Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 20, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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;f!TOl SUU1I
1 '
' A
..Tha Democratic Tlmrs, Tho Mctlford
jwaii. -j-n MPiuom Trinuno, tho bouiii
rn Orcgonlan, Tho Ashland .Tribune.
.. OMea Mall Tribune nulMlntr, SG-S7-S9
North' Kir street; phono, Main 3021;
Homa 76.
OIXJKOR PUTNAM, Kdltor nnd Manager
rBntrd ns second -alnss matter At
Med ford, Oregon, ruler tho net of
March 3, 1879,
Official rawr of the City of Medford.
Official Paper of Jackson County.
One year, by malK..,.,,.,,,.....fS,00
Ono month, by mall.,... SO
Per month, delivered by carrier In
Medford, Jacksonville and Cen
tral Point. .Co
Saturday only, by mall, per year.. 5.n
weekly, per year 1.60
swtmx cutrvt.iTin.v.
Dally avcragr or eleven months end
Ins November 30, 1911. :?5l.
I.en-nl Wlrr VnM-d Prr--mapntchrn.
Perry News Stand, San Francisco.
Portland Hotel News Stand. Portl
Howman Newt Co., Portland. Ore.
w. o. Whitney. Seattle, wain,
' cqnstrucUon,
821. ! VYefc '
OrteV-V V-.--1 . 1.
0-.9. -V UiuU , - it
JACKSON" county residents should not forge! that they
have a constitutional amendment het'ore tho pooplo to he
voted upon next November providing county home rule in
the matter of road building. If this amendment, passes,
a bond election can bo called at, once and next season wit
ness the inauguration of an extensive program of highway
The home rule road bill appears upon tho ballot in the
following ferm:
For amendment of Section 10 of Artlcta XI of tho Constltu-
Hon of tho Stato of Oregon empowering the court of nny
county to issue ami sell bonus or other securities to utuui
nml maintain roads within tho comity when authorized
by n majority of tho voters of tho county, and empowering
the county court to present the question at nny general
election or to call n special election for such purposes ami
repealing nil constitutional amendments and acts In con-
' flirt with the proposed amendment, Including those sub
mitted to the people at this election. Vote YES or No
3 CO. X YES.
3C1, No.
Vote Yes upon this measure.
Another count road measuro on the ballot is the
Orange bill, which provides unnecessary and bulky pro-
Th mii Tribuno w on mih at the ecss tor comity road building, it is an outlining
oruand.lact to put into effect, by cumbersome, process, the consti-
mnonai amendment voted two years ago. it appeal's
upon the ballot in tho following ferm:
A bill for an Act authorizing any county in this State to Issue
bonds for tho construction ot permanent roads, providing
a modo of procedure by which a special election may bo
called within the county to vote whether bonds shall be
Issued and providing for the salo of bonds and the ex
penditure of tho mouey realized therefrom In actual road
'& .'VotoTKSorNO
,: ttfffc '
xr iAy 3 i- ' " ytiim.t '
vuieusu upon uiis measure.
Still other measures to be voted, upon are the bills
presented by, Governor West's compromise committee
tho compromise effectually destroying tho merit of the
bills. '' One of .tlienl is an aniendineht Hunting the road
expenditures to Wo per cent of .the assessed valuation.
This would practically stop road building in Jackson,
Klamath and other counties which already have a large
outstanding warrant indebtedness. It is the work ot fort-
land men who evidently think that other counties cannot
be trusted to spend their own money and would limit other
counties to two per cent, while Portland's own indebted
ness is six per cent. This amendment appeal's upon the
ballot in the following ferm:
For amendment of Section 10, Article XI, of tho Con
stitution of Oregon prohibiting counties from voting
any Indebtedness for roads. In excess of two per cent
of assessed valuation of all property in the county. Vote YES or NO
34G. Yes.
347. X No.
Vote No upon this amendment it is a road killer.
The other measure is an enabling act to put this
amendment into ettcct. it reads as lollews:
A bill for an Act authorizing the respective counties of the
itj State of Oregon to issue twenty-year bonds for building
roads within the county, providing a method for expend
ing the money In actual road construction and for calling
and holding county elections to vote upon question of issu
ing bondS andT authorizing county courts to levy taxes to
pay principal tfhd Interest on bonds as they nfay mature:' Vote YES or NO
344. Yes.
345. X No.
Vote No upon this measure.
The home rule amendment is self-executing and re
quires no other legislation. It solves in simple fashion the
problem of permitting counties to build .their own high
ways. Remember the numbers on the ballot. Vote No on ail
the above except Number 360.
The Commercial club has had printed slips for this
measure for gratuitous distribution and every person in
the Rogue River valley is requested to secure some and
insert one in every letter written to Oregon addresses from
now until election time.
jjnnronn, OUKGON,
Metropolis of Southern Oregon and
Northern California, and tho fastest-
xrowinK cltv in orcsron.
Population U. 8. census 1910 S810;
estimated, 191110,000.
Flvo hundred thousand dollar Gravity
water system completed, ttivinjr nnei
supply Pure mountain atr, and 17.3
miles of streets paved.
poilorriee receipts for year ending
November 30, 1911, ahefw Increase of 19
per cent.
Banner fruit city In Oregon Rogue
River Spltzenberjr apples won sweep
stakes prlM and title or
Mnle Ktmtc t the WarlJ"
at the. National Apple. Show, Spokane,
l9M,tand u car of -Newtown won
First Prise la 110
at Canadian International Apple Show,
Vaacouver. B. C
Vtat Mm ta ma
at Spokane National Apple Shew won
ay earlead of Newtowna.
HactM Kiver peara orouzni nigneai
a la au.maricets ox
the aat alx year
rrlta Commercial Cli
ceqta for postage for the finest coramu-
Buy pampniet ever puoiisoca.
prtot la all .markets oc U world dur
ing the pt alx year
write commercial Club, inclosing
Hl sWBBb1' MtflMraTsMLit i-R' ' T Saw ' "v3vw'9lvl
' '" '" -- " .' i -r-gr-r-1
ly Ad If own
,, The greatest place I know of for
all questions to be decided is around
a table In a restaurant. Everything
from politics to tho morals on the
South-Sea Islands is settled with
neatness and dispatch.
f Jevrer notlco that nine out ot ten
railroad paseenger agents have close
.cropped' mustaches and fat necks?
KertMeoy thieuman .Mcq-cE- MATMEvvson. .dupce
In turning ovr a IhioU of mu-leut liUlory thoie wat found betwwn thu
leaves recently n photograph of the Ulauts, which will bring back home rwollw
lions ot days when tho Now York team win little thought of ui a pcnuitut
It la rt'protluced above. That square shouldered, hollow checked pltijer tui
the em'. U "KouriiiB Itlll" Kcnneily. Next to hint U Tlilnliimu, n pitcher who
una ull prouiisu. ilr the side of Thlvluuui li Mctlee.
The tall boy In the sweater U "Mntly." "Matty," when he, too, wan n boy
nml Juit begluultig, looks a lot like the big follow, ami yet. It ".Malty" of ilnt
dnyi nnd tho ".Matty" of to-day could oluml side by side tu the ttrili, It wouldn't
tuUc the "fiius" long to seo that ".Matty," like Topny. qf "UiiuJe UVniV t.'alilu"
faiub, inu "growed."
The tall boy on the outside Is Dupee. There wn once a mnunger who imltl
tbaj Dupou would dfelop Into one of the greatest pitcher In bum-bull, but U
had doubt that Matuawmui ever would succeed as a pitcher.
Agricultural Co-operation in Switzerland
"Vnraes'Hre picking -up. I saw a
minister buying a new .hat the other
day.!' ' "
1 ' :
A sign at a summer resort reads:
t Boy .no bathing allowed whiio
'ladles' are around" without salts."
Following a slip of an eastern edi
tor we aay: "We print this colmun
to go Into the homes and fireplaces of
our people."
' A ios Angeles bank clerk whose
accounts were short 1150,000 has
been sentenced to ten years. And
yet some people kick when Governor
West paroles a man who stole a ham.
Of course you are going to the
fair; It is the only time some of you
ever make a speaking acquaintance
of, a- bog, otber than in the bacon
form, 't v
;AMot ot Med ford husbands rise to
.remark that there are human models
lntbelr homes who display more
gowns than can be paid for in a year.
As straw hat season draws to a
close some of us who never had one
chortle in glee.
PORTLAND, Sept. 20, D. J. Kel
laher, republican and progressive
candidate for presidential elector and
republican nominee for state sena
tor, today withdrew his candidacy as
presidential olector from both tick
ets, following a notification from tho
secretary of state that that official
would recognize Kellaher's nomina
tion as state senator only, the state
law prohibiting more than one can
didacy. Toujght an assembly of republi
cans named Phil Metschan, Jr., to
fill the vacancy caused by Kellaher's
withdrawal and John h. Rand of Da
ker to fill that caused by tho declina
tion to servo of William Hanley.
They also repudiated Kellaher en
tirely by naming 0. W. Nottingham
of Portland to run independent for
state senator in opposition to Kella
her, 'and tho executive commltteo of
tho progressive party tonight named
A. L., Geddes of La Grande to fill the
vacancy caused by Kellaher's with
drawal from tho ticket.
Equipoise Bookkeeping System
PetltloH Bourne's CundJducy
t SALEM, Sept, 20, Tho secretary
t rUt,e today rocelved tho nomlna-
tby petition ot Jonathan Bourne,
-jr.W United states senator, The
ti "was signed by thirteen
'Twelve gave their places of
as Sparta and Baker, The
Mlc the slogan, "Inde-
irtfcrwwlvo" be placed after
f K. ?
-j' Kf
By E. L. McClure.
Descartes gave to tho world the
principles of double-entry bookkeep
ing, but habit and custom is so hard
to overcome In the control of human
action, that accurate accounting was
not adopted by the people or gov
ernment of Great Brltian until the
nineteenth century; and history re
lates that treasury accounts were
kept by cutting notches in sticks un
til a fire in tho exchequer building
burned" the kindling wood.
Double-entry bookkeeping takes
Into account all tho assets and liabil
ities and keeps a record of earnings
and expenses, profit and loss to ex
hibit exact results of tho business per
iodically; proving the accuracy of tho
bookkeeping by a perfect balance of
the assets and liabilities. The dou
ble-entry system began with daybook,
cash book, journal and ledger, neces
sitating repetition entries for the ex
hibition of tho details, which could
be given In any mlnutla desired by
copying the entries on auxllllary
books and forms and carrying out
tho segregations In separato columns.
The enormous volume of business
transacted by modern banks, clear
ing houses, manufactories, and mam
moth mercantile houses, havo been
compelled to discard tho rigid set of
double-entry books and utilize tho
original entry made on a form for
tho record, listing tho amounts to
servo for tho bookkeeping record,
without copying them In a day book,
cash book, Journal or ledger.
Tho nddlng machlno, typewriter,
card Index, vertical fllo, loose leaf
books, and color and numerical desig
nation of accounts, havo revolution
ized tho double-entry system of book
keeping. 'All the modern Improve
ments are utilized to their full ca
pacity and labor reduced to tho mini
mum by tho equipoise- bookkeeping
system, -which utilizes tho original
entry, without repetitions, to give
every detail and particular of tho
business required by listing the en
tries and segregations under account
numbers on tho adding machine,
proving every segregation of tho ac
counts by a perfect equipolso bal
ance,' without mental effort except
touching the right button. The ori
ginal entry is filed for the legal evi
dence to prove each account under
its numerical designation In a vet-,
tical file. Every detail and particu
lar for each account assembled in one,
and only one, place.
Tho complications of the double
entry system of bookkeoplng Is sim
plified by providing a sultnbla form
for all original entries to bo utilized
for the permanent record. Any com
petent clerk Is capablo of making the
original entry, and when tho num
ber designating the account has been
placed on it tho sytem ot recording
and exhibiting Individual balances,
general accounts, and assets and lia
bilities, is completed by the perfect
mechanism of the adding mnchlno,
which gives a moro perfect and con
venient record for audit and for ret
erence than could possibly bo made
In a book with a pen.
Habit and custom still compel edu
cational Institutions to teach double-
entry bookkeeping, becatiKo prece
dent and authority still rests with
Descartes; but practical common
senso business men havo found that
original entry systems save labor and
give better results; retail stores aro
rapidly discarding book entries nnd
make salo slips answer for their rec
ords of items; but habit and custom
still compel nearly all tho bookkeep
ing records to be made by hand, when
tho marvelous mechanism of tho du
plex adding machlno makes a far
moro perfect record with a fraction
of the labor that Is required to list
the amounts with a pen. Baults are
all doing soveral times the labor
necessary and their records aro Infer
ior to machlno records by the equi
poise bookkeeping system,
From the Department at Sturu)
Though tho great difference In
conditions pro ailing In Swltierluud
and In the United States prevents tho
adoption of many of tho actual prac
tices employed In that republic for
the financial assistants of tho far
mer, yet thero Is much In principle
which tho American farmer, at the
brink of strengthening his position
through tho doctrine of cooperation,
can learn from the farmer of Swltt
crlnnd. American Minister Uuutell
bus recently forwarded to the stato
department a report upon IUIh sub
ject following his Investigation, in
connection with President Tnft's ef
fort to establish cooporutlvo credit
In7 the United States for tho benefit
of tho American farmer,
The farmers of SwiUcriaud tiro
tho backbone of tho nation. The
government recognizes this, it In to
the f armors jjiot.lho country) would
turn If evor It upcamo necessary for
that confederation to defend Its In
dependence-.. WUely tho government
tins done till in Its power to aid tho
farmer, to stiffen tho. backbone of
tho nation. Incidentally, however,
the armors havt) taken a hand In the
question of the 'government's look
ing to their welfare. They havo inailo
themselves a strong factor in tho
government that Is, tho coopera
tion practiced by tho Swiss farmers
is largely jtolltlcal.
Soveral years ,ogo thoy ormod an
association the Swiss Fanners' as
sociation and established; u, central
inireau at uruggi. tiuk association s
represented in tho Swiss national
council, corrcipoiidlng to our own
houso of representatives, by many
prominent politicians. Ono of tho
principal purponos of this association
Is moro or less to fix and control the
market prices of "nillk ' and other
agricultural products In .the interests
of tho farmery.
Similar association?" havo been
established In the various cantons
(states) bearing tliojnnino of Can
tonal Farmers' association, which
aro members of thh SwIhs Farmers'
association, with the samo principles
and purposes aHtho .latter. Upsides
tho federal and cantonal associations
thero exist a great number of local
(district) farmers' cooperative socie
ties which havo lis their purposo the
securing of cheaper prices for seeds
and fertilizers by purchasing thoao
articles in largq quantities, which
aro kept in storehouses and can be
obtained us needed from the adminis
trator of the respective local society.
Tho federal government can muko
no loans to any of tho abovo-mon-tloned
associations or cooperative
socletleu, ,lnit It contributes annually
an amount of 25,000 francs to tho
otpenses of tho permanent central
bureau of the Swl Farmers' asso
In tho various cantons provisions
aro made to facilitate loans to far
mers In some of tho cantons there
exist inorigiigu iittuKs. which an
cantonal Institutions and which lire
authorized to miiku loans to farmers,
against a first mortgage, up to two
thirds of thu nml value of tho farm
The chief ndvantngo secured by
the farmer In placing n mortgage
with tho cantonal or stato mortgagu
banks la that ho escapes the neces
sity of rcpnjlng the principal ot hi
mortgage In n single payment, nnd
ho Is practically relieved from tho
danger of forcclosuru.
Improvements uf thn soli which
enjoy tho, financial aid ot tho public
authorities are: Irrigation, drnlnngo,
clearance of the land, road making,
road mending, boundary walls (fenc
ing In), and thu erection of stables
(shelters) on tho Apis, Whenever
n farmer possesses land of which
tho vnluo could considerably bo In
creased through tho Improvement of
tho soil, but cannot afford thu ox
ppiiaoH for such work, ho enn tnnku
application for n contribution to the
costs of such undertaking to the
government of his canton (stato).
nnd, through thu fatter, to tho fed-
oral government. In many cantons
(states) tho municipal authorities do
not contribute to an Improvement of
tho soil If by such Improvement only
one Individual farmer would profit,
whilst they cpntrlbuto In Hioko cases
whero n number of farmers or a
corporation Is concerned.
It may be of interest to know that
the Swiss federal government, us Is
dono by tho governments pf agricul
tural cantons, encourages tho raising
of cattle for breeding purposes by
appropriating every year' In (ho
budget a conslilorn)lo amount for
premiums to ho given at thu cattlo
shows to tho raisers of tho prize-win-ulng
cattlo bullocks and cows.
Largo Improvements wcro mndo In
recent yenrs with tho financial aid
from tho foderal and cantonal gov
ernments and much Interest Is taken
by tho public authorities in tho -welfare
and prosperity of tho population
in rural districts. It la romarkablo
how tho prosperity of tho furmors
has incrousod In tho past 16 yeurH,
which Is to a great extent duo to tho
financial assistance rendered thorn
by tho cantonal and federal govern
ments In tho manlier prescribed In
tho foregoing report.
The Inefficiency of Trusts
j- .
(Louis D. Ilrandles in Colliers')
First No conspicuous American
trust owes Its existence to tho doslro
for Increased efficiency, "Expected
economies from c'oinblrmfloii" ffguro
largely In promoters' prospectuses;
but thoy Ijnvo never boorn compell
ing motlvo in tlm. formation of any
trust. On the contrary, the purposo
of combining has often boon to curb
efficiency or even to prosprvo In effi
ciency, tli mi frustrating thu natuiul
law of survival of the fittest.
Second no conspicuously profit
able trust owes Its profits largely to
superior efficiency. Somo trusts
havo been very cffjclont, as Imvo somo
Independent concerns; but conspicu
ous. profits huvo been secured mainly
through contrpl of, tho market
through tho nowor of monopoly to
tho taxing power,
Third No conspicuous trust has
been efficient enough to maintain
long us against thu Independents Its
proportion of tho business of the
country without continuing to buy
lip, from time to time, Its sucL'OHSful
Theso three, propositions' aro, also,
trtio of most of thu lessor trusts, If
there Is any exception tho explana
tion wl)l, doubtless, ho found In ex
traordinary ability on the part of the
managers or unusual trade condi
tions. And this further proposition may
bo added:
Fourth MOst of tho trusts which
did not secure monopolistic position
havo failed to show marked success
or efficiency, us compared with In
fix prices through -ilils exerclso of depeiidont competing concornB.
for cnoh sot of old Falso Tooth ont
us, Highest prices paid for old Gold,
Stiver, old Watches, llroltou Jewelry
and ProulutiH Stones.
Money Sunt by Return Mall.
I'lilln. SmrltliiK , RefliiliiK Comply
Established 110 Yenrs
Htl.t Chratitiil St., llillnlolplil. Vk
Wo will buy your tlold KlllGK.
(told Scrap, and 1'latlnuin. lllgkes
prlroH paid.
Medford Real Estate
& Employment Agency
6 ncTeu, 2 mllos out Iniprow wVh
water, fl,6U0, j'
21 ucrex, fi mllen out, lurmliold
goods, teiini, UioIh nnd er'thlng
goes with tho pi aro at JI.SpO. ,'
Cigar huuliioss In Iowa worth $ I ft,
000 to ttado for ucreitgo or. city pio
petty In thu Roguo river vlly.
1 17 acres In Sanm Vnlluy, t,S acres
In cultivation, good houseliiidinll out
buildings, $7, not) or wilt lake soiutt
good city property. '
120 acres of tho host train or fruit
laud In the valley, 12 ' utiles from
Medford, only 20 pur acre.
Wo huvo Home of the bestibtirgatun
In city homes. Don't forget to see
us beforu you buy.
Chest of carpenter stools to sell.
Ktuplo) laetit
OlrlH and, women for general house
work In and out of city.
Waitress, woman cnukfor ranch.
Elderly woman 'waiitt,pnltlnu as
Laborers $2 25 per day.
Ranch Intuitu. ' '
riiono Ulli Home, 14.
Opposite Nnxli Hotel
aro dcslrod by iruost people wbljo
nnd brljllnnt rows that aro clear nml
perfectly, oven, What uvor mny be
tho matter with your )ei()i at, pres
ent, wo will uudortako to put them
In proper hapenfor you at a most
reasonable cost. , Wo do all branches
of Dentistry Including crown, and
bridge work, rapping, filling, otti.,
and our patrons tmy wo excel . our
Lady Attendant
Over Danlols tor Duds. Pacific
Phone 2f.28. Home Pbona 3K3-K
Tito pinch whorr you get your inon
oy'rt worth on both nldim of tho dime.
Wn get ull tho hlg ones. Moro today.
Special, special, The plaliiuvthiit
''stopped thu iihovv" i tho )nvitli
Hun film exhibit, Oiclii-atra hull, Ul
cui;o i.ut'ii.i.i:
Cniupletn lu Thrcn Iteeli
See love, jealousy, adventure, bat
tle. Iliiu'l iuIko llio Charge or Hie
Light llilgaile. A do luxe adaptation
of Owen .Meredlth'n poum,
Ut'iiMi'H two rattling good couiodleii,
Full of kIkkIck.
It's a ttmmiu.
AL HATIIHH In New Hong Hit
Wu fwitiiro our nituln and effects.
A lhroe.-reol feuturo taken from
Miirlo, C'orrulU's great noI. Till
Is n splendid feature and should
prove of special lutoret to ovvryonu,
Sept. Sr.lh and 20th
hi four reels,
Taken from Count Tolstoy's greatest
book. Lead played by llluiicho
Sept 30 and Oct 1,
: . . ' i "
i;inm-Ni:AL .v, neai, loiinh
Iii n Nifty! .Vounciislrnl Not pity Art
Another Hlg IWogrnpli Orninn
Illograph stands for tho 'best pos
sible In motion pictures
Hero's another tho t,,fH"ilar Favo
And hl Elephant. Romeo, In
Pn'ho Mexican Drama
Watch Our
Addition Grow
Jackson and Summit
Medford Realty and
Improvement Company
M. P. II. Co. Bldg.
Call us up for all kinds of Express
work quick dollverr our specialty.
aclflo33Sl Stand at Nash
"Vltugrupn Comedy
Mattncos Saturday and Sunday 2 p.m.
Mutlnoo prices Do and lOo
Evening Performance 7 p, tn,
Admission evenings lOo and Ho
Phono t"n
Monuy 'on hand at nil timoa
n; on unproved rauuuu
to oi
ity propQrty at lowest
ttrifli ('sin st linfnud
FMe323l 820 G -CBldg
, :, ,' '., , ii ',r .-,j
Tonight and
Tomorrow Night
, For Your Approval
pr Tho Tragedy of Old Ago-
A Dig Laugh
A Rrlsk Animated Comedy (loin
Filled With laughs Essiuiuy
Western Htory Pntlin
Kulmn ''
CO acts, six mlloi from Medford.
good iradod road crosses tho tract,
all fro soil, at 50 per acre. $1000
will h ndlo, easy terms on balance.
Part I creek bottom land, suitable
for al Ifa, Sovoral springs on the
Tlmbor enough to pay for the
tract. To buildings. In Uio Qrltfln
DP. York fie Co.
Clark 6c Wright
Public Land Matters! Final Proof.
Desert Lands, Contest and Mining
Cases. Scrip,
Wo enrry a very-complete Una of
(IruperloH, laoo cui tains, flvtures, eta,
una uu uu uiunxon ot imnuiuierins. A
spcoiHi man iu tuux urn
ivviv nun win u
to get In even
iixclimvuii nml will
service as Is nnsslbls
tho lurgest cities,
ter this work
ivs as gooa
Weeks & McGowan Go,
Tlfc JHtWW.
i Wh. . fi. . -Sfrj
k iMJfySyip, 1 If ")'Kff'J
!' ' '.
,hti f. Jm,..ii ,
1 " 'A.lJ1 ..ZLlaMM
raswh!"ufc.- -"-JWf!rf...-,- - - - - --