I , " PAGE TWO MEDFORD MATti TRIBUNE, MEDFORt), OREGON. SATURDAY. SI0PTO1BMR 14. 1912. v j i r WHUE TO Rfllfl TENDERLOIN: TOLICE INSPECTOR IN NEW YORK CITY. 1 ,.i , NBW YOUR. t?opt 14. Police Commissioner UJilholandcr Waldo'B action Irf redurliiK chriiolliiKvt). Hayes from nn Inspector of police to a cap' tnlncyyiur fnlldro t5 raid Uieofdrly' roBorUiS hit) distinct, wag Miphold hero Today when Ilioc was lls mlsscd from lliu force for maMiiR frth&Jltat.omchts. r , 'Wnpn't-tiiHurPil for tlto fffiedom be altowehttiin resorts, Hayes shifted thoi blamo to Waldo's shoulders, assort-, Ing ho had written Instructions fro the conimlssloner not to molest these places unless ho had direct orders from Waldo himself. The commis sioner denied this, demanded that Hayes produce and, when It was not forthcoming, reduced him to n cap taincy and then temporarily suspend ed him from the force. Deputy, Police Commissioner Mc Kav. who nresldcd at the hearing riiicd'ftiat Hayes had not proven hlsj charge nKnlimt Waldo, and his sus pension by the commissioner was inado permanent. p- ' ""1 """ '.' ' n ' " ' ' ' y INSPeCTCK CORNELIUS t-VtiS. EXIIBELY DULL DAY H STOCK MARKET I hi NEW YORK, Sept. 11. The diort sesion of the stock market today wn extremely dull. An upward tendency ' nt the opening was followed by n standstill in trading: with a gradual decline in price;. This condition wn due to n waiting attitude- in cxpeetu tion of the bank statement, which issued nt noon after the nwket closed, niid which showed a larp? cash loss. Tile market closed dull. Bonds were steady. Tl IF GEM STOLtN AT- ELKS' MEET PORTLAND, Ore.. Sept. 14. "BUI" MnvhottKOvernmeut engineer still has "faith today in the human race 'its ihe result of having had re turned to him a $300 diamond scarf plnvwhlcq was stolen from him dur ing the Elks convention here in July. l.'Tha pin waB sent to ilarhoff In an envelope In which was a slip of papdr bearing the words "I repent." ."Messed are those who repent," fervently-ejaculated Marhoff when ho received the pin. BABY MINE TO JIM LING'S FATE BE HERE FRIDAY don. which is hut a brief record of the comedy's run in the larger eltles, SWEDISH VICE COUNSUL DISCHARGED FROM OFFICE 1 LOS ANGELES, Cal., Sept. 14. Milton Carlson, Swedish vlco consul here.iwas shorn of his official power, today. tMr6iiKh the revocation of his exequatur by the Swedish govern ment, according to u telegram to Mayor Alexander from Lieutenant Governor Wallace at Sacramento. Wallace's information came In an official telegrm from Acting Secre tary of State Huntington Wilson. To revocation was made on the ad vice of the Swedish minister at Wash ington. No cause was given. TO TEDDY WITH SONGS WASHINGTON BELLE I BREAKS ENGAGEMENT r I' I ,1 in IM MrEd tl Irs WBBmlHw .1 BWWj'gjjSC I, I, ,n I,, LOS ANOELKS. r1., Hpt. 14. -Thirteen hundred women voter- of Los Angeles, will he given an oppor tuuity to literally shout for Colonel Theodore Hoosevelt when he speak at Shrine Auditorium Monday even ing for hi-, rceoiid speech of the day in Los Aiijjulei?., -ln,the direction oCa score of tfjifatl !lader the iiemhir.4 of the .lane Adtlains cuniliff f)fgjiu iz(3d for tlie juirjiOfeo" of. jirodueint musical p'rttNe of the cpIo'ueL wyll break iiit6" Mini. Koosevclt will arrive here nl 2:15 oejoeli .Monday nitcrnoon. Willi a fife and drum coqw ho will t-hare the honor of lending nn automobile pa rade through the linuincKs st reels after which . he will ' Iju driven to Temple Auditorium, whure he will de- Iher a bpeuch, partioularly for ti G. A. JL xulcnuirt who are expected to reuinin in Lok AligeloB for the eieut. Ited Jjftnadnna liaRilkorcJiipfs and n,uiiititicfc of; hull jnoohc ininia ure ei(U'iit in ,tlio htrcetw lioro today. TWO AVIATORS FLY FROM CAIRO tO AURORA, ILLINOIS CIMO.' ill, opt. 14 Aviators Martin, Thompson and Lllllo flew fifty miles to Aurora today and re turned this afternoon The flight was in qualification for a master pilots' license. It was tho first nvent of the aviation meet here. HANDS OF JURY j William A. Brady's laughing suc cess "Baby Mine-" Is the attraction announced for an engagement at tho Medford Theater on Friday, Sept. 20, for its local presentation in this city. "Baby Mine" takes on nfl the as pects of a screamingly funny comedy that has uo lot-up in its laughing de partment There Is no fear of ten der sensibilities being offended, for l Is an entire wholesome comedy. Whn a Chicago physician made the statement that there were thous ands of husbands who were fondling babl3 secured by wives at orphan asylums, it gave Margaret Mayo the Idea for her play "Baby Mine. The play carries, a moral that the habit of telling' white lies may lead to un happy consoquenccs. "Baby Mine' comes here with the reputation of haUng played tn year in ew iuth, ciKtik jimui.ua in v.,,,-! iimuiixikiiu, iiiin iiiai ne Knew uoinini; iago, andnearl two -years In lon-Jiof the cutting iiffrny until 'the next dn.'v Laura Miller, ihe while tdnve, who occupied a room at the laundry, stated that' she muv the nftsaiiU occur. WituuhBcs for the dofene iisitificd tliat Wo Lee for two day.s follewin: the assault denied Unit Jim'Liug wn the man who hud anultcd him. The ease was completed a far as tho taking of evidence was concerned Friiliiv afternoon. After ,'t short nr giunciit. Sutunluy nmrnititr Hie cute went to ihe jury til 10 o'cloelj. At u late hour this afternoon the jury in the cum) of the state vs. Jim Ling for assault with a deadly weapon on the person of Wo Lee, a local Chiimman, had not returned a verdict although they went out nt ten o'clock Snturtlny murning.- ' A tuiiti ivf contradictory .le ments characterized the Ling cao throughout. Wo LCc, the coinplniu ing witnvti-, not only told a dlffenmt story from tho on& he told whh the case vim firt pndied by tlitt police, but Contradicted Himself while on the stand at Jacksonville. On the other hand, Jim Ling, the dcfriuW ant, with a better command of Kn;j ish, kept-bis siory .straight. It was however, a simple mir. to the effect that while he was at the laundry he was asleep in the upstairs room throughout, and that he knew nothing OSCAR STRAUS RESIGNS FROM ARBITRATION DOARD NEW YOIUC, Sept. 14. Becauso his duties as progressive nominee for governor of New York Interfered with tho work of cnneidciing the dif ferences between railroads east of Chicago and tholr locomotive engi neers, Oscrir Straus resigned today his position as chairman of tho United States board of arbitration. MISS'LAU&AMERBIAKI" tvm ms( j-wi A- Wtefl Iura 'iMorrlam, daughter qf Mr. uiid ,Mrs. Wllllum II, Mcrrluni, Of Mfasbliigtoii, D. 0., whoso engilgcineiil to Mr. Theron 10, Catlln, formerly Jtcjh rsenUtlvif from the Eleventh Missouri District... was reported broken. MNs Mijrhuu's father was (oriueily Gov eto'r" of Mlifiiesoth nn'd was dlreclor oj tk4'fWil census u 1000. I. VV. W. DEMONSTRATION BLOCKED BY POLICE PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 11 Ow ing to tho action of tho pollcb hero today In keeping tho crowds con stantly on tho move, tho intended demonstration of tho Industrial' Workers of the World in Independ ence Square- was blocked, Tho meeting was transferred to a church. STATELY FUNERAL PLANNED (Continued fioni pajr(o l.) burled an opdkloinlo of hail klrl will bd Btarted -which may gravely- con curn tho most ancient houses of tho oiiiplro. Your Child's Health Your First Thought If you have children, naturally your first thoughts are for their health. You certainly want them to develop strong, healthy constitutions. The most careful attention must be given when chlldron show tho first aymptoniB of tho many common ail ments. PerJiapH they nroj weakly and thin, or grow too fast, thus sacri ficing strength. Theso anil other apparently minor nllpients may be the forerunner to' a' weak constitu tion for life. SUch children need Jayno's Tonic Vermlfugo which Is essuntlally a chil dren's tonic. First of all, It will proporly caro for the child's stomach. It will also Improvo tho appetite, and will add strongth t,o tho Other organs of tho body. In rases of thin or im puro blood, It Increased tho number of red corpuscles onabllng tho en riched blood to keep tho body healthy and strong. Among tho most common allmohts that children develop Is that of a dis ordered stomach, loading to an im paired digestion. In many cases this trouble Is duo to parasites In the In testinal tract. To correct such trou ble, Jtiyno'B Toiilc Vonriifugo Is nn Biirpassed. For1 more than eighty years mil lions of children have been restored to health through tho unit of this tbijfc. Insist ppon Jayno's; uccopt no othor. Sold" by druggists every whole Dr. P. Jiiyno'ft Son, Phil adelphia, Pa. . . i . . . . O'REILLY'S NM ARMY gjl PEE UOONLAS, Arlt., Sept 1 .-- "floii oral" F. F. O'Uellly and his flllbus terlng expedition whose sortie Into Mexico two days uuo caused n hou satlou along thu ArKona border, nh In tho hands of Ainvrlcitu troops to day after being forcibh rulloved of their provisions, weapons and hnrsei by tho rebel colonel Hojns. Tho expedition, which Was im ported to comprise 3"0 men Well nrmod, actually coitHlsted of (VUollly I and threu coiupunlons named Calla hiu, 0'Keof( tuiil .lotion They worn captured it ml robbed hy Itojas com mand and given otio hurro and In Hlrufctloim to roturti In ArUouti. They surrendered at midnight to the American troops. According to federal officers hero tlley will bu brought to Douglas to face eharaes of vlnttit lit(x uontrallty laws. 1'rci f'onceit. Free concert will bo given every evonlug durlny fair weok, Hvery body luvltod. ro adVel'tlsKincnt on page U. thin paper. I'lauo sain down. a week. KiTci-h Mimic House '5 HER 11 W WA I.INtiOLN, Nob., Hepl. 1 I WIN llnm J. Iliyau'tf Itinerary for his emu lug trip thrnuu.lt tho west In the In (oiertt of Wood row WIIruii'h ciuidl ilau,v for tho iirenldt'tiny, wim nn itotiuced today. It, as followst Heptmnlior in -tltlitil .Motif. Hoptoinlmr 'Jill -I, oh Auuelea. Cat, .Sitptomhor 2 1, (liuiriilum), Htonk ton, Cal,: (afternoon), Mucriiiiiniilo, Cal i uilghll Han Fianclhl-o. KutWI. vHoptunibor !in Hloclttoii again Soploiuber 2(l-CrH0h flliil N'liv''. Fidm Huno llryaii wlll'mtitrii cant through Wyoming, ( LAD0R UNMSTNV'ltr CONFERENCE FOfl PEACE I.OH ANnKIKH, Cal, Hnpt. IL In aiit'oidaueo with loinlutluiiH iidnpted by the central labor couluill or I.OH AUglllOH, IllVltUtlollH WOI'O HOllt today to ropt'oncutadve'ti of tl(o Mi(; doio goveluuioiit. Iintl tho roiel fac tious In Mexico (Hid to Moxleiih laiior loaders to men In Lbs AiiKnfmi lb din cuss plans for peactt In Mexico. Tho nvlatlouH wore hiud ' lit tho 'lie torcst uf peace and fialernlty. Good it . N ews for Medford and Jackson County Piano Manufacturers Extend Time, r on (Eheck Until September 21 COMMLRCIALCABLES immmmm JT ;Ur;S 5 'I T cunrwee m. mackav. pneiocNT. TELEGRAM TSrMtiiTeUarnDh.CiblBCoraDany(lncorDOted)lVilUsWcllrthrimtMaooublctlotl.t T 263 rdcsfthU blank. . JtclrejUllitaint 0jx-. t$C tUini hirtei. ' : 4r Cortland. Ofgon. Ttl .ALWAYS O J 'V . n m hJinw '""'I -dr jh" w wm ia w-rrf 5&?aI iti a xjwj'C 11 OL "A I ju; 'V 4 I'll Words Collwt r- 1. ' A2.'J9C1IK0 ' HlliEHSAllTSK'irOUaiS, .MI'JDLOUI), OUKCION ;- " DlSTK'i'HUTrON JS SATIS FACTOUV, HUT KO nifAFT WJ'IjIu lil HONORED AT PORTLAND JIPRKSKNTED AII'KR SlOPTKAJP.RIi WIWY-FIIvST. ' ' t ' " lANUKACTUUKirs ADVIORTISINd lUMJHAU. FAIR WEEK AT EILERS MUSIC HOUSE f ; iW t. 'm ;& s t f V ! ' ! At tho rci-picst of tho manufac turer's representative, Mr. Schcrfon bcrK'. tho factories have extended tho time limit on thu advertising appro priation until Sept. 1!1, nnd havo shipped one extra car of finest pianos player pianos, nnd Kraiul pianos, to be on display at Kllerrt sales rooms, ,217 West Main strwjt, Medford, dur ing tho County Fair. -' , I-'iee ("oiircrl -iJvcrjlMMly InVltcil Wo havo arratiKud for it musical programme every ovonlm; durluu fair week. Also dumoustratlons will ho ('.(veil with the woiiilcrfull player pianos aiid electrical liiHtrumontH. Very IimtriiHlin The public will bo itlvcn nn oppor tunity to sou tho wonderful construc tion or tho Autoplnno uultliiK In ' slnitlu Instrument a thoroimhly IiIkIi claim uprluhl piano, and thu finest music roll mnchaulsiii It Is pokslblo In coiiktruct. nimble youuif or old, without any knowledge of iiiuhIc to render any conipoultlon In music lit an artistic manner. FAIR WEEK FREE CONCERT EVERY EVENING EVERY BODY INVITED JiMn "fatf- '4 V h - G? VfdAtt 'tJrA : rVI4 wru i n ;.. ; 8-t-.0 7f,xn ' LuJ?mn f3E23ifrrBBBB BaH l' nWn: I BL3G PI wiw i : in in V "i Vi '-' ! FAIR WEEK FREE CONCERT EVERY EVENING EVERY- BODY INVITED ' it ',- ' We Will Show You How to Buy PIANOS, for $136, $125, $185, aiid $215 $i doWn; $1 a week ' ' 4';. ' " ' l;i(lo in niuiMci'-sawt'd fancy, rifli nmgliolin, wilnut: iijiiI' lienuLiriilly figum! uiiiho?aiiy, (loul)lo vciuiorod and (uush lmiKlcd inside and out. Sweet-toned, duralm oild thai, any hinio willjje JoikI lo own. Special design full trichord Hcale of hovWi and one-tnird oclavCH, prodiicinv vondOi'lul lont; (tfftfet; oyer-Htnuif,' bass; improved flange, full moral frame, metal flange, built iippin block repealing action arid ineial bnlokolH, ivory keys, ebony sharpn, hardwood back, case cloulilo veneered hardwood of Hpecial doHign and excellent finiii,' lloiglit, '1 feet 7 i'iK'Iich; widtli fl feet A inchesj depth, feet Mfc inclies. i ' FAIR WEEK EILERS MUSIC HQUSE ' 2VJ MAIN ST., MEDFORD . : r Kf wu "Vi 4 1 : I 1.1 A 'tl f y z