P' W it' t uv we ' KOTO BIX MEPJM ii m i . MHEPFOKD MATT; TTCTBTTNE, MEDFORD, QTCKflON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER n, 1012 WBE U HERE 10 HUN Dr. P. I Cnnipholl, president of tlio Onlvoralty at Oregon, arrived In Medford thta nfternoon to address tho formur students of tlio University nt I heir banquet scheduled for nix o'clock, thl ft evening In tlio Hotel Holland. Tlio subject of President Campbell's toast will bo the Univer sity, lt Present Work and Its As pirntlotiH. President Campbell although nn OroRonlan, by birth, received his ed ucation nt Harvard University. For a number of years ho was president of the SI on mouth Normal school. In ; tlio last election when tlio question j of re-establishing tlio Ashland and , Weston Normal schools was before) tlio people. President Campbell en tered heartily Into the campaign In ! their behalf, holding that there was n great need for well trained gram-1 mnr school teachers in tlio schools of tlio stnto. Slnco 1903 Mr. Campbell has been president of the University of Ore gon, Under hts management the University has grown from an Insti tutes with an enrollment of but n few hundred to Its present site, which In all of Us departments has a total registration of fourteen or fifteen hundred. Not only has tlio Univer sity grown In point of numbers but It also hn3 advanced Its standards during recent years. Its grade of work Is now strictly standardized and Is exactly similar to that of the lead ing stato universities of the country. W. I. Vawter or the class of 1SSG will servo as toastmaster. The pro gram of toasts Is as follews: Presi dent P. L. Campbell, "Tlio Univers ity, lta Present Work and Its Aspira tions"; Dr. George Rebec, "The Uni versity and the Wider Service": W. H. Goro of the class of 1SSC, "Ore gon In Nestor's Tlnio"; Miss Ruth Merrick. "How It Looks to 1912''; Mr. A. K. Reames, E. S. Van Dyke and Kollx Moore, "On the Carpet." It Is expected ihat a few otherawlll be called upon for .Informal talks. NEW STAR MAIL E The Daily Hint from Pails, ROUT ORDERED Contmenctng todny a new star mall route between Derby ntid Prospect will bo In operation which wilt servo the residents of upper Rogue River with a dally mall service. Hereto fore Prospect has been served with mall three times a week from Knglo Point by way of Trail. The new route will prove n great benefit to the ranchers In that sec tion who will be brought into closer touch with the outside world. LOCAL NURSES ATTEND STATE GATHERING The Oregon State Hoard for the humiliation and Registration of Graduate Nurses met at the Portland Hotel August 215. 27 27 with .Mrs O. E. Osborne, Mcdford, president; Miss Doyle, secretary and treasurer, and Miss Frances McLnno. In attendance. The applications or eighty-one (81) nurses for merbership were received and acted upon. One hundrcd-sUty-flve (105) nurses have been regis tered to date under the waiver. Tuesday, August 27, the superin tendents of the various rccoguixed training schools met with the board and n course of Instruction was dis cussed and adopted. Wednesday, August 28. the state association of nurses gavo a reception at the Nurses Club, 374 Third street for Mrs. Osborne the president of the state board. The reception was marked by the usual courtesies, beautiful floral decorations and light refreshments. r; ui i i i'pimiiii.ijiii i, ,''i' ' j rSi sLK'3fiLwi' 11 ra3,T'BBffi8we'Brafli iHvw ivvmNH&.s.UR iJm nj "- "" -' " -- "-- ! I PIONEER WOMAN NEW ND I Y OF VALLEY DIES Mrs. Christina Striuiho. aged 83, who has been n resilient of the Rogue River valley for the past 4R yours Hieii nt the homo of lior sou .In thu Willow Springs 'district early toilav. ,The funeral wilt be held from the homo or her son, Kred Striuiho Wednesday morning at 10:30 o'clock. I Interment In thu Jmkaoiivltlo ceme tery. I Mrs, Strmibo and her luistmml ame to this county 45 ears ago and lived many years In the Willow Springs district. Mr Straubo died 25 'j ears ngo, Mrs. Straube was it na tive of Germany. Sho Is well known throughout the valley among the old residents of this county. IS IN The September term of the cir cuit coiirt convened nt Jacksonville today but did little Inialnotm nsldo from tlio choosing of 11 new itrnnd Jury. The business of the March term was completed. The new grand Jury consists of A. ductule, V. 11, Miller. I. A. Merrl man, C. W. Davis. R. 0. llrown, O, M. Grainger and C. II, Corey. Mr, Mcrrlmttu was appointed roremau. irl00 .TAKES SIDES WITH WILSON ON MINIMUM WAGE SCALE rmwn triHttr mL T !-. it.iv MvU'Wtm CUTfUMTT ml. IW tiMK uaiuiu liruciUctl evwilnc cot In Chun i ami whlto colorlnc. borders! with blick EUGENE DEBS AFTER GOAT OF "BULL M00SERS" PORTLAND. Debs, socialist dent, spake to late Monday. Sept. 3. Eugene V. candidate for presi- seven tliounud here Ho barely mention- Arthur M. Geary and Miss Ruth Merrick, the committee In charge of arrangements, ask that any students that are planning to attend who have not already notified them do so early today. ed Tnft or Wilson, concentrating on Roosevelt and the progresshes. tie declared that when a fat chicken laid down and nsked to bo fried then they might expect the trusts and "the forces behind the candidacy of Theo dore Rooseve't" to build up a party for the emancipation or the common people'. He declared all tlio parties except tlio socialists represented divi sions, of the capitalistic class. A generator weighing but 20 pounds for supplying electric lights to aeroplanes has been perfected. KANSAS CITY, Sent 3 Woodrow Wilson's criticism of the minimum wage feature of the progressive plat form brought a sharp retort from Governor Johnnon of Cnllfonla, Speaking nt Concert Hull here the progressive vice presidential candi date said Wilson had railed to com prehend the question Ho said "I read with some surprise the speech of the democratic candi date for president lit which he de nounces tlio minimum wage scute !4for women. I nsk 1011. did the tired woman who labors for a meagre wage or the employer who makes It neces sary for her to toll ror the unsatls ractory sum rejoice when they rend the statement? It Is nppnrent the candidate wlio made that utterance lacks iindccstnndliig of that partial ldr evil which we seek to remedy." Tho highest point of woman's hap piness Is reached only through moth erhood. Yet tho mother-to-be Is often fearful of nature's ardenl and shrinks from the suffering Incident to Its con summation. In Mother's Frlond Is to uo round n medicine of great value to I every expectant mother, it Is lutoudud to prepare tho system for tho crisis. and thus rollovu, In great part, tho Buttering through which the mothor usually passes. Tho regular tiso ot Mother's Friend will repay any mother in uie comrort It affords before, und tho helpful restoration to health and strength It brings nbout after baby comes. Mother's Friend Is for sale nt drug stores. write ror our free book for expectant mothers which coutalno much valuable Infor mation. IRADFIELD MCULATOX CO., AtUu. C. MfM Even with tour scouts, Sam Ken nedy, George Huff, Uobby Gllks and "Socks" Seybold. roaming the busing the Cleveland club has not been able to annex any promising minor leaguers. Draperies W carry a very compInU linn of drntMTlfK. Iioo curtntnit. flvturrn, tc nnit do ull clnnsfn of upliotatarlnic. A pcclnl man to look nflor this work pxoliiMvHy ami will kIvo an kooJ ftnrvlrn un In poimlblo to gat In oven tlio lurKent clltea. Weeks & McGowan Co. APPLES APPLES APPLES Do YouWant to Soil? What sorts ntid quantities, ami what price? We are not tend ering for miybody'ii fruit. Do you want to consign ami chaiico the market? Consult tin niul wo will give you quntntlonti, I every cane wo send the sellers sale not. N Now York we use our own sale note, mid do not have npplrs sold by miction, H. N. WHITE & 00. 7(5 Park Plnco Now York , Kstnbllshed 1878 FRUIT Incorporated 1004 D. OROSSLEY & SONS Commission Morchants l!OI Franklin .St., New York Our Hpeclnlty APPLES -and PEARS Wo hnve our own houses In NKW YORK, UVKItPtKHi, LONDON AND OMKGOW Direct consignments solicited or see our Roguo River ropruRontntlvo. CHRIS GOTTLIEB Medford, Oregon Nearly a quarter of a century under tho amno management. Bank THE Jackson County Medford, Oregon It has succeeded because of Soundness of principle Economy of management Safety of investment Courteous and liberal treatment CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $175,000.00 W. I. Vawter .President 0. H. Lindley, Vico Pros. C. W. McDonald, Cashier MADE IN MEDFORD Your success and the prosperity of this city and valley depends on your patronizing home industries and using home-made products. Ask for "Marie in Medforc and builder buying of the home factories and institutions. . Try this and in a few months we will have a "Greater Medford." Ask for "Marie in Medford" goods and insist on your contractor A Rogue River Valley Payroll We Manufacture CEMENT DRAIN TILE CONCRETE CULVERTS CONCRETE PIPE FOR IRRIGATION SEWER PIPE Dealer in Washed Sand, Gravel and Crushed Rock Ortlco Fruitgrowers Bank Building Factory North Riverside Avenue Phono Main CG2 Phono Main 6091 MEDFORD CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY C. J. SEMON, Manager. Sandstone Quarry Ts. O. Smith, Prop. 310G East Main St. Box 733. Write us 3rour wants Medford Candy Mfg. Co. C. P. Silliman, Prop. Wholesalers of FRESH & PURE Candy Home Phone 300X Made in Medford, Oregon P. C. Silliman, Manager The Medford Hydraulic Cement Brick and Block Co. Inc. Our Specialties Ornnmental Brick nnd Tilo ror Flro PlaccH, Sills. Cups, ArcheB, Columns, Chimney Tops, Flower Vaee, etc. MKDFOHI), OUKGO.V 10th and Fir Sts. Phono Pacific G41 INSIST ON. "MADE IN MEDFORD" Brick MEDFORD BRICK CO. 3535 W. Jackson Pacific Phone 1121 Homes On Monthly Payments Medford Realty & Improvement Co. Chas. S. Lebo, Mgr. M. P. & II. BIdg. H. WEINHARD'S Columbia The Beer Without a Peer "LET GEORGE DO IT" Commercial Printing and Rubber Stamps "Made in Medford" GEO. J. KUNZMAN PRINTING CO. 203 Fruitgrower Bank BIdg. - Ilome Phono 128K If it's made of Sheet Metal I can make it JOHN SIPPLE M.F.&H.CO. Horn Phoue 30L BIdg. E. A. Hicks P. M. Korshaw General Manager Gen. Sales Mgr. OREGON GRANITE .CO. Quarry Owners and luanuiacturers Oregon Uranlto stnnds the test ot time, Medford, Oregon Office Furniture Library Furniture Bedroom Furniture Diningroom Furniture White Enamel Furniture Built in Buffets, Seats And Bookcases, Etc. Store Fixtures Porch Swings ' Cedar Chests Cabinet Work Bone in Oak, Walnut, Fir, or Any Other Wood Desired Cabinet Makers Mission Furniture Works TC, O. Trowbridge, Jr., Prop. 113 S. Holly, Medford BUY a Home Made Clothes of EIFERT ,ho choicest hops and tho finest barley malt, brewed jKMntit'ically in just the right way, are responsible for its absolute purity and excellence " "Q Order a case from your dealer or phono , ft- Pacific 51 or Home 294 H, inKIJHARD'S BEER AND ICE DEPOT " Medford Cut Flowers That are fresh because they are home grown Always a nice line of Decorative Plants on Hand Medford Greenhouses 923 E. Main nome Phone 237X, Pacific Phone 3741 Tailor ,209 W. Main , TKNT8 AHMV GOODS Khnkl Slzo Wall 8 oz. 10 oz. Army Feet Feet Duck Duck Duck 7x 7 ....3 ....$ G.35.. 6.25.. 6,'JO 7x 9 ....3 .... C.3G'.. 7.40.. 8.20 8x10 3 .... 7.30,. 8.CC. 9.G5 10x12 ....3 .... 8,00.. 10.00,. 11.20 10x1-1 ... 3 .... 9,80.. 11.40.. 12.7(5 12x12 ...3,... 10,20.. 12.00.. 13,3(5 12x14 3 lljGfv J3.G0.. 1G.0G Copied from a San Francisco pap er. Prices aro low. hut wo can beat U. If mado of canvas wo soil It. MKUFOItl) TUNT & AWNING CO. 100 N. Front St., Medford, Oregon, Medford Iron Works E. O. Trowbridge, Prop. General Foundry and , ', Machine Works Vf Pacific 401; Home 298L. Res. rPac. 5031; Home 227L. So. Oregon Electric & Heating Co. Electric Wiring Electric Fixtures Heating and Ventilating Plants 29 N. Cfrape St. Tel. Pac. 3G01; Home 124. Wo make fixtures Make everything in mill work Big' Pines Lumber Co. Best equipped factory in Southern Oregon Wholesale Candy and Ice Cream PALACE OF SWEETS 217 East Main Pacific (102 Home 353L Electrical Work Of All Kiuds Battery Charging Magnetos and Spark Coils recharged and repaired TIIJ3 ELECTRIC SHOP 105 So. Control. Pae. 221 The Medford Plating Works All ItliiilB ot plntltiB, Gold, Sllvor, Nlchlo, Copper and Urnsa platod to your ontlro sntlHfnctlon. Don't throw uwny yoijr old tohlo wnro nnd, Jowolry. llrlnR It un and got It hack aa Hood (ih now at liulf the coot. SU1 W. Mnl.1 Ht. .. I i For tho best of EVERYTHING MADE OFWOOD Sco us. We make a specialty of OFFICE FURNITURE and FIXTURES, MANTLES, SCREEN DOORS and WINDOWS, Etc. Factory Corner South Fjy and 11th Sts. Both Phones MEDFORD SASH AND DOOR CO, IS f . 'i ., j , -). iffr.--4& j s, .