a h "I II IT j iBt PXBX ICB tSSHEB mp 5 MEDFORD MXIG TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1012 P ?fW$&imit Awards it the Fair - & tnP itwhrW fott f&, MedforJ, rttj' OriffStt Creek or ( j&Mk ai'tlfe.;!rNxhn; Central JPiate Jonathans Chrfc flnttltet, M&tfon&, 1st; J. E. Woodruff, Med- ihj zna; urorgts Aitnro, Talent, 3rd. Plata KawUtVfitM hotter it flonld, fCeilftml, 1st; ft. B. Itek-, 2hH & F. 1 taint reet; MeJfVrt, 3rd. lJAte,SlKfl B. F. Ilemstrect, Medfonl,, lab Plato TftVjwkawkww lSjitcr & Gould, st. Box AfcTnfash Rtl S. C. (icorRC, Medfonl, 1st; A. N. Wright', pWnix, 3tul. ,Plnto Winter Bulimias- R. II. Pax- xnn, Central Point, 1st; Henry Eter 1.V, Ahhlnnd, 2nd; A. .A. Bernard, Medfonl, :ir. , Plate Delaware lied 0. Y. Teng Wnld, Medfonl, 1st. Plate Hyslop Crab Linnen or chard, Medronl, 1st; A. N. Wright, Phoenix, 2nd; J. A. Westcrlnnd, Medfonl, 3rd. Plate Bennett Seedlings R. H. Paxon, Central Point, 1st; T. Taylor &" Son, Medford, 2nd; Alview or chards 3nt ' f"Laric5$ vSMnd Apjde-rO. Me Keevcr, -Med ford, 1st; J. A. Kclto, Talent, 2nd. 'vPkt Butcbe N- Wrfct, 'Plate SftackdfordA.'tf. Wright, Phoenix. 'Plate,,BllcfleHrs A. N. Wright, PKowix. ifbfo FaH KppmsA. N. Wright, Pk'oesix. ; opiate Goria. Mqndi A. K Wright, Phoenix. Plate Northern Spy A. N. Wright Phoeair. I Plato .Lanvcrr-A. .N Wright, Phoenix. Plate Fall RwatA. .N. Wrigjit, Pwoemx. rPJaJe BIh r Pearmam A. N. Wright, Phoenix, 1st; L, E. Williams, Medford, "2nd Plate Wagnerr-A. N. Wright, Phoenix, 1st; J. A. Kelts, Talent, ''Plate TimhertwiR A. N. Wrifht, PJieenix. "., -. " Plate WhJte Pearman E C Cal heari, PhoeH . VPlkJe Ariahsas" Black O. Me KSwefrjiWIwriL . ' . .' Plate Welthy-A. C. AUenVed fWM. ',.; YeJPkteJispkw-AryWricht EtiWix,' lft ;;Wfe7Brytoj?t.C5t$l s Point, 2nd; R. W. Hitchcock. Knglo Point, 3rd. Plato Kings Wn. Brnytnn, Cen tral Point, 1st; T. Heniroek, Central Point, 2nd. Plato Alexander Win. , Brnyton, Centrnl Point. Plate Rome Netfnlies Win, Rrny ton,, Centrnl Point. Plata Wolf Rivar T. llenriok. Medfonl. Plato BaldwinJ. A. Kelts Tal ent, Plate Winesnps C. M. Parker. Medfonl. Plate Ren Dnvfc W. 11. Wait, Medford, 1st; Potter v Oonld. Med- ford, 2nd; . Yl Mnndinll, Medfonl, 3rd. , Plalo ltn Checks Q. R. Marshall, Mlfurd, lt. B.)x Re,t Clicks G. K. Marshall, Medfrtrd, 1st. Box Maiden Btnsh .1. A. Guratnill, Pears Plate Bosc W. E. Brnyton, Cen tral Point, 1st; B. F. Hemstrect, 2nd; A. C. Allen, 3nl. Plate Rickcl Pears Bear Creek orchanl, l.t; J. L. Demmer, Medfonl, 2nd; B. R. Wood, Medfonl. 3rd. Five Plattf Display II. W. Bing ham, Med ford, 1st; "A. L. Looinfo, Medford, 2nd. Plate f Conle Pears Win. Bray ton, Central Point. Plate Barry Pears W. II. Bing ham. Plate Cornice Pears J. A. Perry, Medford, 1st; J. L. Tracey, Medfonl, 2nd; Potter & Gould, 3nl. i Pint AnjoH Pears Potter & (Ionia, liit; 0. E. Marshall. Medford, 2nd. , i Plate; Winter Nells Pears T. Heimroek, Medford, 1st; 0. E. Mor shall, 2nd; Potter & Gonld, 3nl. . Plate Howell Pears G. E. Mar shall, 1st; Potjer & Gonld, 2nd; O. McKeever, Jrd. Plate Bartlctt Pears A. J. Perry, 1st; Potter & Gonld, 2nd; ft. H. Pax son, Central Point, 3rd. Box d'Anjou Pears Potter & Gonld, 1st; A. L. Loobu-s 2nd. Box Coaiiee A. C. Allen, 1st ; W. B. Barnum, 2nd. ' "Box Bosc W. E. Brayton, Central Point, 1st; W. B. Barnum, 2nd; A. C.iAllen,3rd. Plate Rossncy A. C Allen. Plate Mt. Vernon A. C. AUen. Pfafe.Clangeaus G.E Marbhnil, lst;W 1 Albert, Ceatral Point, 2nd. SCENE FROM "BABY MINE" WHICH COMES TO THE MEDFORD THEATRE, FRIDAY, SEPT. 20. Wm. A. Brady, Ltd. presents (lea tho verdict that "Ha by Mllio" la "Baby Mine,' "Margaret Mayo's dayH 'st alnonl mirth Impelling ot a thousand laughs., at tho Medford , conR,u" luc rw"u jwnorallou ot . . , , . , i theater iMitrona haa evr noun. Moat Theater tonight. ntliiwlaatlc admlrom of tho play. uaoy .Mine- nas to its creau ono wboso onlnlontt nrn PflnIil.,riil thn. solid year's run at Daly' Theater. New York. It has also achieved phenomenal success at Sir Charles Wyndham's Criterion Theater In London, where it continued to please tho masses for 3G0 performances. It Is the radiant and glorious fun and hilarity that obtrudes at overy point throughout the play that holds an audience throughout, the Justl- of experts, emphatically axsert that "Haby Mlno" Is the vory host comedy that has wver been offered. It Is not Incredible that a tlrutcss and continuous run of legitimate en thusiasm occasioned by an earnest and forcible demonstration of realis tic posttibllttes, utterly human, la re sponsible for tht! world-wide approval of this Immense, comedy success. The human Interest In Its touches I Drug Stum and concerns hi I mntinlnd. n'nVvhen ft Is of a character that Invokes tho closo and faithful attention ot a com plete audience, without paiue, Hlrtcl- ly by reason of Its deep tun and laugh-maklng qualities, its universal popularity and tnirccss Is readily ex plained. Tim personality of each principal charactor. as elucidated In the play, reaches tho. "right spot" with every ono In nn audience, which, with the thonut of tho comedy, makes It en tlrly fascinating and uttractlvo at every moment. Seats now on sale at llnaklu'it Mnlngn -D. A, Hounn. Toknyn, A. Bouan. llcrrlca Untphervles (enn) Mrs, .1, T. Miuuniorvlllis ltd; Delia Parker, 2nd. Plate Ktrnwhwrles 0. M. Pnrkcr, 1st? Chris Moore, 2mlj V, M. Centers 3rd. Plata Dcwhorrles C, M. Pnrker. Bliiekherrlos (ean) Delia Pnrker, 'int; Mw. J. T Suinniiivvllli, 2nd. Can' Lognnhei'vleH Mrs. ' Rohort Diilton, 1st, 'Mrs. ,, T. Nnnunnrvllle, 2ml. Nertarhies, Quliuv, Figs QuilieeAt). MoKeever, sl; ,, l Demmer, 2nd; .1,'A, Tnniey, 3rd. Neelnrlni'5 Mrs; N. fl. Tinker. l''ig' W. II. Wntl. SOUTHERN'iOREQON. PIONEER DEAft' AT HOLLAND HOME v J. K. Tycer, one ot the most wldo- ly known and generally respected of tho plnucurn of Boutherti Oregon, died at his homo hear Holland Wednesday morning nt tio ripe old ago of 83 years. The funeral serv ices will ho held at Kerhy, Thursday, at 2; HO p. m. Tho deceased had lived at Holland for fifty years, having taken up thu laud which had been his homo over slnro, half a century ago. t Ho had always boon of tho ruggud, .sturdy typo ot man hood, In tho host of Physical condition tllhtliye, wHJi'lts ravages, matte serious Inroads upon his strength, and for tho past thrc6 months ho has rapidly fallsd, Be sides a wife, lib loaves six children, 3 boys and 3 girls, Kd. Tom -and Will all of whom reside In Holland, and 3 daughters, Mrs. James Whtto And Mrs. Alek Whltu of Ho1lnndand Mrs. Suelo Agio ' of Portland. One brother, O. S. Tycer, and tt sitter, Mrs. T. T. Lewis, also survive him. i . ." i ..-1!"1" ' ".iiiiii!;ii WANT MBIT - ' FOR CLUB ROOMS I .H..I...H., .i. J Iiltlgo Win. Colvlg, president of tli Medfonl Cimuueivlnl eluh him ImhiiuiI ii rt'qutml to i n'xtilhlt'ord nV"tVi Jiieksiiii Counly Knlr niulJ'wrtr hIhw for the viirlniiH exhlhlis lliey have on view lliere iajhe Hue of fruit nini produce. liiHwiMiOM to pliuui Home Dc llm flnwj nf.J xhsi.it hutidiiif 'u iohc exhlhllH in the nn h' rder, that Ihoy niiiv eonllinn? tiiidverl&je .this see tU. 1 ,' m it I desited to Mild, up' the exIllljU of the eluh niiitli vllf grently npprV idle imy finlt or vogi'liihle given. CRATER LAKE GARAGE IN NEW QUARTERS Plate .Buarra, Raster L. .E. Wil- Kafas.'Clst.; T. Heimroek, 2nd; 3. L. Tracey,- 3rd. Pluto Fall Butter R. W. Hitch cock, Eagle Point, 1st; W. II. Gore, 2nd. Plate Flemish Beauties Chester Fitch. Plate Idaho D. A. Bonar. Largest pear J. II. Lynns. Pate Dutche.ss D' Angcliiie G. A. Hover. Box Bnrtletts W. II. Bingham, 1st; G. A. Hover, 2nd; J. II. Lyons, 3rd. l'cacltcs Golden . Cling' E.-Calhoun. 1 . Wlientlaiid II Calhoun. ' MnifcE. Calhoun. r ' ' Orange Cling Wm. Hrayton. Eearly Crawfordt (1. A. Hover, 1st; A. C. Allen,- 2ml. Tuscan Cling iG. A. Hover. Elberta.H 0. A. Hover, 1st; Jos. Taylor, 2nd; E. Cullman, 3nl. I'ruiiCTt and: I 'In i its Hilugnrinns S. C. George. ItnliaiiH R. 0. Beach. - ? i Pelites 0. McKeever, l.xt Arthur I less, ami. Yellow Ejr-A. N. Wright, Iht; Mrs. E.- A. Welhh?2rril. ,Snluma Mrs. E. j.. Weigh. ' - ?ii7Ut'f-v'f; - ! Enlih Wnliiu'3iH.r;-r,.flrtr... t ; G. A. Mow, Talent, 2nd. Alinoudrt W. II. (lore. Black Walnuts C. M. Parker, piestnuts A. M. Wright, Phoenix. Cherries Biu (can) Mr. .1. T. Sumnier ville, 1st; Mn. W. II. Gore, 2nd. Roynl Anne (win) Delia Pnrker, ld; Mrs. J. T. Suinmen-ille, 2nd. .'rlK's t'onconlH J, A. WeMcrluud, 1st; I. A. Anderson, 2nd. Display on vine J. T Xoouau. DHphty-'ili bkels 1. A. Bonnii. Displny on plates I). A. Bounn. FRITZI SCHEFF TO SUE HUSBAND FOR DIVORCE NEW YORK. SepL 20. That Frilxi Sohcff, the linht opera star, will sue her huhiiud, John Fox, jun ior, the noted author, for divorce, vn n'jiorted hor todny. MUs Scheff when Keen would make no .ifalcnicnt, and her lutshnnd could not he located. StHMS fr Queen Schmidt, tho shoo man, has an nounccd that ho will rIw th bet pair of shoes la bUnew tiott on north Central aveniio to the Queen of the carnival, Mls ilelesi buhl Kdlth Unions Is. reported to bo sIurIuk In raifutvlllS. ' v The Crater Lnkct Giiriiuo Is moving Into new quart era on llnrllott alreet in the Kmeriek huthliu, ndjoluiiig ' llm Ptlelfie Hlithwu jjarnxe. J, Neff has Miveredils Uimle.ltiotwilh t the hunlness, which will lin eopiluoteil hy IiIm fonner nKslsant. Wnt. jVoijjfu'f ii truster for mVililors. P. fi. Hleeiislhip who k ntfeiit fil'r creditor, Males thht the Pm'lfl Mil; tor Supply company hurt no affilia tion or eoiineetiiMi with tho jturnpe, (t.iul that he wiik elioseu ueitl hy llm . credit on simply lifcnuc he war the InrKost local creditor, and that uoVio of the creditor nMs'iime auy of tht? linliilitics, due or that may Ui in curred. NOTin; TO ntKIIITOHH. Whorcns the Crater Lake Oarago Is now operated by nut under a deed of trust, dated AiiKUit S. 1913, and whereas said deed stipulates that all future purchases shall ho nmdo for cash only, notfeu U hereby Klvon that I will not io respotiAlbto for any debts contracted since August &.It12, and all (huso having claims axalngt said Crater Iak Oarage iiontractod prior , to said date am rcueted to present certified Ntqtemuiit of such clalihs- .. within thirty days. In order that they , may participate In any dividends that , may bo paid In tbo future. i,;.' ' yil.MAM YOyNO, , s . . v.i w. Tr.iuUi0.jf j. Medford, OreifonM8pt. 1S(j. t,9 J2; t SBSSSSSSSSTSSBSSgSSSBSSSBSS:. ill .,.,-.. ii ., -. , . , , I i FAIR i ,"' ..tl jt 7ti.? ' ii . ' W f ' X' v ss . jji T . " -; ' X X '"'') ' y i , i. A C-rr-v $&4Hfriiy&irtrtX fciZKK"tKi"lKtKttl t t.4 . 4 4t !t C' JACKSON COUNTY AND PEAR SHOW SATURDAY'S PROGRAM t Last Day to See the Big Races! i- X X 'ni'. v !4 i ,. i ' X ' 's" 'if' " iT' ' v ' x t . 4 sj t VW 'A t A , ' . -c '. .. -. r v lA -( iT . " i ,- ? it . !i ' ' - i j conw( ana ' conduced ! t . i FIrit Race 2:15 Trotting Race for Purse of $400 1. KENNETH MAC, OWNED AND DRIVEN BY J. C. WALLACE, SAN DIEGO, CAL. 2. DOLLY M'KLNNEY, OWNED BY J. M. MURRAY, EUGENE, DRIVEN BY JOHN KIRKLAND. 3. 8T. MICHAEL, OWNED AND DRIVEN BY C. F. WILSON, FOREST GROVE, ORE. 4. LADY SUNRISE, OWNED BY HI H0G0B00M, WOODLAND, CAL., DRIVER, MR. COXE. These horses are evenly matched, all have records below 2:20 and the track record for trotters will be broken. Race No. 22:25 Trot or Pace, Half Mile Heats, 3 in 5, Purse $200 1. DAVID HARUM, .OWNED AND DRIVEN BY DR. J. L. HELMS, MEDFORD. .; 2. BELLE SMITH, OWNED AND DRIVEN BY H. G. COXE, M'MINNVILLE, ORE. 3. ALBIA, OWNED BY HI HOGOBOOM, WOODLAND, CAL. 4. HALMONT J.t OWNED BY R. H. TOFT, MEDFORD, DRIVEN BY GEO. BRIMER. I- .-H .. r Hi ''(. ' I I'm1 Ii. 1 ft i !.' H ,. K ii. . '. I j ' ' 4t Vi " M fw . 'U f". ,f fc .. thAty I '.ji 'iJ'Wft.jLi Ho, v I I i' ) " .1 H ' i(irl?'i' ) I.. rti..i li . ,. DAVID HARUM HAS NOT BEEN DEFEATED AS YET and it is with great reluctance that Dr; Helms witers - " ..-.! ' t;. . Mr , Dave in this race against three fast pacers, but he wishedthe public to see a real horse race so will start him. ' , i H ,,,, ( f - - '. . i ' ' '.-.p.yijA "' ' ' - . ' "'w tf-. i' I?MI ' if '?..,, 1 i . . ' ft'h ' ' ' ' .r'l it !, , .v ' i i'ivi'i v '. "; ' i "(!.' in'iit i? .( btiU v"ft Race No. 3 Running Race for 2-year-old Fillies, Purse $50. Race No. 4?-Medford Derby, One Mile Running Rase Purse $100. N. B. THE MANAGEMENT HAS DECLARED OFF THE AUTOMOBILE RACE SET FOR THIS DAYjOWING TO LACK OF ENTRIES sufficient to insure a real . contest and believing the public will b& satisfied with the very high class program offered above we cordially invite all who believe in hones horse racing wjth no bettingVor 7 ' ' 6$eM UriguMge permitted to come out, patronize these races and encourage the men who are making an effortUo encouragethe greatest spbrti'in tke world when honestly, , ., c6nducted coriliests between the noble horses when driven for blood and fame of winning.4 '."'... '3 , ' ' . ' . ! S . . . ' : i 1 W. tt. CANON, President A. K. WARE, Secretary ZA iij.tftMM,,-fvVt'-.i-vV'VMtyi.j.t.rt 4ft i 'I BFYtWZrmTmrm'Tmik i TT i Jir.1l.fl