(I "S,, Tf T. 4 M"EPFOUr MATL TRVR17NE, MEDF0U1), OIWCION. Tmms'OAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1012 IffifS THJMNEDH AT LOCAL FAIR NOB NX? -i- ' MB BBNE EXHIBITS PROVE PMOST IHIIIHL MR CROP DRAWING GHD !MfNi OF WORLD'S LAKES bm v M nm m nun if n h i ."U ift.f 'J-'. Jf IA" t P I f.r . ..M w ' t- t hi V.rt 1 .9 I3r ' SMI aiSraVB " ravlwMlHBrak l 111. M....II.I I l I A shntlcrcd (rni'k i coord for Orv ro when Kinj Seal stepcd n Imlf mile in 1:03 prmod Hie fcntiire of the firul dny'n rncinj? meeting t the fair ground. The afternoon's spoil vni good nnd worthy of n fnr larger orowtl (linn the one present. The race this afternoon will ho excellent iuhI will niclilile the first nutomobilc raoo of the meet. Following is tho program : 2:28 class, trot or pare, .lark-on county horhcc, purse $200. Entries, David Hnriini, Maj belle, Hulmont .)., King. 2:30 trot, mile heaU, purso $.100. Entries: Unimax, green; Alto Ex press, record 2:22 1-4; St. Michael, record 2:24 1-1; Zchmi Z., rcconl 2:24 1-4. Huuuiug, five-eighths mile dnMi, l)ur80 $100. Four entries. Automobile raco, twenty Inps put-he $130. Two cnlrics from Abh latid, one entry from Mcdford. Exhibition saddle stallion Prince, owned and ridden by Mrs. Mitchell. King Seal, owned by Tom Taylor, won the Jackson county free-for-all, best three in five heats Wednesday. Tc lowered tho track record stcpnin in 1:03. Chiquito, owned hy George Baron of Ashland, finished second. King Seal won three heats and fin ibhed second in two. Dollio McKinncy had no trouble in winning the 2:20 pace, taking tbrcii heats straight. Mrs. Moore was an easy victor in the" ladies' running race. Mrs. Cook wnssecond, Miss Sliugcr third. Jack Kcrtell won the half mile race in a closo finish, with Wade Hampton second. Commercial Trav eler missed tho train and was left at the quarter post. There was some difficulty in making the start in thi rape but tho horses finally got off together. V. Jones won the wild horse race. Only one man was thrown but balky hornes on tho. home stretch furnished much amusement. Tins event was one of tthc most pleading of the after noon. Following arc the results and time: , . ... Tae results were: Free-for-all pace, half mile King Seni ...-,' w 2 2 ,1 1 1 Chiquito ... 112 2 2 Hamlet ,J. , . .3 4 3 t Klpg ., ,..,.... 4 3 4 Time. 1:06 1-4, 1:05 1-4, 1:05 1-4, l:QJ. 1:07. 2:20 pace, one mile Doillo McKlnney 2 111 BelJ Smith ,..,-...... 12 3 2 Alto Expresa 4 4 4 4 Time, 2;24 1-1, 2:20, 2:24 1-4, 2:24 1-2. 2:24 1-4. The exhibits at tho Jnuk'.oti Conn ty fair and pear show in piwing n drawing card and lart crowds throng the exhibit rooms diul.x. Everything that is gntwn in Jackm county is shown mid many other nitt cles ntnuufaelured ill this scetiou nro exhibited. Then the Iiotnrk pens are filled with blooded stuck "o tint every one who xiHs tho fair can find something of interest. The "Made in Medford" exhibits are unusually good. There i ee ment brick, ordinary brick, foment pipe, furniture, sausage and fnnex prepared meats, candy, granite, and odds and ends of nil descriptions which will well repay n xisjlnr. The fruit and produce exhibit is extensive. All of the different var ictes of vegetables and fruit nr shown. Especially fine is nn exhibit of garden prwdurc from a single ranch in the valley which look, fir-t prixc for hfest display. This was ar ranged by 0. J. Ames. A. J. Terry from his 40 acre ranch is exhibiting n fine line, of produce and fruit. His display s xery at tractive. The ladies have arranged mi ex hibit of needlework mid handicraft which no mere man can describe but NEAl. & 2CKAL Kiflv N'onscnsical Noxeltx. can only tmmel at. The display is ( erv uttrnetne. The livestock iens uro well filled; thoroughbred hogs, cow.s, nnd limstcs being exhibited. Tho poultry display is alo large The -"exhibit?, well repay a isit. Attendants arc on hand to n) at tention to he various displays and explain them, Auto Prize AwartUsI One of the most euthusnistit' inem berx of the party ot scientists who isiled Crater L,iko was Whidiiner Uoubiausky, conservator of tho iin penal bolniiienl 'gttixleiis at St, Pet- erslmlg, ami who has won consider able fame as mi exnloror. lie did not hesitate in declaring That the lake wasVoiie of the most beautiful scenic attractions on which he hud eTr gued. "I iln not wonder that Ihe eitireu ship of the Kogue mer x alley is on so high ii plane," stated Mr. Doub itiusky. 'Such it uix'tit natural won der at our iloors demnnds. The AH Wise one kaowS how to have his won ders appreciated and caied for. We were astounded by the milliner in which we were recrned hero and en tertained and we were fuithcr its touuded by the jH'rfoctucss of the mountain icm you had to display. Crater Luke is the most beautiful lake 1 ho over seen." , MARRIED. Wlllant 1C. Itoy.il ami Louisa Ol son wore married by ltox W. V. Sbleldx, pastor of the Presbyterian The Pacific Motor Supply company church, Wednesday at S p. lit. These has plven nn elegant robo as first ( xoting people will mako thalr homo prlxo for best decorated auto In tho In Mcdford. Tho pood wishes of pa ratio riittrsday night. 'thctr many friends ro with them. We Invite YOU to Make STATE METHODIST MEET AT ASHLAND The Oregon annual conference of the Methodist Episcopal church op ened itb bes&ions Wednesday at Ash land. Ministers and delegates have been met upon arrival by automobiles and convoyed to church headquarters, which hns been merged into a sort of ecclesiastical rlcuriug-houxc pending tho assignment of xisitors to their respective places of eulcrtuitiniont xvJiilo in the city. Bishop Hicluird .1. Cooke partici pated in the reception ieatures, us did Rev. . A. Schwimley, jxistor of the Congregational church, who will deliver u fraternal greeting to the conference body, the laity being icp resenled by Mayor Neil and It. 1'. St Campbell, of this city. The first day was given over to the examination of candidates for holy orders, about a dozen having gone through the quiz on the relative mer its of doutrimi and belief, including Christian perfection, eleuicutury Eng lish, boinileties,, logic, American his tory, Hutlor'ii umilogy, the English Uiblo, grounds of thcistto belief, Christian ethics, etc., tho topics ar ranged by gradations in uurriculuue form. The commit I e,e on uxamiuntion in cluded: Revs. II. Gould, It. Q. Poor, II. T, Atkjnson, W. F. Ilrowne, O, II. Foea, W.8. 0,ordon, J. K. Huwkins, W. R. Jeffrey, Jr., D. H. Leech, W. J. DjiglHSS, At R Lcn, D. H. Trim ble Hiid D. A. WHt'tera, ExuBiiimtiona for loeul deucona were condweUd by Dr. H. Leech, II. y Akinoii, W. J. Douglass and W. 'R. F. Browne, while b like senice in belmlf of eldeA' orders will be held BBte"4ia .' ! 5' '' , ,' W ' " mJff'( mmM$$--' ImBBiHBBBBBBBBBBW'- Pi - raflRSaa'BBBHBrararararara v$Mi? "" toBVrclBBiBBHBBBBlBBBBBBBBBBBBI g..BBBmIiBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 'JBrTv BBBBBBBBBBBBBBIBIBBBBBBBB itBBBBBBBflBKSPsSiMKPQiBHBBBflBBBBH jMBWMalpJgSI11 ..ly2riBE8iraMlBirarai W- VM&iiffiliiHBHBHBHHHHHHB sA.r t ks" 3irnP(nciMrararararaK 'nvraBrararaHBnrararararaHrarararararararai n .BBBvVSvTlCivcSMMP'BBBBiB BBBBBBBBhBIHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI Wi'-- WryaBiraBBBf BB9EiBBBBBBBBBl gsu . niBraBBnK ifiMliW ii i1 ii I iiiiiilrallWrailWHBoMral vm - BBBHB,,;ilBIIKt, ''HraVBBSHraBBBHfl 1' BhSBBK CwHpw -mMBBBa.A ''BBBBBBBBB1B1 V . BkIBPIF aj "MHr'f w vBBBBBBl KwfflBvi1' fairarani "J ''nff ';' wQWeBm iBM BBBlv , BBr'vl "- IBBa ''BBBBl Y-ftximar' A 1KJraHHHK.i HHHHHH Ot Hr HHHBH ( 'liK'mH iraraH b,kvjli ' 'jiJmm "'' ' aH IS H flHraH inBHnBBilBBB BBl ' BBV" BBB BB BBBBE BiBBBBHr Bh ' ' ' BbbuI r BraBiLrararararaH mBHHBhHO! Bb ,: 1 ".HraMk' HHE bHHHB BBBBBHBBmp BBuKBBBBV'BraBBIBBBiBBBBR This Bank YOUR Headquarters We have for the accommodation of the public: Ladies' Private Writing Room A. . Customers' Waiting Room Both Phones .vIHBibPSdH bnK'VHi C'.PH.'i r Hl-lBniflRiw' AUTOLOADING RIFLE:. Thit Remington Cub can look through th barrel and that it it cltan All the advantages of the big game arm with none of its discomforts and annoyances The recoil does the work of reloading and ejection instead of pounding your shoulder Five shots just pull and release the trigger. Your action stays open and warns you when it is time to shove in a fresh clip You can never get in a tight place-the gun never clogs. Each shot strikes a one ton blow Simple action simple take-down. ' Send for a motion picture booklet explaining the J&mtogGHl-yAG' Autoloading Rifle's big points. S&lQArMetallic Cartridges combine the high est velocity with the greatest shooting accuracy Made in all calibres for every standard firearm. When JRsmlggllMG cartridges are used, the arm'is guaranteed to the full extent of the manufacturer's guarantee gmlngtonrUMCttic perfect shooting combination Remington Arms-Union 'Metallic Cartridge Co 2M BROADWAY NEW YOBJC CITY 5MbiU EVERYTHING FOR THE Automobile Motorcycle and Bicycle ! u Complete line of "Eveready" Flashlights and Electric viJs.:p2Ltm. lanterns -- . rr Wr .' ,vHK .IT i v v M 1 v PACIFIC MOT Oft SUPPLY CO. 220 West Main St. I i i vT First National Bank & . by D. A, VfHw9. K4fr rrmt Mr -m h?L ..wtway.., CiiVriMtMrjvrg.j''tir gigri rffSMfi iMtKMyH -V4 m ,jsiiiisimjimi v.teM ' - 4) tmmmmmm