MSVOTMPi &$& &f ?; .- T? i S - - -Ya- vm 'V ; t nftl BOTH MEDFORD MATTi TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OKKCION, SATURDAY, SMVTWMIWR 7, 1912 to- ' IVM R 1 :' I I I. C I E? R ??: p't sV MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE AN INDRW3NDKNT NDWHPAPKH rUUMHHlCI) KVHUY AKTKUNOON. 1SXCKIT HDNOAY 11Y TIIU MKDlXmi) I'UINTINO CO. ..Tho Democratic Times, Tho MctKnnl Mull. The Medford Tribune Tho South crtt OrcROiiInn, Tim AnhUiut Tribune. PARADING IN PILFERED PLUMES IN THIS days whon Oongiossnmn Ilawley adorned (ho pulpit ami won renown as a Sunday school toaehor, OMco Mall Trllulnn ltullJInp, 38-27-S9 Main 30:1; North Kir street; iiunio ii. plionr, ai-Xnai: l'UT.VAM. Krillorntiit MnnnRcr Entered ns Reeoml-elns uintler nt Mctlforri, Oregon, nJcr tho net of Ainrch 3, is.p. Official Paner of tho City of Medford. Official Paper of Jackson County. srnscuiPTitrN hati:. Ono year, by mall ..,$3.00 Ono month, by mall SO Per rnnnth, delivered by enrrler In Medford, Jacksonville nml Cen- trnl I'nint...... ,. .SO BiUurdny only, by mull, per yenr. . S.oo Weekly, per year..., 1.50 swonx cmriii.ATio.v. . Dally avernRe or eleven months end ing November .10, 1911, 2751. Full I-enneil Wire Vnltetl Pwm 11lpntclie. Tho Mnll Tribune l on sale nt the 1?nrrv Ntu- Rtnt.,1 Slut. VrflhuUM Portland Hotel Nows Stand. Portland. Howman News Co., Portland. Ore. W. O. Whitney, Seattle, Wash. Single Tax the Only Tax MKDI-'OHD. OHKCO.V, Metropolis of Southern Oregon and Northern California, and tho fastest Browing elty In Oregon. Population V. S. rensus 1910 SS40J estimated. 191110.000. Klve hundred thousand dollar Gravity Water System completed, giving finest supply nuro mountain water, and 17.3 miles of streets paved. Postofflco receipt for year ending November 30, 1311, show Increaso of 19 per cent. Banner fruit city In Oregon Itoguo nivcr Spltienberg apples won sweep stakes prlxo nn.l title of "Aitple Klnir of the World" nt the National Apple Show, Spokane. 1909, and a car of Newtowns won Flmt Prise In 14IO at Canadian International Apple Show, Vancouver. B. C Tlrrl PrlM la 1911 at 8pokane National Apple Show won by carload of Newtowns. Iloeua River rtenr broucht hlchest prices tn all markets of th world dur np the past six yearn write Commercial Club, lncloslnr 6 cents for postagn for tho finest commu nity pamphlet ever published. prl JOLTS AND JINGLES By Ad Brown My K, l. MflUuro All tmul t-cut l rrcutctt by popMIln lion, nml tho fluctuations' tit-lnhri rent nre caused by the increase or decrease In tho population oceupy liiK tho Intnl. 11m richness of tho soil docs uol create- laud rout, be cause population alone creates do hiniul for tho products ot Ihu land, nor would thuro, ho nny ront without nopulittlon. Iinurovcmonttt tin not cronto liuttl rent, hoennso tho Kivntost linprovomontH tlmt coulil ho ittiulo would not rout for anything without population; untl whenovpr n olty Iihh hoon desortcd tho vftluo hits vnulnliutl from tho liuprovoinontti, What Is tho reason that popula tion, alone .croates lauil rout? ICvory IntllvUlual tuiiBt cat, sloop ami hnvo ntnusotuent: nil must opoml mnro or loss monoy to satisfy nooosaltloa nml tlcslro. ami luialnoss thrives with tho vulutuo ot small pairs bettor than on occasional largo sale: tho sum total ot nil business consists In. supplying tho wants ot tho imputation, and tho amount ot business depends entirely upon tho population where tho hus.1 ness Is located. A hotel Is not lo cated In a desert hut In tho heart of n elty; tho higher the renl for lamt Indicates tho groater value ot u lease for business success. A tenant who pas $10,000 a year ront can make more profit thnn ho could In n loca tion whero ho could get tho same nmount of land for ? 1,000. Street Wo nrcn't Roinsto pet out nn extra about it, but a queen died in Medforri the otlicr day. Iler's was a horrible death. An cast sidor sent away (to wher ever they send for such tninps) for a queen bee. As ho was proudly displaying it to an adtniring neighbor her majesty rolled off his hand and fell to the ground. So far there's nothing very horrible about the affair and royal circles would be undisturbed had not a hungry hen gobbled up quern, crown, scepter and nil. A new queen is on the wny to Medford. Tho queen is dead, long live the queen. Mnybo wo have said too much con cerning the' bee. If so, you are stung. Interesting Facts. Theodore Roosevelt of New York is n candidate Cor the presidency. Carbolic acid is said to be un licalthful if used in ureal quantities. The Pacific ocenn. for the most part, is composed of water. President Taft is a good golf plnyer. A New York wvinnn sued a food manufacturer alleging that she was poisoned by eating their stuff. Now the company says that ns they sell only to the middlemen, they aren't responsible to the consumer. If they enn make the argument stick, both Messrs. Jolts and Jingles will vote for Debs. ho fore ho sat in congress as the obedient honeeinan of Uncle Joe Cannon, he (aught (hat commandment of tho Lord's recently sanctioned by Koosevelt i'or tho use of everyone except himself "Thou shalt not steal." In those faraway bright and shiny days of the past, before Lr. JJawley won fame as a stand-pat statesman from a progressive state, he taught little children to lisp: "Thou shalt not bear False witness against toy neighbor." In a letter written this week to .Medford parties, Congressman Hnwley says: "We, Senator Chamberlain in the senate and myself in the house, were able to secure $50,000 to begin the improvement of tho roads in the Crater Lake National Park." The historv of the Crater Lake Park appropriation is well known. 'After Senator Bourne's bill for $100,000 for Crater Lake had been defeated in the house after passing the senate, Senator Bourne introduced an amend ment to the civil siuulrv bill calling for $100,000 for Crater Lake. This also was defeated in the house. Senator Bourne as a conferee, again inserted an amendment for .t.-trtrt -vw . . .1 l. i .1 it v l til i-. .. 1 im 11. 5luu,uuu aim nciu up xne uui lor over a wcck, uiuu me house conferees finally agreed to a compromise of $50,000, in which shape both houses passed the measureand the president signed it. Both Senator Chamberlain and Congressman Ilawley worked for the measure, but its final success was due mainly, if not entirely, to Senator Bourne, whose'influenco secured its uassa&rc. Mr. Hawlcv's lack of influence was clinwn W flin miwnfnfl ilnfnnfa" thn iiinnii siisrniiinil I cars on "Uet street, San Francisco , , , j running at two mlnuto headway' nvor- Ul lllL" 11UUSC. Now comes Mr. Ilawley and brazenly takes for himself, and incidentlv Senator Chamberlain, all the credit for the bill, and robs Senator Bourne of all part in the measure. It is as much a crime to appropriate a man's labor and reputation, as it is to make away with his property. As Shakespeare said: "Who steals my pUrso steals trash, But he Ayho filches from me mv good name, v Bobs me of that which not. enriches him, v And makes me poor indeed." And this in spite of the commandment, "Thou shalt not steal." Mr. Hawlcy says that he and Senator Chamberlain were able to secure $50,000 for Crater Lake. Had he said he was able to help secure it, he would have been nearer the truth, but he appropriates all the credit, by implication denies all shares to Senator Bourne, his letter bears false witness against his associate, and qualifies him for membership in the Ananias Club. No wonder the inirification of politics is regarded as an irridescent dream when men of Mr. llawleys former reputation for uprightness descend-to such dirty depths for the sake of a few votes. ; v ;. Only exceedingly small men have to bolster up small reputation by stealing credit due to others by false repre sentations by themselves and the folly is made plain when the facts are all a matter of congressional and common knowledge.- For his own efforts, such as they were, Congressmen Ilawley has the appreciation of his constituency. But when he filches credit from those to whom the credit is due to glorify himself, he merely besmirches his own reputation. Let him stand or fall upon his merits and not parade in pilfered plumes. Why Not Go to Church? Man named Stetson had his lint in the riu:: in the California congres sional election. - liy having the out President Taft has lost the vote of the meal ticket bunch. Most every year about this time ivo burst in joyous autumn rhyme, but now the rain has come too soon it's hard to pull the hIihImwio tune. It's timo for swollen mountain cricks, time for wood and polities. Tho kids hnvo started off to school, the garden lias curtailed itsj yield, and prickly stubble f-treches 1'ur in what was ouco alfalfa field. The fruit ;iirs pull out of tho town and soon tho money will come back; wo know it's full and have a hunch that winter's headed up the track. GRAND VIZIER PLANS NEW DYNASTY FOR SELF PARIS, Sept. 7 -Tlio Cris de Paris declares that Kl Mokrie, tho grand vuier to Mtility Ilafid, tho retired sultan of Morrocco, and now with tho latto in Prance, is to become ijraml vizier to Mulny Yousseff, Jlitfid's successor. It also says that tho hopes to seo Mulny Youseff politic ally disposed, if he so himself may mount tho throno and found a new dynasty in (ho African empire. It Is estimated that tho oxponso of the recont convention In Ohio to frumo a now constitution and of tho special s hi to oloctlon next month to ratify, or roject tho proposed umend Hionta will amount to throo quarters of a million dollars. . Well, why not? If everybody reasoned this matter of church-going to its logical conclusion there would not be many vacant pews; and a widepread demand for more churches would speedily arise. The reason is simple. People do not stny nway from churches be cause they are opposed to religion or to tho church. Par from it. Nenrly everybody believes that tho ChrUtinii church is absolutely necessary to our civilization. If its existence were threatened the great mass of the people would fight for if. Put by soipe curious kink in their mental processes they fail to per ceive that if everybody else followed their exnmple and vcry- honest per son grants others the right to do as he does the churches would quickly puss out of existence. Every uoiiatteuduiit iiH)ii religious service virtually votes for tho elimi nation of the institution -from society. -If a person believes that the world needs the church he has but one clear, unmistakable and unanswerable way of stating this position. That is by rcgulur church attendance. Tho man who ()es to church stands for an iudispensuble institution, even us a good citizen stands for the state by voting. Absenteeism from tho ballot box and absenteeism from church are kindred failures in duty to society. Of course that is not the bent reason for church nltenduiico. Wu go to church primarily to express mir belief in God, and to do him rever ence. Tho loftiest truth about man is that ho is mude in tho imago of tho divine; and litis a capacity for fellowship with tho Infinite. Worship is the highest function of which human nature is capable. The world does not know much about creeds, but whon it seos a pursou attending divine worship it understands him to say; by his action, "I believe in God." Thoughtful poisons stand for tho church, albo, because the church stnnds for the best things. The churchgoer lines up with the forces which make for righteousness. lie is on the side of the people who want to live the noblest lives themselves and who are trying to help this needy world to do the snuie. The moit efficient agency of human service on earth is the Christian church. The church man is a sharer in all the worldwide beneficence of the organi zation. They who would make their lives count should be counted among thoie upon whom the church may count. AVm. T. Kllis. E OF LUMBER TRUST rOHTLA.VD, Ore., Sept. 7. That his firm siiBpcnded business rela tions with consumers forming a co operative lumber concern, following correspondence with tho Wcstorn Retail Lumbermen's Association, la tho testimony of Charles K. Dant on record today In tho fedoral Investi gation hero of tho Weatorn Hotall Immbermon'B Association. Tho gov ernment alleges this association with others In different parts of tho United HtutoH, oporatcs in violation of tho Sherman anti-trust law by striving to provent manufacturers and whole salers of lumber from soiling direct ly to consumers. Dant" of tho firm of Dant & RuhhoI wholesale- lumber doalors of Port land, admitted that an understanding existed among manufacturers, whole salers and rotullors of lumbor that business should bo confined to "re gular channels." According to a court decision an oil company In California may post a location notlco on a tombstono and sink a well within 29 feet of o grave. ago two dollnrs an hour, 1,200 cars earn $2,100 nn hour, producing n revenue of $21,000 a day, making profits so largo thoy were able to corrupt tho city administration "Peters Pence" Is small nt tho source, but the flow of money f rom tho world's millions becomes a mighty river of money by the time It roaches I tome, and .1, P. Morgan sold tho Pope $80,000,000 of securities nt one time. Single tax proposes to tako all tho land ront created by population for tho benefit of tho people who created ront, which would produco n vastly greater revenue than nil other sys tems of taxation. It would do no wrong to any Individual, because no one would bo taxed for Improve ments, or for tho crops rnlsed on tho land; but the tax would only take Hint which tho population gave to tho land. The greater proportion of tho taxes would be paid in congested centers of population, and taxes wuld bo pro portionately UghiFln ' tho country whero lbo-poputaikm'ls scattered; Single tax cannot bo ovadp'd. bo cauno tho land cannot bo moved or concealed. No other value can bo so accurately estimated, and tho amount known by nil. as land rent, which could Ijc collected without any In justice, and with less troublo and ox ponso than nny other tax. Manhattan Island oncn sold for $20. It now pays., n land tax of $.100,000,000 annually; and If tho population was removed from New York, Manhattan Island would not bo worth tho original purchase price, as he many billions of dollars Invested In Improvmccnts would bo worthless without any population to utilize them. Tho Asters' collect yearly In Innd rent $50,000,000, which tho As tors did not create, nnd tho popula tion of Now York, nlono, did creato, All tho Innd rent of Manhattan Island would be taken by slnglo tax, which would benefit the Anton nnd every one else, not by. Increasing tho As tor's already superfluous wealth, but through tho groater stnblllty of all wealth, nnd tho mora Just distribu tion, which would ralso tho standard of manhood, nnd cstlmnto success upon character rather thnn posses sions. Tho vast Increaso In rovenno' from single tax would stimulate public Im provements of all kinds hoyoud any experience in political government; nnd tho Increased advantages pro vided would bo enjoyod by tho wholo population, Instead of tho present so cial condition whom the Idle rich dlsHlpnto tho wealth iiroduced by tho labor of tho people, whllo laborers nro condemned to perpetual toll with out any hope of cxcnplng poverty, for when wealth Is concentrated In tho hands of tho few povorty for tho many Is an Inevitable consequence. Single tax would restore all vn caul laud to public use, because thcro would bo no object for nnyona to own bind without cultivation or Im provement sufficient to pay tho land ront. Tho owner would, dorlvo no benefit from tho rise In valuo of land; but tho Increased valuo of tho Improvements would greatly exceed tho rise In land rout, so tho slnglo tax would bo no hardship to any owner of land. Vacant lots and unimproved laud would pay tho samo tax ns Improved lots or land regardless of tho valuo of tho Improvements tho tux would not bo Increased, oxcopt, nB tho In creased population) that might bo caused by tho Improvements would Increaso land ront. Blnglo tax would reverse tho present practice of pun ishing everyone who spends monoy and employs labor In creating wealth that boneflts tho community, by levy- Jug, a tax on tho. (otfll -Wealth ho added to tho aHHessinont roll) whllo It rewards tho Hpeeiilator who does not maUo any ImprnvouunttH on laud, by making his unnossmout low and tho taxes light, that tin may tuijuy tho Incroasod value of his laud by I he growth In population brought by the Improvements of his neighbor. Tho vast majority of land Is now leased or routed from Individual owners. It would mnko no differ ouco In tho security of possession, nml demand for Improvements, hecnuso laud rout was paid to tho state by I single tax, Innteud of paying the rent or lease to Individuals; on tho con trary, tho lurroiiBod opportunities It would open for tho people would stimulate business nnd Industry. It would also destroy speculation In Innd and put tho real estate gambler out of business, for all tho prospec tive profits from cutting up acreage Into town lots would bo lost, for slnglo tax would take nil tho land rent, and tho only profit to tho own er would bo derived from the Im provements ho puts on tho laud, It Is objected that single tnx would remove taxes from tho vast Improve ments owned by railroads, tniHts, cor porations nnd rich men. Hut tho taxes tho rich pay with so much os tentation Is a bagatelle to tho tax spo rial privileges are constantly levying on tho people; excessive fares nnd freights are filching everyhodys pock etbook, middle-men, pay tho lowest prices to farmers and producers and sell1 to consumers nt tho highest prices, all monopolies fix prices to produco tho most profit; what do tho yearly property taxes amount to In comparison with tho dally nnd hour ly tnx Imposed on every movement nnd necessity of tho people? And flnnlly MONKY--tho king of all special privileges that rules both the government and tho people. Tho standard of valuo fixed In gold gives to financiers In control of gold supply ahsolutn power to fluctunto nil values by changing tho quantity of money In circulation to produce prosperity or panic, nt will. Tho rate of wages Is regulated by controlling the supply and demand for labor, for when credit coascB the demand for labor censes. Tho do greo of prosperity Is regulated by fi nanciers In control of money supply ns positively as steam pressure. Tho power of capital Is absolutely Invincible whllu gold Is the standard of value, and It Is only a matter of expediency that cnpltal ever submits to tho doninudn of lnbor they can starve labor any time they choose -for monoy Is ns yltnl to tho body politic ns blood to the Individual, nnd when monoy disappears from circu lation It creates bankruptcy, starva tion nnd death throughout tho body politic ns Inevitably us soverlng the Jugular vein kills tho Individual whatever the rate of wages fixed, In n settlement between labor and capi tal, the profit can bo taken nwny from lnbor by Increasing tho quant ity of money In circulation, which would mnko money cheap, nnd re duce tho purchasing power of tho money In which wages nro paid. No power can rcgulnto or control monoy power ns long ns gold Is tho stnndard of valuo, but It can bo des troyed by. making monoy a fixed nnd unchangeable standard of value, only possible by eliminating nil commodi ties from tho standard which Is tho desideratum of a fixed and im chnugcnhlo stnndard ot value tho money Issito nnd bond Issue being equal nnd Interchangeable, and tho Issuo of money super-abundant, the supply of monoy In clrculntlon would bo automatically regulated tn equal the'domnud. Scientific money would plneo money In reach of every ono with wealth to oxchangu os posi tively as weights nml measures, which would esnbllsh credit and pros perity as constant as gravity. Single tux will simplify tho system of raising rovenno for tho stato, and ellmtnnto tho unjust nnd unequal per sonal property tax, which those of small means have to pay In full, while tho rich cscupo'tho porsonnl proper ty tnx on tho vast mnjorlty of their wealth nssessed under that classifi cation. Whon capital has had Its teeth pulled by tho demonetization of gold, nnd can no longer dlctato the policy of government, the pooplo will bo tho gainer by tomovlng taxes on wealth, through tho regulation of all special privileges and compelling their operation for tho common good, Instead or profit for capital. All the rrenzled fulmlnntlons of hired orators to defeat slnglo tux legislation are rilled with deceit and cunning for tho purpose of conceal ing tho truth from the voters, aniW hits no mioro merit than tho redlcu lous rulsc- hood that single tax would favor capital by Increasing tho bur don of land' owners. The oxorclso of common hoiiho and reason will con vince every Intelligent voter that thoro would be no Injustlco to any one by tho adoption of slnglo tax as the solo rovonuo system of tho stato. Jb'dMS TO HELP jtCCUSlW OFMGTJT. fiTniajw , VtAOTl - 4Ut9 frr tto. wi4ttO crA.M.n-3 i .lames 11, Mnrtli li n republlcnn political leader In New York who tried to explain to the Uraiul Jury In New York how Police l.toutcnant accused In connection with I he minder of (inmbler Itoooutlml In that city, be en.uu wealthy, but liN story fell list and pun cd a weak alibi for Ihu ollcr man. WHERE TO GO TONIGHT STAR THEATRE Tho place whero you got your iiioii oy'o worth on both sides of the dltno, Pay special attention (o our iiiiihIu and effects WU KT Aid Till! IllCt ONUH "TIIU MimOHANT OP VKNIt'i:" A goi'K'Uius two reel production of Hhakespoure'ii masterpiece-, faithfully portrayed by tho Taiiuhutisor Co. "(UtAZIIXliA Till! m'PHY" Intensely Interesting drama. dgH iMA jRlSfflTOtf Kgli r v 1 S5C X will ho of Interest to those who need the rare of a competent Dentist, nnd that surely means every other In dividual, young or old. Vo tako tho greatest care of our patron' Teeth-- filing, filling, rapping, ex tracting, crown ami bridge work, and doing every branch ot the Dental business In first-class fashion nt very moderate prices. Ijidy Attendant DR. BARBER TI1K IIKNTIHT Over Daniels for Duds. Pacific Phone 252S. Ilotnn Phono 353-K Just a hit of mention ol ovorvdav uumiuor toilet helps you must he deeply interested in TALCUM Talcums easily tho mot popular of toilet powdora. Wo carry all tho lending brands any kind you want nny odor any lint any price. FACE LOTION You nerd faro lotions, too mighty desirable for tnn, freckles, nnd wludburn a vacation necessity. Wo hnvo all sorts tho best one. Wo mnko Witch Hazel Monzoln Cream. COLD CREAM for lailles nnd babies, for laddies nnd lassies, for everybody Cold Cream, All the popular kinds and a flue special made by our selves. Pitt Theatrical Cream. MEDFORD PHARMACY Near Postofflce "THIS IIAMUT OP POINT I.O.MA" A comedy drama that's different A I. BATH Mil-- Hinging tho late popu lur song-hit "l MICH IT IIKTTKir It. U, Porict ami It I. Woolworlli Classy plnulttt Homu drummer Mntlnces Dully ro.MINO "Life In mi Ohio IViiltrn. tlary, Sept. tilli and fotli, nnd NAT OOODWI.N In "Oliver Tulit", Sept. Illlli nml 1 till ADMISSION 10 cents. CIIII.DItMN. n rent". ISIS theatre: vaudhvii.u:. PHOTO PLAYH. An ordinary carpnnler'H chimp can be made to hold twice as much with half tho pressure of tho screw by fil ing a groove In tho contcjr of tho anvil. SPECIAL fiOO lioxc-H High ( (J ratio Stationery 10 a box Hoc tho window MEDFORD BOOK STORE mo deimim: iiii.i. Thursday, Friday and Saturday PltOP. A. .M. OII.IIKItr Trick VIoMnlsl MiriTii: mai'hic The singing glil Photoplay Program! Tin: iNeit.vii: Western drama DKItllY DAV AT CHPHCIUI.D DOWNS An Interesting story of the life of n rnco horse, showing many luioroidlug scenes on Derby day. Tin: caitain op tiii: nancy An "excellent comedy drama of sea faring life GOOD MUSIC Matinees Saturday ami Sunday 2 p.m. Matinee prices tic nnd 10c Mveulng performance 7:30 p. in. Saturday nnd Sunday nlghttt 7 p. m. Admission evenings 10c nnd Iftc AUTO EXPRESS QUICK DELIVERY Call us up for all kinds of Kxprriui work quick delivery our specialty. PAUL & LAWRENCE Phono Pacific 4721 Stand nt Nash Watch Our Addition Grow Jackson and Summit Medford Realty and Improvomont Company M. V. A II. Co. Itldff. A SNAP 00 ncron, six miles from Medford. good graded road crosuon tho tract, all froo soil, at $fi0 por ucro. $1000 wl(l handle, easy terms on balance Part q crook bottom laud, suitable for alfalfa, Sovoral springs on tho plnco. Tlmbor enough to pay for tho tract. No bitlldluga, In tho Griffin crook district, ' W. T. York 6c Co. MORTGAGE LOANS Monoy on hand at all tinina to loan on improved ranchon and city proporty at lowest rates with "on or boforo privilogo." JAMES CAMPBELL Phono 3231 820 G -O. Bld?, Draperies Wo carry a vury onmplotn linn or ririipnrloH. (uau curtains, rivturos, olo.. and do all oIiimmuh nr iijiholNterluir. A miopia iimn to look ufior this work oxeliislvnly nnd will plvo as Boort jinrvlcn us Is nowdblo fo Hot In Svcui tho luruqwl oltlutf. Weeks & McGowan Co. V V '' vi, '.. .V V m rtliJd In irflfrft-TMftrffifflliiii MtftA . ...? f& W - J w .t J c . -y i i .... iMMttiMiMMiii