. 9.80.. 11.40.. 12.75 13x12 ....3tt.... 10.30.. 12.00.. 13.35 12x14 3U 11.55.. 13.50.. 15.05 Copied from a San Francisco pap- or. Prices are low but wo can beat It. If wade of canvas we sell It. MKDFOIU) TENT & AWNINQ CO. 106 N. Frout St., Medford, Oregon. Medford Iron Works E. G. Trowbridge, Prop. General Foundry and Machine Works Pacific 101; Home 298L. lies, Pac. 5031; Home 227L. Wholesale Candy and Ice Cream PALACE OP SWEETS 217 East Main Pacific G02 SUBSCRIBE FOR THE mail; TRIBUNE k n Leading Newspaper in " ' t Southern Oregon ...,',. , ri V VI' i So. Oregon Electric 6 Heating Co. Electric Wiring Electric Fixtures Heating and Ventilating Plants 29 N. Grape St. Tol. Pac. 3G01; Home 121. Wo mako fixtures Home 353L The Medford Plating Works All kinds of plating, Gold. Silver, Nlcklo, Copper and Brass plated to your entire satisfaction. Doa't throw away your old table ware aad Jowclry. llrlng it us and get It back aa good as now at half the cost. 021 W. Main St. i 4 For tho best of ' , , .. ....- EVERYTHING MADE OF WOOD '"" ' Seo us. We mako a specialty of OFFICE FURNITURE and FIXTURES, MAMTLIS, SCREEN DOORS and WINDOWS, Ito. ; '' it " Factory Comer South Fir and 11th Sts. Both Plkmei MEDFORD SASH AND DOOR OO. q n i " par. J n &$jr ' .& "J.r-i V '5ft, ,1 )-,