lVt'rft''PW,-t 1 ' X 21 t 1 H. ., .. i Hr' a- o f f f VM r .- -4 .' f V -.-- i&4 r . ,ir'y & .- nr- 0 & rtM . r .... - .trtM jMrl-,44.,-JMTJ t 0 v 10 H ' f , ' I , m.. 1 i i l( 'III ' I L L 1 . . .. V I"IL . .. .-, i -ii. "' I .-.-w - " - - . . . I t i t r . , ' . i iaLE. . 1 hoM&2 SK;t flw .v,,,, , .uiUiiwLvari VsJHGRgl HOME - fol I ,1 a W ftUtt$ f lI &tMCbfyp O'SHiNYM , i-nwxT W0I6M VUH 'rrr-j ' rj 6tmlT4 eoUii Wt. ?- J y UOULp COMC OUT Q 'W5r,-riftN ?0o I GOlfx) f I yZP I WWWIDMBMUN' f V - ' J or' Ti., ray j ' fLos J Y7Ci " 4fe- Lr I Tvul,.w YOU KNOW I IIIMHIWM IIIIHII1IIWI- II !, I, . '" II-IIW " " - !" llllllll I'l II l.ll.ll 1.1 I .1.11 ..I.. I. I II II I . -.., , ,,. ,,...- '" ! .!! ! ! NEW YORKERS WANT JONATHAffS KkmIii'I & )ny ixKim ln followIiiK i1ii(mI Nihv ytrl(, Aiik'tit 127 2 Huvunty-M'vt'ii riirn Monday nml xixty-fiMtr tuiliiy (Tui'Ntlny) Ihvm i-niitiiiui'il hi'iivy nrriviilM. Hnrlli'llH :il,()00 Iioxim yi'Mionlny nml ttidity nml Hut inurkot in a hIkkIi' lower, nltliouli a for (!itlifiriiin .Mrtiiulniii HnrtlrltH Hold .f.'.r.ll fJ.Htl. Tho Imlk of (In. Callfonilu bhliuiimit hold from I'-MO lo jf'J.-IO nml Moini nttlicr fipf, ovi-n oit. Kllil eiirrt from llu norlliwcHt with ttvoraci'rt ariMiiiil J.IIU. It U tJuijily woiiili-rful how IIiIh marki'l and hoiiif otlicrn In I ln met urn Mandiiii; up on HarlMtn. Pt'aohi'K 1(1,000 yvflordavund Jo ilav mid tin market is aliiiut tw IiIkIi i r, iiIIImmikIi tlii Kiont liulk U fnxii (lfto to 7fic Tliry ani ruIii lively at tlu'fo iirli'i'ri. AppleH HiiyorM nnkiiiK for Jonn tliatm and w liclh'Vo tin fit rnrn of priim1, well eolon'd apple I'OiniiiK in lien- will hell fnun if'J.25 to if.7fi per PEACE ESSENTIAL P I . . , j SAN' PIIAN'CIK.'O, Sept. !l. nV holitton of the lalior problem emi lie had ''nnti tlnmt nru 110 idle poor and no nioro' lilln rleJi," iieronlinj to Clureiice S, Dnrrow, klui C'liinno at tornvy,' gently uaiui'U'd in 1.oh A11 lieleh on a oliarj-u of jury briliitiKi who in hern today. Harrow delivered the I.ulior Day onitlon at Sliulltnuuml Parle. A erowd of l'J.OOO listened whilu Harrow, dimuiKHcd the labor iueition and biMinlly exprehMed bin xareasin at labor'H attempt to improve itn eomlitloii. "f.alior muht turn itx nilenlion (o tlin fundauuintal onditious," bo haid, "Striken, hiekoulHi dyniiiiiite, the pen iten(lnry"ait1 tliu Hoaffold never' will holve the problem, You must et peaee," I OBITUARY. I Mm. llniinu M. iiiinfortl Mr, Kininu M. Duuford, a plnnoor of Juoktou county, iilul for 18 yenrn a realdont of JackHOiivllle, illod 'lit lior homo In Mini city Mniutny. Him Ih mirvlv'od by u liuubauil utul nix cblldrou. At, thu tlmu of complotlnK llilu llfu, Mm. Duuforil wim CO youru, 3 moutliH ami 21 dnyii old, DucaahoiI wnfl well ami widely known uuioiik the old renldontn of miiitliorn'Orekon, a'ul,wH liroi'nlnout In IoiIku work. 8I10 woh a pnt wor thy umfrou bf tbu Kastorh Btnr'lddRo niid'u'inomlior of ttio ltjtiecfcnH,"Hn dor wIiobo oiihiIcch tho funornl will bu bold Tuemluy at - o'clock' p. in, lnturiuout In ttio Jucksonvlllu conic tecy. r John Tborptoii (V'Mer John Thorittun CiiBtur, otto 0110 year, died ut tho lioinoof IiIh par 'iitH onn mile unvt of lioonlx Mon day. Thu fuilorul H(irv(Jila will bo "hold TuoHday nftornoou front tbu family rofllduuco at 3 o'clock, tho ltnvt Itnlloy officiating, lntormont In Phounlx cumotery. IMTTSHUIta, 8opt. 3. At lonut twenty-two puruonH arc known to bo dead and olovon othoiH aro bultuvod to bnvo poilahotl as a ramilt of a torrlblo' iitnrm that Hwopt weHtoni nml northern i'onnnylvuulH, the I'an humllo district of NVout' VliKlula and a uoctlou of tioutern OJilo lnut nljOit, Thu towim that utifforod aro CoUJoih, W. Vn,f Ohorry Valloy, J'ouu,, JJur KottHtowil", I'onn.J Avollu,' Pontilaitd Oaiinoimliui'U, Poitii. OR LABOR'S RIM 'jii J The fiiHlcNt boxini; iiinteh of the past year wh Hliij.eilly Franlilu Kd wardn Mondity OvoiiitiK whOii Jim Honmr of Oakland, Cat,, wont ten fiiHt roumlH with Krankiu Smith of San Kraiiei'd'o to u draw. The mill wan el'vcr, f.iht and elmirlv demon htrated that the Ixiyn were very miieh in earneht about the work thev bud to do, At varioiix tieuiM durinu the ri'lit Ilia end heejued near but both oyx mnuAKed til hliek it out, Duri' Hit1 first "ii nuiniU Hor ner hiiemed to have a hbade on Smitli the latter i!oiii all of the leadiu; but evidently failiui to hind a pnnihiiiL' blow, mvin-; to hhort reueh. Honmr wau tho larger man of the two and htop'x'd many of Sinitb'h ruwluw ami UjijiereiitH. In (lit M'vriilh, however, hiuilh finally arrived and tor a por tion of the round it looked liko ear laiiiH for tbu Oakland lad. llu eaiiie lip htroitg in the eijHilh mid while Smith kept IniHy trying to mi one H'er, Horner, hlnyed with it in uM'w shn'H'. ikitb men fiiiihcd tired but jJlill tryitiK. Hn-ferei! fUlwardn very properly ealled it a draw. The curtain raider wnn a four- round bout htwfii lluy 1Wi,w.ii Jlnil Jnek'W'at 1611. It wan n' tame affair. The bonne wuh very ximill; 'The mill leM'i-vtd oiw of tht InrK bounrf of bint hprinjj. CENTRAL POINT ITEMS lialpb HolmvH. iiHWijtinit ayeiit H. 1. company here, in taking a uiouIIi'h vucation mid (1, K. Hatdorrf ot I'ortlaud it filling bin plaee Vint Ueair, Jr., and Hcri Ivlinluii hHul Satunlay in OraiitH 1'iihh. MiH Illaektord mid Miks ioiiiii have arrived here from their eastern home to tench in our hcIiooIh for the comiiu; year. Capt.' S. M. NVnloii of Table Koek hpeut Saturday afternoon bore. Mr. kind Mr. W. K. Alexander aro nitcudluj the Kalem fair this week. Mr. and Mrs. .1. V. Myers mid Mr. and Mrn. Harry K. Trovillo have re turned from McAllinler Spriuijs. Hridauo Sanderhon and II. K. Heal of ,fedfird spent Sunday here. 0. M, Gurviu auJ family, Miss floorniu Cline and friend, Mihx Pearl Komh, MJhh Kloivnee Stearns, MIsh Haxel Herriut;. MiH Hlliott, A. It. Parker, Clarence- .Paukey, Cllenu Owen, .ukn Pt-uH, W. T. 'Stidhain. Merrill Kindly Howard I)uu)ai, Ifurrinu were iiiiioiik tho Ceittral Pointeih in Medford Sunday. Our kcIiooIk oH!iuid Monday niorn in; witli the Prof, flreuuleaf iih prin cipal, MIhk Corn Smith, hih suhool; Miss lilanehu Voiiiik, bifb svbodl, Misi Hlaekford, eighth ritdn; MH ijlititoii, hovcntji railo; Mins lioliuu hiktb urrido; Mum Harr, fifth Krodo; M!hh KlliaHon, i'oiirtb rado; MUs nienspi), (bird Krude; MiV. Jtors, hte oml nule'j Mrs.1 Purk6ypHe, first Ki'ade; Miss lluebu, domestio Neleiiee. Miss Grneo Smith bus returned from 11 visit to Mdewood, California. A, H. Cornull of (IrmitH Pass iiinde 11 business trip here Monday. Mrs. C. II. Ony or Medford spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. .1. 11, Ony bore. Mr. and Mrs, Costeu and Mrs.' Al len have returned to their homo in Portland, stopping ut osobur on route. Our banks mid all blaeksinilbhbops woro e'loHod Iaibor Day, MiHsCorn Smith, .Miss Youui, Mr, mid Mrs, II. K. Trovllo, A, ,1. Duulap, W, IJ, Pritv, II, ft Hoji), James lloss, Morrili Owoiih, Tom Merrlnc mid sou woro niiioiiir tjio mlipy passeiiKors froinhoro to ftfodford on 111 Monday nf(orhooi, Mrs. Orishnm and diuinlitor of Hal so,1 tiro hero vihitiiiK joliitivos and frionds, J"', J. Taylor niul Jlenry Feejnait liavd Votumod from iv trip to Grntor Lake. HORNER AND SMITH BOX TO A DRAW MEDFORD IMjVH; TRIBUNE, i!..1,. juiiiiu' i1" )' iji tvn e Anything at Catchweihts ' (i , lil. L Mr GET 148 DUCKS IN ONE DAY'S SHOOTING 4- Kenrly 4vir,v other inaii in 3f-d-ford last evimiiiir carried homo duck for (.upper j'ollowiu; the retuni of Ik'rf Hamioii, Shorty Milei, Art mid TVrtnk JJliriit' from KlamatJi Fike with .H iiiallardH hh the remdt of one day's shiKitiiij; on the lnk. The. boys had an vxrcIUuit time and rcHrt I he sMrt this season very good. Thu tiiii'lcM wwi mostly of this year's luitchiiitr mid consequently were you 111; mid tender. It was one of Him prettiest bunches of .lucks liver brought buck l'n)iu the lake lo thU side of the mountain. .Vol Jr of Hale of 2,000.00 of ficbool Ilonilx. JMdrict So. H, Jnckaon County, Oregon, libit will bo rclcortl up to Bop- teiuber 10 at the hour of 10 a. ra. of anld dny, ty Jatnen nh. Cronemlller. treasurer of Jackson County. Ore.. nt ttio ofdeo of the county treatiurer FOR SALE-LAND : ' t ... Hero U tho uct buy to bo had in thli valloy teday: 120 arrea, 12 jne pjirtUjaf tpwn, faring on tho ;uatn county road, two mllea north of tho Modoc Knnch. Tho laud I" practically level, and for the most jiart la froo from aur fnco Htono. Particularly dcidrahlo for tho cul ture of fruit or grain, na la ahown by mlJoliilDK plnco. I hnvo examined tills norsonnlly, utul Htnud ready to ahow It to anyono who meniiH biiHtnesn. For a abort time, I can offer this nt $2r por aero. No cU'iirliiK to bo douo oxcoptltiK a fow HCuttorluK oaks. Soil Jh of a cbocolato color and will nvorAKo In depth from five to ton fot. KO. V. COUNITIUS, .Main ( l'J4j K ..Main St. NEW TODAY A seven room houso on South Cen tral, beyond paving, oust front, lot fiOxm feet, Eloctrlo lights and city water, two parches, largo buck yard set to borrlea. Price it taken soon, 11300.00. 160 acres with ucarly four million feet of saw timber, one fourth pine, In Douglas county, near Rosohurg. This Is owned by u non-rcsldont and priced low nt $2,000.00. 1C0 acroH, 45 acres lu cultivation, bnlnuco In pnxturo, uo wnsto laud, 18 acres In Irrigated alfalfa and grain, and forty moro acres easily Irrigated It dCBlred. Plenty of wntor for Irri gation. S room houso, hot and cold water, largo barn, and other buildings 10 acres of 12-year-old apples and pears, produced Inst yoar over $1200 worth of fruit. Othor flno fouturoa In connection with thin truly diversi fied place. Lot us explain thorn. Tho plnco goes at tho way down price, of $70 por acre, Halt cash, tonus on bnlnuco. C. D. HOON 1 loom,!!, JarksoH bounty Hauk I'ldg. ' in Per Oat oh Investment ARE YOU LOOKING ? Fop A roar bargain, I can show you bno In 25 ncroa of Dear Crook bottom, All in bearing fruit, alfalfa nml garden. Six room houso, good barn and wntor. Within lft xuIIob Medford on Macadam roiul, Pacific .Highway, R. F. Ii., telephono, gas and olootrlolty. Low prlc and lib- oral tortus, Or ten acres in honrlng apples nnd penra In 1-4 mllo of Cen tral Point. 4 room buso, etc. 1G por cont of prlco nskod nllowod for prosont crop It not doslrod by pur chaser. Sop or wrlto pvnor, Box 77, Ron to 2, Medford tit onto, as will soil. HfEDFORP, ORKOON, TTJERTMY, SEPTEMBER 3, 19.12 pjiWWi -- -' ; j i lz ----rtSlrJ Ill the city of Jacksonville, Oro., for tho purchase of f 2,000 coupon liondu at $200 denomination, to iBwtied by School Dlatrlct No. 8, Jackson tiounty, Oro. I'ayablo In 10 years, optional after I years, bearing In tercut at tho rato of C per cent por annum from date of delivery of loans. Interest payablo neml-annually, bids to bo accompanied by a certified chock, r por cent of tho amount of tho bid. Tho board of directors of said school district No. 8 reserve tho right to reject any and all bids. Date this 31st day of August, 1912. JAMES M. CrtONKMIM.nR, Trensnror of Jackson County, Ore. Classified Advertising PAYABLE IN ADVANCE RATES: One cent per word per insertion; 50c the line by the month. FOlt 11KXT -FUItXISlIKD AITS. FOll RENT Smith Apis. 217 8. R1t. F O It REX TIIOUSKKEEma ROOMS FOR RENT Booms for light house keeping, furnished or unfurnished. Hot and cold water. CUCW. 4th SC I'boiie i'JMlc 4302. 143 FOR KKNT FWWWHKD ROOMM THE PAHK VIEW Hotel haf changed hands. A hotol for work ing en, with cool, clean ouUldo rooms. $1.50 a week. Good meals 25 cents. Transients 2G cents a ntght. J. T. Perry, Prop. 141 FOR RENT Largo sleeping room, $1.50 nnd $2 per week. Modern housekeeping apartmonta, $15 and $1C. Home. ptibno 2CC-IC 222 South Holly. FOK UE.VbnuTJSltS FOR RENT Sven room house, Bleeping porch, " closo In, paved street, $20. Seo or phono Col. Sargent 145 FOR RENT Flvo room nicely fur nished house, good location, $20 n mouth. Goo. C. Cornottus. FOR RENT Eight room house and six room apartment. cIoho in. Seo or pliono Colonol 11. 11. Sargent. 141 FOR RENT Modern five-room hoiiBo. M. A. Rader, at M. F, & H. Co. FOR RENT 10 room houso roar of Farmers & Fruitgrowers bank, sultablo for buslnoss,-roal estate boarding or rooming houso. Gold Ray Roalty Co., Cth and Fir sts. FOR RENT 1 room honso. $G.00 por inontli. Gold Ray Realty Co.. Sixth and Fir. tf FOR RENT Modem four room fur nlshod houso oa paved street, also modem fi room Iioiibo, with barn, inquire 7.U V. Second street. 140 FOR RENT Furnished 3 room houso, wntor and Bowor, garden una fruit. Inquire 712 Four teenth atroet. FOR, RENT Modern C room houre, furnlahed completely,, gas rmTgo, close lu. Apply Vulloy Second Hand S,tor. FOR KENT OFFICES FOR RENT Largo, comfortable of tlco rooms with elevator eervlco, atonm boat, hot and cold wntor. Low ratoa. Apply Medford Furnl turo & Hdw. Co. FOlt ItENT MI8CKLI4ANEOU8 FOR RENT Ranches large' and small, alfalfa and garden lands. Gold IUy Realty Co., 6th ud Fir. FOR RENT 30 worn furnished, hotel on porcontnge. Gold Ray Realty Co. FOR LEASH Fully equipped placor mine, uoiii icny ueaity uo, " FOlt SAUtr tiANp FOR SAf.l-T-Ranches, aero tmcts, twQn property ou 5 and 10 yoars time, qold Ray Roalty Co., Sixth and Fir. FOR BALE -83 nproa portly lm provod land, G room furnished house, stock and oiopa go with the place. Plenty of good w.ftor, Prlco, $3000. Address box 52, JackHonvllle. r ' 150 FOR HALT HOUSES. FOR SALE Modern six room biln gatow, well built and finished, flro place, sleeping porch, wood shed, lot 50x100, nicely Improved, 7 minutes walk from Medford J Hotel. 521 Hamilton V. Phono Hell 2455. 140 FOR SALE 4 room Iioiibo and lot, JCOO.00. Gold Rny Realty Co.. Sixth and FJr. tf POR SAJifc ACRKACHI FOR SALE Eight acrqr.. Just out side city limits, all planted to 3 year old apples; small bouse, good well: $2500. W. T. York & Co. FOR SALE Chicken ranch and ber ry patch Mr mllo from Medford, sidewalk, electric lights, Jelephone, etc. SflO W. II. Evorhard, 1013 W. NMnth st.. phono CG71. FOR BAIiK MISCELLAXKOUS FOR BALE A good strong moon tain hack, nearly new. J, C. A., Medford Mall Tribune. FOR SALE Driving lione, buggy and harness, R. W. Duchanan, It. It. No. 2, phono Pacific 732-J-l. 142 FOR SALE Fancy Red Crab Apples. 4 cuU per pond. Hcrkeley Or chards. Phono Sll-F-21. FOR SALE 4x5 Camera, swing back, long bellows, convertible lens for tqlephoto work, plates or films, 5 photoholdcra and good carrying case. Can bo seen at Medford Rook Storu. FOR SALE Rartlett pear culls, fine for canning, 35 cents a box, Foot hills Orchard, Pacific 1131. FOR SALE I have sold my lumber ynrd at Central Point, therefore will sell all my furniture at pri vate sale. Peninsular Range cost $05.00, will sell for $25.00. Refrigerator cost $20.00, will sell for $12.00. Quality carved oak dining room sot. cost $140 will sell for $00. Full set Huvlland china, cost $90, will sell for $45, Several solid mahogany rocking chairs. Solid mahogany book case and secretary, coat $30, will sell for $20.00. Solid oak Library Table, cost $25. will sell for $15. Solid mahogany flower stand, cost $10. will bell for $3.50. Sold curly birch bed room sot, cost $140, will sell for 57.50. Dresser and wash stand mahog any, cost $55, will sell for $25. Two 9x12 Royal Wilton rugs, cost $S0, will sell for $50. One 8x10 Rody ItruKsells, cost $20. will soil for $15. One 4J 14x12 Mi Oriental rug take reasonable price. Now Domestic sewing machine, cost $42.50, will soil for $25. New mahogany piano, cost $500 will sell for $250. Many smull things which will I will gladly prlco to any 0110 upon Inquiring. Harry E. Trovillo. Cen tral Point, Oro. .,142 HELP WANTED MA US WANTED At once, man und w'lfo, no children, both to work on ranch. Phono xx-3 Lino 11, Cen tral Point. HELP WANTED FKMAJL WANTED A girl for general houso work. Must bo good cook. Tele phone 3341, Mrs. Dort Andorson. 900 W. Main. WANTED School girl to work for room and bouru. mi west boconu streot. HI WANTED SITUATIONS. WANTED I urn framWha east and nnvo neon noro souiu wnio mm hnvo seen tho slip shod way of some ranch foremen. Would like to superintend much, where ro Bitlta aro wanted. I am practical In all my work and will get results. Uox R. R., Trlbuno. 140 WANTED Position as foreninn on fruit runch, Many years oxper loncoou tho coast. P. O, Uox 053. 114 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Anyono wlBllng to cngngo 111 1110 uiiuaru business can purchnso nil or a halt Interest In tho Owl BUlInrd par lors pa owner wishes to go away. Same cau bo purchased ht a very reaBouablo figure. S. J. Brown. "WANTED Young man with $2,000 to Invest in n good paying uusiueBs. This number 0110 business pro position, no agents need apply. Box J. B. Trlbuno. 141 , By "Bud" Fisher i . MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN On Improved city or ranch property. Uox 85, Mall Trlbuno. .MONEY To loan on Improved city or ranch property, C. A. Knight, 801 E. Main. 15C MONEY To loan In amounts of $5000 or more. Dennett Invest ment Co. 145 lAMtt LOST On way to Prospect one auto tall light. Leavo same nt 125 E. Main and got reward. 14 LOST A gray Persian cat. Return to 210 Ueatty St., reard. 140 LOST Gold broach, on Laurel and W. Main, return to City Record er's office. Reward. 141 WANTED MISCKfcliAJfKOUS WANTED Young man wants room In private farmlly, close in and reasonable. Box E. R. Trlbune.140 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SALE Or trade for wood de livered in Medford. One good team, harness, wagon and wood rack. Address H. P. Flury, Tal ent, Oregon. 155 business DiitEcronr. Accountants D. R. WOOD General Accountant Your books audited and kept for a reasonable Ugurc; your business solicited. Office, Medford Mall Trlbuno bldg; phone CC11; rest deuce phone C302. Attorneys D. W. BAGSHAW Attorney-at-Law. Jacksonville. Oro. Office: Bank bide., second floor, Thene: Pa clfic. Main 33 C. L. REAMES. LAWYER Office Medford National Bank building, second floor. PORTER J. NEFF. WM. P. MEALEY Attorneys-at-Law. Nos. 1 and 2, Postoftlce bldg. A. E. REAMES, LAWYER Garnett Corey bldg. MULKEY & CHERRY (R. F. MUL KEY, GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 and 12 Jackson County Bank bldg. Brick and CciuonU Tho Medford Hydraulic Cement, Brick and Block Works. Spe cialty, ornamental brick 'nr fire places, tile porches, cohuuim, wntor tables, sills, caps, nrebes. chtmnojs, lawn vases, Jurdluleres, flower pots Phono Main 541, corner 10th and Fir stroots. Civil Engineer LOUIS W. WHITING Civil Engiueer nnd Surveyor, Water filings and Irrigation work a specialty; sur veys, subdividing, building grades, city engiueering, drafting, cewor design, concrete work, pump and caunl systems. Room 2, Palm hlk., Medford. Oregon. Chiropractors DR. A. R. HEDGES. Dr. Loulso E. Hedges, Mechnno-Thernplsts, Chiro practors, SpondylothernplstB. Thoso systems, Including dietetics, cura tive gymnastics, hydro-therapy, etc., produce results in both acuto and chronic diseases. Consultation freo. 230 N. Dartlott streot, next door to M. E. church. Hours, 9 a. ni. to 5 p. m. Othor hours by np polntmonU Bell phono Main 4171, DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, nerve specialist. Rooms 203-04-05 Garnett-Coroy Bldg. Vapor baths and scientific massage given; ndvlco lu dietetics, medical gym nastics, hydrotherapy. Lady at tendant. Phono Home 145-K. Main 7973. Chinese Medicines CHOW YOUNG'S Ghmbso medicines will euro rheumatism, catarrh, colds, golture, throat and lung trouble, donfuoss, paralysis, private dlsoasoa and all kinds of chronic and nervous nllmouts. Stomach troublo, constipation, Indigestion, womb nud bluddor troubles. See mo at 241 S. Front st., Medford, Ore., to 4, 0:30 to 7:30. Residence phono Muln 42. DoUtlMk DR. W. M. VAN 5COYOO DR. C. C VAN SCOYOO Doutlsta Garnett-Coroy bldg., suite 310, Medford, Oregon. Both Pbouss, DR. ARTEMU8 W. DEANE Dentist. Office in Rlnlto bldg., 123 E. Main. Gas administered for extraction' of teoth. Telephono Main G81. Night phono 4432, PXOE HV1 .' ' V vT Lv-r3. ( i BUSINESS DIRECTORY Bill I'oster VERNE T. CANON BUI Poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29 Jackson County Bank bldg., Medford, Oregon. Oranlto IVorks MEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo. W. Priddy, O. I). ;Nag!e, Geo. T. O'Brien Contractors and manu facturers of brick; dealers In pressed brick and lime. OffJee at their brick yard. West Jackzoa si. Pboce No. 3481. Garbage GARBAGE Get your pramlne cleaned up for tho summer. Call oil the city garbage wagons for good service. Phone Mala G251. F. Y. Altea. Nnwerlcs QUAKER NURSERIES Onr trees are budded, not grafted. Our stock is not Irrigated. We guarantee everything put out. We are not In tho trust. II B. Patterson. Office removed to office Hotel ,Naah, In side entrance next to barber shop. Notary FhMIc HELEN N. YOCKEY-i-?,otary Pub lic. Bring your work to me at tho plga of Tho Mall Trlbuno. Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped Job office in southern Oregon; book binding, loose leaf systems, cut paper, eta, etc. Port land prices. 27 N. Fir st. t 'Physician.; and Surgeons DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Physl claas and surgeons, Taylor and Phlpps bldg., rooms 210-211-212. Office phone 501, residence phone 012. Office hours 9 a. m. to 8 P. ni. t DR. F. G. CARLOW, DIL EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Moved to rooms 410 and 417 Garnett-Coroy bldg. Phpno Mnln G351. DR. STEARNS Physician and sur geon. Offlco Garnett-Coroy bldg., rooms 211-212, phone 5501. resi dence 307 S. Oakdato, phono 7171. Home phone, residence 109, office 130. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and Surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. T, Pructlco limited to diseases of women. Offices over Hasklna Drug Store. Offlco Phenes: M. 1001, Home 28. Residence Pheues: M. 7981, Home 357-K. DR. J. J. EM MENS Physician and' Surgeon. Pructlco limited to eyo, ear, nose and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied. Offlco 210 E. Main Bt, over Med ford Hardware company. Hours 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Both phonos. E B. PICKEL, M. D. Offlco Jack son County Bank. Office phone M. 432; Ros. phone, M. 582. DR. E. Jf. PORTER Physician mid Surgeon, St. Murks Block Office phono 4901. Residence 7051. DR. J. W. J. MARION Physician and Surgeon. Offlco rooms 5 and 0 Kentner bldg. Office boura 10 to 12. 2 to 5. Phone. Bell 271. Resldeuco phone Bell 273 Home 347-X. B. KIRCHGESSNER. M. D. Prae tlco limited to Chronic Diseases. Offlco Hotol Holland. Wednesdays 10-3. Both phonos. ' Residence pheues: Farmer ICxxG Eagle Point and Roguo River line. HERMANN, F. RATTB..M. D Of flco over Medford National Bank. Office phone 6701. Re, Hotel Holland. CLARK E. SAUNDERS. M. D., Prac- uco umiteu to uyo, Eur, Nose and Thront Eyes scientifically tested and glosses f urnlshgd when JMwJed. Garnott-Corey Bldg., 2nd floor. Both Phones, Medford, Ore. i" , Stenographers ELLA M. GAUNYAW- -Palm block, done quickly Stenogrnpblo work und well, Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAQIS CO. urnce 10 South Fir, Phono Bejl 31G2; Jlome 3E0-K. Price right. Service, guaranteed. Undertakers JOHN A. PKUL-Undnrvlftr an lott st. Telephones; Day, Kth 471; night,!! ifL Homel79-L. CU J, hum wt-d night or day. Ambulance sftrykto, , .. (? - VI .!- 'ftl .4, i f . r 1 it a 1