k ' ''rlVW rMii V' V-.JV P JP"- V-to ' ' '' 'miJ ft. ;i J ".M 1 4 3VfET)ir0ni) 3VTATT3 TrtlBTJNTO, -r , vecl: ' INTERESTING CTINQ5 OF WOMENiS CLUBS, f i MTOPFOttD, OUkgON, HAMHJIflMV, SUPTUAtnitJl?, W, j-.. Mlmum Ktliol mill Mnrlo Ml fori on IdiIhIikhI (ilnvon cituplo of tlmlr filuiulu with n itiuictiiK lnty 111 von Wodmrntluy mviiiiIiik ill tlwlr lionm on North Oulctlulii iivonuo. Aiiliiinn iiliwlou pritvnllwl In tho ilnronitloiiri wliloli Incliiiloil nntorH, KfrniiliiniH mill autumn Itmvi'H, Willi !lu ixri tlou of tlm ititn which wan coiivnrluil Into mi "ISIk'H" loom with u color muIuuiio or purplo mill will lit. Hcnrlul ithiulml cnmllo woro it lirlRht touch In tint illnlntr room. Iloiiliomt wnro imrvml ilurliiK Mi ovimiIiik ittiil u bur fot mipWir uftur tlm itruirltiK. Tlm Ktimitn printout tvorot MUiion Mil ilroil Antlo, Cnrollno Aiitlrovn( Lo tion) Viinro, Orlili) Nntwlck, Ijiiry Wllllnnm, Mlldroil OtrlK, Mml IxmM, iroiin Smith, Kvolyn Cnroy. loiut AmlerKon. l-'mnrcn lli'nth, Ktliol Klfuri, Mrtrlo IJlfort anil .Mtjimrn, lliirlmrt Alfonl, Will llovnrlilKo, l'rmlurlrlc llcntli, I.oon HpneK, Hnliili Warn, I'lotclicr Witro, I'niil .MeOoti ulil, Nod VIIiih, Tom Bcaiitln, Carl Kvaim, Ciiuirimn Morrlck, I'rault Hay, (Icoi-ro Vllan. MIhh KornllutclilHoil wan IiokIohh to a lnrno iimtilior f frlontlB at liur liomo Wcilncmlay aftoriioon, outer triliiltiK for MIhb KiikUhIi, a "nilacul InncoiiK uliowor" lining tho illHtlncllvn ffnturo. Doi-oratloiiH woro In pink nntl vhltJ, favorlto color of tho lirlilo-ntoct. At tho hhowor, tho Rlltn fell from mi Invvrloil pnrniiol, uhp'IiiI1 over tho chair whom tho (junMl of honor wan Heated. llrldRo wan played for a whorl lime. Ml" nvU wIiiiiIiik tho lilKlirfct Hfr. A dainty lunchooii wan then aorved. Thoiin enJoyliiK Minn Untehlnon'u liowpltnllty were: Mlnnen KiWllHh, Keiitner, Ida I.ee Kontner, Ware, UlodKfllt, Ithldell. Diivln. MorrlrU, r.merlck. llniico. TrloHchler. llorrliiK, Ihiiinl, Katherlno Dniinl, Carey, Kvcr hard. Mnmhall, I'Uh, Carol KUh, Heard, Hoot; MomtameH Albert llrown, Holheriitel, Charlen Hrown, llitrKfirh. DodKe, lludfleld, Johntion and Don CoIvIk. Tho annual county convchUon of iti.i V. C. T. XL linn been In neoalou dnrliiR the pnt week at the Klrot IlaptUt church ofthU city. An e- peclally larKo attendanco wan notlco- nhlo with ilnleRntca from all mrln of the county. Anion tho featured of the convention woro nihlrtMCH liy Ilev. Iliillllo, tho dlHCUhidou of tho tdinpornnro (itictlon In JnckRon county, tho election of offlcorw and resolution repardlni; otiual miffrnKO, aUo ronolutloiiB acknowledRliiK the otfortM of Governor Onwnld WchI nd tho appreciation or tlm orgnnlwitloii. Tho of flcorn elected are n follow; TreHldenl, MrH. Oraco Holme of Anh- land; vlco-pronldont, Mm. A. T. Howell or Modrord; trcaHtiror, Mr. Hnrton of Mcdford; recording ttocro tary, Mr. Abbott of Jackonvlllo, nud corrcupon'dlnB nocretary, Mrn. Ilntha- way of Aahlniul. An mtlvo IntereHt I IniluK l In tho county fair which will ho hold next week by mil a row member of local faclnl circle. Mr. WIIHiim lludKO ha boon ohnon a JudK tho florleulluro oxhlbllH, Mr. II. C. Kentnor or domoHtlo Kclenco, MrH. W. II. Canon. utmlMed' by other Indies In chaiKn or tho domeatlo mnnufactur hiK department, will receive oiitrliw ift tho exhibit ImllilliiK " fa,r KrottndK Monday and Tueiiday. win. Cnnoil In preldentof thla department. Local plniilHta will bo Kind to loam tho rollowlUK which I taken rrom tho imiHlcal iiectlon or tho Han Kran rUro lixnmlnnr and wiltten by TboniitH Nunaii, a .iiiuhIciiI critic of that elty. , Willi' Mmo. (IhiIhIU wo are imiuii to lionr tho mlmlrablo Aijierlcan uc cainimnlBl rtijrt coinpoHor, Kdward Holumlilor, wIioho "l-'lower llnln Ih ho often heard on tl(0 nroRromimw f tho KrouteHt iiluijora. MrH. Harold U, Luiidon nvo "ulunibor parly" for MIhh Fern lltiloli Uon at tho liUiuBdon homo on Boulh Holly Htrgot Thnraday ovenlnn. Tho Kiumtii Included MIbh Korn llutchlHon, MIhh IIohh Kontuor, MIhh Ida Ioo Kontner, MIhh Maymo Uouol, MIhh (lladyn Heard, MIhh MiuIro Hlddoll, MIhh Hazel Nnyiirt, MIhh Kvolyn Carey, MIhh Aletha Kmorlolc. Mr. and Mrs. 0, W. l'alm ImVQ re turned rrom Klamath county where thoy hiivo boon rdr" hoo tlnlo'. Mis. W. A.' Allium lott anturrtuy miiriiliiK top ft lirlof VIhII with relu tlv'oB at Aahland, , '. MIhh J'wtrl now r Conlrnl l'olnt WftH with Moilford frlgiuls Tuoaduy. Mr. (Icotko Howlaiid I'arHon and Mm, V 1 1 In i (I Campbull uero Intro duced to Hoclal circle at a recentlon and liiueheoii kIvoii by Mr. Delroy (letclioll TliutHilay ailnruooii. Mm. I'arHOUH In a kiichI or her koii Mr. Iteillnnhl !'nroiin al tho HlllcroBt oroliiirdi; Mr. and Mih, Campbell into or Mlniicnpoll" beluit recent pur cliunorH of llto HuticictitjjrchardH, llowlit or pink rortcH were attrac live In the living rootun, tho luncheon color Hchomo IioIiik Rreen and white. Tliono partrtkltiK I" (bo afternoon' plctimirn weie: Ml'iidame I'aroiiM, Campbell, Itlchard WlUon, .1, . Tracy, William HIIIm, Kdwaid Krench, W. I'J. Crow, I,. '.Iiiimer, Ocor; II. DaRijolt, (leor:6 Carpenter, J. !' tteddv. It. I.. MlirClatchlo. II. I. Walther, Martin 'itiirber, (Jeore Itohnrln; Mltmen A;uow, Chaniioii and Hubbard. A number or ladle were Invited to tho boiiiii or Mr. W. It Kill on North OniiiKo street till afternoon to ineet Mr, tieoruo Hubert, lter-ln-law of Mr. Kill. MrH. Kill wa a nUteil In enterlalnlni? by Mr ItobertH and MUhHIihiiiioii. Dahlia In lavender hadiu wero nu decora tion. The KiieMtti present weru Me dnnie KngllHli. Carey, lliidKe, lliitrhl nun. Purdln, Kr.Klenton, Hiirinoii. (Irey, French, (letclioll. Heard, Hart. Vawter, I'erklnn. 1 .11 Clare, UiiiiIpIh. Hoot, llartxoll and Ml Uladyn Heard. A dinner party wa Rlon Wedne day menliiR at the country club by Mr. A. K. niRham of tho MlraUta Orchard In honor of Mr. Auntln Cor belt. About thirty ruchI were present, Tho club continue to be tho nucleun or nodal acllvltleB ror Itn member and their Mend, dance ami dinner partle occurrliiR with pkaHliiR fro (juency. Tlm RroundH aro belim ! proved amj a pIctureHiiuo ncttliiB l anticipated. A number or younp ladle woro In vited by Mr. Lathrop l'orklu to her homo Friday niornliiR to meet Mli Alicia (iVftham who I a Kient at tho I'erklnn home. HrldRo wa played, followed by n buffet lunch eon. Ml Graham, whono 1101110 i ni Attowa, llllnola, will remain for omo tlmo. Ml KiirIIhIi outortaiun thl oven-liiR-wlth a dinner jmrty Riven at her homo for hor muld of honor and brldnmaldn. Tho joiiiir ladle In tho weddlnR party will Incltido Ml HeH Kontner, maid of honor ami MIsho Mildred Wnro, MndRo Hlddoll, Fern llutchlHon, llnxol Oavl. Until Mor rlck nml Ida Leo Kentnor bride- maldH. MrH. W. I.. Hollowawy entertained with a dinner party at hor homo Thurflday ovonliiR. OiiCHt present were Mr. ami Mr. Stewart l'atter hon, Mr. and Mr. Lincoln McCor nmck. Mr. nurse, Mr. .lohimton, Mis Until llolloway. Mr. nnd Mr. C Hunt Lowl of I'ortlimd, former owner or tho Hear Creek orchard, nrrhod Friday to visit Mr. and Mis. F. II. HopkliiB. They will vblt Crater Lnko Suniiay. Tlmntop imrtloB and atter-thcator HUpper hro bbliiR formed for "Unity Mluo'' which fouu'H to too jjoiiiorii Thenlor next Filday ovonlUK. JudRo'Nell, MrH. Josophlno UubkoII, MIsm FriinreH Nunnii of Jacksonville and MIhh Marian Nell of Portland Mpent Tueaday In Modrord. Mr. V. (I. AldeiihiiRon In vlsltliiR at tho homo of Mr. and Mr. S. L. HlehnrdHoii. Alio will remain hov- oral wooIch. Mr. and Mih. Victor Mooro aro plaiinliiK to leave Medford boon to make tholr futuio homo at Sun Fran cisco. Mr. Vornon Vawter Ih amoni; Hiobo Who havo lurt ror colleRO hIiIiIIob ut tor a Hummer vacntloh Bpent In Mod rord. Mr. and MrHOoorRO H00110 Cnr poiilor loft Thursday for mi extended Hojouni at Lake Taboo, California. Mi-b. F. W. Carhahnn hurt returnod to tho llluo LodRO country aftor a fow dnya In Modfoni. ' Mrn. (5. V. Sooly of Hittom Ih a KUOHt at tho homo of her boh; .for, H. U. Meely of liila' cliy, ' ' MlBH'rcvn Humphrey linB-rodu-nod from a Hovernl weokH tay at 'iK nor Sprlnp. v Mr Orvll .I0I111H011 wan IiosteK nt t tin tn m I of it Mitrlit of kIkiwith for 1 w - 1 MIhh KiirIIhIi Friday afternoon at her lionio mi west l'alm ntreet. The room were prettily nrraiiRod with a color Hclieme of yellow, carried out In rlirysauthemiimH and uhaded candles. After tho "Hhowor" and luncheon, a jolly half hour wan Mpent In lm promlii vermi writing, tho honor Rtiesl beliiR tho mibjcct or each "poem." The Rilet present wore MIkhch KiirIImIi, Kentnor, Ida Lee Keiitner, Davis, Dlddell mid llutchl Hon. Tuesday afternoon, .Mis MarRaret lllodtjett or Northrield, Minn., was Kiiost of honor at a ploanliiR affair KlVeli by Miss MadRe Hlddoll, who n tertalned with four table or brldRp. MIh Hazel Dnvls captured the hlRhest score. Ml Hlddell' RtiestB were Misses lJlodROtt, Ware, Heard. Trelch lor, Carey, Deuel, Knierlck, KiirIIhIi, Davis, HutcblKoii, Keiitner, Ida Lee K'Mituor; Mcndmimn. IlerReMch, Ited field, DodRO and Hothermal. A reception and dancliiR party were rIvoii al tho nmall hall of the Nntatorlum bulldliiR Friday evenliiR by the Henlor clan or tho Modrord HlRh School, to tho RraduntliiR class or I9ia and different member of tho HIrIi School. HefreshmeutH were Horvod diirliiR the ovenlnR. ' I'atron and patronessc or tho arfalr were: Professor nnd Mr. Uowiuau, Mlsn Florence Marshall, Mis Ilerthn WoIhIi, Ml KuiiIco Mun Hon and Prolcssor Jewell. Mr. H'aliih Ilardwell will be host at a bachelor dinner Riven thl evon- Iiir at tho Hotel MecUord (Jrlll. In vited RiiestH aro Messr. K. L. Tuniy, Harry Llndwy.. Charlen Heed, Fred Merrill, U-o Hoot, Wheldon Diddle, Karl Huntley. The organ Unt Ions anion g tho ladles of St. Mnrk' Kplscopnl church boRan nrtlvo dutlcH thl week, tho WoniAn'H Auxiliary meetluif Wednesday even Iiir at 7:30, tho Guild Thurmlny nr- ternoon. A stftR party waH Riven for Mr. Italph Dardwell last Satutday even Iiir at tho Hotel Medford. Those In the party Included Messm. Lindsay, Hoed, Merrill, Tuniy, Torrcy nnd Hnnlwell. Mrs. GcofRo Uowlaud Parsons I vIsltliiR her son Mr. HcRlnnld Parsons at tho lllllcrent orchard. Mr. Par soub will remain for a cotiplo of montha. Tho Iridic Aid of tho First Presby terian chinch will meet Tuesday af ternoon at two thirty at tho homo or Mr. C. H. Hay, Went Main St. Mr. Lewi Ulrica or Jackaoiivlllo spent Wednesday In Medford. Miss Anna Towne of Phoenix spent Wednesday In Moilford. FIFTEEN BOYS TRY TO L HER 11UTTK. Mont., Sept. II. ConrcH hIoii that they, attbmpted to Ijnch Joseph Moyora, an iiRed chicken rais er, llvliiR near Unite, Is made horo today by Hrtoon boys' raiiRhiR from 12 to 15 years In iro. " According to Mm. Moor, alio and her hiisbmid had been made nearly destitute by tho depredatlona of tho boy. i On ono occasion, alio said, thoy at tempted to burn tho Moyoia homo. When MeyorH tried to put out tho fire, tho hoyH overpowered him, pit a lopo mound IiIh neck, nnd atomptod to lynch him. Tholr attempt failed bocaiiho Mm. Meyers' BcromiiB brought IIBHlHtailCO. PKN'DLKTOX UOUND-UP KXCDH HIO.V. Thoso desiring Bleopor lOBorvatlona for tlila oxmiralon ahould eugago Hiimo at Southern Pacific ticket or tlco at once to ouahlo tho local of fice to provldo amplo accommoda tloiiH for thoRu dealrlng to mnko tho trip. Owing to tho Immense crowd attending tho Hound-Up, and tho dif ficulty to BOouro rooma, tho Medford iWty will occupy tho sloopliig carH while at Ponilloton. Call, phono or wrlto Southorn Paclflo Ticket OIHco. ins William Fivvorahnm will havo 150 ''HiipoM" In lila production of "JuIIuh Cnesur." . 1 11 . , GRANTS PASS HI WE I) BIGAMIST 1912. TAhfl iiniiiinii ihM L. 11. Ilk'h.' nolf'tonfi ssed blua mist, hil neen arrested nt Diiiiniuulr, CnllrornlA, and win ' returned to Klamalh Falls, where ho )un been living for tho p(lt fi'overal inoriMis II Ih 110W oxnecied thai Illeli will bit prosecuted bylUs .lensle Lay tott, ft OrmilH Phb r1I, who supposed who wan Ulchn wjfp till wir No, 1, appeared from Cnlirornla Iilrh and MlfH Lnyloli w'ero married In (Jrniitn PAwh on Fobruttr2l4, 1012. Tliey removed to Klnmnlh Fall, whore Illrh nnened a shoo smre and nosed a ono or tiro Villi tltj's prominent IiuhIiich ;non, Itlcli left Klamath Fall following Iho arrival or tho (Awful Mr. Hlch in that city. A 0 T HE WAY AT UGO Drokeu hearted by the Jobs or bis wlfo and child, John Mason, contem plating suicide, U suddenly con fronted by hi old mother. Ashamed or hi Intentions lie dismisses her with a klsH and walks meditatively to the window gazing al tho church across tho way, where tho vested choir Ih sIiiRlng, "Hlcssed are They that Mourn ror They Shall He Com forted." A story of an orphan girl, nnd her pet dogi who ro to live with a pros nnn who orrcrs tho dog ror sale, Ih iiIho woven Into thin great film, shown tonight at the L'go. Hie girl nltorn n sign on tho house front to rend In addition to "Dog For Sale." to "Girl For Sale." Tho girl w'andoM away wltV the dog and Ih found by John Mason, who brings her to IiIh homo, now made happy by tho girl's presence A happy Christ mas nreno concludes this human In terest film. Tboro are three other licensed films nt thfe'llRO. HUMILIATION KILLS LEBANON SOCIALIST LKIIANON, Or., Hipt. 1 1.--F. M. GattH, a t-oeinlint, 03 jenr of age, ih dead her today n a result of hu miliation Buffered whtn none came to hear 11 lecture ho lino advertised he would yivc. Grtttn kired a hall that lie might deliver n JBeS'a'e to fricniN nnd ncighbom which he believed would nidythem in solving tho econo mie pniblem- Of the day. After wnU inr honnv time vainly hoping Miuieone would eomc to bear htm. Gatts went home, where be was found dead n few hours later. SAYS M'ARTHUR &. PERKS ARE PROMOTING RAILROAD COQU1LLK. Or . Sept. 1 1. K. Vnl Jean, surveyor for tho proposed rail road from Port Orford to the Pacific &. Kastorn near Mcdrord, who baa been making Uils city bis headquar ters ror tho vast to week, loft Co nutlle Tuesday morning for Hlvor ton. With Hlverton as his tompo mVy hoadniiartors, Mr. Valjean will continue to survey down the rlvor toward Unndon to a point whero tho old survey touchos tho Coaulllo. Whllo In Coqulllo ho mm eyed from six miles nbovo town to nearly olRht mllea down tho liver. Mr. Valjean, when asked what company wna back of him, atnted positively that bo waa backed by tho McArthur & Porks company. STOCK TICKER'S INVENTOR DEAD AT AGE OF 74 NEW YOKK, Sept. II. K. A. Cnl iihan, the iu enter of tho flold nnd Stock tielviir nnd erganir-er of the Gold and Slm'k 'i'clcgraili eomiiauy, is dead nt bin homo in llrooklyn to day ill the age of 71 jcum. , CuliibitnV last invention was the multiplex telegraph system, t'ho Daily Hint from Paris. . 9 . KHRnvBliirr .SBu iH KH tiw BBBBBBBBBBnr BW Cwjaif HiBHk.' BiiH ilkLjBiMBIBn . BiiH flHBBBBBBBBBBBfiBBBH - BHrvbH bbbHbIbbbBE bbbH aLLLH aBBLBBLLm J JbLbbbbI i 4'Hn IiHbB:''" '-Mcm 1 1 8nwS?WWnPlnTiMWI l fMMWi VIL M IMMlW. (ftKMM ,v,m, nil m Tt Mm Ci . , ijf ' Th woollen -ponse on Turxluh towelllnc wt uvea are to be ucd cxtcmlvcly for win tr tailored suits, and tho cutaway coats how many intricacies of scim placlnc iIaIon Amy Linker. JOHNSON Al CHICAGO, Sept. II. Funeral r lices over the body of iivs. Ettu Duryea Johnson, the wife of Jnek Johtisoii. nejrro jmiliftt, who com mitted suicide, were held in St. Marki' Methodist elmreli here at 11 o'clock tlti' inoniiti, the Kcv. J. It. KobiiiMiii offieintiiiR. The body was interred in Graeelnnd cemetery. Jnek Johnson n nlinit pro-lratcd over his life's traRie death nnd sny.s be will never enter the rilijj naiu. Jnek Curley. maunder of Jim Flynn, the boavyweigbt fighter, made the arrangements for Mrs. Johnson's funeral. ' ' ' l 1 i - Hi 1 sst? Cascarets Cleanse liver and Bowels llio Millions or Cascaret Users Xeier Have Headache, Constipation, HilinuMios or hlrk .Stomach it Is moro necessary that you keep your Dowels, Liver and Stomach clean, puro nnd fresh than It la to keep the sewers and drainage of n large city rrom obstruction. Aro you keeping clean Insldo with Cascareta or morely farcing n pas biiRoway ovory few days with salts, cathartic pills or castor oil? This Is Important. Cascarets Immediately clcansn aud regulate the stomach, romovo tho Hour, undigested and fermenting rood and foul gnbes; tako tho excess bile from tho liver and carry out of the system tho constipated waste matter and jiotson In tho Intestines nnd bowels. . No odds how badly and upset you feel, n Cnscaret tonight will straight en jou out by morning. They work whllo you sleop. A ID-cent box rrom your druggist will keop.your head clear, stomach Hweet and your liver and bowels regular Tor montha. Don't forgot tho children tholq llttlo Insldes need a good, gontlo cleans lug, too. Two Lots, 50x117, Queen Anne Addition .rnt or, sewer, pavement, and sidewalks in, alley in rear; best two lots in the addition. One Lot, 75x120, East Main Streot AValer, sewev, pavement, alloy in rear. .Kivo-room honso and lot, Kenwood avenue Coile.rete foundation, plastered, wired and plumb ed, lot 133 feet deep, halt' block Fourth streot pavement, high ground. Lot South Oakdale ()0xl7" all improvements in, adjoins Howard property, faces Dakota avenue, alley in rear. Seven acres,rV. lpjles north of Medford on Cen tral Point niaeadani, ditch across highest part. Any of tho above properties can be purchased at exceptionally low prices and terms to suit pur chaser, J 'rices oC-property will advance U0 per cent as soonjis information of certain deals now ponding is made public, lntpiiro MEDFORD BOOK STORE rT-rvv tit ,t HOTEL MEDFORD $1.00 SUNDAY DINNER $1.00 Canape Oibier Sliced Tomatoes .Ripe Olives '.. i,''? Consomme Komusat .""' m 1-4 lff J'ottngo WeHtmorelaiid Aigtiillelfcs do Flctun Ji'Jliigloro ' Pomtnes Dnimllino -1 t Vol-au-Vent Jtiz do Veau a la Berthier ' Mnderiu Punch Braised Duckling Stuffed a la Aiiglaiso' ' ' Saddle. of Southdown Glutton Mint Satico Jt. : 4 ' Ney Gardeii Peas T i ' , Brown Potatoes Salad 'Waldorf . Green Apple Pie Lemon Morangtio Pic Assorted Fruits , !;.,"'' Chocolate Tee Cream Assorted Cajcos ', 7 Swiss Cheese Bents Crackei-s Toastud -Demi Tasse t atfr . tB-i -SLiO. STAR THEATER TODAY, AFTERNOON AND EVENED IS YOUR LAST CHANCE TO SEE Nat C. Goodwill THE WORLD'S GREATEST ACTOR ' As Fagin in "Oliver Ivifa" As lie appeared at the New Amsterdam and Em "re Tlicalres all tamtcr A FIVE EEEL PRODUCTION PLAYED BY AN ALL-STAR CAST L Thousands and thousands paid Two Dollars a scat to sec NAT GOODWIN AT THE EMPD3E THEATRE 4 YOU CAN SEE HIM AT THE STAR FOR lO Cents POSITIVELY NO ADVANCE IN PRICES "' VU Appropriate Music and Effects by R. D. FORREST and H. L. WOOLWORTH v e : . Mutince 2 V. M. Kvcnings 7:00 o'clock Sharp , 4. AL- SATIIER INT SONG COME EARLY AND AVOID THE RtfSH k. H'h DELIC OUS FOR BREAKFAST Combining nourishment and delicious ness for breakfast is perfectly simple when vou servo nT.rl BFIAND J HAM or BACON Choice and wholesome. Government inspected products that the whole family enjoy. Packed by UNION MEAT COMPANY; Pioneer Packers bf the Pacific Sold and Recommended by Fouta Company R. & Q, Cash Store Alien Orpcorv Co. William Strjnor n T. RxlinUrnlln O II 7nl.lnL- . .. VV'.v... .u... & j. i. w u. u.k.lV . L .Kast Slilo Grocery Co. West Sldo Market & .. 1. . .ha .v 1.1 r mmi.mii l"j ,V """S -. 4'. J, IJIUWHH Innnntnv rnrko . " n t. t.-i., i.. 1, ' OuvltlBon & Buttorflefd "P V'it njuwra j- .. 1 . .,. " t . m . ilm 1 i; fr W a T,' u n Vh '1 ' J