wmmm I i I I0CAL AND L PERSONAL Mm. .). M AIIiiii of Honttlu ami her mother, Mm. K, Hlono or OhloaRu tint vlitltliiK their cousin, Mrs, Mnnj-.ln Kvhim, Mm. Iiosn 'I. linkup look (lint irl nn best pastry uouk In Jackson comity. HIid nlwnyn uses (;iivtlitrnl llnklnt; I'owtlnr ami purcluisos the 0 io ii ml alio rioin her urocnr for $ I. lift. Now It Urn proper tltun to have tint I'anlorlum elenn ami repair your win lor clothe. (let It ut llaVnn'H, John Arin'll loaves thin ovenlm; for Hoaltlo ami eastern points In the In terest of some limit ami tlmhttr llouls In this locality, Dr. Rlrkitrl, oyoslKht specialist, ovir Kontner's, Jiu'hionvlllo was well represented on Medford tiny. Din It. R.vV. It. It. Co, hniilliiK several carloads from tin county no.li to tho fair am) parade. An oven leanpoonrul of Cleveland HnklnK Powder will do iih much, or more, than n liitupliiK lonspoonfiil of other powders, Ask your urocor for a 3 pou ml ran; which rout only It. Leslie Child U vUltliut In Mudfonl. Ho U In the employ of thn H, I. Co. near ICiikoiio, Mudfonl Cotmovntory of Music and l.ttiiKUHKcs, Collogu nidK. Tim only iniitto school In Ho. Oregon with n full corps of teachers. Knnd for Catalan. aor'i V. Nenlo, llm Central Point auctioneer, spent Tlmmday In Med ford. H. A. Newell, ladles' tailor. 4th floor M. K. & II. bid. Reuben Robinson mid his fnnilly, Mm. U. Ulrlch mid Mm, Kiln Cook, Mm. and Mlrs Htoiit of Jacksonville went Medford visitors olio day this week. To fAlr KroiimU, ST, renin from Hotel Nash. Take brown can. Hall mid Meyers Taxi Co. 1M H, JohuKon, who formerly con ducted n rostuurnnt In Med ford, was In our city Thurudiiy. Hu Is doltiK husluess at ItoKUo River. Oarland (oven mid ranees, lubrl cntltiR oils., I. W. Shsplelith llurd warn. No. 2;R, South Central. Krud Cotvlc county recorder and his wife wont ovor from Jacksonville durliiK thn week. Oak and hardwood M.GO nd f 5,00 per cord, Oold Kay Realty Co., Sixth am! Fir. Louis and V, 0. Knlpps, who live southwest of Medford, wont here Thursday, ccompnnod by tholr father. Mm. IIi'ihi T. linker took flmt prlxe as' bot pary cook In Jacknon roun ty. Sho alwnyH uve Cleveland llak lop Powder and purchano tho 6 pound vltn from hor Krocor for $1,Cj, llrntoii llowurn. h. U. Mitllt mid i:. T. Staplns witro mnonR thoiio down from Ashland Thursday. Diamond Edtfn tools and cutlery, picking bnskotn mid laddorn. K. W. SbaplelKb Hardwuro. 28 South Central, .Win. B. Davidson, wo owns n placo npar Hoattlo, Is In M ml ford ar.aln. Dr.' Hlckort. oyi-slishl specialist, ovor Kontmir'H. Mr. llowon, II. O. Do mid Kmll llrltt'of Jnckionvlllo npont n fw houm In Medford Thursday .Kodak flnlshlDK, tho best at Wes ton's, opposite book storo. Mr. und Mm. Carl Narrojian of BokIo Point wore, ninoiiK t'lr MeiN ford friends niursday. Oak and hardwood U RO and ICOO IMr cord. Oold Hay Hcalty Co., Sixth and Kir. Mr. and Mm. V. K. Prlco, who nro now locatod noar Albany, aro visiting tholr former homo In thl valley. Boo R. A. Holmes, Tho Insurance Mao, ovor Jackson County Hank. K. H. Miller, manner of tho Hokum Hlvor Valley Fruit & Produce nsso clutlon, who was stricken with an uciitu attack of Indication while In a barber's chulr. Is much Improved. K, 1). Weston, commercial photog raphorn, uoKiitlvos mudo any tlmo ot place by uppolntumut I'hnnn M. 1471 Tho bit? rock chulo and tramwuy which have boon mnlntnlned at Bight uud Fir Htroets for n long tlmo and used by Twohy Jlros., nro boliiK dis mantled, 'Soda- Fountain nt DoVoo'b. ,A. A. Davis has returned from u ImihIiiohh trip to Han FrmicUco, Heu tho'litiiiutlful now twitches at tho Denuty Shop, 160 CUio W. Howard, a member of tho IIlK Hcnd MIIIInK Co., und u pioneer roblftout of Mudford, was utrlclcon with apoplexy nt IiIh resldenco In Aluinvtltt'couuty, Col., mid Is In cfl'tlctt) condition. Catkin & Taylor (John II. Carkln, Qlenn O. Taylor), attprnoyii-at-lttw, over JmoHbou County Dank Dulldlng. Medford. WeeKs&McGowanCo. UNDEUTAKERS nay Vsoat M71 ',7 A, S. Orr tM ' tJMt sNIKAVt i .1. K, Bnynrt the Trail unuiKor, In Npoiidliut thu week In Medford. Paiillni) Horry, who Is upprurlnK on the Bmpri'ss vmidovllln circuit In n musical ukutoh with hor liiiHhiind, In the daughter of P. II. Donahue, a well known character of Jackson county In early days. Him was raised III Ashland, where she Jollied the Hoiiton Opern company an an under study. Hur father renldes In Kan Franclscii, Hcnd your rum to the Pautorliim Io ho cleaned and rellned, (Jul Mrs, Itvynolds home made bread at DiiVoo'a, Quito a delegation from Omuls Pass, Central Point, Bugle Point and other Iowiih In the valley aro attend. Ing the fair 'and races and are well ptenM'd with them. Ilnla cleaned nud blocked Pantor Inm. Ladles, try one of the famous shampoos at the llmiuty Hhop. 100 C, Cary, Mrs. I, Heames nud her daughter, I. A. Hose, mid I.. Col ver spent Thursday In Medford. Oysters, wo know how to servo them any style, Hotel Medford. " The wearer of "Htyle Craft" Just ly feels proud. Moralise she Is dressed neither gaudy nor loud. At AhroiiH, V. II. Pace, superintendent of the county poor farm, was a recent vis itor In Medford, Vetch seed and winter oats for sale. J, C, Schmidt. ir "Stylo Cra,ft" Jumps further In favor each season, (localise they are so carefully made-that's tho reason. At Ahrens. Mr. and Mrs. O. Stephenson, who are now locatod at Orovllle, Onl., aru on a visit In Medford, An even teaspoonful of Cleveland Uniting Powder will do ns much, or more, than a heaping tenspoonful of other powders. Ask your grocr for a 3 pound can: which costs only ?1. Hoger Hennott leaves this evening for Portland where ho will meet Mrs, Uenuetl who Is returning from an ex tended eastern visit. Mr. Hennett has been doing arduous duty as ns sltant secretary of the Jackson Coun ty Fair & Pear Hhow. Heforo you start wearing heavy shoos havo your feet flxod ot tho Heauty Shop. i&C Those world famous "Style Crafts" novel and new, aro what wo take pleasure In selllug to you. Ahreus. What makes Cleveland Halting powder tell? Quality and price. .1 pound cans, $1.00; Ii pound, l.r,. Ask for tho cans with tho screw top and utclal handle under regular cot or. Aro useful when empty. Oysters, Oysters. Oysters, direct from tho Oyster beds at Hotel Med ford. Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Torrance of Ashland spent Friday with Med ford friends. No ortlor too small, or too largo for us to call for and dollvor. Bhortv Uarber. tho well known local tonsorlul artist, Is playing In hnnl luck. No sooner had ho re covered from a badly Injured hand, and returned to work than ho broko nn arm. Tho accident hoppeuod Thursday afternoon when ho foil from an autdinabllo while attempting to alight. AIL work Is Buaruntood nt Doauty Shop. John U. Darryson of Bugono Ih In Medford on u short business trip. Tho Pantorlum Is thoroughly equipped for making alteratloiiH of your suits for fall woar. Mr. and Mrs. 8. W. -Andrews of San Francisco aro In Medford ou a short business trip, Tho Catholic ladles will servo chicken dinner Saturday In DoUol building. 35 contH, H;30 to 2 o'clock. l&r HINDU FREE LOVER RESIGNS FROM STANFORD STANFORD UNIVBHS'TY, Cal., Sept. 20. Dr. Har Hnyal, Hindu nro fessor, who recently occupied tho limelight by his publicly approving tho freo lovo marrlago contract of Curleton Wiwhburnu mid llolulso Chmidlor, has resigned from tho uni versity faculty of Stanford, ucrordlng to announcement hero today, Forilney to Hoost Tuft TACOMA, Sopt. 10. Tho Hrst gun In tho Tuft cumpalgn In Washington will bo fired next Monday night nt Aberdeen by Congressman Forduey of Michigan. This announcement woh inndo tonight by Republican Htnto Chairman W. A, Rnpp ut ono of a HorUm of mootlngM uttondod by tho state couimtltooiuon, Fishing Schooner Lost at Hvn 8BATTLB, Wnsh., Sopt. 19. Tho llfosavlng utonmer SnohouiUh nud niURters of vessel In tho coastwise trade havo boon aHkod to nld In tho March for tho thlrty-throo foot gasp lino fishing launch Seagull, which loft fw.orx for Soattlo und has not boon hoard of slnco, Tho Seagull should havo arrlvod horo Sunday, It Is fearod sho woh caught In honvy wlndu off tho coast and blown to sou, too latFto clawifv" WANTED To buy team of horsea for orchard work. Addroaa llox JO, caro Mull Tribune, 157 MEDFOTtfl MATTi TRIBUNE, Tho IMMy Hint foni I'nrU. I r r rfnbroltWftil nhllt llnrn U Hurt rt twlrr In W frock It U utt ttft io rft tuiin, Httlt inatctilnK "ri ASHLAND APPROPRIATES MONEY FOR ARMORY A8HI.AND, Ore., Sept. 20. -Tho Asiiigtid city council tins appropriated fSOOO tho city proportion of tho ftiOUO needed In excess of previous iippioprltillons for the proposed Ash- laud armory. A telogran was re ceived from Adjutant dcuoral Fin cer, stating that tho contract would bo let uud work ou the armory com menced Immediately upon rcculpt of a telegram of appropriation. This will make the entire cost of tho armory and site about $3G,000. It will be locatod nt the corner of Oak and U. street, within two blocks of the plaza and In tho heart of the city. BUILDING SAN PEDRO ROAD BY PUBLIC SUBSCRIPTION I.OS ANQBLBS. Cal., Sopt. 20. An organized effort Is on today to build the San Pcrod-Los Angeles rail road by public subscription. Harbor Commissioner Hcrbt M. Gordon and other public officials evolved, follow ing tho formal breaking of ground yesterday by Mayor George Alexan der. The business men of Los Ange les nro being organized, mid taking Mibscrlptlou or $1,000, to at once bo gin construction of tho clty-to-sea municipal lino. SHINGLE WEAVERS QUIT IN MILLS AT BALLARD SBATTLB, Wnsh., Sept. 20. Nino shlnglo mills In Hallard nro shut down today fol lowing n walk-out by 160 weavers who demanded mi In crease of ono cent jier one thousand shingles.. As a result 400 men nro. now out of work. Tho mill-owners declnro that they will not yield to thu Increase demanded Thu strik ers havo been getting eight cents, but declare that tho Hallarl mills aro not equipped with modern facilities and are therefore untitled to tho Increase. A HAPPY CHILD IN A FEW HOURS When lYws, Sick, Kmorlsli, Tongue ContiMl or IlllloiiN Give Delicious "Syrup of Figs." Mother look ut tho tongue, see If Is coated. If your child Is listless, drooping. Isn't sleeping well, Ib rest lees, doesn't eat heartily or Is cross, Irritable, out of sourts with every body, stomach sour, feverish, breath bad; has stomach ncho, diarrhoea. soro throat, or Is full of cold, It moAiia the little ones' stomach, liver and 30 fuel of bowels nro filled with poisons mid clogged up waste nud uoed n gontlu, thorough cleansing at once. Give a teaspoonful ot Syrup of Figs, and In a fow hours, tho foul, de caying constlpnted mutter, undigested food mid sour bile will gentlf move on mid out of Its llttlq bowolH with out nausea, griping or weakness, und you will surely havo n woll and smil ing child shortly. With Syrup of Flga you 'nro not drugging your children, being com posed entirely of IuscIouh tigs, aounn mid nromattca It cannot bo harmful, besides 'thoy dearly lovo Its dollcloits" taste, MqthorH should nlways hoop Sycup or Figs, handy. It is tho only stom ach, llvor mid bowel ctoansor and regulator needed a llttlo glvou to day y! snvo a slok child tomorrow, Full directions fqr children of nil iigoa and for grown-ups plainly prlnttid on tho paclcago. Ask your druggist for tho full name, "Syrup of Figs mid Btlxlr of Sounn," propped by tho California Fig Syrup Co. This Is tho dollolous tasting gonulno old rollablo, RofuBo nnyUiltig oUo offered, BBVtf Jl'l 'IbIbBH JbbKJbE ?lt i i . H BPbUbT VL. tsi" -W- BBBLI m MT5DF0RTX OREGON, FRTB7CY, ST3PTBM"BER 20. '1912 RITCHIE WANTS HAN FRANCISCO, Cal, Kept. 20. - "Whether my man moots Champion Ad Wolgust t Taft or not, I am go ing to get him In the ring with Ritchie If I havo to camp on the champion's trail tho rl of my llf'," This wuh fh declaration hero this afternoon of Hilly Volau, manager of Willie Ritchie, the Han Franclsco Hghtwelght, In turning down an offer of $,000 for Illtrhlq to meet Wolgttst nt Tuft, Cal., on Thaiiki-glvlng Dny. "Rltcbla must have half us much nB WolgaHt'Keta," said Nolan, "or thorn will bo no fight. If Wolgnst Is glvou $20,000, thou Ritchie must gut $10,000. Ritchie run rnulte more than $3,000 for a in round fight In the oust. "Wolgast may owapo a heating by tho Taft portnoltcrs not ottering us more monoy this time. Hut wo will get him sooner or later, and when wo do, Mr, Wolgast had hotter kiss his title good bye before ho enters the ring." BRYAN REPEATS CHARGE AGAINST TEDDY'S REGIME HO.BMAN, Mont , Sept. 20. Wll llnm J, Bryan here today repeated bin chnrgo that tho "Intcresta controlled the whlto house during Roosevelt's term as president " Ho speaks at Hutte tonight and will go Into Idaho tomorrow. FARM EXHIBIT AT ASHLAND Four gala days In Ashland. Sept. 25th, 28th Inclusive, the occasion be ing tno Cth annual exhibition of the First Souihorn Oregou District Agri cultural Society. This will be held in tho big new Natatorlum, affording ample space for the many attractions, embracing products of farm, orchard, garden, poultry 'rd, dairy, domes tic sclenco, fancy work, art displays, etc. Reducod fares on railways. Ad mission to pavilion, 2Ti cents each day; evening attractions extra. A special feature will be tho children's Industrial contest. Premium lists are to be had of the various school sup erintendents and Jjirlticlpals through out tho county, br address Ashland Commercial Club. TROUT FLIES BACKUS &MONNIS AND DIAMOND BRAND $1.00 Doz. The Norleigh Diamond Wateitite M Goat coat wili style and class and the mo t prncticnl hunt ing coat ever designed. Is absolutely v.Ucr-Ught, yet light and flexible. A cont made to T.t a hunter and very liberal in cut. j bound vhli lf-athsr, lias leather covered tho liters; f ; ojtio cut in poikcts, on ou tpoehet und bus tull (,'amt , m through out the enllro cn.it. do corduroy collar tits pcrtecily und when turned up fastens with storm strap, Tho button holes aro all worked with silk, sllk-BtllchcJ staya at tho drain ing pointi. Taa ventilated tinder arm gussets u.id ndfusl&bta cuffs. Tho water proofing is by a new process that If really watcr-titht. " you want a coat that hor MU3S, style, and yet roons (ui ly i'eusot,,il,U"lnp " 1"" ,le tlM $1.50 Up Thot out.by F. W. Shapleigh Hardware 28 South Central BIG PERCENTAGE S (UK V ' 3' m i REVOLVER CLUE TO BARRS MURDERER PORTLAND, Ore , Sepl 20 Tho first progress toward tracing thn murderer or Hurry (1 Hurr, chauf feur who wriH killed nenr hero early Tuesday morning, was made today when fjcorgo Rnrr, brother of tho dond man and Defective Hwennoss found thn rovoiver with which It Is hollovcd Ilarr was murdered about n qimlor of a nillo from tho spot whore the body wuh found. 11 was n .38 calibre revolver, Tho weapon wau found between where the body wan picked up and tho roadhoiiHu to which ho had taken two men and n woman Monday night. The revolver was numbered so It is believed tho murderer will be traced Rlood stulns were on tho gun. MB I'VE TRIED Wm I'VE TRIED THEM ALL And I want to tell you this one thing about the average stocking they are ruined in the dyeing. They may be a nice, pretty "fast black," but it's service that counts. ' But I've found an ideal it's A rmor m That's the one hosiery and all because it is dyed by a process that doesn't weaken or injure the yarn. ' Ladies' ITose 25, 35 50 to 1.50. -22ZZZE2ZE2 S.S.S. Bad blood Is rcsponslblq for most of our ailmonts, and when from any causo it bccomo3 Infected with impurities, humors or poisons, trouble In soma form Is sure to follow. Muddy, sallow complexions, eruptions, pimples, etc., show that tho blood Is infected with unhealthy humors which, have changed it from a pure, fresh stream, to a sour, acrid fluid, which forces out Its impuritiys through the pores and glands of the skin. A very common evl denco of bad blood is sores and ulcers, which break out on tho Uesh, often from a very Insignificant bruise, or oven scratch or abrasion. If the blood was healthy tho place would heal at onco; but being infected with impurities whloh nro discharged Into tho wound, irritation and inflammation are set up, tho fibres and tissues are brokon, and tho soro continues until the blood Is purified of the cause. S. S. S. Is Naturo'3 blood-purifier and tonic, made entirely from roots, herbs nnd barks. It goes down into tho circula tion and removes every particle of impurity, humor or poison, restores lost vitality, nnd steadily tones up tho entire system. S. 8. S. neutralizes any excess of acid in tho blood, making it pure, fresh and healthy, and perma nently cures Eczema, Acne, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Bolls, and all other skin eruption or disease. Book on tho blood nud any medical advice free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLAHTA. GA. MEDFORD Friday, TItlUMI'lIAN'T WIMilAM A. 1JUADV, Ltd. Presents Tho Funnloht Piny la the Kuglh.lt Iittiiguago BABY MINE lly Margaret Mayo "Utiby Mluo" Ik n Joyous bundle of hearty fun, not to bo missed, If you know whnt'a good for yon. A year In New York, olght montliB in Chicago, noarly two years In London, la but a brief record ot tho comedy's run In larger cities ritlGKS JfOe, 75c, $1.00, $1.80. SKATS SALK opens Tuesday, Sept. 17, ut llaskiu's Drug Store. CAMPA IN POSSESSION OF CARBOCIA. S0N0RA mVOLAH, Ariz., Kepi. liO.-Oen-enil Ciimpii, wlio, according to Mex ican federal nilviecH wn defenled nt Altar, xtiite of HrJnorn. in lodny in ikmihohhioii of Cnrliocia, ninny mile Houtli, ('uiri)ia nfiponrod ut Cnrliocia iino.Tin'clcilly during tlie night und looted tin- (own nl'tor n xlilit ro.Hiit niu'e by the roiidontH, The insiirrooto force, wined wnH driven from Alt.tr with lovon liillod nml foity wounded, ih now reported t have boon nn in dopomlont "nnny" of Vnqul Inilifltix and brigand, N'ollro of Hale or Hrldgo Itonds. The city council ot the City of Medford, Oregon, will recolvo sealed proposals for tho purchase of 120.000 flvo (5) per cent, twenty (20) year, Ilrldgo Honda for not less than par and accrued Interest, at Its regular moetng to bo held October 1st, 1312. All bids must be accompanied by Plati I've found trives service PURIFIES BAD BLOOD THEATRE Sept. 20. 11UTUHX i.1 ,.,," i1 '."j.jsajima.iHJ.'Jsl ii certified chuck eipial to flv6(r) Hr cent of the amount hid for, Mid ehk to bo made payable to the City Treas urer of the City of Medford, Oregon nnd to bo forfeited to said CUyln case said bid Is accepted and iald bonds aro not purchased in accord ance with said proposition within twenty (20) days after the notice of said acceptance. All bids to bo filed with the City Recorder at any time before five o'clock p. m., September 27, 1913. Tho Council reserves tho right to re ject any and nil bids. ELMBRT. FOS8, City Recorder. Dated at Medford, Oregon, this tth day of September, 1912. Oh! You Beautiful Lots "When you hear those trains "whistling" for Crescent City yoii will be sorry yu didn't take a chance on this "dirt." The best tiling on earth is "earth," especially when you can buy it so cheap. "When looking at these lots notice the' big tree said to be the highest tree in, the city lots of -shade. It is rumored by old timers ,here that many years, ago train robbers buried a box ot; gold deep under this tree. I haven't bad time to 3g for the $20.00 gold pieces as I have been so busy lately sell ing real estate. Sold 10 lots in last 30 days, and now closing out the last two. - 7 - These Ms are; deep, 50x140 feet 'iEast Front" sidc walks all in and paid for. Eacing four new houses on Rose avenue. "We are moving east in Octo ber and will sell these 2 lots cheap. .We stand to lose $750 on 2 lots in 12 months. I guess that's going some. The Lord Loves a Cheerful Loser i Inquire B. E. GATES Owner 23 Rose Avenue . . - ' ' n -I 1 j t t PLUMBINQ Steam and Hot Wattr Htattog All Work UhMrtMtM OOFF1XM PRICI ' "ii s A i "5 J3i T1 1 i 1 I l ' ' - I -VI a .4 i t?s M r ! .3biSI 2I r'l 1 5 il ; t r, w t