U nwm Hlittrletl Stffote I a. MEDFORD Tribune WEATHER A SECOND EDITION Fftlr am! Wurmentax M( Mln 47$ Ht Hmm W. ca. v?i MAIL Party'sveniul Trsr. PollyHflVPiilli Year. i ii in i i . j.. ..i DO MB JOIN STRIKERS AT BINGHAM Militia Likely to Be Called Out as Strikers Refuse to Permit Strike Breakers to Enter Property, Which Is In Their Possession. MliMJ-owners Issue Statement Declin ing Arbitration and Assertion Freedom From Dictation. KAMMjAKK, Utah, Hcil. 'JO. -Two tluitiHtnul itddltinunl men joined ' tliu rittikv of dm Htriking minors at Bingham today, mnklng tl of 11,000 iiioii out, when tlio Magna mill Arthur Mump mills dosed down. CliurlcK II. Mojor, president of tliu Western Federation of Minors, nii iiuuui'Oil tliia num1(r would probably ho augmented beforo tho cud of the wi''k, iih a propoHitiou to cull a strike in llio Neva vdu Consolidated and Cliitio Mines Ik under serious coiinid crutiou. Ncnrly JlOfl deputy sheriffs worn on gtiurd at the Dlnghitui mines today. Although no disorders were reported up to noon, tlio inliiorH arc sullen mid defiant mid trouble I likely to come at any tiuio. Up to n Into hour thin morning llio '1,000 strikers Imvn Ig nored orders to eomo from their inounlai fuxtiicMtoK, and any attempt to dhdndge them may lie followed by 1ikm1h1ic!. It Ih rrgiirdrd nM almost certain thiK afternoon thai Governor Hpry nil! ho forced to call out the Mate troop, Tim coventor bus notified the Mtriker that if they attuck mm at temping to fill their pjuccH in the tlio mines. The attitttdo of the mine-owners toward arbitrating their difference with the men was shown here thin afternoon, when General Manager duckling iHiiud tlio following Htutu meiil: "yu do not propose, to let anyone dictate, to our companion. Wo Khali deuido on whom wu ar to employ. When arrangements are complete 10 tnitect ouremploj'OK work will lie re sumed." I TACOMA, Sept. 'JO. Rather than allow what wan termed tliu "most icioiis attack iiguiust tlio character of Sister Aloysius hy man or woman" to go to the jury uurcpudiated, At torney Kami In the cano for 10,000 against prominent Catholics doolur.'il today ho would summon llio entire town of lluukley to testify iih to the character of tliu stater and her par cntH. BiHtor Aloysius with Bishop O'Deu, Father George ('. Van Goolh en. Mother Superior Cutnniillus, and Attorney Louis I. I.ofcbvru Ik alleged hy Mrs. Lir.tlu MnguHon, plaintiff, to have been iiiNtrumuiital in the kidnap ping of lior daughter, Marjoriu Itlu man, Dr. John HIuioIh, for twenty. three years pliyiciiiu for the family of Michael MuIIiigli, father of sister AtoytdttK, whoHd truu uumn Ik Agues Mcllugh, Kiild the uhiuuclor mid rep utation of both parents and child in the ttnfihnWiHty of Huckloy had al ways heqn very good. USE OrTEROPLANES aiJNIOVA, HtylUorlftiid, Sept. 20. Kortual Invitation to hold ltu 10 ia coutsroHH In Now York, and that of 1015 In Situ KrunolHco waa proaonted to the Intor-rurllumoiitary Unlpn, In HouHton here, by the Aniorlcan dulo Kates today, After voting down u roHolutlon to prohibit tlio ubo o( uor9Planen In war, the union today went on record iih favoring comphlHory International wrb(rRU9n' tNUMM?HIJHMHIK)WHi UftTHHrnUI IO IIIR ren&j 'file strikers tniftt they will 'iio( allow Htrikebrenkor to go into MR MM CHARACTER GOOD WAR SANCTIONED COMMISSIONER WALDO, OF NEW YORK. PROVES SPLENDID WITNESS IN POLICE INVESTIGATION i PPliH'Hwi y vl f bf'sbsbsbsbsVBF sbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbss'r1 S4 7 W'ssf 'Tsssssssssrasa.sSBSsssssssssssrf," an. sx PMSV-fBBBBBBM'teBBH BBBBBBBJ B '.k Hl' IH m kM'cVKMskkkkkkkkkBH i kkkkkkH I lXMMIiCm wttUO HKSI IK HCVXMUC (lo Idt7 The ntiove hotoeritih itliown Pollco CoiiiiiiImiIoiht NVitldo, wlm fniiowni Mnjror (iunor oil Die wltnrHN tnn) licfore the Alilermnnlc Coaiiiilllee iluriu (he Killre Invcwllpilloit a New York. AmtlHtant ltntrle( Allutney Uiuui "Vjckavr U the cltf counsel fur (he commtttee FACM FIGHT ' NO ADMHN SPLITS DEMOCRACY FOR NOGI'S SUICIDE IN GOLDEN STATE SAl'ltAMKNTO, Oil., Sept. J0. -That William J.'rHryuu' iit to the California democratic cotit'cotiou hero next Wedii&diiy will fall hhort of its puVtOHe tkxH the fihl for the cliairmaiiKhip of the jMtliorinc h m'I- tied ealy,iiet week, iH-.thprdicio "or'prdininiiiCdeiiitK'rulK here loduy. Ktiilo Henrttor A'nlony ('amuetti U the .choice of the proRnwiveM of the party for the mihI1oii, but his candi dacy Ik optojcd by Theodore A. Hell, who fought ii(,'iiiiin.t Hryan at tlio lllilliiuorc convention. Hell favorrt Senator Cartivrij;ht or Heuator Jutl lard for chairman, mid friends of Ca niinctli tiHsert (hat Dell in promoting the candidacy of both men, hoping; thereby to xplit the coiiveutiou into three faclioiiK. I'roKrc'hive demoeratH openly charge that Hell in a reactionary, mid that if cither of his cumliilatcri in chosen the convention will adopt a platform Mitli reactionary tendencies and one that will conflict with the viewK of Hryan, Wityoii, Cmiiiuetti and the progressive element general ly. CAN TRUST FEATURES OF NIOW YOUK. 8opt. 'JO,- When to dny'fl htoclt ninrket opened tlio feature wiih American Can, mU UioubhihI nlmrort liolns tiold at an advnaeo ot 1H. Camutlan PncUlc, Northern I'ltclflc and Utah Copiior worn active. Trailing nmih heavier durliiK tlio early hushIoii today than tor hoiiio time. Tlio dciilliiKB woro particularly heavy In United Htatca Hteol, which reached Ita lioMt price ot the year at 7f4 and In Heading which Kalned !l. TIiq HIU Ikhiick, New York Central and Cana dian Pacific roHo 1 to 2. C6ppora and other inntalH were hlKhor. Call money oponotl holow tliu recent ml Iuk rates. The market eloped Hleady, Honda wero ateady. THROUGH REBELS SAFELY NOOAhKS, Arl., Sept. 20, Pre ueedod by a freight train and a pilot train hoarliiK a company of federal troops, a pitHsouHor train boarluR 1200,000 In gold bullion arrlvod In Nognloa, iMexleo today. Tlio com maudor of tlio guards Qeneral Mo nomlnox, reported n sharp brush with a band of. InHurrootoB, who hud knowledge of the valuo ot tho train's load, following tho arrival of tho trottBiiro, train, a body of cavalry was dotaohod from tho garrison and is lu pursillv Qf thv robolg, TREASURETRAIN PASSES MEDFORD, AMONG IftPMIEff TOKIO, Sept. 'J0.-4,Thei.e oxpres itiuiitf by .lapauerte MntcHmcu of ad miration for the spirit which prompt ed (it'll oral Nop' suicide are nil bosh," was the comment here today of A prominent American resident here, who linn spent yenrrt in Japan H(l in n tierp siiuiciii or. ino jnrmucso character. "Tho Japanese jxoverniiij? class," ho said, "appreciate tho general's, suicide exceedingly. It could not have been more ubeful to tho new Mikudo if he had made it to order. Hut educated JapancM) record the, old warrior as just what ho was tho victim of a superstition, which the government has been instilling into the people for about n generation. "Tho Hpirit or Hashido' advortised as centuries old, really never was heard of until forty or fifty years ago. Neither was the blind patriot ism of (he Japanese. Hecauso it was thought it would be a government asset the cultivation of tliu present day system of e,nggerated devotion to the ruler began comparatively re cently. Nogi'n suicide shows, how well, nt least in many cases, the work was done." TRAIN ROBBERS GET v 4 r- .. V.. -' PliNSACOtiA, Sept. 20. Hxpresa packages containing $70,000 sont from I'onuacola banks was taken by rolibors'who held tho Loulsvlllo and Nashville train yesterday, according to reporta recetvod hero today. Tho in,onoy was tiolng sont for llio pay ment ot employes of tho Loulsvlllo and NaHhvlllo nt Flomaton, ABE AXTELL, WELL KNOWN HERE, SERIOUSLY INJURED Abu Axtell, ii civil war veteran, aged 80, formerly county judge, of Josophinu county, whoso homo is in Void'oiiver, Wash., sustained n fruu tured akul recently at San. lfrnuoisoo when ho slipped on a sidewalk near SI. Anne and Wullor sheets mid foil, striking on tho hard pavement. I lis. loeovory is believed ti bo doubtful. Mr.-Axlcll was leturiiiug from the Los Angeles Grand Army convention and visited horu with tho intention of remaining, u few duya before continu ing his jnttrnoy homo. LONDON SUFFRAGETTE COMES TO CONVERT CANADA TO CAUSE LONDON, Sopt, 20. Commission ed by tho Woiiioii'h Social and Politi cal Upiou to convert Cuuadu in tho ouiiho of suffrage", ttnrburn Wylio, u.lcadur of tho Loudon Huffrageltos, startod for Montreal today, booking passage on, (ho Ij!mj,)ros of rQmi(, 70.000 OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1012 BOOTLEGGERS KILL OFFICERS Illicit Liquor Dealers Near Coffcy vllle, Kansas? Shoot Down Two Revenue Offifcri on Horseback and Twe In Awtemobllc, Steal Car Fighting Par sw, Who Pursued loot Lcgsrsrs Anwig Those Slain as Are Two Unite States Marshals. i t COFKKYVILLB, Kan.. Sept. 20. Ambushed by bootlei?Bcr two officers on homebaclc and, two In an automo bile, patrolling road otor which li quor Is Illegally carried wero held up near hr today, 4nd two killed out right and two fatally wounded, dying Inter. After their volley tho hoollleggers dumped tho dead and dying officers out of tho machine, ttole tho machine and escaped to tho Osago mountains where tholr capture Is almost Impos sible. Tho dead: I. U. Ilowman,' United States mar shal at Tulsa, Okla. Fred Gerhrlng. United States mar shal at Dewey, Okla. W. It. Mayfleld, cl'-. marshal of Lannpnh, Okla. Itov. Mr. Loekctt, deputy United Slates marshal of' South Corfcyvllle. Okla. Hoth Lockctt and Mayfleld died af ter bolng picked up. Lockctt was called tho ''flRhtlnfe parson" and has boon very active In pursuit of tho Illi cit liquor men. ' Last Wednesday tho officers de stroyed four waKeatoads of beer, and they wero tlppc;'al other wagons were tO'iMveiMpTcieriByt Lockett and Gerlnjc wore riding together on horseback when they were fired upon. Both fell, Gohrlng dying Instantly. Bowman and May field then rushed to tho scene of tho ambush In an nutoroobtlo, and both wero shot, Bowman being instantly killed. LIFE H BAITLE SAN JUAN DKI SUR, Nlcaraugua, Bopt. 20. Tho bloodlost battle or tho Nlcaragunn rovoltitlon was (ought at San Jorge today, ono thousand men being killed. Tho casualties woro about evenly dllded among tho two forces. Using a gunboat tho robols cap tured 3un Jorgo but woro ropulsed by tho fedorals when thoy attempted to occupy tho towa ot Rlvos. LONDON, Sopt. 20. A sorious on gagomont botweou Turkish troops and robollloiiB Mallssorl trlbosmou, In which flfty-soven Turks and 271 tribesmen woro killed, has occurrod at Boronl, according to Constant! npplo despatches rocolVod horo. Bo ranl la altuatod ueur tho Montono grin frontier. Reports received horo from Pod gorltaa, Montonogro, says that rofu gcos thoro form Guslnjo, Albania, ro port that at least hlf of tho Chris tian houses In tho town have boon sacked and tho villagers are In a stato of terror. Similar roporta have also boon recolved from tho neighborhood ot Ipok, REPORTED TR0UILE IN NICARAGUA IS DENIED WASHINGTON, Sopt. 20. The stato dopartmont today doprocatod ro ports that a clash la imminent at Oranada, Nicaragua, botwoon Ameri can troops and robols under Gonoral Mona. Minister Weltsel says Mona wlthdrow whon tho Americans ad vanced. It Is reported that Admiral Southorland Ib In personal charge of FROM AMBUSH THOUSANDS m WUA CHRISTIANS WW OF MOHAMMEDANS NOTED AVIATOR GIVES UP FLYING TO WED It . JOHN AUBKTiAND Only on receiving a promlxe thnt be would never fly again dfd Mhs ttoecca Wellman. dauplitcr of Walter Wellman, Arctic explorer and 3sfvlJte of th late Slelvln Vnnlmaii In dirigible flight., conxent to be married to Mr, Frederkk AuIhtI. of Washington, who iiccotDpjnM her father on hU airship America, when he attempted to fly lo Kurotc In October. Itilo. Mr. Aulwrt vns an automobile expert before br t"tprl the air fleld. His bravery, when ttK America fell into the ocean. H rahl :n lme been responsible V Inrue menxure for the iuilug of the lives of Mr Yv'c'.IiiUh and bis autoclatM. ROSEWATER PUT IN BOSS CLASS BY BULL MOOSE UAtiTlKGS, Neb., Sept, 'JO. Cliil- Jy pud rJoiulyiuthet.hcn)tudy resulted ju greatly redncitig the crowds that gathered to hear Theo dore Roosevelt, progrebsive,, candidate for president, when ho arrived here. Tho throng was- comioscd mostly of women and children. At Holdrcdgo Governor Chester Aldrich boarded the train and accompanied the Roose velt party to Lincoln. On his physician's ordors Roosevelt spoke but briofly today, fenring the effect of tho chilliness on his voice. At Oxford tho blare df u brass bnud awakened tho colonel,' who np jwarcd on tho platform and delivered a short speech. In his remarks today Roosevelt classes Victor Roscwutor, republican national committeeman with Senators Penrose and Crane mid with William Hnrucs of New York. At Miudeu Roosevelt was greeted by school chil dren with vociferous cheers SERVIAN ARMY POT BELGRADE, "Scut. 20. Reports that mobilization ot tho Servian array to a war footing had boon ordered by tho government, preparatory to n declaration ot wnr against Turkoy, caused groat alarm hero today. Do Bplto official denials, tho bollot per sists that war with tho Ottoman em pire Is Impondtng, and that hostili ties will start soon. BRIDE GOES TO WORK FOR GROOM IN OFFICE l.hs ANOELKS. Sent. 20. Curry ing her part of tho "uontrnut nmr riuge," Mrs. Carloton W.'Rashburn, who was inurried m Alhnmbrn bun day, went to work in her husband's .iffinn no n hlniuiriiithcr toduv. A olnuso in tho eontrnct pnnided tint Jlrs. Washburn sliould provvnte nuit tho family ospensos, uxcept when in capacitated. Tho Wasltburivs were married on a daring uontrnut, basis, which allows either paity to follow tho dictate of tho heart and conscience in rela tions with persons of thu opposite sox. PRIZES AWARDED FOR HORSE BACK PARADERS Miss Myitlfl ninkoly was nwarded first prieo and Mrs. Ilunolrigg seo ond among tho lady horsebnek riders ii) thb parade Thursday evening. Tho first prue wns if 0 n tljo BOQojld f i. REBECCA "WtUlMAK . 4, S WIFE E TO SAVE SPOUSE NEW YORK. SepU 20. TiiralBg attorney and detective In an effort to wn,vJ4 ..-rk.'--.'rsMttiLrirfJ.',r3.iL iito ncr nirouanu jin. xiaritm tv. uiu son, wife of the attorney held for the' murder of Mrs. Rosa Szabo, a client, Is busy hero today compiling docu-i mentary evidence for Gibson's cow ing trial. "I am doing this," said Mrs. Gib son, "because I have absolute faith in tho innocence of my husband. I am doing both legal and detective work, and will expose the tissue ot lies that havo beon woven about him." Mrs. Szabo. member of a wealthy Austrian family, met death while boating with Gibson. He claimed she accidentally fell overboard and was drowned. An autopsy showed tho woman died ot strangulation. Following Mrs. Szabo's death Gibson produced a will showing that she had left to htm her entire estate, vnlucd at about $100,000. THROWN HUNDRED FEET FROM FLYING MACHINE BKVIEIt, Mo., Sopt. 20. Thrown from his airship 100 feet to tiio earth George Underwood, representing tho San Antonio Aviation club of Cali fornia is in tho lio.-,pitnl hero today fatally injured. Underwood wilt, givving an exhibi tion nt tho stato fair here when a gust of wind upset bis machine. Sev eral hundred persons witnessed tho accident. BY COLUMBUS. Ohio. Sept. 20. Tho democratic campaign, In Ohio this af ternoon waB opened by speeches by Governor Woodrow Wilson ot Now Jersey aud Congressman Cox, the democratic caudtdato for governor ot Ohio. Both speakors pralbod tho adoption pf a progressive constitu tion by tho stato. M'KINLEY TO STUMP ILLINOIS FOR TAFT CHICAGO, Sept. 20. It was an nounced nt Tuft hendciuurtors horo today that: former Congressman Douglas MuKiuloy will arrive here Wednesduy lo start u stumping tour for Prosulont Tuft. John M. Ilurlau aud former Congressman J. Adam Uedo will continue on Rqosqyolt's trail through tho outturn part ot tho VPiwry., H SEEKS HI NO. 155 Cr $3.15 PAID FOR Sale ef Three Cars at New Ysrk From $2.10 to $3.15 a lex Hhjfc est This Seasen fer Rce Rlvsr Early Pears. Four Carloads ef 9m SMmMi tt Glasfw HM t Rtft Umm Thr ef Last Yer, r. , The top prices for .KejHM;Xffr Bartlctt pears this year Wire " re ceived Septenber 17 m 'Um' NeW York market whea S3ri6 .wergild for fruit abided by O. R. HIU oTthla valley. The sale was nade tferesgh the Producers Frull coaspaiiyj The company reports the sale et three cars. The first grossed $13SL being a car made up of salpnils from various orchards. Prices raBge4 from 12.60 to 2.90. The secosd car grossed $1449 and was loaded with Hill fruit. Prices ranged froa 12.70 to $3.15 a box. The third car, mostly from the Daggett orchard grossed $1511. Prices averaged $3.05. Tho Producers Fruit cotspkay hoping to duplicate the success ef last year has shipped four cars of Bosc to Glasgow via, Montreal, ey met with reaaarkable auceees U'tltat market a year ago aad'feefe te'de' better this year. . , PHILADELPIUA, vSept. ). Feigning insanity id an attenptto escape hanging, FrarikM. CalWutt, a iumbermah of Crescent, Klamath county, Oregon, who shot and klll'ed Benjamin K. Gallup, a retiredyKansas fanner, December 16 last, w3s"sen tenccd yesterday to death. Gallop's wife was implicated by Calhoun, whom ho said promised to marry 'htm and then refused on account of her husband. V -,' Calhoun wus formerly t resident of the Rogue River valle'iTiidfis'lre called by old settlers. g WED AND MEDFORD WILL PUY SUNDAY Vith tho many exciting features of tho last battlo between 'eed and Medford still fresh in the memory of tho fans of Southern Oregon, it is expected thut thoy will again bo out in full force. Sunday when the same teams lino up for uuulher encounter, which promises to bo equally as thrilling as tho lust ono. Young Burgess will start on tho slab for the locals, utid will bo oppos ed by Wihr for Weed. Tho Weed team and fans will either arrive on No. 10 Saturday oveuing, or by speciut train Sunday morning. Remember tho gdma starts at l!l5 p. in. HAY SPENT $13,100 ' ' TO SECURE NOMINATION' OLYMPIA, Wn., Sept. 20. Gov ernor M, E. Ilay, according to ha itemized statement oil filq horejoday, -spent $13,100.00 to get tho renomina tion on tho republican ticket, illuy hud practically no opposition wlwn tho progressives organized the third party, tho throe leading candidates immediately withdrawing. CHINESE WOMEN CHEER CARRIE CHAPMAN CAT PEKltr, Sept, 20, Mru. Crr Chapman Ctt, president Qf the' In ternational Womun Suffrage s eintion is onthusiuslio today vr th enthusiastio Avelcome she reeetve from suffragettes to whew sh ! tured on wonimi'M riAW to the, balkt More than 400 Ckinefte were In at- tendance wt tli HMnHkf " GROSSEoli a .Kt MM Bfti ab SBBBt Si Skfttk Si Sk. BBSVSSSS b io mm - r 1 1 :h -- . . 4- o. 5 -: o l i ' m i'i ,'f.l V rt Sa tJ