......,,,-., .,-,.,,.,.,..., w-r..w..t.rwfv. t.rrv.l'f. vwr- -t - rr- ..,--,-.. .... . yt r r V r r .,...; -i .17; " i S T fTr-Z . . T !ffTiST . OTDFOTO WATE TRTBTTNK flfET)FORTI OftFION, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2H, 1012. - -. r "." FTOTi! 'mitliiH ,x mammmmmmxem f 1.;.' "MADE IN OREGON" Your own prosperity demands that you give these Oregon firms preference when making purchases. Ask the local dealer or representative for their products 1, If a U.j Qregonfife linn Ito onilro upnrntlnc plant In Orogoii, mnken nil of Itn InvmUnoiiU In Oregon itururltlna only, has an unmatched record of miccwn, l growing greater fltty by day, find ntcoWoa pnifmniico from nil discriminating buyoiH of life' InBiirnncu In OrcKou. Best for Oregonians SaCSft" A I M1LI.H PlIIHUloilt i hamukl General Muiuigor HTurii Mitt twjH Rope and Binder Twine FOUR LEAK red CLOVER ' JlltAND Tfml Murk Mml n IJio Nurtliwmt -r Nnrlhwwl i(iiimiii-i ,V iir iiirc!mtit for our 1111111 ANI I'lNIHill TWIN'S, Ktrry rllrl rrirrrlll III it ill I 'JA ImT fflll to 60 rt irllt III Intxir l-lllilOJr). HlllXirl ili iiiminfiictiifr wtiit Klrm riniiliijtiifiil tit tntiir wtili h. In turn rnniiuura our irmlurtiit nlo krr jruiir iiiuiiry at tiuiiic. PORTLAND CORDAGE CO. racturlr I'nrtUiiJ, Or : Mrattlr, Wttfc. Western Clay Co. Portland, Oregon Manufacturers VITRIFIED SEWER PIPE Portland Furniture Mlfl. Co. 1SI9-G9 Mnentlftm llum, Portlund "QUALITY" OUB SI.O(UX "Oregon Made" MERCHANDISE BOXES FRUIT BOXES TIN TOP BASKETS LUMBER, ETC. Multnomah Lumber & Box Co. PORTLAND, OREGON WIIV DRINK WATER WHEN YOU OAN GET SALEM IICL'UT G. 5. Brand cider Vinegar IN IIAIIIIKI.S AND II0TTI.KS Quullty auporlor to Knatom. or Cal ifornia Vlnoh'nr. "Wo solicit Inquiry direct. AIho sold by wlioloBnlors. GIDEON STOLZ COMPANY 8AL12M, QREaON Is the Only Life Insurance Company Exclusively Oregon CLARENCE 8. HAMUKL AmltUnut Mnuncor THE lrwin-Hodson Co. Printers Lithographers Blank Booh Makers Rubber Stamps and Seals Celluloid Buttons PORTLAND, OREGON "MT. HOOD" SHIRTS and OVERALLS Sole Jobbers of the Thos. Kay Woolen Mills FLEISCHNER, MAYER & CO. PORTLAND, oreoon A9K FOR Albany Chairs and Rockers SEVENTY DESIGNS made IN OREGON" ?. Veal & Son AL1IANY, ORKGON WEINHARD'S Columbia The Beer Without a Peer Thn cholront Ito'i timl ho finest barley mult, brewed Hcluntlflcully In jiiHl tlio right way, urn respon sible for Its absolute purity nml oxcclloiico. Mtill ua your ardors. Henry Welnhard Brewery I'OItTLAM), OltiXJON "TEA GARDEN" SYRUP RICHEST IN RUC1A11 FINKST IN FLAVOR "GOLDEN BRAND" A Corn Syrup Manufactured by. tlio PACIFIC COAST SYRUP CO. PORTLAND. OREGON MULTNOiMAH MOHAIR MILLS PORTLAND, OREGON Mnnufncturors of Illgh-Grado Mohair Linings Alpacas Dress Goods Auk Your Tailor and Dry floods .Merchant for Our Products "MADE IN OREGON" Pacific Face Brick Company 401-2 COMMERCIAL CLUU 11LDQ. PORTLAND Hollow Clay Building Blocks Face Brick Firo Place Brick ,a Specialty Clay Partition Tile Firo Briok Fire Clay ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR HOUSEHOLD REMEDIES AND TOILET ARTICLES 100 QUALITY 100 Bliimauer - Frank Drug Co. DI8TRI11UTORS 3h& COSTSYOU NOTHINGTOTRY OUR GUARANTEE y a frnJI -m44 Um4 'ttMtlMtf rtmgw DWIGHT EDWARDS COMPANY PORTLAND ORBCON MANurAcTniniiB or iiioinoiiadi. MATTRESSES PILLOWS COMFORTERS Woven Wire Springs Wo maoufctur All mfrcliamlUe wo offrr tor tala Pettlt Feather & Bedding Co. rOHTLANI). OltKiJON TIIK CKLKRRATKU IlKItflMANN MllOr, lundo In 1'orlland, Ohkou Cil Tliurmuu Street MADE IN OUKGON CROWN FLOUR Latest Best CROWN MILLS Portland, Oregon Wo design and inako tho colcbrnted &oV AI.KO PIPE ORGANS At our Tortlnnd Knctory, ICtli and ICtU nud rottygrovo Htroctn ' America's Largest JIunIc House EILERS MUSIC HOUSE flcnfritl Offlc Kllcrn nulldtne AMrr Ktrrct nt Srvrntb. rortlani, Ore. KOIITV 8TOIIKH PORTLAND MANUFACTURING COMPANY Mnnufncturors of VENEERED FIR PANELS Excelsior, Coffee. Drums Furniture Slock, Etr Cities, Tlntop Fruit Ilunlu'K lliirret Stock nd Rotary Cut Veneer.s P. Autzou, PioHirtont mid Troasuror ST JOHNS, OREGON Portland Wood Pipe Co. Wood Stave Pipe MADE IN OREGON OF OREGON FIR 11Y AN OREGON COMPANY Twenty - fourth nml York Strcota Portland, Oregon P. O. Uux 71. Portland Elevator Company Mruiufacturora of Passenger and Freight ELEVATORS Dumb Waiters, Etc. Elcotric and Hydraulic Factory EnBt Ninth nml Mill Strcota PORTLAND, OREGON AARSJ & YC H U R NSVX U FLOWER POTS o f V CHICKEN FOUNTAINSOi MLK PANS OREGON CITY WOOLEN MILLS Oregon City, Oregon Our now fnbrlcu, dcslRiied oxclu nlvcly for women's and jnen'n ttjll orlnp, tire rnndc of the bcut grades of wool and warrintci fiat colors. YOl'It T.III.OII CAN 1'L'ltCIIA.SK luni.'CT from tiii: jiill ''Swastika" Brand Macaroni, Needles and all Alimentary Pastes 3Iudc In Oregon 1'ACIFIO COAST lilMCL'IT CO. I'ortlaBd. (lrri;ou LOOK FOR THIS LABEL OREGON CHAIR CO. Line guaranteed by Manufacturer Ash Dealers for This Line CHAIRS All Oak used in Kina&zft line urotas inMorfhcrnT&iMJi uliere winters arc cold which is necessary to highest aosiOUr. fang (!& is branded into the wood of this line and Is & guarantee oflhe Oa:, SuperiorlfVof Qiut lit', Workm.nship and absolute Satisfaction. OrcoonCmair Co. tbvsVv.. WILLAMETTE TENTS AWNINGS, COVERS, ETC. Rose City Aqunpclle Waterproof Appcll South Afrleaa Water Bag Flaa-a of all kinds Window Shades, Etc. Watch for our lubel "It It's made of canvas wo mnkolt" Willamette Tent & Awning Co. Mfga. arid Jobbers Portland "THE "ECONOMY" LEATHER TIRE COVER Mndo from the beat cronio-tanned leather, with oil - tempered Btuds. Absolute uueturo proof. Inaurea aafety over mounta'.u roads. The Economy Leather Tire Cover Co. GOO Williams Avenuo, Portland, Or. J. N. MATSCHEK CANDY CO. ASK FOR MATSCHEK CONFECTIONERY Made in Oregon at Portland, 270 First Street Eo m Picklo m O JJfcj ;, VI H -'i 'l,,'3ti5 waVB f.?$3 i 5i7 UV flaw QUALITY IIKST ritit'i: i:qual. GALL CURE Horse Collars Why not demand (Item from your dealer! W.H.McMonies&Co. FORTLAXI), ORKOOX Schiller Cigar IT7 M. rORTLAXO factory orkoon Call for La Gran Marca The E. Schiller Schiller9 s Union S "MADE IN OREGON" THE BEST Produced here or anywhere RAND Hams Bacon Lard UNION MEAT CO. 1'IONKKIl l'ACKKKH of the PACIFIC Columbia Milling Co. PORTLAND., OREGON "White Mountain" Flour "Morning Glory" WTieat Flakes ARE BEST OF ALL "MADE IN OREGON" ORWOOD Shingle Stains Lice. Killer, Sheep and Cattle Dip Wood PrescrTatho Hunt lleshtlni:, Damn Proof Concrete Paint Bam and Root Paint, House Paint Floor Paint, Varnishes Paints, Oils, Etc Oregon Wood Distilling Co. , Portland, Or. .Works at LInntos PACIFIC LUMBER & MFG. CO. MANUFACTURERS Hardwood Lumber Flooring Portland Oregon AMERICAN INGOT IRON CORRUGATED CULVERTS Manufactured bv Coast Culvert and Flume Co. 240 E. Soventh St., Portland. Ore. Underwriters METAL WINDOWS and Fire Doors Sheet Metal Work and Roofing Portland Sheet Metal Works 42D E. Madison St. Portland, Oregon The Lutke Manufacturing Company Manufacturers of SHOW CASES BANK AND STORE FIXTURES Corner Sixth nml Hoyt Streets PORTLAND, OREGON i&$m PACIFIC STATES FIRE INSURANCE CO. Home Office: Portland, Oregon The Only Oregon Fire Insurance Company CLOTHING Kit OREGON WOOL nch jexr we manufirtnre and irlt nrarli' tn (ImiManil Mm' ami IlojV Hulta from Otegoa cloth, mailc bj tbo tlir hf, woolen mill In nrowtmlllf, Fnl.rn ami F.ujt.ne. Yon can nj the Holt at Trj rriaonablr prlr or anl for eamples to wittier of our atorea. Brownsville Woolen Mill Store Portland Engcne Jfarshfleld r Call For LIBERTY SODAS "Made in Oregon" By the INDEPENDENT CBkCYVB Ct Portland IKAllYILlV VU. Oregon Carman Manufacturing Company Manufacturers of all kinds of FURNITURE Eighteenth and Upsbnr Streets TORTLASD, OREGON Willamette Roll News IS MADE AT OregonCity,Oregon "MADE IN OREGON" Well Drilling Machines Steam or Gasoline Manila and Wire Cables, Pipe and Casing, Drilling and l'lshlng Tools The Star Drilling Machine Co. Works 13th and Clinton, Portland THF RFST LINOTYPE STEREOTYPE SOLDER AND BABBITT METALS ARE MADE BY The Pacific Metal Works PORTLAND, OREGON FRY'S SQUIRREL POISON Prlco 23 Cents Tho kind that kills; has been successfully used for thirty years. Small sjzo for rats and mice, 10a each. DANIEL J. FRY Manufacturing Pharmacist Salem, Oregon Fry's Hcaduclio Tablets will euro; prlco 25c, by mall free of charge, If you cannot get from your dealer. w90!i7ltV ltU Mcv itox-rouxoiis XnE Viwcni-MxwrlttKhWB SAVMILL5lj SlHbkOIINERirJb Asvm-c rvuinveamA JBk .arkrt cwitcutctAtt yftrflar KPfiSl R .MESS CONTAINS NO LYE, ROSIN. ACID OR AMMONIA MINUTE wa'sjno C0MP0BKD A CeNcantrated Camphorated Pracfuet Heal the Ilaeda Will Not Mure Ike Flneat Fabflo ASKYSMMMCOI WKWetlwafflM bm.TUTC i it Mall thU to ut and get free aampU United States Cashier Company PORTLAND. OREOONt Ofltco; 70S Lewis Itulldlng i'actery: KentoU .Mnnnfncturers of Automatic Computing Change-Peaking Recording and Adding Coin-Paying Machines DRINK TRDE FRUIT FLAVOR Sec that Trade Xark Is on Betllo A Pure, DcHeloas, Soft Drink A Sure Thirst Qaell Xade la Oregon PURITAN MFG. CO. SS1-SS3 East Pine Street, Portland "UONITE" STUMPING AND ROCK POWDER MADE IX OREGON BY American Safetj Powder Co 725 Yeoa Banding, Portland, Ore. ANDERSON STEEL FURNACE CO. Warm Air Furnaces Wood or Coal MANUFACTURED, for tke PACIFIC COAST TRADE AT Salem, Oregon 5MP; PIlTd Mul?lL''M'l:MtIt1?l i EPPLEY'S PERFECTION BAKING POWDER MADE OF PLMIE CltKAV OF TARTAR PACKED IN GLASS JARS C.M.Eppley Salem, Oregon yg. 1 wllL.L,S kmk iNSAS 9tma LlfStlL! t,J ..5AUlMj28iW'! y " -WI, TT"-- fattxupoa rM WEG0N :pitalR 'V I i ? i M 7 n ft M 1 n. fi IV i v it w to V M," t, u, v 1& 4)V !i