"M O KmilJLii L,' i mm Who Said PIONEEfriTwitL MffET THURSDAY, SEPTEMIER 28 Notice In hereby glv,cii that tbo an unlit mooting or Tho Southern Ore Ko'n Plon'cor Boclcly will Ih hold at the court house liouno In JnckNou vlllp, OroROti, on Tliurmlny, Rojitom lioV 30lli,t1013. KxcrcUo ll com uincn tit 11:00,11. in. A,U )louim nro roQUOntod to bo jireeont, nrul n nonornl Invltnllon In 'xicinlt'd to tlm public. piiitior will bo iiprmi free to all liloimorB by tlm Nntlvo DniiRhtcrn of Jftln McCully Cnbln No. 1. All inoibara xlioultl coino lrc imnul to pny tlmlr unnunl cltion of $10, mnttvrn of linttortnnco will comn before tbla nicotlui;. lly order of qomiultto op nrrnnuo ineyt. t'lTATIO.V T) HIIOW CAIIKK. lit tlio County Court of tho Hato of Oregon, lnamt for tbo ouuty of , 7i'T'" "" ' i r r "i-uiifw!iiiiin..i mi fw.rvo'u)5X l W V YAW .0,ir I- t ' "" '' iiwin'imiiWii ii ii n ly-p.-j-. . i-p-pj,-- --t 1 ..i. Jl . , JMCKttOII. Ill tlur tiuttar of tlio cutnlo of K1; want C. Irelanil, drcortsoi!. To ImuIba I. Iroland. Ktha May ThompKon, and nil tiornnti luterektod In I tin cutnto of 1'Mwjml C. Iroland, doccancd, and to alt ollifirn unknown. In tbo Namo of tlm Htato of Ore Ron: Uy order of tbo rounty court of Jncbnou County, lntbo fltnto of Orb Ront Mlttlui; n tbo court of prpbato, you nro boroby cltod and required to npponr before tbo Juiko of aald court j., itklhouirl;r6oaff'iW Ju4 ' thn courtboimo In tbo County of Jack koii-Ih aald Htata of OrtKon, on the Hth day or October. 1913. bolng Monday, at ton o'clock In tho fore noon of Dint day, tbon and thorn to abow emma why an order or anlo nbould not Ixi madn pcirinlltltiR tbo Biliiilnlntrntor or nnltl cittnto with copy or tbo Will annoxod. to toll tlio roal property of mild entato olthor for canh or on cnidlt or o much tlinroof bh aball bt UBCcar or btpo flclal to nald ostato ntid t-npcclnlly fo much thorivof an nhalt bo tipcowary to pay tho debta and claims aRalnnt Kuld ctato, tORotbor with tlm cot or admlnlHtratlon or tho tollowlnR dcMcrlbcd propnrty bnlonRlnR to aid ONtato, nil or which U Hltuntod, lylnR and bnliiR In thn County or Jnckiion ami Htiitn or OroRou, nnd particularly doflcrlbod an follown, to-wlt: (a) Ixit No. of Davla Hubdlvl. nlou of Lot No. 5 of Calloway Addi tion to tho City of Medford. b) Lot No. 7 or Davla Rubdlvl n I on or M No. fi or Onlloway Addi tion to tho City or MtvHord. - (o) U)i No. S or Hlock 3 or tbo ItOHiioko Addition to tho City of Medford. (d) CoiniimiicliiK at n point 1.7S clialna north or tho qunrtor nectlon corner botwron unctloiiH 3V and 30 In towiuhlp .17 Houth or IlmiKn ono wnt or tlm Wlllnumtto Meridian, and ruiiiiliiK tlionco onat 0.015 ebalna: llionro north 7.41 cbnliiH; thnnro west 0.0 1 r. cbnliiH, thunco aouth 7.4 1 chiilim to tbo jilnro of hoRltiiiliiB. coiitalnliiR roiir and ouo-linlf (4V4) acres moro or loxn. This cllntlon la publliibodby vlrtjio or nn ordor of tlm county court In tlm Hiild Jnckpon County, Htato or Oro Bon, altlliiR aa tho court or probate, duly mndo and rIvou on tho 18th day or Koptombor, 1913. tho ilato or tho first publication or thlB cllntlon boliiR Thumdny tbo lOlli day of Boptombor. ' 1012, tho iiocond pnbllcnllon thoroof boliiK on Thuraday tho aoth dny of SJoptotnbor, 1013, tho 'third, puiUm Hon thoruof bol"B o Tlmraday b ard day or (Mobor, 1013, tlm fourth publication tbnropt boliiK on Thuraday tho 10th duy o( lOdtobor, 1013, and tbo fifth and laot publica tion thornof boliiK on Thuraduy tlm 17tb day of October, 1013, tlm immo boliiR oiibllBlmd onco n wook In tho MBdford" MAW Tribune of Medford, WltnoHH my lAn'd nbd tlm aonl oi mild Courlfthln'tlm lKth day of Sop Clork, ' lly FLOIIA TIIOMl'BON. , . , Deputy, Heal of tho ', 4 Couutv Court or aokHon 5'"" jj'H1!!. FOR RKNT FURNISHsTO ROOM FOR RENT Largo rront room fuf . nlHhoil for liulliiB, Tolophono 7501, ' 430 north Ihirtlett. , iil ,1?0 , I " ill ! FOR RENT Largo aloeplng ropra $1,50 and $2 por weolt. Modern hoiiHokoopliiB npartniontf, $15 and . $10. Home phouo aflO-K. 323 ' Botith Holly, yf FOR RENT Modorn furnished rooma lit tlm CottnKo, 004. WcHt 101b at., two IiIopKh Botith MoiUoi'd Hotel. Hot nnd cold wntor In rootuu, Mrs, II. U Cosn, ft .. .. . - . It. Didn't Pay ta mm Nfcmh-mnmai FOIt HUNT-$35. Complatoly'fur. nlsliud, modorn, hIx room butiRnlow piano, flroplno, HlccpliiK porch. 531. Hamilton HU W l'aclflo ihona 245b,. t t 1G5 FOIt nBNT -Modnrh five room cof tno furnliined, 314 north Holly. 154 KOlt ItHNTW-OHo'bunRnlow, idrlctly modenf, hardwood floor, atntlon ary wiub tubs, two fire jilacoi, 1 block from achooi; Reed nelRh borbood, ront (30,00. Phono 501, New 61, It. J. Conroy, M. D. FOR ItKNT FttruUbQd houia closo Irt. M, A. Hatjor, Mcdford V. & II. Co. FOIt HICNT Bmnll furnlibod houae rJoie In, 110. Iliunpbrey S15 E. Main. 150 FOR HHNT Modern furnlabed 5 rooio bungalow. v Call mornlngH. 433 South Laurel. ' FOH KKNT About Sept. 15th, fur nlahod d room cottage modern, G18 Kns BL FOR HKNT Furnlahed hoimo with all modorn convenience!, 730 W. Klcventh St. FOR'RKNT New modern, imrur nltbed four room flat, gam raiiRO three block from V. O. Phono raclflc, 3731; Home, 353-L. YOK RENT Modera rivo-room bouae. M. A. 5Udr, at M. V. h H. 6. FOR IlKNT 10 room hooie rear of Frmera ft Trultxrowera , baaki Citable for bNBliteM. re I etatei Uoardlnx or roomlUK house. Gold Roy Really Co., 6tn and Fir ate.) FOR RENT 4 room houso. $0.00 per month. Oold Ray Realty Co., Sixth and Fir. U KOJt Itl-iN'T l'UtNiqiIKD A1T8. FOR RENT Smith ApU. 217 8. Rtv. FOR RENT Throe room furnished flat. 3S3 B. Central. 154 FOR RENT OFFICES FOR RENT Largo, comrortablo of flco rooms with elorator service, steam heat, hot nnd cold wntor. Lor rntea. Apply Mcdford Furni ture &' I lflw. Co. ' FOR RENT MIHCET-tiANBOlIg FOR RENT Ranchos large and small, nlfnlfn. nnd gardon lands. Qold Ray Realty Co., Gtu and Fir. FOR RENT 30 room rurnlohod hotol nu percentage. Gold Ray Realty Co. GOOD PABTURE At $1.50 n month. Address Y. 11. Allen. JnckBonvlllo or phono Pacific 301. 150 FOR RENT Now 3 Htory brick tfiml ni'tm building ennmut lilork trout, US nnd lilt north Central Ave, Will ront both or either room, separately. Prleo rotmounblo. AIho furnished rooms for light hoiiBoktHtpliiKt imar heart or oily. Call at 10 north Central, upstairs room 1. ' r 150 IOR BALK 1IOU8IC8. FOR BALE A cosy B room modorn bungalow, on largo lot cheap, must soil at onco, owners Home phono 182-W. 170 NEW TODAY A parly jWlth BUbatantlul rgur njoni lmiiBpjwor.th $00,00 ou J?oo(jlvlpt on 14th Btroet' near pnvomout, will tmdo for it good five room hounp cloie (tii nail, worth gaoqptgo. . W1U pay nitioronce in chhii, nero ib h ohniico te: deal, nnd got somo moimy. A ninn with n fine seven room hotiHo oil n lot 5Qxl00 feet In Port land, woll located and near car line. Pnvoniout In nnd paid tor. Tlm placo la worh $4,000.00, nwouJd Jruflp for4n ,lt O.OO houao In Medford, nndet .$J0OQ.0OO atiuul ngaljiBt, Um Pnrlnnj houio. , . l Two good hotiHoii, ono n ton room doublo hotiBo, and, tho ptbor a Iiouhq ofour laygV qoniB, ou' ai A0x 1 foot, Blrlajly modorn und uflin.o rental und luve,atfien( uroiipKttloa. 6nly two hlookn rrom tho N. P. depot pnvlng paid, In heart of BpoUnno. Vnluod ut $15,000.00 will trndo oven, for Medford liicopm property, or u raUa IrtWl co )J 'M G. D. HOON Room IV JnckHOU County Uk Uldy, j ' ' ' ' : - " - MflPffORP MATTJ iTRTBUNE, Advertise? UMV, vow Pooft YOU DON'T GUPPoSG ANY QV WHO P7ND1, IT lt6eW To fcfcTORM it ttPrAiKi: r VW fWfMp f f, do FOK HAUC noUHEU I'OW tlAKlZl room touse and lot, $000,00. Gold Ray Realty Co., Bth and Fir. tr FOR BALKCheap. Eauy pay menta, threo room cottage. 306 Wlllametto Ave., onnt ildo. Chick en hou&e and barn, 'one or two Iota, flno deep coll. Telephone C0K3, II. p. Piatt, OarneU-Corny BldE. 15C FOR SALE now, nine room bunga low on comer lot 00x125, three block from high school. living room mid dlolng room with 'beam ceilings and panel walla. Fire place And Jill built In conveniences, Dutch kitchen, hardwood floor throughout. Hcrecncd porch nnd garnKC. Phono 7501. FOR SAlife-ACKKAQB FOR BALI-: A beautirul bulldlnR site Just east of Medford city llniltH. IIlRh and Bluntly, perfect drulnaco, fine' view of Mcdford and tho valley, building restriction on adjacent propcrtr. Three lota mcaHtirlng 40,000 eiare foot or nearly ati aero. Fronting on Jack son Uoulevard which will bo ouo of tJie flrtCBt drives In Mcdford when the new' Boar Creek1 brldgo i cornplotodl This property can bo purchased for $500 down long time and easy terms on balance. This cannot be boat for a IiIrIi grade residence location. Address "V. p, Uox 7p3, Mi'dford, Oregon. FOR BALELarge ftcrcngo fruit, lands, 'ttxehnnges, W. J. IIIIIIh, K. If. French, No. 0, S. Central with; Abatrnqt.Co 174 FOIT1AL Elubt licrw: jMibst side city limits, all planted to '3 year eld applet: amall house, geed well: $2500. W. T. York Co. FOIt SAXifc LAWD FOR SALE Ranches, aero tracts, tivon property on 5 nnd 10 years time. Gold Ray Realty Co,, Sixth and .Fir. FOR SALE 83 "acres partly Im proved land, S room furnished houso, stock and crops go with tho placo. Plonty of good water1. Price $3000. Address box 53, Jnoksonvlllo. 156 FOR BALK MISCBLLANKOUf FOR BALE Thoroughbred Rhode Inland Red chlckcnB, also nrtlclca or hoiiBohold furniture. Mrs. Carey, corner or Kings Highway, phono 4712, mornings. 158 FOR BALE Dining room furnltiiro, blcyclo and other hnirschold furnl tiiro.' 24 Mlatlotoe. 156 FOR SALE DIbo plow nnd rubber tiro English go-cart. Pacific phono 301-J-4. FOR SALE 1 2U Inch Mllburn wngoii, 1 sot heavy Bliiglo harness. Both now. Contrnt Point Lumber Co., Central Point. 156 FOIt SALE Eating nnd cooking ap ploH, delivered to any part of city, 50, ceuta n bo. C, O. Hoover, Doll phono 1522. 154 FOR BALE--1913 5 pnBsongor ati tomobllo almoBt now. Burgaln for ensb. Box SO, Tribune. FOR BALE Elghteon hundred. A-l Cedar posts. Hanaro 5 Inches. Address Box 1, Butto Falls, Oro gon. 15R FOR SALE Fancy Rod Crab Apploa, A conta por pound, dollvorcd. Berkeley Orchards. Phono 811-F-21. FOR 8ALE Or trado for wood de livered In Medford, ono good team of mules, hnrnoss, wngon nnd wood rack. Address II. P. Flury, Talon, Oregon. 155 mCLP 'WANTED MALK WANTED Applo pnclcora. apply BuncroBt orchnrdB, 3 miles, onat of Talent, Oro. 156 HELP WANTED FHMAIdl WA'NTBD lfoU8okooflor, two In ram- lly, '.Gormau prorerrou. u. w; Knnnard.JL F. D, No. 1, Ashland, Orogpft. ' v 155 WANTED SITUATIONS. WANTED Washing. Ironing nnd eloanlug at home or by tho day. Mrs. MacNeal, 410 north Fir St. - 155 MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY To loan on Improved oily or ranch proporty, O, A, Kulgbt; 801 E. Main, U lost LOST Oentlenmn'H glovo for left hnifd. R, II. Boylo, AHiln' Grocery Co. 150 V 74 f- - I MEPFOKP, ? - OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19. - - J.. Pf-l t 6ip, YOU f . WAKTKI) MIflCKTitANKOfJg WANTED Young Holstcln Jeraoy cow, must be first class jnllkor. ltoudluot Conner, Ixwer Table Rock. - WANTED To trado good young team, welelrt,'2ino for dry fir or oak wood. 'Inquire of. Japes Rros,, Home phone 50J-X. WANTED TO "BUYv-Good second band HKht hack with top. Janes nrps., IJoraa ptooGOl-X. WANTED Automobile, four cylin der, four or five passenger car. For Which 1 will trade city proper ty houso and lot or ono half In terest in some or lot or acreage tract. City property clear. Room 310 Garnctt-CoTcy Dldg. WANTED Cloaa rags at Mall Tri bune office. ' business orioim;NrnK8. DU8INEBS OPPORTUNITY Anyone wishing to engage In the, billiard business c& 'purchase all br sVfc&lf Interest In1 the Owl Billiard par lors as owner 'wlihca to go away. Sameaa' be vprcbased t,a, very rjea'rfonabl,etre.'8. 1. Browa. FOR BALE A rooming and apart ment house. 21 Gcpeseo. St., all fuii.j a. ftn.yl? ; "6 BU81N1W4 p4ECTOKT Js CcvfpRlMR K4 D. R. WOOD pfrarAeebuBUt- Your books asHHted and kept tor.a r'oBaWsLiBE'',your tnudnl sfclklted.5romM, i Medford Mali TrlbHse bldg; phone 6611; eI deace phone 6J0.V'J D, WJIAdAvrtDrBfty-'t-lirw. Ta'cksoavllle; Ore. Office: Bank bldg...8,eceadtfloor.v FJ 'Jie; ,Pa- F C. U RBAME8, LAWYER Office Medford NatJQsI;Jank puUdlag, Kimu j.pvf, fcw, u it PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MBALEY Aitoraya-at-Law No. I aad.3, Postofflcebldg.' z' -- A. E.,REAME8. LAWYER GarseU- Corey bldg. Tt MULKKY aTCHERRY (R.-F: MUI KEY, GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 and 13 Jncksoa Couaty Bank bldg. ' w &Ilt.Pofer . T.' . VERNE T CAON Bl Poster aad uistnoHiorv ah oruers'prompuy filled, .lloom 39. Jackson County Bank bldg.,Mcdforil,JOregon. Brick and' bemeat. n Tho.k'iIedrofd Ifydraulld. Ceaeat, Brlclc ahd 'Block vWorka. 'Spe cialty, ornamental brick for'Tire placeB(lla pon;ljM,cc61ubD3,wa:Vef; table; slls,- caps arched chimneys; lawrf-vasoB, Jardinieres, flowerpots Phone Main 541, corner 10th a'nd Fir streets. r i' in1" 1 i" . 71 3 m H'i ' ; u "civlllaeyT.. LOUI8 W, WJIlTIN'MClVlf Ragiaeer akd Suryeyor. 'Waferflllnwhd Irrigation work a1 specialty auiv veyir,'Bubdlvl'dlrig.MfWlailVr,1i' clty'eaglaeerluB.elrattlBgjiewer deatgaconbrcto1 work, pump and canal syBloniB. Room 2, Palm blk., Medrord.'Ortgon . i ii' , , I I DR. A. R. HEDGES. Dr. Loulso H. Hodgcfl.-Mechanb-Thoraplsts, Chiro practors! 8poudylotheraplst8. Thpso oyBtomB, Including dlotetics, cuta Ufa rymna8rc3, hydrotherapy, etc., produce results In both acute and chronic dlsoaae;' Consultation troe. 830 N. Ilartlotf Btreet, noxt door to M. E. church. Hours, 0 a. m. to 5 p. m. othor hours by np polntmon. Bell phone Main. ,4171 DR. R. Ji TSQCICWOOD, Chlropraetor, nerve Bpoolnllst. ' Rooma 303-04-05 Gariiott-Coroy Bldg. Vapor baths and Bclontttto massage given; advice, in dlotetics, medical 'gym nastics, hydrotherapy. Lady at tendant. Phono Home 145-K. Main 7073. Granlto Works MEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo. W. Prlddy, O. D. Nagle, Goo. T. O'Brien Contractors and inanu fncturers of brick; dealers In prosBod brick and lime. Office at tholr brick yard, West Jacksou at. PhonaNo. 3461. -r f, -e IfoMSa. ) . a ji THR"PARK VIRWIOTEL-Roomn SI 'fill tiaf . U'nnkV JtklAOlia OK nniirai Trnnslunt 25 C0lt8 ulght. J. T. Perry, Prop, 173 l ETj'iH I ............ .... . I AJjjfr to The papgp. "m? Jm, " ! '. 1 ovfc.Tn,N&. Wv. Mujr tmik rccrue Boobs BVBINKS8 DIRECTORY Ctdnese Medlclwi CHOW YOUNG'S Chrnese medicines will cure rheumatism, catarrh, eelda, golturo, threat and lung treublo, deafnese, paralyair, private diseases and all kinds of chronic and nervous ailments. Stomach trouble, constipation, ladlgestlon, womb aed bladder troubles. See mo at 241 B. Front at, Medford, Ore., to 4, 6:30 to 7:30. Resldeace phono Main 42. Sennets DR. W. M. VAN BCOYOO DR. O. C VAN BCOYOO Dontlsta Garsctt-Corey. bldg., aulto 810, Medford, Oregon. Both Phones. DR. ARTKMUS W. DEANE Dentist Office In Rtalto bldg., 123 E. Main. Gas administered for extraction of teeth. Telephone Main 681. Night phono 4432. Garbage OARBAGB Get 7oar premises ejeahed up for the summer? ' Call on the city garbage wagons for good service. Phone Main 6251. F. Y. Atts- ' ' numeric QUAKER NUR8ERIES Our trees are budded, not grafted. Our ot la'Bbt irrigated. We guarantee everything put out Wo are not in ' the trase- H. B. Patterson. Office removed .to office Hotel Nasbj In side entranco noxt to barber shop. Notary ruuJIc lilsLKN.N. YOCKEV' Tieiary fPah Hc, -Brfng yoqr work to me at the elgaofTbe Mall Tribune. ' n Priwcrs aad PnbUIicn" MEDFORD PR1NTINO CO. has the beet 'equipped Job office la southern Oregon; book binding. Ioobo leaf systems, cut papor, etc,, ,ctc, Port land pricea. 27 N. First" Physicians and Suryeoas DR8. CONROY & CLANCY Physi cians and. sUrgeons, Taylor and Phlpps bldg., rooms 210-2H-212: Office phono 501, residence phone 612. Office hours ,9 a, m. Jo 8 p. m DR.'F. G. CARLO W. DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. .Moved to rooms 416 and 417 Oar-n.ett-Corcy bldg, Phone Main '6351, DR. 'STEARNS Pnyslcjap and sur fieop. Of Ico Jackson County BanX Bldg., rooms 17-18-19. phono 6501; residence 307 S. Dakdalo, phono , -7171. Home phono. rcsldonQo 109. Office 430. " " DR, S. A. LOCKWpOD Phyalclari nnd Surgepn. , MYRTLE S..JLOQKWO0D, M; D-i Practice limited td diseases' "qf wo.raen Offices over 'Hasklns Drrig Store. Offlco Phones: M. .1001, - .Home 28, Residence Phenea: M. 79,81, Home 357-IC. - ., , ,. DR.J, J.EMMNS Physldlan and Surgeon. P rue t Ico limited ta eye. ear, noso and throat Eys aclen tlflcaltyteeted end klawsca Bupnlledr Office 216 E, MalnHtover Med' t fordv Hardware compaay. Hours 8; 30 a, pi., to 8 p.tms Boh phpninit K . "FIGKEti, M.' I. Office Jack- son Cqunty Bank, Olfieet , PROS Cvd Uil J. MARI,ONv-lMsictf;tf ntiii afi4ifivu vinv 4vwmi w 6 Kcrituor bldg, orflca hours 10 to 12, 2 to B. Phone, Bell 871 Aesldonco phono Bell 273. E. KIRC1IGESSNER, M. D. Prac tlco limited to Chronic DIsVaRo Offlco Hotol Holland, Wednesday 103.' Both phones. Residence "pboneM: Farmer 10xx8 Kaglo Point and Roguo River line. HERMANN F. RATOv, Ji. D. Of flee ovor Mcdford National Bank. Office phone 6701. Res., Hotel Ilolland. x CLARK E. SAUNDERS. M. D., Prac tlco limited to Eyo, Ear. Nose and Throaty Kyea Bclentltlcally tested and glasBos furnished when needed Garuott-Coroy Bldg., 2nd floor Both Punties, Medford, Oro Btetiograpliera" ULliA "M: 'OAUKY AW Pftini rilocli Stonographlo work douQ quickly and well. Transfer lESATTS" TRANSFER & 8TORAQI0 CO Offlco 10 8outh Fir. Phone Bell 3153; Home 35Q-K. Price? right. Service gunrnntood. Undertakers JOHN A. PERL piidertaXer aiU Enibalrair. Ofriijo'88 South Bat lett at. Telophene: Day. ol) 471; night, restdonoe, Bell 473. Homo470'L. Cttlla nuHWorod night or day. Ambulance service. 5912 ...;, By "Bud" EisHcr n I, H ' j ; - "' ' " ' ' ' CO OK, MUTT, X GOT 51 J Income Property Yield ing Over II Per Cent No. 1, 0 room and wood shed, 2 story house, open fireplace, electric lights, city water, telephone, station ary tubs, toilet, hot and cold water, lot 125x100, 5 new chicken houses for 2500 chickens, in garden and nicely fenced. Rents for $25.00 a month, 5 minutes walk from center of Crescent City. Present tenants want to rent for a year. Price $2,250 cash. Houso co.ufil not be built for $2,500. No. 2. Across tho street from the above. 5 room, 2 story house, elec trict lights, running wator and tele phone, lot 100x200, 60 foot new boulcvarde on ono side of lot and good road on tho other. Chicken bouses and barn. Present tenants have-reuted for over 2 jears at $15 a month. Cash $2,000. As Incomo property tho two pieces will net as follows, l)otb tcnauts vwill take, year's loase: No. 1, $3,250, rents for $300 a year, 13 1-3 per cent . . No. 2. $2,0,00,,, reals ?for $180 a year, 9 per cpat. The total Invest ment of $4,250 brings $480 'a year, netting 1114 por cent ' The property is row easily" worth $6,000 aad will easily double within ntixt,yac, oc.two-., Ow-aec rt.hava money quick. I.,hAYe ilso few choice .Cresceat City lots 5 0x10 a In same nelghborho6dr 5 minutes walk; from center of Grecent Cltr at $200 alot AH cleared, good streets, elec tric lights nnd.waterfc In. 1 See-.C S. Hamilton, caro of Dressier Agency '429 M. H. & F. Bid?., ttrifpra." M, r .SHINING: BETB;' v M are ,deslred by most peapler-r-'whlta and brilliant, rowa that are clear and perfectly vcn., What ever imay, bo the, matter with your teeth at pres ent, we will uodortako to put, thorn In proper ahape for you at a most reasonable cost We.do all branches of -IKmUalry--Including erowu and bridge work, capping, filling, etc.. and our pa,Lre-;isiiiywjB pxcol our rivals. J..vfce:.HBNWST1ISTrt, , Of rDaHlel4tor . Duda.PaelfIc Phoae 2538, Howe Phone 352-K Health la the foundation of all good look. The wise woman realizes this and takes precautions to preserve her heaka and' streagth. through the pe riod of child bearla;. She remains a pretty mother by avoiding as far a possible the suffering and dangers of such occasions. This every womau may do through tho use of Mother's Friend. This la a medicine fo'r xtereal application and bo penetrating la ita nature aa to thoroughly lubricate every muscle, nerve and tendon In volved during the period before baby comes. It alda nature by expanding the akin and tissues, relieves tender ness and soreness, and perfectly pre pares the system - m for natural and LlWltMTl)a safe motherhood. rYrWWi Mother's Friend Mtylfi s sold at ? drug a 8toreB. write .for free poox rK ex petant mqtherH; which contains much' vaiuablo Information, BxADflELB KKUUTOK CO., AtUats, Gt,, I 'Tfst0HT sexa. if rrinee "" 1 m "W I vWA-FsI Jp4L Wv V '"' . :,! Medford Real Estate t & Employment Agency 5 acres, 2 miles out Improved with water, $1,500. 21 acre,," 5 jnlle out, household goods, team, tools and everytkrag goes with the place at $4,800. Cigar business la Iowa worth- $15, 000 to trade for acreage or city pro perty in the Rogue river valley 147 acres la Sams Valley, 55 acres In cultivation, good house and all o'lt buildings,. $7,500 or will take some good city property. 120 acres of the best grain or fruit land In the valley, 12 lmllcs from Mcdford, only $35 per acre. We have some of the best bargains in city homes. Don't forget to boo us before you buy. Cbest of carpenter tools to soil. P01t jntTl " 1 tttJL EHifdoynicBt Girls and women for general houso 4 work In and out of city. '' Waitress, woman cook for ranch. U Elderly woman wants position aa housekeeper. ,,..!., Laborers $2,25 per day. ; j Ranch hands. MBS. EiMABITOHER Opposite NaefTjIetel ROOMS .ud 7, PAIiM BLOCK. WE WILL MAIL YOU 1 for each set of old False Teeth sent us. Highest pricea paid for eld Gold, Sliver, old Watches, 'Broken Jewelry and Precious Stones. Money Sent by Return Mall. I'hlla. Smelting & Rcfinteg Ceaapaay Established 20 Years MS Oiestaat St, Phlladelplila, Fa. To Deatists Wo will buy your Gold Filings, Gold Scrap, and Platinum. Highest prices paid, , i MQDPL BAKERY FOR PURITY ANI QUALITY Our Broad, Plea, Cake aud Pas(ry are Tho Best In town. Cxill and bbb them. Good sorylco nnd quick de livery. Home Phoim 33. KEIXKING BROS., Prop. ? MORTGAGE LOANS Money on hand at all tiroes to loan on improved ranches and city property at lowest rates with "on or before privilege." JAMES CAMPBELL . Phone 3231 &) G -C. 3Hg. A. SNAF 60 acres, six wllas from' Msdterd; good graded road croastt'iibe traet, al frea soil, at $50 per acre; $IQ9S Will handle, easy tarmsea.balaBae Part la ereek bottom laadi'.saitabla for alfalfa. Several j springs wt.the place. Tlmbor enough to pay far tho tract. No buildings. la tha Grlffla creek d8trlctv- iii - py W T. York & Goi T "? ' " 7?T l', Kf$ Stfun nnd JTot WWr HwUig , n 1 CK)jTljBJsUf-Jf' MKKW MaTftlfirl 'MAAaasstJ WpkAMjLM-Ui ajl 1m H v JBtP aspssisasasassp s9P sasK. l !Bf4yMtV ssntsm ssaWllsW JsFFWri PLUMBINjG .VI 3? nf i 9H i M fr-il M f5! " if 't-fii ...- -. At 'J , M -UXf 4, CS ,M ' 1 .j'V ' " ,..V ' i'' ' '?'y.y.!t k'v!T ?' ' '' ""tf ' -4" .,.v,,lK,.MV4MMrr''iWt'J' I J ' ? gsJIsMfcjgfcjfcgfcfcgfcgSssaJfcSLri'ikLLL Wm '.ti t ! j ..-.. . ii. ,. .. y--