P MflDFOTlT) ITKYTj TTtTBUm TTODFOnDyODrKflONT, TI7KRDAY, SEPTRMttHR 3, 1912 PXGE ITR"EJ! 4'- ,1 E t " r I I A BM BSE MM VTOrflBD M FAVORS WING MM6 PEDDLERS w now mm tl ,1 d UPOSEDM S WAMIINUTON, Hopt, a. -IMirmi-lug it Popular (lovuriiuient campaign ooiuiuoueijtl i)Vir two yeaiH ago, Hn iilor .loiiullniii llouruo, Jr., l'riwl doul of tint National I'rogroniilvii Ho publican I.enguo, tudiiy IhhiioiI iiii ap peal (o Popular (lovoriiniont udvo- raloM to guard against (hit omnseula Hon of (ho Inltliitlvn nml lloforou tin in by proti'iuli'il friends. I lu iih; "Iviioiiili'N of Popular (lovoriiniont, realising Hint this movement Iiiih gained Much headway (hut Km iiltl iiiiitn Miii'ct'Hit tit curtain, liavo turned iih it liiMt rcHort to Him oxpuilleiit f accepting I ho irlni!liliH hut defeat ing (holt purpuHo )y hampering their operation. Friends of I'opiilnr (Jov eminent must, therefore, bo on their guard nml fight uncompromisingly against olfurtn of thin kind. T'lueo (loiieiul KtiMsllt'iilM "Thron general expedients are ro mirled (o. to defeat tho Initiative mill Referendum. First, by making tho riitilriril percentage of petitioners no high as to practically prevent tho f II Init of petitions tor either tho lul tlntlvo or Referendum; Bocnml, hy exempting from tho Ilofoiidiim nil inonaureH that hour tin initio iloclnrn Hon of (ho loglslnturo that nn emer gency exists; Third, hy requiring that liioitHuroa mihtnllti'il (o a voto of tho pooplo undor tint Initiative, shnll not Income effective iiulll ratified by nn nfflrinittlvi! mnjorlty of nil tho votes mm it tint election. "Kxp'irlcnt'o ImH deinoiiHtratod Hint Hut Inltlntlvn or Referendum powers ant practically nullified If tho iiiiinbor of required slgnem to poll ' tlourt bo materially greater than 8 per conl for tin Inltlntlvn or f por emit for tho Hoforondum. Kxor lonco alo allow thai some of Hut most meritorious nionHiiroH (hut hnvo boon ndoptod undor tint Inlllntlvo would linvj fnllod of adoption If tho constitution had r-uln-d nn nfflr nintlvo mnjorlty of till tho votou nut at tho election. Knelt nieiuuro nhoitld ntnnil or fail nccordltiK to tho mnjorlty of vote cant thereon. I'loCoiuloil I'rlriiiU liitiiKoinitiH "In tho ciunpnln which Ik nov prococdlnK In muny Mnton for tho olortlon of mombor of tiito IckU tntiiroN who will Imi called upon (o oto for tho nubniUnlon of Inltlntlvo nml lloforoitilum nnioiidiiiciitH, tho frloitiU of Popular Oovornmoni nhonlil not bo ilocolvoil but ulioulii limlnl upon (ho nuliiiilmilon of hiicIi iiiiioitduutulH In practical form, and count nn onitniloi of I'opiilnr (Jov orumont, candldatcH who rofuxo to pledKO tliciiiHolven to tho Kiipport of tho Inltlntlvn and Itoforondum In tint form In which thoy hnvo been found Huccoituftil In othor Htnto. An opoit nml uKKroHlvo onoiny to Popii Inr Oovornmont Ih lona dnttKcrouH to our cause thou n covort opponent who protoudK frloudnhli bill hooUh to omanciilato tho Inltlntlvn mid liefer omliim by llmltntloiiH mid oxcnptloiu which iiinhn llti'in Inoffccllvn." lilill HER !'. W. I'ortor Iiiih piircliiuoil the Uo Theittor of 1'nrry TorwIlllKor nml will open (ho nlnco under tho now uimiiiKomoul Thiii-itdny ovoiiIdk- Mr. I'ortor Ih connected with thu (loldon Ititlo Htorn mid linn boon n roMdoiit or Medford 11 your, Ho Iiiih had ex perience In thu motion picture luml iichh In Oklalionm nml littomU to inulio tho Pro oiiu of tho loading place of muiiHotnoiit In tho city. Tho now mmiiiKor Iiiih nlrondy rontractod for llccitHcd fllniu, which Include tho fmuoiiH IiloKraiili, VltiiKrnph mid I'atho From pleturoH. Ho will hnvo Kood iuiihIc, llliiHtrated hoiiiu mid four rooln of film ouch nlKht. Tho Uko will ho Improved mid will bo Uojit open ovory iiIkIU In tho wool-. IEDDY TAKES.OXYGEN E INMHAKAI'OMK, Inil., Sept. . Tlml Colouol Tliuoiliiro llooiovoll proKi'onHivo iionilueo I'or piortiilent, itiilioiputoH u pniliiMiliuly htionuoiiK limit on IiIk wontorn tour, was ImUout oil hero today hy tho iiniiduneomoiit Hint u pliyHleiuu would join (hit parly ul HI. IiOiiIh. Two tiuikH of o.xynon tvoio lukuii nliouril tliu liiiiu to keep Hut (miIoikiI'h throiit in couilitioiiH. Colonel ItooMovelt wiih pot Holuul- uleil n milieu uiiy nut upeoli iiulll hih arrival in Ht. l.ouiH lulu tliis iil'lor- nooi). It wiis uiiiioiIiiihhI, liowovef, tlml tlio i'oriner proniilent would hiunl ut ovory Htnliou ul whieli liis ... i. .I.. ..i in ii .....i . ...- CWES M MAM B i I'll ill iuikui ni"ii u mo oMMtti ui' rttiilc(,J nli uvtiuiu Tint Injunction aiuilnnt II, K. Mill hoy of .lacliHon mid .lonnphluo mid .lolin Id .McNnry protKjeiiilua; attor ney for tho third dlntrlcl wnu over ruliid on demurrer lutorpoHod by thu defendant!! ami tint KiijiiiIiIIiiu Coiii- pnuy linn ('Iveii uotlcu of appeal from JiiiIko (litllowny'H decision to Hid Hiipromo court. .Iiiduo (Inllowiiy'i) duci't'ii provldod (hut upon tho HpmildluR Coinpany'H inittliiK upon mi additional Injunc tion bond -of $1000 tho Injunction hIioiiIiI continue until the October lerni of tint Hiipromo ton 1 1. Thin In Intended to continue tho Injunction potidliiK tho appeal. TIiIh wiih mi Injunction brought to rent rain theno prohecutliiK nttor uoyH from brliiKliiK notion iiKaliut Kpauldlui; k. (,'oinpany who have boon pottdlliiK haclfn mid IiiikkIoh without hitvliiK obtained ' llci'iimt from tint county court an required by tho tto llw. I'riiHui'iitliiK nl toritoy ayn ho will pay no attention (o thu Injunction nit ho hold that tho circuit court for Marlon county ban no authority to unjoin mi nfflcur In JncliHrin county iiKnliiHt pronecti tloiiH. Hoveral compluluU hnvo boon (Hod mid tin noon an thu off) cr hnvo mtrvod (ho wurrnnlH of nr rout proHcctitloim will proceed tu though no Injunction existed. Tho HpniildltiK Company claim that (hoy toll on xmnpla while (ho kooiU nru out of the ntato at tho factory or In traiult nml that thu In tcmtitlo coniinerco law protoctn thorn. Hut tho proKccutliiK nttornoy IiihIkIm Hint tho union miido In Jnckmtn coun ty wont inndo whllo tho kooiIk worn In tho ntato of On'Kon. Tho tn(n luw roqulrOH thai thono moil hhoulil pay tlSO.UO for a Hcoiiho to peddle. Tho penalty for violation of thin net Is n fine of from $.r0 to K00 or n corropomlliiK Jnll noiit euro. I IE IN 24 YEARS Itoborl Ulonii Huillh, mnyor of CrnulM PasH. doiuocniHc candldato for coiiRroHH, U In "Med ford on n Hhort visit, nrcompniilcd by Ills brother, Hnmiiul C. Hmlth of liny wards, Cnl.i who I In tho vnlloy for a visit with Ills brother and old friends. Incidentally ho vlsltod Jitcknonvllln to nee hU old homo mid birth place. Mr. Smith loft tho vnlloy IK yonrn uko, nml HiIh Ih IiIh first visit hero in Hint period or tlmu. Ho started his business life its u newspaper num. In fact, ho was tho muln push on tho ItoRtio lllvor Courier foreo at OrtintH I'nsH, uenrly S8 yearn no when tho first Ihhiio of this pupor wiih Klven to tho public. Ilu pulled thu lover on thu WiitthltiKton hiimt press when tho flmt copy wits broiiKhl forth nml for a number of yearn thoronftor wan largely rcapoiiHllilo for tho iIch liny of tho pnper. Mr. Kniltli U now oiiKURod In tho dual business of real oHtato and pub lishing. The Westorn Poultry lto vlow Ih his paper, and nn I(h In dlciUea, l devoted to tho poultry lu diintry. And npenkliiK of poultry. Mr. Hmlth hiih Hint tho Uoriio val loy Iiiih nil tho ipialltlcH noedod to miiko It oipial to Polaliima In tho production ot huii fruit. Tweiity-nlno Htntoa liavo miido or urn making lawn for tho official hup- orvlalon of wolghta and iiieiiHiircH, CllaiJe Failed; Medicine Effective frIihh.U,,C.i?in,',n,.U,C,Jr .,,'?W" "', ''' rrrsn sir ml rooiI tom u iirln many Jifraona utTrrliiK frooi Tnliprciiloiln. thu It Hint l.o mtailttiM that llm (pa wlilotn nirtr limn rrratril," Motnet tilntr tuoro M liiTiIcil, ,l;:;,n,,l" Allcrallre la a medicine mmto for I tip treatment of Til Kreuloala. It !m nT,.U0.?,, mf ,l,",,", "nli nail aiiala Jirii-n IJicao liciirnta liaro litvn .Trctril twicro Clio aiirrniiinlltiKa wcro not Ittenl ?.r Tcovcrlca raultctl. Now wo nrKiin that l.ckmmi'a Altrratlvo ahoiitil lio iinpil In i'trry cao of Tiilierriiluals, In ailitltlmi to Kjiiiil. laiiirUliliiK f.io.l and frr.li Hlr. ylitch wo alt nccU. A rcmarkalile ensa follow t Wrlilon, III, '(leiitlrinrnt Tliroiieh KcVmaa's Altera, lira I tiato luvn hsvim! front n prciimlnrn 'l,ii licieiaber U, IDOI. I nn taken with Typliold I'neuinonla, My Innirs lie raiae very much arfeoledt lay tptitiim waa examined nml TutterciiloaW llaellll wero Muntt. On Kclirnnry ai, 1IK, I was nilvtsvil to ko to Port Wort Ii, Texas. JMillo tlien iin alisresa la my rlutit lunir JiroUo ninl illieharHi'il. I rew worse, inni Iipcaiiui very much eamcliiteil, My itliysl. elaa Informed mo llmt I mast no to rnlnrado ns nntekly us iioasllile, I left Texas, June SI nml arrived la Canon iftly, Jiiiid 3 very feelde. After lielnit there two weeks, my physician Informal am lliut lay vkc it as hopeless. Tlnvo weeks later 1 relnrno iioiue, welKhlnit 103 piinnds, the tltK'tnr liuvlnn Riven tno no assurance of reaching; tliero nllve. 'On .luly U. HMO, I heaaii takliiK Rekiuan's womterful remedy for Cou Nuniptlnn, Today 1 weigh IM iotuus. t ion stout mat well and can do nay kind of work about my uriilii elevator. I hnvo not mi iirho nor pain In my luiia. eat well, sleep well, and never felt lietter." (Hwnrn aillduvlt) AUTIlUlt Wtillll. Ileknian's Altutnllvo Is effecthn la llrou. chills, Asthma, Hay Keren Throat ami I, a n w Trouldes, anil In uplailldliiir tlia syslem, Dues no) contain poisons, opiates or halilt'formlntr drugs. Ask for booklet telllliK of recoveries, anil write (o Kekmuii I.atioratory, I'lilludelphla. I'n for more evl dpuce, I'or lo by all leading druogltts BACK FOR Ni:V YOlfK, Kepi. .'I. LoiiIh l. HiiiiiiIoIn, Hie noted lloMoil ultoriiev nml lol'oinier unit who Iiiih Ioiij.' Iicou it ie)Milil!cnii, in mil ('or Wilson in Hie lollewlin: Mliilciiienl; "I'roKiohNivi'M iin'Mju'elUo of pnr- i tv iiffiliaHoiiM- hIioiiIiI, in my opm-' ion, siipporl Wooilroiv U'IImui for llie picHideney, hIioiiIiI hiikii1 him ful ly, uetively nml entliiiHlaMtieally ; for he poc'H.fH in a hlyli ili'gii'O (In (iuililioH of mi eflei'tive prorehMiu' lender. "Clnveiiior V1Imii in llioioiiyli'.v ilciimrrnljc in spirit, lie reeouixe llmt all of I he people lire entitled to eipial iipporliiuflii'H nml upprt'cinlo (hat (ho ilovolopiiieu( of nil of III" people J oHxculiiil tit the iitliiiiiiiiciit of Aiiieiieuii ideulN. lie uiiilerxtinolh (lie iluuucr ilieldenl to (lie coiilnl by u few of our luiliiHlrion nml Ji iiiinee, He cch llmt (rue demoeniev mid wicinl jiihliee ate iiuuHuiualile unlfNH thin power of the few he curb ed, mid our ilemoeniey bA'oiue iuiliM (Hal iik well u priielieul, lie mil meet (he ileinainU proMily made up on a piOM'nt day executive, to he nhle In lead in couM motive btiitehiniin hip ih well im to nilmiiiixtcr effi ciently; for WIUoii'h flinnieler, iu telleeluul power, ami previous trniu inu' fit him peculiarly to (tike an im portant part in prngrc"Mvu legihla tiou. He in couruueoiiH mid friinl:: able ami firm mid ulways opun-miuil-ed; (iinlilieK indihpciihible to wife leadership. "I'roKreiO'Ui'h hImmiM Mippoit Wil miii, not only in order (o ceeiire hie election, hut in order to enable him lifter election lo carry out lliono pioj.rofio policies which he Iiiih .wo much at heart. Hi nomination rank union;.' (lie moxt encoiiragiii evenly in American hitorv. I'mler the masterful ami uuixlerly leader rtliip of Col. llryiiii thu ideals of Ameriean ilcmoerary triumphcil over the inii'tioiinricx of (heir money buys; the will of tho people pre vailed oxer the device of the uia ehine." Mcdford Prtutlnn compnny carry full Una of loxnl blanks. When a Laxative is Needed-"Cascarets" SallM, Calomel nml Cnllinrilr I'IIIh amt Violent Tin. Act on ItowvN an Pepper AcIh In NimlrllH Take a Cn sen rot tonight nml (hor-oughly-clemiHO your I.Ivor,' Stomach and UowoIh, nml yon will surely fool great by iiiornlng. You men mid women who hnvo headache, coated tongue, enn't sleep, nru bilious, ner vous and upset, bothered with n Hick, gassy, disordered Btomnch, or have bncknche mid fool all worn out. Aro you keeping your bownU clean with Cnscareth or moroly forcing n passageway ovory few dayn with salta, cnthnrtlc pills or cantor oil? This Ih Imporlnnt. CaacurotB Iniedlatuly cIoiuiho and regulnti) tho Htomnch, roniovo tho Hour, uiidlgeHtcil nnd fermenting food and foul gasea; tnku tho cxccbs bllo from tho liver and carry off tho con Htlpated waste matter and poIhuii from tho IntoHtlnes ami bowolB. Itcmombor, a Cascarct tonight will Htralghtou you out by morning. A tO-cont box from your druggist memiH healthy bowel action; a clear head and cheerfulness for monttiH. Don't forgot tho children. Mcdford Real Estate & Employment Agency :i;ri aero Improved nml productive, ranch, lu Houthorii California, 100 aroH In alfalfa, 100 acres of rolling cltniB land, plenty of water, good liulldlngH, ranch fully equipped, In cluding 1 1 hortsoa, wagons, hay prows, scales, etc. Income IiihI year Jir.,000, prlco ir.0,000, will trade for acroagu lu Iloguo lllvor valley. 21 acres, d miles out, room Iiouho ami all good out liulldlngH, water piped In yard from aprlngH, flno loca tion, niiiat leave on account ot utcU iioBH, prleq 9 5 -1 0 Q or will taku city property worth $3000 as flrat pay ment, D ueroH In bearing fruit, good Im provomoutH will tuko city proporty lu uxchaugo, $4000, 100 ncrea VI miles out $20 per aoro. 200 acrya 15 liillos out' $IG per nolo. ill) IICIOH G lllllOH out $1000. Wo want aoino moiioy on good roal catitto. Kiiiployuieitt QlrlH and woinoti for gouural honao work In nml out of city. , I can fill positions In Hourly all linos ot btialnoBH with ottlclont help, when vacanolos occur call on mo, . MRS. EMMA BITTNER Phono 1141 1 Home, 14, Opposite NunIi Hotel 100M9 Q una 7, VMM WA)QK. MANUFACTURER'S PIANO SALE ;. rw.r.iow tain 40 STORES $186 -. .' a ' . . You iittisl begin right urn! miiko your homo a mimical one. There Ih no reason under tho Biiji why ,yoti cannot liavo a music room. This piano will not coat any moro than tho fiirnlturo would that you would have to buy to tnku Km iilaco. Kltorti will show you how to buy this piano for $!H(l.oil. ,, Wo will toll It i joiijjKtiln. Tho liimiufaelurora havo contrueteil to soil 300 itioro.ovor uiui abovo our ri'guliir oidor. Thoy havo tiikon clmrgo or aold. '7NoV'j'ou owo It 1yoitr8eiro tuko iidvanttigo of this shrowd btialuesa . .-. .317 West Main . MEDF0RD, ORE, PRICE THE OBJECT Wo are golug to study music HiIh )car. Mama and iiapa nay that (ho money wo save by buying a piano now will more than pay for our mus ical education. THE MANUFACTURERS MUST MAKE GOOD AND SELL 100 PIANOS BEFORE A WEEK FROM NEXT TUESDAY. 5 ac LET US SHOWYOU HOW THIS PIANO CAN BE BOUGHT FOR $152.60 STORE OPEN EVENINGS t .l 1 k. It's only a : HOME OF CHICKERING s2rem NO OBJECT TERMS TO IS TO PUT 100 PIANOS STORE OPEN EVENINGS PLAYER PIANO $386.00 LET US SHOW YOU HOW YOU CAN BUY THIS PLAYER PIANO WITH THE HUMAN TOUCH FOR $386 BENCH AND A LIBRARY OF, MUSIC INCLUDED V ; short story 100 planoa in Medford and Jucksou county ami wo hnyueohructeir.to ty thla Btilo nnd sont tholr Bpoclul ropresontntlvo to feoo tluit tho'-nlutios uro proposition. '".. '-' THE PIANO VWTT5V SUIT YOURSELF. IN SOMEBODY'S HOMES. If nfc " ' "J. 111 LET US SHOW YOU HOW THIS PIANO CAN BE BOUGHT FOR $136 AND THIS BABY GRAND FOR $486 '& J 40 STORES s X- t-K ' . .A X 1 V! 1 1 , EP .. JVC i MEDFORD, QUKA ' 317 Wort Main JM if. I 1 f a I;1 P 1 . II i ; 1 u i !l ' .w i jl i ;1 U 5 M M