fr -- j . JT r a- 1 ,r jjn n$ i. ' uiiipiaj impmpiinmmpp9nqMi9ipypppf WPPfPWPPWPPWiiPWPWIPIlWWPWPiWWIBWiWPMPIlWI "prwr w rj,y J 'rfB'V- -n m MEDFORD MATL TRTRUNE. MTCTWOTtT). OIWOON, SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 7, 1912 rm r- vssar FIT v FTVfvanpnv WWPPWWgg t H Ja IOCAL AND L PERSONAL Tllll MMIll'lltltllllll election of offl t!iMH cif dm Chrlallan Endeavor so uloly of llio Pioahyturliiii church will 1)0 hold ul tint homo of the iiroiddont, 707 West Eleventh afreet, Monday nviMili'iK. Every member In roiiuoslod to lio proHoul, MIhii CI a ii Allntln Iiiih loft for Co Illinium, Ohio, to (ouch at an IiihiI tutu for tlm lillnil, a position hIio IiiiIiI movoiiiI ynai'M iiko, Miss Flora dray, piano Instruc tion, ntudlt), III Contra I nvoniio, Houth. Phono Piii'lflo 1211. Hosl douco UH (lonova nvoiinu, jihono 7941. CnllhiK hour a to 4 dally at Htuillo. HTi (Jluta, Culdwull will li'iivci for (told Mill thin iivmiliiK whom ho will incut hht wife who lian boon vImHIiik Iholr rcliitlvon nt (4okuui) ami vicinity for Hovnral wucks, They will npon1 Hun Iny In (lolil Hill with Mr. Culdwoll'a niolhnr. H. A, Nuwnll, Indies' tailor, 4lh floor M. I h II. Iilili:. Wheeler OHliourni) who was to lutvfl pitched for Omnia I'mhm at Hun ilay'M luiMoball name him isonti to tho Norlhwt-Kt l.i;iiiiii nnil It In jitneo In Hiltiday'a Kanio will lio filled by his brother. Mr. ami Mm. I). It, O'Null or (Irautn Piihh Im'Iii Mixlfonl on u short bUHluoitM trio. Oak mid hardwood 14.50 noil 15.00 xr ront, Hold Itny Itonlty Co., Ulxth nml I'lr. MIhm Alice lilttlo of Kiivaitn ('rook In In Medford for a lirlnf vIhII with friends. W. A. Johnson of AiiloKutn In In Medford on a nhort ImihIiickh trip. Kodak finishing, thtt beat mi Won ton', oppnalto hook atoro. II. E. While and W. I). Mlllor lefl Hutiiiduy for a hunting trip In thn Klainnth l.nko country. William Mullor and Hhorty Mllo toft .Saturday far Uokuo Itlvor whoro thoy will endeavor to locate- a few diiflkH. Hen It. A. Holmes, Thn Insurance Mnn, nvor Jnnknon County llnuk, Mm. J. E, Thomas returned Sat urday from a vlnll with friends at Omnia I'asa. W. W, lloudornon of Evans Crook spent Saturday In Mudford on a abort buslm-aa trip, to. I). Weaton, cominorclnl photon raphorn, nogatlvca mndo any limn m pUrn tiy npK)liitmont Phono M 147t Martin I.. Erlckaou, nuporvlmir of tho Crater National forest laexpoctcd to rot urn Honday from an extended Inspection (rip through the Lodge Polo district. J. I), Wilson loft .Saturday for a Hhorl hiialnoaa trip to California. Oct Mi1. Itoynolda borne wade broad at DoVoo'a. I.. E, McDaulolii, acout for thu ItomliiKloii typowrltor, who lm boon In Medford xovoral ilttyn on IiiihIiiorh loft Hattirday for a IiiirIiichu trip to Aidilaud. Oyitorn, wu know bow to ncrvo thuui any atylo. Ilotol Moilfonl. (Jot It at DoVoo'a. John Nychauor of Talout wan flood $10 In Ma) or Caunn'n court Satur day uiornlnK for carrylnK n con coaled woapou. Houtoiiro waa huh pontlcil, William UorlK, clilof miKlnoor of tho Pacific fi KiiHloru roturuod Sat unlay from a abort IiuhIiiohh trip to Portland. Oyatora, Oyntora, OyntorH. dlrocl from tho OyHtur IxmIh at Ilotol .Mod ford. Joff llrophy of uppor Uokuo Itlvor Hpiuit .Saturday In Mudford with frluudu. ' W. K. llorrliiK, dUtrlct oiiKinuor, Torodtry lluroaii, Hpout Friday nlKht at Mudford, Mr, HurrliiKH In on hla way to Aidilnud to look ovor tho now road to bo coiiHtructod throutth tho foroHl at that plao at u coat of $11000. All wool bhm RorKO aultn to your moiiHiiro at $10.50; no iiho woarlUK n hauil-nio-dowu, nt Klfort, tho Tnllor. ir.4 llonry Hovoiih, formurly a roHl dout of tlila oily, la horo from Hpo kaup on a IiiihIiichk trip. V. I). WiiNhburu of I.oh AiiKoloa who rormorly lived In thla city, Is In Medford on IiiihIiiohk, Oak and hnrdwood M.50 nml $5.00 por.cord. Uold Itny Hoalty Co., Bl and Kir. J. T. Lincoln of Colorado HprliiKH, Colo., b In Moiiroi'd on u abort IiiihI iiokb, trip. Mr. Lincoln purohiieod nu orchard tract' In tho Talent tllHtrlel laiil Hoiiiion and Ih horo lookliiK nftor It. Miv and Mra. Honry Waltonuan of WllllaniH Crook aro In Medford on u tihnrt IiiihIiiohh trip. PIoiiho brliiK your lialr work to Madamu L. L, IloumoH, 'J 10 N, Oak Tho Medford oIiihh of liitoriintlounl lllhlo ntudunta hold iipitclnl iiihoIIiik Monday 11:0(1 p. in,, Hoptomhcr Hth, In Hid Ht, Mark 'a Hall apodal apoak hill ami Koftptd hIiikIiik hy Waltor lloracii Dundy of Now York City, Huhjool, "Tho lllhlo Mndo Itoawn nlilo," Tlm pulillu cordially Invited. Mr. and Mm. I'M Walker or lltittn Kalla aro In Medford to npoiid Hunilay with 1'nlalh'oM, Fall and wlnlor o(kIh nnt on dla play at u vory low flmiro and n fit itiinrnnlooil, by Klforl, thu Tailor. 154 Pat WoImIi of Hpoknuo who Ih In torcHtod In tho ItoKUolaiid'n couipauy, Ih In Mod find on a Hhorl IjiihIiiohh trip, Mr. Wolnli Ih ono of tho lioct known capltallntH of tho Inland cm- plro. Hurry lloyd or Hnloii Ih In Medford on a Hhorl IhihIiiohh trip, Dr. Ittckort, oyoHtKht HpoclallHt, ovor Kontnor'n, Mudford, " llilKh IIiiiiio, odltor of Tint Hpcc uuor, I'oriiauo, ih in Mouronl on a Mhort IhihIiiohh trip couuoclod with property lutoroHta In thin valley. Mr. nml Mm, V. .1. Vlucont of Ku Koiio aro In Medford vlnltlni; frlondn. Mm. II. II. Hallard left Friday even I ok for n vlnlt with her paronla nl Vaucoiivor, II. C. Bho will ho ab- eut Hovoral wduIih, Hodn Fountain nt DoVoo'h. Mr. J. J. Gardner of ChtcaKo In In Medford on a abort bunlnoHn ti(p. Arthur Ouary will icavo noon to roHiiuiK Iiih ilutloH an Hluilonl niann Kor or atblotlca at tho Unlvoridly or OroKon. K. C, Walker or KukIo Point npcut Friday In Medford on biiHlnoHM, Carkln tt. Taylor tjohn It, Cnrkln, lllonn O. Tny'or), attorneyn-nt-law. jvor Jncknon County Hank IlulldltiR. Medford. Paul Khooly of Vancouver, II. C, Ih In Medford on a nliort tninliioiin trip. Mm. II. II. Cady loft Friday oven Iiik for a vlhlt with frlemlH ami rola tlvoH at lluffalo, Minn, MIiih Akuoh DiiiiiiIuk of Yrvka In vlnllluK frlondH In Medford. FflOTffll 1EAM TO M E .Vutlro or Hale of liiiprtivomoiit lloiuU, Notice Ik hereby kIvoii that tho Itocordor of tho City of Medford will receive nettled proponaln for tho pur chitHO of $:t,'J.'o.oo and $4,000 or any portion thereof, hIx per ront (0 por rout) ton year Improvement IlondK of thn City ot Medford. OrcKou, (op. tlonal after tho flrnt year.) Tho boudn will bo nold nl tho IiIkIi ent price obtainable but not fur Ichh than par and accrued IntoroHt. All bid mutt bo filed at thn Itocordor'a office al any time before 4:30 p. in.. Tuondny, Hopt. 17, 1012, nod muni bo accompanied by a certified chock oiiial to five por cent of tho amount bid for raid Honda, nnld chock to bo forfeited to thn City or Medford In cane bid In accepted and liondn aro not purchatod lit accordance with nnld proportion within twenty dayK after the notice or ald acceptance. Tho City Council or tho City or Medford, OroKon, ronervon tho right to reject any and all btdn, KLMKUJT. F03S, City Recorder, Dated thin 0th day of Sept. iy 12. The f'iivl riiutliiill (uiiiii of Up' hoiimiiii will lie i!'il mi Kept 21 r 'JH when tliu I liuh hcIiooI Iiovm will meet ti Imtm coiiionciI ol' Connor lllli hidionl iiliiyern. The uluiniii hnw eiilliil ii uieelilit; I'oi' ooxf Hun day inoiiiiuc ut the Nut nml at tliul tiuiu the Icnni wil he imiile up unit lllltllh puilcctcil, ProHieel inn lniht for u oml loiim nl the i(th Hi'liool IIiIh enr. Hull llonuell, wild plii.vcil liickle lint Vear, U the fit tt it i n niiil Iiiih ii ijiioIok of exH'iieiieei iilnyem nboiit wliloli lo Ioiiii u teiim. Ilovcridno, Heliuo tin i d nml Kmlelifr are iiiihiiik Hio nbl lilnyeiH who are nt nelioul 'llii souhou, In Hie new elux there ate hoxernl liiihkii'H vtlm huvo (iluyeil the Kiiuie ami in iiilililiuu theie are u Milliliter nl' hlmleuU ulin, tor one leiiHini tt i niiothei', could not play hint ulio will lie out Tor practice ih if "I'iimui. The HiieccHH of the team tlcicinl liirjelfv iiiiin Hie sir.e of llie fiiiatt Hint cot out for iiruetiHO nml ji'jfortH will he muiln to Imvc u M'coml ieum iiIwii.vh in the Held. I'oiieh J-Voft lliiri year will hove iiMHlMtiiiioo from .Mr. .leivoll, ueiv phyeieM tciieher, who Iiiih liml ex- pt'iieiiei! on a eolleuc I en in. It is miilerhtooil Hint while the offense is not to be perceptibly hlijjitod, the tie fotiho mill kicking oihIh of the kuiii'' will he nion scciiil iitteiitiou. The Im.Vh will be out for prneliho iih miuii iik the weather ponnitH. A football rally in nluted tin nu early oeut nl the I liei M'liool. To rebuild tho Pyramid of Cheops under modern condltloim would cotd $100,0111), DUO In money ami the labor of 40,000 men for two yearn. AMERICAN SHIPS BLOCKADE FONSECA WAHHINOTON. H-pt 7 To pre vent rillbiiHtorliiK (mrlloH outi-rliiK NIcaniKiiu to aid Hcncral Menu, tho rohol chleL or to meniire tho Kovnrn moiit luitod Htnloa naval forcon aro maltitaliiliiK n blockade off FotiRocn today, accord Iiik to dcHpatchcH re ceived here. Admiral Hotithcrland plariH to open tho railroad botwenn Corltito ami Oramidn nml will have five rail road cnKlncora. who aro now aboard the critlncr Colorado, operate the wood'hiimliiK loromotlvoH on tho Corliito-Orniiitdu line. Pnlted BtatcH Mlulntor Woltzol re portn condition In the capital today an greatly Improved. No. LI. ItCPOItT OK Till: CONDITION OF The Farmers and Fruitgrowers Bank at Mcdford, In tho Htato of OroKon, at llio clone of liualncxa Hept. 1, 101'J Itoiirrti lAinecured nml LoittiH and dlncoiintH OveftlraftH, nociircil lioiKiH mid wnrriuui! Htockn and other ncrjirltlcs Furniture and flxtiiren ., Other real eat ato owned , Duo rrom ha ilka (notrcnerve banks) ... , Due rrom upproved rcxorvn banks .......r-( ChecliH and other d.'uli Items r.T ;,.y , I'.xciiaiiKOH tor cicaruiR iioiiko ..rt.A!taiw..., Canh on liailtl ........ . ..v,..Jjirfl,, ,,,,,, KxpeiiHCH and taxca paid .,t.l,f.;f....!,.. Other renourcea .... , ...Jk,.. $m:;,72.i.oo None 7,, 100,00 8,000.00 2,000.00 414.20 4G.744.05 1C.80 3,021.70 ll.f.OG.&H K.094.28 2,315.2a Total LltibllllfeM Capital Htock paid In HurpltiH fund ........ U'.- Uudlvliled profltH, les vxponsva and taxea paid ....... Duo to banks and bankcrn ..........m.. Individual dcponllH Hubjccl to check .............. Demand ccrlirictilea or deposit ..,.m.. Cashier checks outstanding w........w.... Time certificates of deposit ................,'.....'. Notes mid bills redlncoiinted ..M.;.... 11111k paynblo for money borrowed . .$204,307.97 50.000.00 4.000.00 7.257.52 3,930.29 107,2 13.8B 408.C2 889.44 24.098.24 None Nono Total (' .$204,397.97 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOIt HUNT 10 room house, front Iiik Park and Oakdale. W. L. Hal ley, 28 North Oakdale. 149 FOIt SALK 20 shares Farmers & Friiltgroworti Hank Stock. Ad dress P. O. Ilox 341 Medford. 145 FOIt HUNT Furnished house w tb all modern conveniences. 730 W. KlouMith St. Htato of OroKitn, County of Jacknon, SS: I. L. L. Jacobs, Cashier or tho above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above matement Is true to tho best or my knowledge and belief. L. L. JACOBS. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 7lh day of Sept.. 1912. x b W. MBA HS. Notary Public. Correct Attest; L. NBIDKIIMBYKK, It. V. ANTLB. DBLKOY GBirilBLL. Directors. FOIt SALBFurnlturo of n com pletely furnished G room house In cludliiK refrloKorator, rnime. riiKS, droHnore, dlnlni; tabic and chairs, nnd othor hounohold furuinhltiRs. W. O. Aldcnhnson, 1C, N. OraiiKo street. Weeks &McGo wan Co. . UNDERTAKERS BT rnoua 9871 Klfht rnontai T, W, Wtka 1071 A, S. Orr 8898 X.AOX AMIBTAXT Notice nf Halo of llrldgo llomln. Thu city council or tho City of Medford, Oregon, will rocolvo sealed proposals for tho purehaius of $20,000 rivo (5) per cent, twenty (20) yoar, UrliUto Ponds ror not less than par nml accrued Interent, at ItH roRiilar meetlnt; to bo held October 1st, Ul 1 2. All bldn iiiiihI be accompanied by a corliriod chock eipial to flvo (5) pur cent of tho amount bid ror, said chock to bu inado payable to tho City Treas urer of tho City or Medford, Oregon and to bo forfeited to and! City In ciihu said bid la accepted nml aald bonda aro not purchased In accord ance with Hald proposition within twenty (20) daya after thu notice of Hald uccoptajicn, All bltlH to bo riled with tho City llocordor at any time boforo flvu o'clock p. m Soptonihor 27, 1912. Tho Council roHorvea the right to re ject any nml all bids. BLMBIt T. FOSS, City llocordor. Dated at Medford, Oregon, this Itli day of Suptcmbpr, 1912. FOIt 8ALB (las rant;e, wator heat er, porcelain rofrloKntor, dlnliiR y room furniture, beds, dressers, rockora, hoatliiK stove, everything lo furulHti a house. 24 Mlntletoo. 147 WANTBD Oood second hand top biiKKy, phono 802-F-5: 143 FOIt ItBNTSmallTirnlBlioTriiouso, $8.00, G14 N. Illversldo. Iuqulro of Miss Smith, 520 S. Ivy St. 145 NOT merely A MODERN BUNGALOW . t HBBatfrv2HIR-RcL5P8l-jB.'-i'i5 -' vfif bHHHHIIIV ".v . "" i"wrjaiiMJi:Jt . . iflP mm T JbHHHIH but A MODEL, MODERN HOME of five largo room, bath, two largo porches, and connecting woodshed nml storo room, nt S2S Dakota Ave., FOIt SALB at less than cost, with grounds of three lots, nil fenced and Improved with cement walks, lawn, vines, shrubbery, flowers, garden, fruit, shade trees, chicken hoimo and pons. House just thrco hundred feet of pave ment, facing south down center or Orange street. This will not Inst long. Sec It ut once. Call'M. 1G31 or see owner at house for price nnd terms. UGO THEATRE Program lor Sunday: Sollg proHout "Tho LaHt Danco." Lubln "Tho Prlzo BHsay." Kalom "Thu girl UnudltH lloo- llOOi" lJlogriiph-."Mim,8 LtiHt I'or Hold." Program tenight: "Tho Worklngutiin'u Leusou -Bill-son, "LIucoln'H Oottyaburg Addross" Vltugruph. "Winning u Widow" Kulom, "Tho UuHorriy Nvt"-BHHiinny, T X f y t T T T ? ? t t T T i T T T f t t y y i i y f y t t y y t y y y y y y y t y t y f y t t r r t y y t t t y y t y IX t y t y y T Is Your Electric Iron Satisfactory? J f noi, wo will niako you a liberal offer for a now one. For $2.50 and an old General Electric Iron we will givu you Hie latest type of new General Electric Iron Guaran teed for life. , . ; A? ii ft & Eor $Il00 and an old iron of any niako we will givoyou the latest, typo of now Pacific Hot. Point Iron guaranteed for five years. Jl! your old iroiris out of order and needs repairs; why not exchange it for a new, up-to-dati) pattern. ....v-t California-Oregon Power Co. 216 West Main Street Pacific Phone 1681 Home Phone 122L V No. 82.10. HBPOItT OF TUB CONDITION OI The Medford National Bink nt Medford, In thu State of Oregon, at tho clone of business Hopt. 1, 1013. Ilvamrcoff, Ixjiiiib and ntscntipta ... ...,.. f 4 42,705,54 7,338.50 .........M. ........ f I. ..M.t H.. t . t ...Ml.K...i .. .. .1 Ifl.AMII.A.I wvui m.ti in, Biji;iiiuti i.fiii iuint'i;tii uii .. .... ...... .....,Mik. ...., U. B. Honda to aectiro circulation ...., ...... Other bonda to secure Postal Bnvlnga ....;. Premiums on IT. S, Ilondn ,i..... Honda, Sccurlllea, otc HnnklnK house, Furniture, and Fixtures Ouo from National Hanks (not rcsorvo nRcnta) ,,.l Duo from Stato nnd Privnto Hanks and Hankora, Trust Compa nies, and Having Hanks Duo Irorn approved Ucsorvo Agonta Checks nnd other Cash Itoma Kxchangea tor Clearing House - 3,574.80 Notes or other National Hanks ,... I), 200. 00 Fractional Paper Currency, Nickels nnd Centa .... 227,08 Hpccle .h.....v 34,870.20 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (t ot circulation) '...,.. 5,000.00 100,000.01 7.000,00 2,:!(,U.C.H 28,708.00 48.871.14 37.22 1,028.88 104,028.01 20.35 Total .70O,270.'J0 Llabllltlc. Capital stock paid In Surplus fnnrl ... . Undivided Prollta, lesa Expenses and Taxca paid .. .. 15,5011.42 .$!00000.00, 2(,UUU.UU National Hank Notes outstanding Ouo to other National Hanks Individual deposits subject to check Demand certificates of dopoalt Time certificates of deposit Certified checka Cashier's checka outatnndlni; Postal Savings Deposits .Zl. 100,000.00 169.57 4CC.020.fi3 39,248.03 47,473,02 1,001.59 011.28 C, 147.30 Total , 1700,270.00 Stale of Oregon, County of Jackson, SS: I. John 3. Orth, Cashier or tho above-named bank, do solemnly swear that tho above statement Is true to the best or my knowledge and belief. JOHN S. ORTH, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this Cth day of Sept.. 1912. C. L. RRAMES, Notary Public, Correct Attest: W. H. (JORE. J. A. PERRY. J. M. KKENE, Directors. LET US COLLAR YOU WITH B.&W. Red Man Collar 2 for 25c We have secured the .exclusive agency for this popular, line. This is the first time this collar has ever been shown in jMcdford. Try them once and you will wear no other. They need no introduction to eastern people. All styles in 1-4. sizes Keep -your eye on our window for styles in Fall 1912 wcariner apparell. New goods arriving, dailv. MODEL CLOTHING Company If you drink because of a craving for stimulants if you've reached the stage where nothing will satisfy excepting rough, high-proof, strong whiskey our story is not for you. But if it's mellowness, age and flavor you're looking for you'll like Cyrus Noble. Because it's purc because it's palatable because you don't have to dilute it with water to be able to swallow it. , It costs no more than any other good whiskey. W. J. Van Schuyver & Co., General Agents, Portland. Nearly a quarter of a century under tho same management THE County Jackson Medford, Oregon It has succeeded becauso of Bank Soundness of principle Economy of management Safety of investment Courteous and liberal treatment CAPITAL AND SUEPLUS $175,000,00 W. I. Vnwtor president G. R. Lindloy, Vico Proa. 0. W. McDonald, Cashier .m i -J . -it r ' m