-5, ' '' .. ' 3FAgj81X aiEDFORD MATTJ TRIBUNE, fltETJFORD. OREGON, MONDAY, RTCPTI3M13TOR 10. 1012 m M i k ! it tr ! M ft i ftH (' w Ity w- 1 j M to- R Uf BV ' IV U, v 4 Orcgonlifc has Us ontlro operating lilnnt In Oregon, makes all of Us Investments In Oregon securities only, 1ms an unmatched record ot bucccss. Is growing gt cater day by day, and rewires preference from all discriminating buyers ot llfo Insurance In Oregon. Best for Oregonians BaTM A. L. MILLS President 1 SAMUEL General Manager 3Hsl Rope and Binder Twine four LEAF RED CLOYKK BRAND Trade Martf Hade n th Northwest for Kotthwott cousunicr. ' Ak your merchant fur our IIOI'B AND IltNOEK TWINE. Erery article rvttrwcnt In rout U rwr cut to Co Ir cent in labor employed. Support the manufacturer who rItpx employment to labor vrblrb. In turn, comnraes jour products ; also twpa your money at home. PORTLAND CORDAGE CO. Facteries: Portland. Or.; Seattle, Wash. Western Clay Co. Portland, Oregon Manufacturers VITRIFIED SEWER PIPE Portland Furniture Mfg. Co. 1249-59 Macadam Road, Portland "QUALITY' OITR SLO a Oregon Made" MERCHANDISE BOXES FRUIT BOXES TIN TOP'BASKETS LUMBER, ETC. Multnomah Lumber&BoxCo. PORTLAND, OREGON WHY DRINK WATER WHEN YOU CAtf OET SALE3I 1JEERT G. 5. Brand OAT? pure r: CIDER r.fffcwt IN BARKKLSf'ANDI.BOTTLK'S Quality superior to Eastern or Cal ifornia Vinegar. Wo solicit Inquiry direct. Also sold by wholesalers. GIDEON STOLZ COMPANY 8ALEM, ORKQON "MADE IN OREGON" Your own prosperity demands that you give these Oregon firms preference when making purchases. Ask the local dealer or representative for their products Is the Only Life Insurance Company Exclusively Oregon CLARENCE S. SAMUEL Assistant Manager THE Irwin-Hodson Co. Printers Lithographers Blank Book Makers Rubber Stamps and Seals Celluloid Buttons PORTLAND, OREGON "MT. HOOD" SHIRTS anc OVERALLS Sole Jobbers of the Thos. Kay Woolen Mills FLEISCHNER,MAYER&CO. PORTLAND, OREGON ASK FOR Albany Chairs and Rockers SEVENTY DESIGNS "MADE IN OREGON" ?. Veal & Son ALBANY, OREGON WEINHARD'S Columbia The Beer Without a Peer The- choicest hops and the finest barley malt, brewed scientifically in Just the right way, are respon sible for its absolute purity and excellence. Mail us your orders. Henry Weinhard Brewery PORTLAND, OREGON "TEA GARDEN" SYRUP RICHEST IN SUGAR FINEST IN FLAVOR "GOLDEN BRAND" A Corn Syrup Manufactured by tho PACIFIC COAST SYRUP CO. PORTLAND, OREGON MULTNOMAH MOHAIR MILLS PORTLAND, OREGON Manufacturers ot IIIgh-Grado Mohair Linings Alpacas Dress Goods 4 ' Ask Yoar Tailor and I)r Coods Xerchunt for Our Products "MADE IN OREGON" Pacific Face Brick Company 401-2 COMMERCIAL CLUD BLDG. PORTLAND Holiow Clay Building Blocks Face Brick Fire Place Brick a Specialty Clay Partition Tile Fire Brick Fire Clay ASK YOUR 0RUGGIST FOR HOUSEHOLD REMEDIES AND TOILET ARTICLES 100 QUALITY 100 Blumauer - Frank Drug Co. DISTRIBUTORS I C0ST5Y0U NOTHINfiTOTRY OUR GUARANTEE a JmO tUJ W4 t MlUrA UM ? M N 4 St. i M y r DWIGHT EDWARDS COMPANY PORTLAND OREGON MANUFACTURERS OF ntail.GRAOLi MATTRESSES PILLOWS COMFORTERS Woven Wire Springs We aianufacturc all ratrchaudliv we offtr for salo Pettit Feather & Bedding Co. PORTLAND. ORKGOX THE CELEBRATED BERGMANN SHOE, made in Portland, Oregon C21 Thuruian Street MVDE IN OREGON CROWN FLOUR Latest Best CROWN MILLS Portland, Oregon Wo design and make the celebrated (iCCJlx 0&JW?iZ ALSO PIPE ORGANS At our Portland Factory. JCth and 16th and Pett) grove streets America's Largest Music House EILERS MUSIC HOUSE General Offices Kller Dalldlnj: Alder Street at Keventb. Portland. Ore. KOUTV STUUHS PORTLAND MANUFACTURING COMPANY Manufacturers of VENEERED FIR PANELS Excelsior, Coffco Drums, Furniture Block, Etnr L'an, Tlntop Fruit flaskets, Barrel .Stock avd Rotarjr Cut Ycneers P. Autzen, President and Troaauror ST. JOHNS. OREGON Portland Wood Pipe Co. Wood Stave Pipe MADE IN OREGON OF OREGON FIR HY AN OREOON COMPANY Twenty -fourth and York Streets Portland, Oregon P. O. Box 71. Portland Elevator Company Manufacturers of Passenger and Freight ELEVATORS Dumb Waiters, Etc. Electric and Hydraulic Factory East Ninth and Mill Stroeta PORTLAND, OREGON wmt SVJARS W Sl W CHURNS rEAN POT5W FLOWER POTS ha Lf t CHICKEN FOUNTAINS O ILK PAN J AdUGS O! LAVM flnwSSJ BBSSSSSSSSSSJBSSSSSSSSft SI HwmPj4BSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSM 1 BbMLSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSH t QnyjBBJBBBBBBBBBJBJBBBJBBBJBBBJBBJ J S7 &4SW1 fCUe&L VoJ OREGON CITY WOOLEN MILLS Oregon City, Oregon Our now fabrics, destined exclu sively for women's ami men's tail oring, nro mado ot tho best grades of wool and warranted fast colors. your tailor can itrchask pirkct from tiu: mill "Swastika" Brand Macaroni, Needles and all Alimentary Pastes Made in OreRoR PACIFIC COAST lllSCl'IT CO. Portland, Oregon LOOK FOR KNKJHTis .oWa?ft THIS j LABEL OREGON CHAIR CO, Line guaranteed by Manufacturer Ask Dealers for This Line CHAIRS All Oak used O In As, ?. HnIT groes in Aforrhern Japan ancrc Hinfers are cold which is nccessaru to highest dais Omf. ftinq Gift is branded into the uood of this line and iso. guarantee of the Oak, Superiorifof Qtut In. uIorlunaruhlD And absolute Satisfaction. OrcconCkair Cq. 'JilKlAi MVWt WILLAMETTE TENTS awnings; covers, etc. Rose City Aijuajulle Waterproof Appell South African Water Hags Fiairx of all klads Window Shadex, Etc. Watch for our label "If It's mado of canvas wo make It" Willamette Tent & Awning Co. Mfgu. and Jobbers Portland THE "ECONOMY." LEATHER TIRE COVER Mado from tho brst cromo-tanned leather, with oil tcimuored otuilH, Absolute i ii n ct ore jiroof, Inaurou eafcty over iiiouutaln roadu. The Economy Leather Tire Cover Co. COO Williams Avenuo, Portland, Or. J. N. MATSCHEK CANDY CO. ASK FOR MATSCHEK CONFECTIONERY Made in Oregon' at Pprtland, 270 First Street En o QUALITY llUST prick kqual. GALL CURE Horse Collars Why nol demand them from your dealer! W. H. McMonies & Co. PORTLAND, OIIKGOX Schiller Cigar Factory ohkgon Call for La Gran Marca The E. Schiller Schiller's Union S "MADp IN OREGON" THE BEST Produced here or anywhere Hams Bacon Lard UNION MEAT CO. PtONRL'll PACKKUS of the PACIFIC Columbia Milling Co. PORTLAND, OREGON "White Mountain" Flour "Morning Glory" Wheat Flakes A HE HKST OP ALL "MADE IN OREGON" ORWOOD Shingle Stains LIco Killer, Shren mid Cattle Dip Wood PrescrTntlTO Rust Kt'llMttiitr, Dump Proof Concrete Ptilni Iiara aud Roof Paint, llouto Paint Floor Paint, VurnMios Paints, Oils, Etc Oregon Wood Distilling Co. Portland, Or. Works at Llnntos PACIFIC LUMBER & MFG. CO. MANUFACTURERS Hardwood Lumber Flooring . Portland Oregon AMERICAN INGOT IRON CORRUGATED CULVERTS Manufactured by Coast Culvert and Flume Co. 210 E. Suvouth St.. Portlund, Oro. Underwriters METAL WINDOWS and rjire Doors Shpet Metal Work and Roofing Portland Sheet Metal Works -120 D.Muuleon St. I'Ortliitul, O logon The Lutke Manufacturing Company MauufaclurorH of SHOW CASES BANK AND STORE . .FIXTURES Coruor Sixth and Uoyt Streets PORTLAND, OHKGON VlilrUNO HJHfl PACIFIC STATES FIRE INSURANCE CO. Home Office: Portland, Oregon The Only Oregon Fire Insurance Company CLOTHING made from OREGON WOOL I'nch yi'nr wt inamifacturn ntul ll iii'Rrly tvn llunnaiul .Mrn'N ami lloja' Hull from (irriiuu tlotli, iiiuili' by I tin three hltf wotiliii ltIIM In Rrnwuavllle, Halem and Kuertie Von ran buy tbei Hnlta nt very rramnablit prloe nr m-nil fur iuule to either nf our atorrs. Brownsville Woolen Mill Store Portland Kiikcuo Mnrahflrld Call For UBERTY SODAS"""'" tjyjMjtXO Oregon" By the INDEPENDENT CRACKER CO. "SS2 Carman Manufacturing Company MfUiufnrlureM of all Hud-t of FURNITURE Elghtrrntli mid, 1'iislmr ,Sri'f H PORTLAND, OHEOON Willamette Roll News IS MADE AT' ' Oregon City, Oregon" "MADE IN ORi:aON" Well Drilling Machines Steam or Gasoline Manila and Wire Untile, l'ljin and Casing, Drilling and Finning Tool The Star Drilling Machine Co. Works 13th and Clinton, Portland True uircinr LINOTYPE STEREOTYPE SOLDER AND BABBITT METALS ARE MADE HY The Pacific Metal Works PORTLAND, ORKQON FRY'S SQUIRREL POISON Prlco-M UontH Tho kind that klllH; linn liooii uiicouBufully lined for thirty years. Hiuull size for rats find mice, lOo each. RANIKL, J. FRY ManufnctiirluK Pharmacist Huloni, OroKon Fry'N Henduclio Tnblets will euro; prlco 2Go, by mall free of chnrco, if you cannot got from your dealor, wjcy uorow9tM XoL- SAWMILLlf 31 Machinery iC ctcui (Mh!yF r i MH.i C MiMUUV tatUi upon CONTAINS NO LYC, ROSIN, ACID OR AMMONIA A Concentrated Camphorated Product ,. HcuU ilia Hand Wilt Nol l(ur lb I'lnvil Puliriu ASK YOUR CHOCW tall lliU to u ami ticl frro tampU United States Cashier Company PORTLAND, ORKdON Of (leu, 70S Low In lliilldlii; Vitctuiy, Kontoii .llnnuinciurtr't of Automatio Computing Changc-Makinfl Recording and Adding Coin-Paylnu Machines DRINK TltfB KRl'IT FJ.AV0U Svn that Triult' Jlnrk U nil Mottle A Pure, IMIclnns .Soft Drink. A Sure Thirst Quell Jliule In Oregon PURITAN MFG. CO. S8I..1S3 Knfct Pine .Mlreel, Portland1 "LIONITE" ' STUMPING AND ROCK POWDER MARK IN OltTlUOV HY American Safety Powder Co. 7 Ycon Ilulldlitir, Portland, Ore. ANDERSON STEEL FURNACE CO. Warm Air Furnaces Wood or Coal SfANIJFACTUKEI) for tho PACIFIC COAST TRAIIK AT- Salem, Oregon WjjEjSl 1 EPPLEY'S PERFECTION BAKING POWDER JIAHK OF, PWItfi UltMAW OF TARTAR PACKKI) In (ILANH J A ItS C.M.Eppley iSiilom, Ori'Kou S. J) T v e pltali pitaltjl xAliz'-'S KavsaS PERFECT! WHBBrf t.JrTsr.rnT.R! ftw7ALiiii,owmwv IfAMKA..- I i. ..r"""T; j pA4ii,onKon' rjnYtci MINUTE I WASHING 1 COMPOUND I wKUEBurwaoST ffi w mTiniMiii i"'y re. -