Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 03, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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atEDFOBD mxh; tritone; TMMroro, wisaotf, Tuesday, kntoimiwiv a, 1012 .
11 '5
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Medford Mail tribune
If AW IVtlltmaMnnwn 'MMwinimfii
IftVl'lflKll tllTVflW mift.1
vl -lV' -" II
in 1'ltlNTINtf CO.
sit sum
-,Th JDemocmtlo Tlmr. Tim MnUnrd
Mull, Tito Mc.Unnl TrlltUni. Tltn Homli
rti Orcfmnlun, Tlio jnIi1hI Tribune.
, Office Mrtll Trltitilte ntlllillntr, 5R.S7.jn
Norik fir trectj phono, Main 3021
Home 7fi,
q0KO13 I'UTXAM. lMllurnml MnnnRcr
Kntared n ccomt-elM matter nt
Meiirorrt, OrcRnn, n.ler tho net or
Alsruh 3, H"n.
Official Paper of tho City of Med ford.
Official Paper of Jnckson County.
stlnsnitiiTiax iiatiis.
one yenr. by mall.,,.. ,.$R.OO
One month, by mnll , 60
1'rr month, OVllvorvu by carrier In
MVrtranl. .Tnckimnvlllc and Cen
tral Point,.,..,,, ., .1.0
riuiruny only, y mnll, per jear,. S.Oh
Weekly, per year...... 1.50
swou.v rmrvt.Tin.
iMlly nvorncro or eleven jnonth? end
ltK November so, ion, 2TK
I.enncil Wire United Vrtiuk
Tho Mnll Tribune U on sale nt the
Terry N?ws Stnti.I. San Kranelseo.
l'ortfnnrt Hotel Now stanJ. Portland,
ltouman News Co., Portland, Ore.
W. O. Whitney. Seattle, Wash.
, L .Munronn, oRttaov.
StetrOPOlls of Southern Omton
Northern California, and tho fastcst-
Kmwinc cuy in uregon.
Population V. S. census 1910 S840.
i-mimnitru, iaulii.uui'.
live, hundred thousand dollar Gravity
Water System completed, giving rinrt
mitiply turo mountain water, and 1T.3
miles of streets paved.
Pontofflce receipts for year endlnR
novcmnir u, ivu, snow increase or 19
per cent
Uanner fruit rlty In Orejron Roku
Jllvcr Spltzenberjr apple won sweep
stakes prlso nnd title of
A t MAMle Klair flf tile World
nt tho National Applo Show, Spokane,
1809, nnd a ear of Newtown! won
Flrat PrUr In 1410
nt Canadian International Apple Show,
Vancouver, B. C.
. rtrst Mm fat 111
nt Spokane Nattormt Apple Show won
by carload of Newtowns.
Roiruo River Dears brourht hlrhMt
prices In all markets of tha world dur
InR tha past six years.
Write, Commercial Club. Inclosing S
cents ror postage for tho finest comma
nlty pamphlet over published.
sim mm:;
SAN FIlAXCISCO. Cnl., Sept. 2.
Sialc, congressional and county pri
maries arc being held in California
today. Eleven congressmen, eighty
members of the assembly and twenty
of the stale senate are to Iks nomi
nated in tho wpubtieah, democratic
" ( and soeialiht parties, besides super
ior judges in various counties.
Chief interest centers in the rcpub-
v Jicnn situation. The fight is between
tho Bull Jloohe pntgrefeivc and the
Taft Mnudpnttcr branches. The con
test is keen, because the character
aif the legislature nominees will
determine whether Taft r Roosevelt
electors shall go pn the ballot for the
presidential clectorso the republican
party. The legislature nominees and
holdover senators from tho state
convention which meet's three weeks
after the primaries ahd selects the
electors that arc designated us
republicans. The announced plan of
Governor Johnson is to secure tho
nomination of Roosevelt republicans
who will vote for Ilooscvelt electors.
The Taft people have practically ad
mitted "defeat.
, Jte-appoinlinonl of the'stnte by the
lu'sY legislature, to allow for tln'e'o
new congressman complicated the
coiigressionnl sifuntiou. Nino Tn
c'nimleiits find themselves in strange
stamping grounds. William Kent,
incumbent', found himself in it now
tlUlrict He hiiK announced ins in-l
tcutiou of running by petition as a
k bull mooser in the J-lrst district. The
re.nomuintioii ol' John I. Haker,
incumbent, in the Second district is
A' bitter fity is 0n in the Third
district ' Including Sncrutncnto, bc
tween Frank Noflin, RooscveKcr, nnd
iormer secretary of state Churlcs F.
Curry. Taftitc.
:: : ; - i
NEW YORK, Sept. 8. Theodore
Roosevelt, struck out on a trail of
Uandanu handkerchiefs today to fol
low It on a month's journey to the
four corners of tho country. Tho
first day's' trip took him Into Con
necticut and Massachusetts nnd then
turned westward. Ho was greeted 1 1
every stop by Jarge crowds, Ho dis
cussed socialism, ono of Woodrow
Wilson's speeches, tho tariff, demo
crats und tho weathor.
Ho spoko feollngly of tho weather
for ho mado sonio speeches standing
bareheaded lu the ruin. The colonel
unniQunced his bollof tho national
government should help to nlghton
tho expenses of political campaigns.
Ho doclured himself in favor of tho
control of Insuranco companies by
the national government.
He said the school houses should
bo used for political meetings und
polling places. Ho said, "It ought
not to be nocoasnry for pnrtlea to
hlr buildings In which tho candi
date speak. We liavo school housos
In which they con apeak. We enn
ihrH wtch fcchrfriV lioiiHO llm seutito
clialnbur of the plain peoplo,"
THE org5tniztion oC a company to build a railroad hi
Oericcnt City from oUedford is tho rirat stop in the
program of accomplishment.
Stick a company can make needed surveys, acquire
rights-of-way and terminals, secure promise or subsidies
and bo in shape to interest capital in the enterprise. It
can talk business and deliver tho goods.
l&ulroads do not build themselves. They are the
result of organized effort, and untiring energy. Ucfore
capital can be interested, it is essential that the prelimin-
: - .1 i... its... v . , i ., ...
iines muse oe inusncd ana an atiraeuve, denim o propo
sition submitted. This tho company now being organized
can do.
Experience has conclusively demonstrated the fact
that the Southern Pacific will do nothing for Southern
Oregon that it is not forced to do. The Blue Ledge pro
posal disproved for once and all that no matter what the
inducement or the gain in prospect, no branch lines will
be constructed or favored, unless competition forces it.
This has always been the company's polio v and is still
the policy.
There is no immediate demand or necessity for the
electric line the Southern Pacific is constructing in the
iriiinuiciie vauey. uut because tlio llill svstcm is con
structing an electric line, the Southern Pacific is busv
paralleling its own steam lino and tho Hill lino, with ii
superfluous electric line.
There was no call for two railroads in the Deschutes
valley, but because competitioned, the llnrrimnn svstem
feverishly built an imneeded railroad.
Instances could be multiplied showing that the
Southern Pacific policy is a dog-in-the-manger affair Of
millions for defense but not a nickel for development. Its
officials are so busy watchiner rivals develnn tlmli own
neglected territory that they have no time to so develop
mat, icrniory mar competition would bo impractical. In
no instance have thoy discovered that a needed railroad
would pay until someone else started to build it.
Some day the Hill system will carry out its original
plan and complete its line to Medford. It will be far
more apt to extend to the coast if the preliminary work
of rights-of-way, surveys and sudsidies are offered.
As soon as the residents of that
sort Ion of thatvnlluy to bo coVorcd by
rural routo No.v ;i: call nt tha Med
ford postortlco nnd flRulfy thnt thoy
will orect nmMnuilntnln mnll boxes
nt their ranches, Iho route will ho
authorized and 8o,rlon commence. A
request from Washington, .reached
Postmaster Woodford to this effect
Tho now rural routo Is 3t,0 miles
In length. Tho routo Is officially
described as follews: I.eavo pOBt-
otflco vl-t Central nvouuo nnd Main
street cast to .ono-quartor mllo east
of S. W. corner of section 31 2.3
miles; north .Sialic: west to Roose
velt avonuo 1,5 miles: north to Mc
Androws .4 mlle: cast and north 'to
Kgnu orchards :,7 miles; north 1,4
miles; west to Urowns' 1.7 'miles
north to Philips I nillo; cast to
Cowles I mllo; north to Turplna 1.7
mites; oast on desert .3 mllo; north
on desert 1 mile: west to Agnto
crossing 1.3 miles; south to Phlppn
2.5 an lies; west to Central Point
Rural routo No. 2 1.5 miles; south
nnd cast to I'lckels 4.1 miles; South
and west to postofflcu 1.7 miles.
Total 25.Cmtle8. " T
wi wiiiii maiii voir ft
for onc'h hot of olil Falno Tooth nont
us. lllgh6atpHcoli nahf fob bid flijld,
Bllvor, old Watohos, llruken Jowolry
und PriHridun Stones. ' '
MmioV 6'tfnt by ItottirK Mall.''
IMilln, Smelt lug & Refining Company
KntnblUhod 20 Yours
Wilt Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.
To DoutlMfl
Wo wilt buy your Gold Filings,
(told Scrap, and Platinum. Highest
prices paid,
CO ncrcs, six miles from Medford,
good graded road crosson tho tract,
nil froo soil, nt $50 per aero. 11000
will handle, easy terms on tmlnnco.
Part Is crook bottom land, suitable
for iilfnlfn. Severn! springs on tha
pln'co. Timber enough to pay for tho
tract. No buildings. In tha Qrlffln
creqk district. , 1 ,
W. T York & Co.
' Stoam rand Hot Water
All Work Guaranteed
rrlces Rcaronabls
S Jlowsrd . BloeX, jBnUaaes as fllh at
Fsetflo M1. Moms '.
Medford, Ore., Aug. 30, 1912.
To tho Editer:
I sm not tho "Mr. Optimist" who
according to communication In your
paper of last evening Mr. Whlsler
has apparently tried to locate through
his post office address, neither do I
caro to poso in the Whlsler, Rowers
class of self-appointed guardians of
tho public welfare. But In view of
the kind of argument Ii tho com
munication abovo referred to, also
In the speech of Mr. Shields at the
opera house recently, and realizing
that a largo majority of our voters
aro as yet but 111 advised on the ques
tion of Single Tax, I should like to
have you print the following reply
to Mr. Wblsler's letter, becauso ho
asKs question to wnicn somo ono
ought to make reply.
Jir. upiimist anu tno rest or uij
who voted for direct legislation al
past elections In Oregon, know that
wo were voting for a system of true,
representative government, tho kind
which represents the majority of the
voters, not the old kind which mis
represents. The wise builder first
secures the necessary tools and ma
cblnery, and then fashions bis structure.
Weil, direct legislation as we now
have it In Oregon, Is but tho neces
sary machinery by tho use or which
wo may fashion the structuro of tho
Single Tax or any other structure of
reform which the majority of tho
voters choose to adopt..
To read Mr. Whlsler's "dopo" Is
bnt to laugh, for ho assumes, or pre
tends to assume, that now that we
have the privilege of expressing our
choice in this matter, (a privilege
which certain favored classes never
Intended we should have), that wo
must needs express It but ono way,
and that for tho Single Tax, while
any "Dub" can understand that wo
have the chance to voto It down It
wo do not want It. Ho noed not fear
thnt It will carry unless a majority
0 tho voters favor it; and If a ma
jority do favor It then nothing that
Mr. Whlsler or any others of the
privileged class can say or do will
prevent It from becoming operative.
Neither Mr. Foils nor Mr. U'Ren
hayo ever sought to cloud or con
fuse the Issue. The Issuo until now
has not been tho Single Tax. It
has been tho shaping of the ma
chinery by means of which wo may
havo (not must have) tho Single
Tax If we so desire. Now, tho Is
sue of Tax Reform Is squarely be
fore tho voter and ho is asked to in
vestigate and mako his choice ac
cordingly, and right hero I wish to
say "A word to the wise.", it is this:
If you wish to know the truo merits
and virtues of tho Single Tax4 don't
seek your Information from its op
ponents. Tho opposition of any meas
ure is a good index to its uiorits or
And speaking of "attempting to
cloud tho Issuo," the opponents of
Slnglo Tax assert that In 1910 tho
Issuo of county option in taxation
was clouded under the pretext of
abolishing poll tax In Oregon, which
thoy claim, (and Mr, Shlolds and his
ussoclato' from Josephlna county,
both reiterated this assertion at the
opera' Imiibo tho other evening), that
tho po)'ta' In Oregon had nlifudy'
been abolished ul"co 1907,
Now Mr. Editor, I want to make
It plain that theso gentlemen are re
sorting to dcltbcrato untruths by
making such statements, and In proof
of my accusation I horewlth attach
my receipt for Poll Tax which was
assessed against mo and collected
July 1, 1910, beforo I had yet been
In tho state threo months time. Fur
thermore, when Mr. Whlsler makes
such assertions as ho docs In tho last
paragraph of that letter, trying to
confuse Slnglo Tax with "Commun
ism" and "Socialism" ho showB ono
of two things: First, cither ho has
no correct understanding of the ques
tion, and is attempting to duscuss
that which ho knows nothing nbout
or olso he Is dollbcrately making
falso statements In order to preju
dice tho voters against the issuo nt
Wo can all sco thnt several cities
of west Canada, under virtual Slnglo
Tax regime, are enjoying an era of
unprecedented prosperity, and to
show tho readers 'of this article In
what favor tho Slnglo Tax Is received
there -after having been tried out, I
quote from a" recent Issue of "Tho
Public," a paper of ' recognized au au
teority: "At a meeting of Mayors
of eleven western Canadian cities,
held last 'month In VInncpeg. a rcj
solution endorsing tho Single Tax
was unanimously adopted." "Stop
crushing business' with taxes. Abol
ish all taxes on" porsonal property,
buildings and occupations. Do away
with every tax on labor or Its pro
duct. Then' we will havo prosperity."
Inv conclusion let nig add that I hnvo
been familiar with this subject of
8ingio Tax for'imany years, it Is a
system under which each person must
contribute towards tho expenses of
government, either directly or in
directly,' in proportion to tho privi
leges which he enjoys at tho expense
of the wbolo' people. Under Its
operation nono aro unjustly taxed
and none can cscnpo their just' share
of tho burden. To understand It
fully is' b'ut to bellevo In It, nnd I
have h'o'hcBltnncy In rccommondlng
It to every voter.
tor "Good Shoes"
will occupy tho room at No. 21 North Tent nil Ave.
(opposite Postoffice) about October the first with
complete and earofully selected lines of good shoes
for everybody. Courtesy and a correct fit will be
the firsthand last consideration in this new shoe store.
Experience of a
"Quarter of , a Century"
A Fii or No Sale
. - . ,,
1.- ' Kfk
! w v
For MotorCjir ,Lubrication Use
It leaves practically no carbon
deposit on cylinder and spark
plugund Hk lubricating and
cusJuQiiing qualities arc unsurpassed.
Wo have had ninny years experience in tho oil
business, and we" believe Zorolono is the best
automobile oil yet produced.
-' For falc'Kydrywhefo '
Zcroleno Is spld lu XA, 1 nnd (Incorporated)
5 gallon cana- tho email
cans, flat sliapo easy to
handle, Just fits In tool box.
,j ,.-i
IiihlNt on tfclfiiig (be Ori
ginal Zeroicno l'ntkngo
Tlio lurniR miulu on now high n ratio
plnitOH by tho nntntifmiluiviH fur tho
Kllcr'H Mitslo Uuunu Imn coilnliily
ntnrtcd ovory thinking person In Med
ford ii ml vlolnlty to wonder how mill
why pi niton n to offered nt thefto
tflrhiH, nnd tho iidvortlnoiuoulit of tho
tillvr'a Mtiwlo llolmt), who nio now lu
tho midst of tho Ki'oatost milo Med
ford and vlelnlty linn over known, baa
h proposition front tho lunuufiu;
tu rota, thnt Is nil exceptional otio
and tho ohaiico only oiu4o In n llfo
tlino to xoouro ii high mado piano for
Ions than you would pity for a cheap
ntano nt nny other (Into, think of
buying n plhuo for fUltt. Tho Kllor's
Mil hIo HotiRo will show you h6v you
can vocui'o ouu that In Kiiarntitoud una
tho payment of J 1.00 rash mid tho
prntnltQ to pay fl.00 onoh woclt, tho
piano will bo delivered to your home
froo of charge, beautiful stool to
iniWeli,,lifid U 'Idaho Hint lilfnftor
yearn will 'penvo ovorythlhg Hint tho
Odor's MuhIo IIoiiho bus gtinruutood
It to lyi. 'Iliei'o Is no doubt as to
tho quality mid valiio of (ho liuitru
mollis no I ii for tho Kiiaiaileo In
bached x by ovr $10,000,000, bettor
htlll ouch mid ovory pltmo lu thin
hotisn In'gdiii'ltiitood by tho Kllor'n
MtiHltf lloutio who urn tho lorgoHl
plrtno' denlui'H tu Aiueilta, Ulid buy
tltolr plniioi lu largo qumUltloti for
iipot rash, Hoenrllig 'ut all tliileu tho
btiMt for tho JtMtttt iinoiioy, Tbo most
valtinblo anil reputable planim nro
now ruprosontfd pxcltiilvolyfby tho
Kller'n MiUlo Mouso In Medford 'and
vlelnlty. Tlmo hminnut nlnnufae
turors, who for uioio than n century
haoiui honored reputation Of build
ing plnnoii or quality. lCllor's Mttrlo
House, 317 Woiit Main ntrout, Mod
ford, Oro,
Vapor Baths
Scientific Massagie $1
20:i.20.r, Clarnctt-Corey Uuilding
Home Phone M5 Pacifio Phono 5712
for Poaches and Cantaloupos from
Medford. Oregon .
Pac. 5621. . . ..
Home 307
it i'avs tiii: piioToaiui'iiicit to usk and iiandlk
vSeneca Cameras
They aro unoquntod In simplicity of operation, In durability und
In ronultM, Iliivo many inurlctid lntprovomontu not found on nny
other Camera,
i. V
Made on Honor Sold on Morit Not In tho Trust
Pur lino Is exceptionally complolo, consisting of many utyloB
And sizes, enabling ovory ono Interested lu photography to securo
just tho Camera thoy want SKN'KCA CAMHRAB will ulciuu your
custoniors, ai)d pay ,ypu u,gopd
SENECA CAMERA MFG. CO., Roqhoster. N. Y.
r,argcjt ludopondoiit Cainora Mauufuctiirors lu tho World.
will bo of Interest to thoso who need
tho caro of a compotont Dentist, and
that suroly moans ovory other In
dividual, young or od. Wo take
tho greatest caro of our patron's
Teeth filing, filling, capping, ex
tracting, crown and brldgo work, and
doing ovory branch of tho Dental
business in first-class fashion at very
modcrato prices.
)f Lady AUetuUut
Over Danlola for Duds. Pacific
Phono 8028, Home phono 3GZ-K
, V,'
Coal $12 a Tdii; Wtfod $9 a bBril
' i !- -,. ,.,..... i ,4 ...,- .... ., ... i. ... rf -Ailai ..fc ,
I I 1 - I, 1 I t T 4' ' .T J
Cold Weather i'ri hdl'e'arid (;oal $12.00 a toirand wood $0.00 a cord. A. house
that is double constructed andwgll bu ilt 'is' hciitcd at.iust half the oxpoii8ool'
thp cheaper variety; When you consider1 buying a homo see that your money
buys -the best. I InlVo ,j ust completed a now Ynodoim bungalow that is dif
ferent from most of the cottages in Med foi'd. .Different because it is built for a
climate 40 below zero, Finely finished iiud"vcry complete, best 'location and
at an extreptely.lpw price. We arc leaving the city and wish tyw quick
H. E. GATES, Owner 23 Rose Avenue
' t 'Wfyciw?
fj ,. ip H
i ApZ ! 4? '' ? 1 4 !'.
r tf - " r- , r w t , IF
r .
"" t u
T T, T -