E 1 I Ju-O. n t' t arWoftn.. matt; TfttmmR tiOToitt);- YmiflioN, SAnnmrtA v FwpmmiM'r ima MAN IN OVERALLS PRAISED BV DEBS SAN KHANCISCO, Cnl., Sept. 7 JTIjoro Ib something magnificent nliouL n (iinn In ovum) la whoso brain fB In working Qrdor. Ho Is tl)o In carnation ot tho ooclnl revolution; a tiillTty ,'dtntnrbcr -of tho ponce. And tho year 1013 marks tho greatest awakening of tho nmn In overalls tho worjd hag over scon." ,'Lcn.Vlnp with his political followers horji! 'thp above . expression of his thought ot tho day, Kugono V. Debs, Is today en route to Los Angeles, where ho speaks tonight In his cam paign as socialist presidential nominee. J'Moro than 5,000 persons heard DobBj .address. His earnestness and eloquence brought thorn upstanding. Ho said: "You, aro not even n man In the capitalist system that takes nil you earn and gives you a pittance In re turn, You're simply a pair ot hands. That's what they call you bands. They advertise for mlllhands, fac tory hands, farmhands hands, bauds, hands. And H's only a step from a hand to a handout. "Whenever I see n tramp, and 1 do soo Increasing thousands ot them. I behold tho cpltomo ot tho capi talistic systcn broken manhood, hopelessness, rags. I never sco one hut tliat my henrt goes out to him. , "And the fallen woman no, she 8 not fallen, but cast down and rnmplcd In tho (mire. I tako my placo bcsldo her against tho system that mado her, this woman and tho tramp. I "When enough of us know that jvo'vo had enough of capitalism and exploitation then wo twlll end It. Alone the capitalist could not elect a constable. Ho relies on you to elect his men for him as long as he ran delude you and make you swal low his shallow promises. You working men hire the capitalist to take what rou, produce, and he likes tho job." , Then Dobs flayed tho three other big political parties, and aske.l; J "Why didn't tho republicans and tho democrats perform at Washing ton where they are In power what ihoy promised they would do at Chi cago and Baltimore? Why do they wnnt to wait until after another elec tion before getting busy Instead of doing ,lt now? Because their prom ises to the toller aro Idle "When a pullet walks Into your kitchen and asks to bo fried or jour special benefit then you may ex pect a band of plutocrats to support an order which will put them out of business and compel them to earn an honest living." FOOTBALL TEAM TO I BEGIN PRACTICE MONDAY j At a meeting ot the students of tho high school Friday night Seal Hall was named manager for the 1912 football squad and Bob Bos- well named captain. Tho first prac- tlco under tho direction of Coaches Jewell and Frost will bo held Mon day ovcnlng. There arp about half a hundred candidates lor position's on the team, and the material Is big and husky and thcro will bo compe tition for places. Several big fel lows are among the number, and prospect for a strong team aro good. j Tho first football gamo of tho sea non will be V'ayod either September 21, or 28, most likely tho last named date, between tho high school 'and tho aluinnl team, which will hold a meeting at U)o tyat In the near futuro to perfect plans of, organization. Games' will be scheduled by tho lo cal high school with Ashland and Grants Pass and any othor team in southern Oregon or northern Cali fornia that cares to tacklo them. It they succeed In taking tho measure of these teams, tho local aggregation will mako a trip to (ho north, playing with Kugeno and Portland. GpfjMAN CROWN PRINCE WORRIED OVER FATHER'S ILLNESS. APPLES Kstnbllshcd 187S - 1 1 ' u&a8c&! 1 HlvaL m - r. BHfc. .. " .-"'TtBE,'- IA aaBannaaama vk? mi iwoiiiir iimnmr ' in m 1 VM ?j"'1N '" '" ' f "1'' li f twuaityS'JftVvy VHBH APPLES Wo ui) nut (iTtT APPLES Do You Want to Soil? What Bortn and utinutltlos, and what prlro? erlng for lyboiy' fruit. Do you want t" consign and elthncn tho innrkntT ConniiU un and wo will glvo you quotations, 1 ovory enso wo send tho unllorn sale not, N Now York wo ubo our own alo nolo, and do not'hnvo apples sold by auction, H. N. WHITE & 00. r(J Park Placo Now York "i 'J.l'ft.iiiLffi.ll, 5E?Hfff HH'.l."!!!1'!'. . iiiJU-i'uiuAiJtJ.i.iui'jmawgsBBBWwiiilji tr Flour? 'I FRUIT Incorporated 1904 tKOr THE GERMAN CROWH-FRmCEr. THK CUKOWAN tDJTtOM or 1HI M.t. MCHUkLD. Crown Prince Frederick William Is said to be much worried over the Illness of his Illusions father, Kmpcror William II. of Germany. There have beeu conflicting reports regarding the Kaiser's Illness, but It Is not considered serious 2496 II II AI CRATER A I DENY BROKEN FA TH During the month of August 2.49C persons registered their names at tho prater Lake National Park head quarters, according to Superintend ent W. Frank Arant, who is In tho city for a fow days, says tho Klamath Northwestern. "August was the best month or tho season for tourists," said Superin tendent Arant yesterday. "The to tal number of visitors ot whom wo havo a record during tho entire sea son up to September 1 was 3,635. This has not been up to our antici pation of tho number of visitors to Crater Iake and the Crater Lake Na tional Park, but is an incroaso over the number for last year. "Tbe tourist season Is 3ot nearly over, but It is hardly posslblo that September will be as good a month as August. Although it has been somewhat stormy and homo snow has fallen at tho lake, tho season has been fairly 'good and I expect a large number ot tourlatu'JIn the park this and next month." mam A E STATE SPECIALS ARRIVE FOR G. A. R. ENCAMPMENT COURT SUSTAINS T. R. ELECTORS IN KANSAS , TOPBKA, Kan., Sept. 7. Fedoral judge Sanborn of Donvor denied tho application lor an injunction to KQep tho KansaB Roosevelt electors off tho Republican state ticket. Tho decis ion was reached this afternoon. (" TliOjcaso of tho olght Itoosovelt ejectors was brought throp wepks go. 7TUo"uttorno'y for tho Taft fol lowers went to Red Oak, la., to ob tain u tomporary restraining order from Judgo McPhorson, acting for Judgo Pollack of Kansas. . Tho injunction Is uskod on behalf of tho thirteen Jo well county mqn who had signed tho nomination pe titions for olght Taft electors defeat ed in tho primary. It was sougbf to provont tho names ot tho Roosevelt electors bolng placed on tho ovem ber ballot tinker; tfjo opubljcuienj hlom. Judgo Bauborn now holds thoro - I ii .... . : . " r 'arnrck 'iio rlfftllH nr wore ' no rights ot which any map would bo deprived and that thp only rocoui'fin. to Tnfl mon Is In n court of LOS ANGELKS, Cnl., Sept 7.- Jlorc than n score of "tntc spceials" nrrived hero today over various trnuM'ontinentiil railroatls, bearing Gnmd Army Veterans lo the national cueampmciit of the organization. Cqm;miii(1er-i!i-ihicf Tliimbel arrived shortly befpre noon. Monday will see the cnt'iimpincul offieinlly opened. The business s--sioiirt will continue tiutil September 1-1. The streets of the i-ity liiul nil public builtlinjrs Imve been Invitlily decorated in the national colors. Elaborate preparations have been made to entertain the -JDJ000 visitors who ure extracted. . MEXICAN REBELS CROSS BORDER INTO ARIZONA POl'GLAS. Ariz., Sept. 7. Mexi can rebels crossed tho boundary and woro engaged by United States sol diers on the Long ranch, fifty miles east oft Douglas, according to reports. tonigut. Tmrteen American troop ers held back twenty-five rebels, killing fivo and wounding ono of tho Mexicans, It is reported. Tho rebels aro believed to bo In command of Inez Salazar, whoso men also engag ed tho Americans below Huchlta, N. M., farther east. LOS ANGELES. Cal., Sept. 7. Tho business men of Los Angoles havo broken faith with no ono in their agreement to work for Indus trial peaco In Los Angeles, accord ing to Harry Chandler, vice presi dent and business manager of tho Los Angeles Times, commenting today on tho charges made In Portland by Lincoln Steffens, magaxlno wrjter. Chandler refused to discuss Steffens' prediction that labor will ask a par don for tho McNamara brothers bo cause of tho alleged "breach of faith." "I didn't meet Mr. Steffens before the confession of the McNamaras," Chandler said. "Soon afterward, with several others, I conferred-wHli him In an effort to straighten tho labor tangle. Mr. Steffens and tho business men could not agree. His Idea of Industrial peaco is different from ours. Ho stands for clotted shop and tho sort of Industrial peace that prevails In San Francisco. "There was no specific agreement regarding the matters of which Sir. Steffens speaks. So far as 1 know, 1 and all my associates at that time aro for peace. The entlro matter, so far as I am concerned, did not havo much to do with tho Mcamaras or their plea. Tho effort was ono wo would have adopted whether tho Mc Namaras existed or not. "In tho matter of this conference, Mr. Steffens would havo domineered ovor us. Tho business men of IOR Angeles refused to bo dominated." D. OROSSLEY & SONS Commission Morcliants COI Knwgllii Kt New York Onr SHH'lnlty V APPLES and PEARS Wo have our own houses In NKW YORK. MVKRPOOL, LONDON AND OLAS0V Direct consignments solicited or seo our Hoguo Rlvor representative. CHRIS GOTTLIEB Medford, Oregon Coffee? Tea OR WHAT? Anything you buy from ua in the Giro cory lino will bo right; Our Bakery De partment is a aourco of prido to us invostigatp. Allen Grocery Co IT PAYS THE PHOTOfJRAPHKU TO VNK AND HANDLE jeneca Cameras They arc uncnualrd In simplicity of operation, In durability and In results. Havo many marked Improvements not found on any other Camera, v Made on Honor -Sold on Merit Not in tho Trust Our line is exceptionally complete, consisting of many styles and sizes, enabling every ono Interested In photography to sccuro Just tho Camera they want. SENECA CAMERAS will ploaso your customers, rind pay you n good profit. WlflTi; TODAY 'pit HANDSOMELY ILLUSTRATED CATALOG SENECA, CAMERA MFG. CO., Rochestor. N. Y. Largest Independent Camera Manufacturers In tho World. mrr If you arc looking for an efficient fonco'a foncQ J suitable for many different purposes j PAGE FENCE will aupply your noods iMiN Page Fence - J " f IHU..tlU Rabbit Propf"; Page Rabbit Proof Fcneo is practical, economical and absolutely rabbit proof You want tho BEST WE HAVE IT We furnish man and tools and as.si.st in the erection of every rod of Page l'Ynoe vilhout extra cost to you. Yew and Cedar 3'osta always on hand Caddis tin Dixon "The Page Fenco Men" ' Distributors Northern California and Southern Oregon Main Office Medford, Oregon - ? J 1 IJR. ONE LEGGED SWIMMER HOLDS NEW RECORD LQ(S AN0KLE8, CitJ., Hr.t., 7. Lincoln Jojiipjoni llie oiiq legejl swimmer ut'"tlie Satj" Kninciscp Y. M. !v, A.; in holder today of u new ueifio foiist record in tlie HO yard dasli which ho covered in Tt'Sil 2-ft. The mark was set in the Iteclowlo Ili'iich plunge during the Hoittiieru (fUlfo;';iiu( euiii))Uinsliii cvciitw. VETERANS LEAVE PORTLAND TO ATTEND ENCAMPMENT POHTLANI), Ore., Sept. 7. Ar (jonipiuik'4 by "lo.hundiod relative, it lid friendrti fully l.r)l) veterans of the civil, wiififim to lenye Portland in u bneciitl train Into this nfternoou f qr Joj! Apgelctj to ntlcnd tho iintionul; ('iK'ninpiiH'iit ol lie (I, A. If. in Loft Auj-olcs.' "' t- ' - Peevish Children s Suffer With Worms Don't bo angry with your child bo cuiikq ho or sho Is continually Irri table. In uinety-nlno out of ono hundred cases you will find that tho troublo Is worms. Among tho common symptoms of tho presence of round worms aro ner vousness, which often leads to epilep tic form nttacln; dizziness, vertigo, capricious appetite, restless slcpp, Itching of tho eyes and nose, nausea anu ouen Hysteria, jcound wqrms aro several inches In length and In fest tho stomach. Occasionally sev eral hundred aro found In a slnglo person. Thread worms aro smaller often not longor than a quarter of an Inch. Tho symptoms denoting their prcsonco aro about tho sarno, but li this caso tho child has no nppotlto. Juyno'H Tonic Vornilfugo Is umtur jiassed In removing worms. Not only will It destroy them, but Its tonic effects will roxtoro tho stomnch to healthy activity. As Jayno'n Tonic Vermlfugo seldom purges, tho Indlca lions of Its beneficial effects will be tho Improved condition of tho person using it. Millions of parents havo praised this mcdlcluo for moro than eighty years. Insist upon Jayno's Tonic Vermlfugo, and aeeopt no other. Sold by driigglslu nvorywboro. Dr. D, Juyuo & Bon, Philadelphia, Pa. ssTSffBrssffrRswsnstTBffr? MI'J. 'If' If Business Is Dull t' JM$M t X f T J t t J t f T t V ADVERTISE And Make it Better ft &.. f.4 Clark & Wright LAWYERS WASHINGTON, J), p. Public Land Matters: Final Proof, bpsert LandH, Contpat and Milling Cases. Scrip, t f 1 X t f f Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y J Y Advertising the foundatini hIoiic of the modern. KiieeeKaful store. Tt' hits ereaied tlio Waynaniakera, the Marshall Fields and all tho other retail merchant prhjcea of opr era, You will notice that fhej)ig city niercliant keeps at it oveijy day in flie yoaiv-that is Hie rihiHDU of liis success. i .'. vi ire has something to sell- some store news worth imparting to tjie pjl))ic, kojuo bargain t(? offer or Home one thing to interest and attract purchasers. x He makes his panic a topic of household conversation., His store, news is read as eagerly as any other news. His store is thronged with buyers all seasons. '- i . Ho does it by advertising not once a week or twice a week but, every day. r. . j . , , ' ,i'. ' " '' ' " ffii ITio.Majl 'J'l'ibune i fin 1 UVibuue reaches practically every lj(pnpiii Aledfortl and surround big .territory, if you are inlnisiness and want customers, use its coluiuiiindwincrQase your jni.siness. If 'you ai'o it t;on- 1 't 1 ! 1 I (" 1 i I 1 I 1 "'" ' ' V. " '' Htuiniiy'iuuu ua uuvuriisjug cuitumis ami Jinu uuj,- wiiuro w iruuu. ; , . V ,'S I" I i t','1 It I f IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN The Mail MTV 1 r- Tribune ALL T rife TIME , .?'! ' ity'li Q P1 fx - U H r i w i f m-t