.At".. ... At..iMii w.i.H.rt,- ... ... t HMf,vM ; tivt.i i i uiUM .t'iaTrrT!tvf,i1V'Vitn?Mrv-viTv pw rvv ,vt nt-nvfs y t . Vf Vfi r p.wiv. - js ,- -tk- ,,mHijmiSffU)i...p,. iit;,yirri.TiO.-''r",J't ' -' --? -- -j . .- - - t MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OKEflCJN, "FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1912" , vfW iwtiW 1 tf tjstt AQE EIGHT Otf MM RUI FOR SENATE DAUGHTER OF SENATOR TO CHRISTEN COLLIER HILLMAN TELLS OF DISCOVERY OF CKK K TH? COMING 1 si AS CRATER LAKE! HH 14 . 1 , PORTLAND, Sept. 'J0.-Vmt.'d States Senator Jonntliiiu Houmc is vet undecided its to whether or not ho will he nil independent candidate to succeed himself next November. Upon arriving in Portland ho declar ed that his action will he determined by the conehiMon ho may reach as to whether Ben Selling, who defeated him in the primaries for the rcpub licnti nomination, was legally select cd. To this was added the further qauli fiention ns to what the friends of the Oregon Hytcni ndvKc him to do. This will aKo enter into his consid eration, he said. "If, as I am informed, Mr. Selling; was nominated by acts in violation of tho corrupt practices act," &aid the senator, "and the friends of the Oregon pybtcm are of the opinion that the. best way to sustnin the law mid rebnko unlawful practices is for lno to become a candidate, why, I Mill bo a candidate." "I admit I was surprised by the result of the primaries," be said. "I went o Washington five years ago, determined to work hard and make good. I have kept every promUo T made to tho people when I was a candidate, and I believed that demon strated efficiency would result in my indorsement. ''I promised to work for election of senators by the people, and I believe I have done ns much as any man in tho United States to brine that about. I pledged myself to the par cels post, and that has been enacted into law. I pledged myself to work for increased appropriations for Oregon, and thoy havo been secured Is Still a RepabUcaa "I thought that through tho news papers and through men who were acquainted with tho work I have done n word would bo dropped here and there, and by molecular motion, so to speak, tho people, would support incl But 1 am informed that only six newspapers in the state support ed me, and I do not blame tho people for what they do not know. f 'One trouble is that the ncwfcpn- pcrs do not furnisn truthlul news about public men. I think that can be remedied by legislation, and if I lie the people of Oregon will have n'n opportunity to vote through the initiative for u measure that will compel the newspapers to furnish reliable news service. It can bo done, and I will work out that idea." "Yes, I nin still a republican; but principle is nnicli greater witn me than party. 1 think this situation i- great, and out of it! will come great good. Some individuals may be elim inated in the process, but that does not matter. The best of nil systems is tho one where each candidate must go before the people, declare his principles and let the people choose." Tells About Parrels Post The senator tulked at length of the parcels post, upon which he has worked so Jong. Ho told of how he laid bis jiluus far in advance, dis armed the criticism of tho postoffice officials by forcing them to piny their cards; how information wn gathered from all over tho globe, and how he finally won because ho dem onstrated with facts and figures that the parcels post will work and will be a money-earner for the government. Hud ho been reelected, Senator Bourne said, he would have started work uK)ii tho complete reorganiza tion of the postoffico department. Ho predicted that jJUUU.UUU a year can bo saved to the government by such work. Then he touched on "buuiirocrntiu coveruuicnt." tiTtift to tiiiiiiwifiinliii iiltk.ftliil!i? i he exclaimed. "This is not u govern ment of law, but a government by rule and regulation. It is all wrong. We huvo nine executive departments, with nine men ouch playing a game of holifuire. , t Says Government Wrong ' ,, "Tho pjesidont is constantly en ouuhing m the legislative branch ot the. government. The, appoints c mav in the distribution of federal jobs hhuuld bo taken nwiiy from the ptusidcut, I intend to introduce) a constitutional amendment to take the np)viitinent of postmasters, uuir shals, district attorneys and so on iiwny from tho president and iniike them elective. I would leave with tho president, of course, tho appoint ment of his cabinet and tho diploma tic service, "Tho government now is ono of de motion and demerit. I would make it one. of promotion and merit. Men in the government servioe should be givwt a chauco to rUe." Favors May Measures .Btumtor Bourne whs asked if he itoHitltr the large number of incur WW Wbaiitted 'tinder th" initiative IX, J. gjPCl ! J LUCY DA" fWARTIM Miss l.jr Day Martin, the flftwn year-old itnughtiT of Unite! Stnte Senator Thomas S. Martin, of .'irginla will christen the new United Stnte collier Protend when thlsvresrl sllle down the ways at XrwpoVt New, Va. on Scptemtxr H. Miss Martin liven lu Charlottesville, Va. E FROM SOUTHERN PACIFIC WASHINGTON, Sept. 20. Sarah Bernhardt, tho celebrated French actress, Is triumphant today In her suit against tho Southern Pacific company for tho refund of 28 ox- ccss baggage charges. During her trip sometime, ago 'from San Francisco tq New Orleans Mme. Bernhardt declared she had been overcharged, but the company denied her claim. She filed a claim with tho Intor-state commerce commission for tho full amount, which was allowed, with interest. COUNTRY CLUB TO . HOLD TOURNAMENT The tennis tournament of tho Mod ford Golf and Country club will be held next Saturday, according to tho plans decided upon yesterday by the management. Tho matches will be gin at 2 o'clock. AH events will bo played and about fifty entries are now listed. There will bo ladles' and men's singles, doubles and mixed matches, and much Interest Is befog manifested. Cntrics for tho matches will be re ceived until Friday, and all desiring to enter arc requested to leave their names with tho steward. There arc some cxcollent players among the members of tho club and hotly con tested matches are expected. WHAT CONGRESSMEN PAID FOR NOMINATIONS WASHINGTON, Sopt. 20. State ments showing tho expenditures of Congressmen seeking nomination pub lished hero today In accordance with tho Tucker law, show that Repre sentative Heald or Delaware heads the list with an expense account of IS.SCO. Nineteen candidates or congress spent more than 11,00 '.each; 33 of tho present monibors of tho houso spent nothing, and ono gave his ex penditures as 50 centB. FEDERAL QUARANTINE ON HAWAIIAN FRUITS WASHINGTON, Sept. 20. Owing to tho menace of tho Mediterranean fruit fly, a quarantine against prac tically all fruits and vegotables from Hawaii was proclaimed by tho do prtmont of agriculture today, effec tive Immediately. This action was duo to the pro test of California growers Booking protection against tho peat. The post. Tho qnarantlno mot with no objection from Hawaiian growers. it menace to the Oregon this year system, "Just tho reverse" he responded. "Tho more measures on tho ballot the better, no matter if u hundred. I reason it this way: The delayed ac tion of nu individual is controlled by selfishness,' He tends and examines a meusuro to bee hbw it will iiffeot his or her interests. Hut thorn are a huge number of individuals, 'and few' of them think alike. So from this delayed uctiou will come considera tion of the measure from tho stand point of the general interest. It will still be u Hellish examination, but the composite judgment will be for the general interest. "Will a large number of measures prevent study by tho votorf If he does not study he will not vote, or will vote no. Usually ho will not vote, because ho will think that the measure may have something in it to benefit bjuj." KLAMATH FALLS. Sept, 20. Cnptnlu O. C. Applesato has received a letter from J. W. Hllimnn of Hope Vlfln, La., tho discoverer of Crater Lake. In which tho writer recalls his trip to tho lako 60 jearn ago, and tho Impression It gno him at that time. Mr. Hllimnn was ono of u party of mineral seekers and was en gaged In business at the tlmo in Jacksonville, Ore., with Alexander Martin Sr now president of tho First National bank of Klamath Falls, to whom ho rotors In his letter as "Jorry." Among other things in his letter ho sas: "1 was very much pleased with jours of July 13, as Jerry had noer mentioned ou In ono of his letters to me, nnd tho postal cards were re minders to mo of das long past, only thoro was no hotol at that point when 1 first saw It. Wlianl Island looks very natural to mo, as every thing connected with tho discovory does. "Thcro Is ono thing connected with tho discovery I havo nevor men tioned In writing, although 1 havo often spoken of It In telling of tho peculiarity of tho lako and others may hayo Imanlned the samo thing that all our party did. Wo rodo past Wltard Island, looking for an outlet to tho lake. I was In the lpad. and althouch tho snow was down to tho water In many places on tho banks, yet opposite tho Island tho land was bare, and just after passing tho Island I thought my mule flinnhml nu thouch his feet hurt. I placed my hand bolow my knee and called to tho boys, telling them wo were near flro. A pcrccptlblo heat was arising from tho surface It might havo boon Imagination on my part, but If so. tho wholo party had tho samo Imagination, for all agreed with me. "1 nevor mentioned the fact .In writing about tho lake, for fear of being called a visionary, and It lookod to visionary that 1 hated to wrlto about It, for I know It muBt havo been thousands of jears since tho lako was formed and tho cooling process should havo been complete by that tlmo. "I also think I was tho first white man to dip water from the head of tho can on on Roguo river. U was on our return trip. I think this Is tho first tlmo I have over written about It, but I have oUen told about It." During the Past Year of Business DepressipnJMc)st of the Banks of Southern Oregon Have Declined in Deposits anl Resources. But the . Medford National Bank In the Same Time Has Distanced All Competitors in Gains, and Added to its Resources 5 ' $170,664.18 . Pl G0MPERS GIVEN UNTIL NOVEMBER TO APPEAL WASHINGTON, Sept. J0. Sam uel Gompcrs, John Mitchell and Frank Morrison of the American Federation of Labor, were given until November 1 today to complete their apcal to the appelate court of the District of Columbia from the sentences imposed by Justice Daniel T. Wright for al leged contempt of court. MARCH OF LIBERTY IS SUFFRAGETTE DEMONSTRATION LONDON, Sept. 20. "A march of liberty," from Loudon to Edinburgh, to take place early in October, is the newest thing in demonstrations planned here today by the militant KiiffniL'elleH. The womn plan to make speeches' along the mute,, soino travelling on horseback and others on foot. It is expected that live vveoks will bo consumed in making the trip. Ske lad CaiiQHptiti, Was lylif ; Naw Well Krkmtn'i Altratlre la Ixloir med with ucti In the treatment of Tulicrcalodi la all part of tbe couutry. I'traont who bare taken It, Improved, gained weight, eibutlnif night aHeata slopped, ferer d). ralnlabed. and many recovered. If you are lotcreated to know more about It, we will put you In touch with aotne who are now well. You ran Inreatleate and judge for yourielf. Head of Mri. UoTert'a recovery. (Jrlffllb. Ind. "Gentlemen: Thlnklnjf that perhaps a abort blatory of the remarkable recovery or my mother In-law (Mrs. Anna Oovert) inlsut benefit aotne other sutferera, I give tbe following testimonial; About September 10, 10Q4, she waa taken alrk with Catarrhal J'iieumonla, and continual lr grew worse, requiring a trained nurse. Night aueata were ho bad that It was netessary lo change her clothing ouco or twice trtrr night; her tough lucronsed and got ao bad that everybody expected that she would not live much longer. In January, when Ilev. Win. llertr. ( Kt. Michael's Church, at Hberevlllc, Ind,. prepared for her deith. he recommended that I get Kckman's Alterative, and ao, U It would not give her some relief I then requested the attending physician to give his diagnosis and he Informed me tbat she bad Consumption aud was be yond all medical aid. When I asked If he thought that It was nucleus to Iry the Alterative, he replied that 'No physMan tould help her any and t could suit my. self about It.' Ho I Immediately Imd Utr. Vfm. Herg to send for a bottle. Practically without hope for recovery, t Insisted that she try tbe Alteretlve. whkli she did. I am glad to siiy thut she soon began to Improve, Now, she works as hard as ever, weighs twenty pound heavier than she ever did before she look sick, and Is In good health, Hbo frankly says she owes her life and health to Kckman'a Alterative," (Kworn Affldavlt) JOK. (HtlMMKIt. Kckuian'H Alterative Is effective In Ilron chills, Asthma, Kay Fever; Throat and ami Lung Trouble, In upbuilding the uvstem. Does not contain nolsniis. onlates or habit-forming drugs. Ask for booklet telling of recoveries, and write to Krkmiui laboratory, Philadelphia, I'm,, for more evL deoce, For )e by all leading druggists Besides SEVERAL HUNDRED New Depositors and Steadfast Friends. The Modest . Home of This Bank is Always the Headquarters Of Those Who Believe ih a Square Deal and Khow Where to Get It. For These Things We Owe You ors v Grateful Thanhs and Faithful Service Willi;m H. Gore. President f fc John S. Orth, Cashier M.tAtiMtt.t.ii VW'WTFWW,W- vv Established 1878 Incorporated 1904 FRUIT D. CROSSLEY & SONS Commission Merchants 201 Franklin Kt., New York Our Hjioclalty APPLES and PEARS Wo havo our own liouacB In ft NKW VOIUC, LIVKRrOOL, LONDON ANIJ OLAHHOW Direct consignments nollcltcd or boo our Itoguo River roprcaontfttlve. CHRIS GOTTLIEB Medford, Orogon bsHbHHbI BBBBV4BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB iB',BBfcsjjjjjj,lfc PviHiaaaBk BasasasasasasasasasV ViBlasiBiiiaaiaB aasassasasasasT aaasastt sasaa. HasasissssssiBaBaBI IT I'AYH TDK I'HOTOUItAI'HKIt TO UHI! AND HANDLH tSeneca Cameras They are unequaled In filmpllclty of operntlon, In durability and In reHultH. Hayo many marked Iniiirovomouta not found on any other Camera, Made on Honor Sold on MeritNot in the Trust Our lino 1 exceptionally comnleto, conBlutlng of many otylot and bIzch, enabling every ono Intorcflted In photography to secure Just tho Camera thoy want. 8HNHCA CAMI5RAB will pleuso your customers, and pay you a good profit. WItlTK TODAY FOIt HANDHOM1SLY HJilWTHATliD CATALOO SENECA CAMERA MFG. CO,, Rochester. N. Y. Largest ludepondont Camera Manufacturers In the World. Nearly a qunrtor of a century undor the samo maimgemont THE Jackson County Bank f Medford Oregon '? It lias succeeded becauso of Soundness of principlo Economy of management Safetyof investment Courteous and liberal treatment CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $175,000.00 W. I. Vawtor .President 0. R. Lindloy, Vico Prca. C. W. McDouald, Cashior ' GET YOUR B 0 X E S I AND CRATES for Peaches and OantaloupM from ROGUE RIVER COMMISSION GO. Msdford, Oregon Pao.5621, Horn 107 Lt r- i r . A T a r & '