! r iv : U: Y hr iy i- It:. C i m ?, i s ft y. rl. 4u . V mm bthjh Medford Mail tribune A ?PXNl)BNT NBWHPAPim ) Kvnur ArruiiNooN PUB iwccwTt IT SUNDAY lir T1IH MMDFOHD I'MNTINU CO, Tbo Democratic Timet, Tim MiMford Mall, Tim Mf.Uord Tribune. Tbo South ern Urcifonlati, Tlio Ashlnnd Tribune. Office Mall Tribune llulldlmr, 2&-2I-S9 Norlb Tir stroet; Home 75. phono, .Main auai. oneUQi: PUTNAM. lMllornnd MannRcr Knterea n Mcoml-elns matter nt Medford. OrrKon. nJcr tbo act of Mnrch J, 1178. Official PniM-r of tho City of MttifonL Official l'nppr of iiacKsoit uouniy. SUIISCIUITW.V ItATIJS. Ono year, by mnll........ 18,00 Ono month, ny mall... , . .. .60 Prr month, dollvorod by cnrrlor In Medford,. Jnckonvlll nnd Cen tral Point . . ... .. 'W0 RiUirdny only, by mnll. icr yur . Z.w Weekly. Dor your I. BO vwrntv (iiinit.ninv. Dally average or eleven months und- inir Novemner au. isii. z.hi. Hull Lrimril Wlr ITnllrd I'mm llllntcliri.. Tbo Mall Tribune Is on sale nt the Kerry Newu Stnnil, San Krnnclsco. Portland Hotel New StanJ. Portland Itowmnn News Co. Portland, Ore, IV. O. Whitney, Seattlo. Wash. sinuronn, oiu:oox. Metropolla of Southern Oregon and Northern Callrornl.t, and the fastest urowlns city In Oregon Population V. S. rensus 1910 SS40; estimated. 1PIJ 10.000. Flvo hundred thousand dollar Gravity Water System completed. Klvlnrr finest supply pure, mountain wntcr, and 17.3 miles of streets paved. Postofflec receipts Tor year ending November 30, 1911, show Increase of IV per cent. Banner fruit city In Oregon TIokuo lllver SplUenberjr npples won sweep makes prUo and title of Apple Kins: of Ihe World" nt tho National Apple Show. Spokane, 1909, and a car of Newtown won Klmt PlUr In lUO nt Canadian International Apple Show, Vancouver, B. C. rirat Frlee la 1911 at Spokane National Apple Show won by carload of New towns. Rogue River pears broucM highest firlcca In all markets of the world dur np the past air year ... Write commercial Club. Incloslnir cents for postage for the finest commu nity pamphlet ever published. 1 SALEM, Ore, Sept 1C The total registration so fnr Tiled with the secretary of state by tho various county clerks shows 130,000 names of voters. In round figures there are 95,000 republicans, 30,000 democrats and 11,000 scattering. In the primaries the republicans cast approximately 70,000 votes and the democrats approximately 18,000 votes. a Tho registration as shown now in dicates an increase o only about 4.000 .over the registration before the primaries when the registration was approximately 132,000. The normal increase should be between JO and 15 per cent nnd probably will Le that much, as there are several counties from which tho registration lists have not been forwarded as pro vided by law. It is estimated that tho registration will go to fully 150,000, of which 100,000 will be republicans, accordine to tho esti mate now made by the secretary if state. TEH 1(1," HE AUBURN, N. Y., Sept 10. Grin ning insanely throughout the entire tirocecdings, James Williams, a week, was electrocuted in the New- York state prion hero today for the murder of James Duffy who was killed while attempting to defend his granddaughter when Williams at tacked her. The negro insisted on wearing a golf cap to the death chamber. Guards shoved him into the death chair when he tried to fetnnd to make u .speech, "Gentlemen," ho Bhouted, "do not kill me. I want to warn you about tho wimmins. Avoid witnmins. That's what got me here. "Oh, Lord, hello, hello! I'm going, but do not kill me ," BLAINE KLUM LOSES IT OF ONE EYE Whllo twisting a piece of gulvan lzod wire from a sign Friday night Ulalno Klum, tho well known feign painter, eustalucd an Injury to his right eyo which may result In tho Josa of that member. After examin ing tho Injury Dr. 13. B. Picket advls ed , Immediate consultation with a specialist and Mr. und Mrs. Klum left fdr Sun Francisco Saturday, Only an lmmcdllato operation can save tho eyo, and evon then tho sight will be permanently impaired. WJion twisting tho wire tho end ' band came off suddenly nnd tho Ioom end ot tho wlro swung around n'irlklng (he eyo bull and cutting tho 36.000 VOTERS NOW REGISTERED Mini::; THEN DIES PROGRESS ALONE IS SAFE OAVTNO to the foresight or Dtirty in the ehoieo of nroirrossives" and "nrotrrpssivoness" those days. In their ehoieo of si name the third party loaders realized tho fatjt that no man ean he a good oitizen without being a progressive. Hut progress) veness is not a matter of polities alone. H eovers tho whole range of human endeavor. Nations go up or down. Nothing stands still. He who fails to hitch his wagon to a star is already on a greased plank. Oblivion is just beyond. No one ean stand still they must go forward or backward. There: is a rugged typo of the old school of farmers, industrious to tho limit, and just always, with their 200 acre farm. A farmer of this school farms ns did his fathers before him. Generation after generation lived off that plot of land. Jt was ploughed and tilled and har- ested by Tradition. Things were done because they had been done before. Newfangled ideas and mechanical helps were scorned, both on the farm and in the rambling farmhouses. All in deference to tradition. When a son suggested securing information from the Agricultural Department at Washington, ho was hushed at once. Why should a fanner be interested in soil analy sis, crop reports, printed information from the sharps in office? The old farm was good enough as it stood. A farmer with progressive instincts bought the ad joining farm. lie used muscles and brains and mixed them to make them count. The Agricultural Department was run for him. As a taxpayer he had a right to every fact it possessed, lie had soil analyzed. lie soaked in information. lie alwavs wanted to know whv. lie sprayed and dug and drained, lie made' sour land sweet, lie was good to the farm and in return it smiled with crops that were the wonder of the section, lie was scorned by the neighbors as a book farmer, who had no respect for tradition. . One day the old man stood gazing at his neighbor's. billowing acres ot wheat, orchard that was weighted took in an automobile that "I've lived too long," he said. "The world has changed and I have not changed with it. I'm 70, and I'm con vinced that I'm a failure." lie buried his face in his hands. Of 0011130 lie was wrong. No man who has done his best can ever be a failure. But don't you see what a part progressiveness plays in human endeavor? If the world is to grow it must be through those who are not satisfied with conditions, in government, in sill municipal affairs, in the standard of living, in education, in merchandising, in homo life and in the care and up bringing of children as well as the breediug of live stock. So hope lies in progress. A good citizen demands better things; more of honor, less of scroundrelism; more of wealth, less of poverty; better wages and better service, lie insists upon more of human kindness and less of sor did greed. No matter Low humble your occupation, hitch your wagon to a star, use your brains and vour hands. Idealize that The uplift of humanity lies in advancement. TIS Ml ON DEVIL WASHINGTON, Sept. 1C Me phistocles, alias Satan, alias the devil, Is a much maligned Individual, in the opinion of John Armstrong Cbaloner of "Who's looney now" fame. From messages Cbaloner says were transmitted to him through "his faculty" as he termed It, by his departed friend, Thomas Jeffer son Miller, "kid" Devil is "such a good sport that he has dispensed with all such joy killers as hellflre and brimstone." Cbaloner says that Miller's mes sage said that the "devil makes a specialty of teaching his subjects morality," and that "Marshal !Ney and Napoleon Bonaparte provided much amusement recently by ap pearing before the devil garbed In the costume of Michael Angelo," FIVE BOYS LOSE LIFE IN LAKE CHICAGO, Sept. 1C. As a result of tho capsizing of a cutter from the United States training station at North Chicago, which caused tho death of five boys, a court Investi gation Is to bo started here today. Six other occupants of tho boat are missing, nnd Jt is feared they ulso muy have been drowned. The party left tho training station In charge of Gunners' Mate M, N. Negls, and after cruising about for several hours, was overtaken by a squall. Tho boat capsized when about 200 feet from shore. Tho accident wbb seen from tho training station and anaotorhoat was despatched to tho rescuo, but this also capsized, and tho crew barely escaped with their lives. The five Identified dead are all between tho ages of 10 and 20 years. Mnto Negls disappeared shortly after tho accident and it is feared he may have committed suicide. NEW STEDFORH irXTTi TltfBTTNE, a'.i,.' ,', ? " ' '.-iie-uiaJ tho lenders of tho Hull Moose n name, one hoars nmeh of lie turned his old eyes to tin with perfect fruit. His vision stood at the door. PENoiiirro.v KOUMMJP SIOX. KXCUIl' Those desiring sleeper reservations for this excursion should engage same at Southern Pacific ticket of fice at once to enable tho local of fice to provide ample accommoda tions for thopo desiring to make tho trip. Owing to tho Immenso crowd attending the Round-Up, nnd the dif ficulty to secure rooms, tho Medford party will occupy the steeping cars while at Pendleton. Call, phono or write Southern Pacific Ticket Office. 1G3 COMING TO TIIK MEDFORD THfcATRE Under the AiiM'Ircx of (ho Lending and Progrcsr IIiisIiiosh Houses of Medford, PrcM'iiting The Manioii-Claman Players IX SIX STANDAHI) PLAYS DIFFHUKNT PLAY KAOII NIGHT September 23-24-25-26-27-28 Meichants whose names appear on this sheet, being thankful for tho patronage of their friends In tho past, und to show their appre ciation thereof, have arranged with the Manlon-Clamon Players to .give SIX nights of high class entertainment at tho Medford Opera House, beginning Monday, Soptember 23, 1012,, presenting a differ ent play each night, and thoy aro giving, absolutely Fit R 13, AN AD MISSION TICKET, good for any one performance, with every 2Go purchaso you mako from them. Uy so doing, they nro giving to tho public good entertainment nt FHEKf c'oHt entertainment thut would otherwIicost from 75 co nts up. ASK FOR FREE TICKETS WVK.V ONLY BY TIIK FOLLOWING MKItUHANTH Model Clothing Co. A. M. Edwards Chas. Schleffelfn F. M. Wilson Warner, Wortinnn & Goro H. N. Moo & Co. Hutchison &. Lumtulcn Medford Book Store Thompson's C, 10, IS and 2Cc Htoro John C, Mann Paplflo Motor Supply Co. Daniels for Duds Tho Toggery Admission without Merchant's Freo Ticket reserved 3fEDF0RT. iDRKOON, MONTTAY. ST3PTOmTCR iO, LEFTY LOUIE AND GYP AKNED NKW YOHIC, Sent !.--"Lofty Loulo" ltinu'iiliurK nnd Harry Har row Itx, alln "Gyp thii lllootl" xvtiro nrrnlKuud lioro today lioforo JitHtlco Ooff for complicity In tlio nturdur ot Onmlilur llormnu llosonlhal bo- foro thu Hotel Motropolo. ICni'li Ho.uloil not guilty niul wan u. ummkul to tho Tombs, whnrn Police Lieutenant Charles HecUur, arrostod on a similar charxe. Is also held. HosenburK tuul llnrrowlu were nr rosted In n Brooklyn flat, wliuro they Imvo been alneo tliu Koxonthal mui dor District Attorney Whitman U Investigating reports that thu pollcu know of tho whtmubouta of tho two men long tforo the) wero nrri'stml E NDEPENDENCE DAY I.OS ANUKLKS, Cal., Sept. ItS, Mexican ludepondeure day was cele brated hero todny In an olaboratv manner. A parade through tho busi ness section at ten o'clock this morn ing was followed by an athletic car nival. Mayor Alexander nnd promi nent Mexican residents will address a public meeting tonight. Tho formal celebration began yes terday vlth barbecbes and merry making In tho nrIou8 parks. Fran clstco Franstjulto, a Mexican matador, was slightly hurt when ho was gored by a bull In an Imitation bull fight staged during tho celebration yesterday. Ho tried to leap to the bull's back and fell beneath Its feet. One of thu nulmnls horns cut a slight gash In his shoulder. One Dose Makes Indigestion Go. All Stomach Dlslrv Qnlikly Kittled Willi "PniKj's llaHptln." You don't want a slow remedy when your stomach Is bad or an uncertain one or u harmful one your stomacu lsuoo vmuauie; you mustn't Injure It, vlth drastic drugs. Pope's D!apisla Is noted for It's speed In giving rpllcf; It's harmless- ness; it's certain unfailing action in regulating sick, sour, gassy stom achB. It's millions ot cures In In digestion, dyspepsia, gastritis and other stomach trouble has mado It famous tho world over. Keep this perfect stomach doctor in your home keep it handy got a largo fifty-cent caso from nny drug store and then If nnyono should cat something which doesn't agree with them; If what thoy eat lays like lead, ferments and sours nnd forms gas; causes headache, dizziness nnd nausea; eructations of acid nnd un digested food remember as soon as Papo's Dlapepsln comes In contact with tho stomach all such distress vanishes. It's promptness, certainty nnd ease In overcoming tho worst stomach disorders Is a revolution to those who try It. John F. Lawrence Euglo Pharmacy West Side Pharmacy , Hnskhis for Health A, C. liohllug Ilex Market P. A. HiiHsoy Olmsteud & Hlbbard Louis Hell Jfv B. & 0. Cash 8toro',, M. M. Ahrena Co, " Tho Wardrobe L. M. Anderson, Mllliiory Ticket 75c, ut Hmddu'H Mei't'ltuiit'H Freo Simple Mixture Helps Medford People That nltuplo louiodlou mo bent han nnln linen proven, I., II, lliuiklnn, druglst, ropurlu that many Medford penplo aio lecelvlug QUICK luincflt from simple buckthorn liurld gly cerine, etc., ns mixed In Adlurtkti tho Oonnnn appendicitis remedy. A SINOliK DOSIC hulpH Rour stomach, as on thu stomach mid eoiiHtlpatlou INSTANTLY IfbouUHn this simple mix' tn ro nutlnoptlclitpn tho dlgontlvu or gans and ditiWH off tho Impuiitteii. I j, II. HuhIUiis, drugglHt, IPIJL slUUKtSU i Out nt Oyster nnymtr "Illustrious Colonel" still nwlngs Ills mist tiMiocrnHlumilly. Did yuutliln'v tlwit v;tH only u presidential proroiitlvoV Nn. but a nood nxn la a IIuo t'ov. opcr til a sood clturaunr. It also oervcuotnof ur Uul purposed. Wc cannot j;sy w.'th icrtaltity whether T. H. i son n Viivyv. riH;k' A yo. hut itun wo k.itw : UUMW tC.' Ano would hrlnj to his face, a . It docs to tho Inc. nt every good .). mtin, u ninth ot satisfaction tn t'inue:.hlot ollliti bet. Thot out by F. W. SHAPLEICH Hardware 28 South Central WK-WILL MAIL YOU 1 tor each sot of old False Teeth sent us. Highest prices paid tor old Gold, Sllrer, old Watches, Broken Jowolry nnd Precious Stones. Money Sent by Return Mall. Phlln. Smelting .V Ih'flnhig Company Established 20 Years HOll Chestnut St.. Philadelphia, P. To DcntistM Wo will buy your Gold Filings, Gold Scrap, and Platinum. Highest prices paid. SHINING TEETH are desired by most people white and brilliant rows that aro clear and perfectly oven. What ever auay be tho mattur with your teeth nt pres ent, wo will undertake to put them in propor shape for you at a most reasonable cost. Wo do all branches of Dentistry Including crown nnd brldgo work, capping, filling, etc., and our patrons nay wo excel mr rivals. Lady Attendant DR. BARBER TIIK DENTIST Over Daniels tor Duds. Pacific Phono 2fl28, Home Phono 3C2-K MORTGAGE LOANS Money on hand- at all times to loan on improved ranches and city property at lowest rates with "on or before privilege." JAMES CAMPBELL Phone 3231 320G-C.Bldg A SNAP GO acres, six mllos from Medford. good graded road crossoi the tract, all freo soil, at (CO per aero, J1000 will handlo, easy terms on balance. Part 'Is creek bottom land, suitable for alfalfa. Several springs on the placo. Tlmbor enough to pay for tho tract. No buildings. In tho Qrlffln creek district. W. T. York & Co. AUTO EXPRESS QUICK DELIVERY Call us up for all kinds of Express work quick dollvory our specialty. PAUL & LAWRENCE Phono Pacific 33G1 Stand at Nash WVW . , " w 1012 4 i i'rft.-t , GOING GONE LAST CALL JVOR SALIC JfUJiOO bun galow homo, !1 bod rooms, laundry trays, fine lawn, dining room olm vonoor samo as Mod ford Hotel, good loca tion, largo lot, white out stone foundation. This house is the very latest pattern used so much at Long Beach, California. It ought to look good to somebody for $2375 0. E. GATES Owner 23 Rose Avenuo '!. ' J i $ Clark & Wright LAWYERS WASHINGTON, I). O, Public Land Matters: Final Proof, Desert Lands, Contest and Mining Cases. Scrip. Draperies We carry a very oornnleto Una of drotierlox, facu curtains, flvturcm, etc., and do all olaniwrt of upholaterlmr. A npoclul man to look oftur tills work oxolUHlvoly and will give as good nurvlco on la noaslble to got In even tbo largest cities. Weeks & McGrowan Co. PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating All Work ausranteoa Prices Reasonable COFFEEN k PRICE IS Xowsrd Slooki XatrsBo on eta II. VaoUU) PL JKobm , iBixjflu- jujuiimma WHPSRI TO OO TONIQHT STAR THEATRE The plneii whnro 'lu Kt your mnll ' worth on both sides of the dliius UMUi IS ANOTHKIt Cumptete hi II Itula "TIIK POWKU OF IIKHTIUMXriO.N" li In a Great lllg Hriiit-AhxoHihig Htury It Ih nllvo with 'I wonder Whut Will 1Iiiikii Nr-tl" HltunthuiM, An Invention worth mil. lions upon million U tho motive for u treachery hh hami iih another Judas. The pinch will chill you to tho hpIud. There Is i'Iiiiok and then nil thing settle. Your breath reluriiH and thing aro as yini uhdi to see them end. I Know You Will I.Ike It Nl Mh. II. -You Mut TIIK uNIJW BIITLIIU" A rich und lutiKhabhi comedy M'KT "Tho Lyro Bird and tho Jny" from "Hanky Pauliy" sung hy AL HATIIKIl and It. H. NillllKMT OUIt MUSIC AND KI'FIX'TH AHH uNi:xoi:iiLi:i) MATTINKKB KVHItY DAY AdmlMlon I Or. Children f.o. COMING "HJt'lM.H" In lliroo reels, produred from Owen Moredlth's groat poem of that uniim, Sept. -0 and Ul. ISIS THEATRE VAUDKVILLK, PHOTO PLAYH. Itl'SHi:!, AND HAYI'-M Vocal and iimtrumnutnl ' i'lIOTOPLAY-l'ltOOHAM' SUN. and MON. Note tho exceptionally fine photo graphy and pempecllvo In our pic tures, which nro ponltlvoly the bent hIiowii In tho city. MAN'S OKNKSIH A drninu of tho Ktoun Ago, produced by the Olograph Co. TIIK VOW OF YSOBKL A Mexican romance with n thrilling climax. TIIK FOHTKIt CHILD Vliugrnph life portrayal CO.MING SOON A NATION'S PKIHL 2 roots aooi) musio Matlucas Saturday and Sunday 2 p.m. Mallnoo prices Co and lOo Kvening 1'erformnnco 7 p. tn. AdmlHulon evcnlugB 10h nnd ICa UGO THEATRE A MAIL, OltDHIl HYPNOTIST iillarloiiH Ittirnl Comedy Bellg Till: SIGNAL LIGHTS llullroad DramoV-ICHHiiney A HUNCH OF VJOLKTN VltngruuhV ( THIOOItGAN GHINDKIt Itomnntlc Kaloiu Ilcst of MiihIu HluNtrntod Hong TST3SSSA Watch Our Addition Grow JFacksoa nnd Siunaill Medford Realty and Improvement Company M. P. A H. Co. Did ,P.:n:h. '' ft-fr VVfMfci4 aa i-rhfA-i::.-,:..-,..;:r, ' -iflfffc r rfi