Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 07, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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lMrT,i j,i n.
vims. mjiom pornut to quit stage
' T .
Hotel Medford
h ar
. -
Hoiitninlior "linn eanio "
H'llOolll IMO 0M'M (MHO
I(kIi;oh, clulm and hccIdIIuh 'of nil
iinttirim n ro tal'lni; n thulr nrtlvltm
ufior ttio Hiniunur vncutlitii; uvury
wwl tirliiKn rulurnliiK ptirlluH from
tin) iiiotiiitiilnii, Ink cm mill mitiHlinro
inn) Itoforo yory lom; tlm iiiiwlral iiiiiI
thoQtrlrnl tH-nkori will ho ijlvliiit iiloa
mini to llii ilovotooM, '
Tlio nodal whirl, which roiilil
luinlly liavu hut-ii mild to ho whirling
at Iminl "not no you'll notlni II" ilur
liilt tlio jinnl tow inniitliii Iiiih "mh,uii
to "kiinp tlio jiiici)" with otli'ir 1 1 -Vornloiiit,
Tlio wciIiIIiirm of two of Miiilfortl'H
chitriniiij; yomiK laillcn nro mnoiiK
tlio noliihlit iivenlM of on rly Kail, ami
nro antlclpatori with u Krnt iliiKroo
of Inloront. t
Thg ynnnor Hot I looking forward
to tho ilniirlnp pardon which aro In
cluded In tlio inoHt uttractlvo of tlio
wlntor'n oiitirtaliiiiiuiitii, mid for tlm
ardont iatronnn of "lirJdKo" will ho
tho vnrloiiH ufloniooii mid ovoiilnn
chili iiuntlui;H IiohIJcb tho many af
fnliH. formal and otlivrwlno, whoro
tlit) favorlto Kniuo U tuijoywl,
Tho contort of iliulninn Johnnnn
OaiUkl which takuii plnco nt'xt month
wilt ho of tluclik'il lnlnr'Ht podnlly
mid musically, iih thouo who havo
hi'iiril thlM nrtlnt would not droam of
mlnitlni; a hvcoiiiI chaut'o to tturh a
treat and thouo who liuvo uovor had
tho opportunity of llntnuliiK to
Madaino Oailnkl will rortaluly nulxo
th lit into.
Altogi'thcr wo may expert to en
joy ournolvon mid havo "koiimiIIiIiik
dnliiK" durliiK tho m-nHoit of llM'-'-l.'!,
o IiuIkIi-0 wo'ro off.
A farottoll party waH kIvoii f'tr Ming
Kmlly Htmidoford Monday ovoiiIiik hy
hor many frloiiil In tho Christian
church who appnclalo hor tlrolomi of
fort In rhnrch work iliirliiR tho
pant year. Thin appreciation wan ox
proiiiicd In u nhort talk hy ltiv.
Iloylo who alio prrnrutcd MIhk
Htaudoford with n ha minora a Ink
dtanil of hiiniiDurciJ hrnnH, a gift from
tliOKO prt-ncut. A vory plontianl
ovcnhift wns'ctijeyixi: - .
AmoiiK thoan pfcnciiL wern: Mr.
and Mm. l'morooii, Mr, mid Mrx. Hon
drloki, Mru. Kool, Mm. Umll(c .Mra.
Ik-ii (Jariii'lt. Mr and Mrx. Waldron,
Mr, and Mra Walt-Tit, Mr. mid Mr.
Carpor. Mr. and Mm. Hchiilur, MIhh
Itiith Schiller, Mm, (lalirlol, Mtnu Ava
(lahrlol, Mr. Harrow, Mr. I'lol, Mm.
Nlhart, Mm. Klrkpatrlck, Mr. tlrov
or. Ml Htandoford will mako hor
futuro homo at Kuroiic,
About thirty of her mimic pupila
tuoroi I woro onturlalnoil hy MIhh dray at her
fliiiiio on (lunova nvonuo Monday nf
toriioon. A iiumoor of cuiiioh worn
onjoyod aflor which MIhh (Jrny khvo
HOVoral hoIom. Dainty lofrcuhimmtH
worn uorved.
TIioho In uttondmiro Included:
Charlotto Hoy, Wooilnun MfDiinald,
.loaniiotto I'attorMon, Juanlta Kurry,
Vora Morrlmmi, I.oulno Daddynuinn,
i:ilyahpth lloio, Clifford McHrlilo,
Mary Allco I'oHter, Allco Durhoy,
Clnono I'ottotiKor, Wolr .McDonald,
Marlu M)uri), MarKnrol Hoy, Dorothy
Aloxandor, Aiihnty Kurry, Kutlicr
Wnmor, Vora (Jortimload, Itiith War
rior, Lahorta (loro, Mahl (Jould, Mary
iUovuriHou, Ilruco iitiiam, Klum,
Kllrahoth Hill, Opal Ktncy, Aunoluotto
KlnlcyHldo, Anna HaiiHon, Kllrahnth
Xlrumor, Mario Kln, Paullni) John-
noii, Annul l)nln, I.nla Martin.
Tho many Medford f rlouilt; of Minn
JokIo 1'riiiKlo who hnx hcon a gunnl
of MIhk UcHrt IContiior diirlni' (ho
pant month nro nlticornly rcKnittltiK
tho fact of thin wouk holriK hor lant
In 'thin city. MIkh irhiIv whono
homo In at Triton, Mo., linn homi n
tcrlnlnod qtilto uxtonnlvvly with af
fair of both formal mid Informal
Tho flrnt moottiiK or tho Mcdfnrd
l'iiial Huff ran o Annoclatlon for Bop
lomhor will ho hold on tho 1 tth In
tho Hparta biilldliiK Thin In hy ro
nolutlon of tho oxccutlvo conunlttoo
which IiicIikIch McndaiucH J. 1".
Itcddy, (IcorKo Itoou, Charlcn Kchlof
fi'lln, (loorco I,. Davln and MIhh
Clndya Hourd,
Mm. O. K. Otdiorno of thin city wax
(endured a reception Wvduendny af
ternoon, AukiiuI I'Jjth, hy tho ntato an-
Hoclallon of Knidunto nurnon of whom
Mm. Onhorno In prcHldont. Tho ro
coptlou wan held at tho Nnracif Club,
174 Third ntreet, Portland.
Mr. Will Andcmon, n former iiieiu
hor of tho law firm of Smith and
Hcckulth of thin city, arrived In Mod-
ford '..Monday morulutf on mnttorji of
hiixluenn. Mr. Andomon In nf jiren
out connected with ono of tho lead-
Iiik haiikn at Portland.
The Inxltntloiin are out to tho mar
rlnm of MIhh Hertha Kiillnh mid Mr.
Ilnl'ih Hard well, which will take
plaro the novuutceuth of thin month.
Moth youm; people have many friends
lit tho youriKor net.
Tlm ladlcfl of tho Kant Sldo Circle
of tho Flrnt MethndlMt lplnropat
church Ktvo au Ico cream nodal
.Wednenday evonliih', proceeda to ko
for Imiirovomcntn on tho church
hulldliiK. Mm. Win. Mealy wan
chairman of tho committee- ort koii
oral nrruuKOinuntt, Mm. Wlcku mid
Mm. Vnn Scoyoo hhhIiUIiik. f
Tho following program wan rIvoii,
with linproiutu inuala durliic tho
nurvInK of refreHhiuentH.
Piano duct Mm. J.'aHlman mid
Mm, Van Hcoyoc.
Vocal Holo Mr. IConnody.
Piano duet Mm KuHtmau and
Aim, V" Scoyoc.
Vocal nolo Minn Dorothy Wlchn.
Tho I'ythlan Slntora hold tholr flrnt
ldKiilar meet Ink' after thouummor va
in Hon WeduoHilay vvoiiIiik of thla
Nveek with tho now offlrom In their
'halm. Tho order Ih In Reed condi
tion, n plcaunut )uur hnn hocu on
Joyed mid tho memberii nro antlcl
lintlnir ninny oujoynhlo time at tholr
jioclal Hennlonn which will IiorIii uoxt
lnouth. Mm. J. A. l'orry occupleu
ho lilijheBt officer), Mont Kxocollent
'Chief; Mm. A. C. Iluhhard pant chief,
MIhh Iva Coffin entertained u fow
ifrlptnlH with uu Informal dnucn at
)er homo on IIobh Court ThutHilay
ov'enlnf, flu) huouIh preuont wore
MIhh Lola Kates, MIhh Clornldlno
MlkKohe, MIbh Delia Deck, MIhh Ioiio
Flynn, Mr. IJ. T. Kohh Mr. Torrot,
Mr. Tylor finilth, Mr. LohIIo Palmer,
Mr. Wolhorno Cornttlii9. Mr.
Dick Hiinco. MIhh Inoi Coffin us
ulstod In entortiilnliiR,
A picnic and Hoolal tliuo wan hold
Weinei)t)uy In (ho Chautauiiiu Park
at AbIiIuihI hy (ho Ki'ual HuffrnHo
AHBiiclutlo'iiH of Orantfi Paun, Medfonl,
'AhIiIiiiuI and Hiimllor townu in tho
ItoRito Hlver valley.
Mis. Carper entertained tho mom
'hum of the Clti'Utlau Womqn'ri Hoard
ofMlHHl(fittNa( pr homo on Ninth
street WoduoHiluy afternoon.
i '
Mra, Charles Miihoii of Ilnkor Clb',i
Ih vliijlliiB hor parent, 'Mr. mul Mr.!
"Vi A. Mo'lloy yf:hU elty, V
Mr. arid Mm. Will II. Stewart, ac
companied hy Mm. J. . Keyon left
Monday mnrnliiK for an nutomohllo
trip Including Crater Iike, Klnmnth
Fnlln mid Uiko View.
Mr. K. (1. Trowhrldgo returned
from nu extended lalt with her
mothor at Hhehoynu Kalln, WIh., and
a nlHter at Plymouth, WIh., Sunday
Mm. Jap AndrowH loft Krlday ovoii
Iiik for ChlciiRO. From that city hIio
wll vlHlt her former homo In Indiana,
before returning to Medford,
MIhh Fern .Toronto In expecting a
friend, MIhh JohhIo riudd of Mluiica
potln Hhortly. MIhh lludd will bo tho
(;iie8t of MIhh .loromo for Heveral
Mr, mid Mm. A. 1C. HIiikIihiu of
fianta Ilarhara are vIhUIiik their unit,
Mr, II. W. IlltiKhnm at hln homo nt
tho MlrnvlHta OrchardH.
Mr. and Mm. J. F. lliitcliasou havo
lotiirued from a fho woek'a vacation
at Oarduer, Ore., near tho mouth of
tho Umpiiua Itlver.
Mr. and Mm, Cerald Talllmtdlor,
MIhh Catherine Mourn mid Mr. and
Mi, .lumen Chtuiiock havo leturnod
ft out Crator Luke.
Mr. nud Mih. Oeot'jjo Hoovoh npont
Biiuday mid Monday of thin week at
Awlilund, Kiieittaof Mm, HeevcB' moth-
or, Mrs. Norwood.
Mr. John Ourry nud dniiKhters,
MIhhoh lCthol and CHadyH Curry re
turned from iLiiioiith'H ntuy at liutto
Fall Friday.
1 '
Mlna Mahol .louen pft Buiidity ovoit
Iiik for Aherdnen, Waah., whoro hIio
will vlult au aunt, Mm, Il.euham, for
a mnnth,
Mla noulah Ayarnor will leave to
nioriow for Stockton, Cal., wjioro bIio
Ih employed lt tho hcIioijIh of that
A illiitluctlvo affair of tho week
wa tho hainiuut kIvoii Tucaduy overt-
hit at tho Holland drill and attended
hy forty former ntiidoutH of tho Blato
I'nhijrHlty, FontooiiH of rceri -f
in iih and torylopnfH IiIohkoiiih of pnlo
yellow evidenced tho collefso colom In
tho docoratlorm and were iiiohL at
tractive. Mr W. I. Vnwter n toant
ihanter avo an IntoreHtiiiK talk,
prahiliu; the Houthern Oregon nplrlt
In roBurd to tho Dnlvernlty. The
followliiK roHpondad with tountn;
Prenldent Campbell, who Included lit
IiIh reruarkH tho iiecoxHary loyalty to
Orei'pp InntltutlouH hy ItH notlvo hoiih
and duiightem and tho prcHont nn
deavorn of tho faculty; Dr. Koboc,
who Htitted tho aim of tho university
lit tho (erne slogan "To extend tho
cnmpiiH to tho 1ordnrn of tho ntato "
MIhh Kuth Morrlrk'n topic wnn "Col
lege Spirit " Minn Merrick In a 1312
graduato arid hor response wnn high
ly appreciated. jr, Arthur Oeary
wah hiituorounly renilnlncont of
"Trials of o Graduate Manager." Mr.
Kir by H. Miller endorsed tho exten
sion work stated by Dr. Itcbec and
npnke of tho doslred futuro of tho
work of the college.
' The forming of tho Medford Alum
ni Association wiih then accomplished
and tho following officer elected:
PrcBldent, Mr. Olen Arusplger;
icoprcKlilou(, Mr. Illalno Klum;
treasurer, Vcrnoji Vawter; Hocrctary,
Miss Ittith Merrick. Among thouo In
attendance were:
Mr. and Mm. W. I. Vawtor, WIH
II. Core, Mr. and Mm. A. K. IteamcH,
Mr. mid Mrs. Olen Arnnplgcr, C. L.
ItenrurK, l'rartk Amy, .1 0. Core, Mr.
and Mm. II. 0. Worlinan, Dr, and
Mr. F. fi. Thajer, Karl MJncnr, Ver
non Vawter. MIbh Grace Cowgill.
MIhh Ileulah Warner, Walter Gore,
MIhh Nolllo Neal, H. P. Dhodes, Kd
Gore, l-Mwnrd A. Geary, Arthur M.
Geary, MIhh Minnie Jackson, Mm.
Dolly Aukuny Miller, Mm. John S,
Orth, M1h Itiith Merrick. Minn Hazel
Itndcr, Donald Under, Fred Strang,
Darrcl I'nrhart, llerhort Keutuer,
Glou Conwell, Hrnent Smith, IJIalno
Klum, Mr. and Mr. Hobcrt limn-
ytqrid.Jl ,of .Medfon Gqorgo.F.
Dunn, Kay Thoutns, J. X, Wagnor,
!'. 1). Wagner. Currol Wagner, Kllta
beth Wagner, O. A. Payne, Homer
Hillings, I. uld Dodge. Minnie Poley,
Maude Klncald, Kvorott O. Smith,
Norman AHheraft. Chandler Watson,
Felix Mooro, mid William j:. St. John,
nil of Aahland, Mr. and Mm. William
Johnson of Jacksonville, Kdward S.
Van Dyke. Henry Norton, Fritz Dcane
nud Mies Mezcllo Hare of Grants
' ' ' ' Am i.. hi mmmi wmw mm I I i i- I ' 1 " 11,11
aaaaaaaak. vaaaacaaaaaaaBaaaaaa&4GFjrD
in -.& raaaa , aaaaaaaaE"aaaaaacv9v4nBDfaj
n r" V V WlllmXttm. 'lAQLmttXttkXttW
v3i BfJ'-r'Vv " - !&' i " th "Hfrl IT''
.Word couien ro-ii Ijndon fhnr. Mrs. Hrown Potter hni decided f rctlro
from lio stage in order Mint she may be able to devote her time to tho study
of occultism. Mnnjr s)dciy leudern in IJiidon hae enrolled with Mm. Potter
n meinbom or tlir IrifernnMoiiiil null for Psjchlc Itosearcli. Among the
prominent one nroinclndeil the Coiimcmi of Warwick. Iidy Corbctt. Vlscount
cna Churclilll and others eminll) well known. Jin. Hrown Potter 1 dclvin?
into I he mysteries uf the nugle of Gums under the tutcluge of Mr. Frederick
Mik. .lap Atulrcws was IiosIphs
at a luncheon ami hrulge party,
delightful in ilieir noeI urrniige
incntH, TucMlny nflernrMut at the
Holland Mote), l.niii licou wax ser
ved in the grill wlueli was made
iieuiitil'ul will; deeoratioiih of palm
mul geraniums in ilnrK garnet hluuli.'.-.
The ltinehcon linen whm net of ex
titMtv Florentine ileMgn, ami ean
ilelehra of rare cr-tstal l'mm Mm.
Anilrewn hojnc, were attraettte
Aftcrliijieieo!i liiiijge writ plnycil
until fie o'ehiqU ilt the Fieiieh roiit
of the Hollmid wljcrc niters in old
roe Hliades were arranged profuncly.
Mi. T. B. Danicli, wiiimug firt
prise, reoehcil n JopnnehO fern buc
ket frllill with fliners; Mm Win.
Hinlge, n 'loe Krotid, n piece of
hand embroidered drawn work.
Those enjoying Mr. Andrews io
pitality were Mexljuncs Kllih, C'hnr
jniou, Purdin, ii-ter, WuUetunu,
Knight, Nicf Uufeliioon, W. II.
Ilrqun, Carey, ACewherry. Hudgc,
Dmiiel-KenttnfrJliiipli!!, IJtddell,
fleorgo u I )nvi .Vawter, Irwin, I'or
tur, I'ahii mid llentd.
Mt Jack Noff (otuvned'from a
vlwlt" atl,oiHonU recently
Tho first affair of tho wook was
the bridge party given at tho homo
of .Mrs. A. M. Carey, on King's High
way Monday afternoon. Astern
adorned tho living room, scarlet
geraniums tho dining room.
Mr. C, I. Hutchison won first
prize, Mrs. Ilitnlnp second. Mrs.
Carey'n guests woro; Mesdamcs
William Hrown, Nye, Kontnor, York,
utilght, Wnkouiau, Grey, HoIIIh,
Walther, Jap Androwa, Will Androwa,
Harmon, Kgglciton, Horton, C. I.
Hutchison, Plckol, Vawter, Kngllsh,
Itlddell, Daniels, Purdin, Itont, Ln
Claro, Perkins, Carpontor, Hudgo,
Conger and Duttlop,
Ih. Potter J. Xul'C n IiohIoss to
u low 1'iiendH nt liinelieoii Tlun
da at the Midland grill. Among the
guoKtH were Mm. Kiiliy Miller, Mm.
Win, Mealy, Mm. Huiumi.v mid Mih.
Mm. H. I'". Hoyden ontortalticd u
fow frleudii at dinner Thursday ovpn
l)g for Mih. M. A, Hgglostoit of Chi
cago, a guest during tho Huinmor at
tho Purdin homo,
Mr. II. 13. Fowls of Portland w'a
vlHltlng In Medfonl Thursday In tho
IntorcstB or tho Ksty pipe Organ,
Mr. Pony Stuart, u former Mod
ford resident at present living at
Portland, Is visiting friends u this
Mr. and Mm. Claronco WHboh loft
tho forepart of the wook for Snopi
inonto, Cal., Tor a visit with frlenda.
Mlt.a Jllnnlo HockouyoH left for I,oa
AngeleB Mondi)) iiftcrnxiou to rosumo
hur tettehlug In thiit'ulty,
Mr. nud Mm. II. I,. Irvine will
leave Saturday for.n six inoiitlts
stay iu Ohiengo.
MUa Lonoro HoiiHhaw -loft Tues
day evening for hor homo (it Seattle.
t t
Mr,-mul .Via, Hnlph Lincoln worn
at IMftlatul for fow ilnys thin wook.
All elaliortile fiiiieliou muoiig the
unger set tho ufteriinoii gie
for the hrule-elcel JII- Knglih tit
the Keutuer lioum Thursday, .Mi1-
Keutuer mid .MUl'nugle
Th eolor sehenie tif' pink mid white
war materialized -hi ' luind painted
Cupiil pluee onrdf., liemt -Iiiih.m1
candle hhade of flow em, nrlifieial
apple hloxMiui'. and a piofiiMou ol
listers. A tltiint) liiiieheon was fimt
Pencil, Mtt Hazel Davis playing the
wedding inarch fnun Midsummer
Night's Dream during- the scnlinz of
the guesth. After luncheon, bridge
was played until tho bignal was gien
for tho "shower." Heiiealh it )nrasol,
convoiU'd into a wedding hell by
a covering of flowers stood u table
which held n large paper covered
dish-pan completely tilled with all
sorts of kitchen utensils. The honor
guest -vith compelled lo gues the
two of each pnu-tienl gift, and much
tuerrinient ensued. r Mi-,, l'hoebo
llaiieo wits nftonvnrd heard in two
vocal solos which wore much enjoyed.
About twenty gnosis mpio iiresettt.
The Patents' and Toucher-' uo
eiu(ion Kf, the Wus,hii)gtQlt seliool
held n loccplioti iu the library rooms
I'Yidny afternoon fro tutlnee until
five. The president, Mrs. Mears,
gave a very lu'lnfiil titllcv speaking
principally "of the no,eesii ry coopera
tion of patent mul teacher to gain
the desited U'-tflls for the child.
Pjufessor pntlv wits nlso hcrml iu
i fow lomurk". Hel'tesliiuents weto
Hened iy Mis. oy nud Ml. I'otten
ger nssi,lcd b. tho young Indies of
Jho sixth mul soenji grades. Oecn
sions of this soitnre of undopbied
heuefit to educatiojul iupre,sts, mid
usually result in gteut eiilighteu
inent nud inutuiil iiijdersmiding for
both jeaeher and parent.
Although the concert to he jjicn
by Mine, lludski does not take place
until October JSth.'it is uliendy umis
ing much inleiefd in tho city. Ten
tables and bridge patties are !i-litix
with unticipatioii.
According to Mr. Fish, tho local
mmiugor. the indications for seats
iitdicuto latger atk-iiduuce than that
which witnessed Tho concert last
spring, . "
'fho ( W. II. Mj which met this
weelceleeted the following uf tigers
luring their bu-iiK,sK tuetiug: Mrs.
Quigly, re-eleoU'tlpivident; Mrs.
V. 0. llurgoss, ieq picsidcut Mrs,
Pileher, trensiuer,A-
Mm. Miihlou Piirdin was- hostess
Thursdny afternoon to t large num
ber guestH for bridge. Asters were
used iu adorning the room, red
hcin the prcdorniiiiiiit shade. To
Mrs. Wnkemmi was awarded first
prize, Mrs. Nye jecciving second.
The guest of honor was Mm. M. A.
Kggleston of Chicago, n sister of the
Tiiose enjoying Mrs. I'nrdin's hos
pitality were Mesdiunes Kggleston,
Ilttdge, Daniels, Heard, Nye, Knight,
Vnwter, Picket, Wnkcrnan, Hollis, C.
I. lIutebiou, . lap Andrews, Newberry,
York. V-'igh'sh, Carey, Ifoot, Holmes,
Pottcugcr, Hoyden, O'Brien, Wolhers
mid Orr.
A dancing parly was given by Mr.
Leon Speck Friday evening at his
homo at tho Durrcll orchards. The
party was in the nature of a. "fare
well" to tho young people who leave
soon for college. After tho dancing
a buffet supper was served.
Mr. Speck's guests were: Misses
Josophlno Hoot, Lcnoro Vance, Jean
Anderson. Irene Smith. Caroline An
drows, Evelyn Carey, Maynio Deuel, I
Frances Heath. Kthnl -Elfnrt. Muriel
Hlfcrt, Messrs. Tom Scantlln. Paul
McDonald, Herbert Alford, George
Gates, George Vilas. Ned Vilcs, Carl
Kvans, Frodcrick Heath, Frank Ray.
The Ladies' Aid society of the
First I'rcslotiiri'Hi church will hold
their firt mooting after the summer
vacation next Tuesday afternoon nt
the homo of Mr-. E. A. Welch, 812
Bast Main street. Tho meeting is
called for two-thirty.
Mrs. Win. Budge entertained
Thursday at Iter home qn Tenth street
with n luncheon followed by "bridge."
About thirty guests were in attend
ance. Mrs. Perkins capttued the
highest scute, Mrs. Carey second.
Miss Hertha English entertained
a largo number of friends Friday
evening at her homo on bouth Oak
dale. Mr. and Mrs. Outhrie entertained
friends with n .Japanese luncheon tit
the Hollmid grill Thursday.
Medford Real Estate
& Employment Agency
120 acres, 12 utiles north of Mod
ford, flue deep soli, a snap nt $25
per aero.
80 acres between tho tablo rocks,
water out of tho Itogtto Klvor, 35
acres set to tree's with corn hotween
tio rows, 35 acres of tho boat vege
table soil In tho valley, all new
buildings, will sell cither 40 or will
trado for acreage along tltu const.
!8 acres 2 miles east of Phoenix,
10 acres alfalfa, 12 acres set to tjces,
Idro hoyso and out buildings. $20Q
por ucre.
Wo have sopio bargains in city
pioperty, If you want to buy or trado
for a city homo canto and soq us.
Wo want somo good city proporty
to trndo for acreage
Wo want furnished unit unfur-
nlshod houses to rout.
Glrla and women for general Jiousu
work in and out of city.
Waitress, cook.
Laborers for bridge work, wages
$2.(0 to $2.75.
Wmttoil, wood contracts.
Wau'tod housekeeping Job for el
derly lady,
l'liono litlj.llome, 11.
Opposite Nash Hotel
BOOMS 0 tttiil 7, PAWI BLOCK,
$1.00-SUNDAY DINNER $1.00
Olympia Cocktnll
Sliced 'I'oinalocs Kiyu Olives
Q'onMuiiiinu Uciiuiton
iVcnV Orlcnns Outnbo Volitillo
Toiiriorloin of Oliinook SalmQii d'Avtoia
I'oininca Ararclioincss f "'
Snlpil'on of Veal Cllniturignoiig n la VcijtaJ ,
Crciiic do Arciitlic PiiiuiIi H
Ifricd Spi'in Oltickcn do Lcsh6)h
Prime J-Jibs of Export Boof au Natuyal,
Snow Potatoes "c Sti;jjigBcaviiri'
Shrimp Salad en Coquillc (
0 roen Apple Pie Bpston Crcaiu Pie
Strawberry Ico Cream Assorted Cakes , ,
, . , . . Assorted JVjiits
CJream Cheese
' ," ' i'
I r
Bents Crackei-s Toastctl '
. .
Demi Tassc
Sunday, September 8th, 1012
W LLWmW H LLmMSmLAmmJLmmmmm mLLmmW mmmmmumF.LmmAKWWLAmmT
Round Package
do not take .. ,
Substitutes or imftattonm
Mad In ih largtst, btrt
quipped and sanitary Matted
Milk plant In th world
We do not makc"milkprocluct9'
Skim Milk, Condensed Milk, etc
Bt tha Original-Genuine -HORLICK'S
Made from pur, full-cream stilk
and the extract oi object mtltcd i rjin,
reduced to powder form, sofiibl ;n
water. The Food-drink for All Agesl
Used Hovrth Glebe
Tfte most economical and nourishing light liincff.
..m 1 1 ii
-Tw.riw vw-ij
fc-teG OR MILK f$
For "Good Shoes"
At right prices will be open for business about
October 1st at No. 21 Korth Ccutral Avepue,
opposte postoffiee. About fifty steps -froiiu
3rain Street will save you fifty cents on a pair
of shoes.
About October lpt
Wait for tjio date
for Peaclies and Cantaloupes from
Medford, pregou
Pa(c,'5621f Hpjttf;