f-WWI City HM -la-irtH ' Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Continued shower, Max ( Mln Itft ITcclp ,Uh j! ir f , I KoriymciiiMl Yr, Dully Mnvmitlt Yrnr, TEDDYS SPEECH E AT STATE FAIR Frllilcnctl Animal Dashes Into Dense Crowd Seven Seriously Injured and Thirty Others Trampled Under Foot Within Few Feet of T. R. More Than 20,000 Gather at Mlnnc sota State Fair Grounds to Hear Dull Moose Nominee HT. PAUL, Minn., pl. G.Moro limn 20,(100 pornonn gathered nt (ho stale fulr ground nt II am 1 1 no, near hunt, today, gave Colonel Roosevelt it tremendous ovation when llio pro gnmitlvo presidential nominee started nn exposition of It Ih vlowit on agri culture, education and (ho doctrines of (ho now pnr(". Colonel Hoonvflt'rt mlilrenn wits marred In I nut by (ho dashing Into IiIh through of hearer of iniiddontid hot ho. Hevon persons worn seriously Injured hy Hit' iinliiiul, and moro tint n ,10 intin, women nnd children wont trnmpnl within n fow foot of llio x-prcsldont. J nut nn Colonel Roosevelt begnu speaking n rnnnwny homo plunged Inlo (ho crowd. Tho Itijurnd woro Inkcu to hospitals, Roosevelt seemed uninovod hy (ho t ii mill L unit continued hln address In nn effort to rcnnmiro (ho throng. The horo stopped plunging when (tin crowd bcrnmo no ileimo (lint It rould not proceed further nnd was dragged down hy n dozen hands. Nono of tlio lujiircd nro expected to dlo. E WALL STREET IN BEST OF HEALTH Ni:V YOUK, Sept. fi -Nnttlly dressed and npparently lit tlio hont of health, Chorion W. Morse, tlio former Imnker who wan sentenced to n long term In (ho Atlanta federal prlnon and Inter pardoned hy Presi dent Tnfl because ho wnn believed to Ih dying, In today hark In hln old haunts In an olnhorato nulto of of fices In Wall Htreet. .Morse will resume hunlnoin nn head of a corporation Known iih (ho Active KenurKlon Conipnny, Ineor porated iindor the lawn of Mnlno. It In Hold to ho capitalized at moro than a million dollnm. Harry Morao, hoii of (ho financier, In a partner In tlio firm, LONDON, Bopt. n, For Interrup ting a speech of David I.loyiL George, chancellor of tlio exchequer, at a W'cIhIi i;nloiltUoil hero today, a dozon unllltnut HiiffruRotttis woro roughly ejected from (ho building, one nt tlio iiiimber sustaining aorloiiH liijurlun. Tlio women woro almost donudod hy tlio moli and only uftor much dlf f lenity woio tltoy rescued hy tho police. CHICAGO CAR STRIKE SCARES M BACK AND ROUGHLY HANDLED PROBABLY CIIIOAOO, Bopt, r, All poHHthlUty of a street car iiuiu'h Htrllco hero la ' 'y hollovod to Imvo lioon ollmluittcd to- HMrfjlay hy tlio notion of Prosldont Itoaoli n, ' of tho city railway conipnny l' ngroo- $;. lug to tho doinaiuU of tho moil for arhltratlon of tlio existing dlfforonoos, Itoaoh announced that tho nrhltrn- Hon hoard would Hottlo Uto differ- euros between tlio conipiuiy and tho company mid tlio union and that tho company i) fthldo by thp roault. BULL M SPLIT EVEN FOR Flvo Progressives and Five Rcpiiljll cans, One Independent, Nominated In Congressional Contests In Call- K fornla Three Democratic Contests Taft Republicans Must Appear Ballot by Petition hut Not Regular Republicans In as BAN I'UANCIBCO, t'al.. B'pt d Comploto retiiniM received (oday from Tuomlay'M primary election nhow that tho hull inoono of Califor nia npllt even with tho Tuft repuh lleiiun In tho eoiiKrenitlounl contenln. Flvo proKrenniven and flvo ropuhllcniiM have licou nominated, in tho find dlnlrlct K. II. Hart, who ran an an independent repuhllrau wan named. Ho In claimed hy (ho procronnlvcn nlno. Thero worn domocratlc con tetttn In only three dlntrlctn. A redhot f !tit In nuro to mark the tttnte convention which meeln In B.i crnmouto Beptemhor SI. Tho pro. Krexnlven will ho overwhelmingly In tho majority, and It In annurfd that thoy will uamo thirteen ulectorn pledged to Colonel Itoonovelt and Governor Johuvou. 'i'afllliM HlJinil t'nrerlulii Junt whnt the ntnnd tho Taft peo ple will tako at tho convention In n quontlo't. It han been niiKKentcd that tho Taft hold-overn nnd the Tnft Iok Inladvn uomlueen got toKelher In n convention by (houiHclven, necuro rocoKiiltlon from tho republican na tional committee, iioiiio thirteen olec ton nn (ho rogutnr republican prenl ilonllul elector, nnd then tako thu flBht Inlo (ho courts to koep tho Itoonovelt electorn from koIuk on thn ballot. Attorney flenornl Webb already han Informed tho Tnftltcn that thu only way they can got on tho ballot legally In hy petition, and that thoy ran go on It under tho denlRiia Hon "Taft republican," hut not nn "republican" unlcKn thoy capture tho Bacraiuonto convention. NoitilutvH nnd Tlielr Vnten Flrnl dlntrlcl In tho roiiKron nlonnl content Hart necurod 7.0SO volenj Clifton II. Couulck, proKrra ntvo, t.'JSU. Tho olhor dlntrlctn re nulled an follewn: ' Second F. M. Hutherford, pro KresHlve, U.HOI!; I). JO. Williams, re publican, 1,402. Third Charlen F, Curry, republi can, S,8!l.1; Frank It. Dolvlu, pro- Kiennlvo, K.77.1. Fourth Julln Kahii, republican, unopponed. Fifth -John I. Nolan, proRrennlve, 1,1.11; O. II. Ilenhaui, repuhllrau, .1,402; lMwnrd Nolan, republican, f.,174. Blxth JoHoph It. Kuowland, re publican, r.'.OOfi; J, V. Stotnon, pro Krennlvn, 11,'jns. Beventlt Jamen C. .'oedhani, ro publlcan, t.CGK; It. U. HaiKrovo, pro Krennlvo, 1,031; O. It. Fox, proKrea hIvo, 1,225; A. C. Kramer, republi can. 2R0, Highlit 10. A. llayen, republican, 10,(101; Itobort M. Clark, progremdvo, 0,818. Ninth Charlen V. Hell, progrcs hIvo, 1,718; Jnen Mcl.achlnii, repub lican, 2,081); Charlen It. Haudall, In dependent, 7(1, Tenth William I). Btophenn, pro gremtlvo, 18,211; II, Holnblrd, ro piihllcau, Ci,8-1 8. Kloventh Dauiuol C. KvniiH, pro grouHlvo, 11,172; Lowln It. Klrby, republican, 8,0:13. Democrat lo Nominee Tho domoorutla iiomlneeH nre: FlrHt dlHtrlct I. O. Zumwult; necoiid, John 13, Hukor; third, Oll hort M, Hohu; fourth, Ilort Buhlo Hlgiior; fifth, H, V. CoHtello; utxth, II. W. Luttorolli navonth, K. B. Church; eighth, J, I), llolohnu; ninth, T, II. Kirk; tenth, Ooorgo Hlngo; olovonth, William Kottuor. BUD MARS INJURED IN AVIATION FLIGHT OM4AN, N. Y Sept. n. Siirroiiuiv front iv (IniiKOt'ouH injury leeelved by u full while 'timkiuu; it l'llglit at the enmity fair, IJuil Mart., tlio nvintor, in in thu lioHpitul hero today. After rMwtf from thu half milu race truck, tlio bipliuiQ (lilveti by MarH Rittldeiily dlpjit'd nud grflahod iuo ( fotiQQ, CONGRESSMEN MEDFORD, HISTORIC DWELLING The historic dwelling of Napoleon I. on tlio Inland of Kltm linn been offered for unlit, Hnn Marllno, (lis peaceful relrent of the conqueror, n round which ccnlro many relic of Nnpolcon'i so journ, will shortly pus Inlo now hands, and travellers from nil nations who ViLW OF PORTO FERWAJOT SHOWING THE MULINI 'PALACE AND THE STELLA FORT TAFT CRIPPLED By GOUT LEAVES WASHINGTON, Sept. .'. Surfer iu from it Hpniineil ankle it ml n nlighl nttnek oT until, I'resiilent Tnt't left Witbliuutou nt HI n. m. today for New 1niilou, Cnnu., wliero lie in Heht'iliuVil lo iitltlreNS the deep wnler wayi couvenlion touiulit. Major IMumilcs (lie pieNitlent'ri military iiide, Hitid that Titl't's injury was not heriotin. I'renldent Taft wnH able to walk tf hln automobile with tho nld of n cnue, nud Inter hobbled through tho ntatlon, Irritably declining tho into of n rolling chair. Tho president loardcd tils yacht, tho Mayflower nt Brooklyn nt 3 o'clock this afternoon, ntnrtlng direct for Now London. Chnrlon D. Illllen, chntrmnu of tho national republican committee, nnd national trenntiror Sheldon nro ex pected to Join tho prenldont on tho trip and hold tho flrnl conference of tho campaign. Mnjor Khoaden mild that n week on tho Mnyflower would result In tho prcHldont'a recovery. President Taft does not plan to return to Wanhlugton until utter tho election. KILLED EMPLOYER . TO SAVE WIFE KAST LIVHItPOOIi. Ohio, Sept. r.. DcHplto lilu assertion that ho struck "Fighting Dick" llurrowH with n honvy Iron bar nnd then fired five nhots Into tho body to nnvo Mrs. Ilur rown front death, .lohn Colhurn, a farm hnnd, nnd Mrs. Hurrown were today held to answer on tho charge of niurdor. IlurroWH believed his wife wan In lovo with Colhurn, nccordlng to tho latter'H story, and on Monday hint seized her hy tho throat, thrca'tenlng to kill her. It an thou that Colhurn siiya ho HtrucU Hurrown down. After hiding tho body In n ntablo, Colhurn fled, but was arrostcd In tho woodn last night. IN INDIANAPOLIS TRIAL I.OS ANOIOIACS, Cul.t Sept, C AgentH of tho United StntoH district attoritoy'ri ufflco today nro copying records of tho trial of Clarence nar row for turn In tho coming trial of nationally known labor loadora on chargos of Illegally traunportlng dy uainlte, Tho trials will begin In October nt Indianapolis, whoro tho Indictments woro returned by a fed oral grand jury. Among tlio labor lenders named Is Auto Johnniuon of Ban Francisco, Tho transcript of tho Harrow caso comprises about 1,000,000 words. It Is not known how much of this will bo copied. Tho Uyltud States Dis trict Attorney's offlco refused to di vulge whnt portions of tho testimony H boijevoa to bo nvnllnblo in Its enso, FO A VOYAGE DARRQW OUKCION", TJIUKKDAY. SKPTJtJiMUISR 5, 012 OF NAPOLEON ON ISLAND hnro visited thl Jwiuillfiil fairyland nro wondering what i1IjijmhIIIoii will m inado of thin place of pIlsrI)UK ENGINE Td LYNCH MM'KPIKI.1), f. Vn Sept .. t'enfiKrnliiit: uu enuiae and several I lot curs at Princeton -today, .111(1 determined tiiiiiiulnitirnis rim the train nt exprivn yJMcil ami niptun-il Walter .loliusoii, u negro accused of linviuu iidempted to? m-smtlt Mir, Nita White, a fouitceu-ycnr-oltl white uirl. Hailier in the diiyjnil ituthoritie wlio feared mi tttemptSroitld be made to lyilelt their primmer, xpiritctt Johnson out of towiiM'U horsebaek mid fled witlt.ltim.fofllie liilN. Thu urobf6ll.iwT.ir',f!'iv'--'" - At I'riiicelou the tiiirMicrH took posKefrtion of ttie engine and flat ears mid overtook .Johnson and his guards at Matonka. They over Mwered the officers mid took the prisoner with them. The lynching of Johnson in now retried in progress, but eonfinuatioii of tho report is impossible us yet. Miss White was not injured, but is in it hysterical condition from fright. OF GRAFT CHARGE NBW VOIUv. Sept. C Written repudiation of statements ho Is al leged to havo given ew York nows papers and lit which ho Is purported to have said that ho would forco tho resignation of Mayor Oaynor and I'ollco Commissioner Waldo by pro ducing evidence to show that they alno were responsible for tho nl legod corruption prevailing In the Now York pollco dcpnrtniont, wna mndo HiIh afternoon by Cornelius G. Hayes, deposed Inspector of pollco. Hayes quailed tiudor Waldo's ques tioning, and finally denied that he had threatened neither officials. Tills stutomont was then put In writing. Hayes was first reduced to a enp tnluey and then suspended for fall nro to closo disorderly hottsos In his district. Ho maintained ho had written orders from Commissioner Wnldo to lot tho disorderly houses alone. This charge was mndo In tho pro8onca of other pollco Inspectors, who roportcd tho statement to Waldo. This afternoon Hayes 'as suninionod to Waldo's offle and asked to pro duco tho written orders from tho police commissioner not to molest tho disorderly houses. Hayea thou admitted (lint ho had received no such orders, nud stumpod its falsa tho statement ho Is alleged to havo mudo to other police Inspectors and newspapermen, FRENCH AMBASSADOR TO ITALY IN AUTO ACCIDENT MONTKORT, Iranee, Sepl, D. Ciunillo Hnrrere, French nmbitssmlor to Italy, wits bitilly injured hero today in an automobile oplltsiou, Ouu other mnii eoneetiieil liiilui mictdeiit was killed outright luuf'u third is dyhi(,'. yr,r-Mec " , ' '','"- 'fain t f" MJiri ii - ; .:13 MOB CONFISCATES NEGRO mm WALDO CLEARED OF ELBA TO BE SOLD. i NKW YORK, Sept. 5. Crlmiual responsibility for the manufacturers of poisonous and adulterated foods was urged from tho bench here to day by United States District Judge Xoyes, sitting In the caso of Mrs. Sophia Klttcrer against the Armour Packing Company. "If thero In no such law on tho statute books." said Judge Noyes, "one should bo enacted forthwith." Mrs. Kitterer alleged she was polKoncd by eating a pork product of tho Arniqur Company, nnd brought suit for damages. AttornoyHfor'Ar-l mour and Company pleaded that as Hie manufacturers dealt only with middlemen, they should not bo held responsible for what happened to tho consumor. This attempt to shift re sponsibility angered Judgo Noyes, nnd bis denunciation of manufac turers for foisting poisoned meat upon tho public was ono of tho most scath ing over delivered lu a Now York court room. CLERK HEIR TO WASHINGTON, Sept. 5. -Itc-bcrt T. Way, a clerk employed by tho Old Dominion Railroad and his two brothers aud ono sister, in reduced circumstances, living in Denver, havo fallen heir to a $1300,000 estato, ac cording to word received hero by Way today. Tho fortune was left by Jacob S. Axson, who canio to this country from ICngland during tho American revolution and after sottllng In Georgln took up arms ngnlnst tho British. For his sorvices ho was granted a tract of land valued at $20,000 which has increased to Its present value Axson died In 18(12 aud tho estato has lain dormant since. PORTLAND, Ore , Sept. 5. De tails of tho program for tho enter tainment of Colonol Roosovolt, presi dential nominee of tho progressive party September 11, woro announced today. Tho program calls for two luncheons, ono street parado, two short addresses to mothers and chil dren nud ono long speech on cam paign Issues, Ho will bo lu Portland tho entire day. 30 INDICTMENTS AGAINST IOWA COUNTY OFFICIALS CMNTON, Iowa, Sept. 5. Thirty indictments charging graft, eonHpir itoy nnd fraud wore returned today by the grand jury hero. Aniotlg tlio indicted men nro eight county ot'fi oiuls, tlm remainder being business njoii, contrnotors nnd politic-jnjis, n r"A vgw5 JUDGE ADVOCATES PRISON TERMS FOR FOODADULTERATERS 600,000 FORTUNE BLAME OIL TRUST FOR Orozco's Representative Asserts That Landlnn of Troops In Nicaragua was Subterfuge to Back Up Wall Street Interests Zapatista Rebels Burn Merchant Alive to Celebrate Victory In Oaxaca and Practise Great Cruelty WASHINGTON, Sept. 5. Thnl the state department hnn not given General Pascual Orozco nnd his Mexican revolutionists n square deal and Hint the landing of American troops In Nicaragua was a subter fuge to back up Wall Street Interests was tho declaration here today of Juan Pedro Dldapp, American repre Kcntatlvc of Orozco. Dldapp, who was formerly Mexi can consul general In Spain, said that the stato department had list ened to only one side of the NIcara guan controversy and commended tho stand taken by Senator Bacon of Georgia In demanding congressional investigation of President Taffs ac tion lu sending troops to Managua without first securing authorization from the bouse and sen a to Tho United States government, Dldapp asserted, backed Francisco I. Madcro In his warfare against Por flrlo Diaz because Madero had the backing of the Standanl Oil Com pany. For the samo reason, ho declared, the Taft administration sided with President Madcro In ef forts to suppress tho Orozco revolu tionists. MEXICO CITY. Sept. G. Zapa tista rebels, after crossing Into Oaxaca captured the town of San Miguel Ahuahcutllan, looting and burning most of tho buildings and finally burning alive Carlos Mcndez, a prominent merchant of tho town, to celebrate tho victory, according to reports received hero today. Volunteers, hastily organized, mado a sharp tight but wcro overcome by tho invaders. The barbarities practiced in San Miguel Ahuahcutllan aro said to be similar to thoso reported from other districts attacked by the Zapatistas. DOUGLAS, Ariz., Sept. G, Armed American cowboys and ranchers are assembling hero today preparod to cross Into Sonora at a moment's not ice to rescue American residents there bald to be in grave danger in North ern Sonora towns. Mexican rebels mobilized south of tho border have threatened viol ence to Americans Uioro In tho ovent that ummunltlon or supplies aro per mitted to be sont across tho border to tho Mexican regulars. Sovoral thousand rounds of ammu nition consigned to tho Nncozarl Cop por Company at Nacozarl, Sonora, wns shipped from Nnco today, and tho robots nro said to bo threatening to keep their declaration. Tho Americans horo aro Bald to bo equipped with 120 rifles and suf ficient ammunition li addition to snmll arms. USED OLD SCOW TO TOUR ARCTIC REGIONS SAN PRANCISCO, Cat., Sept, G. -In tho old 17-ton schooner rigged scow Alice Stofon, built 40 years ago and equipped with only a compass and soxteut tor navigating instru ments, II, C. Slnto und Peter Potor 8on havq just completed a 3,000 mllo Journey to tho Arctic, nccordlng to word rocolvod horo today. Slnto, who has spout twonty yours In tho Arctic trading and .trapping equipped tho scow with n supply of trading goods nnd started last May. Tho only bad woathor was encontorod between Kodlak Island nnd Unlmak Past TAFTS ACTIONS WHS READY TO INVADE MEXICO NO. 142 T I Special Agent Busy Securing Evi dence From Drunken Men Ova tion Given Governor at Mass Meet ing of Citizens Governor Warns Preachers That He He Will Make Public List of These Owning Disrespcctablc Places PORTLAND, Ore.. Sipt. 5. De velopments in Governor West's anti vlcc crusado In Portland today cen tered around tho work of gathering evidence against lawbrcaklng saloon keepers. City patrolmen detailed to act a "special agents" under tho or ders of Special Prosecutor Hurst started out In an effort to obtain In formation from drunkon men as to whero they got their last drink. It was announced by Hurst that In every instance whero an Intoxicated person would toll where ho obtained his last drink tho saloonkeeper sup plying him would ho prosecuted un der the law prohibiting tho soiling of liquor to drunken persons. - All thoso selling liquor to minors also aro to bo arrested. That the majority of tho citizens of Portland aro lined up solidly be hind Governor West In his campaign to stamp out vice in Portland was shown at a mass meeting hold hero by moro than 3,000 persons. Gov ernor West was given a tremendous ovation when he rose to addresa the gathering. He reltorated his deter mination to go ahead with his roform plans no matter what tho cost. ' He5 warned tho ministers present that . some of them wero likely to get cold .feet before the campaign was" over because ho Intended to make known the names of all who owned proper-' ty used for Immoral purposes re gardless of whom ho hit. He said some wealthy nnd prominent mem bers of their congregations wero in-' volvod. HEAT CAUSES CITY OF CHICAGO CHICAGO, Sept. u.Soveral pros rations wero reported hero todnv from the heat, the official temper nture being DO degrees at noon. On the street level the mercury was five degrees higher. High temperatures wero general throughout tiic middle wcs(. One death was reported in St. Louis. At 3 o'clock this afternoon tho theimouieter had reached 01 degrees iu Chicago, nnd scores of. proslru-, tious resulted. The humidity was B'2', which is eight degrees ubovu normal. FEATURELESDAY NKW YORK, Sept. G. Trading on tho stock" markot today showed ac tivity only at intervals. Most of tho day's dealings woro fcaturoloss. Reading and United States Stool gained a point. Other changes woro nominal, but soma slight gains wore recorded. Now Havou declined' IVf Tho .market closod dull. Ilonds wero Irregular. COMPLETE VOTE IN I nURLINGTON, Vt., Sept. 5, Com-, pjoto returns received here today from Tuesday's stato election glva.the followlng figures? , ,, (f For aoverpor A. M. FJetcher, re publican, 2C.25S); Harlan Howe, domocrnt, 20,3G.Pt Rev. Frazer Mtz- ger. progressive, 15,800. u The prohibitionist candldata'polMi' 1,413 votes aud. the soetttltet enndl-T date 1,804. '" ' i I GATHESS PROOF A AN M BREAKERS PROSTRATIONS VERMON 1 ! 'J 1" i 7