nl .nkM -V, .ttlVlHUwlWlllHy V, N V , ( ' , i. P1G1 TWO MEDFORD WXTTj TttTOUNTC, MTCDFOttD, 0K13CION, FRIDAY, R13PT13MB13R 20, 1912 -V4-V'4'it,S,uIH-V-M V.ik I'H.HlVtiStl WHHtli Uithft'itlim, , V " is i- k8 ) in t 5- . I V r ! f ! 'K tr, i w ,i Ml ML. I K iiirnrinn in twrT sr mm i -ft Hi -t it i ' J v r i Wtft Sidewalks Jammed With Ap (rtswcrlfwj PwpIut'Long 'Pafatlc ? 4 ' jftaelts TbreitglO Business Section t CHy Floats Numerous. $ f t r ? ii- i CarWt-Corcy Takes First Prize for Merchants Floats Miss Gladys -Heard Has Best Decorated Auto. 4 AWARDS FOR PARADE f 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 tThe judges qC the parade today nnnohnccd the i'olhuv iiK" award : J Mcrclmnls Float First, Gnrnett-Corey Hdwe. Co., $15; Second, Kdcn Valley JNjirAcry Co.,npd Oregon Gas eompnny. These divide sec ond" prWof $10. Lodge Float Woodmen of fjQctUUatohJM Lodge JSI&riMua is" jtroniiso of grand Jodeo reunion in Med- fid iff 1920." ,f " ' " es' Decorated Pleasure AutoMiss Gladys Heard. Auto, Robe, givcu by Pacific Motor Supply Co. , Best Decorated Buggy Mrs. A. W. .Walker. Pair jdrJyiiiR gloves. , rlFor general excellence in appearance Oregon National Guard, pledge of support for arptory on part of city, Med- ford .Fire dtiparfrjcnt, honor able mcutiou. ' " "" v $ Prac-wnHiHRjJqdy rider? "" " fo he announced later. "" 4'WV--),-4 4.4.f H W$tt a sajd to bo,iho most credit able parade ever seen In southern Oregon wa.1 wfBeued bjj thousands of people, who crowded the down town section last Jjlght, and saw a lengthy tile ot organisations, floats aBdbVilko'ttaBa.-in review.. The "M Jledford'iiarade was a de- cim success ana noming out praise was 'heard when It had passed. Med ford onco again made good, and In no trifling; manner, for a parade Is cither uVry good or It Is very poor. TceK Is ,no jnlddle of the road pro gram, for such -an exhibition. Tbe parade of Thursday .evening was excellent. The success is due in a great degree to tho efforts of Charles Lobo who arranged it, and to the many local organizations and business bouses who so cheerfully lent' their aid in appearing la line, and preparing floats. Tho parade was headed by Harry Clngcade, acting chief of police, and A. W,,, Walker, special officer. Im mediately behind them appeared Col. II. H. Sargeant, U. S. A., in full dress unlformwbo, acted as marshall of tho night iated.on a, prancing bay charger .ho made a very pleasing im pression. Following cariio thQ king and juofH on a bountifully decorated float. Their Ideality was learned when tbey unmasked at the Nat and proved to bo II. C. Kentncr and Miss Helen Dabl. Searchlights ItrJght JiniaedlAtuly following this cama thp 'float of tho J'acific Motor Sup ply company, Tnrco largo search lights In frpnt mailo tho night bright. They wprp operated by P. S. Steen Btr,up manager, qf tho company. Fol lowing this float cama four automo biles carrying thQ officp forco and salesmen of tho Medford Furniture & Hardwaro company. Their autos wore aiiiyoprlatoly decorated. Next In lino cable tho Covoulh Coni- panj oast Artillery OotpI(, , Tho tjoya wcrp al.arraypd In .the now (jross parad uniforms and, nmilo a very , attractlvo, appeal ance. Tho boys show great Improvcmont In their deportment, handling themselves llko regulars, Their corners were well negotiated and their ranks uniform and snappy. Their appearance, last ovcnlng shows a steady Improvement, and no lpnger do they ntpoa,r like a Inibth of "rookies." Medford has, reason to bo proud of tho company basod pn the showing Thursday, for UJs no caay task to whip youngstova Into fori as Captabt Doano has sue coeded, undoing. tTho pity officials filled an nutomo blje. w,hh bad been appropriately decorated." Tho Medford 'Military band In four automobiles furnished the music! " ' t Frozen I'Vult Shown Tho Mellford Ice vt Storage Com pany appeared in tno paratte wun a lajgo la.d of Jcc. Within tho huge cajes fruit, pictures and melons had been frown. Jt looked Uko a hot weather, treat. Wlnchard's brewery was also represonteds Hugo kegs of beer were heaped high on a dray. brgaujzatfons turned out well and assisted greatly In making ,tho par ade a success. The Elks lu the white uniforms worn at Portland followed theJr famous "Zazook band" on , a float. The music was amusing ana wey rendered. Don Colvlg officiated at the piano on the float and led the "band" 'up and down tho scales In a truly stupendous manner. The Woodmen ot tho Worjd was another organization making a splen did' showing. Their float was excep tional good with a hugo log and axes Jn evidence Tho members, carry-, Ing axes marched behind. They wcro applauded throughout the length of tho jmarch. Tho local suffrage club made a great showing. Not only did they have a float on which Judge Kelly, Holbrook Wlthlngton. C. L. Schlef felln and Fletcher Fish depicted the woes of tho husband whose wife had departed to cast her vote, but sev eral automobllp loads of suffrage workers were in line while Miss Gladys Heard drayp an automobile filled with the babies, o"f women advo cates, thus Impressing upon voters that It was mothers who desired tpe ballot. , . iT Telephone Float Good The Home Telephone company placed a splendid float In the parade. A huge wagon was decorated with numerable telephones, while a young woman operated a .switchboard. All ot the telephone bells were Jangling jnd ringing for parties who "do not answer." In the forward part ot the float Miss Blllle Burke operated a typewriter In an up-to-date office and showed tho other sldo of tho business the Bide where you pay your monoy. Garnett-Corey put in a float on which a dlmLnuatlve gasoline engine drove innumerable appliances. 111 Altken presided as master mechanic That engine bad Its wheels full it pumped water, ran washing machines, churned butter and operated a dyna- SHff BY'W JIYHWEIS LOS ANGKIiKS. Sept. 20, Aithwr Wunrins. tin Atneru'iui minim? ium I wpoolor, who spoil tlio picl ix yours in CuHnvtui, .Mexico, is hero pounders today, tie lolls a liiirreuim: tale ot Ihe cnicllus practiced by Momcmii iiiMirreolo:- in that dUtiiut "'Our Rold miue is located iiImiuI fifty-five miles oust ami tuulh of Culinoan, Kinalon," haid Wisgiiix, "and we ran n reitcral xlore and pull in t'oujitnelton with ihe m,ino. O tho morning of August U7 mi tulnieo M'oul of the rebel-, rode uit camp pud nsked for hoiuctliipg to eat. Mrs. Wiggins gave ito him. lie rode nwnj,. uiul about 41 a. m. t btilul of rebels numhoriug 100 came riding into camp. 1 went out to moot them. The leader duumded provis-ioiis mid imne, to whicli I iMiswcred that wo could not supply them. He morel. smded nid said he would see iihout it. We thought it the purl of prudence to pi itti him to luncheon. He accepted and went back to his men ifler he had eaten. "About half an hour lulcr our gen eral store, half, n mile nway, was sot afire. 1 directed my men to go on wording ns if nothing hud hnppcnod, but one hotspur, e.cited by lho oc purrence, ruxhed out mid Ihrcw n stick of dynamite into the rebel band. Nineteen Mere killed. "They charged me with Ihe act and said that they had decided to shoot me. They strung me up by the amis. After I had hiiug for an hour, my wife threw an Engli-h Hag over me and dared them to shoot. They took mo down and 1 escaped." KSSMPffT-Sfi..!. vm' ?ZmilLiiSjnnK - mKKmHl twin liJiii ''iiltr-TOrWM"1" . 'llBIIJBHHHiHBRf mkm B immtiiWWmWWwlwrTilaKWwWwWWrTW f iifyWM H fc WmWWwfri - mwmWmwWM LftiiiiiiHiiil KBwmwWWwSKWWWWWmSrtrBttafWWWWmmmWWi mmWm WWWWBWWM Hi 'JaWWwWk WmUmmmmmmM UWBSKBWMMWtmWMMMm WJF. SM imlKWMmmMWr9unM&2qB4aWBWmWmmf - i aiH ma .. ,- w&mVQttj&BHmm , . vm m v mr irf 'SHHHHHnMBHHH ,mWi Wmmm jfj; iiiiiiiiiiiiiiilr mm dm S wm im V ifa WmmmmmmmMMr iiiBiiIBi; 3W"HBf'w 7 fm WmmwWWWMmZilS m. nC llt!' " ' '"- mWWmmmmmiM wimmmMih. WX MkkkUHBkHbSP.PE Bl.' A BHkMlKlH,ViVfkVwBv,Bbkk- -'"il FIGHT FOR ESTATE ERE FUNERAL TAKES PLACE JUDGE BLACK MAY BE DISQUALIFIED FOR OFFICE SAN FKANC1SCO, Sept. U0.-J3it-ter feelings among relatives of J. .1. Hall, late manager of the St. Francis Importation compauy mid his wifo who were slain by Arthur Knnbol, a half-brother, the latter committing suicide, are still rrifc today resulting from n dispute arising over tho burin! of the bodies and the diW'doii of Hall's estate, said to be valued nt $20,000. A suit for possc-Mou of the catato ho already begun. KNiX GUEST OF JAPS AT ECONOMIST'S BANQUET SKATTLE, Wash. Sept, 20. Should Judge W. W. Black of Kvurott be declared ineligible to run for gov ernor during bis judicial term, Hugh C. Todd of Seattle.! who is only -S, will receive tho democratic nomina tion. Todd ran only 500 votes be hind BInck In tho primaries. So serious has the question . ot Mack's eligibility become, that tho democratic statu committee Itself may bring the tost cate before tho su premo court. Thorn Is much conflict on the constitutional provision which prohibits Judges 'from, holding any GOVERNOR BALDWIN, OP CONNECTICUT,0 DENOMINATED "iKt 'lllkBBkkkkkkkB i W"'. I 'kBBkkkkkkkB n ifrSiiv I JkkkkkkkkkkkkW a ImW' I 'IHiHiiiHrl I9kn ' 'IkkkkkkkkkkkkkHi ffriMT' J"1- WmUIwIb, of Now Haven OttPFHtJc Uite Convwi. ttaj( ou September 12, was vMSltuoiwIy rewpmlnated forpw MWMT 'f CottMoUout," " " mo. The gas company put In an excel lent float which depleted the develop ment of cooking from tho dark ages unlit tho present. The prlmltlvo man, was toasting bis meat over a camp fire, then came the early set tlor with his little box store and men tho un-to-dato woman who cooks with gas. "Excrybody works but mother she cooks with gas" was tho slogan, It was a vpry attractlvo ex-" hlbltlon. The Shapleigh JIardwarp company put In anjpxcellent tlpatjng boosting a well known brand of tools. Hugo Pear Shown Tho Eden Valley Nursery company put In an cxcollent float. It con sisted of a huge pear on a dray and caused many remarks along tho lino of march. It doplcted tho cblof In dustry In tho valley In a strlklug manner and Mr. Bennett was heartily congratulated on Its appearance. The Rogue River Commission com pany put in a float which shows tho nature of their business. They nau a great display of fruit 6n each side nf tho machine and It was all high cradc. too. Tho Boy ScouUj and tho Boyri Military brigade wcro out en forco and -made excellent showjjig. The flro, bo'8 had tho chemical en gine beautifully decorated and a rlnnlo of applause followed thorn throughout. The car Bhowed tho ef fect of much patient labor, Ono of tho most attractive features ot the parade was tho band of forty ladles on horseback. These ladles plan to form a riding club later, Tho horses they rodo woro splrltod and thoy made a vory splendid showing. The Judges havo not yet chosen the prlzowlnnlng riders. Mrs. A. W. Walker drqvg a beauti fully decorated carriage. "Kontner's Boosters" comprised of a halt-score of young women, filled a wonderfully well decorated car and attracted much attention. Twoby Brps. contributed to tho parado by putting Jn their auto truck with a iitrlug of dump wagons wllcb boosted for good roads. The parade was a wpndprful suc cess and is a credit to the city and tn Hm num who arranged it. I TOKIO, Sept. 20. Secretary of State P. C JKuox of thp United States was (he guest of honor at a dinner given here tonight by Huron Sliibusawu, 11 prominent Japanese economist. Secretary Knox, who ul tended the funeral of the into Km peror Mutsuhito as the siK'ejal repre sentative of the United States will Sail Saturday uftemoon for San Francisco. MILWAUKEE, Wis., Sept. 20. Heavy ruins throughout the iiight, which continued intermittently this morning, caused a postponement until next Tuesday of the Pabst and Wis consin trophy automobile races which were scheduled to start at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Worst Stomach Trouble Ended "Papc's Dlnpcjttln" Gles Instant Relief and the. Relief Lusts Every year regularly moro than a million stomach sufferers In the United States, England and Canada tako Papo's Diapepsln, and realize not only immediate, but lasting re llof. This harmless preparation will di gest anything you cat and overcome n sour, gassy or out-of-ordor stomach five mlnjites nftcrwards. If your meals don't fit comfortab ly, or what you cat lies like a lump pf lead lu your stomnch, or If you bnvo heartburn, that Is a sign of In digestion. Get from your pharmacist a fifty cent cauo of. Papo'u Dlapcpaln and take a doso jipt as soon as you can. There will be no sour risings,, no bplcblng of undlgostcd food mixed with acid, no stomach gas or heart burn, fullness or heavy feeling In tho stomach, nausea, debilitating beud achcH, dizziness, or intestinal grip ing. This will all go, and, besides, thoro will bo no bour food loft ovor lu the stomach to poison your bieath with nausoous odors. ' Pupe's JMupopsln is a certain euro for out-of-order stomachs, bocauBo It takes bold of your .food and digests It Just tho same as If your stomach wasn't there. Relief In fvo minute's from all stomach misery Is waiting for you at any drug storo. Tlieso largo fifty-cent caspB con tain moro Jhan sufficient to thor oughly cure almost any case of dyspepsia, Indigestion or any other stomach disordpr, other office during their term an to! DUNBAR'S DEATH OPENS whether or not Black's Judicial duties do not cextud to 0110 day beyond the date when tho gubernatorial term commences. . WAY FOR YOUNG LAWYERS TOIl.WK National league Boston -. Pittsburg Philadelphia ... St. Louis . ... Philadelphia ... St. Louis 4ea i U .. 4 u Now York , i wl!lCl!l(llll.l !- - Now York Cincinnati SEATTLE, Wash , Sept. 20 With, the death of Chief Justice It. O. Diin bar, tho nomination and election ot upremo court JiiiIko ou tho noii-partl. fan Judicial ticket may fall to any lawyer In tho stnte, however obscure ho may he. The law provides that wboro candidate receive a majority vote at the primary election, tbey are nt onco elected. Judge Dunbar nnd tils two nxiioclntes, who were up for re-election had 110 opposition, hut tho offkiul canvas of flection returns i 'has not yet been Hindu. If, therefore. tint name of any other Inwyor was written In by friends In n lompllmont nry way, bo may soon gel tho pleas tint siirprUo that ha linn been elected supreme court Judge, Judge Dunbar's funeral will ho held In prlvnto at Olympln. The courts In tint state will adjourn lu re. sped to his memory. Senator Heyuurn Improved WASHINGTON, Sept. 20 WulM m Hiatcs Hunntor Heyburn of Idaho, who wan routined to his apartments hero recently suffering from heart trouble, left Washington today 'for Hwnfthmoro; PiU; to'foetiHtrato, "IUi" will proceed to Idaho latnr ti- Jm-JmJ-mJjj -J""5"5-5-J "j $ -$ - 5 "w S1 J $ j - j i t , : t T J T t f t T f t T f t T t T 7 T T T ? t f T T T T f T T T ? ? f T f t ? T t T y t t Mann's Fnir SIpiIp Mann's Central Avo., Near P.O. JL Cl-JLJL kMrCJLJ.V Contral Ave, Near P. 0. SENSATIONAL BARGAINS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT Ready-to-wear Bargains 2) Women's tailored and Norfolk $iiitslall ney styles, ood colors, $20.00 values. $19 Qft J3argain Day price, each yxMiVO 25 Women's Heavy winter' Coals, all gnodistyli'H, latest materials, up lo $15.00 valiifs. flQ QO Bargain Day price, each tpJ0 2.7 Children's Winl U' CoalH,si.cs 0 lo Mj.valnuH up to JjtO.uu. jsargam uay price, each f. i , CoHiplele line of " La Vogue" Sails and ('oats.. .., $10 up io Jj5 $d.!0 Dress Goods Bargains 000 yards fine whipnOi'dj Ihe lali'st elolh for .Dresses and yuils. Uargain Day price, yd. !)A)Q yar'ds 27 inch Corduroy, iu all etiloiv, good 75c (pialily. Bargain Day jn-iee, a yard 500 yards .Fancy JMixtures, plain Nuns VeiJ iugs and Allmlros. Jiargain Day price, yard 48c 59c 59c 500 yards newest pall erns in Kobe and Flbueo, suitable for Kiin'oniis and Math Robes, fC bargain Day price, a yard XuL i 1 r Blankets 100 good size grey cotton Ulan- kels, fine quality, good 75e grdde, "Bargain Day price, MO a pair "01 Waists 200 Lingerie Waists and Flannel Whirls, all good styles, values up to $2.50. Bargain Day QCp price, each wOL Comforters 25 good large .Comforters, well turnip, good colors. Bargain pay $1.25 1-ht.iii i'ii each . ? T t T T T ? T T T J T T ? 'T T t r r t f T t T t J T T T X I '. : : : ' .. ; '-'i ni,it,.i :i t , Outing Flannel Garments at Whplesale Prices "Women 'h Out ing Flannel KkivlH, (each, 29c Challie, host quality a, y;irtl 5c Women's Out ing Flannel Ciott'is, (iach 59c 9 Sheets, good size, Childreli's Sleeping Oarineuts, ea. 48c Pillow Slips, each Women's heavy Outing (Jowiih,, each 7Sc Outing .Flannel 10c grade, yard 8c Children's Oliling Slips, each 48c Oil Cloih, colors only a -yard 19c 'r ybHUH'H 6ll. illg PnjniHUH, each $1.25 Oinghams 20c grade, a yard ?i?A.JA.lJ&. WKV.WW.VV 12 12 c ; 1 1 I sum mmmUwfflBmWPMMlm?Mfrw -- JH M4K"A fc-ft A.' JJ r HfJ&vS .fc . .... n,A .t,,, m .43 . MHlAiMiiMMHftllAilift MUUUUBMia AkAlAJhAArfMkHtte AL