N ' a'J ,3 vl P -' ki i iU I f l-rtl I M r 'i PTOH ffOUH HSsasWaesass MXDTOIDMAIL TRIBUNI . i V i rf -ft JSNDJ NHWBPAPKR SB re NOON i IK The Democratic- Tlm. The MUorrt Mult, Tile Me.Wor.1 Trlliitne. Tho South orn OreHoninn, The Anhlnml Tribune, - Offlco Mfcir Tribune nulltllnir,,S-.-7.-9 North llr -trcti phone, Mln 3011, Heme 76. OBOHCH3 PUTNAM, Editor hn.l .MonaRnr . Hntertil nit second-class matter t MwlfoM, Oregon, n.ler the act of .Vlrtrcn 3, 18T8. Official Pnr of tho City of Mo-f.nL Offictfa Paper of Jackson Ceunty. . SUBSCRIPTION HA.TB5. One yesr. by mall....... f5,00 Una month, by mall. .............. .50 Per month, delivered by carrier lit Meilforit, Jnoksonvlllo nnl Con tral Point 60 feininUy only, by mnll, per year.. 2.00 Weekly, per yr 1.B0 kwohx cmrin.ATiojf. " Dally Avomxe or eleven months end In November 30, 1911, 3761. rail Uwl Wire Halted Prena i DIMleaPi. Th Mll Trlbuno U on wile at the Perry Netca Stand. Pan Francisco. Portland Hotel News St an J. Portland ltawman Newa Co., Portland, Ore, W. O. Whitney. Seattle. Wash. MHDFORI), OKITCOX. Metropolis of Southern Oregon and Northern California, and the fastest growing city In Orcjron. Population U. 8. census 1910 8SI0; estimated, 191110.000. Klvo hundred thousand dollar Gravity Water System completed, giving; finest - supply purn mountain water, and 17,3 miles of streets paved. Posloffioe relpta for year ending .-ovemocr u, i.ii, snow increase or is tier cent. Banner fruit city In Oregon Rogue jtiver epiiicnDerjr appies won swuep vtakes prise and title of AmM ,Ktc - WrM. At the National Apple Show, Spokane, 1909. and m car of Nawtrrwn.i won Ftmt rrhe la 1419 at Canadian International Apple Show, Vancouver. R, C Mt XHm Mil t Bpokan National Apl fttir wait by carload of Kewtctrna. nogue Hirer Beam brought highest prices in all markets o the world dur Htgthe past six year Writ Commercial Club, Inclosing t cents for postage for the finest commu nity pamphlet ever published. kits AM JIN&LES t y Aw rlWK" T y- . t J T' t , ; A loyal Bttta Meose'is ono who can figure that wUea his candidate runs Inst iivVenaent'that Teddy will car ry the Ration. , , . , Col Abrams is about the most loy al Hull Moose rampant. "I can as sure y6n of this fact," says he. "Col Roosevelt will.be the next pres ident." 1 And then the colonel looks rcnl fierce and acts just as if ho believed it. lloch Dcr Kaiser. V',And just ,to show there are those who think differently an nnti-mooser sends uaf this to print. lie clipped it from' tho -New Orleans States. ' Dor Kaiser of dis Faderland "r, Und, Roosevelt all thing" command; ' We two mid Gtttt, you understand ' Myself und Tet. It used to bo yust Gott und me, But Tet he comes to make it dree, ,. But Gott don't count much latterly ' Yust me und Tet. If fipneo would permit (as they never say in tho Congressional Rec ord) wo would reply at length to "A Subscriber," who sent us some very kindly words. Some day we will d5t liim up to gumdrops. t j Let Joy lie Ubcob fined, Portland The grand jury refused to retum an indictment against A. I. . Tho mau who wrote "Hiawatha" is dead. Ho can bo only blamed for tho song; not for its popularity. Prom IUUe Eddlo. Ikin hero tho skule bels ringin', And they sort of seme to say, 'Hero's nn end to days of fisbin', Here' an end to days of play." What's tho tjso of skule and teechcrsf Why does mother make mo got Don't she kno' there ain't nothin' In tho world that I don't kno'f YOUNG GIRL FORCED TO ; MARRY A FILIPINO l ' TACOMA, Wash., Sept. C Forced against her will, she says, to marry a Filipino la Tacoma. when aho was but fourteen years old, by a sister who wished thus to avengo a spite hold against their mother, Sarah Wa'lthrop of Belllncham, Is today in tho hands of Immigration officials In Boat tie. Sho married under an as uiimod namo. Tho sister is thought tp' bo in DougkiB, Alaska. t , HILL ROUTE SEEKING (I LOS ANGELES TERMINAL? LOS ANQELES, Cab, Sept. G. Another transcontinental railroad, presumably a Hill lno is seeking ter minal facilities )a Los Augeles, with an outlet to San Pedro harbor, 'ac cording to a statement by Mayor Alexander today. Tlio mayor pro fwwed to be uninformed as to tho identity of tho road, but believes tho Hill interests ar at work. He made his statement while urging the con struction of a municipal road 4e- t'WwH'Los Angeles nud tlio harbor. AMX THE PAOIFIO ESTERN OREaOK iL w the Pacific HiclnvaV rtntl hostility of 'the section traversed. The .Pacific Highway is tlU designation applied io Hie .oiul liiarked by sign posts from Alaska to Mexico and used by automobile tourists. By lJ)ir the California, Washington and British Columbia sections will be macad amized or paved boulevards, and anually thousands of money spending tourists will traverse it. On account of the apathy shown in Western Oregon, it is now proposed to switch the route to Eastern Oregon where hearty co-operation is promised, and where alienee of mountain grades and favorable natural conditions inake highway construction a simple problem. The. compfaint of the Pacific Highway officials is not directed against Southern Oregon, where some little co operation has been forthcoming, hut it is against the Willamette valley and sections to the north, where road signs have been destroyed and maliciously turned to throw tourists on the wrong road, and where an unreasoning hostility to the project lias been manifested, and all co-operation withheld. Orciron has never nnwroeiatod the value of the tourist traffic, which in itself sustains California. Her people have failed to comprehend the value of capitalizing her great assets of climate and scenery. So limited in ideas is a large portion of the population that, they actively resent any proposal to secure tho immense tourist busi ness that only needs invitation to scatter a golden stream of revenue throughout the state. The Pacific Highway is an asset to any section and vorth thousands of dollars to every community traversed. It is not merely a scenic highway for millionaires, but a prosperity factor in tho developement of the country. The Highway association has offered a reward of $100 for anyone found destroying or turning signs, and has appointed Major H. L. Bowlby, former Highway commis sioner of Washington, famous as a highway builder, as special representative to traverse the route seeing that it is plainly marked, stimulating interest in it in communi ties and assisting county authorities in its improvement. s The "loss of the highway will be keenly felt by all communities traversed. A large portion of the patronage secured by the Medford hotels and garages this summer was brought Ty it and organized effort should begin at once to keep the highway, which means so much to Western Oregon, in its present location. OF Ul-'Xy i t x J SEATTLE, Wash.. Sept. 5. -W. L. Crawford, setretary of the Puget Sound salmon canners' association, has siren out figures that placo tho estimate of the 1912 pack of Alaska, Columbia River and Puget Sound sal mon pack at 4,227,000 cases. Ho estimates the pack to be distributed as follews: Alaska, 3,500.000; Columbia River 300,000; and Puget Sound 427,000. The Alaska pack is the largest pack on. record and tho reason is due to the extra largo catches In Western Alaska, and tho establishment of many new can neries. The total pack from tho three districts Is about 000,000 cases less than It was )ast year. SPENT $1257 ON WARD SCHOOLS OF MEDFORD Dills for the improvements made upon the ward schools of the city during the summer months, were al lowed Wednesday arternoon, at tho first meeting of the school board for the school year. Superintendent (J. 8. Collins, principals, and teachers of the schools were in attendance and plans for tho year discussed and adopted. The Improvement bills to talled $1237, and were distributed as follows Washington Repairing roof, painting, plastering and tinting walls. Jackson Building storm sewers, completing two new rooms on second story, and renovating toilets. Roose velt Installing storm sowers and guarding against rain seepage.. Lin coln Renovating toilets and minor carpenter -work. Owing to the heavy .attendance at the Washington school, on tho two opening days it was necessary to re move some of tho scholars attending this school to others, tho work being completed Wednesday. WILSON INVADES NEW YORK; TALKS At DOLLAR BANQUET 1 11 , NEW VORK, Sepf . Gj-ttGov. Wood row Wilson spoko last night for the first tlmo In Now York City as demo cratic nominee. Tho principal ad-, drees was at the dollar dinner of tho Woodrow WHson Worklngmon'n league Previously lie mot two score of editors of foreign iunguage news papers and talked immigration, and said: "If wo can hit upon a standard which admits evory voluntary immi grant and excludes thoso who havo not coma of their own volition with thoir own purpose of making a homo and career for thomsolvos, but have been induced by steamship companies and others to come in ordor to pay passago money, then wo will havo them, as wo all agreo upon, as Americans." "r ' RECORD M MM SALMON MEDFORD MSIE TRIBUNE, igMjM HIGrHWAY' thronteited-with tho loss of because of tho ui(hfforcnct) J L CHARLESTON. W. Va., Sept. 5. To protest against tho rule of the mine guards. Mother Jones, the fam ous woman labor leader, will lead 3,000 miners from tho Kanawha coal district through tho streets of Charleston tomorrow and make a personal call on Governor Glasscock at the stato house. Mother Jones will make an ap peal to the governor, Informing him that the guard system will be re sumed In the Paint Creek section as soon as the troops are withdrawn. Sho will also demand to know what the governor intends to do then. Tho miners want the guard sys tem abolished, claiming that the con duct of the guards has resulted In violence. ROOSEVELT SAYS HOPE OF TAFT MEN LIES IN WILSON DES MOINES,, la.. Sept.? 5.r-rUpon Woodrow Wilson the hopes of the standpatters aro being centered Col. Roosevelt told the state progressive convention of Iowa last sights He also called for a speedy revision downward of the tariff, denouncing the Payne-AIdrich tariff law as- con talnlng "shams and humbugs.'" The speech was made at tho close of a hard day's campaigning, through Iowa which began with-a speech at 7 o'clock, and only ended whon be tort tonight for St. Paul. Five -speeches wero scheduled for tho ournoy from Keoknk to Des Mo In en hut ho was called upon for twice that number finding crowds awaiting him at every stop. At Des Moines several thou sand were masted at the station, headed by a parado which passed through tho packed streets. In part be said: ' "This Is only nominally a three cornered fight. In reality tho fight Ib between the party of the people on ono side, and on the other the bosses and beneficiaries of privilege who will throw their weight to whichever of the old parties they think can beat us, "You will find that lone boforo election day, already thoro aro symp toms of it, that the old republican party ''hus been swopt aside, Tho fight lies between us and and the old machine domocracy, Tho official republican party of today bears to tho party of Lincoln tho same re semblance that a ship which has been captured by pirates does to tlio ship before being captured. Dames, Pen rose, Guggenheim and tho rest of them wouldn't have' known what was meant 'by republican principles if you mentioned them, Tbeso men repre sent the crooked alliance hotween crooked -politics and crooked business which 'has been the curso of -Amor- lean life." . . . -. MB ONES FADS MINERS MEDFORD, OREGON, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 5, 1012 i i .TTS1 -l 1 1-LJ-- !-L- !. ' 11'-,. '.' ' .,.'!???"?..- Tf!TTmTT AGED SPIRITUALIST CHAHQES MONEY FRAUD TO WIFE '. i - 9l' m HK ' N-K-ii V . lsHl'r.' ' JSPvTl CTrlr I KIffiV-R . k!w .MHHHMHHHHHHHBfekV9Hninl ' pr ! WKME!FvPvfl BiHP!r9lKflPHll llr99j-PvSS-95M-K 9"4-E--MPNakarMNMl--VB- P. Rl-MVi HH f Dayb,-Jvwif.'a.-eeUo i t it 1 baa ea ih-ucuced by bbindUb meats oC two modern day ClMpatru, AJo&so Taoiuptiou, phllanthrepl: mid plrh-llt, o. Denver, CU -i Me4 her cterfitt as a. bcwmorW 1111 btiH tiled suit. -1IUhc tbt It bw. beta Mrs. Tojhwu aud several otbur wunieu woll iknawn la" DTor socbil llf. wk haTo 4fraudvd him of uioru tliau taaiVM t U ut y FORT IIUAGHUCA, Arlx., Sept. &, Official reports today to Major General S. Sclmiylfr, conuiinuder of the Pacific Division, U. S. A., who has established temporary head quaters bore, say that tho number of rebels mobilizing on the Sonora sldo of the Arlnona hordor Is causing grave concern In border towns. Raiding of ranches continues nud additional troops havo been asked for. Two companies of troops are en route to Naco, Ariz. Upon their arrival a full- brigade will he on duty there. General Schuyler has asked inoro troops be sent Io Arlcoun from Forts Leavenworth and Riley. Many Mexican refugees nrrlved to day at various border points. OF ADA. Ohio. 3dpt. 5. Aaron 8.5 Watklna was-notified hero today of his nomination on the prohibition ticket for vice president of the United States. In bis Bpee'cXjof acceptance Witt klas criticised.) Yoe,drow . Wilson, Colonel RooseveitHind President Tatt. ULL MiOS-lJArfYV 'Df MISSOURI REJECT FUSION ST. LOUIS'; Sept. 5. Tho close of the Missouri state progressive con vention witnessed a debate ovor the nomination of the threo non-partisan candidates for the, supremo court. The matter was" settled with tho nomination of, progressives along with the full state ticket headed by Judge Albert N. Norton. Governor Hndley telephoned that two of the threo republican candi dates told him they would withdraw from that ticket should they bo re quired to support tho entlro republi can ticket. This was regarded us an effort by Kadley to' bring about fusion between the two parties and it was resented by tho dolegateu. REMOVAL NOTICE. Dr. Stearns has removed his of fico from GarnotC-Corey uulldln,g to the Jackson County Bank building, rooms 17, 18 and IS. 143 Medford Prlutiag company carry a full Una of legal blanks. Medford Real Estate & Employment Agency 80, acre, r12 miles north of Med ford, 35 aVes set to trees' and corn planted between, the trees, 3D acres of tho best vegetabTo soli in the val ley, sold $3500 worth of truck off of this last year, plenty of -water for Irrigation, 5. room -now house and alb ney out sldo buildings, team and all tools go with tho placo-at I2Z5 per acre. Look thiaupbofore you buy. 1C0 acres 5 miles up Evahs Creek, prlvato water right,' 0- room 'house, some old orchard) 3000. 2Q acres on ItossiLano, 15 acres in alfalfa, good hotiso, an largo barn, $9000 or will trade for acreago along tho coast. Vi 21 acres, 1 mllo'from city limits, 20 acres set to prchard, now 5' room bungalow and nil' new outside build ings, wator piped! all ovor tho yard, team, tools all go-with tho placo at ;i5,00Q. .,- Wo havo some good acreage to trade for city &oporty., If you wan tj(to- rent your hoyso come and toll usabout It, Knifloypimit Girls nnd womeii'for gonoral house work In and out' of city. Woman cook m'nd .waitress. llox factory men. Wood choppers. MRS. EMMA BITTNER Phono 4l-l'l Home, 14, 'OppbifteiNWi iroiol ROOMS 0 and 7,'I'ALM BLOCK. mum TROUBLE (W BORDER WAINS NOTIFIED - LUMBER TRUST PF1EATFKESI) u v SEATTLE. Wash., Sept. &. In vcHtlgntlnn by tho government of the ao'Cnllcd retail lumber truut has shifted from Seattlt) to Portland to day. Tho hearing In Seattle wnw concluded yesterday nfttitnoon with tho introduction of a lettur by Clark MclCorchencr, government proxecu lor, which had been addressed to A. F. Peterson, of the National Lumber and llox Company of Hoquiam. Judge Milton Purity for the dotoudantn ob jected to It as Immaterial. Neither Peterson nor T. M. McLnfferty, sec rotary of the South Westoru Wash ington Lumber Manufacturers Asso ciation, who had boon subpoenaed, were called upon to testify, Mc Kerchenor loft for Portland yester day where the government probe will begin tomorrow. John Drew's new piny, "Tho Per plexed Husbaud," deals with tho problem of woman's anffraao. Big Surprise to Many io Medford Local people aro surprised at tho QUICIC results received from simple buckthorn hark, glycurlno, etc., ns mixed; luAdlor-l-kn,- tho. (Icruinn ap pendicitis, remedy. L. U. llasklns, druggist, states tbnt this slmplo re medy autlsuptlclzes tho dlgostlvo system- and draws off tlio Impurltlus so thoroughly that A SINGLK DOSE re lieves sour stomach, gas on tlio stomach and conHtlpaltnu INSTANTLY- THE UGO Under New Management F. W. Porter of tho Golden Rule store, will this evening, September 5, reopen tho Ugo Theater, which from this date on will be open each and every night. Tho Ugo Is under going a thorough cleaning, nnd wo aro doing ovorythiug in our power to muko It a clean, sanitary and enjoy nblo jilaco for you to spend your evenings. Tlio Ugowlll open Thursday ovon Ing with 4000 feet of license film, illustrated song, orchostra nnd special music. From this on you will find only the best of otiuhIo and pictures at tho Ugo. NOrf- jd t H BALKAIJLE- 4 SELFtPOITING " A Hammcrlcsa Gun with Solid Frame: Easiest operating aiul smooth ei action. . THE STEVENS Repeating' Shotgun U-. ' ? UBTINa. Nv ' AT$25.0r rA ( w-ersea by kt JU & ers everywhere at "Super- ter irsptr FW0,r' ' Miulo in "five styles, slid illustrated und described 111 fttovens Shotgun Catalog. Ihivoyour Dealer show you a Stevens Rnyettef,- J. STEVENS ARMS& TOOL COMPANY, I'.U.BaxtiWJ, cw;wixrAU.s,MAJ. 0K i 9 Jf vM 1 M ,, ' ' " w lilacs life A Fair Face nciiulres ui)dod dlghlty whon adorned with KlnsHcdii not bellow tho story that, their wearing Implies ago. iluvo you not seen little children wearing (UniflpHT Thoy needed thorn mtroly. Young nud old are alike nnionnhlo to uyo-dlmmlor, Hut I correct thorn in young or old by providing tho correct lonsea to give tho oyo relief, Improve tho eight and banish hendachoa. DR. RIOKERT Eyesight Specialist Over Kentner's WE WILL MAIL YOU 8 for oa'ch sot of old False Tooth eont us. Highest prices paid for old Gold, Silver, old Watches, Uroken Jewelry and Precious Stnuos. Money Sent by Return Mall. Phlln. Smelting Ai Refilling CHip-ny Established -0 Yetti NO ChentuHt St., Philadelphia, Vm. To Dentists Wo will buy your Gold Flllnge, Gold Scrap, nnd Platinum. Highest prices paid. SPECIAL 500 Hoxos High Grade Stationery 19 a box See the. window MEDFORD BOOK STORE A SNAP CO acres, six miles from Medford, good graded road crosses tho tract, all frco soil, nt 950 per acre. $1000 will handle, easy terms on balance. Part Is creek bottom land, suitable for alfalfa. Several springs on the placo. Timber enough to pay for the tract. No buildings. Iu tho Orlftln creek district. W. T. York & Co. 5?&-r PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating AH Work Ounrant4 Prices ntoDbU COFFEEN ft PiilCE t Sowr6 aioek. Hat ae , ft t -.-xL-l. WAMft iL Cvni mum ss s 11 -ww MORTGAGE LOANS Mouoy on hand at all times to loan on improved ranches and city property at lowest privilege." JAMES CAMPBELL Fhqnt323l WOa-O.Bldg, Watch Our Addition. Grow jrjMksoa Mt4 HM.it Medford Realty and Improvement Company B4. F. If. Co. Bid. AUTO EXPRESS QUICK DEUVBltY Call us up for nil kinds of Express work quick delivery our spoclulty. PAUL'fc LAWRENCE Phono Paclflc-47,1 , 'BtandatNashl WHERE TO OO TONIGHT THEATRE The plncn wiiftro you got your mon ey's worth on both hIiIoh of the dime, Pay sptH'liil attention to our imiioId nud cffcrln ti MU PIIOTOPIuU'H n "TIIK1.K1IITATTIII1MIM." An American WoHtorn Drama "TWO WOMIC.V AND ONH MAN" A powerful society drama "LONKNOMN THAU PIO.NIWIIH" Wt'Htnru drniun "ONK AOAINHT NK" ThrlllliiK Htory of (ho Northwest "IIMHIO HTAINH" ( '.MIC1IITV IIUNTKIP' Hoe him shoot a cow. Itenl laugh producer DUKT "liouu by tho Old Mill Hlrvam" Hung by Al ihtthnr and H. I). Forest It. 1. Foivst nud II. Ii. WtMdwoHli I'Iuiiii Orums nud effects, Matinees Dally ---s-t- COMINO"Mfo In an Ohio IVnltm. tlary, Kept. Olti anil 10th, nnd NAT GOODWIN In "Oliver TwUt", Hrpt, IIUU ami Hth ADMIHSION 10 cents. CHlLimiC.V, fl ccais, ISIS theatre; vaudrvilm:. photo plays. mo Deuuiii: uu.ii Thursday, Friday amKHnturday I'HOI'. A. M. (JII.III'.KT Trick Violinist Miri-rn: maiidi-: The Kinging girl Photoplay Pregram: Till: PAHSKIMIY Druuin Till: INDIAN IDYIi An ludlad roulanco Till: WIDOW CArlKY'H ItKTUIIN Good clean comody I ...4 GOOD MUBIO Matlnoee Saturday and Sunday 2 p.m. Mtttlnoo prices Co and 10c Evening pcrfonnauco 7:30 p. m. Saturday nnd Hundny nights 7 p. ro. Admission ovonlncs 10c. and ICo mm Just a hit of mention of everyday summer toilet helps you must ho deeply interested in TALCUM TnlcuniH easily tho most popular of toilet powdors. Wo7 carry nil tho leading brands any kind you want any odor any tlut auy price. FACE LOTION ' ,J . , Yotl 'ito'eja fnce lotlone, too mighty doslrahlo for tan, freckles, and wlndbiirn it vucaUon necoHslty, Wo havo all sorts tho hosC ono. Wo ntako Witch Hruol Ilouzoln Cream, COLD CREAM for ladles nnd hablos, for laddies and lassies, for ovorybody Cold Groa'tri. All tho popular kinds und a flno special made by our boIvob,' Pitt Theatrical Croatn. MEDFORD PHARMACY , . , . Nfat? Postofflco , Clark & Wright LAWYERS WASHINGTON, I), O, Public Land Matters: Final Proof, Dcsort Lands, Contest aud Mining Cueee, ' Scrip., V