Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 14, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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, ti.
Miss On th ) rlii it Mourn will uihiiiiio
touching tho pliinnfnrto on Moiuliiy,
Hoplouibor tlm sixteenth, UohIiIoiico
V, Mlstloto, telephone Main (MIM,
John H. Walters of Central Point
upotit Hnturdiiy with friends In Mod
Tho I'luitorliuii does nil kinds of
alterations and mending of men and
woipnnV clothe! ns woll us to nlnnn
iiml press tlinni, mo
Mr. mill Mm, A. I). Wilson of
lower Hogim lllvor uro In Medford
on ii tliorl business trip.
,Mln At llrltt of .luoksouvllln vis
llml In Mod ford I'rldiiy nfltirnomi. nl DnVon's.
llnrry Atlnn of Trull Crunk Iti In
Madford on 11 abort business trip.
Mis Com llosyo wan In Medford
lately on Imr return, to Jacksonville.
Dr. Rlckort, eyesight Hpoclnllnt,
over Kentuer's,
Jurk Morrln, formerly n merchant
of Medford mid Ashland, Iiuh been In
Jnckion county iiKnln. I In In now
located ut National City, Cnl,
Many Jackets and fur coats nro be
ing rollnod ami altered by tin, nn.
torluiu. 150
Smith llroi. of Hnglo I'olut pro
tiiict transacted business In Mod
ford recently.
Mrdford Consavntory of Music nnil
Languages, College Jlldg. Tho only
music nctinol In Ho. Oregon with a full
enrp of tenchor. Send for catalog.
Dr. Htonrn ban moved hi office
from Oarnolt-Coroy building to the
Jackson County llauk building, rooms
17,. 18 and 19. l&V
Jooph Martin uud T. I.. DeVoro,
merchant) of Jacksonville, worn In
Medford the forepart of the week.
H. A. Nownll, ladle' tailor, 4th
floor M. K A II. bldg.
II. I), Ileokman, the Portland law
yer( him been visiting hln puronts, Mr.
and- Mr, C, C. Ileokman of Jackson
vllln. He wan accompanied (o Mcd
ford by hi father on hi return to
the metropolis.
(larlsnd staves and ranges, lubri
cating oil. V. W. Bhnplolgh llnrd
war. No, 28, Houth Central.
55. N. Ageo, former clirk of Doug
Ur county, "was In Medford Friday.
He It now engaged In btinluei ut
OAk and hardwood 14.60 and $0.00
ler cord. Cold Hay Realty Co.,
Biith am) Kir.
W. I.. Ilaruuui Imn tiullt a lirlrk ad
dltlon to one of hln building on north
Front street, which l already occti
'.deal wtortv "
Remember Jackaou County Fair
and Pear Show. KoiiMon ticket now
on alo nt Mouiorci, .ionium unci
Naih llolels. 1DU
MU Mlckley Iiiih returned from a
visit at Phoenix.
Dlftmond Kdgo tool and cutlery,
picking baskets and laddora. F.
W. Hbaplelgh Hardware. 28 Bouth
Mr. and Mr. II. K. Ilaiiun mid
Adam Hchnildl warn down from Jnck
(onvlllo h few ovonlng ago.
Full and winter goods aro on dl
play at n Tory low flguro and a fit
guaranteed, by Klfort, tho Tailor.
Mark Finney nsd Paul (Joodywn
have. returned from u trip to tho hill.
Kodak finishing, the beat at Wes
ton's, opposite book store.
Ft, I). 'Inimprmitn. who In In chnrKO
of .the iiluco. -owned by J. M. Fink, n
Heattle rapllallMl, and locutod Mouth
of Medford, will liarveat nnnrly C00O
bukhoU of rorn thU bquhoii.
Oak and hardwood 4.r0 nnd fR.OO
per cprd. Hold Itay llcaliy Co.,
Hlxth and Fir.
J. 1 Urnwn mid Jntnn Owona,
county cotnmluHlouorH, upont a tow
hours In Medford Friday.
Roinoinbor Jnokaou County Fair
and Pear Show, Sntiaon tlckuta now
on Halo nt Medford, Holland nnd
Knih HotolH. ir0
Jolui Arnoll hn returnod from n
vhort bulnn trip to AhIiIbixI.
See R. A. Iolmoa, Tho Insurance
Mao, over Jaoknon County nanlc.
V. W. Orogory nnd O. KoHtor of
B(lpky nud Jmuua UroKeraon of IloitKlu
were hiiioiir tho recent buulncoB via
Itor in Medford.
s vfivylih ugajn. The tank nt tho Na(
la full.
1 .w. vJl. Sherman, n luuillijtf booBtor
ofoBe'iihlHQ county, was up from
(IrantS'Pnstt Friday.
Boda Fountain t DoVpe.
.Jmni'H Morton. Thetf KnRol nnd I..
Ilorgor wore down from Phoonlx dur
liiK tho weok.
Tho lank U unln full nt tho Nut.'
Get Mra, Reynold home mado
bread at DoVoe'B.
R. C. Mlnnlck of Cbntnil Point nnd
Jobcd'Ij HouKlund of Willow SprliiKU
wore amoiiK me iny
Mod'fbrd Huturduy.
A. U, Parlihiiriit, who hn been nn
InrlnlnliiK niiiiiy tourl! at Crater
Lake thlx koiimoii, arrived In Mrdford
Mr, mid Mm. C. I. WllllainN or
Hill, (,'al,, are vliltlmt frleiidn In
I., t). Wmton, coiuiiinrclnl photoK
rnplieru, UPKiitlveri Hindi) any (lino m
plnt'n by nppolnliiM'iit I'Iiiuic M M7I
Mr, mid Mm. Hunt l.nwli of Port
laud an) vUltliiK In Mrdford.
Carl Von dor llnlleii nprnt Friday
nvwiliiK,wltli Medford frlendM.
Carkln A Taylor i.mhti It Cnrkln,
tllonn O, Tuy'ori. liMnini-iiilitw,
ontr JnckHou Couuiy Hunk IIiiIIiIIiik
1), C. WIIhoii of Hiiiiih Viitlcy wa In j
Mm) ford diirliiK the wank, lookliiK
after hi mill eatnto IntcrnHln.
W, A Plnmon, Houllieru Pnrlfle
a limit ut HlHklyou, In vlaltliiK A. H.
Itononbaiim of thin city.
Tlm Pmilorliiui cleiina all nortn of
bed clothiiR, l r. 0
Hberll'f Joiipm baa been In Medford
overnl tlmr lately, on official Imal
Dr. (IronH Alexander of 'Nimbvllle,
Tenn., tho Hook Kdltor or tho M. K.
church, Ho ii lb and Kill lor of tlm
MethndUl Quarterly Itovlnw In vln
ItliiK nl the boini'H ol Dr. K. II.
Ploknl mid Unv, W. T. (Jouldur. Ho
will occupy tho vulplt both moruliiK
mid evonlnx at the M. K. church
noiitli, Riimlay.
Oyatern, wo know how to ncrvo
tlmm any tyln. Hotel Midlord.
Mr. nnd Mm. II, Wondt'of Jack
Honvllln were In Medford n fnw dnya
MIm Loontlnu (luapurd hn re
turned from a vlnlt with her mother
nt Klamath Fulln.
Oyntnr, Oynten, Oyster, direct
from tho Oyster boda nt Hotel Med
Mr. nnd Mm, Keldon Itnddon and
noil,, who have been vlnltliiK Med
ford frlnnda for a row wenka loft
Wednesday morniiK for their homo
In, California, Thoy aro
mnklnt; the trip In their touring car.
llob Taylor tin left for nn outing
In the II tit to creek county,
Pantortum driver will call at your
door for nil norla of clothing to bo
cleaned nud prrnnod. Telephone u
your order. 160
O. 0. Medley and wta loft today
for Albany. They will ronko thnt
place their home hereafter.
A number of our Indy customers,
who have had their clothen cleanod
and altered by u, havo expressed
their satisfaction, and pleasure by ns
surlng us that tboy will como to the
Pautorlum again when In neod of
nnylhlng of tho kind. 160
Mr. Frank Androww, caterer of
tho Holland Hotnl dining room re
turned from San Francisco Friday
evening. Mrs. Andrewn npoul tho
week In selecting nioiiUH nnd pur
chasing unique tnhlo decorations to
bo used during n ncrloa of novelty
dinner ut the Orlllo.
All wool blue scrgo nulla to your
measure nt $ I fl.fiO; no use wearing a
hnndtnodown, at Elfcrt, tho Tailor.
W, II. Samuoln of Griffin creek wan
In Medford Saturday on n short bust
neM trip.
You can bo mado to npnenr ns
woll, nn do your lady frlondn, If you
will allow tho Pantorltim to clean
nnd niter your sultn nnd drenses.
You sco what wo did for them. 1G0
Mm. Henry W. loft Snt
urdny for a abort visit with friends
nt Hosobtirg.
Pleiuo bring your hnlr work to
Miidnme I.. I.. ItoumoH, 'J4li N. Onk
dttlo. O. P. Ilrlgga of Anhlnnd Hpent Sat
unlny nt Medford on business.
uliiiiB it iei'tiI exhibit 'suoiTtmiff evils
t.. .. " ;' ' ' " . . . -
ijf.. ' 'f?s KisflEtij' I nciaicsi rroicciiMiftMBUiCic HjH ,"i,iiisr'
tvimamei! ji' miwUt' kzrUt . ., . "T7fsvr! tHaisssssl huim In "
P i IT if ' ' WWBiTlMlW'i llT''r'1l hm-(wfJBB ZZliiV?"
tw-X.t!t,'i t ' i vi ji.' TtSBBBVfnHKawV.iVBVivB ' i n..- ' ibbbbbbbbbbbbI titv,nts
rTvnLirtijZF ' Ji $" t .,; SBBBBMt. IIJTBIWfliLrMSBBBBn' S. 'N. i r 'fc'v J jaaBSBBBBBBBBBBI MrkiiiLhiii fii
I k ui&i 0ft V.9 i A A4JBBBBBl " .' fiKtfZ.2dBSBBv' i l it I. VaSBBBBBBBBBBBB pivwh f. i
The Wllion .Mnnilmll Turin Kxhlblt, n unbjiio incthoil of brliiKlug iK'forc the public Ibr nrgtuiwiii for n r'v.jti
dotwnvMrd, an ndvcntc'd by fiorrnior Wilson, Iuik been op'nrd In New York city.
AIiimmI vvery Industry Is reprfneiiloil, and comparlnons nr shown In rigiiron. The Idea of Ihe exhibit was ron
cclrrd 1iy Mrs. Hladru, wife of ItoprcHrutnllve Hladcn, of Tpxss, when thpy were In Mexico. Dxblbltn on n tnrliT revision
will he opened In many of the Inrgo cities.
Ill ono part of the pxhlblt thrpe nx flgurpi show I i- unfulfilled prornlsen of the Hull Moose to give cJip work
ItiKinaii n full nnvclow by tariff reduction. Tho third turner Is stniidlng. lift- sIm, blowing hot nlr through a tube, whllp
ripxt to lil 1 1 1 stands n workliiginan, tall and gnntit, with an pmpty dinner pall and with little pay In hi cncbic '()ti tin
pf stand thi' fnctory ownpr, fat arid prosperous who Is fitting Hip moiipy. Scvrrnl balloons, showing tin- Tol"o
Trust divided, but sllll doing butilnens, are prespntrd ns Mr. Taft'n Idea of destroying the trusts. An hov.u. Ii; oi
sntiill. thpy nr still ii trust, ' ,
The tnrwlrl Hat gives an Idea of Hip tariff from n woman's viewpoint. It Is fumhdird and the purchase prb-p I
inarki-d on each nrtlrle. TIip exMirt price In nlso iiiotcd, nnd Hip dirrorrncp, which Is paid by the American, ruiigt-ir any
whpre from thirty to ninety per cpnl.
At the Churches
First Church of Christ, HclcntlM.
Sunday servlco nt eleven A. M
Subject of Irsson-aormon: "Sub
stance. V.'odnenday ovniilng meet
ing nt 7:30. All aro welcome to thesn
service. Sunday nchool nt 10:00.
All under tho ugo of twenty aro In
vited. Reading-room heurs: Two to five,
p. in. dally, except Siindny,
Church edifice, N. Oakdate.
Masses 8 nnd 10:30.
No ovonlng
Pronchlug 1 1 a. m. and 8 p. in.
Sermens: by the Pastor. Subject of
morning sermons, "Subntltutlng tho
Christ Life for the Self Ufo," Even
ing subject, "How Could Gad Punish
Ills Innocent Son for tbo-UuIlt of
Man? Special
school nnd Men's
n. in.. Juniors 3 p,
People's meeting
Invited to those
Holmes, pastor.
Illhle class 9:46
m., Union Young
:30 p. m. Al aro
horvlcvs. A. A.
I.OS ANGKI.K8. Cul.. Sept. 11.
MIks Holiilso Chandler, 21, and Carlo
ton WnBhbuni, 23, are parties today
to tho most ntartllng marriage con
tract over brought to light In Iox
Augolou nnd under Its terms they
will bo "married" here tomorrow
Miss Chuudlar. Is the daughter or
Julia Davis Chnndler. a Philadelphia
author. Washburn Is the Hon of
Mm. Murlon Fisher Washburn of
Pnendcnu. editor of "Daylight," a
mngnzlno fostering a "buck to tho
Insd," movement.
The first sentence In tho con
tract, to which each has subscribed
reads; "Love, .ta.xlt, must bo
Victor Allen Acquit ted
WYTHBVILI.K, Sept. 13. Victor
Allen, last of tho Allen clansmen to
bo tried was acquitted today af the
charge of participation in the Carroll
county court house murders nt Hills
vllto'last March.
on mi
CUJVKIiA.VD, Ohio, Sept. II.
Through tho story told tho police
hero today by n soventcon year old
girl who claimed to hnVn been
drugged by n woman who lured her
to n houso nnd kopl her prisoner for
n week, tho authorities bcllovn they
havo uncovered n gigantic whlto slav
ery plot which will ovcntunlly ac
count for tho twenty-three girls who
havo mysteriously disappeared from
Cottonwood, a suburb of Cleveland,
during tho past three weeks.
Warrants have been prepared for
tho nrrcst of 42 mon nnd women who
tho police now havo under surveil
lance. It Is believed thnt the operations
of tho whlto slavers were carried on
here to obtain victims that were Im
mediately sent to other parts of tho
The Now Kngtand teams pulled a
"baseball straight" recently, tho
scores being as follews: Lawrence 1,
Worcester 0; New Hcdford 3. Lynn
2; Lowell 6. Haverhill 4; Fall Rlvor
7, Brockton C.
Most beautiful weather linn pre
vailed nt Crater Itko for tho past
weok, ntntes A L Pnrkhiimt, manager
of tho Crter Lnko company who Is In
Medford In connection with the
scientists' excursion.
"It Is tho best sonBon of tho year,"
stales Mr. Parkhurst. "Tho roads
aro In flno shnpo, tho forests with
tho autumn foliage, most beautiful
and tho woathor simply dollghtfiil.
"Tho summer has boon k backward
one. It was July 20, before the first
nuto reached tho rim, nnd tho snow
was out of tho way, Slnco wo havo
had several snow storms.
"Two weeks ngo, n regular east
ern blizzard prevailed for six days.
The snow fell to n dopth of two toot.
Last Sunday It cleared off, tho snow
has all gone nnd condition nro Ideal.
"Only tho scientists nnd their Med
ford hosts can bo cared for at the
lake Mondny and Tucadny. 'Tho ex
cursion will tax our resources, and
we cannot care for othorn until they
have gone."
Lulu Glnser Is going Into vaude
ville presenting a musical comedy
with a company of four. '
Wo aro not'tencT-
Do You Want to Sell?
What aorta and quantities, and what price?
erlng for anybody's fruit
Do you want to consign and chance tho market? Consult us
and we will givo yoa quotations. I every caso wo send the seller
salo not. N New York wo usa our own sale nolo, and do not have
apples sold by auction.
76 Park Place New York
Tho management of tho Indies'
dopnrtnient of the Jnekson County
Fnlr urgo all persons who expect to
mnko entries In their dopurtmont to
mnko thorn on Monday, Soptombor 10.
Tho Indlofl In charge of this work
will bo ut tho exhibit building on
tho Fnlr Grounds to receive entries
nftcr 0 o'clock of thnt date.
visitors In
y hoa am
mint uoi r, w, wk ton
A. a, Orr Hff
$15,000,000 DHEADN AUGHT
MARK ISLAND, Cul Sept. 14.
Inorder that tho Muro Inland navy
ynrd might submit figure for tho
comUr.tictlon of tho new bitttlonhip
PonnHylvnnln, Coinmunilunl May to
duy wired tho nuvy rtepurtmunt ask
ing ,fpr Iho plntm of tho pronosod
It is bolloved 'Unit tho Muro Inland
yard stands n good chunco of land
ing tho blK IK.,000,000 Job,
Mrtliodlxt Kplnropnl
The .Mvdlonl Methodiet Kpit'0ml
church, coiner of Fourth unit Iturtlett
Htrt'otH, K. Olin Kldridge, putor.
Service Sunday iik follewh: preueli
i II a, m, uud K . in. Subject,
morning:, "Hiildcn Wealth"; ovenin-;,
"Siiirituul Athleiicihin." Sunluy
hcIhh)1 iiiitl MenV Ilililo clus. 0:1.".
n. in. l'.pwortli Leugiio (1:15 p. m.
I'ruyer meeting Thim-iluy evening 8
o'clock. Theme, ''.Men Tlutt Are in
Dmiiiiiul.'' Kxeellent by eh-jir
miller the direction of t N. niiilontor.
You are eotiliully invited to nil tliese
'M. ICCtiiirrli South
Dr. tlpis Ali'Miuder of Niihhville.
Teniieshue, will oeeupy tho pulpit nt
both herviees Sunilny, Sept. J."i. Dr.
Alexiiiiiler i the most thorough Hilile
hliuleiil uud expo.sitor in Amertcii iiml
is Ml recocuized. It is not only u
trout hut n ureut honor to have thin
grout mu)i in our city. Kvoryhody
ought to hear him, especially 'ill
Hihlu htiulcnts. Come, you ' will
welcome. W, T. Oouliler, pastor.
MINNKAPOL18, Minn., Sept. 14.
MUs Agnes Loo, ngod 24, u grand
daughter of the luto tieuorul Robert
E, Loo, tho confederate army louder
nnd loading ludy last your ut tho
Ilitrbnnk Thoator, Lob Angeles, will
bo murrlod horo tomorrow to Arthur
Cuppolln, u member of tho Sum
Shubort Btouk comjmuy. Miss Loo
(a u member of Junius K. Huckott's
Tho couplo scoured tho murrlugu
license yesterday, Frlduy, tho thlr-
vm ' "
l'l'cncliiiii: Siiiiduy mornini; ut 11
o'clock iu the city pork liv tho pastor.
Sunilny scliool ut JO u. m. ut the
miiuso. All tho Sunday school uud
church )0o)lu uro urged to be pre
out. Cri. Mieiely ilt;(l;;i( p. m.
. Christian
Uilili Hcliopl meets ut . 10 ii. in.
I'roiii'hiiiJi tit 11 ii. ii, mul 7 :.IU p.
tu. 0. E. .')t (I:!I0 p. m.' Prnyer
metjtiit); on Tlmiluy veuiiiK. Como
uud worftliip with D. I). Hoyle,
HOSTON. Sept. 1L Despite In
dictments outstanding ngalnst him,
William D. Haywood, who directed
tho textile strike nt Lnwronco, Mass.,
aid horo today that ho would head
tho Kttor-Glovannlttl demonstration
planned for this city. Hall has been
arranged for In tho event thut Hay
wood Ih arrested. Klght thousand
textile worker nre expected to
T. It. Shunt State Fair
SACRAMENTO, Cnl., Sept. 13.
Colonel Roosevelt will not speak nt
the Htuto fair grounds horo tomor
row, tho opening duy of tho fnlr, an
hud been planned. A telegram re
ceived hero today gavo tho Informa
tion thut It would bo Imposslblo for
him to stop over hero for more than
ten minutes. Ho will puss through
on Southern Pacific train No. 5, duo
nt 5 o'clock.
i- - i
FOR RUNT Four furnlBhod house
keeping rooms with gus nnd bath.
244 North Ivy stroot, rail nftor 6
V, m. 153
FOR SAlil Hompstoud relinquish
ment, 1 Vj miles S. K. of Roxy
Ann, call 42U4, or 21 Ouuoseo St.
J. F. Ashcruft. 150
FOR SALE 10 IS 5 pnasongor uu
toniobllo ulmoat now, lliirgutn for
eush. Uox SO, Tribune.
FOR BALK -Whlto Leghorn mid Po
tuinii rooators, 533 Austin St., go
up tf..KVvT8We. 3
Medford Real Estate
& Employment Agency
120 acres, 12 miles north, $45 per
80 acres, 12 miles north, 35 acres
set to trees, corn planted between.
5 ucres pucturo, 35 acres flno bot
tom land will grow anything, flno
IT ropin tiqw houso and nil now out
side buildings, stock nnd ull tho tools
go with tho plnco at $225 por ncro.
147 acres In Sams Vnl'oy woll im
proved, 55 acres In cultivation all
could ho nut In cultivation nt u iioml-
nuroxpon80, price f t.uOO. Will take
some city property In exchange.
Wo havo sovonu-BiimU tracts to
soil nud exchange for city property,
don't fall to boo us If you want soma
If you huvo u furnished or unfur
nished hoiiBo to rent, como and tell
us about It.
Glrla mul womon for general houso
work In uud out of city.
WnltroBB, girls for luundry.
Elderly womitu wunts poultlou as
Womnn cook on ranch,
Mon for box factory.
R. R. trestle mon.
Phono Ull! Home, 14.
Opposite Nnsli Hotel
have on display in 'our show rooms a large assortment of
Suitable for all occasions such as:
Tea Seta, Coffeo Sets, Dessert S3ts, Almond Sets, Ico Cream Sets, Lunch Castor Sets, Berry Sots, Sugar
nnd Cream Sets, Candlesticks, Sandwich Trays, Bread Trays, Cake Trays, Bon Bon Dishes, Comport
Dishes, Relish Dishes, Marmalade Jars, Water Pitchers, Flower VaBCs,-Prlzo Cups.
Xenr IlMlomco MARTIN J. REDDY, TH JWlr MedTonl. Oregoa
Happy is the
Woman Who
Possesses an
Electric Flat Iron
Price $3.50
"X 1
v,"f ,
Happy BECAUSE she does not
-look forward to Tucstlay with
Happy BECAUSE she knows
that when ironing day comes the
week's laundry will be disposed
of in about half the time required
by old methods.
Happy BECAUSE she. won't
have to use up most of 'tier energy
walking between ironing board
and hot stove to change irons.
Happy BECAUSE .she.. can usq,
; while seated.
- 'i
V '
California O
West Main
Power Co,
' M
1 3
'u i