Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 24, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Orrrjon imturloal leeta
City Hall J
Medford Mail Tribune
Fair and warmer Max MAt
MIh 1.1 ! Il front tonlM.
I'ortjrBcoiul Y-r.
Dally M)Vfliitti Ymr.
NO. 158.
I i
Officer Makes Ton Strike hy Locntlnu Knife With Which Dedaskalous'
Throat Was Cut Mike Spanos, H eld as Suspect, First Accurately De
scribe! Knife and Later Positively Identifies It-Chrlsto, With His
Brother, Nick, In Jail at Jacksonville Believe Brothers Guilty.
Shirt Covered With Stains. Said to Be Blood, Found at Hotel Medfcid
Where Spnnos WorkedLamp Chimney on Which Blood Stain Show
Found In Room Occupied by Chrlsto Brothers.
Gust Di'tiielnicopiilua mid Tom
lunulas (wo (Irrt'kH who liml liccu
vlnUiti Ooorgo l)rduHkiilous t lift
murdered muni whoso body wus
found lulv yesterday under n wnro
hount along I lid railroad I melt,
anil lot I yesterday about tho time
tlio body was found, woro nr
icslcd at Ashland lift iiighi, anil
brought to .Medford TiiPHiltiy hy
Constable Siliglrr. They luul nlmttt
f 1(10 iih)ii their persons, &()() or ll
being in traveling check secured
Monday tnortifiiff from Iho Medford
National. iiikI if'JUO in gold. "I"
lliciu liml ii large revolver eoucenb'd
iiHi!i hhn. ,
They woro with tlio murdered iiiim
until I o'clock Sunday livening, short
Iv before tlio t'rimo was committed.
They left the pool room shortly be
fore Dcdnsknlous, and reached their
nmiiH in llio Emorick at 10 o'clock.
Toy uncurl tlniL they knew of the
murder before leaving .Medford. tint
protested their own innocence. When
eopfroiiled with tlio corpse, oho 'f
tlii'iti broke down nni wept.
Moth Imd been employed on Keotioii
work nt Hilt.
Mlkq Sputins this afternoon juts!-'"llvely-'Mcntirifil
(ho knifo 'found nl
tho scene of DmhtskuloiH mulilor
this morning hy Sheriff June at the
ono owned hy litiin Chrlsto, who with
hi hrolher Nick, i'h lodged in tho
eoiiuty jnil at Jacksonville, iicciihimI
of complicity in the murder. To
Anting Chief of Police ('iugriiilo and
'n newspaperman, SpnnoH accurately
decerihed n knife owned hy tho Greek.
Tho description lullied iii every par
tioular with tlio one found hy Sheriff
Jones, mid Inter, on being shown the
knife, KpnnoH positively identified it.
Ho Niiyrt that tho ktiifo wiih in his
possession for two iiioiiIIih and liml
lie guvo it back to lmitt Cliristo, ono
inonlh ngo.
The oflloers are now woiking upon
tho possiblu theory thai (ho Christo
brothers committed the crime. SpnnoH
Iihh hy no incmin yel, however, salts
fied them (Iml lur uid nothing to do
with tlio murder. It in now certain
(hat ono or two of Iho Irio killed ni'd
rohlied DedaHkaloiH, while all three
may he implicated.
Sheriff Jones and District Attor
ney Mul key, modeled hy Acting Chief
of Polioo Cingciido made much pro
gioKH hi olohing Iho not about Mike
SpnnoH, u well known memhur ofthe
local (Ireok colony, suspiete-l of Iho
murder of George Dcdiiskuloits, a
(lieek, whoso body wiih found under
neath tho Crater Lake Lumber com
pany's box factory opposito the Sou
thern Piioitlo passenger depot al II
o'clock Monday afternoon. Dodim
kaloiiH wan murdered mid rolthed
Sunday niuht. With SpnnoH (licro in
implicatod in the unso, two Greeks
who am brothers. It Is certain that
one of thu Irio committed (ho crime.
SpauoH waa first Hiispoolod lalo
TACOMA, Sept. U I. Major Julm
Maxtor, (ptarlot'iuiiHtur, who uyecuted
the cont runt for coal whioh han
hrouglit (hn . proHonutinii of C. K
IJoiiHtou and John Mullock for f and
Mud coimpirnoy, wiih on tlio wHuuks
Hlaiid hi their trial in (ho fodonil
iiourt hero today. Ho toritified ho had
novor hvrd any criliciHin of him for
awarding (ho contract I'm over $-7
a ton when ooal wiih Belling lu tlio
open imirkot for $1(1 and $17. Ho
Elated under uropH oxuminatlon by
Kcnutpr PiloH, nltorney for tho do
foudnntri, Unit It alwayH cimt tho gov
ornmuiit moro for gondii than it did
piivato nurphwQr
Monday nighl and lodged in (ho city
jail. At Iho hiiiiiu lime Meit Cum
tilings a compiiuioii wiih arrentrd, hut
on bin proving a complete alibi wan
released. Two other (Ireek friemln
f S(anoH, known as Kick and Louie,
("hricto were locked up mid (hey arc
being held pending (he investigation.
Hhrlt In I'otuitl
At a late hour Momlav night Act
ing Chief Ciugcndo found a whirl at
the Medford hotel where Spiitiox
worked which wiik identified by an
other (Ireek iim the one Spanoc had
worn Sunday. Thin shirt had been
waclied Monday hy SpauoH and plac
ed in another locker than bin own.
Thiw whirl in Mill Mlaiued and the
cpoU on it are believed to ho blood.
Thin wiik tlio llrrtt link in tho ohaiii
connecting SpnnoH with the murder.
Tim officer then visited Simon'
homo and learned Hint he had chowed
up nt bin hotirtc at a late hour Sunday
night. II in known that ho left the
pool hall on Mr Htreet at 10 o'clock
and chuniH that he win in Iho cit
park alone for an hour and a half.
At Iho lumen n lamp chimney with
blood tttaliiH on it wiih found and re
moved by the iHilico. SpnnoH nt thnt
(lino hud u bloody handkerchief and
complained of having had a nunc
bleed. ,
Joiicn Find Knlfu
Thin morning Sheriff Jones- satis
fied that (ho scene of the murder had
not been thoroughly search rcvixil
ed Iho scene and far back under (ho
box factory found (ho knifo with
which the murdered man's throat had
been cut. An attempt to identify
thin knife as one owned hy Span is
was partially Micccftsful. In locating
tho knifo Sheriff Jones made a ten
strike us it is highly probable that the
knifo will 1m fully identified before
The movements of Iho murdoici'.
mail were easily traced as ho is well
known in Medford having resided in
(he valley for Iho past nix years
On Sunday night ho visited tho pool
hall on Kir Hlrcct and remained thtv
until about 10 o'clock. Mo left alone
and wiih followed in a very few
moments hy Spauos who had given
htm (ho "high sign" to leave the
place. Ho also visited a fruit stand
on Front street and (hero purchased
a watermelon which was later identi
fied as (ho olio found nt tho scene of
tho murder. Tho man in charge of
the fruit stand could not Identify the
men with DediiHkalous at the time.
Ilody In Found
Tho next (ho murdered man
wiih at II o'clock Monday aftoruoon
when George Stoekus, foreman on
tho local Southern Pacific section,
noticing (ho queer antics of his dog
in tho neighborhood of Iho box fac
tory investigated and found (ho body.
It was a horrible sight. Tho doud
man's head had been crushed with
Home heavy implement, probably a
stone, and later his jugular vein had
been severed. His clothes wore torn
from IiIh body In order (hat his
money belt could ho removed, ThN
bell, empty, wiih found near tho fac
tory, Tho murderer or murderers had
killed their victim, stripped tho body
of valuables and thou drugged tho
body under Iho factory.
Two Oroi'kH Suspected
Al first suspicion seemed to point
to two Greeks who were in tho city
from Hilt, Cab, ami who planned to
leavu for Iho old country soon.. La
ter n card from tho Medford h"te!
wiih picked up nnd then miRpphjii
turned toward Miko Spanon who ws
al tho Koeno of tho tragody with tho
offloors. lli movements woro tvnoed
and ho wiih tutor lodged in jail. Itort
CuniniingH, also an employe of (he
Medford hotel wiih placed under ar
lent hut ho proved a complete alibi
and wiih released. Tho lyo G reeks
(Continue ou jmgo 3,)i
Tho nbove photograph hovrii Ihr mixing of tlio roflln containing the Ixxly of Mrs, Kzalm, vrfaouc mysterious
death linn cmnicd the mveittlpitlon of the (Jlliwni caxc. new going on In New York. Hy exhuming the body the exact
entiKU of tier ilruth can tic drtrrmlnel, I'hotographs of conn- of tin most Important characters In the Inrct!gatlon
Hre uIno mIiqwii. 'J'hry nre iScorgc Tlvclinuin, nt whoe )iuc Mn, Szalsr lived: Or. Frll Flschernupr, Austrian Vice
Conxiit. who ordered the InrcstlgiitUiii; ilr. A. A. Kreuii-r, coutisil for the Coniul General, and Mrs. Albert Stern,
KltllPM. :
I'AUIS, Sept. HI A distinguished
appearing youth wiih strolling nloin
tho Champs Klysees. In his automo
bile was (he rosette of the Legion of
Honor. Two policemen npproached,
clanking their swords.
"A beardless youth like you hm
no right to be n chevalier of tho
Legion of Honor," said oe. "It is a
punishable offense (o wear u Legion
of HondV decoration unless you be
long." - ' f
"I'm not n chevalier; I'm higher
than that," replied the youth.
"An officer, inujbo?" sneered the
"Higher than that, too," quoth Iho
"Ah, n commander," observed iho
policeman, contorting his face in an
effort lo multiply his Mtecr.
"I am higher than a communder,"
said the youth blandly.
"Oh, I see," responded the police
man. "You've pit lite grand cross.
This is a little loo much. You coiao
along to the station."
The voulli went. At Hie station
ho handed (he commissary of police
his card, lie was ex-Ki.ig Manuel
of Portugal.
NBW YOUIC, Sopt. 21- Tlio Block
market was Irregular at tho opening
today. Union 1'nelflc, Northorn Pa
cific and Heading wero wcuk. Trnd
Ing wub heavy. United States Stool,
Colorado Fuel and a few specialities
rowo 1 to 2 pnlntR, Anaconda foil
abruptly on rumors connected with
today's dividend meeting. Call monoy
wont to G por cont before noon.
Thu market closed strong.
lloiids woro steady.
LINCOLN, Ncli., Sept. 'Jl.-Wil-linm
J. Mryan's itinerary after his
speech in Sacramento, Cal., tomor
row night, will carry him through
Nevada, Utah, Wyoming, Nebraska
and Kansas, according to announce
ui eat made hero today.
Ou Thursday, according U present
nrrnngoinonls llrynu will speak al
Carson, Nov., (hen ho will go into (ho
western ulates, arriving at Lincoln in
timti to greet Governor Yoodrow Vil
8nn hero Oolober 5. On October 11,
Wilson will bo thu guest of Mryan nt
tho latlor's home.
LANGLKY, Texas, Sept. 21.
Claiming to belong to thu command
of General Pascunl Oroxco, moro
than 1,000 Moxioun rebels today aro
oticamped across tho border from
hero, Americana returning hero af
tor importing onttlo say tho rebels
charged them an export duty in the
iwwno of tho Qrozoo jjQvornmciit.
NEW YOItK, Sept. 'J I.- War ou
Tumiiiaiiy Hall if Charles K. Murphy,
its big boss, does not abandon hi-
procliiimcd inlenlioii to force the re
uoniiiialioii of fjou-rnor John A. Mix
is said to lie the determination nf
Governor Wol ru Wilson, which
will be deeliiredhy the democratic
cnudidnto for'iisiilciit in Albany on
Friday night. M the matter is ad
justed beforomilt time, however,
and Murphy bucks down, there will
be no discussion of the Mtuution.
Governor Wilson will start tomor
row on his New England trip.
Murphy declared today he was not
committed to Jlix, for a re-iiomiu.i-lion
of the taller.
"There is no break." he said, "be
tween Senator O'Gonnnn and 1. The
senator i not n delegate to (ho Syra
cuse convention because he did uo(
indicate he wanted (o go. If he
wishes he may go as a delegate from
my own district."
PIMLAntiLIMIIA, Scpl. 24. -While
en route cast today President Taft
ordered the United States transport
Prulrlo to sail Thursday or Friday
from hero with 750 marines, who
aro to guard tho custom houso at
Santo Domingo during tho revolution
which has broken out there.
KINGSTON, Ont., Sopt. 2 1. Sir
Illchard Cartwrlght, noted Canaduln
publicist, dlod at his homo horo to
day, following n surglcnl oporatlon.
Horn In 135, Sir Ulclmrd dovotod
tho greater part of his llfo to poli
tical service for his country. A
warm friend of tho United States,
ho urged, as minister of trado and
commorco in tho Lnurlor, cabinet,
commercial reciprocity with tho ad
Joining ropuhllc. At Quebec in
1808 and Jignln la Washington In
1808-99, ho represented Canada In
Anglo-American Joint high commis
GAUY, ind , Sopt. 24, A horo
fund was sturtod hero today for Wil
liam Hugh, who has offorod to sacri
fice a log to nuvo .tho Ufa of Miss
Kthal Smith, who wna sorloualy
burned when a Bpurlc.from n motor
cyclo sot flro to hop clothing. Phy
sicians stated thata unless skin was
grafted soon to Miss Smith's logs
alio would dlo.
Doctors J. Ai Oralg and Frank
Smith will decldo today whether to
pormlt Hugh to sacrifice his log.
Everyone calls Hugh a "bravo boy,"
although ho Is 41 years of ago, llq
Insists ho will soil papers as usual,
ovon l( ho should; 8ftg-lfgo n leg.
Dr. Harry Iine, democratic candi
date for United States Senator speaks
at the Xatatorium tomorrow even
ing. Ho will stop at Gold Hill en
route here and be accompanied by
local democrats In automobiles. Ho
will visit tho G. A. R. encampment
at Kaglc Point and tho Pioneers re
union at Jacksonville. Ills Itinerary
Central Point opera houso 2:30 p.
in. Wednesday, Sept. 25, .
Medford Nalatorluni 8 "pP m"
Wednesday, September 25.
Jacksonville, nt Pioneers meeting
2 p. m. Thursday, Sopt. 20.
Ashland, at Chautauqua auditor
lum $ p. m. Thursday, Sept. 26.
Dr. Lane Is no stranger to Jackson
county. His father. General Lane,
wns first governor of Oregon and
commanded tho troops that sup
pressed tho Hoguo river Indian out
break. Ho has numerous relatives
hero and has spent vacations hero for
Dr. I.ano Is not a politician. Ho
was nominated without being a can
dldatc. Ho served two terms as
mayor of Portland, and during his
regime open gambling was finally
suppressed and Sunday closing on-
forced. Ho la a progressiva demo
crat and a good speaker.
MOSTON, Sept. JL Chestor S.
Jordan, sentenced to death for the,
murder four years ago of his wife,
Ilouora, was electrocuted nt the state
pri-;oii hero at 10:'J1 o'clock this
Jordan's wife was known in vaude
ville as Irene Shannon. Her murder
was discovered after Jordan had
slain hor and put tho remains in a
trunk which ho carted around town in
it cab. The driver hceanio suspicious
and reported to the police.
Tho orimo was bolioved to bo tho
result of a quarrel.
HOT SPRINGS. Ark., Sopt. 24,
District Attorney Charles S. Whlt
uian of Now York, with his assist
ants, returned cast today satisfied
that their examination horo of wit
nesses will bo sufficient to bolstor
up tho caso against Police Lieutenant
Charles Ilockor, who Is charged with
murder In connection with tho kill
ing of Gambler Herman llosonthal
In Now York,
SAC1LUIENTO, Sept. 24, Acting
Governor Wallace today appointed
Judge Williapi Connelly of Madora
to preside at the trial of Clarence
Darrow for tho allogod bribing of
Juror Main in the MoNamara case,
Tho trial will open October '21 in
Los Angoles, ww.
Nebrasknn Arouses Wild Enthusiasm
and Trip Is Continuous Ovation
Taft Out of Harmony and Roose
vclt a Belated Reformer.
Wilson Praised for Moral Courage
and Sympathy With People Rare
Ability' as Student of Government.
IIANFORD, Cal., Sept. 21. Start
iug on a lour of the San Joiwptin val
ley which will land him this nfter-
nnou nt Sacramento to address the
delegates to the democratic state
convention, William J. Mryan, cam
paigning in the interest of Woodrow
Wilson, democratic nominee for
president, arrived here at 7 o'clock
thw morning. '
Travelling wiih the commoner are
n dozen California democratic lea
ders, including James I). Phelan aiid
J. "S. Witrdcll, who will have charge
of a big mnss meeting at Dreamland
Hink, San Krancixco. tonight.
Amuse Wild KnthuMn.'oit
Desoitc the carlv hour hundreds
thronged the station here nnd Mrynu
wns driven to an hotel amid an en-
llitiuiniir. ilitiTtsinuf rnlinti. ltivnn.i
speech delivered in (he court house
yard, nroitsrd his auditors to wild
In his hccch Mryan devoted about
the same amount of time to Taft and
Roosevelt, declaring that the former
was out of harmony with (ho pro
cressivo jnovemeut aud that Roose
velt is n belated reformer." Bryna
used George W. Pcrktns as an jllus
"( ration of Roosevelt's plnn for mak
in' the trusts ncrmatieiit.
"His doctrine,'' Mryan said, "is the
most dangerous preached in hun
drcd years."
Praises Woodruvc Wilson
In presenting Woodrow Wilson,
the commoner dwelt upon the moral
courage of the' democratic nominee
nnd his sympathy with the people. He
also expounded on Wilson's rare ab.l
ity as a student of government.
Tho Mryan special train left hero
at 9 a. in., arriving at Fresno an hour
later. In Fresno n forty minute
speech was delivered. Tho party es-
jiects to reach Sacramento at 3
o'clock this afternoon.
Bryan announced that ho ha! ac
cepted an invitation (o speak in Reno,
Nev., on Thursday. His itinerary
calls for speches al San Francisco
tonight, Oakland tomorrow morning
aud Sacramento tomorrow nuiht.
Fresno Cheers Xebraskau
FRESNO, Cal., Sopt. 24. Moro
than 5, P00 cheering men and women
wero assembled lu tho court houso
gquaro horo today when William Jen
nings Itryan arrived from Hanford
and dellvorod a short speech eulogiz
ing Woodrow Wilson and denouncing
Taft and Roosevelt.
"I will speak of Taft tho president
who Is," said Bryan, "of Roosovelt,
tho prcsldont who has been, and of
Woodrow Wilson, tho president who
Is to be."
"Taft. a unlquo flguro In political
llfo, camo Into power four years ago
my a million majority and ho goes
out by unanimous consent.
Eleventh Hour llorormer
"As to Roosovolt ho comes as a re
former at tho olovonth hour, not a
penitent prodigal, not to turn state's
evidence agatnBt former associates,
but with the demand that ho bo
niado prosecuting attorney and placed
(Continued on pago 2.)
LOS ANQELES. Cal.. Sopt. 24.
Southorn California democrats today
aro Jubilant following tho visit of
W, J. Uryan wno opoaou me cam
paign of southorn California for
Woodrow Wilson,
Tho Coinniouor'a mala mooting at
Flest Park was attended by 20,000
people In all about 50.000 porsons
heurd Bryan horo. Local democrats
bollovo that Woodrow Wilson's
strength in Southorn California baa
boon uudor e-tlniated,
Rogue River Canal Company Drops
Effort to Extend System to Irri
gate Entire Valley Until Sixty Per
Cent of Owners Sip Contracts,
Development and Planting of Rogue
lands Continues on Largo Scale
Price of Water Raised.
Tho efforts of the Rogue River
Canal company to extend Its Irriga
tion system to covor the entire valley
with canals have ceased oing to tho
Indifference of land owners who fall
to appreciate the vaule of water, anil
tho company's solicitors called off.
However, tho company will extend Its
system whenever sixty per cent of the
land lying under a proposed exten
sion is signed up. Ail prospect of
new construction work in the near
future is abandoned, though the work
of developing and planting company
land will proceed on a large scale.
At a recent stockholders' meeting,
tho above program was adopted, and
the following resolution passed:
Announcement to Land Owners
Whereas This company has for the
past eighteen months maintained a
corps of solicitors In the; field In an
endeavor to Interest the owners of
land in tho Rogue River valley In Ir-r
rlgatlon; and whereas, after persist
ent efforts It has been demonstrated
that tho land owners of this valley
are indifferent to the advantage of
Irrigation and that it Is Impossible to
sell sufficient -water on any of the
proposed extensions of the company's
system to warrant the construction of
the same. ' "
It Is therefore resolved that all so
licitors be withdrawn and that no
further expenditures be made on the
company's canals other than Is neces
sary to fulfill tho company's contracts
with Its present customers.
Up to Land Owners
It Is further resolved that when
ever In the future the owners of land
lying under any of the company's;
proposed dcxtenalons shall furnish
tho company with contracts for waler
on 60 per cent of the land lying un
der, such extension, that this com
pany will construct such extension
and furnish water on such contracts.
Whereas It will require approxi
mately fifty dollars per aero on 60
per cent of all land under tho pro
posed systems of the coaipauy to pay
tho first cost of coustructing tho
system, and whereas by reason of. In
terest und tax accumulations on the
present Investment or the company
the cost of such systonf Is constant
ly Increasing.
It Is thoroforo resolved that fifty (
dollars per aero Is the minimum prlco
at which water rights can bo sold by
this company and that ou and after
January 1st, 113 said price ho In
creased to flfty-tlvo dollars por acre
until further notice. Additional In
creases in tho price of water to ho
mado from time to tlmo as directed
by tho board of directors of this com-
( Continued on page 2.)
SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, Sept, 21.
An imuiediato strike of tho minora
of tho Nevada Consolidated Miues at
Ely; Nov., in sympathy vith tho atvik
iug miners of tho Utah Copper com
pany at Bingham, Is reported ins be
ing arranged today by President
Chnrjos II. Moyor of. the Wuttim
Federation of Miners who is in that
Thoro wero no ilovelupmout of
noto today hi Bingham, whuro Gov
ernor Spry is still seeking a busU of
settlement between the men and their
employers, Tho only stir in the camp
was tho arrivnl of forty additional
sheriffs' deputies, which followed the
discovery of three boxw of dynamite
cached uoar tho Bingham dapot,
It is reported here today (hat (he
executive board of the. WeMern Fed
eration of Mfuers i prepared to alL
.... imnlOiltula .filllOMut Slfpltrll f Ii ttl LUlll
fill HHumiiniv ifiilini M."T .-.-.i"
ouk the went if strikebreaker Tw
used at BlHjjham, f '